Exemple #1
int		PipeIn::write(t_processState &state)
  _writeFd = (open(_path.c_str(), O_WRONLY));
  if (_writeFd == -1)
    throw CommunicationError("Error: opening of a named pipe to write in it failed.");
  if (::write(_writeFd, &state, sizeof(t_processState)) == -1)
      std::cerr << "Error: Could not write in Pipe" << std::endl;
      return (-1);
  return (0);
Exemple #2
// Ensures that input buffer (local data cache) contains at least 'size' elements.
// In other words, it refills the 'inBuffer' (local data cache) if it doesn't contain at 
// least 'size' bytes of data.
// Throws an exception, as indication of failure, in two cases:
//  1) we failed to acquire bytes from service
//  2) we failed to acquire EXACTLY enough bytes to fill WHOLE input buffer
void QRBG::EnsureCachedEnough(size_t size) throw(ConnectError, CommunicationError, ServiceDenied) {
	// timer reset
	timeEnd = timeStart;

	if (IsCachedEnough(size))

	try {
		if (AcquireBytesFromService(inBuffer, inBufferSize) != inBufferSize) 
			throw CommunicationError();
		inBufferNextElemIdx = 0;
	} catch (...) {
		inBufferNextElemIdx = inBufferSize;	// since inBuffer may now be corrupted
Exemple #3
SSRC::newSession(const int maxPollResSize)
	NewSessionRequest *nsreq = Requests::createNewSessionReq(maxPollResSize);
	Result *res = NULL;
	NewSessionResult *nsres = NULL;
	int maxPollResSizeRecv = NO_MAX_POLL_RES_SIZE;
	try {
		res = _xmlCommunication->genericRequest(nsreq);

		nsres = dynamic_cast<NewSessionResult *>(res);
		if (!nsres)
			throw RequestHandlerError("No NewSessionResult"
				" in response to NewSessionRequest");

		maxPollResSizeRecv = nsres->getMaxPollResultSize();
		if (maxPollResSize != NO_MAX_POLL_RES_SIZE)
			if (maxPollResSizeRecv == NO_MAX_POLL_RES_SIZE)
				throw CommunicationError("Server did not"
						" set max-poll-result-size"
						" in newSessionResult");
	} catch (...) {
		// free the memory
		if (nsreq)
			delete nsreq;
		if (nsres)
			delete nsres;
		// throw exception up

	_currentSessionId = nsres->getSessionId();
	_currentPublisherId = nsres->getPublisherId();
	_currentMaxPollResSize = maxPollResSizeRecv;
	delete nsreq;
	delete nsres;
Exemple #4
// Fills the 'buffer' with maximum of 'count' bytes, explicitly from the remote QRBG Service.
// Actual number of bytes copied into the buffer is returned.
// Upon failure, exceptions are thrown.
// Returns: count of bytes (received) copied into the supplied buffer.
size_t QRBG::AcquireBytesFromService(byte* buffer, size_t count) throw(ConnectError, CommunicationError, ServiceDenied) {
	// connect to the service server,
	// propagate exception to the caller

	// prepare and send the request

	// NOTE: we're using plain authentication.

	Client first (and last) packet:
	Size [B]		Content
	--------------	--------------------------------------------------------
	1				operation, from OperationCodes enum
	if operation == GET_DATA_AUTH_PLAIN, then:
	2				content size (= 1 + username_len + 1 + password_len + 4)
	1				username_len (must be > 0 and <= 100)
	username_len	username (NOT zero padded!)
	1				password_len (must be > 0 and <= 100)
	password_len	password in plain 8-bit ascii text (NOT zero padded!)
	4				bytes of data requested

	Server first (and last) packet:
	Size [B]		Content
	--------------	--------------------------------------------------------
	1				response, from ServerResponseCodes enum
	1				response details - reason, from RefusalReasonCodes
	4				data_len, bytes of data that follow
	data_len		data

	// header structure looks like this:
	// 	struct tClientHeader {
	// 		uint8	eOperation;		// MUST BE eOperation == GET_DATA_AUTH_PLAIN for struct remainder to hold
	// 		uint16	cbContentSize;
	// 		uint8	cbUsername;
	// 		char	szUsername[cbUsername];
	// 		uint8	cbPassword;
	// 		char	szPassword[cbPassword];
	// 		uint32	cbRequested;
	// 	};
	// however, two issues obstruct direct structure usage:
	//	1) we don't know username/password length apriori
	//	2) we must convert all numeric values to network order (big endian)
	// so, we'll fill output buffer byte-by-byte...

	uint8 eOperation = GET_DATA_AUTH_PLAIN;
	uint8 cbUsername = static_cast<uint8>( strlen(szUsername) );
	uint8 cbPassword = static_cast<uint8>( strlen(szPassword) );
	uint32 cbRequested = static_cast<uint32>( count );
	uint16 cbContentSize = sizeof(cbUsername) + cbUsername + sizeof(cbPassword) + cbPassword + sizeof(cbRequested);

	uint32 bytesToSend = sizeof(eOperation) + sizeof(cbContentSize) + cbContentSize;

	ASSERT(outBufferSize >= bytesToSend);
	byte* pRequestBuffer = outBuffer;

	*(uint8*)pRequestBuffer = eOperation, pRequestBuffer += sizeof(eOperation);
	*(uint16*)pRequestBuffer = htons(cbContentSize), pRequestBuffer += sizeof(cbContentSize);
	*(uint8*)pRequestBuffer = cbUsername, pRequestBuffer += sizeof(cbUsername);
	memcpy(pRequestBuffer, szUsername, cbUsername), pRequestBuffer += cbUsername;
	*(uint8*)pRequestBuffer = cbPassword, pRequestBuffer += sizeof(cbPassword);
	memcpy(pRequestBuffer, szPassword, cbPassword), pRequestBuffer += cbPassword;
	*(uint32*)pRequestBuffer = htonl(cbRequested), pRequestBuffer += sizeof(cbRequested);

	int ret = send(hSocket, (const char*)outBuffer, bytesToSend, 0);
	if (ret == -1) {
		// failed to send data request to the server
		throw CommunicationError();
	if (ret != bytesToSend) {
		// failed to send complete data request to the server
		throw CommunicationError();

	// receive header (assuming GET_DATA_AUTH_PLAIN, as we requested)

	// server response header structure looks like this:
	// 	struct tServerHeader {
	// 		uint8 response;		// actually from enum ServerResponseCodes
	// 		uint8 reason;		// actually from enum RefusalReasonCodes
	// 		uint32 cbDataLen;	// should be equal to cbRequested, but we should not count on it!
	// 	};
	// however, to avoid packing and memory aligning portability issues,
	// we'll read input buffer byte-by-byte...
	ServerResponseCodes eResponse;
	RefusalReasonCodes eReason;
	uint32 cbDataLen = 0;

	const uint32 bytesHeader = sizeof(uint8) + sizeof(uint8) + sizeof(uint32);
	byte header[bytesHeader];

	uint32 bytesReceived = 0;
	uint32 bytesToReceiveTotal = bytesHeader;
	uint32 bytesToReceiveNow = 0;

	// receive header
	while ( (bytesToReceiveNow = bytesToReceiveTotal - bytesReceived) > 0 ) {

		int ret = recv(hSocket, (char*)(header + bytesReceived), bytesToReceiveNow, 0);

		if (ret != -1) {
			if (ret > 0) {
				// data received
				bytesReceived += ret;

				// parse the server response
				if (bytesReceived >= 2*sizeof(uint8)) {
					eResponse = (ServerResponseCodes) header[0];
					eReason = (RefusalReasonCodes) header[1];

					// process server response...
					if (eResponse != OK) {
						throw ServiceDenied(eResponse, eReason);

					if (bytesReceived >= bytesToReceiveTotal) {
						cbDataLen = ntohl( *((u_long*)(header + 2*sizeof(uint8))) );

			} else {
				// recv() returns 0 if connection was closed by server
				throw CommunicationError();

		} else {
			int nErr = GetLastSocketError();
			if (nErr == EAGAIN) {
				// wait a little bit, and try again
			} else {
				// some socket(network) error occurred; 
				// it doesn't matter what it is, declare failure!
				throw CommunicationError();

	// receive data

	bytesReceived = 0;
	bytesToReceiveTotal = cbDataLen;

	while ( (bytesToReceiveNow = bytesToReceiveTotal - bytesReceived) > 0 ) {
		// limit to maximal socket buffer size used
		bytesToReceiveNow = bytesToReceiveNow < INTERNAL_SOCKET_MAX_BUFFER ? 
							bytesToReceiveNow : INTERNAL_SOCKET_MAX_BUFFER;

		int ret = recv(hSocket, (char*)(buffer + bytesReceived), bytesToReceiveNow, 0);

		if (ret != -1) {
			if (ret > 0) {
				// data received
				bytesReceived += ret;
			} else {
				// recv() returns 0 if connection was closed by server
				throw CommunicationError();

		} else {
			int nErr = GetLastSocketError();
			if (nErr == EAGAIN) {
				// wait a little bit, and try again
			} else {
				// some socket(network) error occurred; 
				// it doesn't matter what it is, declare failure!
				throw CommunicationError();


	// we succeeded.
	return bytesReceived;