bool CheckEqual( const Pair1 &pair1, const Pair2 &pair2 , typename boost::container::dtl::enable_if_c <boost::container::dtl::is_pair<Pair1>::value && boost::container::dtl::is_pair<Pair2>::value >::type* = 0) { return CheckEqual(pair1.first, pair2.first) && CheckEqual(pair1.second, pair2.second); }
static void CheckIter(leveldb_iterator_t* iter, const char* key, const char* val) { size_t len; const char* str; str = leveldb_iter_key(iter, &len); CheckEqual(key, str, len); str = leveldb_iter_value(iter, &len); CheckEqual(val, str, len); }
PyObject *CListValue::Pyindex(PyObject *value) { PyObject *result = NULL; CValue* checkobj = ConvertPythonToValue(value, "val = cList[i]: CValueList, "); if (checkobj==NULL) return NULL; /* ConvertPythonToValue sets the error */ int numelem = GetCount(); for (int i=0;i<numelem;i++) { CValue* elem = GetValue(i); if (checkobj==elem || CheckEqual(checkobj,elem)) { result = PyLong_FromLong(i); break; } } checkobj->Release(); if (result==NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "CList.index(x): x not in CListValue"); } return result; }
// Callback from leveldb_writebatch_iterate() static void CheckDel(void* ptr, const char* k, size_t klen) { int* state = (int*) ptr; CheckCondition(*state == 2); CheckEqual("bar", k, klen); (*state)++; }
bool ehgraph_transfer_node_info(ehgraph_t* dest, enode_t n1, ehgraph_t* src, enode_t n2) { bool bRet = false; do { CheckNotNULL(dest); CheckLessThan(n1, dest->size + dest->ptrdim); CheckNotNULL(src); CheckLessThan(n2, src->size + src->ptrdim); CheckEqual(src->nLinks, dest->nLinks); size_t nL = src->nLinks; enode_info_t* nDst = dest->info + n1; enode_info_t* nSrc = src->info + n2; nDst->outDoubleLink = nSrc->outDoubleLink; nDst->inDoubleLink = nSrc->inDoubleLink; for (size_t l = 0; l < nL; ++l) { nDst->links[l] = nSrc->links[l]; nDst->superEdge[l] = nSrc->superEdge[l]; for (size_t ld = 0; ld < nL; ++ld) { nDst->isPredicate[l][ld] = nSrc->isPredicate[l][ld]; nDst->predicateTarget[l][ld] = nSrc->predicateTarget[l][ld]; } } bRet = true; } while(0); return bRet; }
bool ehgraph_transfer_edge(ehgraph_t* dest, enode_t n1, ehgraph_t* src, enode_t n2, size_t link) { bool bRet = false; do { CheckNotNULL(dest); CheckNotNULL(src); CheckLessThan(n1, dest->size); CheckLessThan(n2, src->size); CheckEqual(src->nLinks, dest->nLinks); CheckLessThan(link, src->nLinks); size_t nL = src->nLinks; enode_info_t* nDst = &GET_NODE(dest, n1); enode_info_t* nSrc = &GET_NODE(src, n2); if (link == 0) nDst->outDoubleLink = nSrc->outDoubleLink; if (1 == link) nDst->inDoubleLink = nSrc->inDoubleLink; nDst->links[link] = nSrc->links[link]; nDst->superEdge[link] = nSrc->superEdge[link]; for (size_t ld = 0; ld < nL; ++ld) { nDst->isPredicate[link][ld] = nSrc->isPredicate[link][ld]; nDst->predicateTarget[link][ld] = nSrc->predicateTarget[link][ld]; } bRet = true; } while(0); return bRet; }
// Callback from leveldb_writebatch_iterate() static void CheckPut(void* ptr, const char* k, size_t klen, const char* v, size_t vlen) { int* state = (int*) ptr; CheckCondition(*state < 2); switch (*state) { case 0: CheckEqual("bar", k, klen); CheckEqual("b", v, vlen); break; case 1: CheckEqual("box", k, klen); CheckEqual("c", v, vlen); break; } (*state)++; }
static void CheckGet( leveldb_t* db, const leveldb_readoptions_t* options, const char* key, const char* expected) { char* err = NULL; size_t val_len; char* val; val = leveldb_get(db, options, key, strlen(key), &val_len, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckEqual(expected, val, val_len); Free(&val); }
static void CheckGetCF( rocksdb_t* db, const rocksdb_readoptions_t* options, rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* handle, const char* key, const char* expected) { char* err = NULL; size_t val_len; char* val; val = rocksdb_get_cf(db, options, handle, key, strlen(key), &val_len, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckEqual(expected, val, val_len); Free(&val); }
bool CheckEqualIt( const T1 &i1, const T2 &i2, const C1 &c1, const C2 &c2 ) { bool c1end = i1 == c1.end(); bool c2end = i2 == c2.end(); if( c1end != c2end ){ return false; } else if(c1end){ return true; } else{ return CheckEqual(*i1, *i2); } }
bool CheckEqualContainers(MyShmCont *shmcont, MyStdCont *stdcont) { if(shmcont->size() != stdcont->size()) return false; typename MyShmCont::iterator itshm(shmcont->begin()), itshmend(shmcont->end()); typename MyStdCont::iterator itstd(stdcont->begin()); typename MyStdCont::size_type dist = (typename MyStdCont::size_type)std::distance(itshm, itshmend); if(dist != shmcont->size()){ return false; } std::size_t i = 0; for(; itshm != itshmend; ++itshm, ++itstd, ++i){ if(!CheckEqual(*itstd, *itshm)) return false; } return true; }
bool CheckEqualContainers(const MyBoostCont &boostcont, const MyStdCont &stdcont) { if(boostcont.size() != stdcont.size()) return false; typename MyBoostCont::const_iterator itboost(boostcont.begin()), itboostend(boostcont.end()); typename MyStdCont::const_iterator itstd(stdcont.begin()); typename MyStdCont::size_type dist = (typename MyStdCont::size_type)std::distance(itboost, itboostend); if(dist != boostcont.size()){ return false; } std::size_t i = 0; for(; itboost != itboostend; ++itboost, ++itstd, ++i){ if(!CheckEqual(*itstd, *itboost)) return false; } return true; }
bool CheckEqualContainers(const ContA &cont_a, const ContB &cont_b) { if(cont_a.size() != cont_b.size()) return false; typename ContA::const_iterator itcont_a(cont_a.begin()), itcont_a_end(cont_a.end()); typename ContB::const_iterator itcont_b(cont_b.begin()), itcont_b_end(cont_b.end());; typename ContB::size_type dist = (typename ContB::size_type)boost::container::iterator_distance(itcont_a, itcont_a_end); if(dist != cont_a.size()){ return false; } typename ContA::size_type dist2 = (typename ContA::size_type)boost::container::iterator_distance(itcont_b, itcont_b_end); if(dist2 != cont_b.size()){ return false; } std::size_t i = 0; for(; itcont_a != itcont_a_end; ++itcont_a, ++itcont_b, ++i){ if(!CheckEqual(*itcont_a, *itcont_b)) return false; } return true; }
//__________________________________________________________________________________ _PMathObj _Constant::Raise (_PMathObj theObj) { if (!theObj) { return nil; } _Parameter base = Value(), expon = theObj->Value(); if (base>0.0) { return new _Constant (exp (log(base)*(expon)));; } else { if (base<0.0) if (CheckEqual (expon, (long)expon)) { return new _Constant (((((long)expon)%2)?-1:1)*exp (log(-base)*(expon))); } else { _String errMsg ("An invalid base/exponent pair passed to ^"); WarnError (errMsg.sData); } return new _Constant (0.0); } }
PyObject *CListValue::Pycount(PyObject *value) { int numfound = 0; CValue* checkobj = ConvertPythonToValue(value, ""); /* error ignored */ if (checkobj==NULL) { /* in this case just return that there are no items in the list */ PyErr_Clear(); return PyLong_FromLong(0); } int numelem = GetCount(); for (int i=0;i<numelem;i++) { CValue* elem = GetValue(i); if (checkobj==elem || CheckEqual(checkobj,elem)) { numfound ++; } } checkobj->Release(); return PyLong_FromLong(numfound); }
void _LikelihoodFunction::PopulateConditionalProbabilities (long index, char runMode, _Parameter* buffer, _SimpleList& scalers, long branchIndex, _SimpleList* branchValues) // this function computes site probabilties for each rate class (or something else that involves iterating over rate classes) // see run options below // run mode can be one of the following // _hyphyLFConditionProbsRawMatrixMode : simply populate an M (number of rate classes) x S (number of site patterns) matrix of conditional likelihoods // : expected minimum dimension of buffer is M*S // : scalers will have M*S entries laid out as S for rate class 0, S for rate class 1, .... S for rate class M-1 // _hyphyLFConditionProbsScaledMatrixMode : simply populate an M (number of rate classes) x S (number of site patterns) and scale to the lowest multiplier // : expected minimum dimension of buffer is M*S // : scalers will have S entries // _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum : compute a sum for each site using weighted by the probability of a given category // : expected minimum dimension of buffer is 2*S // : scalers will have S entries // : **note that the behavior is different if there are HMM (or constant on partition) variables // : the size of the buffer is S*(N+1), where N is the cumulative number of categories in such variables for this partition // : the size of the scaler is also S*N // : the code will behave as _hyphyLFConditionProbsScaledMatrixMode with all other category variables // : summed CONDITIONED on the values of HMM/Constant on partition // _hyphyLFConditionProbsMaxProbClass : compute the category index of maximum probability // : expected minimum dimension of buffer is 3*S -- the result goes into offset 0 // : scalers will have S entries // _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights : compute the weight of each rate class index // : expected minimum dimension of buffer is M // : scalers will have no entries // _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate : compute conditional likelihoods of the partition using MPI // : run mode effectively the same as _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum { _List *traversalPattern = (_List*)categoryTraversalTemplate(index), *variables = (_List*)((*traversalPattern)(0)), *catWeigths = nil; _SimpleList *categoryCounts = (_SimpleList*)((*traversalPattern)(1)), *categoryOffsets = (_SimpleList*)((*traversalPattern)(2)), *hmmAndCOP = (_SimpleList*)((*traversalPattern)(3)), categoryValues (categoryCounts->lLength,0,0); long totalSteps = categoryOffsets->lData[0] * categoryCounts->lData[0], catCount = variables->lLength-1, blockLength = BlockLength(index), hmmCatSize = hmmAndCOP->Element(-1), hmmCatCount = hmmAndCOP->lLength?(totalSteps/hmmCatSize):0, currentHMMCat = 1, arrayDim ; bool isTrivial = variables->lLength == 0, switchingHMM = false; _CategoryVariable *catVariable; switch (runMode) { case _hyphyLFConditionProbsRawMatrixMode: arrayDim = catCount*blockLength; break; case _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights: arrayDim = 0; break; default: arrayDim = hmmCatCount?blockLength*hmmCatSize:blockLength; } if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights) { if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate) { long upperBound = hmmCatCount?hmmAndCOP->Element(-1)*blockLength:blockLength; for (long r = 0; r < upperBound; r++) buffer[r] = 0.; } catWeigths = new _List; } else if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsMaxProbClass) for (long r = 0, r2 = 2*blockLength; r < blockLength; r++, r2++) { buffer[r] = 0.0; buffer[r2] = 0.0; } for (long currentCat = 0; currentCat <= catCount; currentCat++) { (catVariable = ((_CategoryVariable**)(variables->lData))[currentCat])->Refresh(); catVariable->SetIntervalValue(0,true); if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights) (*catWeigths) << catVariable->GetWeights(); } scalers.Populate (arrayDim,0,0); #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ _GrowingVector * computedWeights = nil; if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate) { computedWeights = new _GrowingVector; } long mpiTasksSent = 0; #endif for (long pass = 0; pass < 1+(runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate); pass++) { for (long currentRateCombo = 0; currentRateCombo < totalSteps; currentRateCombo++) { // setting each category variable to its appropriate value _Parameter currentRateWeight = 1.; if (pass == 0) { if (!isTrivial) { long remainder = currentRateCombo % categoryCounts->lData[catCount]; if (hmmCatCount) { currentHMMCat = currentRateCombo / hmmCatCount; switchingHMM = (currentRateCombo % hmmCatCount) == 0; } if (currentRateCombo && remainder == 0) { categoryValues.lData[catCount] = 0; (((_CategoryVariable**)(variables->lData))[catCount])->SetIntervalValue(0); for (long uptick = catCount-1; uptick >= 0; uptick --) { categoryValues.lData[uptick]++; if (categoryValues.lData[uptick] == categoryCounts->lData[uptick]) { categoryValues.lData[uptick] = 0; (((_CategoryVariable**)(variables->lData))[uptick])->SetIntervalValue(0); } else { (((_CategoryVariable**)(variables->lData))[uptick])->SetIntervalValue(categoryValues.lData[uptick]); break; } } } else { if (currentRateCombo) { categoryValues.lData[catCount]++; (((_CategoryVariable**)(variables->lData))[catCount])->SetIntervalValue(remainder); } } } if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate) { for (long currentCat = hmmCatCount; currentCat <= catCount; currentCat++) currentRateWeight *= ((_Matrix**)catWeigths->lData)[currentCat]->theData[categoryValues.lData[currentCat]]; #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate && pass == 0) computedWeights->Store(currentRateWeight); #endif if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsClassWeights) { buffer [currentRateCombo] = currentRateWeight; continue; } else if (currentRateWeight == 0.0) // nothing to do, eh? continue; #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ else { if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate) { SendOffToMPI (currentRateCombo); mpiTasksSent ++; continue; } } #endif } } long useThisPartitonIndex = currentRateCombo; #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate) { MPI_Status status; ReportMPIError(MPI_Recv (resTransferMatrix.theData, resTransferMatrix.GetSize(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE , HYPHY_MPI_DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status),true); useThisPartitonIndex = status.MPI_SOURCE-1; currentRateWeight = computedWeights->theData[useThisPartitonIndex]; } #endif // now that the categories are set we can proceed with the computing step long indexShifter = blockLength * useThisPartitonIndex; long *siteCorrectors = ((_SimpleList**)siteCorrections.lData)[index]->lLength? (((_SimpleList**)siteCorrections.lData)[index]->lData) + indexShifter :nil; if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsRawMatrixMode || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsScaledMatrixMode) // populate the matrix of conditionals and scaling factors { _Parameter _hprestrict_ *bufferForThisCategory = buffer + indexShifter; ComputeBlock (index, bufferForThisCategory, useThisPartitonIndex, branchIndex, branchValues); if (usedCachedResults) { bool saveFR = forceRecomputation; forceRecomputation = true; ComputeBlock (index, bufferForThisCategory, useThisPartitonIndex, branchIndex, branchValues); forceRecomputation = saveFR; } if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsRawMatrixMode) for (long p = 0; p < blockLength; p++) scalers.lData[p+indexShifter] = siteCorrectors[p]; else { if (siteCorrectors) { for (long r1 = 0; r1 < blockLength; r1++) { long scv = *siteCorrectors, scalerDifference = scv-scalers.lData[r1]; if (scalerDifference > 0) // this class has a _bigger_ scaling factor than at least one other class // hence it needs to be scaled down (unless it's the first class) { if (useThisPartitonIndex==0) //(scalers.lData[r1] == -1) scalers.lData[r1] = scv; else bufferForThisCategory[r1] *= acquireScalerMultiplier (scalerDifference); } else { if (scalerDifference < 0) // this class is a smaller scaling factor, i.e. its the biggest among all those // considered so far; all other classes need to be scaled down { _Parameter scaled = acquireScalerMultiplier (-scalerDifference); for (long z = indexShifter+r1-blockLength; z >= 0; z-=blockLength) buffer[z] *= scaled; scalers.lData[r1] = scv; } } siteCorrectors++; } } } } else { if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsMaxProbClass || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate) { //if (branchIndex>=0) // ((_TheTree*)LocateVar(theTrees.lData[index]))->AddBranchToForcedRecomputeList (branchIndex+((_TheTree*)LocateVar(theTrees.lData[index]))->GetLeafCount()); #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate) { long offset = resTransferMatrix.GetVDim(); for (long k = 0; k < blockLength; k++) { buffer[blockLength+k] = resTransferMatrix.theData[k]; siteCorrectors[k] = resTransferMatrix.theData[k+offset]; } } else #endif ComputeBlock (index, buffer + (hmmCatCount?hmmCatSize:1)*blockLength, useThisPartitonIndex, branchIndex, branchValues); if (runMode != _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate && usedCachedResults) { bool saveFR = forceRecomputation; forceRecomputation = true; ComputeBlock (index, buffer + (hmmCatCount?hmmCatSize:1)*blockLength, useThisPartitonIndex, branchIndex, branchValues); forceRecomputation = saveFR; } if (runMode == _hyphyLFConditionProbsWeightedSum || runMode == _hyphyLFConditionMPIIterate) { long lowerBound = hmmCatCount?blockLength*currentHMMCat:0, upperBound = hmmCatCount?blockLength*(1+currentHMMCat):blockLength, lowerBound2 = hmmCatCount?(hmmCatSize*blockLength):blockLength; for (long r1 = lowerBound, r2 = lowerBound2; r1 < upperBound; r1++,r2++) { if (siteCorrectors) { long scv = *siteCorrectors; if (scv < scalers.lData[r1]) // this class has a _smaller_ scaling factor { buffer[r1] = currentRateWeight * buffer[r2] + buffer[r1] * acquireScalerMultiplier (scalers.lData[r1] - scv); scalers.lData[r1] = scv; } else { if (scv > scalers.lData[r1]) // this is a _larger_ scaling factor buffer[r1] += currentRateWeight * buffer[r2] * acquireScalerMultiplier (scv - scalers.lData[r1]); else // same scaling factors buffer[r1] += currentRateWeight * buffer[r2]; } siteCorrectors++; } else buffer[r1] += currentRateWeight * buffer[r2]; } } else // runMode = _hyphyLFConditionProbsMaxProbClass { for (long r1 = blockLength*2, r2 = blockLength, r3 = 0; r3 < blockLength; r1++,r2++,r3++) { bool doChange = false; if (siteCorrectors) { long scv = *siteCorrectors, diff = scv - scalers.lData[r3]; if (diff<0) // this has a _smaller_ scaling factor { _Parameter scaled = buffer[r1]*acquireScalerMultiplier (diff); if (buffer[r2] > scaled) doChange = true; else buffer[r1] = scaled; scalers.lData[r3] = scv; } else { if (diff>0) // this is a _larger_ scaling factor buffer[r2] *= acquireScalerMultiplier (-diff); doChange = buffer[r2] > buffer[r1] && ! CheckEqual (buffer[r2],buffer[r1]); } siteCorrectors++; } else doChange = buffer[r2] > buffer[r1] && ! CheckEqual (buffer[r2],buffer[r1]); if (doChange) { buffer[r1] = buffer[r2]; buffer[r3] = useThisPartitonIndex; } } } } } #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (--mpiTasksSent == 0) break; #endif } } #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ DeleteObject (computedWeights); #endif DeleteObject (catWeigths); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { rocksdb_t* db; rocksdb_comparator_t* cmp; rocksdb_cache_t* cache; rocksdb_env_t* env; rocksdb_options_t* options; rocksdb_block_based_table_options_t* table_options; rocksdb_readoptions_t* roptions; rocksdb_writeoptions_t* woptions; char* err = NULL; int run = -1; snprintf(dbname, sizeof(dbname), "%s/rocksdb_c_test-%d", GetTempDir(), ((int) geteuid())); snprintf(dbbackupname, sizeof(dbbackupname), "%s/rocksdb_c_test-%d-backup", GetTempDir(), ((int) geteuid())); StartPhase("create_objects"); cmp = rocksdb_comparator_create(NULL, CmpDestroy, CmpCompare, CmpName); env = rocksdb_create_default_env(); cache = rocksdb_cache_create_lru(100000); options = rocksdb_options_create(); rocksdb_options_set_comparator(options, cmp); rocksdb_options_set_error_if_exists(options, 1); rocksdb_options_set_env(options, env); rocksdb_options_set_info_log(options, NULL); rocksdb_options_set_write_buffer_size(options, 100000); rocksdb_options_set_paranoid_checks(options, 1); rocksdb_options_set_max_open_files(options, 10); table_options = rocksdb_block_based_options_create(); rocksdb_block_based_options_set_block_cache(table_options, cache); rocksdb_options_set_block_based_table_factory(options, table_options); rocksdb_options_set_compression(options, rocksdb_no_compression); rocksdb_options_set_compression_options(options, -14, -1, 0, 0); int compression_levels[] = {rocksdb_no_compression, rocksdb_no_compression, rocksdb_no_compression, rocksdb_no_compression}; rocksdb_options_set_compression_per_level(options, compression_levels, 4); roptions = rocksdb_readoptions_create(); rocksdb_readoptions_set_verify_checksums(roptions, 1); rocksdb_readoptions_set_fill_cache(roptions, 0); woptions = rocksdb_writeoptions_create(); rocksdb_writeoptions_set_sync(woptions, 1); StartPhase("destroy"); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); Free(&err); StartPhase("open_error"); rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckCondition(err != NULL); Free(&err); StartPhase("open"); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 1); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", NULL); StartPhase("put"); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo", 3, "hello", 5, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); StartPhase("backup_and_restore"); { rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbbackupname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_backup_engine_t *be = rocksdb_backup_engine_open(options, dbbackupname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_backup_engine_create_new_backup(be, db, &err); CheckNoError(err); // need a change to trigger a new backup rocksdb_delete(db, woptions, "does-not-exist", 14, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_backup_engine_create_new_backup(be, db, &err); CheckNoError(err); const rocksdb_backup_engine_info_t* bei = rocksdb_backup_engine_get_backup_info(be); CheckCondition(rocksdb_backup_engine_info_count(bei) > 1); rocksdb_backup_engine_info_destroy(bei); rocksdb_backup_engine_purge_old_backups(be, 1, &err); CheckNoError(err); bei = rocksdb_backup_engine_get_backup_info(be); CheckCondition(rocksdb_backup_engine_info_count(bei) == 1); rocksdb_backup_engine_info_destroy(bei); rocksdb_delete(db, woptions, "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_restore_options_t *restore_options = rocksdb_restore_options_create(); rocksdb_restore_options_set_keep_log_files(restore_options, 0); rocksdb_backup_engine_restore_db_from_latest_backup(be, dbname, dbname, restore_options, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_restore_options_destroy(restore_options); rocksdb_options_set_error_if_exists(options, 0); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_options_set_error_if_exists(options, 1); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); rocksdb_backup_engine_close(be); } StartPhase("compactall"); rocksdb_compact_range(db, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); StartPhase("compactrange"); rocksdb_compact_range(db, "a", 1, "z", 1); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); StartPhase("writebatch"); { rocksdb_writebatch_t* wb = rocksdb_writebatch_create(); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb, "foo", 3, "a", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_clear(wb); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb, "bar", 3, "b", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb, "box", 3, "c", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_delete(wb, "bar", 3); rocksdb_write(db, woptions, wb, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "box", "c"); int pos = 0; rocksdb_writebatch_iterate(wb, &pos, CheckPut, CheckDel); CheckCondition(pos == 3); rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(wb); } StartPhase("writebatch_vectors"); { rocksdb_writebatch_t* wb = rocksdb_writebatch_create(); const char* k_list[2] = { "z", "ap" }; const size_t k_sizes[2] = { 1, 2 }; const char* v_list[3] = { "x", "y", "z" }; const size_t v_sizes[3] = { 1, 1, 1 }; rocksdb_writebatch_putv(wb, 2, k_list, k_sizes, 3, v_list, v_sizes); rocksdb_write(db, woptions, wb, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "zap", "xyz"); rocksdb_writebatch_delete(wb, "zap", 3); rocksdb_write(db, woptions, wb, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "zap", NULL); rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(wb); } StartPhase("writebatch_rep"); { rocksdb_writebatch_t* wb1 = rocksdb_writebatch_create(); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb1, "baz", 3, "d", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb1, "quux", 4, "e", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_delete(wb1, "quux", 4); size_t repsize1 = 0; const char* rep = rocksdb_writebatch_data(wb1, &repsize1); rocksdb_writebatch_t* wb2 = rocksdb_writebatch_create_from(rep, repsize1); CheckCondition(rocksdb_writebatch_count(wb1) == rocksdb_writebatch_count(wb2)); size_t repsize2 = 0; CheckCondition( memcmp(rep, rocksdb_writebatch_data(wb2, &repsize2), repsize1) == 0); rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(wb1); rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(wb2); } StartPhase("iter"); { rocksdb_iterator_t* iter = rocksdb_create_iterator(db, roptions); CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek_to_first(iter); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); CheckIter(iter, "box", "c"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); CheckIter(iter, "foo", "hello"); rocksdb_iter_prev(iter); CheckIter(iter, "box", "c"); rocksdb_iter_prev(iter); CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek_to_last(iter); CheckIter(iter, "foo", "hello"); rocksdb_iter_seek(iter, "b", 1); CheckIter(iter, "box", "c"); rocksdb_iter_get_error(iter, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); } StartPhase("multiget"); { const char* keys[3] = { "box", "foo", "notfound" }; const size_t keys_sizes[3] = { 3, 3, 8 }; char* vals[3]; size_t vals_sizes[3]; char* errs[3]; rocksdb_multi_get(db, roptions, 3, keys, keys_sizes, vals, vals_sizes, errs); int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { CheckEqual(NULL, errs[i], 0); switch (i) { case 0: CheckEqual("c", vals[i], vals_sizes[i]); break; case 1: CheckEqual("hello", vals[i], vals_sizes[i]); break; case 2: CheckEqual(NULL, vals[i], vals_sizes[i]); break; } Free(&vals[i]); } } StartPhase("approximate_sizes"); { int i; int n = 20000; char keybuf[100]; char valbuf[100]; uint64_t sizes[2]; const char* start[2] = { "a", "k00000000000000010000" }; size_t start_len[2] = { 1, 21 }; const char* limit[2] = { "k00000000000000010000", "z" }; size_t limit_len[2] = { 21, 1 }; rocksdb_writeoptions_set_sync(woptions, 0); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), "k%020d", i); snprintf(valbuf, sizeof(valbuf), "v%020d", i); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, keybuf, strlen(keybuf), valbuf, strlen(valbuf), &err); CheckNoError(err); } rocksdb_approximate_sizes(db, 2, start, start_len, limit, limit_len, sizes); CheckCondition(sizes[0] > 0); CheckCondition(sizes[1] > 0); } StartPhase("property"); { char* prop = rocksdb_property_value(db, "nosuchprop"); CheckCondition(prop == NULL); prop = rocksdb_property_value(db, "rocksdb.stats"); CheckCondition(prop != NULL); Free(&prop); } StartPhase("snapshot"); { const rocksdb_snapshot_t* snap; snap = rocksdb_create_snapshot(db); rocksdb_delete(db, woptions, "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_readoptions_set_snapshot(roptions, snap); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); rocksdb_readoptions_set_snapshot(roptions, NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", NULL); rocksdb_release_snapshot(db, snap); } StartPhase("repair"); { // If we do not compact here, then the lazy deletion of // files ( would leave // around deleted files and the repair process will find // those files and put them back into the database. rocksdb_compact_range(db, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 0); rocksdb_options_set_error_if_exists(options, 0); rocksdb_repair_db(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "box", "c"); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 1); rocksdb_options_set_error_if_exists(options, 1); } StartPhase("filter"); for (run = 0; run < 2; run++) { // First run uses custom filter, second run uses bloom filter CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_filterpolicy_t* policy; if (run == 0) { policy = rocksdb_filterpolicy_create( NULL, FilterDestroy, FilterCreate, FilterKeyMatch, NULL, FilterName); } else { policy = rocksdb_filterpolicy_create_bloom(10); } rocksdb_block_based_options_set_filter_policy(table_options, policy); // Create new database rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_set_block_based_table_factory(options, table_options); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo", 3, "foovalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "bar", 3, "barvalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_compact_range(db, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); fake_filter_result = 1; CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "foovalue"); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", "barvalue"); if (phase == 0) { // Must not find value when custom filter returns false fake_filter_result = 0; CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", NULL); fake_filter_result = 1; CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "foovalue"); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", "barvalue"); } // Reset the policy rocksdb_block_based_options_set_filter_policy(table_options, NULL); rocksdb_options_set_block_based_table_factory(options, table_options); } StartPhase("compaction_filter"); { rocksdb_options_t* options_with_filter = rocksdb_options_create(); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options_with_filter, 1); rocksdb_compactionfilter_t* cfilter; cfilter = rocksdb_compactionfilter_create(NULL, CFilterDestroy, CFilterFilter, CFilterName); // Create new database rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options_with_filter, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter(options_with_filter, cfilter); db = CheckCompaction(db, options_with_filter, roptions, woptions); rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter(options_with_filter, NULL); rocksdb_compactionfilter_destroy(cfilter); rocksdb_options_destroy(options_with_filter); } StartPhase("compaction_filter_factory"); { rocksdb_options_t* options_with_filter_factory = rocksdb_options_create(); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options_with_filter_factory, 1); rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_t* factory; factory = rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_create( NULL, CFilterFactoryDestroy, CFilterCreate, CFilterFactoryName); // Create new database rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options_with_filter_factory, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter_factory(options_with_filter_factory, factory); db = CheckCompaction(db, options_with_filter_factory, roptions, woptions); rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter_factory( options_with_filter_factory, NULL); rocksdb_options_destroy(options_with_filter_factory); } StartPhase("merge_operator"); { rocksdb_mergeoperator_t* merge_operator; merge_operator = rocksdb_mergeoperator_create( NULL, MergeOperatorDestroy, MergeOperatorFullMerge, MergeOperatorPartialMerge, NULL, MergeOperatorName); // Create new database rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_set_merge_operator(options, merge_operator); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo", 3, "foovalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "foovalue"); rocksdb_merge(db, woptions, "foo", 3, "barvalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "fake"); // Merge of a non-existing value rocksdb_merge(db, woptions, "bar", 3, "barvalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", "fake"); } StartPhase("columnfamilies"); { rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err) rocksdb_options_t* db_options = rocksdb_options_create(); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(db_options, 1); db = rocksdb_open(db_options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err) rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* cfh; cfh = rocksdb_create_column_family(db, db_options, "cf1", &err); rocksdb_column_family_handle_destroy(cfh); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_close(db); size_t cflen; char** column_fams = rocksdb_list_column_families(db_options, dbname, &cflen, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckEqual("default", column_fams[0], 7); CheckEqual("cf1", column_fams[1], 3); CheckCondition(cflen == 2); rocksdb_list_column_families_destroy(column_fams, cflen); rocksdb_options_t* cf_options = rocksdb_options_create(); const char* cf_names[2] = {"default", "cf1"}; const rocksdb_options_t* cf_opts[2] = {cf_options, cf_options}; rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* handles[2]; db = rocksdb_open_column_families(db_options, dbname, 2, cf_names, cf_opts, handles, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put_cf(db, woptions, handles[1], "foo", 3, "hello", 5, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "foo", "hello"); rocksdb_delete_cf(db, woptions, handles[1], "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "foo", NULL); rocksdb_writebatch_t* wb = rocksdb_writebatch_create(); rocksdb_writebatch_put_cf(wb, handles[1], "baz", 3, "a", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_clear(wb); rocksdb_writebatch_put_cf(wb, handles[1], "bar", 3, "b", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_put_cf(wb, handles[1], "box", 3, "c", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_delete_cf(wb, handles[1], "bar", 3); rocksdb_write(db, woptions, wb, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "baz", NULL); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "bar", NULL); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "box", "c"); rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(wb); const char* keys[3] = { "box", "box", "barfooxx" }; const rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* get_handles[3] = { handles[0], handles[1], handles[1] }; const size_t keys_sizes[3] = { 3, 3, 8 }; char* vals[3]; size_t vals_sizes[3]; char* errs[3]; rocksdb_multi_get_cf(db, roptions, get_handles, 3, keys, keys_sizes, vals, vals_sizes, errs); int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { CheckEqual(NULL, errs[i], 0); switch (i) { case 0: CheckEqual(NULL, vals[i], vals_sizes[i]); // wrong cf break; case 1: CheckEqual("c", vals[i], vals_sizes[i]); // bingo break; case 2: CheckEqual(NULL, vals[i], vals_sizes[i]); // normal not found break; } Free(&vals[i]); } rocksdb_iterator_t* iter = rocksdb_create_iterator_cf(db, roptions, handles[1]); CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek_to_first(iter); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); for (i = 0; rocksdb_iter_valid(iter) != 0; rocksdb_iter_next(iter)) { i++; } CheckCondition(i == 1); rocksdb_iter_get_error(iter, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* iters_cf_handles[2] = { handles[0], handles[1] }; rocksdb_iterator_t* iters_handles[2]; rocksdb_create_iterators(db, roptions, iters_cf_handles, iters_handles, 2, &err); CheckNoError(err); iter = iters_handles[0]; CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek_to_first(iter); CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); iter = iters_handles[1]; CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek_to_first(iter); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); for (i = 0; rocksdb_iter_valid(iter) != 0; rocksdb_iter_next(iter)) { i++; } CheckCondition(i == 1); rocksdb_iter_get_error(iter, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); rocksdb_drop_column_family(db, handles[1], &err); CheckNoError(err); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { rocksdb_column_family_handle_destroy(handles[i]); } rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_destroy(db_options); rocksdb_options_destroy(cf_options); } StartPhase("prefix"); { // Create new database rocksdb_options_set_allow_mmap_reads(options, 1); rocksdb_options_set_prefix_extractor(options, rocksdb_slicetransform_create_fixed_prefix(3)); rocksdb_options_set_hash_skip_list_rep(options, 5000, 4, 4); rocksdb_options_set_plain_table_factory(options, 4, 10, 0.75, 16); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo1", 4, "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo2", 4, "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo3", 4, "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "bar1", 4, "bar", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "bar2", 4, "bar", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "bar3", 4, "bar", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_iterator_t* iter = rocksdb_create_iterator(db, roptions); CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek(iter, "bar", 3); rocksdb_iter_get_error(iter, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); CheckIter(iter, "bar1", "bar"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); CheckIter(iter, "bar2", "bar"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); CheckIter(iter, "bar3", "bar"); rocksdb_iter_get_error(iter, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); } StartPhase("cuckoo_options"); { rocksdb_cuckoo_table_options_t* cuckoo_options; cuckoo_options = rocksdb_cuckoo_options_create(); rocksdb_cuckoo_options_set_hash_ratio(cuckoo_options, 0.5); rocksdb_cuckoo_options_set_max_search_depth(cuckoo_options, 200); rocksdb_cuckoo_options_set_cuckoo_block_size(cuckoo_options, 10); rocksdb_cuckoo_options_set_identity_as_first_hash(cuckoo_options, 1); rocksdb_cuckoo_options_set_use_module_hash(cuckoo_options, 0); rocksdb_options_set_cuckoo_table_factory(options, cuckoo_options); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_cuckoo_options_destroy(cuckoo_options); } StartPhase("iterate_upper_bound"); { // Create new empty database rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_options_set_prefix_extractor(options, NULL); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "a", 1, "0", 1, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo", 3, "bar", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo1", 4, "bar1", 4, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "g1", 2, "0", 1, &err); CheckNoError(err); // testing basic case with no iterate_upper_bound and no prefix_extractor { rocksdb_readoptions_set_iterate_upper_bound(roptions, NULL, 0); rocksdb_iterator_t* iter = rocksdb_create_iterator(db, roptions); rocksdb_iter_seek(iter, "foo", 3); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); CheckIter(iter, "foo", "bar"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); CheckIter(iter, "foo1", "bar1"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); CheckIter(iter, "g1", "0"); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); } // testing iterate_upper_bound and forward iterator // to make sure it stops at bound { // iterate_upper_bound points beyond the last expected entry rocksdb_readoptions_set_iterate_upper_bound(roptions, "foo2", 4); rocksdb_iterator_t* iter = rocksdb_create_iterator(db, roptions); rocksdb_iter_seek(iter, "foo", 3); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); CheckIter(iter, "foo", "bar"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); CheckIter(iter, "foo1", "bar1"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); // should stop here... CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); } } StartPhase("cleanup"); rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_options_destroy(options); rocksdb_block_based_options_destroy(table_options); rocksdb_readoptions_destroy(roptions); rocksdb_writeoptions_destroy(woptions); rocksdb_cache_destroy(cache); rocksdb_comparator_destroy(cmp); rocksdb_env_destroy(env); fprintf(stderr, "PASS\n"); return 0; }
//__________________________________________________________________________________ _PMathObj _Constant::LNot () { return new _Constant (CheckEqual(theValue, 0.0)); }
void TrainModelNN (_String* model, _String* matrix) { _String errMsg; long modelIdx = modelNames.Find(model); _Parameter verbI; checkParameter (VerbosityLevelString, verbI, 0.0); char buffer [128]; if (modelIdx < 0) { errMsg = *model & " did not refer to an existring model"; } else { _Variable* boundsMatrix = FetchVar (LocateVarByName (*matrix)); if (boundsMatrix && (boundsMatrix->ObjectClass() == MATRIX)) { _Matrix * bmatrix = (_Matrix*) boundsMatrix->GetValue (); if (bmatrix->IsAStringMatrix() && (bmatrix->GetVDim () == 3)) { _Variable* modelMatrix = LocateVar (modelMatrixIndices.lData[modelIdx]); _SimpleList modelVariableList; { _AVLList mvla (&modelVariableList); modelMatrix->ScanForVariables (mvla, true); mvla.ReorderList(); } if (bmatrix->GetHDim () == modelVariableList.lLength) { // now map model variables to bounds matrix _SimpleList variableMap; _String *myName; for (long k = 0; k < modelVariableList.lLength; k++) { myName = ((_FString*)bmatrix->GetFormula(k,0)->Compute())->theString; long vID = LocateVarByName (*myName); if (vID < 0) { break; } vID = variableNames.GetXtra (vID); vID = modelVariableList.Find(vID); if (vID < 0) { break; } variableMap << vID; } if (variableMap.lLength == modelVariableList.lLength) { _Matrix vBounds (variableMap.lLength,2, false, true); long k2 = 0; for (; k2 < variableMap.lLength; k2++) { _Parameter lb = ((_FString*)bmatrix->GetFormula(k2,1)->Compute())->theString->toNum(), ub = ((_FString*)bmatrix->GetFormula(k2,2)->Compute())->theString->toNum(); if ( ub>lb || k2) { vBounds.Store (k2,0,lb); vBounds.Store (k2,1,ub); if (ub<=lb && vBounds (k2-1,0) <= vBounds (k2-1,1) && (!CheckEqual(vBounds (k2-1,0),0.0) || !CheckEqual(vBounds (k2-1,1),1.0))) { break; } } } if (k2 == modelVariableList.lLength) { // set up the sampling now _String fName = ProcessLiteralArgument (&ModelNNFile,nil); FILE* nnFile = doFileOpen (fName.getStr(), "w"); if (nnFile) { _Matrix* modelMatrix = (_Matrix*) LocateVar(modelMatrixIndices.lData[modelIdx])->GetValue(); _Parameter mainSteps, checkSteps, errorTerm, loopMax, hiddenNodes, absError, nn1, nn2; long fullDimension = modelMatrix->GetHDim() * modelMatrix->GetVDim(); checkParameter (ModelNNTrainingSteps, mainSteps, 10000.0); checkParameter (ModelNNVerificationSample, checkSteps, 500.0); checkParameter (ModelNNPrecision, errorTerm, 0.01); checkParameter (ModelNNTrainingSteps, loopMax, 10); checkParameter (ModelNNHiddenNodes, hiddenNodes, 5); checkParameter (ModelNNLearningRate, nn1, .3); checkParameter (ModelNNPersistenceRate, nn2, .1); Net** matrixNet = new Net* [fullDimension] ; for (long i = 0; i < fullDimension; i++) { checkPointer (matrixNet [i] = new Net (variableMap.lLength,(long)hiddenNodes,1,errorTerm,nn1,nn2,100,200,true)); //matrixNet[i]->verbose = true; } checkPointer (matrixNet); _List tIn, tOut; FILE* varSamples = doFileOpen ("variableSamples.out", "w"); fprintf (varSamples, "%s" ,LocateVar(modelVariableList.lData[0])->GetName()->getStr()); for (long vc = 1; vc < modelVariableList.lLength; vc++) { fprintf (varSamples, ",%s" ,LocateVar(modelVariableList.lData[variableMap.lData[vc]])->GetName()->getStr()); } fprintf (varSamples, "\n"); for (long itCount = 0; itCount < loopMax; itCount ++) { if (verbI > 5) { snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\nNeural Network Pass %ld. Building a training set...\n", itCount); BufferToConsole (buffer); } while (tIn.countitems() < mainSteps) { NNMatrixSampler (0, vBounds, modelVariableList, variableMap, modelMatrix, tIn, tOut); } _Matrix inData (mainSteps, variableMap.lLength, false, true); _Parameter *md = inData.theData; for (long matrixC = 0; matrixC < mainSteps; matrixC++) { _Parameter * ed = ((_Matrix*)tIn (matrixC))->theData; fprintf (varSamples, "\n%g",*ed); *md = *ed; ed++; md++; for (long entryC = 1; entryC < variableMap.lLength; entryC++, ed++, md++) { *md = *ed; fprintf (varSamples, ",%g", *md); } } tIn.Clear(); if (verbI > 5) { BufferToConsole ( "Done Building Training Set. Training...\n"); } long lastDone = 0; for (long cellCount = 0; cellCount < fullDimension; cellCount++) { Net* thisCell = matrixNet[cellCount]; _Matrix outVector (mainSteps, 1, false, true); for (long oc = 0; oc < mainSteps; oc++) { outVector.theData[oc] = ((_Matrix*)tOut(oc))->theData[cellCount]; } thisCell->studyAll (inData.theData, outVector.theData, mainSteps); long nowDone = (cellCount+1)*100./fullDimension; if (nowDone > lastDone) { snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer),"%ld%% done\n", lastDone = nowDone); BufferToConsole (buffer); } } tOut.Clear(); if (verbI > 5) { BufferToConsole ( "Done Training. Resampling...\n"); } _PMathObj tObj = _Constant(0).Time(); _Parameter time1 = tObj->Value(), time2; while (tIn.countitems() < checkSteps) { NNMatrixSampler (0, vBounds, modelVariableList, variableMap, modelMatrix, tIn, tOut); } absError = 0.0; DeleteObject (tObj); tObj = _Constant(0).Time(); time2 = tObj->Value(); if (verbI > 5) { snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer),"Done Resampling in %g seconds. Computing Error...\n", time2-time1); BufferToConsole (buffer); } _Parameter maxValT, maxValE; for (long verCount = 0; verCount < checkSteps; verCount++) { _Parameter* inData = ((_Matrix*)tIn(verCount))->theData, * outData = ((_Matrix*)tOut(verCount))->theData; for (long cellCount = 0; cellCount < fullDimension; cellCount++) { Net *thisCell = matrixNet[cellCount]; _Parameter estVal = thisCell->eval(inData)[0], trueVal = outData[cellCount], localError; localError = estVal-trueVal; if (localError < 0) { localError = -localError; } if (absError < localError) { maxValT = trueVal; maxValE = estVal; absError = localError; } } } DeleteObject (tObj); tObj = _Constant(0).Time(); time1 = tObj->Value(); DeleteObject (tObj); if (verbI > 5) { snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Done Error Checking in %g seconds. Got max abs error %g on the pair %g %g\n", time1-time2, absError, maxValT, maxValE); BufferToConsole (buffer); } if (absError <= errorTerm) { break; } } if (absError > errorTerm) { ReportWarning (_String("Couldn't achive desired precision in TrainModelNN. Achieved error of ") & absError); } fclose (varSamples); fprintf (nnFile,"{{\n\"%s\"", LocateVar(modelVariableList.lData[0])->GetName()->getStr()); _Matrix newBounds (modelVariableList.lLength, 2, false, true); if (vBounds(0,0)>vBounds(0,1)) { newBounds.Store (variableMap.lData[0],0,0.); newBounds.Store (variableMap.lData[0],1,1.); } else { newBounds.Store (variableMap.lData[0],0,vBounds(0,0)); newBounds.Store (variableMap.lData[0],1,vBounds(0,1)); } for (long varCounter = 1; varCounter < modelVariableList.lLength; varCounter ++) { fprintf (nnFile,",\n\"%s\"", LocateVar(modelVariableList.lData[varCounter])->GetName()->getStr()); if (vBounds(varCounter,0)>vBounds(varCounter,1)) { newBounds.Store (variableMap.lData[varCounter],0,0.); newBounds.Store (variableMap.lData[varCounter],1,1.); } else { newBounds.Store (variableMap.lData[varCounter],0,vBounds(varCounter,0)); newBounds.Store (variableMap.lData[varCounter],1,vBounds(varCounter,1)); } } fprintf (nnFile,"\n}}\n"); newBounds.toFileStr (nnFile); for (long i2 = 0; i2 < fullDimension; i2++) { matrixNet[i2]->save(nnFile); delete matrixNet [i2]; } fclose (nnFile); delete matrixNet; } else { errMsg = _String ("Failed to open ") & fName & " for writing"; } } else { errMsg = _String ("Invalid variable bounds in row ") & (k2+1) & " of the bounds matrix"; } } else { errMsg = *myName & " was not one of the model parameters"; } } else { errMsg = *matrix & " must be a have the same number of rows as the number of model parameters"; } } else { errMsg = *matrix & " must be a string matrix with 3 columns"; } } else { errMsg = *matrix & " was not the identifier of a valid matrix variable"; } } if (errMsg.sLength) { errMsg = errMsg & _String(" in call to TrainModelNN."); WarnError (errMsg); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { rocksdb_t* db; rocksdb_comparator_t* cmp; rocksdb_cache_t* cache; rocksdb_env_t* env; rocksdb_options_t* options; rocksdb_readoptions_t* roptions; rocksdb_writeoptions_t* woptions; char* err = NULL; int run = -1; snprintf(dbname, sizeof(dbname), "%s/rocksdb_c_test-%d", GetTempDir(), ((int) geteuid())); StartPhase("create_objects"); cmp = rocksdb_comparator_create(NULL, CmpDestroy, CmpCompare, CmpName); env = rocksdb_create_default_env(); cache = rocksdb_cache_create_lru(100000); options = rocksdb_options_create(); rocksdb_options_set_comparator(options, cmp); rocksdb_options_set_error_if_exists(options, 1); rocksdb_options_set_cache(options, cache); rocksdb_options_set_env(options, env); rocksdb_options_set_info_log(options, NULL); rocksdb_options_set_write_buffer_size(options, 100000); rocksdb_options_set_paranoid_checks(options, 1); rocksdb_options_set_max_open_files(options, 10); rocksdb_options_set_block_size(options, 1024); rocksdb_options_set_block_restart_interval(options, 8); rocksdb_options_set_compression(options, rocksdb_no_compression); rocksdb_options_set_compression_options(options, -14, -1, 0); int compression_levels[] = {rocksdb_no_compression, rocksdb_no_compression, rocksdb_no_compression, rocksdb_no_compression}; rocksdb_options_set_compression_per_level(options, compression_levels, 4); roptions = rocksdb_readoptions_create(); rocksdb_readoptions_set_verify_checksums(roptions, 1); rocksdb_readoptions_set_fill_cache(roptions, 0); woptions = rocksdb_writeoptions_create(); rocksdb_writeoptions_set_sync(woptions, 1); StartPhase("destroy"); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); Free(&err); StartPhase("open_error"); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckCondition(err != NULL); Free(&err); StartPhase("open"); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 1); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", NULL); StartPhase("put"); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo", 3, "hello", 5, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); StartPhase("compactall"); rocksdb_compact_range(db, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); StartPhase("compactrange"); rocksdb_compact_range(db, "a", 1, "z", 1); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); StartPhase("writebatch"); { rocksdb_writebatch_t* wb = rocksdb_writebatch_create(); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb, "foo", 3, "a", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_clear(wb); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb, "bar", 3, "b", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb, "box", 3, "c", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_delete(wb, "bar", 3); rocksdb_write(db, woptions, wb, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "box", "c"); int pos = 0; rocksdb_writebatch_iterate(wb, &pos, CheckPut, CheckDel); CheckCondition(pos == 3); rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(wb); } StartPhase("writebatch_rep"); { rocksdb_writebatch_t* wb1 = rocksdb_writebatch_create(); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb1, "baz", 3, "d", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_put(wb1, "quux", 4, "e", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_delete(wb1, "quux", 4); size_t repsize1 = 0; const char* rep = rocksdb_writebatch_data(wb1, &repsize1); rocksdb_writebatch_t* wb2 = rocksdb_writebatch_create_from(rep, repsize1); CheckCondition(rocksdb_writebatch_count(wb1) == rocksdb_writebatch_count(wb2)); size_t repsize2 = 0; CheckCondition( memcmp(rep, rocksdb_writebatch_data(wb2, &repsize2), repsize1) == 0); rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(wb1); rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(wb2); } StartPhase("iter"); { rocksdb_iterator_t* iter = rocksdb_create_iterator(db, roptions); CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek_to_first(iter); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); CheckIter(iter, "box", "c"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); CheckIter(iter, "foo", "hello"); rocksdb_iter_prev(iter); CheckIter(iter, "box", "c"); rocksdb_iter_prev(iter); CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek_to_last(iter); CheckIter(iter, "foo", "hello"); rocksdb_iter_seek(iter, "b", 1); CheckIter(iter, "box", "c"); rocksdb_iter_get_error(iter, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); } StartPhase("approximate_sizes"); { int i; int n = 20000; char keybuf[100]; char valbuf[100]; uint64_t sizes[2]; const char* start[2] = { "a", "k00000000000000010000" }; size_t start_len[2] = { 1, 21 }; const char* limit[2] = { "k00000000000000010000", "z" }; size_t limit_len[2] = { 21, 1 }; rocksdb_writeoptions_set_sync(woptions, 0); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), "k%020d", i); snprintf(valbuf, sizeof(valbuf), "v%020d", i); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, keybuf, strlen(keybuf), valbuf, strlen(valbuf), &err); CheckNoError(err); } rocksdb_approximate_sizes(db, 2, start, start_len, limit, limit_len, sizes); CheckCondition(sizes[0] > 0); CheckCondition(sizes[1] > 0); } StartPhase("property"); { char* prop = rocksdb_property_value(db, "nosuchprop"); CheckCondition(prop == NULL); prop = rocksdb_property_value(db, "rocksdb.stats"); CheckCondition(prop != NULL); Free(&prop); } StartPhase("snapshot"); { const rocksdb_snapshot_t* snap; snap = rocksdb_create_snapshot(db); rocksdb_delete(db, woptions, "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_readoptions_set_snapshot(roptions, snap); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "hello"); rocksdb_readoptions_set_snapshot(roptions, NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", NULL); rocksdb_release_snapshot(db, snap); } StartPhase("repair"); { // If we do not compact here, then the lazy deletion of // files ( would leave // around deleted files and the repair process will find // those files and put them back into the database. rocksdb_compact_range(db, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 0); rocksdb_options_set_error_if_exists(options, 0); rocksdb_repair_db(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "box", "c"); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 1); rocksdb_options_set_error_if_exists(options, 1); } StartPhase("filter"); for (run = 0; run < 2; run++) { // First run uses custom filter, second run uses bloom filter CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_filterpolicy_t* policy; if (run == 0) { policy = rocksdb_filterpolicy_create( NULL, FilterDestroy, FilterCreate, FilterKeyMatch, NULL, FilterName); } else { policy = rocksdb_filterpolicy_create_bloom(10); } // Create new database rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_set_filter_policy(options, policy); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo", 3, "foovalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "bar", 3, "barvalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_compact_range(db, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); fake_filter_result = 1; CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "foovalue"); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", "barvalue"); if (phase == 0) { // Must not find value when custom filter returns false fake_filter_result = 0; CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", NULL); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", NULL); fake_filter_result = 1; CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "foovalue"); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", "barvalue"); } rocksdb_options_set_filter_policy(options, NULL); rocksdb_filterpolicy_destroy(policy); } StartPhase("compaction_filter"); { rocksdb_options_t* options = rocksdb_options_create(); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 1); rocksdb_compactionfilter_t* cfilter; cfilter = rocksdb_compactionfilter_create(NULL, CFilterDestroy, CFilterFilter, CFilterName); // Create new database rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter(options, cfilter); db = CheckCompaction(db, options, roptions, woptions); rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter(options, NULL); rocksdb_compactionfilter_destroy(cfilter); rocksdb_options_destroy(options); } StartPhase("compaction_filter_factory"); { rocksdb_options_t* options = rocksdb_options_create(); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 1); rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_t* factory; factory = rocksdb_compactionfilterfactory_create( NULL, CFilterFactoryDestroy, CFilterCreate, CFilterFactoryName); // Create new database rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter_factory(options, factory); db = CheckCompaction(db, options, roptions, woptions); rocksdb_options_set_compaction_filter_factory(options, NULL); rocksdb_options_destroy(options); } StartPhase("merge_operator"); { rocksdb_mergeoperator_t* merge_operator; merge_operator = rocksdb_mergeoperator_create( NULL, MergeOperatorDestroy, MergeOperatorFullMerge, MergeOperatorPartialMerge, NULL, MergeOperatorName); // Create new database rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_set_merge_operator(options, merge_operator); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo", 3, "foovalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "foovalue"); rocksdb_merge(db, woptions, "foo", 3, "barvalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "foo", "fake"); // Merge of a non-existing value rocksdb_merge(db, woptions, "bar", 3, "barvalue", 8, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGet(db, roptions, "bar", "fake"); } StartPhase("columnfamilies"); { rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err) rocksdb_options_t* db_options = rocksdb_options_create(); rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(db_options, 1); db = rocksdb_open(db_options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err) rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* cfh; cfh = rocksdb_create_column_family(db, db_options, "cf1", &err); rocksdb_column_family_handle_destroy(cfh); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_close(db); size_t cflen; char** column_fams = rocksdb_list_column_families(db_options, dbname, &cflen, &err); CheckNoError(err); // TODO column_families vals seg fault CheckEqual("default", column_fams[0], 7); CheckEqual("cf1", column_fams[1], 3); CheckCondition(cflen == 2); rocksdb_list_column_families_destroy(column_fams, cflen); rocksdb_options_t* cf_options = rocksdb_options_create(); const char* cf_names[2] = {"default", "cf1"}; const rocksdb_options_t* cf_opts[2] = {cf_options, cf_options}; rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* handles[2]; db = rocksdb_open_column_families(db_options, dbname, 2, cf_names, cf_opts, handles, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put_cf(db, woptions, handles[1], "foo", 3, "hello", 5, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "foo", "hello"); rocksdb_delete_cf(db, woptions, handles[1], "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "foo", NULL); rocksdb_writebatch_t* wb = rocksdb_writebatch_create(); rocksdb_writebatch_put_cf(wb, handles[1], "baz", 3, "a", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_clear(wb); rocksdb_writebatch_put_cf(wb, handles[1], "bar", 3, "b", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_put_cf(wb, handles[1], "box", 3, "c", 1); rocksdb_writebatch_delete_cf(wb, handles[1], "bar", 3); rocksdb_write(db, woptions, wb, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "baz", NULL); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "bar", NULL); CheckGetCF(db, roptions, handles[1], "box", "c"); rocksdb_writebatch_destroy(wb); rocksdb_iterator_t* iter = rocksdb_create_iterator_cf(db, roptions, handles[1]); CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek_to_first(iter); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); int i; for (i = 0; rocksdb_iter_valid(iter) != 0; rocksdb_iter_next(iter)) { i++; } CheckCondition(i == 1); rocksdb_iter_get_error(iter, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); rocksdb_drop_column_family(db, handles[1], &err); CheckNoError(err); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { rocksdb_column_family_handle_destroy(handles[i]); } rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_destroy_db(options, dbname, &err); rocksdb_options_destroy(db_options); rocksdb_options_destroy(cf_options); } StartPhase("prefix"); { // Create new database rocksdb_filterpolicy_t* policy = rocksdb_filterpolicy_create_bloom(10); rocksdb_options_set_filter_policy(options, policy); rocksdb_options_set_prefix_extractor(options, rocksdb_slicetransform_create_fixed_prefix(3)); rocksdb_options_set_hash_skip_list_rep(options, 5000, 4, 4); rocksdb_options_set_plain_table_factory(options, 4, 10, 0.75, 16); db = rocksdb_open(options, dbname, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo1", 4, "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo2", 4, "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "foo3", 4, "foo", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "bar1", 4, "bar", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "bar2", 4, "bar", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_put(db, woptions, "bar3", 4, "bar", 3, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_iterator_t* iter = rocksdb_create_iterator(db, roptions); CheckCondition(!rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); rocksdb_iter_seek(iter, "bar", 3); rocksdb_iter_get_error(iter, &err); CheckNoError(err); CheckCondition(rocksdb_iter_valid(iter)); CheckIter(iter, "bar1", "bar"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); CheckIter(iter, "bar2", "bar"); rocksdb_iter_next(iter); CheckIter(iter, "bar3", "bar"); rocksdb_iter_get_error(iter, &err); CheckNoError(err); rocksdb_iter_destroy(iter); rocksdb_filterpolicy_destroy(policy); } StartPhase("cleanup"); rocksdb_close(db); rocksdb_options_destroy(options); rocksdb_readoptions_destroy(roptions); rocksdb_writeoptions_destroy(woptions); rocksdb_cache_destroy(cache); rocksdb_comparator_destroy(cmp); rocksdb_env_destroy(env); fprintf(stderr, "PASS\n"); return 0; }