Exemple #1
// Returns the next map, assuming there is no maplist.
std::string G_NextMap(void) {
	std::string next = level.nextmap;

	if (gamestate == GS_STARTUP || sv_gametype != GM_COOP || !strlen(next.c_str())) {
		// if not coop, stay on same level
		// [ML] 1/25/10: OR if next is empty
		next = level.mapname;
	} else if (secretexit && W_CheckNumForName(level.secretmap) != -1) {
		// if we hit a secret exit switch, go there instead.
		next = level.secretmap;

	// NES - exiting a Doom 1 episode moves to the next episode,
	// rather than always going back to E1M1
	if (!strncmp(next.c_str(), "EndGame", 7) ||
		(gamemode == retail_chex && !strncmp (level.nextmap, "E1M6", 4))) {
		if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx || gamemode == shareware ||
			(!sv_loopepisode && ((gamemode == registered && level.cluster == 3) || ((gameinfo.flags & GI_MENUHACK_RETAIL) && level.cluster == 4)))) {
			next = CalcMapName(1, 1);
		} else if (sv_loopepisode) {
			next = CalcMapName(level.cluster, 1);
		} else {
			next = CalcMapName(level.cluster + 1, 1);
	return next;
Exemple #2
void M_StartGame(int choice)
	skill.Set ((float)choice+1);

	G_DeferedInitNew (CalcMapName (epi+1, 1));
	M_ClearMenus ();
void M_StartGame(int choice)
	sv_skill.Set ((float)(choice+1));
	sv_gametype = GM_COOP;

	G_DeferedInitNew (CalcMapName (epi+1, 1));
	M_ClearMenus ();
Exemple #4
void M_StartGame(int choice)
	sv_skill.Set ((float)(choice+1));
	sv_gametype = GM_COOP;

    if (gamemode == commercial_bfg)     // Funky external loading madness fun time (DOOM 2 BFG)
        std::string str = "nerve.wad";

        if (epi)
            // Load No Rest for The Living Externally
            epi = 0;
            // Check for nerve.wad, if it's loaded re-load with just iwad (DOOM 2 BFG)
            for (unsigned int i = 2; i < wadfiles.size(); i++)
                if (StdStringCompare(str, M_ExtractFileName(wadfiles[i]), true) == 0)

            G_DeferedInitNew (CalcMapName (epi+1, 1));
        G_DeferedInitNew (CalcMapName (epi+1, 1));

    M_ClearMenus ();
Exemple #5
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
	unsigned p;
	extern std::string defdemoname;

	gamestate = GS_STARTUP;
	M_FindResponseFile();		// [ML] 23/1/07 - Add Response file support back in

	if (lzo_init () != LZO_E_OK)	// [RH] Initialize the minilzo package.
		I_FatalError ("Could not initialize LZO routines");

    C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, true);	// [Nes] test for +logfile command

	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Heapsize: %u megabytes\n", got_heapsize);

	M_LoadDefaults ();					// load before initing other systems
	C_ExecCmdLineParams (true, false);	// [RH] do all +set commands on the command line

	const char* iwad = Args.CheckValue("-iwad");
	if (!iwad)
		iwad = "";

	std::vector<std::string> newwadfiles, newpatchfiles;

	D_LoadResourceFiles(newwadfiles, newpatchfiles);



	#ifdef _WIN32
	const char *sdlv = getenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER");
	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Using %s video driver.\n",sdlv);

	C_InitConsole(screen->width, screen->height, true);

	// SDL needs video mode set up first before input code can be used


	// Base systems have been inited; enable cvar callbacks

	// [RH] User-configurable startup strings. Because BOOM does.
	if (GStrings(STARTUP1)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP1));
	if (GStrings(STARTUP2)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP2));
	if (GStrings(STARTUP3)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP3));
	if (GStrings(STARTUP4)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP4));
	if (GStrings(STARTUP5)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP5));

	// Nomonsters
	sv_nomonsters = Args.CheckParm("-nomonsters");

	// Respawn
	sv_monstersrespawn = Args.CheckParm("-respawn");

	// Fast
	sv_fastmonsters = Args.CheckParm("-fast");

    // developer mode
	devparm = Args.CheckParm ("-devparm");

	// Record a vanilla demo
	p = Args.CheckParm ("-record");
	if (p)
		autorecord = true;
		autostart = true;
		demorecordfile = Args.GetArg (p+1);

	// get skill / episode / map from parms
	strcpy (startmap, (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) ? "MAP01" : "E1M1");

	// Check for -playdemo, play a single demo then quit.
	p = Args.CheckParm ("-playdemo");
	// Hack to check for +playdemo command, since if you just add it normally
	// it won't run because it's attempting to run a demo and still set up the
	// first map as normal.
	if (!p)
		p = Args.CheckParm ("+playdemo");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Playdemo parameter found on command line.\n");
		singledemo = true;
		defdemoname = Args.GetArg (p+1);

	// [SL] check for -timedemo (was removed at some point)
	p = Args.CheckParm("-timedemo");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - 1)
		singledemo = true;
		G_TimeDemo(Args.GetArg(p + 1));

	const char *val = Args.CheckValue ("-skill");
	if (val)
		sv_skill.Set (val[0]-'0');

	p = Args.CheckParm ("-warp");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - (1+(gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx ? 0 : 1)))
		int ep, map;

		if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx)
			ep = 1;
			map = atoi (Args.GetArg(p+1));
			ep = Args.GetArg(p+1)[0]-'0';
			map = Args.GetArg(p+2)[0]-'0';

		strncpy (startmap, CalcMapName (ep, map), 8);
		autostart = true;

	// [RH] Hack to handle +map
	p = Args.CheckParm ("+map");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
		strncpy (startmap, Args.GetArg (p+1), 8);
		((char *)Args.GetArg (p))[0] = '-';
		autostart = true;
	if (devparm)
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s", GStrings(D_DEVSTR));        // D_DEVSTR

	// [RH] Now that all text strings are set up,
	// insert them into the level and cluster data.

	// [RH] Parse through all loaded mapinfo lumps

	// [ML] Parse musinfo lump

	// [RH] Parse any SNDINFO lumps

	// NOTE(jsd): Set up local player color
	R_BuildPlayerTranslation (0, V_GetColorFromString (NULL, cl_color.cstring()));

	I_FinishClockCalibration ();

	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
	D_CheckNetGame ();

	// [RH] Initialize items. Still only used for the give command. :-(
	InitItems ();

	// [RH] Lock any cvars that should be locked now that we're
	// about to begin the game.
	cvar_t::EnableNoSet ();

	// [RH] Now that all game subsystems have been initialized,
	// do all commands on the command line other than +set
	C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, false);

	Printf_Bold("\n\35\36\36\36\36 Odamex Client Initialized \36\36\36\36\37\n");
	if(gamestate != GS_CONNECTING)
		Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "Type connect <address> or use the Odamex Launcher to connect to a game.\n");
    Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "\n");

	setmodeneeded = false; // [Fly] we don't need to set a video mode here!
    //gamestate = GS_FULLCONSOLE;

	// [SL] allow the user to pass the name of a netdemo as the first argument.
	// This allows easy launching of netdemos from Windows Explorer or other GUIs.

	// [Xyltol]
	if (Args.GetArg(1))
		std::string demoarg = Args.GetArg(1);
		if (demoarg.find(".odd") != std::string::npos)

	p = Args.CheckParm("-netplay");
	if (p)
		if (Args.GetArg(p + 1))
			std::string filename = Args.GetArg(p + 1);
			Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "No netdemo filename specified.\n");

	// denis - bring back the demos
    if ( gameaction != ga_loadgame )
		if (autostart || netgame || singledemo)
			if (singledemo)
					// single player warp (like in g_level)
					serverside = true;
                    sv_allowexit = "1";
                    sv_freelook = "1";
                    sv_allowjump = "1";
                    sv_allowredscreen = "1";
                    sv_gametype = GM_COOP;

					players.back().playerstate = PST_REBORN;
					consoleplayer_id = displayplayer_id = players.back().id = 1;

				G_InitNew (startmap);
				if (autorecord)
					if (G_RecordDemo(demorecordfile.c_str()))
            if (gamestate != GS_CONNECTING)
                gamestate = GS_HIDECONSOLE;


			if (gamemode == commercial_bfg) // DOOM 2 BFG Edtion

			D_StartTitle (); // start up intro loop

	// denis - this will run a demo and quit
	p = Args.CheckParm ("+demotest");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
		demotest = 1;
		defdemoname = Args.GetArg (p+1);

			DObject::BeginFrame ();
			DObject::EndFrame ();
		demotest = 0;
		D_DoomLoop ();		// never returns
Exemple #6
void D_DoomMain (void)
	const char *iwad;

	gamestate = GS_STARTUP;
	M_FindResponseFile();		// [ML] 23/1/07 - Add Response file support back in	

	if (lzo_init () != LZO_E_OK)	// [RH] Initialize the minilzo package.
		I_FatalError ("Could not initialize LZO routines");

    C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, true);	// [Nes] test for +logfile command
	// Always log by default
    if (!LOG.is_open())

	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Heapsize: %u megabytes\n", got_heapsize);

	M_LoadDefaults ();			// load before initing other systems
	C_ExecCmdLineParams (true, false);	// [RH] do all +set commands on the command line

	iwad = Args.CheckValue("-iwad");
		iwad = "";


	wadhashes = W_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles);
	SV_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles);
	// [RH] Initialize configurable strings.
	D_InitStrings ();
	I_Init ();

	// Base systems have been inited; enable cvar callbacks
	cvar_t::EnableCallbacks ();

	// [RH] User-configurable startup strings. Because BOOM does.
	if (STARTUP1[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP1);
	if (STARTUP2[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP2);
	if (STARTUP3[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP3);
	if (STARTUP4[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP4);
	if (STARTUP5[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP5);

	devparm = Args.CheckParm ("-devparm");

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
	strcpy (startmap, (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) ? "MAP01" : "E1M1");

	const char *val = Args.CheckValue ("-skill");
	if (val)
		sv_skill.Set (val[0]-'0');

	if (devparm)
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s", Strings[0].builtin);	// D_DEVSTR

	const char *v = Args.CheckValue ("-timer");
	if (v)
		double time = atof (v);
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Levels will end after %g minute%s.\n", time, time > 1 ? "s" : "");
		sv_timelimit.Set ((float)time);

	const char *w = Args.CheckValue ("-avg");
	if (w)
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");
		sv_timelimit.Set (20);
	// [RH] Now that all text strings are set up,
	// insert them into the level and cluster data.
	G_SetLevelStrings ();
	// [RH] Parse through all loaded mapinfo lumps
	G_ParseMapInfo ();	
	// [RH] Parse any SNDINFO lumps

	// Check for -file in shareware
	if (modifiedgame && (gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
		I_FatalError ("You cannot -file with the shareware version. Register!");

	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon.\n");
	R_Init ();

	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "P_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
	P_Init ();
	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "SV_InitNetwork: Checking network game status.\n");
	// [RH] Initialize items. Still only used for the give command. :-(
	InitItems ();

	// [RH] Lock any cvars that should be locked now that we're
	// about to begin the game.
	cvar_t::EnableNoSet ();

	// [RH] Now that all game subsystems have been initialized,
	// do all commands on the command line other than +set
	C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, false);
	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "========== Odamex Server Initialized ==========\n");

#ifdef UNIX
	if (Args.CheckParm("-background"))

	// Use wads mentioned on the commandline to start with
	//std::vector<std::string> start_wads;
	//std::string custwad;

	//iwad = Args.CheckValue("-iwad");

	unsigned p = Args.CheckParm ("-warp");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - (1+(gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx ? 0 : 1)))
		int ep, map;

		if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx)
			ep = 1;
			map = atoi (Args.GetArg(p+1));
			ep = Args.GetArg(p+1)[0]-'0';
			map = Args.GetArg(p+2)[0]-'0';

		strncpy (startmap, CalcMapName (ep, map), 8);
		autostart = true;

	// [RH] Hack to handle +map
	p = Args.CheckParm ("+map");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
		strncpy (startmap, Args.GetArg (p+1), 8);
		((char *)Args.GetArg (p))[0] = '-';
		autostart = true;

	strncpy(level.mapname, startmap, sizeof(level.mapname));

	G_ChangeMap ();

	D_DoomLoop (); // never returns
Exemple #7
void D_DoomMain (void)

	gamestate = GS_STARTUP;

	if (lzo_init () != LZO_E_OK)	// [RH] Initialize the minilzo package.
		I_FatalError ("Could not initialize LZO routines");

    C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, true);	// [Nes] test for +logfile command

	I_Init ();

	D_CheckNetGame ();

	M_LoadDefaults ();			// load before initing other systems
	M_FindResponseFile();		// [ML] 23/1/07 - Add Response file support back in
	C_ExecCmdLineParams (true, false);	// [RH] do all +set commands on the command line

	//SV_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles);
	//wadhashes = W_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles);

	// Base systems have been inited; enable cvar callbacks
	cvar_t::EnableCallbacks ();

	// [RH] Initialize configurable strings.
	D_InitStrings ();

	// [RH] User-configurable startup strings. Because BOOM does.
	if (STARTUP1[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP1);
	if (STARTUP2[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP2);
	if (STARTUP3[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP3);
	if (STARTUP4[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP4);
	if (STARTUP5[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP5);

	devparm = Args.CheckParm ("-devparm");

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
	strcpy (startmap, (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) ? "MAP01" : "E1M1");

	const char *val = Args.CheckValue ("-skill");
	if (val)
		skill.Set (val[0]-'0');

	unsigned p = Args.CheckParm ("-warp");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - (1+(gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx ? 0 : 1)))
		int ep, map;

		if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx)
			ep = 1;
			map = atoi (Args.GetArg(p+1));
			ep = Args.GetArg(p+1)[0]-'0';
			map = Args.GetArg(p+2)[0]-'0';

		strncpy (startmap, CalcMapName (ep, map), 8);
		autostart = true;

	// [RH] Hack to handle +map
	p = Args.CheckParm ("+map");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
		strncpy (startmap, Args.GetArg (p+1), 8);
		((char *)Args.GetArg (p))[0] = '-';
		autostart = true;
	if (devparm)
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s", Strings[0].builtin);	// D_DEVSTR

	const char *v = Args.CheckValue ("-timer");
	if (v)
		double time = atof (v);
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Levels will end after %g minute%s.\n", time, time > 1 ? "s" : "");
		timelimit.Set ((float)time);

	const char *w = Args.CheckValue ("-avg");
	if (w)
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");
		timelimit.Set (20);

	// Check for -file in shareware
	if (modifiedgame && (gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
		I_FatalError ("You cannot -file with the shareware version. Register!");

	// [RH] Initialize items. Still only used for the give command. :-(
	InitItems ();

	// [RH] Lock any cvars that should be locked now that we're
	// about to begin the game.
	cvar_t::EnableNoSet ();

	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "========== Odamex Server Initialized ==========\n");

#ifdef UNIX
	if (Args.CheckParm("-background"))

	// Use wads mentioned on the commandline to start with
	std::vector<std::string> start_wads;

	std::string custwad;
	const char *iwadparm = Args.CheckValue ("-iwad");
	if (iwadparm)
		custwad = iwadparm;
		FixPathSeparator (custwad);

	DArgs files = Args.GatherFiles ("-file", ".wad", true);
	if (files.NumArgs() > 0)
		modifiedgame = true;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < files.NumArgs(); i++)
			start_wads.push_back(files.GetArg (i));


	// [RH] Now that all game subsystems have been initialized,
	// do all commands on the command line other than +set
	C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, false);

	strncpy(level.mapname, startmap, sizeof(level.mapname));

    gamestate = GS_STARTUP;

	G_ChangeMap ();

	D_DoomLoop (); // never returns
Exemple #8
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
    unsigned p;
    const char *iwad;
    extern std::string defdemoname;


    gamestate = GS_STARTUP;
    SetLanguageIDs ();
    M_FindResponseFile();		// [ML] 23/1/07 - Add Response file support back in

    if (lzo_init () != LZO_E_OK)	// [RH] Initialize the minilzo package.
        I_FatalError ("Could not initialize LZO routines");

    C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, true);	// [Nes] test for +logfile command

    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Heapsize: %u megabytes\n", got_heapsize);

    M_LoadDefaults ();					// load before initing other systems
    C_ExecCmdLineParams (true, false);	// [RH] do all +set commands on the command line

    iwad = Args.CheckValue("-iwad");
        iwad = "";


    wadhashes = W_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles);

    // [RH] Initialize localizable strings.
    GStrings.LoadStrings (W_GetNumForName ("LANGUAGE"), STRING_TABLE_SIZE, false);
    GStrings.Compact ();

    // [RH] Initialize configurable strings.
    //D_InitStrings ();
    D_DoDefDehackedPatch ();

    // [RH] Moved these up here so that we can do most of our
    //		startup output in a fullscreen console.

    HU_Init ();
    I_Init ();
    V_Init ();

    // Base systems have been inited; enable cvar callbacks
    cvar_t::EnableCallbacks ();

    // [RH] User-configurable startup strings. Because BOOM does.
    if (GStrings(STARTUP1)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP1));
    if (GStrings(STARTUP2)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP2));
    if (GStrings(STARTUP3)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP3));
    if (GStrings(STARTUP4)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP4));
    if (GStrings(STARTUP5)[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP5));

    // Nomonsters
    sv_nomonsters = Args.CheckParm("-nomonsters");

    // Respawn
    sv_monstersrespawn = Args.CheckParm("-respawn");

    // Fast
    sv_fastmonsters = Args.CheckParm("-fast");

    // developer mode
    devparm = Args.CheckParm ("-devparm");

    // Record a vanilla demo
    p = Args.CheckParm ("-record");
    if (p)
        autorecord = true;
        autostart = true;
        demorecordfile = Args.GetArg (p+1);

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    strcpy (startmap, (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) ? "MAP01" : "E1M1");

    // Check for -playdemo, play a single demo then quit.
    p = Args.CheckParm ("-playdemo");
    // Hack to check for +playdemo command, since if you just add it normally
    // it won't run because it's attempting to run a demo and still set up the
    // first map as normal.
    if (!p)
        p = Args.CheckParm ("+playdemo");
    if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
        Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Playdemo parameter found on command line.\n");
        singledemo = true;
        defdemoname = Args.GetArg (p+1);

    const char *val = Args.CheckValue ("-skill");
    if (val)
        sv_skill.Set (val[0]-'0');

    p = Args.CheckParm ("-warp");
    if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - (1+(gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx ? 0 : 1)))
        int ep, map;

        if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx)
            ep = 1;
            map = atoi (Args.GetArg(p+1));
            ep = Args.GetArg(p+1)[0]-'0';
            map = Args.GetArg(p+2)[0]-'0';

        strncpy (startmap, CalcMapName (ep, map), 8);
        autostart = true;

    // [RH] Hack to handle +map
    p = Args.CheckParm ("+map");
    if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
        strncpy (startmap, Args.GetArg (p+1), 8);
        ((char *)Args.GetArg (p))[0] = '-';
        autostart = true;
    if (devparm)
        Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s", GStrings(D_DEVSTR));        // D_DEVSTR

    // [RH] Now that all text strings are set up,
    // insert them into the level and cluster data.
    G_SetLevelStrings ();

    // [RH] Parse through all loaded mapinfo lumps
    G_ParseMapInfo ();

    // [ML] Parse musinfo lump
    G_ParseMusInfo ();

    // [RH] Parse any SNDINFO lumps

    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame && (gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
        I_Error ("You cannot -file with the shareware version. Register!");

#ifdef WIN32
    const char *sdlv = getenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER");
    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Using %s video driver.\n",sdlv);

    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
    M_Init ();

    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon.\n");
    R_Init ();

    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "P_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
    P_InitEffects();	// [ML] Do this here so we don't have to put particle crap in server
    P_Init ();

    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "S_Init: default sfx volume is %g\n", (float)snd_sfxvolume);
    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "S_Init: default music volume is %g\n", (float)snd_musicvolume);
    S_Init (snd_sfxvolume, snd_musicvolume);

    I_FinishClockCalibration ();

    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
    D_CheckNetGame ();

    Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
    ST_Init ();

    // [RH] Initialize items. Still only used for the give command. :-(
    InitItems ();

    // [RH] Lock any cvars that should be locked now that we're
    // about to begin the game.
    cvar_t::EnableNoSet ();

    // [RH] Now that all game subsystems have been initialized,
    // do all commands on the command line other than +set
    C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, false);

    Printf_Bold("\n\35\36\36\36\36 Odamex Client Initialized \36\36\36\36\37\n");
    if(gamestate != GS_CONNECTING)
        Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "Type connect <address> or use the Odamex Launcher to connect to a game.\n");
    Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "\n");

    setmodeneeded = false; // [Fly] we don't need to set a video mode here!
    //gamestate = GS_FULLCONSOLE;

    // [SL] allow the user to pass the name of a netdemo as the first argument.
    // This allows easy launching of netdemos from Windows Explorer or other GUIs.

    // [Xyltol]
    if (Args.GetArg(1))
        std::string demoarg = Args.GetArg(1);
        if (demoarg.find(".odd") != std::string::npos)

    p = Args.CheckParm("-netplay");
    if (p)
        if (Args.GetArg(p + 1))
            std::string filename = Args.GetArg(p + 1);
            Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "No netdemo filename specified.\n");

    // denis - bring back the demos
    if ( gameaction != ga_loadgame )
        if (autostart || netgame || singledemo)
            if (singledemo)
                    // single player warp (like in g_level)
                    serverside = true;
                    sv_allowexit = "1";
                    sv_freelook = "1";
                    sv_allowjump = "1";
                    sv_allowredscreen = "1";
                    sv_gametype = GM_COOP;

                    players.back().playerstate = PST_REBORN;
                    consoleplayer_id = displayplayer_id = players.back().id = 1;

                G_InitNew (startmap);
                if (autorecord)
                    if (G_RecordDemo(demorecordfile.c_str()))
            if (gamestate != GS_CONNECTING)
                gamestate = GS_HIDECONSOLE;


            D_StartTitle (); // start up intro loop

    // denis - this will run a demo and quit
    p = Args.CheckParm ("+demotest");
    if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
        demotest = 1;
        defdemoname = Args.GetArg (p+1);

            DObject::BeginFrame ();
            DObject::EndFrame ();
        demotest = 0;
        D_DoomLoop ();		// never returns
Exemple #9
// D_DoomMain
// [NightFang] - Cause I cant call ArgsSet from g_level.cpp
// [ML] 23/1/07 - Add Response file support back in
void D_DoomMain()
	unsigned int p;

	gamestate = GS_STARTUP;

	// init console so it can capture all of the startup messages


	// [RH] Initialize items. Still only used for the give command. :-(

	M_FindResponseFile();		// [ML] 23/1/07 - Add Response file support back in

	if (lzo_init () != LZO_E_OK)	// [RH] Initialize the minilzo package.
		I_FatalError("Could not initialize LZO routines");

    C_ExecCmdLineParams(false, true);	// [Nes] test for +logfile command

	// Always log by default
    if (!LOG.is_open())

	M_LoadDefaults();			// load before initing other systems
	C_ExecCmdLineParams(true, false);	// [RH] do all +set commands on the command line

	std::vector<std::string> newwadfiles, newpatchfiles;

	const char* iwad_filename_cstr = Args.CheckValue("-iwad");
	if (iwad_filename_cstr)
		std::string iwad_filename(iwad_filename_cstr);
		M_AppendExtension(iwad_filename, ".WAD");


	D_LoadResourceFiles(newwadfiles, newpatchfiles);

	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "I_Init: Init hardware.\n");

	// [SL] Call init routines that need to be reinitialized every time WAD changes

	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "SV_InitNetwork: Checking network game status.\n");

	// Base systems have been inited; enable cvar callbacks

	// [RH] User-configurable startup strings. Because BOOM does.
	if (GStrings(STARTUP1)[0])	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP1));
	if (GStrings(STARTUP2)[0])	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP2));
	if (GStrings(STARTUP3)[0])	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP3));
	if (GStrings(STARTUP4)[0])	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP4));
	if (GStrings(STARTUP5)[0])	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GStrings(STARTUP5));

	// developer mode
	devparm = Args.CheckParm("-devparm");

	if (devparm)
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s", GStrings(D_DEVSTR));        // D_DEVSTR

	// Nomonsters
	if (Args.CheckParm("-nomonsters"))
		sv_nomonsters = 1;

	// Respawn
	if (Args.CheckParm("-respawn"))
		sv_monstersrespawn = 1;

	// Fast
	if (Args.CheckParm("-fast"))
		sv_fastmonsters = 1;

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
	strcpy(startmap, (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) ? "MAP01" : "E1M1");

	const char* val = Args.CheckValue("-skill");
	if (val)
		sv_skill.Set(val[0] - '0');

	p = Args.CheckParm("-timer");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - 1)
		float time = atof(Args.GetArg(p + 1));
		Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "Levels will end after %g minute%s.\n", time, time > 1 ? "s" : "");

	if (Args.CheckValue("-avg"))
		Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");

	// [RH] Lock any cvars that should be locked now that we're
	// about to begin the game.

	// [RH] Now that all game subsystems have been initialized,
	// do all commands on the command line other than +set
	C_ExecCmdLineParams(false, false);

	// [AM] Initialize banlist

	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "========== Odamex Server Initialized ==========\n");

	#ifdef UNIX
	if (Args.CheckParm("-fork"))

	p = Args.CheckParm("-warp");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - (1+(gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx ? 0 : 1)))
		int ep, map;

		if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx)
			ep = 1;
			map = atoi(Args.GetArg(p+1));
			ep = Args.GetArg(p+1)[0]-'0';
			map = Args.GetArg(p+2)[0]-'0';

		strncpy(startmap, CalcMapName(ep, map), 8);
		autostart = true;

	// [RH] Hack to handle +map
	p = Args.CheckParm("+map");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - 1)
		strncpy(startmap, Args.GetArg(p + 1), 8);
		((char*)Args.GetArg(p))[0] = '-';
		autostart = true;

	strncpy(level.mapname, startmap, sizeof(level.mapname));


	D_DoomLoop();	// never returns