int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize Tempest TempestInitialize(&argc, &argv); try { // Uniform +X flow field. double dU0; // Reference temperature double dT0; // Parameter reference height for temperature disturbance double dhC; // Parameter reference length a for temperature disturbance double daC; // Parameter reference length for mountain profile double dxC; // Parameter Archimede's Constant (essentially Pi but to some digits) double dpiC; // No Rayleigh friction bool fNoRayleighFriction; // Parse the command line BeginTempestCommandLine("HydrostaticMountainCartesianTest"); SetDefaultResolutionX(40); SetDefaultResolutionY(1); SetDefaultLevels(48); SetDefaultOutputDeltaT("1800s"); SetDefaultDeltaT("1s"); SetDefaultEndTime("36000s"); SetDefaultHorizontalOrder(4); SetDefaultVerticalOrder(4); CommandLineDouble(dU0, "u0", 20.0); CommandLineDouble(dT0, "T0", 250.0); CommandLineDouble(dhC, "hC", 1.0); CommandLineDouble(daC, "aC", 10000.0); CommandLineDouble(dxC, "xC", 1.2E+5); CommandLineDouble(dpiC, "piC", 3.14159265); CommandLineBool(fNoRayleighFriction, "norayleigh"); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndCommandLine(argv) // Create a new instance of the test HydrostaticMountainCartesianTest * test = new HydrostaticMountainCartesianTest( dT0, dU0, dhC, dxC, daC, dpiC, fNoRayleighFriction); // Setup the Model AnnounceBanner("MODEL SETUP"); Model model(EquationSet::PrimitiveNonhydrostaticEquations); // Setup the cartesian model with dimensions and reference latitude TempestSetupCartesianModel(model, test->m_dGDim, 0.0, test->m_iLatBC); // Set the reference length to reduce diffusion relative to global scale const double XL = std::abs(test->m_dGDim[1] - test->m_dGDim[0]); const double oneDegScale = 110000.0; if (XL < oneDegScale) { model.GetGrid()->SetReferenceLength(XL); } else { model.GetGrid()->SetReferenceLength(oneDegScale); } // Set the test case for the model AnnounceStartBlock("Initializing test case"); model.SetTestCase(test); AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); // Begin execution AnnounceBanner("SIMULATION"); model.Go(); // Compute error norms AnnounceBanner("RESULTS"); model.ComputeErrorNorms(); AnnounceBanner(); } catch(Exception & e) { std::cout << e.ToString() << std::endl; } // Deinitialize Tempest TempestDeinitialize(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize Tempest TempestInitialize(&argc, &argv); try { // Model height cap double dZtop; // Grid rotation angle double dAlpha; // Include tracer field bool fTracersOn; // Rayleigh layer bool fRayleighFriction; // Deep atmosphere flag bool fDeepAtmosphere; // Perturbation type std::string strPerturbationType; // Parse the command line BeginTempestCommandLine("BaroclinicWaveUMJS"); SetDefaultResolution(20); SetDefaultLevels(10); SetDefaultOutputDeltaT("200s"); SetDefaultDeltaT("200s"); SetDefaultEndTime("200s"); SetDefaultHorizontalOrder(4); SetDefaultVerticalOrder(1); CommandLineDouble(dZtop, "ztop", 10000.0); CommandLineDouble(dAlpha, "alpha", 0.0); CommandLineBool(fDeepAtmosphere, "deep_atmosphere"); CommandLineBool(fRayleighFriction, "rayleigh"); CommandLineStringD(strPerturbationType, "pert", "None", "(None | Exp | Sfn)"); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndTempestCommandLine(argv) // Setup the Model AnnounceBanner("MODEL SETUP"); Model model(EquationSet::PrimitiveNonhydrostaticEquations); TempestSetupCubedSphereModel(model); // Set the test case for the model AnnounceStartBlock("Initializing test case"); BaroclinicWaveUMJSTest::PerturbationType ePerturbationType; STLStringHelper::ToLower(strPerturbationType); if (strPerturbationType == "none") { ePerturbationType = BaroclinicWaveUMJSTest::PerturbationType_None; } else if (strPerturbationType == "exp") { ePerturbationType = BaroclinicWaveUMJSTest::PerturbationType_Exp; } else if (strPerturbationType == "sfn") { ePerturbationType = BaroclinicWaveUMJSTest::PerturbationType_StreamFn; } else { _EXCEPTIONT("Invalid perturbation type:" " Expected \"None\", \"Exp\" or \"SFn\""); } model.SetTestCase( new BaroclinicWaveUMJSTest( dAlpha, fDeepAtmosphere, dZtop, ePerturbationType, fRayleighFriction)); AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); // Begin execution AnnounceBanner("SIMULATION"); model.Go(); // Compute error norms AnnounceBanner("RESULTS"); model.ComputeErrorNorms(); AnnounceBanner(); } catch(Exception & e) { std::cout << e.ToString() << std::endl; } // Deinitialize TempestDeinitialize(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize Tempest TempestInitialize(&argc, &argv); try { // Model cap. double dZtop; // Earth radius scaling parameter. double dEarthScaling; // Deactivate physics bool fNoPhysics; // Bryan Boundary Layer bool fBryanPBL; // Reed-Jablonowksi precipitation bool fReedJablonowskiPrecip; // Parse the command line BeginTempestCommandLine("TropicalCycloneTest"); SetDefaultResolution(20); SetDefaultLevels(30); SetDefaultOutputDeltaT("1h"); SetDefaultDeltaT("200s"); SetDefaultEndTime("10d"); SetDefaultHorizontalOrder(4); SetDefaultVerticalOrder(1); CommandLineDouble(dZtop, "ztop", 30000.0); CommandLineDouble(dEarthScaling, "X", 1.0); CommandLineBool(fNoPhysics, "nophys"); CommandLineBool(fBryanPBL, "bryanpbl"); CommandLineBool(fReedJablonowskiPrecip, "rjprecip"); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndTempestCommandLine(argv) // Setup the Model AnnounceBanner("MODEL SETUP"); EquationSet eqn(EquationSet::PrimitiveNonhydrostaticEquations); eqn.InsertTracer("RhoQv", "RhoQv"); eqn.InsertTracer("RhoQc", "RhoQc"); eqn.InsertTracer("RhoQr", "RhoQr"); UserDataMeta metaUserData; metaUserData.InsertDataItem2D("PRECT"); Model model(eqn, metaUserData); TempestSetupCubedSphereModel(model); // Set the test case for the model AnnounceStartBlock("Initializing test case"); model.SetTestCase( new TropicalCycloneTest( dZtop, dEarthScaling)); AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); // Add DCMIP physics if (!fNoPhysics) { model.AttachWorkflowProcess( new DCMIPPhysics( model, model.GetDeltaT(), 2, (fBryanPBL)?(1):(0), (fReedJablonowskiPrecip)?(1):(0))); } // Begin execution AnnounceBanner("SIMULATION"); model.Go(); // Compute error norms AnnounceBanner("RESULTS"); model.ComputeErrorNorms(); AnnounceBanner(); } catch(Exception & e) { std::cout << e.ToString() << std::endl; } // Deinitialize Tempest TempestDeinitialize(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { NcError error(NcError::silent_nonfatal); try { // Input data file std::string strInputData; // Input map file std::string strInputMap; // List of variables std::string strVariables; // Input data file (second instance) std::string strInputData2; // Input map file (second instance) std::string strInputMap2; // List of variables (second instance) std::string strVariables2; // Output data file std::string strOutputData; // Name of the ncol variable std::string strNColName; // Output as double bool fOutputDouble; // List of variables to preserve std::string strPreserveVariables; // Preserve all non-remapped variables bool fPreserveAll; // Fill value override double dFillValueOverride; // Parse the command line BeginCommandLine() CommandLineString(strInputData, "in_data", ""); CommandLineString(strInputMap, "map", ""); CommandLineString(strVariables, "var", ""); CommandLineString(strInputData2, "in_data2", ""); CommandLineString(strInputMap2, "map2", ""); CommandLineString(strVariables2, "var2", ""); CommandLineString(strOutputData, "out_data", ""); CommandLineString(strNColName, "ncol_name", "ncol"); CommandLineBool(fOutputDouble, "out_double"); CommandLineString(strPreserveVariables, "preserve", ""); CommandLineBool(fPreserveAll, "preserveall"); CommandLineDouble(dFillValueOverride, "fillvalue", 0.0); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndCommandLine(argv) AnnounceBanner(); // Check parameters if (strInputMap == "") { _EXCEPTIONT("No map specified"); } if (strInputData == "") { _EXCEPTIONT("No input data specified"); } if (strOutputData == "") { _EXCEPTIONT("No output data specified"); } // Parse variable list std::vector< std::string > vecVariableStrings; ParseVariableList(strVariables, vecVariableStrings); // Parse preserve variable list std::vector< std::string > vecPreserveVariableStrings; ParseVariableList(strPreserveVariables, vecPreserveVariableStrings); if (fPreserveAll && (vecPreserveVariableStrings.size() != 0)) { _EXCEPTIONT("--preserveall and --preserve cannot both be specified"); } // Second input data file std::vector< std::string > vecVariableStrings2; if (strInputData2 != "") { ParseVariableList(strVariables2, vecVariableStrings2); if (vecVariableStrings2.size() == 0) { _EXCEPTIONT("No variables specified for --in_data2"); } if (strInputMap2 == "") { _EXCEPTIONT("No map specified for --in_data2"); } } if ((strInputMap2 != "") && (strInputData2 == "")) { _EXCEPTIONT("No input data specified for --map2"); } // Apply OfflineMap to data if (strInputMap2 == "") { AnnounceStartBlock("Applying offline map to data"); } else { AnnounceStartBlock("Applying first offline map to data"); } // OfflineMap OfflineMap mapRemap; mapRemap.Read(strInputMap); mapRemap.SetFillValueOverride(static_cast<float>(dFillValueOverride)); mapRemap.Apply( strInputData, strOutputData, vecVariableStrings, strNColName, fOutputDouble, false); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); if (strInputMap2 != "") { AnnounceStartBlock("Applying second offline map to data"); // OfflineMap OfflineMap mapRemap2; mapRemap2.Read(strInputMap2); // Verify consistency of maps SparseMatrix<double> & smatRemap = mapRemap .GetSparseMatrix(); SparseMatrix<double> & smatRemap2 = mapRemap2.GetSparseMatrix(); if ((smatRemap.GetRows() != smatRemap2.GetRows()) || (smatRemap.GetColumns() != smatRemap2.GetColumns()) ) { _EXCEPTIONT("Mismatch in dimensions of input maps " "--map and --map2"); } mapRemap2.Apply( strInputData2, strOutputData, vecVariableStrings2, strNColName, false, true); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } // Copy variables from input file to output file if (fPreserveAll) { AnnounceStartBlock("Preserving variables"); mapRemap.PreserveAllVariables(strInputData, strOutputData); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } else if (vecPreserveVariableStrings.size() != 0) { AnnounceStartBlock("Preserving variables"); mapRemap.PreserveVariables( strInputData, strOutputData, vecPreserveVariableStrings); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } AnnounceBanner(); return (0); } catch(Exception & e) { Announce(e.ToString().c_str()); return (-1); } catch(...) { return (-2); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize Tempest TempestInitialize(&argc, &argv); try { // Nondimensional vertical width parameter double dbC; // Uniform zonal velocity double dU0; // Magnitude of the zonal wind perturbation double dUp; // Lapse rate double ddTdz; // Reference absolute temperature double dT0; // Width parameter for the perturbation double dLpC; // Center position of the perturbation double dXC; // Center position of the perturbation double dYC; // No Rayleigh friction bool fNoRayleighFriction; // Parse the command line BeginTempestCommandLine("Baroclinic3DCartesianTest"); SetDefaultResolutionX(288); SetDefaultResolutionY(48); SetDefaultLevels(32); SetDefaultOutputDeltaT("3h"); SetDefaultDeltaT("300s"); SetDefaultEndTime("12d"); SetDefaultHorizontalOrder(4); SetDefaultVerticalOrder(1); CommandLineDouble(dbC, "b", 2.0); CommandLineDouble(dU0, "u0", 35.0); CommandLineDouble(dUp, "up", 1.0); CommandLineDouble(ddTdz, "gamma", 0.005); CommandLineDouble(dT0, "T0", 288.0); CommandLineDouble(dLpC, "Lp", 600000.0); CommandLineDouble(dXC, "Xc", 2000000.0); CommandLineDouble(dYC, "Yc", 2500000.0); CommandLineBool(fNoRayleighFriction, "norayleigh"); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndCommandLine(argv) // Create a new instance of the test Baroclinic3DCartesianTest * test = new Baroclinic3DCartesianTest(dbC, dU0, dUp, ddTdz, dT0, dLpC, dXC, dYC, fNoRayleighFriction); // Setup the Model AnnounceBanner("MODEL SETUP"); Model model(EquationSet::PrimitiveNonhydrostaticEquations); // Setup the cartesian model with dimensions and reference latitude TempestSetupCartesianModel(model, test->m_dGDim, test->m_dRefLat, test->m_iLatBC); // Set the reference length to reduce diffusion relative to global scale const double XL = std::abs(test->m_dGDim[1] - test->m_dGDim[0]); const double oneDegScale = 110000.0; if (XL < oneDegScale) { model.GetGrid()->SetReferenceLength(XL); } else { model.GetGrid()->SetReferenceLength(oneDegScale); } // Set the test case for the model AnnounceStartBlock("Initializing test case"); model.SetTestCase(test); AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); // Begin execution AnnounceBanner("SIMULATION"); model.Go(); // Compute error norms AnnounceBanner("RESULTS"); model.ComputeErrorNorms(); AnnounceBanner(); } catch(Exception & e) { std::cout << e.ToString() << std::endl; std::cout << "Try/catch block in the main program!" << std::endl; } // Deinitialize Tempest TempestDeinitialize(); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { try { // Parameters Parameters param; // Output filename std::string strOutputFile; // Horizontal minimum wave number int nKmin; // Horizontal maximum wave number int nKmax; // Parse the command line BeginCommandLine() CommandLineInt(param.nPhiElements, "n", 40); CommandLineInt(nKmin, "kmin", 1); CommandLineInt(nKmax, "kmax", 20); CommandLineDouble(param.dXscale, "X", 1.0); CommandLineDouble(param.dT0, "T0", 300.0); CommandLineDouble(param.dU0, "U0", 20.0); CommandLineDouble(param.dG, "G", 9.80616); CommandLineDouble(param.dOmega, "omega", 7.29212e-5); CommandLineDouble(param.dGamma, "gamma", 1.4); CommandLineString(strOutputFile, "out", ""); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndCommandLine(argv) AnnounceBanner(); // Generate latitude values param.GenerateLatituteArray(param.nPhiElements); // Open NetCDF file NcFile ncdf_out(strOutputFile.c_str(), NcFile::Replace); NcDim *dimK = ncdf_out.add_dim("k", nKmax - nKmin + 1); NcDim *dimLat = ncdf_out.add_dim("lat", param.nPhiElements); NcDim *dimEig = ncdf_out.add_dim("eig", param.nPhiElements); // Write parameters and latitudes to file param.WriteToNcFile(ncdf_out, dimLat, dimLatS); // Wave numbers NcVar *varK = ncdf_out.add_var("k", ncInt, dimK); DataVector<int> vecK; vecK.Initialize(nKmax - nKmin + 1); for (int nK = nKmin; nK <= nKmax; nK++) { vecK[nK - nKmin] = nK; } varK->set_cur((long)0); varK->put(vecK, nKmax - nKmin + 1); // Eigenvalues NcVar *varMR = ncdf_out.add_var("mR", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig); NcVar *varMI = ncdf_out.add_var("mI", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig); NcVar *varUR = ncdf_out.add_var("uR", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLat); NcVar *varUI = ncdf_out.add_var("uI", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLat); NcVar *varVR = ncdf_out.add_var("vR", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLatS); NcVar *varVI = ncdf_out.add_var("vI", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLatS); NcVar *varPR = ncdf_out.add_var("pR", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLat); NcVar *varPI = ncdf_out.add_var("pI", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLat); NcVar *varWR = ncdf_out.add_var("wR", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLat); NcVar *varWI = ncdf_out.add_var("wI", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLat); NcVar *varRhoR = ncdf_out.add_var("rhoR", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLat); NcVar *varRhoI = ncdf_out.add_var("rhoI", ncDouble, dimK, dimEig, dimLat); // Allocate temporary arrays DataVector<double> dUR; dUR.Initialize(param.nPhiElements); DataVector<double> dUI; dUI.Initialize(param.nPhiElements); DataVector<double> dVR; dVR.Initialize(param.nPhiElements-1); DataVector<double> dVI; dVI.Initialize(param.nPhiElements-1); DataVector<double> dPR; dPR.Initialize(param.nPhiElements); DataVector<double> dPI; dPI.Initialize(param.nPhiElements); DataVector<double> dWR; dWR.Initialize(param.nPhiElements); DataVector<double> dWI; dWI.Initialize(param.nPhiElements); DataVector<double> dRhoR; dRhoR.Initialize(param.nPhiElements); DataVector<double> dRhoI; dRhoI.Initialize(param.nPhiElements); // Loop over all horizontal wave numbers for (int nK = nKmin; nK <= nKmax; nK++) { // Build matrices char szMessage[100]; sprintf(szMessage, "Building evolution matrices (k = %i)", nK); AnnounceStartBlock(szMessage); DataMatrix<double> matM; DataMatrix<double> matB; GenerateEvolutionMatrix(nK, param, matM, matB); AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); // Solve the matrices AnnounceStartBlock("Solving evolution matrices"); DataVector<double> vecAlphaR; DataVector<double> vecAlphaI; DataVector<double> vecBeta; DataMatrix<double> matVR; vecAlphaR.Initialize(matM.GetRows()); vecAlphaI.Initialize(matM.GetRows()); vecBeta .Initialize(matM.GetRows()); matVR .Initialize(matM.GetRows(), matM.GetColumns()); SolveEvolutionMatrix( matM, matB, vecAlphaR, vecAlphaI, vecBeta, matVR); // Sort eigenvalues std::multimap<double, int> mapSortedRows; for (int i = 0; i < vecBeta.GetRows(); i++) { if (vecBeta[i] != 0.0) { double dLambdaR = vecAlphaR[i] / vecBeta[i]; double dLambdaI = vecAlphaI[i] / vecBeta[i]; double dMR = dLambdaI; double dMI = - dLambdaR - 1.0; double dEvalMagnitude = fabs(dMR); //printf("\n%1.5e %1.5e ", dMR, dMI); // Purely imaginary eigenvalue if (dMR == 0.0) { // Wave must decay with height if (dMI < 0.0) { continue; } // Complex-conjugate pair of eigenvalues } else { // Phase propagation must be downward, and energy // propagation upwards if (dMR < 0.0) { continue; } } //printf("(OK)"); mapSortedRows.insert( std::pair<double, int>(dEvalMagnitude, i)); // Only store one entry for complex-conjugate pairs if (vecAlphaI[i] != 0.0) { i++; } } } Announce("%i eigenmodes found to satisfy entropy condition", mapSortedRows.size()); /* if (mapSortedRows.size() != param.nPhiElements) { _EXCEPTIONT("Mismatch between eigenmode count and latitude count"); } */ AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); // Write the matrices to a file AnnounceStartBlock("Writing results"); int iKix = nK - nKmin; int iWave = 0; std::map<double, int>::const_iterator it; for (it = mapSortedRows.begin(); it != mapSortedRows.end(); it++) { int i = it->second; double dLambdaR = vecAlphaR[i] / vecBeta[i]; double dLambdaI = vecAlphaI[i] / vecBeta[i]; double dMR = dLambdaI; double dMI = - dLambdaR - 1.0; // Dump eigenvalue to NetCDF file varMR->set_cur(iKix, iWave); varMR->put(&dMR, 1, 1); varMI->set_cur(iKix, iWave); varMI->put(&dMI, 1, 1); // Store real part of eigenfunction for (int j = 0; j < param.nPhiElements; j++) { dUR [j] = matVR[i][4*j ]; dPR [j] = matVR[i][4*j+1]; dWR [j] = matVR[i][4*j+2]; dRhoR[j] = matVR[i][4*j+3]; } for (int j = 0; j < param.nPhiElements-1; j++) { dVR[j] = matVR[i][4 * param.nPhiElements + j]; } // Complex eigenvalue / eigenfunction pair if (dLambdaI != 0.0) { // Eigenvalue Lambda is complex conjugate dMR = -dMR; // Dump eigenvalue to NetCDF file varMR->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1); varMR->put(&dMR, 1, 1); varMI->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1); varMI->put(&dMI, 1, 1); // Store imaginary component of vector for (int j = 0; j < param.nPhiElements; j++) { dUI [j] = matVR[i+1][4*j ]; dPI [j] = matVR[i+1][4*j+1]; dWI [j] = matVR[i+1][4*j+2]; dRhoI[j] = matVR[i+1][4*j+3]; } for (int j = 0; j < param.nPhiElements-1; j++) { dVI[j] = matVR[i+1][4 * param.nPhiElements + j]; } // Real eigenvalue / eigenvector pair } else { dUI.Zero(); dPI.Zero(); dWI.Zero(); dRhoI.Zero(); dVI.Zero(); } // Dump the first eigenfunction to the file varUR->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varUR->put(dUR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varVR->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varVR->put(dVR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements-1); varPR->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varPR->put(dPR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varWR->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varWR->put(dWR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varRhoR->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varRhoR->put(dRhoR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varUI->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varUI->put(dUI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varVI->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varVI->put(dVI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements-1); varPI->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varPI->put(dPI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varWI->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varWI->put(dWI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varRhoI->set_cur(iKix, iWave, 0); varRhoI->put(dRhoI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); // Complex eigenvalue / eigenvector pair if (dLambdaI != 0.0) { for (int j = 0; j < param.nPhiElements; j++) { dUI [j] = - dUI [j]; dPI [j] = - dPI [j]; dWI [j] = - dWI [j]; dRhoI[j] = - dRhoI[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < param.nPhiElements-1; j++) { dVI[j] = - dVI[j]; } varUR->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varUR->put(dUR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varVR->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varVR->put(dVR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements-1); varPR->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varPR->put(dPR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varWR->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varWR->put(dWR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varRhoR->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varRhoR->put(dRhoR, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varUI->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varUI->put(dUI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varVI->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varVI->put(dVI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements-1); varPI->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varPI->put(dPI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varWI->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varWI->put(dWI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); varRhoI->set_cur(iKix, iWave+1, 0); varRhoI->put(dRhoI, 1, 1, param.nPhiElements); } // Increment wave index iWave++; if (dLambdaI != 0.0) { iWave++; } } AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); AnnounceBanner(); } } catch(Exception & e) { Announce(e.ToString().c_str()); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // UTM zone int nZone; // Number of columns in mesh int nCols; // Number of rows in mesh int nRows; // XLL Corner of the mesh double dXLLCorner; // YLL Corner of the mesh double dYLLCorner; // Cell size (in meters) double dCellSize; // Output filename std::string strOutputFile; // Verbose output bool fVerbose; // Parse the command line BeginCommandLine() CommandLineInt(nZone, "zone", 0); CommandLineInt(nCols, "cols", 128); CommandLineInt(nRows, "rows", 64); CommandLineDouble(dXLLCorner, "xllcorner", 0.0); CommandLineDouble(dYLLCorner, "yllcorner", 0.0); CommandLineDouble(dCellSize, "cellsize", 1000.0); CommandLineString(strOutputFile, "file", "outUTMMesh.g"); CommandLineBool(fVerbose, "verbose"); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndCommandLine(argv) // Verify input arguments if (nCols <= 0) { _EXCEPTIONT("--cols must be positive"); } if (nRows <= 0) { _EXCEPTIONT("--rows must be positive"); } if (dCellSize <= 0.0) { _EXCEPTIONT("--cellsize must be positive"); } std::cout << "========================================================="; std::cout << std::endl; // Call the actual mesh generator Mesh mesh; int err = GenerateUTMMesh(mesh, nZone, nCols, nRows, dXLLCorner, dYLLCorner, dCellSize, strOutputFile, fVerbose); if (err) exit(err); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize MPI TempestInitialize(&argc, &argv); try { // Model height cap. double dZtop; // Model scaling parameter double dEarthScaling; // Rotation rate of the Earth with X = 1. double dOmega; // Reference temperature. double dT0; // Temperature lapse rate. double dGamma; // Longitude of Schar-type mountain centerpoint. double dLonM; // Latitude of Schar-type mountain centerpoint. double dLatM; // Maximum Schar-type mountain height. double dH0; // Schar-type mountain radius (radians). double dRM; // Schar-type mountain oscillation half-width (radians). double dZetaM; // Parse the command line BeginTempestCommandLine("StationaryMountainFlowTest"); SetDefaultResolution(30); SetDefaultLevels(30); SetDefaultOutputDeltaT("1d"); SetDefaultDeltaT("300s"); SetDefaultEndTime("6d"); SetDefaultHorizontalOrder(4); SetDefaultVerticalOrder(1); CommandLineDouble(dZtop, "ztop", 30000.0); CommandLineDouble(dEarthScaling, "X", 1.0); CommandLineDouble(dOmega, "omega", 0.0); CommandLineDouble(dT0, "T0", 300.0); CommandLineDouble(dGamma, "Gamma", 0.0065); CommandLineDouble(dLonM, "lonm", 270.0); CommandLineDouble(dLatM, "latm", 0.0); CommandLineDouble(dH0, "h0", 2000.0); CommandLineDouble(dRM, "rm", 135.0); CommandLineDouble(dZetaM, "zetam", 11.25); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndTempestCommandLine(argv) // Setup the Model AnnounceBanner("MODEL SETUP"); Model model(EquationSet::PrimitiveNonhydrostaticEquations); TempestSetupCubedSphereModel(model); // Set the test case for the model AnnounceStartBlock("Initializing test case"); model.SetTestCase( new StationaryMountainFlowTest( dZtop, dEarthScaling, dOmega, dT0, dGamma, dLonM, dLatM, dH0, dRM, dZetaM)); AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); // Set the reference length model.GetGrid()->SetReferenceLength(0.5 * M_PI / 30.0 * dEarthScaling); // Begin execution AnnounceBanner("SIMULATION"); model.Go(); // Compute error norms AnnounceBanner("RESULTS"); model.ComputeErrorNorms(); AnnounceBanner(); } catch(Exception & e) { std::cout << e.ToString() << std::endl; } // Deinitialize Tempest TempestDeinitialize(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { NcError error(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); try { // Input file std::string strInputFile; // Input file list std::string strInputFileList; // Input file format std::string strInputFormat; // NetCDF file containing latitude and longitude arrays std::string strLatLonFile; // Output file (NetCDF) std::string strOutputFile; // Output variable name std::string strOutputVariable; // Column in which the longitude index appears int iLonIxCol; // Column in which the latitude index appears int iLatIxCol; // Begin latitude double dLatBegin; // End latitude double dLatEnd; // Begin longitude double dLonBegin; // End longitude double dLonEnd; // Number of latitudes in output int nLat; // Number of longitudes in output int nLon; // Parse the command line BeginCommandLine() CommandLineString(strInputFile, "in", ""); CommandLineString(strInputFileList, "inlist", ""); CommandLineStringD(strInputFormat, "in_format", "std", "(std|visit)"); CommandLineString(strOutputFile, "out", ""); CommandLineString(strOutputVariable, "outvar", "density"); CommandLineInt(iLonIxCol, "iloncol", 8); CommandLineInt(iLatIxCol, "ilatcol", 9); CommandLineDouble(dLatBegin, "lat_begin", -90.0); CommandLineDouble(dLatEnd, "lat_end", 90.0); CommandLineDouble(dLonBegin, "lon_begin", 0.0); CommandLineDouble(dLonEnd, "lon_end", 360.0); CommandLineInt(nLat, "nlat", 180); CommandLineInt(nLon, "nlon", 360); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndCommandLine(argv) AnnounceBanner(); // Check input if ((strInputFile == "") && (strInputFileList == "")) { _EXCEPTIONT("No input file (--in) or (--inlist) specified"); } if ((strInputFile != "") && (strInputFileList != "")) { _EXCEPTIONT("Only one input file (--in) or (--inlist) allowed"); } if (strInputFormat != "std") { _EXCEPTIONT("UNIMPLEMENTED: Only \"--in_format std\" supported"); } // Check output if (strOutputFile == "") { _EXCEPTIONT("No output file (--out) specified"); } // Check output variable if (strOutputVariable == "") { _EXCEPTIONT("No output variable name (--outvar) specified"); } // Number of latitudes and longitudes if (nLat == 0) { _EXCEPTIONT("UNIMPLEMENTED: --nlat must be specified currently"); } if (nLon == 0) { _EXCEPTIONT("UNIMPLEMENTED: --nlon must be specified currently"); } // Input file list std::vector<std::string> vecInputFiles; if (strInputFile != "") { vecInputFiles.push_back(strInputFile); } if (strInputFileList != "") { GetInputFileList(strInputFileList, vecInputFiles); } int nFiles = vecInputFiles.size(); // Density DataMatrix<int> nCounts; nCounts.Initialize(nLat, nLon); // Loop through all files in list AnnounceStartBlock("Processing files"); std::string strBuffer; strBuffer.reserve(1024); for (int f = 0; f < nFiles; f++) { Announce("File \"%s\"", vecInputFiles[f].c_str()); FILE * fp = fopen(vecInputFiles[f].c_str(), "r"); if (fp == NULL) { _EXCEPTION1("Unable to open input file \"%s\"", vecInputFiles[f].c_str()); } for (;;) { // Read in the next line fgets(&(strBuffer[0]), 1024, fp); int nLength = strlen(&(strBuffer[0])); // Check for end of file if (feof(fp)) { break; } // Check for comment line if (strBuffer[0] == '#') { continue; } // Check for new storm if (strncmp(&(strBuffer[0]), "start", 5) == 0) { continue; } // Parse line double dLon; double dLat; int iCol = 0; int iLast = 0; bool fWhitespace = true; for (int i = 0; i <= nLength; i++) { if ((strBuffer[i] == ' ') || (strBuffer[i] == ',') || (strBuffer[i] == '\t') || (strBuffer[i] == '\0') ) { if (!fWhitespace) { if (iCol == iLonIxCol) { strBuffer[i] = '\0'; dLon = atof(&(strBuffer[iLast])); } if (iCol == iLatIxCol) { strBuffer[i] = '\0'; dLat = atof(&(strBuffer[iLast])); } } fWhitespace = true; } else { if (fWhitespace) { iLast = i; iCol++; } fWhitespace = false; } } // Latitude and longitude index int iLon = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(nLon) * (dLon - dLonBegin) / (dLonEnd - dLonBegin)); int iLat = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(nLat) * (dLat - dLatBegin) / (dLatEnd - dLatBegin)); if (iLon == (-1)) { iLon = 0; } if (iLon == nLon) { iLon = nLon - 1; } if (iLat == (-1)) { iLat = 0; } if (iLat == nLat) { iLat = nLat - 1; } if ((iLat < 0) || (iLat >= nLat)) { _EXCEPTION1("Latitude index (%i) out of range", iLat); } if ((iLon < 0) || (iLon >= nLon)) { _EXCEPTION1("Longitude index (%i) out of range", iLon); } nCounts[iLat][iLon]++; } fclose(fp); } AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); // Output results AnnounceStartBlock("Output results"); // Load the netcdf output file NcFile ncOutput(strOutputFile.c_str(), NcFile::Replace); if (!ncOutput.is_valid()) { _EXCEPTION1("Unable to open output file \"%s\"", strOutputFile.c_str()); } // Create output NcDim * dimLat = ncOutput.add_dim("lat", nLat); NcDim * dimLon = ncOutput.add_dim("lon", nLon); NcVar * varLat = ncOutput.add_var("lat", ncDouble, dimLat); NcVar * varLon = ncOutput.add_var("lon", ncDouble, dimLon); varLat->add_att("units", "degrees_north"); varLon->add_att("units", "degrees_east"); DataVector<double> dLat(nLat); DataVector<double> dLon(nLon); for (int j = 0; j < nLat; j++) { dLat[j] = dLatBegin + (dLatEnd - dLatBegin) * (static_cast<double>(j) + 0.5) / static_cast<double>(nLat); } for (int i = 0; i < nLon; i++) { dLon[i] = dLonBegin + (dLonEnd - dLonBegin) * (static_cast<double>(i) + 0.5) / static_cast<double>(nLon); } varLat->put(&(dLat[0]), nLat); varLon->put(&(dLon[0]), nLon); // Output counts NcVar * varCount = ncOutput.add_var( strOutputVariable.c_str(), ncInt, dimLat, dimLon); varCount->put(&(nCounts[0][0]), nLat, nLon); ncOutput.close(); AnnounceEndBlock("Done"); AnnounceBanner(); } catch(Exception & e) { Announce(e.ToString().c_str()); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { NcError error(NcError::silent_nonfatal); try { // Input / Output types enum DiscretizationType { DiscretizationType_FV, DiscretizationType_CGLL, DiscretizationType_DGLL }; // Input mesh file std::string strInputMesh; // Overlap mesh file std::string strOverlapMesh; // Input metadata file std::string strInputMeta; // Output metadata file std::string strOutputMeta; // Input data type std::string strInputType; // Output data type std::string strOutputType; // Order of polynomial in each element int nPin; // Order of polynomial in each output element int nPout; // Use bubble on interior of spectral element nodes bool fBubble; // Enforce monotonicity bool fMonotoneType1; // Enforce monotonicity bool fMonotoneType2; // Enforce monotonicity bool fMonotoneType3; // Volumetric remapping bool fVolumetric; // No conservation bool fNoConservation; // Turn off checking for conservation / consistency bool fNoCheck; // Output mesh file std::string strOutputMesh; // Variable list std::string strVariables; // Output map file std::string strOutputMap; // Input data file std::string strInputData; // Output data file std::string strOutputData; // Name of the ncol variable std::string strNColName; // Output as double bool fOutputDouble; // List of variables to preserve std::string strPreserveVariables; // Preserve all non-remapped variables bool fPreserveAll; // Fill value override double dFillValueOverride; // Parse the command line BeginCommandLine() //CommandLineStringD(strMethod, "method", "", "[se]"); CommandLineString(strInputMesh, "in_mesh", ""); CommandLineString(strOutputMesh, "out_mesh", ""); CommandLineString(strOverlapMesh, "ov_mesh", ""); CommandLineString(strInputMeta, "in_meta", ""); CommandLineString(strOutputMeta, "out_meta", ""); CommandLineStringD(strInputType, "in_type", "fv", "[fv|cgll|dgll]"); CommandLineStringD(strOutputType, "out_type", "fv", "[fv|cgll|dgll]"); CommandLineInt(nPin, "in_np", 4); CommandLineInt(nPout, "out_np", 4); CommandLineBool(fBubble, "bubble"); CommandLineBool(fMonotoneType1, "mono"); CommandLineBool(fMonotoneType2, "mono2"); CommandLineBool(fMonotoneType3, "mono3"); CommandLineBool(fVolumetric, "volumetric"); CommandLineBool(fNoConservation, "noconserve"); CommandLineBool(fNoCheck, "nocheck"); CommandLineString(strVariables, "var", ""); CommandLineString(strOutputMap, "out_map", ""); CommandLineString(strInputData, "in_data", ""); CommandLineString(strOutputData, "out_data", ""); CommandLineString(strNColName, "ncol_name", "ncol"); CommandLineBool(fOutputDouble, "out_double"); CommandLineString(strPreserveVariables, "preserve", ""); CommandLineBool(fPreserveAll, "preserveall"); CommandLineDouble(dFillValueOverride, "fillvalue", 0.0); ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); EndCommandLine(argv) AnnounceBanner(); // Check command line parameters (mesh arguments) if (strInputMesh == "") { _EXCEPTIONT("No input mesh (--in_mesh) specified"); } if (strOutputMesh == "") { _EXCEPTIONT("No output mesh (--out_mesh) specified"); } // Overlap mesh if (strOverlapMesh == "") { _EXCEPTIONT("No overlap mesh specified"); } // Check command line parameters (data arguments) if ((strInputData != "") && (strOutputData == "")) { _EXCEPTIONT("--in_data specified without --out_data"); } if ((strInputData == "") && (strOutputData != "")) { _EXCEPTIONT("--out_data specified without --in_data"); } // Check metadata parameters if ((strInputMeta != "") && (strInputType == "fv")) { _EXCEPTIONT("--in_meta cannot be used with --in_type fv"); } if ((strOutputMeta != "") && (strOutputType == "fv")) { _EXCEPTIONT("--out_meta cannot be used with --out_type fv"); } // Check command line parameters (data type arguments) STLStringHelper::ToLower(strInputType); STLStringHelper::ToLower(strOutputType); DiscretizationType eInputType; DiscretizationType eOutputType; if (strInputType == "fv") { eInputType = DiscretizationType_FV; } else if (strInputType == "cgll") { eInputType = DiscretizationType_CGLL; } else if (strInputType == "dgll") { eInputType = DiscretizationType_DGLL; } else { _EXCEPTION1("Invalid \"in_type\" value (%s), expected [fv|cgll|dgll]", strInputType.c_str()); } if (strOutputType == "fv") { eOutputType = DiscretizationType_FV; } else if (strOutputType == "cgll") { eOutputType = DiscretizationType_CGLL; } else if (strOutputType == "dgll") { eOutputType = DiscretizationType_DGLL; } else { _EXCEPTION1("Invalid \"out_type\" value (%s), expected [fv|cgll|dgll]", strOutputType.c_str()); } // Monotonicity flags int nMonotoneType = 0; if (fMonotoneType1) { nMonotoneType = 1; } if (fMonotoneType2) { if (nMonotoneType != 0) { _EXCEPTIONT("Only one of --mono, --mono2 and --mono3 may be set"); } nMonotoneType = 2; } if (fMonotoneType3) { if (nMonotoneType != 0) { _EXCEPTIONT("Only one of --mono, --mono2 and --mono3 may be set"); } nMonotoneType = 3; } /* // Volumetric if (fVolumetric && (nMonotoneType != 0)) { _EXCEPTIONT("--volumetric cannot be used in conjunction with --mono#"); } */ // Create Offline Map OfflineMap mapRemap; // Initialize dimension information from file AnnounceStartBlock("Initializing dimensions of map"); Announce("Input mesh"); mapRemap.InitializeSourceDimensionsFromFile(strInputMesh); Announce("Output mesh"); mapRemap.InitializeTargetDimensionsFromFile(strOutputMesh); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); // Parse variable list std::vector< std::string > vecVariableStrings; ParseVariableList(strVariables, vecVariableStrings); // Parse preserve variable list std::vector< std::string > vecPreserveVariableStrings; ParseVariableList(strPreserveVariables, vecPreserveVariableStrings); if (fPreserveAll && (vecPreserveVariableStrings.size() != 0)) { _EXCEPTIONT("--preserveall and --preserve cannot both be specified"); } // Load input mesh AnnounceStartBlock("Loading input mesh"); Mesh meshInput(strInputMesh); meshInput.RemoveZeroEdges(); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); // Calculate Face areas AnnounceStartBlock("Calculating input mesh Face areas"); double dTotalAreaInput = meshInput.CalculateFaceAreas(); Announce("Input Mesh Geometric Area: %1.15e", dTotalAreaInput); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); // Input mesh areas if (eInputType == DiscretizationType_FV) { mapRemap.SetSourceAreas(meshInput.vecFaceArea); } // Load output mesh AnnounceStartBlock("Loading output mesh"); Mesh meshOutput(strOutputMesh); meshOutput.RemoveZeroEdges(); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); // Calculate Face areas AnnounceStartBlock("Calculating output mesh Face areas"); Real dTotalAreaOutput = meshOutput.CalculateFaceAreas(); Announce("Output Mesh Geometric Area: %1.15e", dTotalAreaOutput); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); // Output mesh areas if (eOutputType == DiscretizationType_FV) { mapRemap.SetTargetAreas(meshOutput.vecFaceArea); } // Load overlap mesh AnnounceStartBlock("Loading overlap mesh"); Mesh meshOverlap(strOverlapMesh); meshOverlap.RemoveZeroEdges(); // Verify that overlap mesh is in the correct order int ixSourceFaceMax = (-1); int ixTargetFaceMax = (-1); if (meshOverlap.vecSourceFaceIx.size() != meshOverlap.vecTargetFaceIx.size() ) { _EXCEPTIONT("Invalid overlap mesh:\n" " Possible mesh file corruption?"); } for (int i = 0; i < meshOverlap.vecSourceFaceIx.size(); i++) { if (meshOverlap.vecSourceFaceIx[i] + 1 > ixSourceFaceMax) { ixSourceFaceMax = meshOverlap.vecSourceFaceIx[i] + 1; } if (meshOverlap.vecTargetFaceIx[i] + 1 > ixTargetFaceMax) { ixTargetFaceMax = meshOverlap.vecTargetFaceIx[i] + 1; } } // Check for forward correspondence in overlap mesh if (ixSourceFaceMax == meshInput.faces.size() //&& //(ixTargetFaceMax == meshOutput.faces.size()) ) { Announce("Overlap mesh forward correspondence found"); // Check for reverse correspondence in overlap mesh } else if ( ixSourceFaceMax == meshOutput.faces.size() //&& //(ixTargetFaceMax == meshInput.faces.size()) ) { Announce("Overlap mesh reverse correspondence found (reversing)"); // Reorder overlap mesh meshOverlap.ExchangeFirstAndSecondMesh(); // No correspondence found } else { _EXCEPTION2("Invalid overlap mesh:\n" " No correspondence found with input and output meshes (%i,%i)", ixSourceFaceMax, ixTargetFaceMax); } AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); // Calculate Face areas AnnounceStartBlock("Calculating overlap mesh Face areas"); Real dTotalAreaOverlap = meshOverlap.CalculateFaceAreas(); Announce("Overlap Mesh Area: %1.15e", dTotalAreaOverlap); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); // Partial cover if (fabs(dTotalAreaOverlap - dTotalAreaInput) > 1.0e-10) { if (!fNoCheck) { Announce("WARNING: Significant mismatch between overlap mesh area " "and input mesh area.\n Automatically enabling --nocheck"); fNoCheck = true; } } /* // Recalculate input mesh area from overlap mesh if (fabs(dTotalAreaOverlap - dTotalAreaInput) > 1.0e-10) { AnnounceStartBlock("Overlap mesh only covers a sub-area of the sphere"); Announce("Recalculating source mesh areas"); dTotalAreaInput = meshInput.CalculateFaceAreasFromOverlap(meshOverlap); Announce("New Input Mesh Geometric Area: %1.15e", dTotalAreaInput); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } */ // Finite volume input / Finite volume output if ((eInputType == DiscretizationType_FV) && (eOutputType == DiscretizationType_FV) ) { // Generate reverse node array and edge map meshInput.ConstructReverseNodeArray(); meshInput.ConstructEdgeMap(); // Initialize coordinates for map mapRemap.InitializeSourceCoordinatesFromMeshFV(meshInput); mapRemap.InitializeTargetCoordinatesFromMeshFV(meshOutput); // Construct OfflineMap AnnounceStartBlock("Calculating offline map"); LinearRemapFVtoFV( meshInput, meshOutput, meshOverlap, nPin, mapRemap); // Finite volume input / Finite element output } else if (eInputType == DiscretizationType_FV) { DataMatrix3D<int> dataGLLNodes; DataMatrix3D<double> dataGLLJacobian; if (strOutputMeta != "") { AnnounceStartBlock("Loading meta data file"); LoadMetaDataFile(strOutputMeta, dataGLLNodes, dataGLLJacobian); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } else { AnnounceStartBlock("Generating output mesh meta data"); double dNumericalArea = GenerateMetaData( meshOutput, nPout, fBubble, dataGLLNodes, dataGLLJacobian); Announce("Output Mesh Numerical Area: %1.15e", dNumericalArea); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } // Initialize coordinates for map mapRemap.InitializeSourceCoordinatesFromMeshFV(meshInput); mapRemap.InitializeTargetCoordinatesFromMeshFE( meshOutput, nPout, dataGLLNodes); // Generate the continuous Jacobian bool fContinuous = (eOutputType == DiscretizationType_CGLL); if (eOutputType == DiscretizationType_CGLL) { GenerateUniqueJacobian( dataGLLNodes, dataGLLJacobian, mapRemap.GetTargetAreas()); } else { GenerateDiscontinuousJacobian( dataGLLJacobian, mapRemap.GetTargetAreas()); } // Generate reverse node array and edge map meshInput.ConstructReverseNodeArray(); meshInput.ConstructEdgeMap(); // Generate remap weights AnnounceStartBlock("Calculating offline map"); if (fVolumetric) { LinearRemapFVtoGLL_Volumetric( meshInput, meshOutput, meshOverlap, dataGLLNodes, dataGLLJacobian, mapRemap.GetTargetAreas(), nPin, mapRemap, nMonotoneType, fContinuous, fNoConservation); } else { LinearRemapFVtoGLL( meshInput, meshOutput, meshOverlap, dataGLLNodes, dataGLLJacobian, mapRemap.GetTargetAreas(), nPin, mapRemap, nMonotoneType, fContinuous, fNoConservation); } // Finite element input / Finite volume output } else if ( (eInputType != DiscretizationType_FV) && (eOutputType == DiscretizationType_FV) ) { DataMatrix3D<int> dataGLLNodes; DataMatrix3D<double> dataGLLJacobian; if (strInputMeta != "") { AnnounceStartBlock("Loading meta data file"); LoadMetaDataFile(strInputMeta, dataGLLNodes, dataGLLJacobian); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } else { AnnounceStartBlock("Generating input mesh meta data"); double dNumericalArea = GenerateMetaData( meshInput, nPin, fBubble, dataGLLNodes, dataGLLJacobian); Announce("Input Mesh Numerical Area: %1.15e", dNumericalArea); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); if (fabs(dNumericalArea - dTotalAreaInput) > 1.0e-12) { Announce("WARNING: Significant mismatch between input mesh " "numerical area and geometric area"); } } if (dataGLLNodes.GetSubColumns() != meshInput.faces.size()) { _EXCEPTIONT("Number of element does not match between metadata and " "input mesh"); } // Initialize coordinates for map mapRemap.InitializeSourceCoordinatesFromMeshFE( meshInput, nPin, dataGLLNodes); mapRemap.InitializeTargetCoordinatesFromMeshFV(meshOutput); // Generate the continuous Jacobian for input mesh bool fContinuousIn = (eInputType == DiscretizationType_CGLL); if (eInputType == DiscretizationType_CGLL) { GenerateUniqueJacobian( dataGLLNodes, dataGLLJacobian, mapRemap.GetSourceAreas()); } else { GenerateDiscontinuousJacobian( dataGLLJacobian, mapRemap.GetSourceAreas()); } // Generate offline map AnnounceStartBlock("Calculating offline map"); if (fVolumetric) { _EXCEPTIONT("Unimplemented: Volumetric currently unavailable for" "GLL input mesh"); } LinearRemapSE4( meshInput, meshOutput, meshOverlap, dataGLLNodes, dataGLLJacobian, nMonotoneType, fContinuousIn, fNoConservation, mapRemap ); // Finite element input / Finite element output } else if ( (eInputType != DiscretizationType_FV) && (eOutputType != DiscretizationType_FV) ) { DataMatrix3D<int> dataGLLNodesIn; DataMatrix3D<double> dataGLLJacobianIn; DataMatrix3D<int> dataGLLNodesOut; DataMatrix3D<double> dataGLLJacobianOut; // Input metadata if (strInputMeta != "") { AnnounceStartBlock("Loading input meta data file"); LoadMetaDataFile( strInputMeta, dataGLLNodesIn, dataGLLJacobianIn); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } else { AnnounceStartBlock("Generating input mesh meta data"); double dNumericalAreaIn = GenerateMetaData( meshInput, nPin, fBubble, dataGLLNodesIn, dataGLLJacobianIn); Announce("Input Mesh Numerical Area: %1.15e", dNumericalAreaIn); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); if (fabs(dNumericalAreaIn - dTotalAreaInput) > 1.0e-12) { Announce("WARNING: Significant mismatch between input mesh " "numerical area and geometric area"); } } // Output metadata if (strOutputMeta != "") { AnnounceStartBlock("Loading output meta data file"); LoadMetaDataFile( strOutputMeta, dataGLLNodesOut, dataGLLJacobianOut); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } else { AnnounceStartBlock("Generating output mesh meta data"); double dNumericalAreaOut = GenerateMetaData( meshOutput, nPout, fBubble, dataGLLNodesOut, dataGLLJacobianOut); Announce("Output Mesh Numerical Area: %1.15e", dNumericalAreaOut); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); if (fabs(dNumericalAreaOut - dTotalAreaOutput) > 1.0e-12) { Announce("WARNING: Significant mismatch between output mesh " "numerical area and geometric area"); } } // Initialize coordinates for map mapRemap.InitializeSourceCoordinatesFromMeshFE( meshInput, nPin, dataGLLNodesIn); mapRemap.InitializeTargetCoordinatesFromMeshFE( meshOutput, nPout, dataGLLNodesOut); // Generate the continuous Jacobian for input mesh bool fContinuousIn = (eInputType == DiscretizationType_CGLL); if (eInputType == DiscretizationType_CGLL) { GenerateUniqueJacobian( dataGLLNodesIn, dataGLLJacobianIn, mapRemap.GetSourceAreas()); } else { GenerateDiscontinuousJacobian( dataGLLJacobianIn, mapRemap.GetSourceAreas()); } // Generate the continuous Jacobian for output mesh bool fContinuousOut = (eOutputType == DiscretizationType_CGLL); if (eOutputType == DiscretizationType_CGLL) { GenerateUniqueJacobian( dataGLLNodesOut, dataGLLJacobianOut, mapRemap.GetTargetAreas()); } else { GenerateDiscontinuousJacobian( dataGLLJacobianOut, mapRemap.GetTargetAreas()); } // Generate offline map AnnounceStartBlock("Calculating offline map"); LinearRemapGLLtoGLL2( meshInput, meshOutput, meshOverlap, dataGLLNodesIn, dataGLLJacobianIn, dataGLLNodesOut, dataGLLJacobianOut, mapRemap.GetTargetAreas(), nPin, nPout, nMonotoneType, fContinuousIn, fContinuousOut, fNoConservation, mapRemap ); } else { _EXCEPTIONT("Not implemented"); } //#pragma warning "NOTE: VERIFICATION DISABLED" // Verify consistency, conservation and monotonicity if (!fNoCheck) { AnnounceStartBlock("Verifying map"); mapRemap.IsConsistent(1.0e-8); mapRemap.IsConservative(1.0e-8); if (nMonotoneType != 0) { mapRemap.IsMonotone(1.0e-12); } AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); // Initialize element dimensions from input/output Mesh AnnounceStartBlock("Writing output"); // Output the Offline Map if (strOutputMap != "") { AnnounceStartBlock("Writing offline map"); mapRemap.Write(strOutputMap); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } // Apply Offline Map to data if (strInputData != "") { AnnounceStartBlock("Applying offline map to data"); mapRemap.SetFillValueOverride(static_cast<float>(dFillValueOverride)); mapRemap.Apply( strInputData, strOutputData, vecVariableStrings, strNColName, fOutputDouble, false); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); // Copy variables from input file to output file if ((strInputData != "") && (strOutputData != "")) { if (fPreserveAll) { AnnounceStartBlock("Preserving variables"); mapRemap.PreserveAllVariables(strInputData, strOutputData); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } else if (vecPreserveVariableStrings.size() != 0) { AnnounceStartBlock("Preserving variables"); mapRemap.PreserveVariables( strInputData, strOutputData, vecPreserveVariableStrings); AnnounceEndBlock(NULL); } } AnnounceBanner(); return (0); } catch(Exception & e) { Announce(e.ToString().c_str()); return (-1); } catch(...) { return (-2); } }