void CGameReviewDialog::OnExpandCollapse() { if (m_bCollapsed) { // expand window CollapseWindow(FALSE); } else { // collapse window window CollapseWindow(TRUE); } // theApp.SetValue(tbCollapseGameReviewDialog, m_bCollapsed); }
void _glfwPlatformRestoreWindow( void ) { if( !_glfwWin.fullscreen ) { (void)CollapseWindow( _glfwWin.window, FALSE ); } }
void _glfwPlatformIconifyWindow( void ) { if( !_glfwWin.fullscreen ) { (void)CollapseWindow( _glfwWin.window, TRUE ); } }
BOOL CGameReviewDialog::OnInitDialog() { // first call base class CMyCustomDialog::OnInitDialog(); // init the tags list control const int tnColSpacer = 14; m_listTags.InsertColumn(0, "Tag", LVCFMT_LEFT, m_listTags.GetStringWidth("Tag ") + tnColSpacer, 0); m_listTags.InsertColumn(1, "Value", LVCFMT_LEFT, m_listTags.GetStringWidth("Value ") + tnColSpacer, 1); // subclass buttons for(int i=0;i<tnumButtons;i++) { m_flatButtons[i].SubclassDlgItem(tControlInfo[i].nControlID, this); if (tControlInfo[i].nIconID != 0) m_flatButtons[i].SetIcon(tControlInfo[i].nIconID); if (i < 9) m_flatButtons[i].SetShowText(FALSE); } // subclass listbox CListBox* pList = (CListBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_GAME_INDEX); wpOrigListBoxProc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLong(pList->GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) ListBoxSubclassProc); // get the full width CRect windowRect; GetWindowRect(&windowRect); m_nFullWidth = windowRect.Width(); // and the collapsed width CRect btnRect; GetDlgItem(IDC_FIRST)->GetWindowRect(&btnRect); int nSpace = btnRect.left - windowRect.left; GetDlgItem(IDC_PLAY)->GetWindowRect(&btnRect); m_nCollapsedWidth = btnRect.right + nSpace - windowRect.left; // load expand.collapsed icons m_hIconExpand = (HICON) LoadImage(theApp.m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_TAGS_EXPAND), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); m_hIconCollapse = (HICON) LoadImage(theApp.m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_TAGS_COLLAPSE), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); // collapse if desired m_bCollapsed = theApp.GetValue(tbCollapseGameReviewDialog); CollapseWindow(m_bCollapsed); // done // m_bInitialized = TRUE; return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
void _glfwMacDWRestoreWindow( void ) { // TO DO: What if we fail here? (void)CollapseWindow( _glfwWin.MacWindow, FALSE ); }
void _glfwMacDWIconifyWindow( void ) { // TO DO: What if we fail here? (void)CollapseWindow( _glfwWin.MacWindow, TRUE ); }
void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Iconize(bool iconize) { if ( IsWindowCollapsable((WindowRef)m_macWindow) ) CollapseWindow((WindowRef)m_macWindow , iconize ) ; }
void shellwindowmenuselect (short ixmenu) { /* implemented using a side-effect we programmed into the update process for the window menu. as the menu is being built pushwindowmenuvisit watches for the indicated item number, when found it sets the global hsearch. that's the one we want to bring to the front. 5.0a2 dmb: new hidewindow item 7.0b44 PBS: Minimize Window item on Mac OS X. */ boolean flcommand = false; flwindowmenudirty = true; /*force update*/ if (ixmenu == hidewindowitem) { hdlwindowinfo hinfo; if (getfrontwindowinfo (&hinfo)) shellhidewindow (hinfo); } else { #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON == 1 if (ixmenu == minimizewindowitem) { hdlwindowinfo hinfo; flcommand = true; if (getfrontwindowinfo (&hinfo)) CollapseWindow ((**hinfo).macwindow, true); } /*if*/ if (ixmenu == bringalltofrontwindowitem) { activateapplication (nil); /*nil means self*/ flcommand = true; } /*if*/ #endif if (!flcommand) { ixsearch = ixmenu; /*set global*/ hsearch = nil; /*indicate it wasn't found*/ shellupdatewindowmenu (); /*for side-effect*/ if (hsearch != nil) /*it was found*/ shellbringtofront (hsearch); else ouch (); } /*if*/ } } /*shellwindowmenuselect*/