Exemple #1
BOOLEAN AddCharacterToSquad( SOLDIERTYPE *pCharacter, INT8 bSquadValue )
	INT8 bCounter =0;
	INT16 sX, sY;
	INT8	bZ;
//	BOOLEAN fBetweenSectors = FALSE;
	GROUP	*pGroup;
	BOOLEAN fNewSquad;

	// add character to squad...return success or failure
	// run through list of people in squad, find first free slo

	if( fExitingVehicleToSquad )
		return( FALSE );

	// ATE: If any vehicle exists in this squad AND we're not set to 
	// a driver or or passenger, when return false
	if ( DoesVehicleExistInSquad( bSquadValue ) )
		// We're not allowing anybody to go on a vehicle if they are not passengers!
		// NB: We obviously need to make sure that REAL passengers have their
		// flags set before adding them to a squad!
		if ( !( pCharacter->uiStatusFlags & ( SOLDIER_PASSENGER | SOLDIER_DRIVER | SOLDIER_VEHICLE ) ) )
			return( FALSE );

	// if squad is on the move, can't add someone
	if( IsThisSquadOnTheMove( bSquadValue ) == TRUE )
		// nope, go away now
		return( FALSE );

	for( bCounter =0; bCounter < NUMBER_OF_SOLDIERS_PER_SQUAD; bCounter++ )
		// check if on current squad and current slot?
		if( Squad[ bSquadValue ][ bCounter ] == pCharacter )
			// 'successful of sorts, if there, then he's 'added'
			return ( TRUE );

		// free slot, add here
		if( Squad[ bSquadValue ][ bCounter ] == NULL )
			// check if squad empty, if not check sector x,y,z are the same as this guys
			if( SquadIsEmpty( bSquadValue ) == FALSE )
				GetLocationOfSquad( &sX, &sY, &bZ, bSquadValue );

				// if not same, return false
				if( ( pCharacter->sSectorX != sX ) || ( pCharacter -> sSectorY != sY ) ||( pCharacter->bSectorZ != bZ) )
					return ( FALSE );
				// remove them
				RemoveCharacterFromSquads( pCharacter );

//				fBetweenSectors =  Squad[ bSquadValue ][ 0 ]->fBetweenSectors;
				// remove them
				RemoveCharacterFromSquads( pCharacter );

			if( fBetweenSectors == TRUE )
				pCharacter->fBetweenSectors = TRUE;

			// copy path of squad to this char
			CopyPathOfSquadToCharacter( pCharacter, bSquadValue );

			// check if old mvt group
			if( pCharacter -> ubGroupID != 0 )
				// in valid group, remove from that group
				RemovePlayerFromGroup(  pCharacter -> ubGroupID , pCharacter );

				// character not on a reserved group
				if( ( pCharacter->bAssignment >= ON_DUTY ) && ( pCharacter->bAssignment != VEHICLE ) )
					// get the group from the character
					pGroup = GetGroup( pCharacter -> ubGroupID );
					// if valid group, delete it
					if( pGroup )
						RemoveGroupFromList( pGroup );


			if( ( pCharacter->bAssignment == VEHICLE ) && ( pCharacter->iVehicleId == iHelicopterVehicleId ) && ( pCharacter-> iVehicleId != -1 ) )
				// if creating a new squad from guys exiting the chopper			
				fNewSquad = SquadIsEmpty( bSquadValue );

				RemoveSoldierFromHelicopter( pCharacter );

				AddPlayerToGroup( SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ], pCharacter  );
				SetGroupSectorValue( pCharacter->sSectorX, pCharacter->sSectorY, pCharacter->bSectorZ, SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ] );
				pCharacter -> ubGroupID = SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ];

				// if we've just started a new squad
				if ( fNewSquad )
					// set mvt group for 
					GROUP *pGroup;

					// grab group
					pGroup = GetGroup( pVehicleList[ iHelicopterVehicleId ].ubMovementGroup );
					Assert( pGroup );

					if( pGroup )
						// set where it is and where it's going, then make it arrive there.  Don't check for battle
						PlaceGroupInSector( SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ], pGroup->ubPrevX, pGroup->ubPrevY, pGroup->ubSectorX, pGroup->ubSectorY, pGroup->ubSectorZ, FALSE );
			else if( ( pCharacter->bAssignment == VEHICLE ) && ( pCharacter-> iVehicleId != -1 ) )
				fExitingVehicleToSquad = TRUE;
				// remove from vehicle
				TakeSoldierOutOfVehicle( pCharacter );
				fExitingVehicleToSquad = FALSE;

				AddPlayerToGroup( SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ], pCharacter  );
				SetGroupSectorValue( pCharacter->sSectorX, pCharacter->sSectorY, pCharacter->bSectorZ, SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ] );
				pCharacter -> ubGroupID = SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ];
				AddPlayerToGroup( SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ], pCharacter  );
				SetGroupSectorValue( pCharacter->sSectorX, pCharacter->sSectorY, pCharacter->bSectorZ, SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ] );
				pCharacter -> ubGroupID = SquadMovementGroups[ bSquadValue ];

			// assign here
			Squad[ bSquadValue ][ bCounter ] = pCharacter;
			if( ( pCharacter->bAssignment != bSquadValue ) )
				// check to see if we should wake them up
				if ( pCharacter->fMercAsleep )
					// try to wake him up
					SetMercAwake( pCharacter, FALSE, FALSE );
				SetTimeOfAssignmentChangeForMerc( pCharacter );

			// set squad value
			ChangeSoldiersAssignment( pCharacter, bSquadValue );
			if ( pCharacter->bOldAssignment < ON_DUTY )
				pCharacter->bOldAssignment = bSquadValue;
			// if current tactical sqaud...upadte panel
			if( NumberOfPeopleInSquad( ( INT8 )iCurrentTacticalSquad ) == 0 )
				SetCurrentSquad( bSquadValue, TRUE );

			if( bSquadValue == ( INT8 ) iCurrentTacticalSquad )
				CheckForAndAddMercToTeamPanel( Squad[ iCurrentTacticalSquad ][ bCounter ] );

			if ( pCharacter->ubID == gusSelectedSoldier )
				SetCurrentSquad( bSquadValue, TRUE );

			return ( TRUE );

	return ( FALSE );
Exemple #2
BOOLEAN HandleStrategicDeath( SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier )
	// add the guy to the dead list
	//AddCharacterToDeadList( pSoldier );

	// If in a vehicle, remove them!
	if( ( pSoldier->bAssignment == VEHICLE ) && ( pSoldier->iVehicleId != -1 ) )
		// remove from vehicle
		TakeSoldierOutOfVehicle( pSoldier );

	// if not in mapscreen
	if ( !(guiTacticalInterfaceFlags & INTERFACE_MAPSCREEN ) )
		// ATE; At least make them dead!
		if( ( pSoldier->bAssignment != ASSIGNMENT_DEAD ) )
			SetTimeOfAssignmentChangeForMerc( pSoldier );

		ChangeSoldiersAssignment( pSoldier, ASSIGNMENT_DEAD );
	else if( ( pSoldier->stats.bLife == 0 )&&( pSoldier->bAssignment != ASSIGNMENT_DEAD ) )
		// died in mapscreen

		fReDrawFace = TRUE;

		// dead
		if( ( pSoldier->bAssignment != ASSIGNMENT_DEAD ) )
			SetTimeOfAssignmentChangeForMerc( pSoldier );

		ChangeSoldiersAssignment( pSoldier, ASSIGNMENT_DEAD );

		//s et breath and breath max to 0
		pSoldier->bBreath = pSoldier->bBreathMax = 0;

		// rebuild list
		ReBuildCharactersList( );

		// ste merc as dead
		// pSoldier->flags.fUIdeadMerc = TRUE;

		// attempt to remove character from squad
		RemoveCharacterFromSquads( pSoldier );

		// handle any passign comments by grunts
		HandleSoldierDeadComments( pSoldier );

		// put the dead guys down
		AddDeadSoldierToUnLoadedSector( ( UINT8 ) ( pSoldier->sSectorX ), ( UINT8 )( pSoldier->sSectorY ), pSoldier->bSectorZ, pSoldier, RandomGridNo(), ADD_DEAD_SOLDIER_TO_SWEETSPOT );

		fTeamPanelDirty = TRUE;
		fMapPanelDirty = TRUE;
		fCharacterInfoPanelDirty = TRUE;


	return( TRUE );