Exemple #1
char *GetBlock(struct marking *block, struct InstData *data)
  LONG    startx, stopx;
  struct  line_node *startline, *stopline, *act;
  char    *text = NULL;
  struct  ExportMessage emsg;


  startx    = block->startx;
  stopx     = block->stopx;
  startline = block->startline;
  stopline  = block->stopline;

  data->CPos_X = startx;
  data->actualline = startline;

  // clear the export message
  memset(&emsg, 0, sizeof(struct ExportMessage));

  // fill it afterwards
  emsg.UserData = NULL;
  emsg.ExportWrap = 0;
  emsg.Last = FALSE;
  emsg.data = data;

  if(startline != stopline)
    /* Create a firstline look-a-like */
    emsg.Contents = (STRPTR)MyAllocPooled(data->mypool, startline->line.Length-startx);
    if(startline->line.Styles && *startline->line.Styles != EOS)
        ULONG startstyle = GetStyle(startx, startline);

      if((emsg.Styles = (UWORD *)MyAllocPooled(data->mypool, *((ULONG *)startline->line.Styles-1)+16)))
          UWORD *styles = emsg.Styles,
              *oldstyles = startline->line.Styles;

        if(startstyle & BOLD)
          *styles++ = 1;  *styles++ = BOLD;
        if(startstyle & ITALIC)
          *styles++ = 1;  *styles++ = ITALIC;
        if(startstyle & UNDERLINE)
          *styles++ = 1;  *styles++ = UNDERLINE;

        while(*oldstyles <= startx)
          oldstyles += 2;

        while(*oldstyles != EOS)
          *styles++ = *oldstyles++ - startx;  *styles++ = *oldstyles++;
        *styles = EOS;
      emsg.Styles = NULL;

    emsg.Colors = NULL;
      memcpy(emsg.Contents, startline->line.Contents + startx, startline->line.Length - startx);
      emsg.Length = startline->line.Length - startx;
      emsg.Flow = startline->line.Flow;
      emsg.Separator = startline->line.Separator;
      emsg.Highlight = startline->line.Color;
      emsg.UserData = (APTR)CallHookA(&ExportHookPlain, NULL, &emsg);
      MyFreePooled(data->mypool, emsg.Contents);

      MyFreePooled(data->mypool, emsg.Styles);

    /* Start iterating... */
    act = startline->next;
    while(act != stopline)
      emsg.Contents = act->line.Contents;
      emsg.Length   = act->line.Length;
      emsg.Styles   = act->line.Styles;
      emsg.Colors   = act->line.Colors;
      emsg.Flow   = act->line.Flow;
      emsg.Separator = act->line.Separator;
      emsg.Highlight = act->line.Color;
      emsg.UserData = (APTR)CallHookA(&ExportHookPlain, (APTR)NULL, &emsg);
      act = act->next;

    /* Create a Lastline look-a-like */
    emsg.Contents = (STRPTR)MyAllocPooled(data->mypool, stopx);
    if(stopline->line.Styles && *stopline->line.Styles != EOS)
        ULONG stopstyle = GetStyle(stopx, stopline);

      if((emsg.Styles = (UWORD *)MyAllocPooled(data->mypool, *((ULONG *)stopline->line.Styles-1)+16)))
          UWORD *styles = emsg.Styles,
              *oldstyles = stopline->line.Styles;

        while(*oldstyles <= stopx)
          *styles++ = *oldstyles++; *styles++ = *oldstyles++;

        if(stopstyle & BOLD)
          *styles++ = stopx+1;  *styles++ = ~BOLD;
        if(stopstyle & ITALIC)
          *styles++ = stopx+1;  *styles++ = ~ITALIC;
        if(stopstyle & UNDERLINE)
          *styles++ = stopx+1;  *styles++ = ~UNDERLINE;
        *styles = EOS;
      emsg.Styles = NULL;

    emsg.Colors = NULL;
      memcpy(emsg.Contents, stopline->line.Contents, stopx);
      emsg.Length = stopx;
      emsg.Flow = stopline->line.Flow;
      emsg.Separator = stopline->line.Separator;
      emsg.Highlight = stopline->line.Color;
      emsg.Last = TRUE;
      text = (STRPTR)CallHookA(&ExportHookPlain, NULL, &emsg);
      MyFreePooled(data->mypool, emsg.Contents);

      MyFreePooled(data->mypool, emsg.Styles);
    /* Create a single line */
    emsg.Contents = (STRPTR)MyAllocPooled(data->mypool, stopx-startx);
    if(startline->line.Styles && *startline->line.Styles != EOS)
        ULONG startstyle = GetStyle(startx, startline);
        ULONG stopstyle = GetStyle(stopx, stopline);

      if((emsg.Styles = (UWORD *)MyAllocPooled(data->mypool, *((ULONG *)startline->line.Styles-1))))
          UWORD *styles = emsg.Styles,
              *oldstyles = startline->line.Styles;

        if(startstyle & BOLD)
          *styles++ = 1;  *styles++ = BOLD;
        if(startstyle & ITALIC)
          *styles++ = 1;  *styles++ = ITALIC;
        if(startstyle & UNDERLINE)
          *styles++ = 1;  *styles++ = UNDERLINE;

        while(*oldstyles <= startx)
          oldstyles += 2;

        while(*oldstyles <= stopx)
          *styles++ = *oldstyles++ - startx;
          *styles++ = *oldstyles++;

        if(stopstyle & BOLD)
          *styles++ = stopx-startx+1; *styles++ = ~BOLD;
        if(stopstyle & ITALIC)
          *styles++ = stopx-startx+1; *styles++ = ~ITALIC;
        if(stopstyle & UNDERLINE)
          *styles++ = stopx-startx+1; *styles++ = ~UNDERLINE;
        *styles = EOS;
      emsg.Styles = NULL;

    emsg.Colors = NULL;
      memcpy(emsg.Contents, startline->line.Contents+startx, stopx-startx);
      emsg.Length = stopx-startx;
      emsg.Flow = startline->line.Flow;
      emsg.Separator = startline->line.Separator;
      emsg.Highlight = startline->line.Color;
      emsg.Last = TRUE;
      text = (STRPTR)CallHookA(&ExportHookPlain, NULL, &emsg);
      MyFreePooled(data->mypool, emsg.Contents);

      MyFreePooled(data->mypool, emsg.Styles);

static void
Slave( struct ExecBase* SysBase )
  struct AHIAudioCtrlDrv* AudioCtrl;
  struct DriverBase*      AHIsubBase;
  struct AROSBase*        AROSBase;
  BOOL                    running;
  ULONG                   signals;

  int bytes_in_buffer  = 0;
  int offset_in_buffer = 0;

  AudioCtrl  = (struct AHIAudioCtrlDrv*) FindTask( NULL )->tc_UserData;
  AHIsubBase = (struct DriverBase*) dd->ahisubbase;
  AROSBase   = (struct AROSBase*) AHIsubBase;

  dd->slavesignal = AllocSignal( -1 );

  if( dd->slavesignal != -1 )
    // Everything set up. Tell Master we're alive and healthy.

    Signal( (struct Task*) dd->mastertask,
            1L << dd->mastersignal );

    running = TRUE;

    // The main playback loop follow

    while( running )
      signals = SetSignal(0L,0L);

//    KPrintF("++++ arosdriver_after signal checking\n");
      if( signals & ( SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | (1L << dd->slavesignal) ) )
        running = FALSE;
	int skip_mix;
	int bytes_avail;
	// First Delay() until there is at least one fragment free

	while( TRUE )
	  int frag_avail, frag_alloc, frag_size;
	  OSS_GetOutputInfo( &frag_avail, &frag_alloc, &frag_size,
			     &bytes_avail );
//	  KPrintF( "%ld fragments available, %ld alloced (%ld bytes each). %ld bytes total\n", frag_avail, frag_alloc, frag_size, bytes_avail );
	  if( frag_avail == 0 )
	    // This is actually quite a bit too long delay :-( For
	    // comparison, the SB Live/Audigy driver uses 1/1000 s
	    // polling ...
//	    KPrintF("Delay\n");
    	  #if USE_TIMERTICK
	    Delay( 1 );

	skip_mix = 0;/*CallHookA( AudioCtrl->ahiac_PreTimerFunc,
		       (Object*) AudioCtrl, 0 );*/

	while( bytes_avail > 0 )
//	  KPrintF( "%ld bytes in current buffer.\n", bytes_in_buffer );
	  if( bytes_in_buffer == 0 )
	    int skip     = 0;
	    int offset   = 0;

	    int samples  = 0;
	    int bytes    = 0;
	    int i;
	    WORD* src;
	    WORD* dst;

	    CallHookPkt( AudioCtrl->ahiac_PlayerFunc, AudioCtrl, NULL );

	    samples = AudioCtrl->ahiac_BuffSamples;
	    bytes   = samples * 2; // one 16 bit sample is 2 bytes

	    switch( AudioCtrl->ahiac_BuffType )
	      case AHIST_M16S:
		skip = 1;
		offset = 0;
	      case AHIST_M32S:
		skip = 2;
		offset = 1;

	      case AHIST_S16S:
		skip = 1;
		offset = 0;
		samples *= 2;
		bytes *= 2;

	      case AHIST_S32S:
		skip = 2;
		offset = 1;
		samples *= 2;
		bytes *= 2;

	    bytes_in_buffer  = bytes;
	    offset_in_buffer = 0;

	    if( ! skip_mix )
	      CallHookPkt( AudioCtrl->ahiac_MixerFunc, AudioCtrl,
			   dd->mixbuffer );

	    src = ((WORD*) dd->mixbuffer) + offset;
	    dst = dd->mixbuffer;

	    for( i = 0; i < samples; ++i )
	      *dst++ = *src;
	      src += skip;

//	    KPrintF( "Mixed %ld/%ld new bytes/samples\n", bytes, samples );

	  while( bytes_in_buffer > 0 &&
		 bytes_avail > 0 )
	    int written;
    	    int counter = 0;
	    	written = OSS_Write( dd->mixbuffer + offset_in_buffer,
				    min( bytes_in_buffer, bytes_avail ) );
	    	if (counter > 10)
		    if (written < 0) written = 0;
		if (written < 0) KPrintF("OSS_Write returned %ld. counter %ld  bytes_in_buffer %ld  bytes_avail %ld\n",
		    	    	written, counter, bytes_in_buffer, bytes_avail);
    	    } while (written < 0);
	    bytes_in_buffer  -= written;
	    offset_in_buffer += written;
	    bytes_avail      -= written;
//	    KPrintF( "Wrote %ld bytes (%ld bytes in buffer, offset=%ld, %ld bytes available in OSS buffers\n",
//		     written, bytes_in_buffer, offset_in_buffer, bytes_avail );

	CallHookA( AudioCtrl->ahiac_PostTimerFunc, (Object*) AudioCtrl, 0 );

  FreeSignal( dd->slavesignal );
  dd->slavesignal = -1;


  // Tell the Master we're dying

  Signal( (struct Task*) dd->mastertask,
          1L << dd->mastersignal );

  dd->slavetask = NULL;

  // Multitaking will resume when we are dead.
Exemple #3
	BOOL ReadStruct (

	struct Hook * hook,
	APTR	    * dataptr,
	void	    * stream,
	const IPTR  * sd)

	Reads one big endian structure from a streamhook.

	hook - Streamhook
	dataptr - Put the data here
	stream - Read from this stream
	sd - Description of the structure to be read. The first element
		is the size of the structure.

	The function returns TRUE on success. On success, the value
	read is written into dataptr. On failure, FALSE is returned and the
	contents of dataptr are not changed.

	This function reads big endian values from a streamhook even on
	little endian machines.

	See below.


	ReadByte(), ReadWord(), ReadLong(), ReadFloat(), ReadDouble(),
	ReadString(), ReadStruct(), WriteByte(), WriteWord(), WriteLong(),
	WriteFloat(), WriteDouble(), WriteString(), WriteStruct()


    struct MinList     _list;
    struct ReadLevel * curr;

#   define list     ((struct List *)&_list)


    if (!(curr = AllocMem (sizeof (struct ReadLevel), MEMF_ANY)) )
	return FALSE;

    AddTail (list, (struct Node *)curr);

    curr->sd  = sd;
    curr->pos = 0;
    curr->s   = NULL;

#   define DESC     curr->sd[curr->pos]
#   define IDESC    curr->sd[curr->pos ++]

    for (;;)
	if (!curr->pos)
	    if (!(curr->s = AllocMem (IDESC, MEMF_CLEAR)) )
		goto error;

	if (DESC == SDT_END)

	switch (IDESC)
	case SDT_UBYTE:      /* Read one  8bit byte */
	    if (!ReadByte (hook, (UBYTE *)(curr->s + IDESC), stream))
		goto error;


	case SDT_UWORD:      /* Read one 16bit word */
	    if (!ReadWord (hook, (UWORD *)(curr->s + IDESC), stream))
		goto error;


	case SDT_ULONG:      /* Read one 32bit long */
	    if (!ReadLong (hook, (ULONG *)(curr->s + IDESC), stream))
		goto error;


	case SDT_FLOAT:      /* Read one 32bit IEEE */
	    if (!ReadFloat (hook, (FLOAT *)(curr->s + IDESC), stream))
		goto error;


	case SDT_DOUBLE:     /* Read one 64bit IEEE */
	    if (!ReadDouble (hook, (DOUBLE *)(curr->s + IDESC), stream))
		goto error;


	case SDT_STRING: {   /* Read a string */
	    UBYTE    valid_ptr;
	    STRPTR * sptr;

	    sptr = (STRPTR *)(curr->s + IDESC);

	    if (!ReadByte (hook, &valid_ptr, stream))
		goto error;

	    if (valid_ptr)
		if (!ReadString (hook, sptr, stream))
		    goto error;
		*sptr = NULL;

	    break; }

	case SDT_STRUCT: {    /* Read a structure */
	    struct ReadLevel * next;
	    IPTR * desc;
	    APTR   aptr;

	    aptr = (APTR)(curr->s + IDESC);
	    desc = (IPTR *)IDESC;

	    curr->pos -= 3; /* Go back to type */

	    if (!(next = AllocMem (sizeof (struct ReadLevel), MEMF_ANY)) )
		goto error;

	    AddTail (list, (struct Node *)next);
	    next->sd  = desc;
	    next->pos = 1;
	    next->s   = aptr;

	    curr = next;

	    break; }

	case SDT_PTR: {    /* Follow a pointer */
	    struct ReadLevel * next;

	    UBYTE  valid_ptr;
	    IPTR * desc;
	    APTR * aptr;

	    aptr = ((APTR *)(curr->s + IDESC));
	    desc = (IPTR *)IDESC;

	    if (!ReadByte (hook, &valid_ptr, stream))
		goto error;

	    if (valid_ptr)
		curr->pos -= 3;

		if (!(next = AllocMem (sizeof (struct ReadLevel), MEMF_ANY)) )
		    goto error;

		AddTail (list, (struct Node *)next);
		next->sd  = desc;
		next->pos = 0;

		curr = next;
		*aptr = NULL;

	    break; }

	case SDT_IGNORE: {   /* Ignore x bytes */
        struct BEIOM_Ignore ig = {BEIO_IGNORE, IDESC};
	    if (CallHookA (hook, stream, &ig) == EOF)
		goto error;

	    break; }

	case SDT_FILL_BYTE: { /* Fill x bytes */
	    IPTR  offset;
	    UBYTE value;
	    IPTR  count;

	    offset = IDESC;
	    value  = IDESC;
	    count  = IDESC;

	    memset (curr->s + offset, value, count);

	    break; }

	case SDT_FILL_LONG: { /* Fill x longs */
	    ULONG * ulptr;
	    ULONG   value;
	    IPTR    count;

	    ulptr = (ULONG *)(curr->s + IDESC);
	    value = IDESC;
	    count = IDESC;

	    while (count --)
		*ulptr ++ = value;

	    break; }

	case SDT_IFILL_BYTE: { /* Fill x bytes */
	    IPTR  offset;
	    UBYTE value;
	    IPTR  count;

	    offset = IDESC;
	    value  = IDESC;
	    count  = IDESC;

        struct BEIOM_Ignore ig = {BEIO_IGNORE, count};

	    if (CallHookA (hook, stream, &ig) == EOF)
		goto error;

	    memset (curr->s + offset, value, count);

	    break; }

	case SDT_IFILL_LONG: { /* Fill x longs */
	    ULONG * ulptr;
	    ULONG   value;
	    IPTR    count;

	    ulptr = (ULONG *)(curr->s + IDESC);
	    value = IDESC;
	    count = IDESC;

        struct BEIOM_Ignore ig = {BEIO_IGNORE, count << 2};

	    if (CallHookA (hook, stream, &ig) == EOF)
		goto error;

	    while (count --)
		*ulptr ++ = value;

	    break; }

	case SDT_SPECIAL: {   /* Call user hook */
	    struct Hook * uhook;
	    struct SDData data;

	    data.sdd_Dest   = ((APTR)(curr->s + IDESC));
	    data.sdd_Mode   = SDV_SPECIALMODE_READ;
	    data.sdd_Stream = stream;

	    uhook = (struct Hook *)IDESC;

	    if (!CallHookA (uhook, hook, &data))
	    	goto error;

	    break; }

	    goto error;

	} /* switch */

	/* End of the description list ? */
	if (DESC == SDT_END)
	    struct ReadLevel * last;

	    /* Remove the current level */
	    last = curr;
	    Remove ((struct Node *)last);

	    /* Get the last level */
	    if ((curr = (struct ReadLevel *)GetTail (list)))
		switch (IDESC)
		case SDT_STRUCT:
		    curr->pos += 2; /* Skip 2 parameters */

		case SDT_PTR: {
		    APTR * aptr;

		    aptr  = ((APTR *)(curr->s + IDESC));
		    curr->pos ++; /* Skip description parameter */

			Now put the result of the current level in the
			struct of the previous level.
		    *aptr = last->s;

		    break; }


		FreeMem (last, sizeof (struct ReadLevel));
		curr = last;
    } /* while */

    *dataptr = curr->s;

    FreeMem (curr, sizeof (struct ReadLevel));

    return TRUE;

    curr = (struct ReadLevel *)GetHead (list);

    if (curr && curr->s)
	FreeStruct (curr->s, curr->sd);

    while ((curr = (struct ReadLevel *)RemTail (list)))
	FreeMem (curr, sizeof (struct ReadLevel));

    return FALSE;
} /* ReadStruct */