Exemple #1
void PrintPmove(pmove_t *pm){
	unsigned	c1, c2;
	c1 = CheckBlock(&pm->s, sizeof(pm->s));
	c2 = CheckBlock(&pm->cmd, sizeof(pm->cmd));
	Com_Printf("sv %3i:%i %i\n", pm->cmd.impulse, c1, c2);
Exemple #2
PrintPmove(pmove_t *pm)
	unsigned c1, c2;

	if (!pm)

	c1 = CheckBlock(&pm->s, sizeof(pm->s));
	c2 = CheckBlock(&pm->cmd, sizeof(pm->cmd));
	gi.dprintf("sv %3i:%i %i\n", pm->cmd.impulse, c1, c2);
Exemple #3
int EBuffer::BlockUnTab() {
    EPoint B, E;
    ELine *L;
    int O, C;

    AutoExtend = 0;
    if (CheckBlock() == 0) return 0;
    if (RCount <= 0) return 0;
    B = BB;
    E = BE;
    Draw(B.Row, E.Row);
    for (int i = B.Row; i < E.Row; i++) {
        L = RLine(i);
        O = 0;
        C = 0;
        while (O < L->Count) {
            if (L->Chars[O] == '\t') {
                C = NextTab(C, BFI(this, BFI_TabSize));

                if (DelChars(i, O, 1) != 1)
                    return 0;
                if (InsChars(i, O, C - O, 0) != 1)
                    return 0;
                O = C;
            } else {
    return 1;
Exemple #4
int EBuffer::BlockExtendBegin() {
    ExtendGrab = 0;
    AutoExtend = 0;
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);

    switch (BlockMode) {
    case bmStream:
        if ((Y == BB.Row) && (CP.Col == BB.Col)) ExtendGrab |= 1;
        if ((Y == BE.Row) && (CP.Col == BE.Col)) ExtendGrab |= 2;
    case bmLine:
        if (Y == BB.Row) ExtendGrab |= 1;
        if (Y == BE.Row) ExtendGrab |= 2;
    case bmColumn:
        if (Y == BB.Row) ExtendGrab |= 1;
        if (Y == BE.Row) ExtendGrab |= 2;
        if (CP.Col == BB.Col) ExtendGrab |= 4;
        if (CP.Col == BE.Col) ExtendGrab |= 8;

    if (ExtendGrab == 0) {
        if (BlockMode == bmColumn)
            ExtendGrab = 1 | 2 | 4 | 8;
            ExtendGrab = 1 | 2;
    return 1;
Exemple #5
int EBuffer::BlockUnindent() {
    EPoint B, E;
    int L;

    AutoExtend = 0;
    if (CheckBlock() == 0) return 0;
    if (RCount <= 0) return 0;
    B = BB;
    E = BE;
    Draw(B.Row, E.Row);
    if (SetPosR(B.Col, B.Row) == 0) return 0;
    for (L = B.Row; L <= E.Row; L++) {
        switch (BlockMode) {
        case bmStream:
        case bmLine:
            if (L < E.Row || E.Col != 0) {
                int I = LineIndented(L) - 1;
                if (I >= 0)
                    IndentLine(L, I);
        case bmColumn:
            if (L < E.Row) {
                if (InsText(L, E.Col, 1, 0) == 0) return 0;
                if (DelText(L, B.Col, 1) == 0) return 0;
    if (SetPosR(B.Col, B.Row) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #6
int EBuffer::BlockTrim() {
    EPoint B, E;
    int L;

    AutoExtend = 0;
    if (CheckBlock() == 0) return 0;
    if (RCount <= 0) return 0;
    B = BB;
    E = BE;
    Draw(B.Row, E.Row);
    for (L = B.Row; L <= E.Row; L++) {
        switch (BlockMode) {
        case bmStream:
            if (L < E.Row || E.Col != 0)
                if (TrimLine(L) == 0)
                    return 0;
        case bmLine:
        case bmColumn:
            if (L < E.Row)
                if (TrimLine(L) == 0)
                    return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #7
void* mir_realloc( void* ptr, size_t size )
	char* p;

	if ( ptr != NULL ) {
		if ( !CheckBlock( ptr ))
			return NULL;
		p = ( char* )ptr - sizeof(DWORD)*2;
	else p = NULL;

	p = ( char* )realloc( p, size + sizeof(DWORD)*3 );
	if ( p == NULL ) {
		OutputDebugStringA( "memory overflow\n" );
		#if defined( _DEBUG )
		return NULL;

	*( DWORD* )p = ( DWORD )size;
	*( DWORD* )&p[ sizeof(DWORD) ] = BLOCK_ALLOCED;
	*( DWORD* )&p[ size + sizeof(DWORD)*2 ] = BLOCK_ALLOCED;
	return p + sizeof( DWORD )*2;
Exemple #8
// Test that a Sprout tx with negative version is still rejected
// by CheckBlock under Sprout consensus rules.
TEST(CheckBlock, BlockSproutRejectsBadVersion) {

    CMutableTransaction mtx;
    mtx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 1 << OP_0;
    mtx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_TRUE;
    mtx.vout[0].nValue = 0;
        GetBlockSubsidy(1, Params().GetConsensus())/5,
    mtx.fOverwintered = false;
    mtx.nVersion = -1;
    mtx.nVersionGroupId = 0;

    CTransaction tx {mtx};
    CBlock block;

    MockCValidationState state;
    CBlockIndex indexPrev {Params().GenesisBlock()};

    auto verifier = libzcash::ProofVerifier::Strict();

    EXPECT_CALL(state, DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-version-too-low", false)).Times(1);
    EXPECT_FALSE(CheckBlock(block, state, verifier, false, false));
Exemple #9
int main()
    while (!key[KEY_ESC] && GoGame == 1)
        if (BallsToDrop > 0)
        if (Lives <= 0)
            GoGame = 0;
    allegro_exit(); //Clean up allegro
    return 0;
ReadStatus PartiallyDownloadedBlock::FillBlock(CBlock& block, const std::vector<CTransaction>& vtx_missing) const
    block = header;

    size_t tx_missing_offset = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < txn_available.size(); i++) {
        if (!txn_available[i]) {
            if (vtx_missing.size() <= tx_missing_offset)
                return READ_STATUS_INVALID;
            block.vtx[i] = vtx_missing[tx_missing_offset++];
        } else
            block.vtx[i] = *txn_available[i];
    if (vtx_missing.size() != tx_missing_offset)
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    CValidationState state;
    if (!CheckBlock(block, state, Params().GetConsensus())) {

        if (state.CorruptionPossible())
            return READ_STATUS_FAILED; // Possible Short ID collision
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    LogPrint("cmpctblock", "Successfully reconstructed block %s with %lu txn prefilled, %lu txn from mempool and %lu txn requested\n", header.GetHash().ToString(), prefilled_count, mempool_count, vtx_missing.size());
    if (vtx_missing.size() < 5) {
        for (const CTransaction& tx : vtx_missing)
            LogPrint("cmpctblock", "Reconstructed block %s required tx %s\n", header.GetHash().ToString(), tx.GetHash().ToString());

    return READ_STATUS_OK;
// 旋转方块
void OnRotate()
 // 获取可以旋转的 x 偏移量
 int dx;
 BLOCKINFO tmp = g_CurBlock;
 tmp.dir++;     if (CheckBlock(tmp)) { dx = 0;  goto rotate; }
 tmp.x = g_CurBlock.x - 1; if (CheckBlock(tmp)) { dx = -1; goto rotate; }
 tmp.x = g_CurBlock.x + 1; if (CheckBlock(tmp)) { dx = 1;  goto rotate; }
 tmp.x = g_CurBlock.x - 2; if (CheckBlock(tmp)) { dx = -2; goto rotate; }
 tmp.x = g_CurBlock.x + 2; if (CheckBlock(tmp)) { dx = 2;  goto rotate; }
 // 旋转
 DrawBlock(g_CurBlock, HIDE);
 g_CurBlock.x += dx;
Exemple #12
int EBuffer::BlockSort(int Reverse) {
    int rq;
    ELine *oldL;

    if (CheckBlock() == 0) return 0;
    if (RCount == 0) return 0;

    SortMinRow = BB.Row;
    SortMaxRow = BE.Row;
    if (BlockMode != bmStream || BE.Col == 0)

    if (SortMinRow >= SortMaxRow)
        return 1;

    SortBuffer = this;
    SortReverse = Reverse;
    switch (BlockMode) {
    case bmLine:
    case bmStream:
        SortMinCol = -1;
        SortMaxCol = -1;

    case bmColumn:
        SortMinCol = BB.Col;
        SortMaxCol = BE.Col;

    SortRows = (int *)malloc((SortMaxRow - SortMinRow + 1) * sizeof(int));
    if (SortRows == 0) {
        return 0;
    for (rq = 0; rq <= SortMaxRow - SortMinRow; rq++)
        SortRows[rq] = rq + SortMinRow;

    qsort(SortRows, SortMaxRow - SortMinRow + 1, sizeof(int), SortProc);

    // now change the order of lines according to new order in Rows array.

    for (rq = 0; rq <= SortMaxRow - SortMinRow; rq++) {
        oldL = RLine(SortRows[rq]);
        if (InsLine(1 + rq + SortMaxRow, 0) == 0)
            return 0;
        if (InsChars(1 + rq + SortMaxRow, 0, oldL->Count, oldL->Chars) == 0)
            return 0;

    for (rq = 0; rq <= SortMaxRow - SortMinRow; rq++)
        if (DelLine(SortMinRow) == 0)
            return 0;

    return 1;
Exemple #13
int EBuffer::BlockEnd() {
    EPoint X;

    X.Row = VToR(CP.Row);
    X.Col = CP.Col;
    return 1;
Exemple #14
TEST(CheckBlock, VersionTooLow) {
    auto verifier = libzcash::ProofVerifier::Strict();

    CBlock block;
    block.nVersion = 1;

    MockCValidationState state;
    EXPECT_CALL(state, DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "version-too-low", false)).Times(1);
    EXPECT_FALSE(CheckBlock(block, state, verifier, false, false));
Exemple #15
int EBuffer::InsertString(const char *aStr, int aCount) {
    int P;
    int C, L;
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);

    if (BFI(this, BFI_InsertKillBlock) == 1)
        if (CheckBlock() == 1)
            if (BlockKill() == 0)
                return 0;

    if (BFI(this, BFI_Insert) == 0)
        if (CP.Col < LineLen())
            if (KillChar() == 0)
                return 0;
    if (InsText(Y, CP.Col, aCount, aStr) == 0)
        return 0;
    C = CP.Col;
    L = VToR(CP.Row);
    P = CharOffset(RLine(L), C);
    P += aCount;
    C = ScreenPos(RLine(L), P);
    if (SetPos(C, CP.Row) == 0)
        return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_Trim) && *aStr != '\t')
        if (TrimLine(L) == 0)
            return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 2) {
        if (DoWrap(0) == 0) return 0;
    } else if (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 1) {
        int P, C = CP.Col;
        PELine LP;
        int L;

        if (C > BFI(this, BFI_RightMargin)) {
            L = CP.Row;

            C = BFI(this, BFI_RightMargin);
            P = CharOffset(LP = RLine(L), C);
            while ((C > BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin)) &&
                    ((LP->Chars[P] != ' ') &&
                     (LP->Chars[P] != 9)))
                C = ScreenPos(LP, --P);

            if (P <= BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin)) {
                C = BFI(this, BFI_RightMargin);
            } else
                C = ScreenPos(LP, P);
            if (SplitLine(L, C) == 0) return 0;
            IndentLine(L + 1, BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin));
            if (SetPos(CP.Col - C - 1 + BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin), CP.Row + 1) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #16
int EBuffer::TypeChar(char aCh) { // does abbrev expansion if appropriate
    if (BFI(this, BFI_InsertKillBlock) == 1)
        if (CheckBlock() == 1)
            if (BlockKill() == 0)
                return 0;
    if (ChClass(aCh) == 0 && BFI(this, BFI_Abbreviations) == 1) {
        PELine L = VLine(CP.Row);
        int C, P, P1, C1, Len, R;
        char Str[256];
        EAbbrev *ab;

        R = VToR(CP.Row);
        C = CP.Col;
        P = CharOffset(L, C);
        if (P >= 0 && P <= L->Count) {
            //fprintf(stderr, "TypeChar 1\n");
            P1 = P;
            C1 = ScreenPos(L, P);
            while ((P > 0) && ((ChClass(L->Chars[P - 1]) == 1) || (L->Chars[P - 1] == '_'))) P--;
            Len = P1 - P;
            C = ScreenPos(L, P);
            assert(C1 - C == Len);
            if (Len > 0 && Len < int (sizeof(Str))) {
                //fprintf(stderr, "TypeChar 2\n");
                memcpy(Str, L->Chars + P, Len);
                Str[Len] = 0;
                ab = Mode->FindAbbrev(Str);
                if (ab) {
                    //fprintf(stderr, "TypeChar 3\n");
                    if (ab->Replace != 0) {
                        //fprintf(stderr, "TypeChar 4\n");
                        if (DelText(R, C, C1 - C) == 0)
                            return 0;
                        if (ab->Replace) {
                            //fprintf(stderr, "TypeChar 5 %s <- %s\n", ab->Replace, ab->Match);
                            Len = strlen(ab->Replace);
                            if (InsText(R, C, Len, ab->Replace) == 0)
                                return 0;
                            if (SetPos(C + Len, CP.Row) == 0)
                                return 0;
                        } else {
                            if (SetPos(C, CP.Row) == 0)
                                return 0;
                    } else {
                        if (((EGUI *)gui)->ExecMacro(View->MView->Win, ab->Cmd) == 0)
                            return 0;
    return InsertString(&aCh, 1);
Exemple #17
int EBuffer::BlockExtendEnd() {
    EPoint T, B, E;

    B = BB;
    E = BE;
    switch (BlockMode) {
    case bmLine:
        if (ExtendGrab & 1) { B.Row = VToR(CP.Row); B.Col = 0; }
        else if (ExtendGrab & 2) { E.Row = VToR(CP.Row); E.Col = 0; }
        if (B.Row > E.Row) {
            T = B;
            B = E;
            E = T;
    case bmStream:
        if (ExtendGrab & 1) { B.Col = CP.Col; B.Row = VToR(CP.Row); }
        else if (ExtendGrab & 2) { E.Col = CP.Col; E.Row = VToR(CP.Row); }
        if ((B.Row > E.Row) ||
            ((B.Row == E.Row) && (B.Col > E.Col))) {
            T = B;
            B = E;
            E = T;
    case bmColumn:
        if (ExtendGrab & 1) B.Row = VToR(CP.Row);
        else if (ExtendGrab & 2) E.Row = VToR(CP.Row);
        if (ExtendGrab & 4) B.Col = CP.Col;
        else if (ExtendGrab & 8) E.Col = CP.Col;
        if (B.Row > E.Row) {
            int T;

            T = B.Row;
            B.Row = E.Row;
            E.Row = T;
        if (B.Col > E.Col) {
            int T;

            T = B.Col;
            B.Col = E.Col;
            E.Col = T;
    ExtendGrab = 0;
    AutoExtend = 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #18
int EBuffer::BlockReIndent() {
    EPoint P = CP;
    EPoint B, E;

    AutoExtend = 0;
    if (CheckBlock() == 0) return 0;
    if (RCount <= 0) return 0;
    B = BB;
    E = BE;
    Draw(B.Row, E.Row);
    for (int i = B.Row; i < E.Row; i++) {
        if (SetPosR(0, i) == 0) return 0;
        if (LineIndent() == 0) return 0;
    return SetPos(P.Col, P.Row);
Exemple #19
void mir_free( void* ptr )
	char* p;
	DWORD size;

	if ( ptr == NULL )
	if ( !CheckBlock( ptr ))

	p = ( char* )ptr - sizeof(DWORD)*2;
	size = *( DWORD* )p;
	*( DWORD* )&p[ sizeof(DWORD) ] = BLOCK_FREED;
	*( DWORD* )&p[ size + sizeof(DWORD)*2 ] = BLOCK_FREED;
	free( p );
ReadStatus PartiallyDownloadedBlock::FillBlock(CBlock& block, const std::vector<CTransactionRef>& vtx_missing) {
    uint256 hash;
    if (header.nVersionPoW2Witness == 0)
        hash = header.GetHashLegacy();
        hash = header.GetHashPoW2();
    block = header;

    size_t tx_missing_offset = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < txn_available.size(); i++) {
        if (!txn_available[i]) {
            if (vtx_missing.size() <= tx_missing_offset)
                return READ_STATUS_INVALID;
            block.vtx[i] = vtx_missing[tx_missing_offset++];
        } else
            block.vtx[i] = std::move(txn_available[i]);

    // Make sure we can't call FillBlock again.

    if (vtx_missing.size() != tx_missing_offset)
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    CValidationState state;
    if (!CheckBlock(block, state, Params().GetConsensus())) {
        // TODO: We really want to just check merkle tree manually here,
        // but that is expensive, and CheckBlock caches a block's
        // "checked-status" (in the CBlock?). CBlock should be able to
        // check its own merkle root and cache that check.
        if (state.CorruptionPossible())
            return READ_STATUS_FAILED; // Possible Short ID collision

    LogPrint(BCLog::CMPCTBLOCK, "Successfully reconstructed block %s with %lu txn prefilled, %lu txn from mempool (incl at least %lu from extra pool) and %lu txn requested\n", hash.ToString(), prefilled_count, mempool_count, extra_count, vtx_missing.size());
    if (vtx_missing.size() < 5) {
        for (const auto& tx : vtx_missing) {
            LogPrint(BCLog::CMPCTBLOCK, "Reconstructed block %s required tx %s\n", hash.ToString(), tx->GetHash().ToString());

    return READ_STATUS_OK;
Exemple #21
static void DuplicateInputs(benchmark::State& state)
    const CScript SCRIPT_PUB{CScript(OP_TRUE)};

    const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();

    CBlock block{};
    CMutableTransaction coinbaseTx{};
    CMutableTransaction naughtyTx{};

    CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = ::ChainActive().Tip();
    assert(pindexPrev != nullptr);
    block.nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, &block, chainparams.GetConsensus());
    block.nNonce = 0;
    auto nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;

    // Make a coinbase TX
    coinbaseTx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = SCRIPT_PUB;
    coinbaseTx.vout[0].nValue = GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus());
    coinbaseTx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << nHeight << OP_0;

    naughtyTx.vout[0].nValue = 0;
    naughtyTx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = SCRIPT_PUB;

    uint64_t n_inputs = (((MAX_BLOCK_SERIALIZED_SIZE / WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR) - (CTransaction(coinbaseTx).GetTotalSize() + CTransaction(naughtyTx).GetTotalSize())) / 41) - 100;
    for (uint64_t x = 0; x < (n_inputs - 1); ++x) {
        naughtyTx.vin.emplace_back(GetRandHash(), 0, CScript(), 0);


    block.hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(block);

    while (state.KeepRunning()) {
        CValidationState cvstate{};
        assert(!CheckBlock(block, cvstate, chainparams.GetConsensus(), false, false));
        assert(cvstate.GetRejectReason() == "bad-txns-inputs-duplicate");
static void DeserializeAndCheckBlockTest(benchmark::State& state)
    CDataStream stream((const char*)block_bench::block413567,
            (const char*)&block_bench::block413567[sizeof(block_bench::block413567)],
    char a = '\0';
    stream.write(&a, 1); // Prevent compaction

    const auto chainParams = CreateChainParams(CBaseChainParams::MAIN);

    while (state.KeepRunning()) {
        CBlock block; // Note that CBlock caches its checked state, so we need to recreate it here
        stream >> block;

        CValidationState validationState;
        assert(CheckBlock(block, validationState, chainParams->GetConsensus()));
Exemple #23
// remove selected text and paste information from clipboard to replace it
int EBuffer::BlockPasteOver(int clipboard) {
    // if there is existing selection, remove it's contents
    if (CheckBlock())

    // paste text from clipboard
    if (BlockPaste(clipboard))
        // go to end of selection
        SetPos(BE.Col, BE.Row);

        // remove selection
        return BlockUnmark();

    return 0;
Exemple #24
int EBuffer::InsertSpacesToTab(int TSize) {
    int P = CP.Col, P1;

    if (BFI(this, BFI_InsertKillBlock) == 1)
        if (CheckBlock() == 1)
            if (BlockKill() == 0)
                return 0;

    if (TSize <= 0)
        TSize = BFI(this, BFI_TabSize);

    P1 = NextTab(P, TSize);
    if (BFI(this, BFI_Insert) == 0) {
        if (CP.Col < LineLen())
            if (DelText(VToR(CP.Row), CP.Col, P1 - P) == 0) return 0;
    if (InsText(VToR(CP.Row), CP.Col, P1 - P, 0) == 0) return 0;
    if (SetPos(P1, CP.Row) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #25
int EBuffer::Delete() {
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);
    if (CheckBlock() == 1 && BFI(this, BFI_DeleteKillBlock)) {
        if (BlockKill() == 0)
            return 0;
    } else if (CP.Col < LineLen()) {
        if (BFI(this, BFI_DeleteKillTab)) {
            int P;
            int C = CP.Col, C1;

            P = CharOffset(RLine(Y), C);
            C1 = ScreenPos(RLine(Y), P + 1);
            if (DelText(Y, C, C1 - C) == 0) return 0;
        } else {
            ELine *L = RLine(Y);
            int C = CharOffset(L, CP.Col);

            if (L->Count > 0 && L->Chars[C] == '\t') {
                /* We're on top of tab character. Skip over all spaces and
                   tabs so that only the last space/tab gets deleted. */
                while (C < L->Count &&
                        (L->Chars[C+1] == '\t' || L->Chars[C+1] == ' ')) C++;

            if (DelText(Y, ScreenPos(L, C), 1) == 0) return 0;
    } else
        if (LineJoin() == 0) return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 2) {
        if (DoWrap(0) == 0) return 0;
        if (CP.Col >= LineLen(Y))
            if (CP.Row < VCount - 1) {
                if (SetPos(BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin), CP.Row + 1) == 0) return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_Trim))
        if (TrimLine(VToR(CP.Row)) == 0)
            return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #26
ReadStatus PartiallyDownloadedBlock::FillBlock(CBlock& block, const std::vector<CTransaction>& vtx_missing) const {
    block = header;

    size_t tx_missing_offset = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < txn_available.size(); i++) {
        if (!txn_available[i]) {
            if (vtx_missing.size() <= tx_missing_offset)
                return READ_STATUS_INVALID;
            block.vtx[i] = vtx_missing[tx_missing_offset++];
        } else
            block.vtx[i] = *txn_available[i];
    if (vtx_missing.size() != tx_missing_offset)
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    CValidationState state;
    if (!CheckBlock(block, state, Params().GetConsensus())) {
        // TODO: We really want to just check merkle tree manually here,
        // but that is expensive, and CheckBlock caches a block's
        // "checked-status" (in the CBlock?). CBlock should be able to
        // check its own merkle root and cache that check.
        if (state.CorruptionPossible())
            return READ_STATUS_FAILED; // Possible Short ID collision
        return READ_STATUS_INVALID;

    LogPrint("cmpctblock", "Successfully reconstructed block %s with %lu txn prefilled, %lu txn from mempool and %lu txn requested\n", header.GetHash().ToString(), prefilled_count, mempool_count, vtx_missing.size());
    if (vtx_missing.size() < 5) {
        for(const CTransaction& tx : vtx_missing)
            LogPrint("cmpctblock", "Reconstructed block %s required tx %s\n", header.GetHash().ToString(), tx.GetHash().ToString());

    return READ_STATUS_OK;
Exemple #27
/// Initializes a ManagedNandFlash instance. Scans the device to retrieve or
/// create block status information.
/// \param managed  Pointer to a ManagedNandFlash instance.
/// \param model  Pointer to the underlying nand chip model. Can be 0.
/// \param commandAddress  Address at which commands are sent.
/// \param addressAddress  Address at which addresses are sent.
/// \param dataAddress  Address at which data is sent.
/// \param pinChipEnable  Pin controlling the CE signal of the NandFlash.
/// \param pinReadyBusy  Pin used to monitor the ready/busy signal of the Nand.
/// \param baseBlock Base physical block address of managed area, managed 0.
/// \param sizeInBlocks Number of blocks that is managed.
unsigned char ManagedNandFlash_Initialize(
    struct ManagedNandFlash *managed,
    const struct NandFlashModel *model,
    unsigned int commandAddress,
    unsigned int addressAddress,
    unsigned int dataAddress,
    const Pin pinChipEnable,
    const Pin pinReadyBusy,
    unsigned short baseBlock,
    unsigned short sizeInBlocks)
    unsigned char error;
    unsigned char spare[NandCommon_MAXPAGESPARESIZE];
    unsigned int numBlocks;
    const struct NandSpareScheme *scheme;
    unsigned int block, phyBlock;
    struct NandBlockStatus blockStatus;
    unsigned char badBlockMarker;
    unsigned int eraseCount, minEraseCount, maxEraseCount;


    // Initialize EccNandFlash
    error = EccNandFlash_Initialize(ECC(managed),
    if (error) {

        return error;

    // Retrieve model information
    numBlocks = NandFlashModel_GetDeviceSizeInBlocks(MODEL(managed));
    scheme = NandFlashModel_GetScheme(MODEL(managed));

    // Initialize base & size
    if (sizeInBlocks == 0) sizeInBlocks = numBlocks;
    if (baseBlock > numBlocks) {
        baseBlock = 0;
    else if (baseBlock + sizeInBlocks > numBlocks) {
        sizeInBlocks = numBlocks - baseBlock;
    TRACE_INFO("Managed NF area: %d + %d\n\r", baseBlock, sizeInBlocks);
    if (sizeInBlocks > NandCommon_MAXNUMBLOCKS) {
        TRACE_ERROR("Out of Maxmized Managed Size: %d > %d\n\r",
                    sizeInBlocks, NandCommon_MAXNUMBLOCKS);
        TRACE_INFO("Change NandCommon_MAXNUMBLOCKS or sizeInBlocks\n\r");
        return NandCommon_ERROR_OUTOFBOUNDS;

    managed->baseBlock = baseBlock;
    managed->sizeInBlocks = sizeInBlocks;

    // Initialize block statuses
    // First, check if device is virgin
    if (IsDeviceVirgin(managed, spare)) {

        TRACE_WARNING("Device is virgin, doing initial block scanning ...\n\r");

        // Perform initial scan of the device area
        for (block=0; block < sizeInBlocks; block++) {

            phyBlock = baseBlock + block;

            // Check if physical block is bad
            error = CheckBlock(managed, phyBlock, spare);
            if (error == BADBLOCK) {

                // Mark block as bad
                TRACE_DEBUG("Block #%d is bad\n\r", block);
                managed->blockStatuses[block].status = NandBlockStatus_BAD;
            else if (error == GOODBLOCK) {

                // Mark block as free with erase count 0
                TRACE_DEBUG("Block #%d is free\n\r", block);
                managed->blockStatuses[block].status = NandBlockStatus_FREE;
                managed->blockStatuses[block].eraseCount = 0;

                // Write status in spare of block first page
                error = WriteBlockStatus(managed,
                if (error) {

                    TRACE_ERROR("ManagedNandFlash_Initialize: WR spare\n\r");
                    return error;
            else {

                TRACE_ERROR("ManagedNandFlash_Initialize: Scan device\n\r");
                return error;
    else {

        TRACE_INFO("Managed, retrieving information ...\n\r");

        // Retrieve block statuses from their first page spare area
        // (find maximum and minimum wear at the same time)
        minEraseCount = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        maxEraseCount = 0;
        for (block=0; block < sizeInBlocks; block++) {

            phyBlock = baseBlock + block;

            // Read spare of first page
            error = RawNandFlash_ReadPage(RAW(managed), phyBlock, 0, 0, spare);
            if (error) {

                TRACE_ERROR("ManagedNandFlash_Initialize: Read block #%d(%d)\n\r",
                            block, phyBlock);

            // Retrieve bad block marker and block status
            NandSpareScheme_ReadBadBlockMarker(scheme, spare, &badBlockMarker);
            NandSpareScheme_ReadExtra(scheme, spare, &blockStatus, 4, 0);

            // If they do not match, block must be bad
            if (   (badBlockMarker != 0xFF)
                && (blockStatus.status != NandBlockStatus_BAD)) {

                TRACE_DEBUG("Block #%d(%d) is bad\n\r", block, phyBlock);
                managed->blockStatuses[block].status = NandBlockStatus_BAD;
            // Check that block status is not default 
            //    (meaning block is not managed)
            else if (blockStatus.status == NandBlockStatus_DEFAULT) {

                TRACE_ERROR("Block #%d(%d) is not managed\n\r", block, phyBlock);
                return NandCommon_ERROR_NOMAPPING;
            // Otherwise block status is accurate
            else {

                TRACE_DEBUG("Block #%03d(%d) : status = %2d | eraseCount = %d\n\r",
                            block, phyBlock,
                            blockStatus.status, blockStatus.eraseCount);
                managed->blockStatuses[block] = blockStatus;

                // Check for min/max erase counts
                if (blockStatus.eraseCount < minEraseCount) {

                    minEraseCount = blockStatus.eraseCount;
                if (blockStatus.eraseCount > maxEraseCount) {

                    maxEraseCount = blockStatus.eraseCount;

                //// Clean block
                //// Release LIVE blocks
                //if (managed->blockStatuses[block].status == NandBlockStatus_LIVE) {
                //    ManagedNandFlash_ReleaseBlock(managed, block);
                //// Erase DIRTY blocks
                //if (managed->blockStatuses[block].status == NandBlockStatus_DIRTY) {
                //    ManagedNandFlash_EraseBlock(managed, block);

        // Display erase count information
        TRACE_ERROR_WP("|  Wear  |   Count    |  Free  |  Live  | Dirty  |\n\r");

        for (eraseCount=minEraseCount; eraseCount <= maxEraseCount; eraseCount++) {

            unsigned int count = 0, live = 0, dirty = 0, free = 0;
            for (block=0; block < sizeInBlocks; block++) {

                if ((managed->blockStatuses[block].eraseCount == eraseCount)
                    && (managed->blockStatuses[block].status != NandBlockStatus_BAD)) {

                    switch (managed->blockStatuses[block].status) {
                        case NandBlockStatus_LIVE: live++; break;
                        case NandBlockStatus_DIRTY: dirty++; break;
                        case NandBlockStatus_FREE: free++; break;

            if (count > 0) {
                TRACE_ERROR_WP("|  %4d  |  %8d  |  %4d  |  %4d  |  %4d  |\n\r",
                          eraseCount, count, free, live, dirty);

    return 0;
Exemple #28
int EBuffer::BlockEnTab() {
    EPoint B, E;
    ELine *L;
    int O, C, O1, C1;
    char tab = '\t';

    AutoExtend = 0;
    if (CheckBlock() == 0) return 0;
    if (RCount <= 0) return 0;
    B = BB;
    E = BE;
    Draw(B.Row, E.Row);
    for (int i = B.Row; i < E.Row; i++) {
        L = RLine(i);
        O = C = 0;
        O1 = C1 = 0;
        while (O < L->Count) {
            if (L->Chars[O] == '\t') { // see if there are spaces to remove
                int C2 = NextTab(C, BFI(this, BFI_TabSize));
                int N = BFI(this, BFI_TabSize) - (C2 - C);
                if (O - O1 < N)
                    N = O - O1;
                if (N > 0) {
                    if (DelChars(i, O - N, N) != 1)
                        return 0;
                    O -= N;
                    C = C2;
                    C1 = C;
                    O1 = O;
                } else {
                    C = C2;
                    O1 = O;
                    C1 = C;
            } else if (L->Chars[O] != ' ') { // nope, cannot put tab here
                C1 = C;
                O1 = O;
            } else if (((C % BFI(this, BFI_TabSize)) == (BFI(this, BFI_TabSize) - 1)) &&
                       (C - C1 > 0))
            { // reached a tab and can put one
                int N = BFI(this, BFI_TabSize);
                if (O - O1 + 1 < N) {
                    N = O - O1 + 1;
                } else if (O - O1 + 1 > N) {
                    O1 = O - N + 1;
                if (DelChars(i, O1, N) != 1)
                    return 0;
                if (InsChars(i, O1, 1, &tab) != 1)
                    return 0;
                O = O1;
                C1 = C;
            } else {
    return 1;
Exemple #29
int EBuffer::BackSpace() {
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);

    if (CheckBlock() == 1 && BFI(this, BFI_BackSpKillBlock)) {
        if (BlockKill() == 0)
            return 0;
    } else if (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 2 && CP.Row > 0 && !IsLineBlank(Y - 1) &&
               CP.Col <= BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin) && CP.Col <= LineIndented(Y)) {
        if (SetPos(LineLen(Y - 1), CP.Row - 1) == 0) return 0;
    } else if (CP.Col == 0) {
        if (CP.Row > 0)
            if (ExposeRow(VToR(CP.Row) - 1) == 0) return 0;
        if (MoveUp() == 0) return 0;
        if (MoveLineEnd() == 0) return 0;
        if (LineJoin() == 0) return 0;
    } else {
        if (BFI(this, BFI_BackSpUnindents) && (LineIndented(Y) == CP.Col)) {
            int C = CP.Col, C1 = 0;
            int L = VToR(CP.Row);

            C1 = C;
            while (L > 0 && (IsLineBlank(L - 1) || (C1 = LineIndented(L - 1)) >= C)) L--;
            if (L == 0) C1 = 0;
            if (C1 == C) C1--;
            if (C1 < 0) C1 = 0;
            if (C1 > C) C1 = C;
            if (SetPos(C1, CP.Row) == 0) return 0;
            if (C > LineIndented(Y)) return 0;
            if (DelText(Y, C1, C - C1) == 0) return 0;
            if (BFI(this, BFI_Insert) == 0)
                if (InsText(Y, C1, 1, " ") == 0) return 0;
        } else if (BFI(this, BFI_BackSpKillTab)) {
            int P;
            int C = CP.Col, C1;

            P = CharOffset(RLine(Y), C - 1);
            C1 = ScreenPos(RLine(Y), P);
            if (SetPos(C1, CP.Row) == 0) return 0;
            if (DelText(Y, C1, C - C1) == 0) return 0;
            if (BFI(this, BFI_Insert) == 0)
                if (InsText(Y, C1, 1, " ") == 0) return 0;
        } else {
            if (MovePrev() == 0) return 0;

            ELine *L = RLine(Y);
            int C = CharOffset(L, CP.Col);

            if (L->Count > 0 && L->Chars[C] == 9) {
                /* We're on top of tab character. Skip over all spaces and
                   tabs so that only the last space/tab gets deleted. */
                while (C < L->Count &&
                        (L->Chars[C+1] == 9 || L->Chars[C+1] == ' ')) C++;

            if (DelText(Y, ScreenPos(L, C), 1) == 0) return 0;
            if (BFI(this, BFI_Insert) == 0)
                if (InsText(Y, ScreenPos(L, C), 1, " ") == 0) return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 2) {
        if (DoWrap(0) == 0) return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_Trim)) {
        Y = VToR(CP.Row);
        if (TrimLine(Y) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #30
int EBuffer::KillBlockOrCharPrev() {
    if (CheckBlock() == 0)
        return KillCharPrev();
        return BlockKill();