Exemple #1
void LCDWrite(unsigned char inputData) {
	int tempo;
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, D4 | D5 | D6 | D7, (inputData & 0xf0) );
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, RS, 0x01);
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x02);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x00);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){

	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, D4 | D5 | D6 | D7, (inputData & 0x0f) << 4 );
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, RS, 0x01);
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x02);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x00);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){

Exemple #2
void LCDCommand(unsigned char command) {

	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, D4 | D5 | D6 | D7, (command & 0xf0) );
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, RS, 0x00);
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x02);
	int tempo;
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x00);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){

	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, D4 | D5 | D6 | D7, (command & 0x0f) << 4 );
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, RS, 0x00);
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x02);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x00);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){

 *  ======== Adaptor_setPeriod ========
Void Adaptor_setPeriod(Int id, UInt32 periodInMs)
    UInt key;
    UInt adjPeriod;

     *  Adjust as need:
     *   - 0 stays 0 (not going to send events)
     *   - less than this module's period, set to this module's period
     *   - make sure it is a multiple of this module's period
    if (periodInMs == 0) {
        adjPeriod = periodInMs;
    else if (periodInMs < ServiceMgr_periodInMs) {
        adjPeriod = ServiceMgr_periodInMs;
    else {
        adjPeriod = (periodInMs / ServiceMgr_periodInMs) *

    /* Must protect against the Adaptor Thread */
    key = Hwi_disable();

    /* Set the new period and scheduled time */
    Adaptor_period[id] = adjPeriod * 1000 / Clock_tickPeriod;
    Adaptor_scheduled[id] = Clock_getTicks() + Adaptor_period[id];

    /* Leave the gate */
Exemple #4
 *  ======== clk0Fxn =======
Void clk0Fxn(UArg arg0)
    UInt32 time;
    time = Clock_getTicks();
    System_printf("System time in clk0Fxn = %lu\n", (ULong)time);
 *  ======== TimestampProvider_get32 ========
 *  The 32-bit timestamp can be retrieved more efficiently than the 64-bit one,
 *  so it has a different implementation.
Bits32 TimestampProvider_get32() 
     * If we're sharing the Clock timer, get the timestamp by using the Clock
     * tick count.
    if (TimestampProvider_useClockTimer) {
        UInt key;
        UInt32 timestamp;

         * Disable interrupts so that the Clock tick count doesn't change if 
         * the timer expires while we are reading it.
        key = Hwi_disable();

         * timestamp = (clock ticks) x (tick period) + (current timer count)
         * The 'getExpiredCounts' API retrieves the current Timer count and
         * also accounts for timer rollover.
        timestamp = Clock_getTicks() * Timer_getPeriod(MOD->timer)
                    + Timer_getExpiredCounts(MOD->timer);


        return (timestamp);
    /* If we have a dedicated timer, just read the timer count. */
    else {
        return (Timer_getCount(MOD->timer));
Exemple #6
 *  ======== clk1Fxn =======
Void clk1Fxn(UArg arg0)
    UInt32 time;
    time = Clock_getTicks();
    System_printf("System time in clk1Fxn = %lu\n", (ULong)time);
    System_printf("Calling BIOS_exit() from clk1Fxn\n");
 *  ======== Clock_getTimeout ========
UInt32 Clock_getTimeout(Clock_Object *obj)
    if (obj->active == TRUE) {
        return (obj->currTimeout - Clock_getTicks());
    else {
        return (obj->timeout);
systime_t osGetSystemTime(void)
   systime_t time;

   //Get current tick count
   time = Clock_getTicks();

   //Convert system ticks to milliseconds
   return OS_SYSTICKS_TO_MS(time);
 * @fn      SimpleBLEBroadcaster_processEvent
 * @brief   Application task entry point for the Simple BLE Broadcaster.
 * @param   none
 * @return  none
static void SimpleBLEBroadcaster_taskFxn(UArg a0, UArg a1)
  // Initialize application
  // Application main loop
  for (;;)
    // Get the ticks since startup
    uint32_t tickStart = Clock_getTicks();

    // Waits for a signal to the semaphore associated with the calling thread.
    // Note that the semaphore associated with a thread is signaled when a
    // message is queued to the message receive queue of the thread or when
    // ICall_signal() function is called onto the semaphore.
    ICall_Errno errno = ICall_wait(ICALL_TIMEOUT_FOREVER);

    if (errno == ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS)
      ICall_EntityID dest;
      ICall_ServiceEnum src;
      ICall_HciExtEvt *pMsg = NULL;
      if (ICall_fetchServiceMsg(&src, &dest, 
                                (void **)&pMsg) == ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS)
        if ((src == ICALL_SERVICE_CLASS_BLE) && (dest == selfEntity))
          // Process inter-task message
          SimpleBLEBroadcaster_processStackMsg((ICall_Hdr *)pMsg);
        if (pMsg)

      // If RTOS queue is not empty, process app message.
      while (!Queue_empty(appMsgQueue))
        sbbEvt_t *pMsg = (sbbEvt_t *)Util_dequeueMsg(appMsgQueue);
        if (pMsg)
          // Process message.
          // Free the space from the message.
Exemple #10
 * ======== VirtQueue_cacheWb ========
 * Used for flushing SysMin trace buffer.
Void VirtQueue_cacheWb()
    static UInt32 oldticks;

    if (Clock_getTicks() >= (oldticks + CACHE_WB_TICK_PERIOD)) {
        /* Don't keep flushing cache */

    /* Flush the cache */
Exemple #11
 *  ======== idl0Fxn ========
Void idl0Fxn()
    /* check for command input from serial port */
    if (cmd != 0) {
        switch (cmd) {
        /* toggle automatic status dumping */
        case 's':
            if (statusEnabled == TRUE) {
                statusEnabled = FALSE;
                System_printf("Status reporting disabled.\n");
            else {
                statusEnabled = TRUE;
                System_printf("Status reporting enabled.\n");
        cmd = 0;

    /* dump counts every 100 Clock ticks */
    if ((statusEnabled == TRUE)
            && Clock_getTicks() && (Clock_getTicks() % 100 == 0)) {
        System_printf("status:\n\tswi0Count: %u, swi1Count: %u\n",
                      swi0Count, swi1Count);
        System_printf("\tclk0Count: %u, clk1Count: %u\n",
                      clk0Count, clk1Count);

     * Flush characters in SysMin buffer
Exemple #12
 * ======== VirtQueue_cacheWb ========
 * Used for flushing SysMin trace buffer.
Void VirtQueue_cacheWb()
    static UInt32 oldticks = 0;
    UInt32 newticks;

    newticks = Clock_getTicks();
    if (newticks - oldticks < (UInt32)CACHE_WB_TICK_PERIOD) {
        /* Don't keep flushing cache */

    oldticks = newticks;

    /* Flush the cache */
Exemple #13
 * ======== VirtQueue_cacheWb ========
 * Used for flushing SysMin trace buffer.
Void traceBuf_cacheWb()
    static UInt32 oldticks = 0;
    UInt32 newticks;

    newticks = Clock_getTicks();
    if (newticks - oldticks < (UInt32)CACHE_WB_TICK_PERIOD) {
        /* Don't keep flushing cache */

    oldticks = newticks;


 *  ======== TimestampProvider_get32 ========
Bits32 TimestampProvider_get32()
    if (TimestampProvider_useClockTimer) {
        UInt key;
        UInt32 timestamp;

        key = Hwi_disable();

        timestamp = Clock_getTicks() * Timer_getPeriod(MOD->timer)
                    + Timer_getExpiredCounts(MOD->timer);


        return (timestamp);
    else {
        return (Timer_getCount(MOD->timer));
 *  ======== TimestampProvider_get64 ========
Void TimestampProvider_get64(Types_Timestamp64 *result)
    UInt key;
    UInt64 timestamp;

    key = Hwi_disable();

    if (TimestampProvider_useClockTimer) {

        timestamp = Clock_getTicks() * Timer_getPeriod(MOD->timer)
                   + Timer_getExpiredCounts(MOD->timer);
    else {
        timestamp = ((UInt64)MOD->hi << 32) + Timer_getExpiredCounts(MOD->timer);


    result->hi = timestamp >> 32;
    result->lo = timestamp;
 *  ======== Adaptor_runScheduledServices ========
Void Adaptor_runScheduledServices(Void)
    UInt id;
    UInt key;
    UInt32 currentTime;

    /* Get the current time to determine who should be called */
    currentTime = Clock_getTicks();

    /* Query each service */
    for (id = 0; id < ServiceMgr_getNumServices(); id++) {

        /* To protect against a change via Adaptor_setPeriod */
        key = Hwi_disable();

         *  The service must have a non-zero period to be processed.
         *  If scheduled time has past, call the process function.
         *  Also handle the case where the clock wraps.
        if ((Adaptor_period[id] != 0) &&
             EXPIRED(Adaptor_scheduled[id], currentTime)) {

            /* Set the new scheduled time */
            Adaptor_scheduled[id] = currentTime + Adaptor_period[id];


            /* Call the service's function to let it send events */
            ServiceMgr_processCallback(id, ServiceMgr_Reason_PERIODEXPIRED,
        else {
Exemple #17
 *  ======== Power_notify ========
 *  Note: when this function is called, Swi and Task scheduling are disabled,
 *  but interrupts are enabled.
Power_Status Power_notify(Power_Event eventType, UInt timeout,
    Power_SigType sigType, UArg extArg1, UArg extArg2)
    Power_NotifyResponse clientStatus;
    UInt32 notifyStartTime;
    Queue_Handle notifyQ;
    Queue_Elem * elem;
    Arg eventArg1;
    Arg eventArg2;
    UInt clients = 0;
    Fxn notifyFxn;
    Arg clientArg;
    UInt key;

    /* determine the appropriate notification queue */
    notifyQ = (Queue_Handle)((UInt8 *)(Power_module->notifyQ) +
                (UInt)(eventType * (2 * sizeof(Ptr))));

    /* if queue is empty, return immediately */
    if (Queue_empty(notifyQ)) {
        return (Power_SOK);

    /* reset the count of clients doing delayed completion */
    ti_sysbios_family_c674_Power_notifyWaitCount[(UInt)eventType] = 0;

    /* grab notification start time (# ticks) */
    notifyStartTime = Clock_getTicks();

    /* point to first client notify object */
    elem = Queue_head(notifyQ);

    /* walk the queue and notify each registered client of the event */
    do {
        clients++;      /* count each registered client being notified */

        /* pull params from notify object */
        notifyFxn = ((Power_NotifyObj *)elem)->notifyFxn;
        clientArg = ((Power_NotifyObj *)elem)->clientArg;

        /* determine the event arguments... */
        /* if event triggered internally then Power determines event args: */
        if (sigType == Power_SigType_INTERNAL) {

            if (eventType == Power_PENDING_CPU_SETPOINTCHANGE) {
                eventArg1 = (Arg) Power_module->currentSetpointCPU;
                eventArg2 = (Arg) Power_module->nextSP;
            else if (eventType == Power_DONE_CPU_SETPOINTCHANGE) {
                eventArg1 = (Arg) Power_module->previousSP;
                eventArg2 = (Arg) Power_module->currentSetpointCPU;
            else if (eventType == Power_PENDING_PER_SETPOINTCHANGE) {
                eventArg1 = (Arg) Power_module->currentSetpointPER;
                eventArg2 = (Arg) Power_module->nextSPPER;
            else if (eventType == Power_DONE_PER_SETPOINTCHANGE) {
                eventArg1 = (Arg) Power_module->previousSPPER;
                eventArg2 = (Arg) Power_module->currentSetpointPER;
            else {
                eventArg1 = NULL;
                eventArg2 = NULL;
        /* else for externally triggered events use client-specified args: */
        else {
            eventArg1 = (Arg) extArg1;
            eventArg2 = (Arg) extArg2;

        asm(" .global _Power_ntfy");

        clientStatus = (Power_NotifyResponse) (*(Fxn)notifyFxn)(eventType,
           eventArg1, eventArg2, clientArg);

        /* if client said not done, increment count of clients to wait for */
        if (clientStatus == Power_NOTIFYNOTDONE) {
            key = Hwi_disable();
            ti_sysbios_family_c674_Power_notifyWaitCount[(UInt)eventType] += 1;
        else if (clientStatus == Power_NOTIFYERROR) {
            return (Power_EFAIL);

        /* get next element in this notify queue */
        elem = Queue_next(elem);

    } while (elem != (Queue_Elem *) notifyQ);

    /* if no timout and a client said not done, return immediately  */
    if ((timeout == 0) 
      && (ti_sysbios_family_c674_Power_notifyWaitCount[(UInt)eventType] != 0)) {
        return (Power_ETIMEOUT);

    /* if any client said not done: wait until they signal completion */
    while (ti_sysbios_family_c674_Power_notifyWaitCount[(UInt)eventType] != 0) {
        if ((Clock_getTicks() - notifyStartTime) > timeout) {
            return (Power_ETIMEOUT);

    return (Power_SOK);
Exemple #18
Int32  AVSYNC_Audio_ISR()
#if 0
    void AVSYNC_AudioISR (AVSYNC_INFO           *pAVSyncInfo)
        U32                 delta;
        U8                  i;
        U8                  mediaTimeUpdated = 0;
#ifdef  LOG_AVSYNC
        U8  str;
        U16 idx;
        static int log_cnt = 0;

#ifdef  LOG_AVSYNC
        if (log_index >= MAX_STRINGS)
            log_index = 0;

        str = log_string[log_index];
        sprintf (str, "%lld] AudioISR ", Clock_getTicks() );
        idx = strlen (str);
        str =  log_string[log_index] + (idx - 1);

        if (pAVSyncInfo->clockState.eState == TIME_ClockStateRunning)
            S64     mediaTimeInc;
            U64     oldMediaTime, audioRefTime;

            /* timeInfo.mediaTime & RefClk might have started with different start times
             * For skew correction to timeInfo.mediaTime <if required>, compute the difference between RefClk & timeInfo.mediaTime
             * and add that to timeInfo.mediaTime
            if (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.lastWallTimeInTicks > pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeInTicks)

            mediaTimeInc = (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeInTicks - pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.lastWallTimeInTicks);
            pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTimeInTicks += mediaTimeInc;
            mediaTimeInc = (mediaTimeInc / WALL_TIMER_FREQ_MS);

#ifdef  LOG_AVSYNC
            sprintf (str,  "OrgWall %lld OrgLastWall %lld OrgMedia %lld OrgInc %lld ",
            idx = strlen (str);
            str =  log_string[log_index] + (idx - 1);

            // TODO:  Add some intelligence to check this audio PTS is valid  */

            if (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTimeBase[pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.strmId] != AVSYNC_INVALID_TIMESTAMP
                && pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.nTimeStamp != AVSYNC_INVALID_TIMESTAMP)

                /* Check Ref Audio stream has started really & do skew correction */
                if (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.clkType == TIME_ClkTypeAudio)
                    if ( (pAVSyncInfo->streamInfo.nAudioStrmActiveMask & (1 << pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.strmId))
                            && (pAVSyncInfo->stat.streamStats[pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.strmId].nAudFramesRendered > 0))

                        trigger_log = 1;
    //                wait__();

    //                wait__();

                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].orgWallTime = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeInTicks;
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].orgLastWallTime = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.lastWallTimeInTicks;
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].orgMediaTime = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime;
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].orgMediaInc = mediaTimeInc;
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].newMediaInc = 0;
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].newMediaTime = 0;
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].newWallTime = 0;
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].refClk = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.nTimeStamp;
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].refClkOffset = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.nOffsetToMediaTime;
#ifdef __ti__
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].currentTimeStamp = Clock_getTicks();
                        ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].currentTimeStamp = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.currentTimeStamp;

                        oldMediaTime = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime;

                        audioRefTime = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.nTimeStamp + pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.nOffsetToMediaTime;

                        delta = (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime + mediaTimeInc) - audioRefTime + pAVSyncInfo->audioBackendDelay;
                        if (delta > pAVSyncInfo->maxAudioLagTime)
                            // Update WallClock
                                            audioRefTime * (WALL_TIMER_FREQ_MS),
                                            (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime - oldMediaTime));
                            pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeInTicks   = audioRefTime * (WALL_TIMER_FREQ_MS);
                            pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime             = audioRefTime;
                            mediaTimeInc                        = (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime - oldMediaTime);

                            // Important. After refclk correction, reset refclk to INVALID_TIMESTAMP.
                            // Required - If refclk <audio> update at audio rendering end doesnt at regular intervals, mediastamp will get reset to a older
                            // refClk value several times within the next refclk update period at audio renderer.
                            pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.nTimeStamp = AVSYNC_INVALID_TIMESTAMP;

                            ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].newMediaInc = mediaTimeInc;
                            ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].newMediaTime = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime;
                            ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].newWallTime = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeInTicks;
#ifdef  LOG_AVSYNC
                            sprintf (str, "delta %lld newInc %lld refClk %lld refClkOffset %lld newMedia %lld newWallTime %lld\n",
                            idx = strlen (str);
                            str =  log_string[log_index] + (idx - 1);
                            mediaTimeUpdated = 1;
                        if ((delta < 0) && (delta < -(pAVSyncInfo->maxAudioLeadTime)))
                            // Update WallClock
                                            audioRefTime * (WALL_TIMER_FREQ_MS),
                                            (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime - oldMediaTime));
                            pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeInTicks   = audioRefTime * (WALL_TIMER_FREQ_MS);
                            pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime             = audioRefTime;
                            mediaTimeInc                        = (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime - oldMediaTime);

                            // Important. After refclk correction, reset refclk to INVALID_TIMESTAMP.
                            // Required - If refclk <audio> update at audio rendering end doesnt at regular intervals, mediastamp will get reset to a older
                            // refClk value several times within the next refclk update period at audio renderer.
                            pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.activeRefClk.nTimeStamp = AVSYNC_INVALID_TIMESTAMP;

                            ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].newMediaInc = mediaTimeInc;
                            ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].newMediaTime = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime;
                            ref_clk_var[ref_clk_debug_idx].newWallTime = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeInTicks;
                            mediaTimeUpdated = 1;

#ifdef  LOG_AVSYNC
                            sprintf (str, "delta %lld newInc %lld refClk %lld newMedia %lld newWallTime %lld\n",
                            idx = strlen (str);
                            str =  log_string[log_index] + (idx - 1);

            if (mediaTimeUpdated == 0)
                    pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTime += mediaTimeInc;

            /* Update all running counters */
            for (i=0; i<AVSYNC_MAX_STREAMS_SUPPORTED; i++)
                if (pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTimeBase[i] != AVSYNC_INVALID_TIMESTAMP)
                    if ( pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTimeRunning[i] == 0)
                         pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeBase[i] = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeInTicks;

                    pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.mediaTimeRunning[i] += mediaTimeInc;
            pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.lastWallTimeInTicks = pAVSyncInfo->timeInfo.wallTimeInTicks;

        if (log_cnt % 30)
            if (ref_clk_debug_idx >= MAX_STORAGE)
                ref_clk_debug_idx = 0;
 *  ======== Clock_startI ========
 *  Set the Clock object's currTimeout value and set its active flag
 *  to TRUE.
Void Clock_startI(Clock_Object *obj)
    if (CLOCK_TICK_MODE == Clock_TickMode_DYNAMIC) {
        UInt32 nowTick, nowDelta;
        UInt32 scheduledTick, scheduledDelta;
        UInt32 remainingTicks;
        Bool objectServiced = FALSE;

        /* now see if need this new timeout before next scheduled tick ... */
	/* wait till after first tick */
        if ((Clock_module->ticking == TRUE) &&
             /* if Clock is NOT currently processing its Q */
             (Clock_module->inWorkFunc == FALSE)) {

             * get virtual current tick count,
             * signal Timer to save corresponding NOW info
            nowTick = Clock_TimerProxy_getCurrentTick(Clock_module->timer, TRUE);

            nowDelta = nowTick - Clock_module->ticks;
            scheduledDelta = Clock_module->nextScheduledTick - 

            if (nowDelta <= scheduledDelta) {
                objectServiced = TRUE;
                /* start new Clock object */
                obj->currTimeout = nowTick + obj->timeout;
                obj->active = TRUE;

                /* get the next scheduled tick */
                scheduledTick = Clock_module->nextScheduledTick;
                /* how many ticks until scheduled tick? */
                remainingTicks = scheduledTick - nowTick;
                if (obj->timeout < remainingTicks) {
        if (objectServiced == FALSE) {
             * get virtual current tick count,
             * DO NOT (!) signal Timer to save corresponding NOW info
            nowTick = Clock_getTicks();

            /* start new Clock object */
            obj->currTimeout = nowTick + obj->timeout;
            obj->active = TRUE;

            if (Clock_module->inWorkFunc == TRUE) {
                Clock_module->startDuringWorkFunc = TRUE;
    /* CLOCK_TICK_MODE == Clock_TickMode_PERIODIC */
    else {
        obj->currTimeout = (Clock_module->ticks + obj->timeout);
        obj->active = TRUE;
Exemple #20
 *  ======== SysMin_putch ========
 *  Custom implementation for using circular
 *  buffer without using flush
Void SysMin_putch(Char ch)
    IArg        key;
    UInt        i;
#ifndef SMP
    static UInt coreId = 0;
    UInt        coreId;
    UInt        lineIdx;
    Char        *lineBuf;
    Int         index;
    UInt64      uSec;
    static Bool configure = FALSE;
    static UInt startIdx;
    static UInt endIdx;
    static UInt timeStampSecCharLen;
    const  UInt minSecCharLen   = 4;  /* for 1 us tick period */
    const  UInt maxuSecCharLen  = 6; /* for 1 us tick period */
    /* Max characters for seconds would be 10 assuming 1 sec tick period,
     * so decimal point index will be 11, and maximum time stamp buffer
     * length would be 18 accounting maxuSecCharLen and a trailing NULL */
    const  UInt decPtIdx        = 11;
    const  UInt timeStampBufLen = 18;
    const  UInt leftSpaceIdx    = 10;
    Char        timeStamp[18]   = {"                 \0"};

    /* Configure the trace timestamp format */
    if (!configure) {
        Int i = 0, mod = 10;

        /* Find number of characters needes for seconds and sub-seconds,
         * tick periods are specified in microseconds */
        for (; i < maxuSecCharLen; i++) {
            if (Clock_tickPeriod % mod) {
            mod = mod * 10;
        timeStampSecCharLen = minSecCharLen + i;
        startIdx = decPtIdx - timeStampSecCharLen;
        endIdx = timeStampBufLen - (i + 1); /* Account for null character too */
        configure = TRUE;

    if (SysMin_bufSize != 0) {

#ifndef SMP
        key = Gate_enterSystem();
        /* Disable only local interrupts to place chars in local line buffer */
        key = (IArg)Core_hwiDisable();
        coreId = Core_getId();

        lineIdx = module->lineBuffers[coreId].lineidx;
        lineBuf = module->lineBuffers[coreId].linebuf;
        lineBuf[lineIdx++] = ch;
        module->lineBuffers[coreId].lineidx = lineIdx;

#ifdef SMP
        /* Copy line buffer to shared output buffer at EOL or when filled up */
        if ((ch == '\n') || (lineIdx >= SysMin_LINEBUFSIZE)) {

            /* Tag core number */
            SysMin_output(0x30 + coreId);
        if (module->getTime == TRUE) {
            uSec  = Clock_getTicks() * (UInt64)Clock_tickPeriod;
            if (uSec) {
                sprintf(timeStamp, "%17llu\0", uSec);
            for (index = startIdx; index < endIdx; index++) {
                if (index == decPtIdx) {
                if (timeStamp[index] == ' ' && index >= leftSpaceIdx) {
                else {
            SysMin_output(' ');
#ifdef SMP
            for (i = 0; i < lineIdx; i++) {
            module->writeidx[0] =  module->outidx;
            module->lineBuffers[coreId].lineidx = 0;

        else {
            /* restore local interrupts */
            module->getTime = FALSE;

        /* Copy line buffer to shared output buffer at EOL or when filled up */
        if ((ch == '\n') || (lineIdx >= SysMin_LINEBUFSIZE)) {
            for (i = 0; i < lineIdx; i++) {
            module->lineBuffers[coreId].lineidx = 0;
            module->getTime = TRUE;
            module->writeidx[0] = module->outidx;


 *  ======== TimestampProvider_get64 ========
 *  This API has different implementations based on whether we're using a
 *  dedicated timer or sharing the Clock timer. 
 *  If we're sharing the Clock timer, we have to multiply the Clock tick count
 *  by the Clock tick period. If we have a dedicate timer, the timer period is
 *  2^32, so we can just use the MOD->hi tick count as the upper 32-bits of the
 *  timestamp.
Void TimestampProvider_get64(Types_Timestamp64 *result) 
    UInt key;
     * If we're sharing the Clock timer, get the timestamp by using the Clock
     * tick count.
    if (TimestampProvider_useClockTimer) {
        UInt64 timestamp;
         * Disable interrupts so that the Clock tick count doesn't change if 
         * the timer expires while we are reading it.
        key = Hwi_disable();

         * timestamp = (clock ticks) x (tick period) + (current timer count)
         * The 'getExpiredCounts' API retrieves the current Timer count and
         * also accounts for timer rollover.
        timestamp = (UInt64) Clock_getTicks() * Timer_getPeriod(MOD->timer)
                    + Timer_getExpiredCounts(MOD->timer);


         * Copy the value into the result structure.
         * The 28x is little endian, so it stores the 16-bit words
         * in reverse order. For example, the value
         * 0xFEDCBA9876543210
         * Is stored as:
         *   Address   Value
         *   0x0       0x3210
         *   0x1       0x7654
         *   0x2       0xBA98
         *   0x3       0xFEDC
         * To retrieve the lower 32 bits, simply cast the value as a UInt32.
         * To retrieve the upper 32 bits, cast the address of 'timestamp' as a
         * pointer to a UInt32, increment the pointer by 1, then retrieve the
         * value at that address.
        result->lo = (UInt32) timestamp;
        result->hi = *(((UInt32 *) &timestamp) + 1);
    /* If we have a dedicated timer... */
    else {
        /* Disable interrupts while reading the tick count and timer value. */
        key = Hwi_disable();
        /* Use the tick counter as the upper 32-bits. */
        result->hi = MOD->hi;
         * Get the timer value as the lower 32-bits. This API will also take
         * timer rollover into account and add 1 to result->hi if necessary.
        Timer_getExpiredCounts64(MOD->timer, result);

Exemple #22
 *  ======== millis ========
unsigned long millis(void)
    return (Clock_getTicks());
Exemple #23
//! Festo Station Task.
//! This task function do all the work related to controlling the Festo
//! Station. The task will first initialize the Driver and then run a infinite
//! loop, waiting and processing external events.
//! \return None.
Void _task_FESTO(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
	// initialize driver
	FestoStationDriver DriverInstance;
	FestoStationDriver* Driver = &DriverInstance;


	uint32_t EventPosted;
	DisplayMessage MessageObject;

	MessageObject.ScreenID = 0;
	MessageObject.uptimeSeconds = 0;
	MessageObject.piecesProcessed = 0;
	MessageObject.blackAccepted = 0;
	MessageObject.blackRejected = 0;
	MessageObject.plasticAccepted = 0;
	MessageObject.plasticRejected = 0;
	MessageObject.orangeAccepted = 0;
	MessageObject.orangeRejected = 0;
	MessageObject.piecesProcessedPerSecond = 0;
	MessageObject.heightCalibrated = 230;
	MessageObject.upperHeightCalibrated = 245;
	MessageObject.lowerHeightCalibrated = 227;

	time_t t1 = time(NULL);
	strcpy((char*) MessageObject.timeString, asctime(localtime(&t1)));

	uint32_t uptimeSeconds = 0;
	uint32_t piecesProcessed = 0;
	uint32_t blackAccepted = 0;
	uint32_t blackRejected = 0;
	uint32_t plasticAccepted = 0;
	uint32_t plasticRejected = 0;
	uint32_t orangeAccepted = 0;
	uint32_t orangeRejected = 0;
	uint32_t metallicAccepted = 0;
	uint32_t metallicRejected = 0;
	uint32_t piecesProcessedPerSecond = 0;

	uint32_t *ColourAccepted;
	uint32_t *ColourRejected;
	uint32_t *MaterialAccepted;
	uint32_t *MaterialRejected;

	uint8_t colour = 0;
	uint8_t material = 0;

	uint32_t i = 0;

	uint32_t FestoState = 0;
	// 0 = stopped
	// 1 = idle
	// 2 = initial state
	// 10 = cal

	int32_t LowerLimit = 1200;
	int32_t UpperLimit = 1500;

	int32_t Uptime = 0;
	int32_t Time0 = 0;
	int32_t Time1 = 0;
	uint8_t Running = 0;

	Clock_Params clockParams;
	Clock_Handle myClock;
	clockParams.arg = (UArg) Board_ACTUATOR_EJECTOR;
	myClock = Clock_create(_Festo_Deactivate_Ejector, 200, &clockParams, NULL);

	uint32_t heightMeasured = 0;
	uint32_t heightCalibratedADC = 1380;
	uint32_t heightCalibrated10mm = 225;

	//float ConvertFactor = 0.1*MessageObject.heightCalibrated/1200;

    GPIO_write(Board_LED0, Board_LED_OFF);
    GPIO_write(Board_LED1, Board_LED_OFF);
    GPIO_write(Board_LED2, Board_LED_ON);

    Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);


		EventPosted = Event_pend(FestoEvents,

		if (EventPosted & FESTO_EVENT_BUTTON_UP)
			if (FestoState == 0)
				Festo_Control_Driver(Driver, FESTO_ENABLED);
				FestoState = 1;
				Running = 1;
				GPIO_write(Board_LED0, Board_LED_ON);
				GPIO_write(Board_LED1, Board_LED_OFF);
				GPIO_write(Board_LED2, Board_LED_OFF);
				MessageObject.ScreenID = 1;
				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
				Time0 = Clock_getTicks();
			else if (FestoState == 12)
				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
			else if (FestoState == 13)
				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
			else if (FestoState == 14)
				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
		else if (EventPosted & FESTO_EVENT_BUTTON_DOWN)
			if (FestoState == 1)
				Festo_Control_Ejector(Driver, FESTO_EJECTOR_RETRACT);
				Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_LOWER);
				Festo_Control_Driver(Driver, FESTO_DISABLED);
				FestoState = 0;
				Running = 0;
				GPIO_write(Board_LED0, Board_LED_OFF);
				GPIO_write(Board_LED1, Board_LED_OFF);
				GPIO_write(Board_LED2, Board_LED_ON);
				MessageObject.ScreenID = 0;
				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
			else if (FestoState == 12)
				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
			else if (FestoState == 13)
				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
			else if (FestoState == 14)
				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
		else if (EventPosted & FESTO_EVENT_BUTTON_SELECT)
			if (FestoState == 0)
				GPIO_write(Board_LED0, Board_LED_OFF);
				GPIO_write(Board_LED1, Board_LED_ON);
				GPIO_write(Board_LED2, Board_LED_OFF);

				Festo_Control_Driver(Driver, FESTO_ENABLED);
				FestoState = 10;

				MessageObject.ScreenID = 2;

				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);

				Festo_Control_Ejector(Driver, FESTO_EJECTOR_RETRACT);
				if (Festo_Sense_Riser_Down(Driver) != 1)
					Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_LOWER);
					FestoState = 11;
					MessageObject.ScreenID = 3;
					Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
			else if (FestoState == 11)
				FestoState = 12;
				MessageObject.ScreenID = 4;
				MessageObject.heightCalibrated = 230;

				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
			else if (FestoState == 12)
				FestoState = 13;

				Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_RAISE);

				Event_post(FestoEvents, FESTO_EVENT_ADC_START);
			else if (FestoState == 13)
				FestoState = 14;
				MessageObject.ScreenID = 6;
				MessageObject.lowerHeightCalibrated = 227;
				UpperLimit = MessageObject.upperHeightCalibrated *
						(1.0 * heightCalibratedADC)/(1.0 * heightCalibrated10mm);

				System_printf("Upper Limit Cal: %d for %d *0.1 mm\n", UpperLimit, MessageObject.upperHeightCalibrated);

				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
			else if (FestoState == 14)
				FestoState = 15;
				MessageObject.ScreenID = 7;

				LowerLimit = MessageObject.lowerHeightCalibrated *
						(1.0 * heightCalibratedADC)/(1.0 * heightCalibrated10mm);

				System_printf("Lower Limit Cal: %d for %d *0.1 mm\n", LowerLimit, MessageObject.lowerHeightCalibrated);

				Festo_Control_Ejector(Driver, FESTO_EJECTOR_RETRACT);
				Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_LOWER);

				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
			else if (FestoState == 15)
				FestoState = 0;
				MessageObject.ScreenID = 0;

				GPIO_write(Board_LED0, Board_LED_OFF);
				GPIO_write(Board_LED1, Board_LED_OFF);
				GPIO_write(Board_LED2, Board_LED_ON);

				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);

		else if (EventPosted & FESTO_EVENT_RISER_UP)
			if (FestoState == 3)
				if (Festo_Sense_Piece_Placed(Driver) == 1)
					FestoState = 4;
					// wait estabilize
					for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++);
					Event_post(FestoEvents, FESTO_EVENT_ADC_START);
					FestoState = 1;
					Festo_Control_Ejector(Driver, FESTO_EJECTOR_RETRACT);
					Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_LOWER);
			else if (FestoState == 13)
				Event_post(FestoEvents, FESTO_EVENT_ADC_START);

		else if (EventPosted & FESTO_EVENT_RISER_DOWN)
			if (FestoState == 2)
				if (Festo_Sense_Piece_Placed(Driver) == 1)
					// get a lot of samples
					for (i = 0; i < 1200; i++)
						// this waits to get a reliable reading. If the reading is different from before, reset.
						if (colour != Festo_Sense_Piece_Colour(Driver) ||
								material != Festo_Sense_Piece_Material(Driver))
							i = 0;
						colour = Festo_Sense_Piece_Colour(Driver);
						material = Festo_Sense_Piece_Material(Driver);

					FestoState = 3;
					Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_RAISE);
					FestoState = 1;
			if (FestoState == 5)
				Festo_Control_Ejector(Driver, FESTO_EJECTOR_EXTEND);
			if (FestoState == 6)
				Festo_Control_Ejector(Driver, FESTO_EJECTOR_RETRACT);
				FestoState = 7;
			if (FestoState == 10)
				FestoState = 11;
				MessageObject.ScreenID = 3;
				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
		else if (EventPosted & FESTO_EVENT_ADC_FINISH)
		    if (Mailbox_pend(ADCMailbox, &heightMeasured, BIOS_NO_WAIT))
		    	Festo_Sense_Set_Piece_Height(Driver, heightMeasured);
		    	Event_post(FestoEvents, FESTO_EVENT_ADC_START);
			if (FestoState == 4)
				if (colour == FESTO_COLOR_ORANGE && material == FESTO_PIECE_OTHER)
					ColourAccepted = &orangeAccepted;
					ColourRejected = &orangeRejected;
					MaterialAccepted = &plasticAccepted;
					MaterialRejected = &plasticRejected;
				else if (colour == FESTO_COLOR_OTHER && material == FESTO_PIECE_OTHER)
					ColourAccepted = &blackAccepted;
					ColourRejected = &blackRejected;
					MaterialAccepted = &plasticAccepted;
					MaterialRejected = &plasticRejected;
				else if (material == FESTO_PIECE_METALLIC)
					ColourAccepted = NULL;
					ColourRejected = NULL;
					MaterialAccepted = &metallicAccepted;
					MaterialRejected = &metallicRejected;
					ColourAccepted = NULL;
					ColourRejected = NULL;
					MaterialAccepted = NULL;
					MaterialRejected = NULL;

				if (heightMeasured < UpperLimit && heightMeasured > LowerLimit)//withn range
					if (ColourAccepted != NULL)
					if (MaterialAccepted != NULL)
					FestoState = 6;
					System_printf("Piece is acceptable\n");

					Festo_Control_Ejector(Driver, FESTO_EJECTOR_EXTEND);
				else // out of range
					if (ColourAccepted != NULL)
					if (MaterialAccepted != NULL)
					System_printf("Piece is NOT acceptable\n");
					FestoState = 5;
					Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_LOWER);
			else if (FestoState == 13)
				heightCalibratedADC = heightMeasured;
				heightCalibrated10mm = MessageObject.heightCalibrated;

				System_printf("ADC Cal: %d for %d *0.1 mm\n", heightCalibratedADC, heightCalibrated10mm);

				MessageObject.ScreenID = 5;
				MessageObject.upperHeightCalibrated = 245;

				Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);
		else if (EventPosted & FESTO_EVENT_EJECTOR_FINISHED)
			if (FestoState == 6)
				Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_LOWER);
			else if (FestoState == 7)
				FestoState = 1;
				Festo_Control_Ejector(Driver, FESTO_EJECTOR_RETRACT);
				FestoState = 7;
		else if (EventPosted & FESTO_EVENT_TICK)
			if (Running)
				Time1 = Clock_getTicks();
				Uptime += (Time1 - Time0);
				Time0 = Time1;
				uptimeSeconds = Uptime * 0.001;

				piecesProcessedPerSecond = 100 * piecesProcessed/(0.016667*uptimeSeconds);

				MessageObject.piecesProcessed = piecesProcessed;
				MessageObject.blackAccepted = blackAccepted;
				MessageObject.blackRejected = blackRejected;
				MessageObject.plasticAccepted = plasticAccepted;
				MessageObject.plasticRejected = plasticRejected;
				MessageObject.orangeAccepted = orangeAccepted;
				MessageObject.orangeRejected = orangeRejected;
				MessageObject.piecesProcessedPerSecond = piecesProcessedPerSecond;
				MessageObject.uptimeSeconds = uptimeSeconds;
				MessageObject.metalAccepted = metallicAccepted;
				MessageObject.metalRejected = metallicRejected;

			t1 = time(NULL);
			strcpy((char*) MessageObject.timeString, asctime(localtime(&t1)));
			Mailbox_post(DisplayMailbox, &MessageObject, BIOS_NO_WAIT);

		else if (EventPosted & FESTO_EVENT_PIECE_NOT_IN_PLACE)
			if (FestoState <= 4)
				FestoState = 1;
				Festo_Control_Ejector(Driver, FESTO_EJECTOR_RETRACT);
				Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_LOWER);
			if (FestoState == 1)
				if (Festo_Sense_Piece_Placed(Driver) == 1)
					FestoState = 2;
					if (Festo_Sense_Riser_Down(Driver) == 0)
						Festo_Control_Platform(Driver, FESTO_PLATFORM_LOWER);
					    Event_post(FestoEvents, FESTO_EVENT_RISER_DOWN);
Exemple #24
int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, void *tzp) {
  uint32_t ticks = Clock_getTicks();
  tp->tv_sec = ticks / 1000;
  tp->tv_usec = (ticks % 1000) * 1000;
  return 0;
Exemple #25
void initLCD() {


	// Please refer to the HD44780 datasheet for how these initializations work!
	int tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 30){

	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, RS,  0x00 );

	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, D4 | D5 | D6 | D7,  0x30 );
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x02);

	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x00);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 30){

	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, D4 | D5 | D6 | D7,  0x30 );
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x02);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x00);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 30){

	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, D4 | D5 | D6 | D7,  0x30 );
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x02);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x00);

	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 30){

	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, D4 | D5 | D6 | D7,  0x20 );
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x02);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 1){
	GPIOPinWrite(LCDPORT, E, 0x00);
	tempo = Clock_getTicks();
	while (Clock_getTicks() - tempo < 30){

	LCDCommand(0x01);	// Clear the screen.
	LCDCommand(0x06);	// Cursor moves right.
	LCDCommand(0x0f);	// Cursor blinking, turn on LCD.
