bool CMapLocation::Update() //returns actual

	if(	m_flags.test(eTTL) )
		if( m_actual_time < Device.dwTimeGlobal)
			m_cached.m_Actuality		= false;
			m_cached.m_updatedFrame		= Device.dwFrame;
			return						m_cached.m_Actuality;

	CObject* pObject					= Level().Objects.net_Find(m_objectID);
	if (m_owner_se_object || (!IsGameTypeSingle() && pObject) )
		m_cached.m_Actuality			= true;
			CalcLevelName				();

		CalcPosition					();
		m_cached.m_Actuality			= false;

	m_cached.m_updatedFrame				= Device.dwFrame;
	return								m_cached.m_Actuality;
Exemple #2
int CNvrFileReader::CalcPosition(j_uint64_t timeStamp, j_uint32_t interval)
	int nRet = J_OK;
	nRet = OpenFile();
	if (nRet != J_OK)
		return nRet;

	FrameMap::iterator it = m_iFrameMap.begin();
	if (it->second.timeStamp > ((timeStamp + interval) * 1000))
	    J_OS::LOGINFO("CFileReader::CalcPosition J_OUT_RANGE");
		return J_OUT_RANGE;

	for (; it != m_iFrameMap.end(); it++)
		if(it->second.timeStamp >= (timeStamp * 1000))
			if (it != m_iFrameMap.begin())
	if (it == m_iFrameMap.end())
		J_OS::LOGINFO("CFileReader::CalcPosition J_NO_RESOURCE");
		return CalcPosition(timeStamp, interval);

	fseek(m_pFileId, it->second.offset, SEEK_SET);
	m_nextTimeStamp = it->second.timeStamp;

	return J_OK;
	void TransformMath::CalcTransform(Trans& outputTrans, Node* node, Node* parent, TransformEnt& entity, int gridWidth, int gridHeight) {

		Trans& parentTrans = parent->GetTransform();

		// calculate scale
		ofVec2f scale = CalcScale(node, parent, entity.size.x, entity.size.y, entity.sType, gridWidth, gridHeight);
		// calculate position
		ofVec2f absPos = CalcPosition(node, parent, entity.pos, entity.pType, gridWidth, gridHeight);

		auto shape = node->GetMesh();

		// fix position according to the anchor
		absPos.x += (0.0f - entity.anchor.x) * shape->GetWidth()*scale.x;
		absPos.y += (0.0f - entity.anchor.y) * shape->GetHeight()*scale.y;

		int zIndex = entity.zIndex;
		// if zIndex is equal to 0, the value will be taken from the parent
		if (zIndex == 0) zIndex = (int)parentTrans.localPos.z;

		// set transformation
		outputTrans.localPos = ofVec3f(absPos.x, absPos.y, (float)zIndex);

		outputTrans.scale = ofVec3f(scale.x, scale.y, 1);
		outputTrans.rotationCentroid = ofVec2f(shape->GetWidth(), shape->GetHeight()) * entity.rotationCentroid * (scale); // multiply by abs scale
		outputTrans.rotation = entity.rotation;
Exemple #4
void CDayPlanSlider::OnMouseMove(LPARAM lParam)
	POINT p = { static_cast<short>(LOWORD(lParam)), static_cast<short>(HIWORD(lParam)) };
//    MapWindowPoints(m_hwnd, m_parent, &p, 1);
	RECT rp;
	GetClientRect(m_parentHwnd, &rp);
    int x = p.x;
    int offset = quickTabWidth + 2;
    if(x - offset > 70 && x + offset < rp.right)
		RECT r = { left, top, right, bottom };
        SetLocation(x - offset, 0);

		RECT rr = { m_pLeft->left, m_pLeft->top, m_pLeft->right, m_pLeft->bottom };
		r = rr;
        r.right = x - 3;
		rp.left += 70;
        m_pLeft->SetBounds(rp.left, 0, r.right - r.left, r.bottom);
        r.left = x + 3;
        m_pRight->SetBounds(r.left, 0, rp.right - r.left, r.bottom);

		InvalidateRect(m_parentHwnd, NULL, FALSE);
//		UpdateWindow(m_parent);
double IK::Update(double max_timestep, double min_timestep, double max_integ_error)
	double ret;
	double new_timestep = max_timestep;
	for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
		ret = solve_ik();
		IntegrateAdaptive(new_timestep, i, min_timestep, max_integ_error);
//	cerr << new_timestep << endl;
	return ret;
Exemple #6
CRect RichEditBkImg::GetRect()
    if (m_bDirty)
        CalcPosition(m_itemPos, m_nPosCount);
        m_bDirty= FALSE;
    return m_rcObj;
void MovementNode::Path(Situation *sit1, Situation *sit2,
		vector<direction>* ans) {

	coordMove box_move = CalcPosition(sit1, sit2);
	coord man_dest_coord = 2 * (box_move.begin) - box_move.end;

	/* display */
	//	cout << "sit1:" << sit1->toString() << endl;
	//	cout << "sit2:" << sit2->toString() << endl;
	//	cout << "man_dest_coord:" << man_dest_coord << endl;

	MovementNode *node1 = new MovementNode(sit1->man_y * sit1->WIDTH
			+ sit1->man_x, 0, 0);
	MovementNode *node2 = new MovementNode((int) man_dest_coord, 0, 0);
	deque<MovementNode*> path;
	Astar(node1, node2, sit1, &path);

	/* display path */
	//	cout << "*** path:" << endl;
	//	for (deque<MovementNode*>::iterator it = path.begin(); it < path.end(); ++it) {
	//		cout << " -> " << (*it)->toString() << endl;
	//	}

	 * compute the directions
	for (deque<MovementNode*>::iterator it = path.begin(); it < path.end(); ++it) {
		// determine the differences in x and y
		coord end_coordo = (*it)->coordo, begin_coordo = (*it)->father->coordo;
		direction curr_dir = convert_coord_diffs_to_direction(begin_coordo,
				end_coordo, sit1->WIDTH);
		// push the result

	/* add the direction between the final state and sit2 */
	direction last_dir = convert_coord_diffs_to_direction(box_move.begin,
			box_move.end, sit1->WIDTH);
	//	cout << "last_dir:" << (int) last_dir << endl;

	/* clean the useless nodes */
	set<MovementNode*> to_clean;
	to_clean.insert(openlist.begin(), openlist.end());
	to_clean.insert(closedlist.begin(), closedlist.end());
	//	cout << "to clean:" << endl;
	for (set<MovementNode*>::iterator it = to_clean.begin(); it
			!= to_clean.end(); ++it) {
		//		cout << " ->" << (*it)->toString() << endl;
		delete *it;
Exemple #8
// CalcNormal: calculate the world space normal of the vertex at (i,j)
void CTerrain::CalcNormal(ssize_t i, ssize_t j, CVector3D& normal) const
	CVector3D left, right, up, down;

	// Calculate normals of the four half-tile triangles surrounding this vertex:

	// get position of vertex where normal is being evaluated
	CVector3D basepos;
	CalcPosition(i, j, basepos);

	if (i > 0) {
		CalcPosition(i-1, j, left);
		left -= basepos;

	if (i < m_MapSize-1) {
		CalcPosition(i+1, j, right);
		right -= basepos;

	if (j > 0) {
		CalcPosition(i, j-1, up);
		up -= basepos;

	if (j < m_MapSize-1) {
		CalcPosition(i, j+1, down);
		down -= basepos;

	CVector3D n0 = up.Cross(left);
	CVector3D n1 = left.Cross(down);
	CVector3D n2 = down.Cross(right);
	CVector3D n3 = right.Cross(up);

	// Compute the mean of the normals
	normal = n0 + n1 + n2 + n3;
	float nlen=normal.Length();
	if (nlen>0.00001f) normal*=1.0f/nlen;
double IK::Update(double timestep)
	double ret;
	clock_t t1 = clock();
	clock_t t2 = clock();
	calc_jacobian_time += (double)(t2 - t1) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	ret = solve_ik();
	solve_ik_time += (double)(clock() - t2) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	return ret;
Exemple #10
void RichEditBkImg::DrawObject(IRenderTarget * pRT)
    if (m_bDirty)
        // 等所依赖的前一个/后一个兄弟节点先更新位置信息完毕
        CalcPosition(m_itemPos, m_nPosCount);

    CRect rcHost = m_pObjectHost->GetHostRect();
    CRect rcTemp = rcHost;
    if (rcHost.IntersectRect(m_rcObj,rcTemp))
        SSkinImgFrame * pSkin = ImageProvider::GetImage(m_strSource);
        if (pSkin)
            pSkin->Draw(pRT, m_rcObj, 0);
Exemple #11
int CNvrFileReader::SetTime(j_uint64_t s_time, j_uint64_t e_time)
	int nRet = J_OK;
	nRet = ListRecord(s_time, e_time);
	if (nRet != J_OK)
		return nRet;

	nRet = CalcPosition(s_time);
	if (nRet != J_OK)
		return nRet;
	m_bGoNext = true;
	m_nextTimeStamp = s_time * 1000;

	return J_OK;
static void
TSLookup(const int nUs, const int nThem,
         const int UNUSED(nTSP), const int UNUSED(nTSC),
         short int arEquity[4], const int n, const int fCubeful, FILE * pfTmp)

    int iPos = CalcPosition(nUs, nThem, n);
    unsigned char ac[8];
    int i;
    unsigned short int us;

    /* seek to position */

    if (fseek(pfTmp, iPos * (fCubeful ? 8 : 2), SEEK_SET) < 0) {
        perror("temp file");

    if (fread(ac, 1, 8, pfTmp) < 8) {
        if (errno)
            perror("temp file");
            fprintf(stderr, "error reading temp file\n");

    /* re-position at EOF */

    if (fseek(pfTmp, 0L, SEEK_END) < 0) {
        perror("temp file");

    for (i = 0; i < (fCubeful ? 4 : 1); ++i) {
        us = (unsigned short) (ac[2 * i] | ac[2 * i + 1] << 8);
        arEquity[i] = us - 0x8000;


static int
CalcPosition(const int i, const int j, const int n)

    int k;

    if (i + j < n)
        k = (i + j) * (i + j + 1) / 2 + j;
        k = n * n - CalcPosition(n - 1 - i, n - 1 - j, n - 1) - 1;

#if 0
    if (n == 6) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%2d ", k);
        if (j == n - 1)
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    return k;

static void
generate_ts(const int nTSP, const int nTSC,
            const int fHeader, const int fCubeful, const int nHashSize, bearoffcontext * pbc, FILE * output)

    int i, j, k;
    int iPos;
    int n;
    short int asiEquity[4];
    xhash h;
    FILE *pfTmp;
    unsigned char ac[8];
    char *tmpfile;
    int fTTY = isatty(STDERR_FILENO);

    pfTmp = GetTemporaryFile(NULL, &tmpfile);
    if (pfTmp == NULL)

    /* initialise xhash */

    if (XhashCreate(&h, nHashSize / (fCubeful ? 8 : 2))) {
        fprintf(stderr, _("Error creating xhash with %d elements\n"), nHashSize / (fCubeful ? 8 : 2));


    /* write header information */

    if (fHeader) {
        char sz[41];
        sprintf(sz, "gnubg-TS-%02d-%02d-%1dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n", nTSP, nTSC, fCubeful);
        fputs(sz, output);

    /* generate bearoff database */

    n = Combination(nTSP + nTSC, nTSC);
    iPos = 0;

    /* positions above diagonal */

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j <= i; j++, ++iPos) {

            BearOff2(i - j, j, nTSP, nTSC, asiEquity, n, fCubeful, &h, pbc, pfTmp);

            for (k = 0; k < (fCubeful ? 4 : 1); ++k)
                WriteEquity(pfTmp, asiEquity[k]);

            XhashAdd(&h, (i - j) * n + j, asiEquity, fCubeful ? 8 : 2);

        if (fTTY)
            fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d     \r", iPos, n * n);

    /* positions below diagonal */

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++, ++iPos) {

            BearOff2(i + n - j, j, nTSP, nTSC, asiEquity, n, fCubeful, &h, pbc, pfTmp);

            for (k = 0; k < (fCubeful ? 4 : 1); ++k)
                WriteEquity(pfTmp, asiEquity[k]);

            XhashAdd(&h, (i + n - j) * n + j, asiEquity, fCubeful ? 8 : 2);

        if (fTTY)
            fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d     \r", iPos, n * n);

    putc('\n', stderr);


    /* sort file from ordering:
     * 136       123
     * 258  to   456 
     * 479       789 

    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            unsigned int count = fCubeful ? 8 : 2;

            k = CalcPosition(i, j, n);

            fseek(pfTmp, count * k, SEEK_SET);
            if (fread(ac, 1, count, pfTmp) != count || fwrite(ac, 1, count, output) != count) {
                fprintf(stderr, "failed to read from or write to database file\n");



