Exemple #1
void RotatingDoor::Opening()

    LTVector vOldAngles(m_fPitch, m_fYaw, m_fRoll);

	// Calculate new pitch, yaw, and roll...

	bDoneInX = CalcAngle(m_fPitch, m_vClosedAngles.x, m_vOpenAngles.x, m_vOpenDir.x, m_fSpeed);
	bDoneInY = CalcAngle(m_fYaw,   m_vClosedAngles.y, m_vOpenAngles.y, m_vOpenDir.y, m_fSpeed);
	bDoneInZ = CalcAngle(m_fRoll,  m_vClosedAngles.z, m_vOpenAngles.z, m_vOpenDir.z, m_fSpeed);

    LTVector vPos;
    LTRotation rRot;

	// Calcuate the new pos/rot for the door (testing object collisions)...
	// If we collide with an object in the new position, don't move
	// the door (if force move isn't set)...

    if (!CalcPosAndRot(vPos, rRot, LTTRUE) && !(m_dwStateFlags & DF_FORCEMOVE))
		// Restore our angles...

		m_fPitch = vOldAngles.x;
		m_fYaw	 = vOldAngles.y;
		m_fRoll	 = vOldAngles.z;

		// Since we hit something, try to close...
		//SetClosing(); // Doesn't work...

		m_bStuck = LTTRUE;


	// Set the object's new rotation and position...

    g_pLTServer->RotateObject(m_hObject, &rRot);
    g_pLTServer->MoveObject(m_hObject, &vPos);

	// Update the light animation.

	float fPercent = GetRotatingLightAnimPercent();

	if (bDoneInX && bDoneInY && bDoneInZ)
Exemple #2
short CCDInfo::GetTrackFromPoint(const POINT& pt)
	POINT   ptCenter;
	short   nTracks, nTrack, nTotalLength;
	double  dblAngle, dblNewAngle, dblCursorAngle;
	nTracks = m_cd.GetNumberOfTracks();
	nTotalLength = m_cd.GetTotalLength();

	if (!InEllipse(m_rcEllipse, pt) || nTracks==0)
		return 0;

	ptCenter.x = (m_rcEllipse.right + m_rcEllipse.left) / 2;
	ptCenter.y = (m_rcEllipse.bottom + m_rcEllipse.top) / 2;

	dblAngle = m_dblCurrentAngle;
	dblCursorAngle = CalcAngle(ptCenter, pt);

	// Ensure the angle will be in the range that we are checking for
	if (dblCursorAngle < dblAngle)
		dblCursorAngle += 2 * PI;

	for (nTrack=1; nTrack<=nTracks; nTrack++)
		dblNewAngle = dblAngle + m_cd.GetTrackLength(nTrack) / (double)nTotalLength * 2 * PI;
		if (dblAngle < dblCursorAngle && dblCursorAngle < dblNewAngle)
		dblAngle = dblNewAngle;
	return nTrack;
Exemple #3
unsigned int CMath::SetReturnFOV(FloatArray4x3 vecAngle, FloatArray4x3 vecSrc, FloatArray4x3 vecEnd)
	FloatArray4x3 vecAng, vecAim;

	CalcAngle(vecSrc, vecEnd, vecAng);
	MakeFloatArray4x3(vecAngle, vecAim);
	MakeFloatArray4x3(vecAng, vecAng);

	return RAD2DEG(acos(vecAim.Dot(vecAng)) / vecAim.Length());
Exemple #4
void ofxCell::draw(){
	ofSetColor(color.r, color.g, color.b);
	ofCircle(ringRadius*cos(CalcAngle(ring, steps )*PI/180.)+ofGetWidth()/2,-ringRadius*sin(CalcAngle(ring, steps)*PI/180.)+ofGetHeight()/2,circle_radius-2);
	//ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(ring), ringRadius*cos(angle*PI/180.)+ofGetWidth()/2, -ringRadius*sin(angle*PI/180.)+ofGetHeight()/2+20);
	//ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(steps), ringRadius*cos(angle*PI/180.)+ofGetWidth()/2, -ringRadius*sin(angle*PI/180.)+ofGetHeight()/2+40);
	//ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(CalcTotSteps(ring) ), ringRadius*cos(angle*PI/180.)+ofGetWidth()/2, -ringRadius*sin(angle*PI/180.)+ofGetHeight()/2+60);
	//ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(condition ), ringRadius*cos(angle*PI/180.)+ofGetWidth()/2, -ringRadius*sin(angle*PI/180.)+ofGetHeight()/2+80);
Exemple #5
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RRotateSelectionTracker::Render( )
//  Description:		Called to render the tracker feedback
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RRotateSelectionTracker::Render( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform& transform, const RRealPoint& point ) const
	// Calculate the angle
	YAngle angle = CalcAngle( point );

	// Draw the feedback line
	drawingSurface.MoveTo( m_TrackingRotationCenter, transform );
	drawingSurface.LineTo( point, transform );

	// Render the tracking rectangle
	m_pSelection->DrawRotateTrackingFeedback( drawingSurface, transform, m_TrackingRotationCenter, angle );
Exemple #6
BOOL ArrowRec::GetArrowMatrix(const DocCoord& ArrowCentre, const DocCoord& Direction, 
		 				  	  INT32 ParentLineWidth, Trans2DMatrix* pMatrix)
	if (IsNullArrow())
		return FALSE;

	TRACEUSER( "DavidM", wxT("ArrowRec::GetArrowMatrix %d\n"), m_bExtendPath );

	ANGLE RotateAngle = CalcAngle(ArrowCentre, Direction);

	// Now we work how much we need to scale the path
	DocRect ArrowBounds = ArrowShape->GetBoundingRect();

	double TempLineWidth = ParentLineWidth;

	if (TempLineWidth == 0)

	BOOL DoScale = ScaleWithLineWidth;

	FIXED16 xscale = DoScale ? ((ArrowWidth.MakeDouble() * TempLineWidth) / LineWidth)
							 :  (ArrowWidth);
	FIXED16 yscale = DoScale ? ((ArrowHeight.MakeDouble() * TempLineWidth) / LineWidth)
							 :  (ArrowWidth);

	// move the centre of the arrow
	DocRect ArrowRect = ArrowShape->GetBoundingRect();
	DocCoord centre;
	if (!m_bExtendPath)
		centre.x = ArrowRect.hi.x;
		centre.y = (ArrowRect.lo.y + ArrowRect.hi.y) / 2;
		centre = Centre;
	Matrix Mat = Matrix(-centre.x,
    		 			-centre.y);					// Move shape to origin
	Mat *= Matrix(xscale, yscale);   				// Scale it
	Mat *= Matrix(RotateAngle);						// Rotate it

  	Mat *= Matrix(ArrowCentre);						// Move it to the line point

	Trans2DMatrix Trans(Mat);

	*pMatrix = Trans;

	return TRUE;
tFloat32 LaneAngleCalculator::CalculateDrivingAngle(const Mat &map, const tFloat32 currentSpeed,
                                                     const tFloat32 reactionDistance)
    //Mat a = Mat(range, range, CV_8UC1); // Mat_<double>(3,3); // imread("c:/full/path/to/lena.jpg");

    pair<int, int> origin = make_pair(map.rows / 2, map.cols / 2);

    pair<int, int> rightPoint;
    pair<int, int> leftPoint;

    rightPoint = searchForCorner(origin, dirRight, map);
    leftPoint = searchForCorner(origin, dirLeft, map);

    return CalcAngle(rightPoint.first, rightPoint.second);
Exemple #8
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RRotateSelectionTracker::EndTracking( )
//  Description:		Called when tracking ends; ie. when the mouse button goes
//							up.
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RRotateSelectionTracker::EndTracking( const RRealPoint& mousePoint, YModifierKey modifierKeys )
	// Constrain the mouse point
	RRealPoint constrainedPoint = mousePoint;
	ApplyConstraint( constrainedPoint );

	// Call the base class
	RSelectionTracker::EndTracking( constrainedPoint, modifierKeys );

	// Calculate the angle
	YAngle angle = CalcAngle( constrainedPoint );

	// Create and do a rotate selection action
	RRotateSelectionAction* pAction = new RRotateSelectionAction( m_pSelection, m_TrackingRotationCenter, angle ); 
	m_pView->GetRDocument( )->SendAction( pAction );
// Action_Angle::action()
Action::RetType Action_Angle::DoAction(int frameNum, Frame* currentFrame, Frame** frameAddress) {
  Vec3 a1, a2, a3;
  if (useMass_) {
    a1 = currentFrame->VCenterOfMass( Mask1_ );
    a2 = currentFrame->VCenterOfMass( Mask2_ );
    a3 = currentFrame->VCenterOfMass( Mask3_ );
  } else {
    a1 = currentFrame->VGeometricCenter( Mask1_ );
    a2 = currentFrame->VGeometricCenter( Mask2_ );
    a3 = currentFrame->VGeometricCenter( Mask3_ );
  double aval = CalcAngle( a1.Dptr(), a2.Dptr(), a3.Dptr() );

  aval *= Constants::RADDEG;

  ang_->Add(frameNum, &aval);

  return Action::OK;
Exemple #10
// Action_Angle::action()
Action::RetType Action_Angle::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  Vec3 a1, a2, a3;
  if (useMass_) {
    a1 = frm.Frm().VCenterOfMass( Mask1_ );
    a2 = frm.Frm().VCenterOfMass( Mask2_ );
    a3 = frm.Frm().VCenterOfMass( Mask3_ );
  } else {
    a1 = frm.Frm().VGeometricCenter( Mask1_ );
    a2 = frm.Frm().VGeometricCenter( Mask2_ );
    a3 = frm.Frm().VGeometricCenter( Mask3_ );
  double aval = CalcAngle( a1.Dptr(), a2.Dptr(), a3.Dptr() );

  aval *= Constants::RADDEG;

  ang_->Add(frameNum, &aval);

  return Action::OK;
Exemple #11
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RRotateSelectionTracker::GetFeedbackBoundingRect( )
//  Description:		Returns the feedback bounding rect
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
RRealRect RRotateSelectionTracker::GetFeedbackBoundingRect( const RRealPoint& point ) const
	// Get the view transform
	R2dTransform transform;
	m_pView->GetViewTransform( transform, TRUE );

	// Calculate the angle
	YAngle angle = CalcAngle( point );

	// Get the bounding rect, in device units
	RRealRect boundingRect = m_pSelection->GetRotateTrackingFeedbackBoundingRect( transform, m_TrackingRotationCenter, angle );

	// Convert back to logical units
	transform.Invert( );
	boundingRect *= transform;

	// Add the feedback line
	boundingRect.AddPointToRect( point );

	return boundingRect;
Exemple #12
LTBOOL RotatingDoor::GetMoveTestPosRot(LTVector & vTestPos, LTRotation & rTestRot)
    LTVector vFinalPos(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    LTFLOAT fSpeed = 0.0f;

    LTVector vOldAngles(m_fPitch, m_fYaw, m_fRoll);

	switch (m_dwDoorState)
			// Calculate new pitch, yaw, and roll...

			CalcAngle(m_fPitch, m_fPitch, m_vOpenAngles.x, m_vOpenDir.x, m_fSpeed);
			CalcAngle(m_fYaw,   m_fYaw,   m_vOpenAngles.y, m_vOpenDir.y, m_fSpeed);
			CalcAngle(m_fRoll,  m_fRoll,  m_vOpenAngles.z, m_vOpenDir.z, m_fSpeed);

			// Calculate new pitch, yaw, and roll...

			CalcAngle(m_fPitch, m_fPitch, m_vClosedAngles.x, -m_vOpenDir.x, m_fClosingSpeed);
			CalcAngle(m_fYaw,   m_fYaw,   m_vClosedAngles.y, -m_vOpenDir.y, m_fClosingSpeed);
			CalcAngle(m_fRoll,  m_fRoll,  m_vClosedAngles.z, -m_vOpenDir.z, m_fClosingSpeed);

            return LTFALSE;

	// Rotate the object...

	CalcPosAndRot(vTestPos, rTestRot);

	// Restore real angles...

	m_fPitch = vOldAngles.x;
	m_fYaw	 = vOldAngles.y;
	m_fRoll	 = vOldAngles.z;

    return LTTRUE;
void CPathObject::Draw(CDC* pDC){
	COLORREF color;
	CPen pen(PS_SOLID,2,color);
	CPen *pOldPen=NULL;

	double	angle=CalcAngle(headnode->centre.x-endnode->centre.x,
	CPoint pt1,pt2;


	CPoint point(endnode->centre.x/3+headnode->centre.x*2/3,
	CPoint point1(endnode->centre.x/8+headnode->centre.x*7/8,
	char buf[20];
	pDC->TextOut( point1.x, point1.y ,buf );

Exemple #14
//Procedure		ProcessPistonEngine
//Author		Craig Beeston
//Date			Tue 11 Aug 98
//Description	Processes a piston engine
//					Calculates Thrust, Torque, Engine power and Engine speed
void Engine::ProcessPistonEngine (AirStrucPtr const ControlledAC)
	AircraftAnimData* adptr = (AircraftAnimData *)ControlledAC->Anim;
	SWord iDamage = 255 - (255 - UWord(adptr->ENGINELEFT)) * (255 - UWord(adptr->FRONT)) / 255;
	if(pThrustPoint->Pos.x > 0)
		iDamage = adptr->ENGINERIGHT;
	FP MaxSpeed = 2 * Rpm100 * 0.001047197;	//RPM 2 Rads/cs
	if(iDamage == 254)
		MaxSpeed = 0;
	FP fDamage = 1.0 - FP(iDamage) * (1.0 / 255.0);
//DEADCODE CB 04/11/99 	FP MinSpeed =     Rpm0   * 0.001047197;	//RPM 2 Rads/cs

//DEADCODE CB 04/11/99 	if (Speed < MinSpeed) Speed = MinSpeed;	
	if (Speed > MaxSpeed) Speed = MaxSpeed;	

	FP EngRPM    = Speed * 954.9296586;
	FP PropSpeed = Speed * GearRatio;
	FP PropSwirl = SlipRot * 0.5;

	const FP BladeFract = 0.60;

	FCRD Vel;
	CPrd(Vel, pThrustPoint->Pos, pModel->RotVel);
	Vel.z -= pModel->AirVel.z;				//Velocity of air ahead of prop
	FP PropAirVel = BladeFract * (PropSpeed - PropSwirl) * BladeRadius;
	FP InflowAng = CalcAngle (PropAirVel, PropVel);

//Automatic prop control for AI aircraft
	if((!Save_Data.flightdifficulty [FD_PROPPITCH]) || (ControlledAC != Persons2::PlayerSeenAC))
			case PT_FIXED:

			case PT_2PITCH:
				if(EngRPM > 1.15 * Rpm100)
					PropSetting = 0;
				if(EngRPM < 0.7 * Rpm100)
					PropSetting = 1;

			case PT_VARIABLE:
				PropSetting = 1.0 - 1.15 * ControlledAC->vel_ / ControlledAC->classtype->maxvel;
				MODMAXMIN(PropSetting, 0.01, 1);

				if(ThrottleSetting <= 75)
					PropSetting = 0;
					PropSetting = (ThrottleSetting - 75.0) / 25.0;
//DEADCODE CSB 31/01/00 				PropSetting = FP(ThrottleSetting) * 0.01;
//DEADCODE CSB 31/01/00 				PropSetting = PropSetting * PropSetting * PropSetting;

		case PT_FIXED:
			PropInc = PropMaxPitch;
		case PT_2PITCH:
			FP DesiredInc = PropMaxPitch;
			if(PropSetting > 0.5)
				DesiredInc = PropMinPitch;
			if(DesiredInc > PropInc)
				PropInc += 0.002 * MODEL_ENGINE_DT;					//AMM 24Nov99
				if(PropInc > DesiredInc) PropInc = DesiredInc;
			if(DesiredInc < PropInc)
				PropInc -= 0.002 * MODEL_ENGINE_DT;					//AMM 24Nov99
				if(PropInc < DesiredInc) PropInc = DesiredInc;
			FP DesiredInc = PropMaxPitch;
			if(PropSetting > 0)
				FP Ratio = 0.5 * (PropSetting + 1.0);
				DesiredInc = PropMinPitch * Ratio + PropMaxPitch * (1 - Ratio);

			if(DesiredInc > PropInc)
				PropInc += 0.002 * MODEL_ENGINE_DT;					//AMM 24Nov99
				if(PropInc > DesiredInc) PropInc = DesiredInc;
			if(DesiredInc < PropInc)
				PropInc -= 0.002 * MODEL_ENGINE_DT;					//AMM 24Nov99
				if(PropInc < DesiredInc) PropInc = DesiredInc;
			FP DesiredRpm = Rpm100 * (0.7 + 0.45 * PropSetting);
			FP PropPitchRate = (EngRPM - DesiredRpm) * 0.00001;
			PropInc += PropPitchRate * MODEL_ENGINE_DT;				//AMM 24Nov99

	MODMAXMIN(PropInc, PropMinPitch, PropMaxPitch);

	FP BladeSpeed = FSqrt(PropAirVel * PropAirVel + PropVel * PropVel);
	FP BladeQS  =  0.5 * pModel->AmbDensity * BladeSpeed * BladeArea;
//DeadCode AMM 29Jun99 	J = PropVel / ((PropSpeed - PropSwirl) * 0.75 * BladeRadius);	//Only Used for Text Screen

	FP BladeL = 4.53 * (PropInc - InflowAng);
	FP BladeD = 0.005 + (0.071 * BladeL * BladeL);	
	MODMAXMIN(BladeL, -1.0, 1.5);

	BladeL *= BladeQS;
	BladeD *= BladeQS;

	Thrust = BladeL * PropAirVel - BladeD * PropVel;
	Torque = BladeD * PropAirVel + BladeL * PropVel;
	Torque *= BladeRadius * 0.5;	//effective overall moment

//Engine Power Output
	Power100 = pPower100->GetValue (EngRPM / Rpm100);
	Power0   = pPower0->GetValue (EngRPM / Rpm100);

	FP fPower  = 0;
	FP dTorque = 0;

	ComplexEngineProcess(ControlledAC, fDamage, fPower, dTorque);

	const FP MinThrottle = 0.125;
	FP PowerFract = MinThrottle + ThrottleSetting * (1 - MinThrottle) * 0.01;

	PowerFract *= fPower;

	FP oldpower = Power;
	Power = Power0 + ((Power100 - Power0) * PowerFract);
	if((oldpower <= 0) && (Power > 0))
		Trans_Obj.LaunchEngineStartup((mobileitem*)ControlledAC, *ControlledAC->currworld);

	if((oldpower > 0) && (Power <= 0) && (ControlledAC == Persons2::PlayerSeenAC))
		_Miles.PlayOnce(FIL_SFX_ENGINE_COUGH,Save_Data.vol.engine);		//RJS 27Sep00

	Power *= pPowerAlt->GetValue(pModel->Pos.y * 0.01);
	Power *= p0;

//#define ENGINE_DATA
//DeadCode CSB 27/10/99	/* TEST CODE CSB 27/10/99 */if(pModel->bACM)
/* TEST CODE CSB 27/10/99 */{
//DEADCODE CSB 11/01/00 /* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(40, 15, "Gravity  %.3f ", FP(pModel->Inst.I_NormalAcc));
//DEADCODE CSB 11/01/00 /* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(40, 16, "IAS      %.2f ", FP(pModel->Speed * FSqrt (pModel->AmbDensity / 0.0001225)));
//DEADCODE CSB 11/01/00 /* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(40, 17, "Vel      %.2f ", FP(ControlledAC->vel_ * 0.0001));
//DEADCODE CSB 11/01/00 /* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(40, 18, "DesRpm   %.2f ", FP(pModel->ModelPropSetting));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 15, "Power    %.0f ", FP(Power / 745.7));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 16, "RPM      %.0f ", FP(EngRPM));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 17, "Prop Inc %.2f ", FP(Rads2Degs(PropInc)));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 18, "Vel      %.2f ", FP(-pModel->AirVel.z));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 19, "PropVel  %.2f ", FP(PropVel));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 20, "SlipVel  %.2f ", FP(SlipVel));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 21, "Alpha    %.2f ", FP(Rads2Degs(PropInc - InflowAng)));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 24, "ROC fpm  %.0f ", FP(pModel->Vel.y * 3.2808 * 60.0));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 22, "Thrust   %.1f ", FP(Thrust));
/* TEST CODE CSB 29/09/99 */	PrintVar(20, 23, "Eff      %.3f ", FP(Thrust * -pModel->AirVel.z / Power));
/* TEST CODE CSB 27/10/99 */}

	FP EngTorque = 0;
	if(Speed > 0) 
		EngTorque = Power / Speed;
	EngTorque += dTorque;

//Slipstream Conditions
	FP OldSlipRot = SlipRot;
	FP SlipInertia = BladeRadius * BladeRadius * BladeRadius * BladeRadius 
		              * 0.5 * FPIE * PropVel * pModel->AmbDensity;
	if(SlipInertia > 0)
		SlipRot	   = (Torque / SlipInertia + OldSlipRot) * 0.5;
		SlipRot = 0;
	if(SlipRot > PropSpeed) SlipRot = PropSpeed;

	FP OldSlipVel = SlipVel;
	FP PropArea = FPIE * BladeRadius * BladeRadius;
	FP TempSlip = 2 * Thrust / (pModel->AmbDensity * PropArea) + Vel.z * Vel.z;
	if (TempSlip < 0) SlipVel = -Vel.z;
		SlipVel = sqrt(TempSlip);
	SlipVel = (SlipVel + OldSlipVel) * 0.5;
	PropVel = 0.5 * (0.5 * (Vel.z + SlipVel) + PropVel);

// calc engine speed
	FP EngRotAcc = (EngTorque - Torque * GearRatio) / MoI;

//DeadCode CSB 27/10/99		if (!Save_Data.flightdifficulty [FD_THRUSTPOWERCONTROL])
//DeadCode CSB 27/10/99			EngRotAcc *= 2;												//Fast Spooling

//DEADCODE AMM 24/11/99 	Speed += pModel->MODEL_DT * EngRotAcc;
	Speed += MODEL_ENGINE_DT * EngRotAcc; //AMM 24/11/99

	if(Speed < 0) Speed = 0;
//DEADCODE CB 04/11/99 	if (Speed < MinSpeed) Speed = MinSpeed;		
	if (Speed > MaxSpeed) Speed = MaxSpeed;		

	Torque	= -Torque * RotateDirection;//(EngTorque - Torque / GearRatio);				//Reacted into Airframe

	if (Save_Data.flightdifficulty [FD_SLIPSTREAMEFFECTS])
		FCRD TempRot;
		CopyVec(pModel->RotVel, TempRot);
		TempRot.z += Speed * RotateDirection;

		moment.x = TempRot.x * PropInertia.x;
		moment.y = TempRot.y * PropInertia.y;
		moment.z = TempRot.z * PropInertia.z;
		CPrd(moment, moment, TempRot);
		moment.x *= -1;
		moment.y *= -1;
		moment.z *= -1;
Exemple #15
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::SetTarget( const idVec3& _target ) {

	const idMat3& bindAxes		= _owner->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
	const idVec3& bindOrg		= _owner->GetRenderEntity()->origin;

	idMat3 yawJointAxis;
	idVec3 yawJointOrg;

		idMat3 currentAxes;
		idVec3 currentOrigin;
		_owner->GetAnimator()->GetJointTransform( gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_SHOULDER ], gameLocal.time, currentOrigin, currentAxes );

		idMat3 transform;
		TransposeMultiply( baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_SHOULDER ], currentAxes, transform );

		idMat3 shoulderAxis = bindAxes;
		idVec3 shoulderOrg	= bindOrg + ( currentOrigin * shoulderAxis );

		yawJointAxis	= transform * shoulderAxis;
		yawJointOrg		= shoulderOrg + ( yawJointAxis * ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_BASE ] );
	} else {
		yawJointAxis	= bindAxes;
		yawJointOrg		= bindOrg + ( yawJointAxis * ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_BASE ] );

		idVec3 target = _target;
		target -= yawJointOrg;
		target *= yawJointAxis.Transpose();
		target.z = 0.f;

		yawInfo.ideal = RAD2DEG( atan2( target.y, target.x ) );

		float angle;
		if ( CalcAngle( target.Length(), yawInfo.arcLength, yawInfo.offsetAngle, angle ) ) {
			yawInfo.ideal += angle - yawInfo.initialAngle;

	if ( yawInfo.clamp.flags.enabled ) {
		yawInfo.ideal = idMath::ClampFloat( yawInfo.clamp.extents[ 0 ], yawInfo.clamp.extents[ 1 ], yawInfo.ideal );

	idMat3 yawAxes;
	idAngles::YawToMat3( yawInfo.ideal, yawAxes );

	idMat3 pitchJointAxis	= yawAxes * yawJointAxis;
	idVec3 pitchJointOrg	= yawJointOrg + ( pitchJointAxis * ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_YAW ] );

		idVec3 target = _target;
		target -= pitchJointOrg;
		target *= pitchJointAxis.Transpose();
		target.y = 0.f;

		pitchInfo.ideal = RAD2DEG( atan2( target.z, target.x ) );

		float angle;
		if ( CalcAngle( target.Length(), pitchInfo.arcLength, pitchInfo.offsetAngle, angle ) ) {
			pitchInfo.ideal += angle - pitchInfo.initialAngle;
		pitchInfo.ideal = -pitchInfo.ideal; // pitch is inverted for some reason...

	if ( pitchInfo.clamp.flags.enabled ) {
		pitchInfo.ideal = idMath::ClampFloat( pitchInfo.clamp.extents[ 0 ], pitchInfo.clamp.extents[ 1 ], pitchInfo.ideal );
Exemple #16
void CLeanMgr::UpdateCenter( )
	float fCenterFromAngle	= m_fCenterFromAngle;

	LTVector vCamPos;
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos( g_pPlayerMgr->GetCamera(), &vCamPos );
	// Develop the rotation values...

	m_vRotationPt.Init( vCamPos.x, vCamPos.y - g_vtLeanRadius.GetFloat(), vCamPos.z );
	m_vRotationPtOffset.Init( 0.0f, g_vtLeanRadius.GetFloat(), 0.0f );

	// Did we try to lean but went back to centering before we finished...

	if( m_bFailedToLean )
		m_bFailedToLean = false;

		// Recalculate the time...

		if( m_fMaxLeanAngle > 0.0f )
			float fMovePercent = float(m_kLeanDir) * (m_fLastLeanAngle / m_fMaxLeanAngle);
			m_fEndTime = g_vtLeanCenterTime.GetFloat() * fMovePercent; 

		m_fStartTime		= 0.0f;
		fCenterFromAngle	= m_fLastLeanAngle;

	// Find the angle based on the percentage of lean we should be at...

	m_fStartTime += g_pLTClient->GetFrameTime();

	float	fT = (m_fStartTime / m_fEndTime);
	bool	bDone = CalcAngle( m_fLeanAngle, fCenterFromAngle, 0.0f, eLeanDirection(-m_kLeanDir), m_fEndTime, fT );
	// Save our current lean angle...

	m_fLastLeanAngle = m_fLeanAngle;

	LTRotation	rRot;
	LTVector	vPos;
	CalculateNewPosRot( vPos, rRot, m_fLeanAngle );

	// [KLS 3/22/03] Only adjust the camera in first person...

	if (g_pPlayerMgr->IsFirstPerson())
		g_pLTClient->SetObjectPosAndRotation( g_pPlayerMgr->GetCamera(), &vPos, &rRot );

	if( bDone )
		// We are centered.
		m_kLeanDir = kLean_Center;
		m_bFailedToCenter = false;
		m_bDoneMoving = false;

	m_bFailedToCenter = true;
Exemple #17
void CLeanMgr::UpdateLean( )
	if( !IsLeaning() ) return;

	// Don't start leaning untill we are done moving...

	if( !m_bDoneMoving && (g_pMoveMgr->GetMovementPercent() > MATH_EPSILON) )
		BeginLean( m_kLeanDir );
		m_bDoneMoving = true;

	LTVector vCamPos;
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos( g_pPlayerMgr->GetCamera(), &vCamPos );
	// Develop the rotation values...

	m_vRotationPt.Init( vCamPos.x, vCamPos.y - g_vtLeanRadius.GetFloat(), vCamPos.z );
	m_vRotationPtOffset.Init( 0.0f, g_vtLeanRadius.GetFloat(), 0.0f );

	float fLeanFromAngle	= m_fLeanFromAngle;

	// Did we try to center but went back to leaning before we finished...

	if( m_bFailedToCenter )
		m_bFailedToCenter = false;

		// Recalculate the time...

		if( m_fMaxLeanAngle > 0.0f )
			float fMovePercent = 1.0f - (float(m_kLeanDir) * (m_fLastLeanAngle / m_fMaxLeanAngle));
			m_fEndTime = g_vtLeanOutTime.GetFloat() * fMovePercent; 

		m_fStartTime	= 0.0f;
		fLeanFromAngle	= m_fLastLeanAngle;

	// Find the angle based on the percentage of lean we should be at...

	m_fStartTime += g_pLTClient->GetFrameTime();

	float	fT = (m_fStartTime / m_fEndTime);
	bool	bDone = CalcAngle( m_fLeanAngle, fLeanFromAngle, m_fMaxLeanAngle, m_kLeanDir, m_fEndTime, fT );

	// Save our last lean angle...

	m_fLastLeanAngle = m_fLeanAngle;

	LTRotation	rRot;
	LTVector	vPos;
	CalculateNewPosRot( vPos, rRot, m_fLeanAngle );

	// [KLS 3/22/03] Only adjust the camera in first person...

	if (g_pPlayerMgr->IsFirstPerson())
		g_pLTClient->SetObjectPosAndRotation( g_pPlayerMgr->GetCamera(), &vPos, &rRot );

	if( bDone )
		if( !m_bLeanedOut )
			// We are completely leaned out.

			m_bLeanedOut = true;

			// Send a message to the server to register a stimulus.

			CAutoMessage cMsg;
			cMsg.Writeuint8( MID_PLAYER_CLIENTMSG );
			cMsg.Writeuint8( CP_PLAYER_LEAN );
			cMsg.Writeuint8( m_kLeanDir == kLean_Left ? PL_LEFT : PL_RIGHT );
			cMsg.WriteLTVector( vPos );
			g_pLTClient->SendToServer( cMsg.Read(), MESSAGE_GUARANTEED );

		m_bFailedToLean = false;

	m_bFailedToLean = true;
Exemple #18
//Procedure		DerivativeBase
//Author		Andrew McRae
//Date			Tue 17 Jun 1997
//Description	Used to calibrate model with linearized
//				stability derivatives
//				This model is aerodynamically accurate
//				for small disturbances from level flight.
void Model::DerivativeBase ()


	Stability Derivatives

	Forces X,Y,Z
	Moments L,M,N

	Velocity u,v,w
	Angular Velocity p,q,r
	Roll, Pitch, Yaw inputs a,b,c
	Downward Acceleration wd (za)

	(r = density)
	(everything has 0.5)

	Forces									Moments

	Forward		Stbd		Down			Roll		Pitch		Yaw

	Xu	rVS		Yu	...		Zu	rVS			Lu	...		Mu	rVSc	Nu	...
	Xv	...		Yv	rVS		Zv	...			Lv	rVSb	Mv	...		Nv	rVSb
	Xw	rVS		Yw	...		Zw	rVS			Lw	...		Mw	rVSc	Nw	...

	Xp	...		Yp	rVSb	Zp	...			Lp	rVSb2	Mp	...		Np	rVSb2
	Xq	rVSc	Yq	...		Zq	rVSc		Lq	...		Mq	rVSc2	Nq	...
	Xr	...		Yr	rVSb	Zr	...			Lr	rVSb2	Mr	...		Nr	rVSb2

	Xa	...		Ya	rV2S	Za	...			La	rV2Sb	Ma	...		Na	rV2Sb
	Xb	rV2S	Yb	...		Zb	rV2S		Lb	...		Mb	rV2Sc	Nb	...
	Xc	...		Yc	rV2S	Zc	...			Lc	rV2Sb	Mc	...		Nc	rV2Sb

	Xwd	rSc		Ywd	...		Zwd	rSc			Lwd	...		Mwd	rSc2	Nwd	...


	typedef struct vel { FP u,v,w; } VEL;
	typedef struct rotvel { FP p,q,r; } ROTVEL;
	typedef struct ctrl { FP a,b,c; } CTRL;
	typedef struct acc { FP ud,vd,wd; } ACC;

	typedef struct veldervs { VEL X,Y,Z,L,M,N; } VELDERVS;
	typedef struct rotveldervs { ROTVEL X,Y,Z,L,M,N; } ROTVELDERVS;
	typedef struct ctrldervs { CTRL X,Y,Z,L,M,N; } CTRLDERVS;
	typedef struct accdervs { ACC X,Y,Z,L,M,N; } ACCDERVS;


//DeadCode AMM 24Nov99 	MODEL_DT = 3;

	static Bool setup = TRUE;

	FP testalpha = -Degs2Rads ((FP)Elevator / 3000);
	if (testalpha > DEGS2RADS(10)) testalpha = DEGS2RADS(10);
	if (testalpha < DEGS2RADS(-10)) testalpha = DEGS2RADS(-10);

	if (setup)

		// temp
		Pos.y = FT_3000;

		Vel.x = 0;
		Vel.y = 0;
		Vel.z = 150;

		Ori.x.x = 1;
		Ori.x.y = 0;
		Ori.x.z = 0;
		Ori.y.x = 0;
		Ori.y.y = 1;
		Ori.y.z = 0;
		Ori.z.x = 0;
		Ori.z.y = 0;
		Ori.z.z = 1;

//		RotOriXVec (Ori, testalpha);

//		RotOriXVec (Ori, DEGS2RADS(5));
		RotOriYVec (Ori, DEGS2RADS(10));

		RotVel.x = 0;
		RotVel.y = 0;
		RotVel.z = 0;

		RotVel.y = 0.00105;	// 1 rpm
		RotVel.z = -0.00105;

		// temp end
		setup = FALSE;

//	UpdateAirStruc ();

	Sky.Ambient (Pos.y, AmbDensity, AmbTemp, AmbPres);

	CalcAirVel ();

	GearTouched = FALSE;

	// Set Mass and Rot Inertia
	Mass = 0;
	NullVec (RotInertia);
	PMODEL pModel = ControlledAC->fly.pModel;

	PMASSPOINT pMass = MassList;
	while (pMass != NULL)
		pMass->Process (pModel);
		pMass = pMass->List.NextItem ();

//	ProcessEngines ();

	Mass = 617415;
	RotInertia.x = 1.49534e10;
	RotInertia.y = 3.59877e10;
	RotInertia.z = 4.98958e10;


	// Calc Derivative Mutipliers
	FP B = (MainPlaneList->Area / MainPlaneList->Chord) * 0.01;
	FP Ch = MainPlaneList->Chord * 0.01;

	FP rS = 0.5 * (AmbDensity * 10000) * (MainPlaneList->Area * 0.0001);

	FP rVS = rS * AirSpeed;
	FP rVSb = rVS * B;
	FP rVSc = rVS * Ch;
	FP rVSb2 = rVSb * B;
	FP rVSc2 = rVSc * Ch;

	FP rV2S = rVS * AirSpeed;
	FP rV2Sb = rV2S * B;
	FP rV2Sc = rV2S * Ch;

	FP rSc = rS * Ch;
	FP rSc2 = rSc * Ch;

	// Get derivative inputs

	// Velocities
	FP u = -AirVel.z;
	FP v = -AirVel.x;
	FP w = AirVel.y;

	// Rotational velocities
	FP p = RotVel.z * 100;
	FP q = RotVel.x * 100;
	FP r = -RotVel.y * 100;

	// Calc Control inputs
	FP a = -((FP)Aileron * F2PIE * 20) / (32768 * 360);
	FP b = ((FP)Elevator * F2PIE * 20) / (32768 * 360);
	FP c = -((FP)Rudder * F2PIE * 20) / (32768 * 360);

	// Acceleration
	FP ud = 0;
	FP vd = 0;
	FP wd = 0;

	// Calc alpha
	FP alpha = CalcAngle (VecLen2D (u,v), w);
	if (alpha > DEGS2RADS(180)) alpha -= DEGS2RADS(360);
	alpha += DEGS2RADS (3);

//	alpha = testalpha;

//	if (alpha > DEGS2RADS(10)) alpha = DEGS2RADS(10);
//	if (alpha < DEGS2RADS(-10)) alpha = DEGS2RADS(-10);

	FP Sin = FSin (alpha);
	FP Cos = FCos (alpha);

	// Calc Cl, Cd

	FP Cl = alpha * 5.27;
	FP Cd = alpha * 0.29;

	PrintVar (30, 16, "alp %.2f  ", Rads2Degs(alpha));
	PrintVar (45, 16, "Cl %.2f  ", Cl);
	PrintVar (60, 16, "Cd %.2f  ", Cd);

	PrintVar (30, 18, "u %.4f  ", u);
	PrintVar (45, 18, "v %.4f  ", v);
	PrintVar (60, 18, "w %.4f  ", w);

	PrintVar (30, 19, "p %.4f  ", p);
	PrintVar (45, 19, "q %.4f  ", q);
	PrintVar (60, 19, "r %.4f  ", r);


	// Force Velocity dervs
	V.X.u = -Cd * u * rVS;			V.Y.u = 0 * u * rVS;	   		V.Z.u = -Cl * u * rVS;
	V.X.v = 0 * v * rVS;	   		V.Y.v = -0.546 * v * rVS;		V.Z.v = 0 * v * rVS;
	V.X.w = Cl * w * rVS;			V.Y.w = 0 * w * rVS;	   		V.Z.w = -Cd * w * rVS;

	// Moment Velocity dervs
	V.L.u = 0 * u * rVSb;			V.M.u = 0 * u * rVSc;			V.N.u = 0 * u * rVSb;
	V.L.v = -0.0654 * v * rVSb;		V.M.v = 0 * v * rVSc;			V.N.v = 0.118 * v * rVSb;
	V.L.w = 0 * w * rVSb;			V.M.w = -0.44 * w * rVSc;		V.N.w = 0 * w * rVSb;

	// *****************
	// * V.M.w is iffy *
	// *****************

	// Force RotVel dervs
	RV.X.p = 0;						RV.Y.p = 0 * p * rVSb;	  		RV.Z.p = 0;
	RV.X.q = 0 * q * rVSc;			RV.Y.q = 0;						RV.Z.q = 0 * q * rVSc;
	RV.X.r = 0;						RV.Y.r = 0.1435 * r * rVSb;		RV.Z.r = 0;

	// Moment RotVel dervs
	RV.L.p = -0.195 * p * rVSb2;	RV.M.p = 0;						RV.N.p = -0.008 * p * rVSb2;
	RV.L.q = 0;	   					RV.M.q = -0.032 * q * rVSc2;	RV.N.q = 0;
	RV.L.r = 0.0575 * r * rVSb2;	RV.M.r = 0;						RV.N.r = -0.067 * r * rVSb2;
	// Check M.q (c/2U ?????)

	// Force Control dervs
	C.X.a = 0;							C.Y.a = 0 * a * rV2S;				C.Z.a = 0;
	C.X.b = 0.43 * Sin * b * rV2S;		C.Y.b = 0;							C.Z.b = 0.43 * b * Cos * rV2S;
	C.X.c = 0;							C.Y.c = 0.149 * c * rV2S;			C.Z.c = 0;

	// Moment Control dervs
	C.L.a = -0.114 * a * rV2Sb;			C.M.a = 0;							C.N.a = 0.009 * a * rV2Sb;
	C.L.b = 0;							C.M.b = -0.934 * b * rV2Sc;			C.N.b = 0;
	C.L.c = 0.0057 * c * rV2Sb;			C.M.c = 0;							C.N.c = -0.069 * c * rV2Sb;

	// Z Acc dervs
	// use Cm alpha dot	in F94A derv tables

	PrintVar (30, 0, "V.X.u %.0f  ", V.X.u);
	PrintVar (45, 0, "V.Y.u %.0f  ", V.Y.u);
	PrintVar (60, 0, "V.Z.u %.0f  ", V.Z.u);

	PrintVar (30, 1, "V.X.v %.0f  ", V.X.v);
	PrintVar (45, 1, "V.Y.v %.0f  ", V.Y.v);
	PrintVar (60, 1, "V.Z.v %.0f  ", V.Z.v);

	PrintVar (30, 2, "V.X.w %.0f  ", V.X.w);
	PrintVar (45, 2, "V.Y.w %.0f  ", V.Y.w);
	PrintVar (60, 2, "V.Z.w %.0f  ", V.Z.w);

	PrintVar (30, 4, "V.L.u %.0f  ", V.L.u);
	PrintVar (45, 4, "V.M.u %.0f  ", V.M.u);
	PrintVar (60, 4, "V.N.u %.0f  ", V.N.u);

	PrintVar (30, 5, "V.L.v %.0f  ", V.L.v);
	PrintVar (45, 5, "V.M.v %.0f  ", V.M.v);
	PrintVar (60, 5, "V.N.v %.0f  ", V.N.v);

	PrintVar (30, 6, "V.L.w %.0f  ", V.L.w);
	PrintVar (45, 6, "V.M.w %.0f  ", V.M.w);
	PrintVar (60, 6, "V.N.w %.0f  ", V.N.w);

	PrintVar (30, 8, "RV.X.p %.0f  ", RV.X.p);
	PrintVar (45, 8, "RV.Y.p %.0f  ", RV.Y.p);
	PrintVar (60, 8, "RV.Z.p %.0f  ", RV.Z.p);

	PrintVar (30, 9, "RV.X.q %.0f  ", RV.X.q);
	PrintVar (45, 9, "RV.Y.q %.0f  ", RV.Y.q);
	PrintVar (60, 9, "RV.Z.q %.0f  ", RV.Z.q);

	PrintVar (30, 10, "RV.X.r %.0f  ", RV.X.r);
	PrintVar (45, 10, "RV.Y.r %.0f  ", RV.Y.r);
	PrintVar (60, 10, "RV.Z.r %.0f  ", RV.Z.r);

	PrintVar (30, 12, "RV.L.p %.0f  ", RV.L.p);
	PrintVar (45, 12, "RV.M.p %.0f  ", RV.M.p);
	PrintVar (60, 12, "RV.N.p %.0f  ", RV.N.p);

	PrintVar (30, 13, "RV.L.q %.0f  ", RV.L.q);
	PrintVar (45, 13, "RV.M.q %.0f  ", RV.M.q);
	PrintVar (60, 13, "RV.N.q %.0f  ", RV.N.q);

	PrintVar (30, 14, "RV.L.r %.0f  ", RV.L.r);
	PrintVar (45, 14, "RV.M.r %.0f  ", RV.M.r);
	PrintVar (60, 14, "RV.N.r %.0f  ", RV.N.r);


	// calc forces

	FCRD force;

	force.x = V.X.u + V.X.v + V.X.w + RV.X.p + RV.X.q + RV.X.r + C.X.a + C.X.b + C.X.c;
	force.y = V.Y.u + V.Y.v + V.Y.w + RV.Y.p + RV.Y.q + RV.Y.r + C.Y.a + C.Y.b + C.Y.c;
	force.z = V.Z.u + V.Z.v + V.Z.w + RV.Z.p + RV.Z.q + RV.Z.r + C.Z.a + C.Z.b + C.Z.c;

	NettForce.x = force.y;
	NettForce.y = -force.z;
	NettForce.z = force.x;

	// calc moments

	FCRD moment;
	moment.x = V.L.u + V.L.v + V.L.w + RV.L.p + RV.L.q + RV.L.r + C.L.a + C.L.b + C.L.c;
	moment.y = V.M.u + V.M.v + V.M.w + RV.M.p + RV.M.q + RV.M.r + C.M.a + C.M.b + C.M.c;
	moment.z = V.N.u + V.N.v + V.N.w + RV.N.p + RV.N.q + RV.N.r + C.N.a + C.N.b + C.N.c;

	NettMoment.x = moment.y * 100;
	NettMoment.y = -moment.z * 100;
	NettMoment.z = moment.x * 100;

	// Engines

	PTHRUSTPOINT pThrust = ThrustList;
	while (pThrust != NULL)
		pThrust->Process ();
		NettForce.x += pThrust->Force.x;
		NettForce.y += pThrust->Force.y;
		NettForce.z += pThrust->Force.z;
		pThrust = pThrust->List.NextItem ();

	MODLIMIT (NettForce.x, 600000);
	MODLIMIT (NettForce.y, 2500000);
	MODLIMIT (NettForce.z, 600000);

	MODLIMIT (NettMoment.x, 250000000);
	MODLIMIT (NettMoment.y, 250000000);
	MODLIMIT (NettMoment.z, 250000000);

	CalcAcc ();
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 	{
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldAcc.x = Acc.x;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldAcc.y = Acc.y;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldAcc.z = Acc.z;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		Acc.x = (NettForce.x / Mass);
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		Acc.y = (NettForce.y / Mass);
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		Acc.z = (NettForce.z / Mass);
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 	}

	CalcRotAcc ();
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 	{
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldRotAcc.x = RotAcc.x;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldRotAcc.y = RotAcc.y;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldRotAcc.z = RotAcc.z;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		RotAcc.x = (NettMoment.x / RotInertia.x);
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		RotAcc.y = (NettMoment.y / RotInertia.y);
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		RotAcc.z = (NettMoment.z / RotInertia.z);
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 	}
	TransInt (ALL);
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 	{
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		FCRD acc;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		acc.x = (OldAcc.x + Acc.x) * 0.5;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		acc.y = (OldAcc.y + Acc.y) * 0.5;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		acc.z = (OldAcc.z + Acc.z) * 0.5;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		TnsPnt (acc, acc, Ori);
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldVel.x = Vel.x;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldVel.y = Vel.y;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldVel.z = Vel.z;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		Vel.x += acc.x * MODEL_DT;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		Vel.y += (acc.y - GRAVITY) * MODEL_DT;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		Vel.z += acc.z * MODEL_DT;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldPos.x = Pos.x;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldPos.y = Pos.y;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldPos.z = Pos.z;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		Pos.x += ((OldVel.x + Vel.x) * MODEL_DT) * 0.5;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		Pos.y += ((OldVel.y + Vel.y) * MODEL_DT) * 0.5;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		Pos.z += ((OldVel.z + Vel.z) * MODEL_DT) * 0.5;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 	}

	RotInt (ALL);
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 	{
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldRotVel.x = RotVel.x;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldRotVel.y = RotVel.y;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		OldRotVel.z = RotVel.z;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		RotVel.x += ((OldRotAcc.x + RotAcc.x) * MODEL_DT) * 0.5;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		RotVel.y += ((OldRotAcc.y + RotAcc.y) * MODEL_DT) * 0.5;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		RotVel.z += ((OldRotAcc.z + RotAcc.z) * MODEL_DT) * 0.5;
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 		RotVelInt ();
//TempCode ARM 15Jul97 	}

//	UpdateAirStruc ();

//	Ground ();

//	Instruments (ControlledAC);

Exemple #19
bool CManipRot::UIEventHandler( const ui::Event& EV )
	int ex = EV.miX;
	int ey = EV.miY;
	CVector2 posubp = EV.GetUnitCoordBP();

	CCamera *pcam = mManager.GetActiveCamera();
	bool brval = false;
	bool isshift = false; //CSystem::IsKeyDepressed(VK_SHIFT );
	bool isctrl = false; //CSystem::IsKeyDepressed(VK_CONTROL );
	switch( EV.miEventCode )
		case ui::UIEV_PUSH:
			mManager.mManipHandler.Init(posubp, pcam->mCameraData.GetIVPMatrix(), pcam->QuatC );
			mBaseTransform = mManager.mCurTransform;


			brval = true;

		case ui::UIEV_RELEASE:

			brval = true;

		case ui::UIEV_DRAG:
			IntersectWithPlanes( posubp );

			if ( CheckIntersect() )
				// calc normalvectors from base:origin to point on activeintersection plane (in world space)
				const CVector3 & Origin = mBaseTransform.GetTransform().GetPosition();
				CVector3 D1 = (Origin-mActiveIntersection->mIntersectionPoint).Normal();
				CVector3 D0 = (Origin-mActiveIntersection->mBaseIntersectionPoint).Normal();
				// calc matrix to put worldspace vector into plane local space
				CMatrix4 MatWldToObj = mBaseTransform.GetTransform().GetMatrix(); //GetRotation();
				CVector4 bAxisAngle = mLocalRotationAxis; 
				CQuaternion brq;
				CMatrix4 MatObjToPln = brq.ToMatrix();
				CMatrix4 MatWldToPln = MatObjToPln*MatWldToObj;
				//CMatrix4 MatInvRot = InvQuat.ToMatrix();
				// calc plane local rotation
				CVector4 AxisAngle = mLocalRotationAxis; 
				CVector4 D0I = CVector4(D0,CReal(0.0f)).Transform(MatWldToPln);
				CVector4 D1I = CVector4(D1,CReal(0.0f)).Transform(MatWldToPln);
				//orkprintf( "D0 <%f %f %f>\n", float(D0.GetX()), float(D0.GetY()), float(D0.GetZ()) );
				//orkprintf( "D1 <%f %f %f>\n", float(D1.GetX()), float(D1.GetY()), float(D1.GetZ()) );
				//orkprintf( "D0I <%f %f %f>\n", float(D0I.GetX()), float(D0I.GetY()), float(D0I.GetZ()) );
				//orkprintf( "D1I <%f %f %f>\n", float(D1I.GetX()), float(D1I.GetY()), float(D1I.GetZ()) );
				AxisAngle.SetW( CalcAngle(D0I,D1I) );
				CQuaternion RotQ;
				RotQ.FromAxisAngle( AxisAngle );
				// Rot Snap
				if( isshift )
				{	CReal SnapAngleVal( PI2/16.0f );
					CVector4 NewAxisAngle = RotQ.ToAxisAngle();
					CReal Angle = NewAxisAngle.GetW();
					Angle = SnapReal( Angle, SnapAngleVal );
					NewAxisAngle.SetW( Angle );
					RotQ.FromAxisAngle( NewAxisAngle );
				// accum rotation
				CQuaternion oq = mBaseTransform.GetTransform().GetRotation();
				CQuaternion NewQ = RotQ.Multiply(oq);
				// Rot Reset To Identity
				if( isctrl && isshift )
					NewQ.FromAxisAngle( CVector4( CReal(0.0f), CReal(1.0f), CReal(0.0f), CReal(0.0f) ) );
				TransformNode mset = mManager.mCurTransform;
				mset.GetTransform().SetRotation( NewQ );
				mManager.ApplyTransform( mset );

			brval = true;


	return brval;
Exemple #20
void Game::PlayGameMode2()
	GraphicsEngine* mGe = GetGraphics();
	GetGraphics()->ShowLoadingScreen("Media/LoadingScreen/LoadingScreenBG2.png", "Media/LoadingScreen/LoadingScreenPB.png", 1.0f, 1.0f);

	GetGraphics()->GetCamera()->SetUpVector(Vector3(0, 1, 0));
	GetGraphics()->GetCamera()->SetForward(Vector3(1, 0, 0));
	GetGraphics()->GetCamera()->SetPosition(Vector3(-17.0f, 56.0f, 0));
	GetGraphics()->GetCamera()->LookAt(GetGraphics()->GetCamera()->GetPosition() - Vector3(1, 0.3f, 0));

	iLight* mLights[5];
	mLights[0] = mGe->CreateLight(Vector3(0, 50, 0));
	mLights[1] = mGe->CreateLight(Vector3(0, 50, -20)); 
	mLights[2] = mGe->CreateLight(Vector3(0, 50, 20));
	mLights[3] = mGe->CreateLight(Vector3(10, 50, 0));
	mLights[4] = mGe->CreateLight(Vector3(-10, 50, 0));
	for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

	GetGraphics()->SetSceneAmbientLight(Vector3(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f));

	Vector3 centerPlatform = Vector3(0,20,0);
	Map* mPlatform = new Map("Media/MazeMapFixed.obj", centerPlatform);
	Map* mBox = new Map("Media/MazeMapFrame.obj", centerPlatform + Vector3(0,1,0) );

	/* set so we cant tilt it more than these angles. */

	PowerBall* mBalls = new PowerBall("Media/Ball.obj", START_POS);

	iText* timeTxt = GetGraphics()->CreateText("", Vector2(50, 60), 1.0f, "Media/fonts/new");
	iText* scoreTxt = GetGraphics()->CreateText("", Vector2(50, 95), 1.0f, "Media/fonts/new");

	iImage* guiStar = GetGraphics()->CreateImage(Vector2(200, 90), Vector2(75, 75), "Media/star.png");
	float starTimer = 0.0f;

	GetGraphics()->LoadingScreen("Media/LoadingScreen/LoadingScreenBG2.png", "Media/LoadingScreen/LoadingScreenPB.png", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	mGe->GetCamera()->SetPosition(centerPlatform + Vector3(0.0f, 30.0f, 20.0f));

	// Score / results:
	float time = 0.0f;
	bool started = false;
	int score = 0;

	float delayTimer = 1000.0f;


	go = true;
	const Vector3 DefaultDir = Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	int currentPrev = 0;
	Vector3 prevVectors[NROFPREV];
	for(int i = 0; i < NROFPREV; i++)
		prevVectors[i] = DefaultDir;

	while(delayTimer > 0)
		float diff = GetGraphics()->Update();
		delayTimer -= diff;

	while(GetGraphics()->IsRunning() && go)
			mGe->GetCamera()->SetPosition(centerPlatform+ Vector3(20.0f, 30.0f, 20.0f));
			mGe->GetCamera()->LookAt(centerPlatform );
			mGe->GetCamera()->SetPosition(centerPlatform+ Vector3(20.0f, 30.0f, -20.0f));
			mGe->GetCamera()->LookAt(centerPlatform );
			mGe->GetCamera()->SetPosition(centerPlatform+ Vector3(-20.0f, 30.0f, 20.0f));
			mGe->GetCamera()->LookAt(centerPlatform );
			mGe->GetCamera()->SetPosition(centerPlatform+ Vector3(-20.0f, 30.0f, -20.0f));
			mGe->GetCamera()->LookAt(centerPlatform );

		// Updates GFX
		float diff = GetGraphics()->Update();

		// Handle events such as network packets and client connections
			go = false;
		if(GetGraphics()->GetKeyListener()->IsPressed('R') || (this->networkController != NULL && this->networkController->needRestart == true))
			if(this->networkController != NULL)
				this->networkController->needRestart = false;
			delete mBalls;

			// Spawn at last score - 1;
			if(score == 0)
				mBalls = new PowerBall("Media/Ball.obj", scorePos[0]);
				mBalls = new PowerBall("Media/Ball.obj", scorePos[score - 1]);


		iPhysicsEngine* pe = GetGraphics()->GetPhysicsEngine();
		Vector3 normalPlane;
		if(pe->DoSpecialPhoneCollisionGame(mBalls, mPlatform, normalPlane, diff))
			mBalls->collisionPlatformResponse(mPlatform, normalPlane, diff);

			Vector3 phoneDirr = Vector3(this->networkController->direction.y, this->networkController->direction.z, -this->networkController->direction.x);
			//Vector3 phoneDirr = this->networkController->direction;
			prevVectors[currentPrev] = phoneDirr;
			float angle = CalcAngle(phoneDirr, DefaultDir, prevVectors, currentPrev);

			float angleX = acos(DefaultDir.GetDotProduct(Vector3(0, phoneDirr.y , phoneDirr.z).Normalize()));
			float angleZ = acos(DefaultDir.GetDotProduct(Vector3(phoneDirr.x, phoneDirr.y, 0).Normalize()));
			if(phoneDirr.z > 0)
				angleX *= -1;
			if(phoneDirr.x < 0)
				angleZ *= -1;

			angle /= 4;
			if(currentPrev >= NROFPREV)
				currentPrev = 0;

			Vector3 tempPos = mBalls->GetPosition() - mPlatform->GetMesh()->GetPosition();
			tempPos.RotateAroundAxis(Vector3(1,0,0), (PI/8.0f)*-diff*0.001f);
			mBalls->SetPosition(mPlatform->GetMesh()->GetPosition() + tempPos);

			Vector3 tempPos = mBalls->GetPosition() - mPlatform->GetMesh()->GetPosition();
			tempPos.RotateAroundAxis(Vector3(1,0,0), (PI/8.0f)*diff*0.001f);
			mBalls->SetPosition(mPlatform->GetMesh()->GetPosition() + tempPos);

			Vector3 tempPos = mBalls->GetPosition() - mPlatform->GetMesh()->GetPosition();
			tempPos.RotateAroundAxis(Vector3(0,0,1), (PI/8.0f)*-diff*0.001f);
			mBalls->SetPosition(mPlatform->GetMesh()->GetPosition() + tempPos);

			Vector3 tempPos = mBalls->GetPosition() - mPlatform->GetMesh()->GetPosition();
			tempPos.RotateAroundAxis(Vector3(0,0,1), (PI/8.0f)*diff*0.001f);
			mBalls->SetPosition(mPlatform->GetMesh()->GetPosition() + tempPos);
		static bool posb = true;
				posb = false;
			posb = true;

			for(int i = score + 1; i < 15; i++)
				Vector3 toScore = scorePos[i] - mBalls->GetPosition();
				toScore.y = 0.0f;
				float distanceToScore = toScore.GetLength();
				if(distanceToScore < 2.0f)
					score = i;
					starTimer = 2.0f;

					// Do Vibration
						this->networkController->cc->sendData("VIB: 100");

			time += diff * 0.001f;
			if((mBalls->GetPosition() - Vector3(-13.0f,25,-13)).GetLength() > 3)
				started = true;

		starTimer -= diff * 0.001f;
		if(starTimer < 0.0f)
			starTimer = 0.0f;

		// print score and time text
		scoreTxt->SetText(string("SCORE: " + MaloW::convertNrToString(score)).c_str());
		timeTxt->SetText(string("TIME: " + MaloW::convertNrToString(time)).c_str());

		// End game after 2 mins
		if(time > 120.0f || score > 13)
			this->FinishScreen(score, "2, Labyrinth", time);
			go = false;


	for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

	delete mPlatform;
	delete mBalls;
	delete mBox;
