Exemple #1
/** ***************************************************************************/
void Applications::DesktopAction::activate() {
        return CommandAction(Application::terminal.arg(exec_)).activate();
        return CommandAction(exec_).activate();
Exemple #2
RuleRunner::RunAction(const BMessage &action, entry_ref &ref)
	BString actionname;
	if (action.FindString("name",&actionname) != B_OK)
		debugger("Couldn't find action name in RuleRunner::RunAction");
		return B_ERROR;
	if (actionname.Compare("Move it to…") == 0)
		return MoveAction(action,ref);
	else if (actionname.Compare("Copy it to…") == 0)
		return CopyAction(action,ref);
	else if (actionname.Compare("Rename it to…") == 0)
		return RenameAction(action,ref);
	else if (actionname.Compare("Open it") == 0)
		return OpenAction(action,ref);
	else if (actionname.Compare("Add it to the archive…") == 0)
		return ArchiveAction(action,ref);
	else if (actionname.Compare("Terminal command…") == 0)
		return CommandAction(action,ref);
	else if (actionname.Compare("Move it to the Trash") == 0)
		return TrashAction(action,ref);
	else if (actionname.Compare("Delete it") == 0)
		return DeleteAction(action,ref);
	return B_ERROR;
void cDrawScenarioPoliEval::Keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
	cDrawScenarioSimChar::Keyboard(key, x, y);

	if (key >= '1' && key <= '9')
		CommandAction(key - '1');
bool TextFormulaNode::DoCreatePlusFormulaNode(NodeEvent& nodeEvent)
	SharedCaretState c = any_cast<SharedCaretState>(nodeEvent["caretState"]);
	//create a plus node and insert it into the parent after this node
	FormulaNode* p = new PlusFormulaNode(this, wnd);
	parent->InsertChild(p, parent->GetChildPos(this) + 1);

	nodeEvent["undoAction"] = CommandAction(this, 0, &FormulaNode::UndoCreatePlusFormulaNode);
	c->SetToNode(parent, parent->GetChildPos(this) + 1);

	return true;
bool DocumentFormulaNode::DoInsertLine(NodeEvent& nodeEvent)
	SharedCaretState c = any_cast<SharedCaretState>(nodeEvent["caretState"]);
	FormulaNode* node = c->GetNode();
	int pos = GetFirstLevelChildPos(node);
	RootFormulaNode* rootNode = new RootFormulaNode(this);
	EmptyFormulaNode* n = new EmptyFormulaNode(rootNode);
	InsertChild(rootNode, pos + 1);
	nodeEvent["undoAction"] = CommandAction(rootNode, 0, &FormulaNode::UndoInsertLine);
	c->SetToNode(rootNode, 0);

	return true;
bool RootFormulaNode::DoCreateEquationFormulaNode(NodeEvent& nodeEvent)
	SharedCaretState c = any_cast<SharedCaretState>(nodeEvent["caretState"]);
	//create a equation node and move the first level nodes in its left side
	FormulaNode* e = new EquationFormulaNode(this, wnd);
	FormulaNode* g = new GroupFormulaNode(e, wnd);
	for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < childNodes->Count(); ++j)
		g->MoveChild((*childNodes)[0], j);
	e->InsertChild(g, 0);
	//e->MoveChild((*childNodes)[0], 0);

	nodeEvent["undoAction"] = CommandAction(this, 0, &FormulaNode::UndoCreateDivisionFormulaNode);
	c->SetToNode(e, 1);
	return true;
bool TextFormulaNode::DoInsertText(NodeEvent& nodeEvent)
	Command* command = any_cast<Command*>(nodeEvent["command"]);
	QString str = any_cast<QString>(nodeEvent["text"]);
	SharedCaretState c = any_cast<SharedCaretState>(nodeEvent["caretState"]);
	int pos = c->GetPos();
	QString text = GetText();
	command->SetParam(this, "pos", pos);
	//update the item
	text = text.left(pos) + str + text.right(text.length() - pos);
	nodeEvent["undoAction"] = CommandAction(this, 0, &FormulaNode::UndoInsertText);
	c->SetToNode(this, pos + str.length());
	return true;
bool TextFormulaNode::DoCreatePowerFormulaNode(NodeEvent& nodeEvent)
	SharedCaretState c = any_cast<SharedCaretState>(nodeEvent["caretState"]);
	FormulaNode* p = parent;
	int pos = parent->GetChildPos(this);
	//create a power node, insert current node into it and insert the result into the parent
	FormulaNode* d = new PowerFormulaNode(parent, wnd);
	FormulaNode* g = new GroupFormulaNode(d, wnd);
	g->MoveChild(this, 0);
	d->InsertChild(g, 0);
	g = new GroupFormulaNode(d, wnd);
	FormulaNode* n = new EmptyFormulaNode(g);
	p->InsertChild(d, pos);

	nodeEvent["undoAction"] = CommandAction(this, 0, &FormulaNode::UndoCreatePowerFormulaNode);
	c->SetToNode(g, 0);
	return true;
bool TextFormulaNode::DoRemoveItem(NodeEvent& nodeEvent)
	Command* command = any_cast<Command*>(nodeEvent["command"]);
	bool right = any_cast<bool>(nodeEvent["right"]);
	SharedCaretState c = any_cast<SharedCaretState>(nodeEvent["caretState"]);
	int pos = c->GetPos();
	QString text = GetText();
	if (right)
		if (pos < text.length())
			command->SetParam(this, "str", QString(text.mid(pos, 1)));
			//update the item
			text = text.left(pos) + text.right(text.length() - pos - 1);
			c->SetToNode(this, pos);
			return false;
		if (pos > 0)
			command->SetParam(this, "str", QString(text.mid(pos - 1, 1)));
			//update the item
			text = text.left(pos - 1) + text.right(text.length() - pos);
			c->SetToNode(this, pos - 1);
			return false;

	nodeEvent["undoAction"] = CommandAction(this, 0, &FormulaNode::UndoRemoveItem);
	return true;