Exemple #1
	void ExampleProtocol::info() const
		printf("ExampleProtocol: \n");
		printf("  RunMode:    " );
		switch (RunMode)
			case Mode1: printf("Mode1\n"); break;
			case Mode2: printf("Mode2\n"); break;
			case Mode3: printf("Mode3\n"); break;
			default: throw(CodeException("Unknown Mode in ExampleProtocol"));
		printf("  ExampleParam1: %d Units \n", ExampleParam1);
		printf("  ExampleParam2: %f Units \n", ExampleParam2);
Exemple #2
void Player::read(string name, string script)
	ifstream infile(script);
	if (!infile.is_open()) {
		string error = "[ERROR]:  Open file fail: " + script;
		throw CodeException(FAIL_FILE_OPEN, error.c_str());
	string currentLine;
	//Using regular expression to check the data for each line
	regex re("^\\s*(\\d+)\\s*([^\\d\\s].*?)\\s*$");
	while (getline(infile, currentLine)) {
		smatch sm;
		regex_match(currentLine, sm, re);
		if (sm.size() > 0) {
			//Once the line match the RE, come in this if condition and insert data
			lines[stoi(sm[1])] = SingleLine(name, sm[2]);
Exemple #3
Director::Director(const string& scriptName, unsigned int playerCount, bool overRide)
	isOverride = overRide;
	maximum = 0;
	ifstream infile(scriptName);
	if (!infile.is_open()) {
		string error = "[ERROR]:  Open file fail: " + scriptName;
		throw CodeException(FAIL_FILE_OPEN, error.c_str());
	string currentLine;
	bool followingPL;
	int scriptCounter = 1;
	int lastPartDefCount = 0;

	regex re("^\\[scene\\][\\s]([\\w\\s]*)$");
	smatch sm;
	regex re_config("^[\\s]*(.*.txt)[\\s]*$");
	smatch sm_config;
	regex re_part("^[\\s]*([\\w]+)[\\s]+(.*.txt)[\\s]*$");
	smatch sm_part;

	while (getline(infile, currentLine)) {
		// scan for scene titles
		if (regex_match(currentLine, sm, re)) {
			followingPL = false;
		else {
			// scan for scene fragment config files
			if (regex_match(currentLine, sm_config, re_config)) {
				scripts[scriptCounter] = script();

				if (!followingPL) {
					followingPL = true;
				else {
				ifstream configFile(sm_config[1]);
				int partDefinitionLineCount = 0;

				if (!configFile.is_open()) {
					string temp = sm_config[1];
					string error = "[ERROR]:  Open file fail: " + temp;
					throw CodeException(FAIL_FILE_OPEN, error.c_str());
				string partDefinitionLine;
				while (getline(configFile, partDefinitionLine)) {
					// scan for part definition files
					if (regex_match(partDefinitionLine, sm_part, re_part)) {
						scripts[scriptCounter][sm_part[1]] = sm_part[2];

				if (!isOverride) {
					int consecutiveSum = partDefinitionLineCount + lastPartDefCount;
					lastPartDefCount = partDefinitionLineCount;
					maximum = maximum > consecutiveSum ? maximum : consecutiveSum;

	//finish reading script
	try {
		play = playPtr(new Play(titles, finished.get_future()));
	catch (exception& e) {
		throw (BAD_ALLOCATION,e);
	// check the override option
	if (!isOverride) {
		maximum = maximum > (int)playerCount ? maximum : (int)playerCount;
	else {
		maximum = (int)playerCount;
	for (int i = 0; i < maximum; i++) {
		try {
			players.push_back(playerPtr(new Player(*play)));
		catch (exception& e) {
			throw (BAD_ALLOCATION, e);