static uint64_t
  uint64_t start = ClockTime();
  uint64_t end = ClockTime();
  uint64_t minres = (end - start);

  // 10 total trials is arbitrary: what we're trying to avoid by
  // looping is getting unlucky and being interrupted by a context
  // switch or signal, or being bitten by paging/cache effects
  for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
    start = ClockTime();
    end = ClockTime();

    uint64_t candidate = (start - end);
    if (candidate < minres)
      minres = candidate;

  if (0 == minres) {
    // measurable resolution is either incredibly low, ~1ns, or very
    // high.  fall back on NSPR's resolution assumption
    minres = 1 * kNsPerMs;

  return minres;
void PID_UpdateCentroid(PID * pid)
	int P, I, D;
	float refreshRate;

	//------Read Encoder and clock
	uint32 nowClocks = ClockTime();

	//------Time since last function call in seconds
	refreshRate = refresh_rate(nowClocks, pid->lastClockTicks_c);
	pid->lastClockTicks_c = nowClocks;

	//------Calculate Error
	pid->error_c = pid->desiredCentroidPID - pid->currentCentroid;
	///Wireless_ControlLog(pid->currentCentroid, pid->desiredCentroidPID);
	//------Update Derivative
	//pid->differentiator_c = ((((2*pid->Tau)-refreshRate)/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*pid->differentiator_c) + ((2/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*(pid->currentCentroid - pid->lastCurrentCentroid));
	pid->differentiator_c = ((((2*pid->Tau)-refreshRate)/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*pid->differentiator_c) + ((2/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*(pid->error_c - pid->lastError_c));

	//------Update integrator - AntiWindup(only use the integrator if we are close, but not too close)
	if( abs(pid->error_c) < 75)
		pid->integrator_c = pid->integrator_c + ((refreshRate/2)*(pid->error_c + pid->lastError_c))*abs(pid->currentVelocity)/1500;
		pid->integrator_c = 0;

	//------Scale Kp based on current velocity
	float Kp = pid->Kp_c * 1000 / abs(pid->currentVelocity);

	//------Output Calculation
	P = Kp * pid->error_c;
	I = pid->Ki_c * pid->integrator_c;
	D = pid->Kd_c * pid->differentiator_c;

	pid->outputPID_unsat_c = (P) + (I) - (D);
	pid->outputPID_c = sat(pid->outputPID_unsat_c, 40);

	//pid->integrator_c = pid->integrator_c + (refreshRate/pid->Ki_c)*(pid->outputPID_c - pid->outputPID_unsat_c);

	//------Save states and send PWM to motors
	pid->lastCurrentCentroid = pid->currentCentroid;
	pid->lastError_c = pid->error_c;

	//------Condition output on current velocity
	if (pid->currentVelocity < 0)
		pid->outputPID_c = -pid->outputPID_c;
	if (pid->currentVelocity > -20 && pid->currentVelocity < 20)
		pid->outputPID_c = 0;
	if (pid->outputPID_c == 0)
		pid->outputPID_c = 0;
	SetServo(RC_STR_SERVO, pid->outputPID_c);
Exemple #3
void safe_timer(long long *tm, int period_mcs)
	uint64_t time_now;
	uint64_t period_ns;
	struct timespec wake_up_time;
	long long *dummy;
	dummy = tm;
	ifperrs(ClockTime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, NULL, &time_now) == -1, AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES, strerror(errno));
	period_ns = period_mcs*1000;
	time_now = time_now - time_now % period_ns + period_ns; 
	wake_up_time.tv_sec = time_now/1000000000LL;
	wake_up_time.tv_nsec = time_now % 1000000000LL;
	errp(clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, &wake_up_time, NULL));
TimeStamp::Now(bool aHighResolution)
  return TimeStamp(ClockTime());
void PID_UpdateRadius(PID * pid)
	int P, I, D;
	double refreshRate;
	CPU_MSR msr;

	//------Read Encoder and clock
	float desiredRadius = pid->desiredRadiusPID;//----//get info from camera here
	uint32 nowClocks = ClockTime();
//	Gyro_Calculation(pid->gyro);

	//------Time since last function call in seconds
	refreshRate = refresh_rate(nowClocks, pid->lastClockTicks_r);
	pid->lastClockTicks_r = nowClocks;

	//------Current Radius at front of car
	pid->currentRadius = pid->gyro->frontRadius;
	if (pid->currentRadius > 6000)
		pid->currentRadius = 6000;
	else if (pid->currentRadius < -6000)
		pid->currentRadius = -6000;

	//------Calculate Error
	pid->error_r = ((float)(pid->currentRadius - desiredRadius))/(pid->currentRadius * desiredRadius);

	//------Update Derivative
	pid->differentiator_r = ((((2*pid->Tau)-refreshRate)/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*pid->differentiator_r) + ((2/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*(pid->currentRadius - pid->lastCurrentRadius));

	//------Update integrator - AntiWindup(only use the integrator if we are close, but not too close)
	if (abs(((int)(1000000*pid->error_r))) > 200)
		pid->integrator_r = ((int)((pid->integrator_r))) + ((int)(1000000*((refreshRate/2)*(pid->error_r + pid->lastError_r))));

	//------Output Calculation
	//pid->Ki_r = pid->Ki_r/1000000;
	P = (pid->Kp_r * pid->error_r);
	I = (pid->Ki_r * pid->integrator_r);
	D = (pid->Kd_r * pid->differentiator_r);
	pid->radiusEqualibrium = (40000.0/desiredRadius);

//	Wireless_Debug("P: ");
//	PrintInt(P);
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("Integral: ");
//	PrintFloat(pid->integrator_r);
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("error: ");
//	PrintFloat(pid->error_r);
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("lastError: ");
//	PrintFloat(pid->lastError_r);
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("Refresh: ");
//	PrintFloat(refreshRate);
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("I: ");
//	PrintInt(I);
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("velocityBack: ");
//		PrintFloat(pid->currentVelocityBack);
//		Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//		Wireless_Debug("velocityFront: ");
//			PrintFloat(pid->currentVelocity);
//			Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("-----------------------------");
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("D: ");
//	PrintInt(D);
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");

//	Wireless_ControlLog_Ext(pid->currentRadius, pid->desiredRadiusPID, pid->error, pid->outputPID_unsat, P);

	//pid->outputPID_unsat_r = (P + I - D) + pid->radiusEqualibrium;
	pid->outputPID_unsat_r = pid->radiusEqualibrium;

	pid->outputPID_r = sat(pid->outputPID_unsat_r, 40);

	//pid->integrator_r = ((int)pid->integrator_r) + ((int)(1000000*(refreshRate/pid->Ki_r)*(pid->outputPID_r - pid->outputPID_unsat_r)));

	//------Save Info for graph
//	Wireless_ControlLog_Ext(pid->currentRadius, desiredRadius, pid->error_r, pid->outputPID_unsat_r, I);

	//------Save states and send PWM to motors
	pid->lastCurrentRadius = pid->currentRadius;
	pid->lastError_r = pid->error_r;
	pid->lastIntegrator_r = pid->integrator_r;

//	Wireless_Debug("Last Error: ");
//	PrintFloat(pid->lastError_r);
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("Integral: ");
//	PrintFloat(pid->integrator_r);
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");
//	Wireless_Debug("-----------------------------");
//	Wireless_Debug("\n\r");

	SetServo(RC_STR_SERVO, pid->outputPID_r);
    return TimeStamp(ClockTime());
void PID_UpdateVelocity(PID * pid)
	int desiredVelocity = pid->desiredVelocityPID;
	float P, I, D;
	float refreshRate;
	CPU_MSR msr;

	//------Read Encoder and clock
	pid->encoderValue = getTicks();
	uint32 nowClocks = ClockTime();

	//------Time since last function call in seconds
	refreshRate = refresh_rate(nowClocks, pid->lastClockTicks);
	pid->lastClockTicks = nowClocks;

	//------Distance since last function call in ticks
	int encoderDifference = pid->encoderValue - pid->lastEncoderValue;

	//------Calculate Velocity
	pid->currentVelocity = (int)((encoderDifference) / (refreshRate));
	//pid->currentVelocityBack = (int)((encoderDifference) / (refreshRate));

	//------Convert Back Velocity to front
	//pid->currentVelocity = Gyro_VelocityBackToFront(pid->gyro,pid->currentVelocityBack);

	//------Calculate Error
	pid->error = desiredVelocity - (pid->currentVelocity);

	//------Update Derivative
	//pid->differentiator = ((((2*pid->Tau)-refreshRate)/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*pid->differentiator) + ((2/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*(pid->currentVelocity - pid->lastCurrentVelocity));
	pid->differentiator = ((((2*pid->Tau)-refreshRate)/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*pid->differentiator) + ((2/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*(pid->error - pid->lastError));

	//------Update integrator - AntiWindup(only use the integrator if we are close, but not too close)

	//If we have switched directions, zero the integrator
	if (abs(pid->lastDesiredVelocity) / pid->lastDesiredVelocity !=
		abs(pid->desiredVelocityPID) / pid->desiredVelocityPID) {
		pid->integrator = 0;
	} else {
		pid->integrator = pid->integrator + ((refreshRate/2)*(pid->error + pid->lastError));

	//------Output Calculation
	P = pid->Kp * pid->error;
	I = pid->Ki * pid->integrator;
	D = pid->Kd * pid->differentiator;

	pid->outputPID_unsat = ((int)P) + ((int)I) - ((int)D);
	pid->outputPID = sat(pid->outputPID_unsat, 40);
	//pid->outputPID = downShift(pid->error, -600, 7);

	pid->integrator = pid->integrator + (refreshRate/pid->Ki)*(pid->outputPID - pid->outputPID_unsat);

	//Wireless_ControlLog_Ext(pid->currentVelocity, desiredVelocity, pid->error, pid->outputPID_unsat, P);
	//------Save states and send PWM to motors
	pid->lastEncoderValue = pid->encoderValue;
	pid->lastCurrentVelocity = pid->currentVelocity;
	pid->lastDesiredVelocity = desiredVelocity;
	SetServo(RC_VEL_SERVO, (int)pid->outputPID);
void updateDistanceOutput()
	int32 desiredDistance = pid.desiredDistancePID;
	int32 P, I, D;
	uint32 deltaClocks;
	CPU_MSR msr;

	pid.encoderValue = getTicks();
	uint32 nowClocks = ClockTime();
	//logData(desiredDistance, pid.encoderValue);

	//------Time since last function call in seconds
	uint32 maxClocks = 0xffffffff;
	if ((nowClocks < pid.lastClockTicks))
		deltaClocks = (maxClocks-pid.lastClockTicks)+nowClocks;
		deltaClocks = nowClocks - pid.lastClockTicks;

	float deltaTime = ((float)deltaClocks)/XPAR_CPU_PPC405_CORE_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ ;//time passed since last function call: sec

	pid.error_d = desiredDistance - pid.encoderValue;
//	xil_printf("Encoder Value: %d\r\n", pid.encoderValue);
//	xil_printf("Desired Distance: %d\r\n", desiredDistance);
//	xil_printf("error_d: %d\r\n", pid.error_d);

	//------Update integrator - AntiWindup(only use the integrator if we are close, but not too close)
	if ((pid.error_d < 1000 && pid.error_d > -1000) && (pid.error_d > 100 || pid.error_d < -100)){
		pid.integrator_d = pid.integrator_d + (deltaTime/2)*(pid.error_d + pid.lastError_d);
		pid.integrator_d = 0;

	//------only use the integrator if we are close, but not too close
//	if (pid.error_d < 500 && pid.error_d > -500 &&
//			(pid.error_d > 100 || pid.error_d < -100))
//		pid.integrator_d += pid.error_d * deltaTime;
//	else
//		pid.integrator_d = 0;

	//print("integrator: ");

	//------Update Derivative
	pid.differentiator_d = (2*pid.Tau-deltaTime)/(2*pid.Tau+deltaTime)*pid.differentiator_d + 2/(2*pid.Tau+deltaTime)*(pid.error_d-pid.lastError_d);
	//print("differentiator: ");

	P = pid.Kp_d * pid.error_d;
	I = pid.Ki_d * pid.integrator_d;
	D = pid.Kd_d * pid.differentiator_d;
	//print("P: ");
	//print("I: ");
	//print("D: ");

	pid.outputPID_unsat = P + I - D;
	pid.outputPID = sat(pid.outputPID_unsat, 60);

	//------if we are really close, don't do anything!
	if (pid.error_d < 100 && pid.error_d > -100) {
		pid.outputPID = 0;

	//------Integrator Anti-windup
//	if (pid.Ki_d != 0.0f) {
//		pid.integrator_d = pid.integrator_d + deltaTime/pid.Ki_d * (pid.outputPID - pid.outputPID_unsat);
//	}
//	print("integrator_antiWind: ");
//	PrintFloat(pid.integrator_d);

	pid.lastError_d = pid.error_d;
	pid.lastDesiredDistance = desiredDistance;

	SetServo(RC_VEL_SERVO, pid.outputPID);
	//xil_printf("Output PID: %d\r\n", pid.outputPID);
void updateVelocityOutput()
	float desiredVelocity = pid.desiredVelocityPID;
	float P, I, D, currentVelocity;
	uint32 deltaClocks;
	CPU_MSR msr;

	//------Read Encoder and clock
	pid.encoderValue = getTicks();
	uint32 nowClocks = ClockTime();

	//------Time since last function call in seconds
	uint32 maxClocks = 0xffffffff;
	if ((nowClocks < pid.lastClockTicks))
		deltaClocks = (maxClocks-pid.lastClockTicks)+nowClocks;
		deltaClocks = nowClocks - pid.lastClockTicks;

	float refreshRate = ((float)deltaClocks)/XPAR_CPU_PPC405_CORE_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ ;//time passed since last function call: sec
	//uint32 refreshRate = (deltaClocks)/(XPAR_CPU_PPC405_CORE_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ/1000) ;
	//xil_printf("nowClock: %d\r\n", nowClocks);
	//xil_printf("pid.lastClockTicks: %d\r\n", pid.lastClockTicks);
	//xil_printf("Delta Clock: %d\r\n", deltaClocks);
	//xil_printf("Refresh Rate: ");
	pid.lastClockTicks = nowClocks;

	//------Distance since last function call in ticks
	int encoderDifference = pid.encoderValue - pid.lastEncoderValue;
	//xil_printf("Encoder Value: %d\r\n", pid.encoderValue);
	//xil_printf("Last Encoder Value: %d\r\n", pid.lastEncoderValue);
	//xil_printf("Encoder Diff: %d\r\n", encoderDifference);

	//------Calculate velocity
	currentVelocity = ((encoderDifference) / (refreshRate));
	//xil_printf("Current Velocity: ");
	//xil_printf("Desired Velocity: ");

	pid.error = desiredVelocity - (currentVelocity);
//	xil_printf("error: ");
//	PrintFloat(pid.error);
//	print("\n\r");

	//------Update Derivative
	pid.differentiator = (2*pid.Tau-refreshRate)/(2*pid.Tau+refreshRate)*pid.differentiator + 2/(2*pid.Tau+refreshRate)*(pid.error-pid.lastError);
	//xil_printf("differentiator: ");

	//------Update integrator - AntiWindup(only use the integrator if we are close, but not too close)
	if ((pid.error < 1500 && pid.error > -1500) && (pid.error > 10 || pid.error < -10)){
		pid.integrator = pid.integrator + (refreshRate/2)*(pid.error + pid.lastError);
	} else {
		pid.integrator = 0;
//	if(pid.error == 0) {
//			pid.integrator = 0;
//	}

//	xil_printf("integrator: ");
//	PrintFloat(pid.integrator);
//	print("\n\r");

	//------Output Calculation
	P = pid.Kp * pid.error;
	I = pid.Ki * pid.integrator;
	D = pid.Kd * 0;//pid.differentiator;

	pid.outputPID_unsat = P + I - D;
	pid.outputPID = sat(pid.outputPID_unsat, 60);

	//------Save states and send PWM to motors
	pid.lastEncoderValue = pid.encoderValue;
	pid.lastCurrentVelocity = currentVelocity;
	pid.lastDesiredVelocity = desiredVelocity;
	SetServo(RC_VEL_SERVO, (int)pid.outputPID);
//	xil_printf("Output PID unsat: ");
//	PrintFloat(pid.outputPID_unsat);
//	print("\n\r");
//	xil_printf("Output PID: %d", pid.outputPID);
//	print("--------------------------------------\r\n");
Exemple #10
static void *syspoll_thread( void *p )
    int             pool_id;
    int             ret;
    uint64_t        clk;
    uint64_t        rdata;
    int             timeout;
    DIR             *dir;
    struct          dirent* dir_entry;
    sha1_ctx_t      context;
    uint8_t         digest[20];
    char            as_path[256];
    int             fd;
    int             i;
    debug_thread_t  debug_tid;
    debug_process_t debug_pid;

    ret = yarrow_add_source( Yarrow, &pool_id );
    if( ret != 0 )
        slogf( _SLOGC_CHAR, _SLOG_CRITICAL, 
               "random: Unable to get pool_id for syspoll thread." );
        return NULL;

    /* Setup a default 1 minute timeout */
    timeout = 1000 * 60;
    while( 1 )
        if( Yarrow )
            yarrow_output( Yarrow, (uint8_t *)&rdata, sizeof( rdata ) );
            /* Wait from ~16s to ~17.5 minutes */
            timeout = ( ( rdata & 0x3F ) + 1 ) << 14;

        delay( timeout );

        SHA1Init( &context );

        dir = opendir( "/proc" );
        if( dir == NULL )

        dir_entry = readdir( dir );
        while( dir_entry != NULL )
            SHA1Update( &context, (uint8_t *)dir_entry, 
                        sizeof( struct dirent ) + dir_entry->d_namelen - 1 );

            if( dir_entry->d_name[0] < '0' || dir_entry->d_name[1] > '9' )
                dir_entry = readdir( dir );

            sprintf( as_path, "/proc/%s/as", dir_entry->d_name );
            fd = open( as_path, O_RDONLY );
            while( fd != -1 )
                memset( &debug_pid, 0, sizeof( debug_pid ) );
                ret = devctl( fd, DCMD_PROC_INFO, &debug_pid, 
                              sizeof( debug_pid ), NULL );
                if( ret == -1 )

                SHA1Update( &context, (uint8_t *)&debug_pid, 
                            sizeof( debug_pid ) );

                for( i=0; i<debug_pid.num_threads; i++ )
                    memset( &debug_tid, 0, sizeof( debug_tid ) );
                    debug_tid.tid = i + 1;
                    ret = devctl( fd, DCMD_PROC_TIDSTATUS, &debug_tid, 
                                  sizeof( debug_tid ), NULL );
                    if( ret == -1 )

                    SHA1Update( &context, (uint8_t *)&debug_tid, 
                                sizeof( debug_tid ) );


            if( fd != -1 )
                close( fd );

            dir_entry = readdir( dir );
        closedir( dir );
        SHA1Update( &context, (uint8_t *)&rdata, sizeof( rdata ) );

        ClockTime( CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL, &clk );

        SHA1Update( &context, (uint8_t *)&clk, sizeof( clk ) );

        SHA1Final( digest, &context );

        if( Yarrow )
            /* Assume 1 bit in every 8 is random */
            yarrow_input( Yarrow, digest, sizeof( digest ), pool_id, 
                          sizeof( digest ) );

    return NULL;
Exemple #11
static void *interrupt_thread( void *p )
    int ret;
    int intr;
    int intr_id;
    struct sigevent event;
    struct _pulse pulse;
    iov_t  iov;
    int    rcvid;
    int chid;
    int coid;
    int count;
    uint64_t rdata;
    uint16_t target;
    uint64_t clk;
    int    pool_id;

    intr = (int)p;
    rdata = 0;
    target = 512;

    ret = ThreadCtl( _NTO_TCTL_IO, 0 );
    if( ret != 0 )
        slogf( _SLOGC_CHAR, _SLOG_CRITICAL, 
               "random: Unable to gain IO privs: %s",
               strerror( errno ) );
        return NULL;

    chid = ChannelCreate( 0 );
    if( chid == -1 )
        slogf( _SLOGC_CHAR, _SLOG_CRITICAL, 
               "random: ChannelCreate() failed: %s",
               strerror( errno ) );
        return NULL;

    coid = ConnectAttach( 0, 0, chid, _NTO_SIDE_CHANNEL, 0 );
    if( coid == -1 )
        slogf( _SLOGC_CHAR, _SLOG_CRITICAL, 
               "random: ConnectAttach() failed: %s",
               strerror( errno ) );
        return NULL;

    ret = yarrow_add_source( Yarrow, &pool_id );
    if( ret != 0 )
        slogf( _SLOGC_CHAR, _SLOG_CRITICAL, 
               "random: Unable to get pool_id for interrupt %d thread.", intr );
        return NULL;

    event.sigev_notify   = SIGEV_PULSE;
    event.sigev_coid     = coid;
    event.sigev_code     = 1;
    event.sigev_priority = 15;
    intr_id = InterruptAttachEvent( intr, &event, _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_TRK_MSK );
    if( intr_id == -1 )
        slogf( _SLOGC_CHAR, _SLOG_CRITICAL, 
               "random: Unable to attach event to intr %d: %s", 
               intr, strerror( errno ) );
        return NULL;

    /* This is how many interrupts we are gonna get */
    if( Yarrow )
        yarrow_output( Yarrow, (uint8_t *)&rdata, sizeof( rdata ) );
        target = rdata & 0x1FF;

    count = 0;

    SETIOV( &iov, &pulse, sizeof( pulse ) );
    while( 1 )
        rcvid = MsgReceivev( chid, &iov, 1, NULL );
        if( rcvid == -1 )
            if( errno == ESRCH )
                return NULL;

        switch( pulse.code )
            case 1:
                InterruptUnmask( intr, intr_id );
                if( count >= target )
                    ClockTime( CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL, &clk );
                    clk = clk ^ rdata;

                    if( Yarrow )
                        yarrow_input( Yarrow, (uint8_t *)&clk, sizeof( clk ), 
                                      pool_id, 8 );

                        yarrow_output( Yarrow, (uint8_t *)&rdata, 
                                       sizeof( rdata ) );

                    target = rdata & 0x1FF;
                    count = 0;

                if( rcvid )
                    MsgError( rcvid, ENOTSUP );

    return NULL;
Exemple #12
 uint64_t RealClockTime() {
     return ClockTime();
void StopWatch::StopTimer()
	end = ClockTime();
void StopWatch::StartTimer( )
	start = ClockTime();