Exemple #1
int main(void)
    LONG result = RETURN_OK;

        dt.dat_Stamp.ds_Days = days;
        dt.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
        dt.dat_StrDate = s;


        dt.dat_Stamp.ds_Days = -1;

        //printf("date \"%s\" day = %ld\n", s, days);

        if (dt.dat_Stamp.ds_Days != days)
            printf("Bad results for date \"%s\" (day #%ld). "
                "StrToDate thought it was day #%ld\n", s, (long)days,
            result = RETURN_ERROR;


    while (!CheckSignal(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) && (days < 36525));
        /* 2078-01-01: same as 1978 in FORMAT_DOS */

    return result;
Exemple #2
int lib_dos_f_CheckSignal_2(emumsg_syscall_t *msg)
	/* Make real syscall */

	msg->arg[0]._ulong = CheckSignal(msg->arg[0]._ulong);

	return HOOK_DONE;
Exemple #3
void ChaseSignals(void)
	struct signal *signalPointer;
	for (signalPointer = lastSignal;
	     signalPointer != NULL_STRUCT(signal);
	     signalPointer = signalPointer -> next)
		(void) CheckSignal(signalPointer);
} /* end ChaseSignals */
Exemple #4
static void
CheckSignal_Signal(int unused)
#if defined(AFS_PTHREAD_ENV)
    IOMGR_SoftSig(CheckSignal, 0);
void SPIListener::Run()
    // Run until terminated
    while (1) {
        // Let the thread sleep for 1/10th of a second.
        // Check each bus for a signal

Exemple #6
int checkcharbuffer(void)
	char tecken;
	ULONG conreadsig = 1L << conreadport->mp_SigBit;

	while(CheckSignal(conreadsig) & conreadsig)
		if(tecken && typeaheadbuftkn<50)

	return typeaheadbuftkn;
Exemple #7
IPTR Ascii__DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT(Class *cl, Object *o, struct gpLayout *gpl)
    struct DTSpecialInfo 	*si = (struct DTSpecialInfo *) G (o)->SpecialInfo;
    struct AsciiData 		*data = INST_DATA (cl, o);
    ULONG 			visible = 0, total = 0;
    struct RastPort 		trp;
    ULONG 			hunit = 1;
    ULONG 			bsig = 0;

    /* Switches */
    BOOL 			linefeed = FALSE;
    BOOL 			newseg = FALSE;
    BOOL 			abort = FALSE;

    /* Attributes obtained from super-class */
    struct TextAttr 		*tattr;
    struct TextFont 		*font;
    struct List 		*linelist;
    struct IBox 		*domain;
    IPTR 			wrap = FALSE;
    IPTR 			bufferlen;
    STRPTR 			buffer;
    STRPTR 			title;

    /* Line information */
    ULONG 			num, offset, swidth;
    ULONG 			anchor = 0, newanchor;
    ULONG 			style = FS_NORMAL;
    struct Line 		*line;
    ULONG 			yoffset = 0;
    ULONG			linelength, max_linelength = 0;
    UBYTE 			fgpen = 1;
    UBYTE 			bgpen = 0;
    ULONG 			tabspace;
    ULONG 			numtabs;
    ULONG 			i;

    ULONG 			nomwidth, nomheight;

    /* Get all the attributes that we are going to need for a successful layout */
    if (GetDTAttrs (o, DTA_TextAttr	, (IPTR) &tattr		,
                       DTA_TextFont	, (IPTR) &font		,
                       DTA_Domain	, (IPTR) &domain	,
                       DTA_ObjName	, (IPTR) &title		,
                       TDTA_Buffer	, (IPTR) &buffer	,
                       TDTA_BufferLen	, (IPTR) &bufferlen	,
                       TDTA_LineList	, (IPTR) &linelist	,
                       TDTA_WordWrap	, (IPTR) &wrap		,
                       TAG_DONE) == 8)
        D(bug("AsciiDataType_AsyncLayout: Got all attrs\n"));

        /* Lock the global object data so that nobody else can manipulate it */
        ObtainSemaphore (&(si->si_Lock));

        /* Make sure we have a buffer */
        if (buffer)
	    D(bug("AsciiDataType_AsyncLayout: Got buffer\n"));
            /* Initialize the temporary RastPort */
            InitRastPort (&trp);
            SetFont (&trp, font);

    	    D(bug("AsciiDataType_AsyncLayout: Temp RastPort initialized\n"));

            /* Calculate the nominal size */
            nomheight = (ULONG) (24 * font->tf_YSize);
            nomwidth  = (ULONG) (80 * font->tf_XSize);

	    /* Calculate the tab space */
	    tabspace = font->tf_XSize * 8;

            /* We only need to perform layout if we are doing word wrap, or this
             * is the initial layout call */

    	    D(bug("AsciiDataType_AsyncLayout: Checking if layout is needed\n"));
            if (wrap || gpl->gpl_Initial)
		D(bug("AsciiDataType_AsyncLayout: Layout IS needed. Freeing old LineList\n"));
                /* Delete the old line list */
                while ((line = (struct Line *) RemHead (linelist)))
                    FreePooled (data->Pool, line, sizeof (struct Line));

    		D(bug("AsciiDataType_AsyncLayout. Old LineList freed\n"));

                /* Step through the text buffer */
                for (i = offset = num = numtabs = 0;
                     (i < bufferlen) && (bsig == 0) && !abort;
                    /* Convert DOS and Mac line endings */
                    if (buffer[i] == '\r')
                        if (buffer[i + 1] == '\n')
                            buffer[i] = '\n';

		    /* Check for end of line */
		    if (buffer[i] == '\n')
			newseg = linefeed = TRUE;
			newanchor = i + 1;
		    /* Check for end of page */
		    else if (buffer[i] == 12)
			newseg = linefeed = TRUE;
			newanchor = i + 1;
		    /* Check for tab */
		    else if (buffer[i] == '\t')
			/* See if we need to terminate a line segment */
			if ((numtabs == 0) && num)
			    newseg = TRUE;
			/* See if we have any TABs that we need to finish out */
			if (numtabs)
			    offset += (((offset / tabspace) + 1) * tabspace) - offset;
			    num = numtabs = 0;
			    anchor = i;

			/* Compute the width of the line. */
			swidth = TextLength(&trp, &buffer[anchor], num + 1);

    	    	    if (i == bufferlen - 1) newseg = TRUE;
		    /* Time for a new text segment yet? */
		    if (newseg)
			/* Allocate a new line segment from our memory pool */
			if ((line = AllocPooled(data->Pool, sizeof(struct Line))))
			    swidth = TextLength(&trp, &buffer[anchor], num);
			    line->ln_Text = &buffer[anchor];
			    line->ln_TextLen = num;
			    line->ln_XOffset = offset;
			    line->ln_YOffset = yoffset + font->tf_Baseline;
			    line->ln_Width = swidth;
			    line->ln_Height = font->tf_YSize;
			    line->ln_Flags = (linefeed) ? LNF_LF : 0;
			    line->ln_FgPen = fgpen;
			    line->ln_BgPen = bgpen;
			    line->ln_Style = style;
			    line->ln_Data = NULL;

			    linelength = line->ln_Width + line->ln_XOffset;
			    if (linelength > max_linelength)
			    	max_linelength = linelength;
			    /* Add the line to the list */
			    AddTail(linelist, (struct Node *) line);

			    /* Increment the line count */
			    if (linefeed)
				yoffset += font->tf_YSize;
				offset = 0;
				/* Increment the offset */
				offset += swidth;
			    abort = TRUE;

			/* Clear the variables */
			newseg = linefeed = FALSE;
			anchor = newanchor;
			num = 0;

                        /* Check to see if layout has been aborted */
                        bsig = CheckSignal (SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
                    } /* if (newseg) */

		 * check for last line

		D(bug("AsciiDataType_AsyncLayout: end textloop, anchor %ld\n",anchor));

#if 0
		if (buffer[anchor])
			D(bug("AsciiDataType_AsyncLayout: add last line <%s>\n",
			/* Allocate a new line segment from our memory pool */
			if ((line = AllocPooled(data->Pool, sizeof(struct Line))))
			    swidth = TextLength(&trp, &buffer[anchor], num);
			    line->ln_Text = &buffer[anchor];
			    line->ln_TextLen = num;
			    line->ln_XOffset = offset;
			    line->ln_YOffset = yoffset + font->tf_Baseline;
			    line->ln_Width = swidth;
			    line->ln_Height = font->tf_YSize;
			    line->ln_Flags = (linefeed) ? LNF_LF : 0;
			    line->ln_FgPen = fgpen;
			    line->ln_BgPen = bgpen;
			    line->ln_Style = style;
			    line->ln_Data = NULL;

			    linelength = line->ln_Width + line->ln_XOffset;
			    if (linelength > max_linelength)
				max_linelength = linelength;
			    /* Add the line to the list */
			    AddTail(linelist, (struct Node *) line);

			    /* Increment the line count */
			    if (linefeed)
				yoffset += font->tf_YSize;
				offset = 0;
				/* Increment the offset */
				offset += swidth;
			    abort = TRUE;
            } /* if (wrap || gpl->gpl_Initial) */
                /* No layout to perform */
                total  = si->si_TotVert;
		max_linelength = si->si_TotHoriz * si->si_HorizUnit;
        } /* if (buffer) */

        /* Compute the lines and columns type information */
        si->si_VertUnit  = font->tf_YSize;
        si->si_VisVert   = visible = domain->Height / si->si_VertUnit;
        si->si_TotVert   = total;

/*        si->si_HorizUnit = hunit = 1;
        si->si_VisHoriz  = (LONG) domain->Width / hunit;
        si->si_TotHoriz  = domain->Width;*/
	si->si_HorizUnit = hunit = font->tf_XSize;
	si->si_VisHoriz  = domain->Width / hunit;
	si->si_TotHoriz  = max_linelength / hunit;
        /* Release the global data lock */
        ReleaseSemaphore (&si->si_Lock);

        /* Were we aborted? */
        if (bsig == 0)
            /* Not aborted, so tell the world of our newest attributes */
            NotifyAttrChanges (o, gpl->gpl_GInfo, 0,
                               GA_ID		, G(o)->GadgetID,

                               DTA_VisibleVert	, visible				,
                               DTA_TotalVert	, total					,
                               DTA_NominalVert	, nomheight				,
                               DTA_VertUnit	, font->tf_YSize			,
                            /* DTA_TopVert   	, si->si_TopVert                        , */

                               DTA_VisibleHoriz	, (domain->Width / hunit)		,
                               DTA_TotalHoriz	, max_linelength / hunit		,
                               DTA_NominalHoriz	, nomwidth				,
                               DTA_HorizUnit	, hunit					,
    	    	    	       DTA_TopHoriz 	, si->si_TopHoriz   	    	    	,
                               DTA_Title	, (IPTR)title				,
                               DTA_Busy		, FALSE					,
                               DTA_Sync		, TRUE					,
        } /* if (bsig == 0) */
    } /* if GetDTAttrs(... */

    D(bug("AsciiDataType_AsyncLayout: Done. Returning %d\n", total));
    return (IPTR)total;