void ASpaceRocksPawn::SideThrust(float val)
	// ** Player is Firing the Side Thrusters **
	// ** The orientation/rotation of the Root component is always fixed. **
	// ** So, speed up/slow down on each axis is based on the direction vector of where the player's craft mesh is pointing **

	float x_factor = 0.f;
	float y_factor = 0.f;
	float z_factor = 0.f;

	FVector Up = PlaneMesh->GetRightVector();

	// ** Let's First calculate forward speed (aka X axis speed) **

	x_factor = Up.X;
	CurrentXAxisSpeed = CalcThrust(val, x_factor, CurrentXAxisSpeed);

	// ** Now for Y axis

	y_factor = Up.Y;
	CurrentYAxisSpeed = CalcThrust(val, y_factor, CurrentYAxisSpeed);

	// ** Now for Z axis speed **

	z_factor = Up.Z;
	CurrentZAxisSpeed = CalcThrust(val, z_factor, CurrentZAxisSpeed);
Exemple #2
//typedef enum { Up, UpRight, Right, DownRight, Down, DownLeft, Left, UpLeft, None } Direction;
void Ship::PlayerUpdate()
  // Be clever and arrange the enums so you can do a bit mask?
  if ( DPad == UpLeft || DPad == Left || DPad == DownLeft )
    ShipRotation -= RotationRate * DeltaTime;
    ( ShipRotation > 360 ) ? ShipRotation -= 360 : ( ( ShipRotation < 0 ) ? ShipRotation += 360 : ShipRotation );
  else if (DPad == UpRight || DPad == Right || DPad == DownRight )
    ShipRotation += RotationRate * DeltaTime;
    ( ShipRotation > 360 ) ? ShipRotation -= 360 : ( ( ShipRotation < 0 ) ? ShipRotation += 360 : ShipRotation );

  int rotation = ShipRotation / 45;
  ShipFacing = static_cast<Direction>( rotation );
  // 28,200 -> 28,138
  PlayerShip->BitMap = PlayerBitMaps[ShipFacing];
  // Friction
  if (! ( DPad == Up || DPad == UpRight || DPad == UpLeft ) )
    Vector2d friction = *Velocity;
    friction = friction * -1.0f * ShipFriction * DeltaTime;
    *Velocity += friction;

  Vector2d thrust = Vector2d( 0, 0 );
  if ( DPad == Up || DPad == UpRight || DPad == UpLeft )
    thrust = CalcThrust( ShipFacing );
  else if ( DPad == Down || DPad == DownRight || DPad == DownLeft )
    thrust = CalcThrust( ShipFacing ) * -0.4f;
  UpdateMovement( thrust );

    TimeUntilNextRepair -= DeltaTime;
    if ( TimeUntilNextRepair <= 0 )
      TimeUntilNextRepair = RepairTime;// + ( RepairTime * 10 - RepairTime * 10 * Crew / Max_Crew );
void ASpaceRocksPawn::BottomThrust(float val)

	// ** Player is Firing the Bottom/Top Thrusters **
	// ** The orientation/rotation of the Root component is always fixed. **
	// ** So, speed up/slow down on each axis is based on the direction vector of where the player's craft mesh is pointing **

	float x_factor = 0.f;
	float y_factor = 0.f;
	float z_factor = 0.f;

	FVector Up = PlaneMesh->GetUpVector();

	//float x = Up.X;
	//float y = Up.Y;
	//float z = Up.Z;
	//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::White, FString::Printf(TEXT("Pitch = %f, Roll = %f, Yaw = %f"), craftorientation.getPitchDegs(), craftorientation.getRollDegs(), craftorientation.getYawDegs()));
	//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Green, FString::Printf(TEXT("Pitch = %f, Roll = %f, Yaw = %f"), craftorientation.getPitchFactor(0), craftorientation.getRollFactor(0), craftorientation.getYawFactor(0)));

	// ** Let's First calculate forward speed (aka X axis speed) **

	x_factor = Up.X;
	//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("vX = %f, vY = %f, vZ = %f"), x,y,z));
	//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, FString::Printf(TEXT("X factor = %f"), x_factor));
	CurrentXAxisSpeed = CalcThrust(val, x_factor, CurrentXAxisSpeed);

	// ** Now for Y axis

	y_factor = Up.Y;
	//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, FString::Printf(TEXT("Y factor = %f"), y_factor));
	CurrentYAxisSpeed = CalcThrust(val, y_factor, CurrentYAxisSpeed);

	// ** Now for Z axis speed **

	z_factor = Up.Z;
	//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, FString::Printf(TEXT("Z factor = %f"), z_factor));
	CurrentZAxisSpeed = CalcThrust(val, z_factor, CurrentZAxisSpeed);
