Exemple #1
void IterableChess::pushPawnMoves(int posy, int posx,
					ChessColor player, std::vector<ChessMove>& moves) const 

	int begins_from_y;	// Where it begins
	int direction;		// 1 for forward, -1 for backward

	if (player == B) {
		begins_from_y = 6;	direction = -1;
	} else {
		begins_from_y = 1;	direction = 1;
	if (posy == begins_from_y) {
		insert_move_if_empty(posy, posx, posy+2*direction, posx, moves, m_state);
	if (posy + 1*direction < CHESS_DIMENTION_Y) {
		insert_move_if_empty(posy, posx, posy+1*direction, posx, moves, m_state);

		// check the possibility of eating
		if (posx < CHESS_DIMENTION_X-1) {
			if (m_state[posy+1*direction][posx+1].color == OtherColor(player) 
								&& m_state[posy+1*direction][posx+1].type != EMPTY) {
				moves.push_back(ChessMove(posy, posx, posy+1*direction, posx+1));
		if (posx >= 1) {
			if (m_state[posy+1*direction][posx-1].color == OtherColor(player)
								&& m_state[posy+1*direction][posx-1].type != EMPTY) {
				moves.push_back(ChessMove(posy, posx, posy+1*direction, posx-1));
Exemple #2
void IterableChess::pushQueenMoves(int posy, int posx,
						ChessColor player, std::vector<ChessMove>& moves) const
	std::vector< std::pair<int, int> > dirs;
	dirs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(1, 1)); dirs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(1, -1));
	dirs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(-1, 1));dirs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(-1, -1));
	dirs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(1, 0)); dirs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(-1, 0));
	dirs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(0, 1)); dirs.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(0, -1));

	std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator iter = dirs.begin();;
	for (; iter != dirs.end(); iter++) {

		int desty = posy+iter->first, destx = posx+iter->second;
		while (destx < CHESS_DIMENTION_X && destx >= 0 && 
			   desty < CHESS_DIMENTION_Y && desty >= 0 && 
			   m_state[desty][destx].type == EMPTY)
			moves.push_back(ChessMove(posy, posx, desty, destx));
		if (destx < CHESS_DIMENTION_X && destx >= 0 && 
			desty < CHESS_DIMENTION_Y && desty >= 0 && 
			m_state[desty][destx].type != EMPTY && 
			m_state[desty][destx].color == OtherColor(player))
			moves.push_back(ChessMove(posy, posx, desty, destx));
Exemple #3
void ChessGameStateTest::test_capture() {
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(4, 6), Point(4, 4))); // e4
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(3, 1), Point(3, 3))); // d5
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(4, 4), Point(3, 3))); // exd5
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_state->board().get(Point(3, 3)) == 
    ChessPiece(ChessPiece::WHITE, ChessPiece::PAWN));
Exemple #4
void ChessGameStateTest::test_en_passant() {
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(4, 6), Point(4, 4))); // e4
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(7, 1), Point(7, 2))); // h6
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(4, 4), Point(4, 3))); // e5
  ChessMove d5(Point(3, 1), Point(3, 3));
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_state->enPassant() == Point(3, 2));
  ChessMove exd6(Point(4, 3), Point(3, 2));
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_state->board().get(Point(3, 3)) == ChessPiece());
Exemple #5
 * push the move to the vector only if the the target checker is empty.
static void insert_move_if_empty(int from_y, int from_x, int to_y, int to_x,
			std::vector<ChessMove> &moves, const ChessPart state[8][8]) 

	if (state[to_y][to_x].type == EMPTY) {
		ChessMove m = ChessMove(from_y, from_x, to_y, to_x);
Exemple #6
void ChessLegalityTest::test_en_passant() {
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(4, 6), Point(4, 4)));
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(7, 1), Point(7, 2)));
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(4, 4), Point(4, 3)));
  ChessMove d5(Point(3, 1), Point(3, 3));
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(d5.enPassantTrigger() == Point(3, 2));
  ChessMove exd6(Point(4, 3), Point(3, 2));
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(exd6.captureSquare() == Point(3, 3));
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(7, 6), Point(7, 5)));
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(7, 2), Point(7, 3)));
  ChessMove tmp(Point(4, 3), Point(3, 2));
Exemple #7
 * Insert the move if the destination exists on board, empty, 
 * or filled with other color.
static void insert_move_if_empty_exst_other(int fromy, int fromx, 
					int toy, int tox, ChessColor player, 
					std::vector<ChessMove> &moves, const ChessPart state[8][8])
	if ( (toy < CHESS_DIMENTION_Y && toy >= 0 && 
		  tox < CHESS_DIMENTION_X && tox >= 0) &&
		 (state[toy][tox].type == EMPTY || 
		 state[toy][tox].color == OtherColor(player)) ) 
		moves.push_back(ChessMove(fromy, fromx, toy, tox));
Exemple #8
ChessMove ChessMove::fromString(const std::string& str)
      return ChessMove();
   PieceType promotion = ptNone;
      ChessPiece p = ChessPiece::fromChar(str[4]);
         case ptQueen:
         case ptRook:
         case ptBishop:
         case ptKnight:
            promotion = p.type();
   CoordPair cpair = CoordPair::fromString(str.substr(0, 4));
   if(cpair==CoordPair()) return ChessMove();
   return ChessMove(cpair, promotion);
//Parse in the format:
//a2 a4
//Na1 a8
const bool ChessGame::ParseMove(
  const std::string& s,
  ChessMove& move) const
  if (s.empty()==true) return false;
  //Obtain chesstypes from the only upper case character at the first index
  //If there is no upper case, it is a pawn
  if (s=="o-o" || s=="O-O" || s == "0-0")
    const int y = (this->GetWhoseTurn() == white ? 0 : 7);
    move = ChessMove(king,4,y,false,6,y);
    return true;
  if (s=="o-o-o" || s=="O-O-O" || s == "0-0-0")
    const int y = (this->GetWhoseTurn() == white ? 0 : 7);
    move = ChessMove(king,4,y,false,2,y);
    return true;

    case 'N': move.type = knight; break;
    case 'B': move.type = bishop; break;
    case 'R': move.type = rook  ; break;
    case 'Q': move.type = queen ; break;
    case 'K': move.type = king  ; break;
    default: move.type = pawn;

  const int minSize = (move.type == pawn ? 5 : 6);
  if (static_cast<int>(s.size()) < minSize) return false;

  if (move.type == pawn)
     if (s[2]==' ') move.capture = false;
     else if (s[2]=='x') move.capture = true;
     else return false;
     if (s[3]==' ') move.capture = false;
     else if (s[3]=='x') move.capture = true;
     else return false;

  const std::string from = (move.type == pawn ? s.substr(0,2) : s.substr(1,2) );
  const std::string to   = (move.type == pawn ? s.substr(3,2) : s.substr(4,2) );

    case 'a': move.x1 = 0; break;
    case 'b': move.x1 = 1; break;
    case 'c': move.x1 = 2; break;
    case 'd': move.x1 = 3; break;
    case 'e': move.x1 = 4; break;
    case 'f': move.x1 = 5; break;
    case 'g': move.x1 = 6; break;
    case 'h': move.x1 = 7; break;
    default: return false;

    case '1': move.y1 = 0; break;
    case '2': move.y1 = 1; break;
    case '3': move.y1 = 2; break;
    case '4': move.y1 = 3; break;
    case '5': move.y1 = 4; break;
    case '6': move.y1 = 5; break;
    case '7': move.y1 = 6; break;
    case '8': move.y1 = 7; break;
    default: return false;

    case 'a': move.x2 = 0; break;
    case 'b': move.x2 = 1; break;
    case 'c': move.x2 = 2; break;
    case 'd': move.x2 = 3; break;
    case 'e': move.x2 = 4; break;
    case 'f': move.x2 = 5; break;
    case 'g': move.x2 = 6; break;
    case 'h': move.x2 = 7; break;
    default: return false;

    case '1': move.y2 = 0; break;
    case '2': move.y2 = 1; break;
    case '3': move.y2 = 2; break;
    case '4': move.y2 = 3; break;
    case '5': move.y2 = 4; break;
    case '6': move.y2 = 5; break;
    case '7': move.y2 = 6; break;
    case '8': move.y2 = 7; break;
    default: return false;

  //if it contains exactly one 'x' it is a capture
  return true;
Exemple #10
void ChessGameStateTest::test_simple_move() {
  m_state->move(ChessMove(Point(4, 6), Point(4, 5))); // e4
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_state->board().get(Point(4, 6)) == ChessPiece());
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_state->board().get(Point(4, 5)) == 
    ChessPiece(ChessPiece::WHITE, ChessPiece::PAWN));