Exemple #1
void MyServer::Advise()
    if (CanAdvise())
        wxString s = wxDateTime::Now().Format();
        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_sAdvise, (wxChar *)s.c_str());
        s = wxDateTime::Now().FormatTime() + _T(" ") + wxDateTime::Now().FormatDate();
        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_sAdvise, (wxChar *)s.c_str(), (s.Length() + 1) * sizeof(wxChar));

        wxLogMessage(_T("DDE Advise type argument cannot be wxIPC_PRIVATE. The client will receive it as wxIPC_TEXT, and receive the correct no of bytes, but not print a correct log entry."));
        char bytes[3];
        bytes[0] = '1'; bytes[1] = '2'; bytes[2] = '3';
        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_sAdvise, (wxChar *)bytes, 3, wxIPC_PRIVATE);
        // this works, but the log treats it as a string now
//        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_sAdvise, (wxChar *)bytes, 3, wxIPC_TEXT );
Exemple #2
void MyServer::Advise()
    if ( CanAdvise() )
        const wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::Now();

        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_advise, now.Format());

        const wxString s = now.FormatTime() + " " + now.FormatDate();
        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_advise, s.mb_str(), wxNO_LEN);

        wxLogMessage("DDE Advise type argument cannot be wxIPC_PRIVATE. "
                     "The client will receive it as wxIPC_TEXT, "
                     " and receive the correct no of bytes, "
                     "but not print a correct log entry.");
        char bytes[3] = { '1', '2', '3' };
        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_advise, bytes, 3, wxIPC_PRIVATE);
Exemple #3
void MyServer::Advise()
    if ( CanAdvise() )
        const wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::Now();

        wxString str = wxString::FromUTF8("\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82");
        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_advise, str + " (using UTF-8)");

        str += " (using wchar_t)";
                             str.wc_str(), (str.length() + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t),

        // This one uses wxIPC_TEXT by default.
        const wxString s = now.FormatTime() + " " + now.FormatDate();
        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_advise, s.mb_str(), wxNO_LEN);

        char bytes[3] = { '1', '2', '3' };
        m_connection->Advise(m_connection->m_advise, bytes, 3, wxIPC_PRIVATE);
BOOL CDDEServer::DoCallback(WORD wType,
                            WORD wFmt,
                            HCONV hConv,
                            HSZ hszTopic,
                            HSZ hszItem,
                            HDDEDATA hData,
                            HDDEDATA *phReturnData)
    // See if we know the topic

    CString strTopic = StringFromHsz(hszTopic);

    // See if this is an execute request

    if (wType == XTYP_EXECUTE) {

        // Call the exec function to process it

        DWORD dwLength = 0;
        void* pData = ::DdeAccessData(hData, &dwLength);
        BOOL b = Exec(strTopic, pData, dwLength);
        if (b) {

            *phReturnData = (HDDEDATA) DDE_FACK;
            return TRUE; // MH - Say we processed it


        // Either no handler or it didn't get handled by the function

        Status(_T("Exec failed"));
        *phReturnData = (HDDEDATA) DDE_FNOTPROCESSED;
        return FALSE;

    // See if this is a connect request. Accept it if it is.

    if (wType == XTYP_CONNECT) {

        if (!FindTopic(strTopic)) return FALSE; // unknown topic
        *phReturnData = (HDDEDATA) TRUE;
        return TRUE;

    // For any other transaction we need to be sure this is an
    // item we support and in some cases, that the format requested
    // is supported for that item.

    CString strItem = StringFromHsz(hszItem);

    // Now just do whatever is required for each specific transaction

    BOOL b = FALSE;
    DWORD dwLength = 0;
    void* pData = NULL;

    switch (wType) {

        // Confirm that the supported topic/item pair is OK and
        // that the format is supported

        if (!CanAdvise(wFmt, strTopic, strItem)) {

            Status(_T("Can't advise on %s|%s"), (const TCHAR*)strTopic, (const TCHAR*)strItem);
            return FALSE;

        // Start an advise request.  Topic/item and format are ok.

        *phReturnData = (HDDEDATA) TRUE;

    case XTYP_POKE:

        // Some data for one of our items. 

        pData = ::DdeAccessData(hData, &dwLength);
        b = Poke(wFmt, strTopic, strItem, pData, dwLength);

        if (!b) {

            // Nobody took the data.
            // Maybe its not a supported item or format

            Status(_T("Poke %s|%s failed"), (const TCHAR*)strTopic, (const TCHAR*)strItem); 
            return FALSE;


        // Data at the server has changed.  See if we
        // did this ourself (from a poke) or if it's from
        // someone else.  If it came from elsewhere then post
        // an advise notice of the change.

        CONVINFO ci;
        ci.cb = sizeof(CONVINFO);
        if (::DdeQueryConvInfo(hConv, (DWORD)QID_SYNC, &ci)) {

            if (! (ci.wStatus & ST_ISSELF)) {

                // It didn't come from us


        *phReturnData = (HDDEDATA) DDE_FACK; // say we took it

    case XTYP_ADVDATA:

        // A server topic/item has changed value

        pData = ::DdeAccessData(hData, &dwLength);
        b = AdviseData(wFmt, hConv, strTopic, strItem, pData, dwLength);

        if (!b) {

            // Nobody took the data.
            // Maybe its not of interrest

            Status(_T("AdviseData %s|%s failed"), (const TCHAR*)strTopic, (const TCHAR*)strItem); 
            *phReturnData = (HDDEDATA) DDE_FNOTPROCESSED;

        } else {

            *phReturnData = (HDDEDATA) DDE_FACK; // say we took it

    case XTYP_ADVREQ:
    case XTYP_REQUEST:

        // Attempt to start an advise or get the data on a topic/item
        // See if we have a request function for this item or
        // a generic one for the topic
        { // scope for locals.

        CDDEAllocator allocr(m_dwDDEInstance, hszItem, wFmt, phReturnData);
        Status(_T("Request %s|%s"), (const TCHAR*)strTopic, (const TCHAR*)strItem); 
        dwLength = 0;
        if (!Request(wFmt, strTopic, strItem, allocr)) {
            // Nobody accepted the request
            // Maybe unsupported topic/item or bad format

            Status(_T("Request %s|%s failed"), (LPCTSTR)strTopic, (LPCTSTR)strItem); 
            *phReturnData = NULL;
            return FALSE;


        } // end locals scope
        // Data already setup via 'allocr' param, so we are done.


    // Say we processed the transaction in some way

    return TRUE;
