int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Use only one hash function */ assert(USE_32 + USE_64 + USE_128 == 1); printf("Starting computing hashes\n"); struct timespec start, end; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); long long sum = 0; int i = 0, j = 0; long long A[NUM_LONGS]; for(i = 0; i < NUM_PKTS; i ++) { for(j = 0; j < NUM_LONGS; j ++) { A[j] = 0xffffffffffffffffL + i + j; } sum += CityHash64((char *) A, NUM_LONGS * sizeof(long long)); } clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end); double seconds = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + (double) (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000000000; double nanoseconds = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec); printf("Time = %f, time per hash = %f ns, sum = %lld\n", seconds, nanoseconds / NUM_PKTS, sum); return 0; }
static int fsal_acl_hash_both(hash_parameter_t *hparam, struct gsh_buffdesc *key, uint32_t *index, uint64_t *rbthash) { *rbthash = CityHash64(key->addr, key->len); *index = *rbthash % hparam->index_size; return 1; }
uint64_t cch_cityhash64 (const char *buf, size_t len) { #ifdef HAVE_CITYHASH64 return CityHash64(buf, len); #else feature_failure(__func__); #endif }
/** * @brief Creates a hashtable key for a pseudofs node given the fullpath. * * Creates a hashtable key for a pseudofs node given the fullpath. * * @param[in] pseudopath Full path of the pseudofs node * @param[in] len Length of the full path * * @return the key */ struct gsh_buffdesc create_pseudo_handle_key(char *pseudopath, ushort len) { struct gsh_buffdesc key; uint64 hashkey; hashkey = CityHash64(pseudopath, len); key.addr = package_pseudo_handle(pseudopath, len, hashkey); key.len = V4_FH_OPAQUE_SIZE; return key; }
LogTuple buildKeyAndValue(const std::string &log) { // Current timestamp in ISO-8601 format // Message timestamp converted to ISO-8601 format // username associated with the event (if any, e.g. src@ladmin) // node name (e.g. src@ladmin) // The line’s log payload static const RE2 valueRegex( "-\\s(\\d+)(?:\\s\\S+){5}\\s(\\w+)(.)(\\w+)\\s(.*)$"); int key, timestamp; // value is in seconds char nodeChar; std::string username, nodename, msg, value; if(RE2::FullMatch(log, valueRegex, ×tamp, &username, &nodeChar, &nodename, &msg)) { key = static_cast<int64_t>(CityHash64(, log.size()) + timestamp); value = bolt::timeInMillisAsIso8601(bolt::timeNowMilli()) + ":" + std::to_string(timestamp * 1000) + ":" + username + nodeChar + nodename + ":" + msg; } return LogTuple(key, value); }
CITYHASH_API void GetCityHash64(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop) { TCHAR hashString[MAX_STRLEN]; TCHAR hexResult[18]; g_stacktop = stacktop; g_variables = variables; memset(hashString, 0, sizeof(hashString)); memset(hexResult, 0, sizeof(hexResult)); if (!popString(hashString)) { pushString(L"error"); return; } uint64 result = CityHash64((const char*)&hashString[0], wcslen(hashString)*sizeof(TCHAR)); swprintf_s(hexResult, 17, L"%16I64X", result); pushString(hexResult); }
void GetCityHash64(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop) { TCHAR hashString[MAX_STRLEN]; TCHAR hexResult[18] = { _T('\0') }; g_stacktop = stacktop; g_variables = variables; memset(hashString, 0, sizeof(hashString)); memset(hexResult, 0, sizeof(hexResult)); if (!popString(hashString)) { pushString(L"error"); return; } uint64 result = CityHash64((const char*)&hashString[0], wcslen(hashString)*sizeof(TCHAR)); // If the hash happens to work out to less than 16 hash digits it will just // use less of the buffer. swprintf(hexResult, L"%I64X", result); pushString(hexResult); }
std::uint64_t Document::getIdHash(const char* id) { return id != nullptr ? CityHash64(id, std::strlen(id)) : 0; }
static int city_hash(const char *buf, int len) { return (int)CityHash64(buf, len); }
uint64_t SkCityHash::Compute64(const char *data, size_t size) { return CityHash64(data, size); }
foreach(batch_index, BATCH_SIZE) { char *name = name_lo[batch_index].name; if(batch_index != BATCH_SIZE - 1) { __builtin_prefetch(name_lo[batch_index + 1].name, 0, 3); } int c_i, i; /**< URL char iterator and slot iterator */ int bkt_num, bkt_1, bkt_2; int terminate = 0; /**< Stop processing this URL? */ int prefix_match_found = 0; /**< Stop this hash-table lookup ? */ /**< For names that we cannot find, dst_port is -1 */ dst_ports[batch_index] = -1; for(c_i = 0; name[c_i] != 0; c_i ++) { if(name[c_i] == '/') { break; } } c_i ++; for(; name[c_i] != 0; c_i ++) { if(name[c_i] != '/') { continue; } uint64_t prefix_hash = CityHash64WithSeed(name, c_i + 1, NDN_SEED); uint16_t tag = prefix_hash >> 48; struct ndn_slot *slots; /**< name[0] -> name[c_i] is a prefix of length c_i + 1 */ for(bkt_num = 1; bkt_num <= 2; bkt_num ++) { if(bkt_num == 1) { bkt_1 = prefix_hash & NDN_NUM_BKT_; FPP_EXPENSIVE(&ht[bkt_1]); slots = ht[bkt_1].slots; } else { bkt_2 = (bkt_1 ^ CityHash64((char *) &tag, 2)) & NDN_NUM_BKT_; FPP_EXPENSIVE(&ht[bkt_2]); slots = ht[bkt_2].slots; } /**< Now, "slots" points to an ndn_bucket. Find a valid slot * with a matching tag. */ for(i = 0; i < NDN_NUM_SLOTS; i ++) { int8_t _dst_port = slots[i].dst_port; uint64_t _hash = slots[i].cityhash; if(_dst_port >= 0 && _hash == prefix_hash) { /**< Record the dst port: this may get overwritten by * longer prefix matches later */ dst_ports[batch_index] = slots[i].dst_port; if(slots[i].is_terminal == 1) { /**< A terminal FIB entry: we're done! */ terminate = 1; } prefix_match_found = 1; break; } } /**< Stop the hash-table lookup for name[0 ... c_i] */ if(prefix_match_found == 1) { break; } } /**< Stop processing the name if we found a terminal FIB entry */ if(terminate == 1) { break; } } /**< Loop over URL characters ends here */ } /**< Loop over batch ends here */
// Make local hash out of arbitrary data. void MakeLocalHash(const void* data, uint32_t size, LocalHash* hash) { *hash = CityHash64(data, size); }
static size_t compute(const char* buffer, size_t length) { return static_cast<size_t>(CityHash64(buffer, length)); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { using Strings = std::vector<std::string>; using Hashes = std::vector<char>; Strings strings; size_t rows = 0; size_t bytes = 0; { Stopwatch watch; DB::ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor in(STDIN_FILENO); while (!in.eof()) { strings.push_back(std::string()); DB::readEscapedString(strings.back(), in); DB::assertChar('\n', in); bytes += strings.back().size() + 1; } watch.stop(); rows = strings.size(); std::cerr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << "Read " << rows << " rows, " << bytes / 1000000.0 << " MB" << ", elapsed: " << watch.elapsedSeconds() << " (" << rows / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " rows/sec., " << bytes / 1000000.0 / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " MB/sec.)" << std::endl; } Hashes hashes(16 * rows); { Stopwatch watch; for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { *reinterpret_cast<UInt64*>(&hashes[i * 16]) = CityHash64(strings[i].data(), strings[i].size()); } watch.stop(); UInt64 check = CityHash64(&hashes[0], hashes.size()); std::cerr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << "CityHash64 (check = " << check << ")" << ", elapsed: " << watch.elapsedSeconds() << " (" << rows / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " rows/sec., " << bytes / 1000000.0 / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " MB/sec.)" << std::endl; } /* { Stopwatch watch; std::vector<char> seed(16); for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { sipHash( reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&hashes[i * 16]), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(strings[i].data()), strings[i].size(), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(&seed[0])); } watch.stop(); UInt64 check = CityHash64(&hashes[0], hashes.size()); std::cerr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << "SipHash (check = " << check << ")" << ", elapsed: " << watch.elapsedSeconds() << " (" << rows / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " rows/sec., " << bytes / 1000000.0 / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " MB/sec.)" << std::endl; }*/ { Stopwatch watch; for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { SipHash hash; hash.update(strings[i].data(), strings[i].size()); hash.get128(&hashes[i * 16]); } watch.stop(); UInt64 check = CityHash64(&hashes[0], hashes.size()); std::cerr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << "SipHash, stream (check = " << check << ")" << ", elapsed: " << watch.elapsedSeconds() << " (" << rows / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " rows/sec., " << bytes / 1000000.0 / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " MB/sec.)" << std::endl; } { Stopwatch watch; for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { MD5_CTX state; MD5_Init(&state); MD5_Update(&state, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(strings[i].data()), strings[i].size()); MD5_Final(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&hashes[i * 16]), &state); } watch.stop(); UInt64 check = CityHash64(&hashes[0], hashes.size()); std::cerr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << "MD5 (check = " << check << ")" << ", elapsed: " << watch.elapsedSeconds() << " (" << rows / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " rows/sec., " << bytes / 1000000.0 / watch.elapsedSeconds() << " MB/sec.)" << std::endl; } return 0; }
inline mtn::index_address_t hash() { return CityHash64(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this), sizeof(uint32_t) * 3); }
int CalcCatFeatureHash(const TStringBuf& feature) { return CityHash64(feature) & 0xffffffff; }
uint64 CityHash64CXX(string str) { return CityHash64(str.c_str(), str.size()); }
void process_batch(struct ndn_name *name_lo, int *dst_ports, struct ndn_bucket *ht) { char *name[BATCH_SIZE]; int i[BATCH_SIZE]; int c_i[BATCH_SIZE]; int bkt_2[BATCH_SIZE]; int bkt_1[BATCH_SIZE]; int bkt_num[BATCH_SIZE]; int terminate[BATCH_SIZE]; int prefix_match_found[BATCH_SIZE]; uint64_t prefix_hash[BATCH_SIZE]; uint16_t tag[BATCH_SIZE]; struct ndn_slot *slots[BATCH_SIZE]; int8_t _dst_port[BATCH_SIZE]; uint64_t _hash[BATCH_SIZE]; int I = 0; // batch index void *batch_rips[BATCH_SIZE]; // goto targets int iMask = 0; // No packet is done yet int temp_index; for(temp_index = 0; temp_index < BATCH_SIZE; temp_index ++) { batch_rips[temp_index] = &&fpp_start; } fpp_start: name[I] = name_lo[I].name; FPP_PSS(name[I], fpp_label_1); fpp_label_1: /**< URL char iterator and slot iterator */ terminate[I] = 0; /**< Stop processing this URL? */ prefix_match_found[I] = 0; /**< Stop this hash-table lookup ? */ /**< For names that we cannot find, dst_port is -1 */ dst_ports[I] = -1; for(c_i[I] = 0; name[I][c_i[I]] != 0; c_i[I] ++) { if(name[I][c_i[I]] == '/') { break; } } c_i[I] ++; for(; name[I][c_i[I]] != 0; c_i[I] ++) { if(name[I][c_i[I]] != '/') { continue; } prefix_hash[I] = CityHash64WithSeed(name[I], c_i[I] + 1, NDN_SEED); tag[I] = prefix_hash[I] >> 48; /**< name[0] -> name[c_i] is a prefix of length c_i + 1 */ for(bkt_num[I] = 1; bkt_num[I] <= 2; bkt_num[I] ++) { if(bkt_num[I] == 1) { bkt_1[I] = prefix_hash[I] & NDN_NUM_BKT_; FPP_PSS(&ht[bkt_1[I]], fpp_label_2); fpp_label_2: slots[I] = ht[bkt_1[I]].slots; } else { bkt_2[I] = (bkt_1[I] ^ CityHash64((char *) &tag[I], 2)) & NDN_NUM_BKT_; FPP_PSS(&ht[bkt_2[I]], fpp_label_3); fpp_label_3: slots[I] = ht[bkt_2[I]].slots; } /**< Now, "slots" points to an ndn_bucket. Find a valid slot * with a matching tag. */ for(i[I] = 0; i[I] < NDN_NUM_SLOTS; i[I] ++) { _dst_port[I] = slots[I][i[I]].dst_port; _hash[I] = slots[I][i[I]].cityhash; if(_dst_port[I] >= 0 && _hash[I] == prefix_hash[I]) { /**< Record the dst port: this may get overwritten by * longer prefix matches later */ dst_ports[I] = slots[I][i[I]].dst_port; if(slots[I][i[I]].is_terminal == 1) { /**< A terminal FIB entry: we're done! */ terminate[I] = 1; } prefix_match_found[I] = 1; break; } } /**< Stop the hash-table lookup for name[0 ... c_i] */ if(prefix_match_found[I] == 1) { break; } } /**< Stop processing the name if we found a terminal FIB entry */ if(terminate[I] == 1) { break; } } /**< Loop over URL characters ends here */ /**< Loop over batch ends here */ fpp_end: batch_rips[I] = &&fpp_end; iMask = FPP_SET(iMask, I); if(iMask == (1 << BATCH_SIZE) - 1) { return; } I = (I + 1) & BATCH_SIZE_; goto *batch_rips[I]; }