Exemple #1
bool Shader::BeginLoad(Deserializer& source)
    Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
    if (!graphics)
        return false;
    // Load the shader source code and resolve any includes
    timeStamp_ = 0;
    String shaderCode;
    if (!ProcessSource(shaderCode, source))
        return false;
    // Comment out the unneeded shader function
    vsSourceCode_ = shaderCode;
    psSourceCode_ = shaderCode;
    CommentOutFunction(vsSourceCode_, "void PS(");
    CommentOutFunction(psSourceCode_, "void VS(");
    // OpenGL: rename either VS() or PS() to main(), comment out vertex attributes in pixel shaders
    #ifdef URHO3D_OPENGL
    vsSourceCode_.Replace("void VS(", "void main(");
    psSourceCode_.Replace("void PS(", "void main(");
    psSourceCode_.Replace("attribute ", "// attribute ");
    return true;
Exemple #2
bool Shader::Load(Deserializer& source)
    Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
    if (!graphics)
        return false;
    // Load the shader source code and resolve any includes
    timeStamp_ = 0;
    String shaderCode;
    if (!ProcessSource(shaderCode, source))
        return false;
    // Comment out the unneeded shader function
    vsSourceCode_ = shaderCode;
    psSourceCode_ = shaderCode;
    CommentOutFunction(vsSourceCode_, "void PS(");
    CommentOutFunction(psSourceCode_, "void VS(");
    // OpenGL: rename either VS() or PS() to main(), comment out vertex attributes in pixel shaders
    #ifdef USE_OPENGL
    vsSourceCode_.Replace("void VS(", "void main(");
    psSourceCode_.Replace("void PS(", "void main(");
    psSourceCode_.Replace("attribute ", "// attribute ");
    // If variations had already been created, release them and require recompile
    for (HashMap<StringHash, SharedPtr<ShaderVariation> >::Iterator i = vsVariations_.Begin(); i != vsVariations_.End(); ++i)
    for (HashMap<StringHash, SharedPtr<ShaderVariation> >::Iterator i = psVariations_.Begin(); i != psVariations_.End(); ++i)
    return true;