Exemple #1
void wxHtmlListCell::Layout(int w)

    m_Width = wxMax(m_Width, wxMin(w, GetMaxTotalWidth()));

    int s_width = m_Width - m_IndentLeft;

    int vpos = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < m_NumRows; r++)
        // do layout first time to layout contents and adjust pos
        m_RowInfo[r].cont->Layout(s_width - m_ListmarkWidth);

        const int base_mark = ComputeMaxBase( m_RowInfo[r].mark );
        const int base_cont = ComputeMaxBase( m_RowInfo[r].cont );
        const int adjust_mark = vpos + wxMax(base_cont-base_mark,0);
        const int adjust_cont = vpos + wxMax(base_mark-base_cont,0);

        m_RowInfo[r].mark->SetPos(m_IndentLeft, adjust_mark);
        m_RowInfo[r].cont->SetPos(m_IndentLeft + m_ListmarkWidth, adjust_cont);

        vpos = wxMax(adjust_mark + m_RowInfo[r].mark->GetHeight(),
                     adjust_cont + m_RowInfo[r].cont->GetHeight());
    m_Height = vpos;
Exemple #2
void wxHtmlTableCell::Layout(int w)





    if (m_WidthFloatUnits == wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT)
        if (m_WidthFloat < 0)
            if (m_WidthFloat < -100)
                m_WidthFloat = -100;
            m_Width = (100 + m_WidthFloat) * w / 100;
            if (m_WidthFloat > 100)
                m_WidthFloat = 100;
            m_Width = m_WidthFloat * w / 100;
        if (m_WidthFloat < 0) m_Width = w + m_WidthFloat;
        else m_Width = m_WidthFloat;


    LAYOUT :


    /* 1.  setup columns widths:

           The algorithm tries to keep the table size less than w if possible.
        int wpix = m_Width - (m_NumCols + 1) * m_Spacing - 2 * m_Border;  // Available space for cell content
        int i, j;

        // 1a. setup fixed-width columns:
        for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
            if (m_ColsInfo[i].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS)
                m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wxMax(m_ColsInfo[i].width,
                wpix -= m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth;

        // 1b. Calculate maximum possible width if line wrapping would be disabled
        // Recalculate total width if m_WidthFloat is zero to keep tables as small
        // as possible.
        int maxWidth = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
            if (m_ColsInfo[i].width == 0)
                maxWidth += m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth;

        if (!m_WidthFloat)
            // Recalculate table width since no table width was initially given
            int newWidth = m_Width - wpix +  maxWidth;

            // Make sure that floating-width columns will have the right size.
            // Calculate sum of all floating-width columns
            int percentage = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
                if ((m_ColsInfo[i].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT) && (m_ColsInfo[i].width != 0))
                    percentage += m_ColsInfo[i].width;

            if (percentage >= 100)
                newWidth = w;
                newWidth = newWidth * 100 / (100 - percentage);

            newWidth = wxMin(newWidth, w - (m_NumCols + 1) * m_Spacing - 2 * m_Border);
            wpix -= m_Width - newWidth;
            m_Width = newWidth;

        // 1c. setup floating-width columns:
        int wtemp = wpix;
        for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
            if ((m_ColsInfo[i].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT) && (m_ColsInfo[i].width != 0))
                m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wxMin(m_ColsInfo[i].width, 100) * wpix / 100;

                // Make sure to leave enough space for the other columns
                int minRequired = m_Border;
                for (j = 0; j < m_NumCols; j++)
                    if ((m_ColsInfo[j].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT && j > i) ||
                        minRequired += m_ColsInfo[j].minWidth;
                m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wxMax(wxMin(wtemp - minRequired, m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth), m_ColsInfo[i].minWidth);

                wtemp -= m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth;
       wpix = wtemp; // minimum cells width

        // 1d. setup default columns (no width specification supplied):
        // The algorithm assigns calculates the maximum possible width if line
        // wrapping would be disabled and assigns column width as a fraction
        // based upon the maximum width of a column
        // FIXME: I'm not sure if this algorithm is conform to HTML standard,
        //        though it seems to be much better than the old one

        for (i = j = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
            if (m_ColsInfo[i].width == 0) j++;
        if (wpix < m_Border)
            wpix = m_Border;

        // Assign widths
        for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
            if (m_ColsInfo[i].width == 0)
                // Assign with, make sure not to drop below minWidth
                if (maxWidth)
                    m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = (int)(wpix * (m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth / (float)maxWidth) + 0.5);
                    m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wpix / j;

                // Make sure to leave enough space for the other columns
                int minRequired = 0;
                int r;
                for (r = i + 1; r < m_NumCols; r++)
                    if (!m_ColsInfo[r].width)
                        minRequired += m_ColsInfo[r].minWidth;
                m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wxMax(wxMin(wpix - minRequired, m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth), m_ColsInfo[i].minWidth);

                if (maxWidth)
                    if (m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth > (wpix * (m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth / (float)maxWidth) + 0.5))
                        int diff = (int)(m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth - (wpix * m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth / (float)maxWidth + 0.5));
                        maxWidth += diff - m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth;
                        maxWidth -= m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth;
                wpix -= m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth;

    /* 2.  compute positions of columns: */
        int wpos = m_Spacing + m_Border;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
            m_ColsInfo[i].leftpos = wpos;
            wpos += m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth + m_Spacing;

        // add the remaining space to the last column
        if (m_NumCols > 0 && wpos < m_Width - m_Border)
            m_ColsInfo[m_NumCols-1].pixwidth += m_Width - wpos - m_Border;

    /* 3.  sub-layout all cells: */
        int *ypos = new int[m_NumRows + 1];

        int actcol, actrow;
        int fullwid;
        wxHtmlContainerCell *actcell;

        ypos[0] = m_Spacing + m_Border;
        for (actrow = 1; actrow <= m_NumRows; actrow++) ypos[actrow] = -1;
        for (actrow = 0; actrow < m_NumRows; actrow++)
            if (ypos[actrow] == -1) ypos[actrow] = ypos[actrow-1];
            // 3a. sub-layout and detect max height:

            for (actcol = 0; actcol < m_NumCols; actcol++) {
                if (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].flag != cellUsed) continue;
                actcell = m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].cont;
                fullwid = 0;
                for (int i = actcol; i < m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan + actcol; i++)
                    fullwid += m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth;
                fullwid += (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan - 1) * m_Spacing;
                actcell->SetMinHeight(m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].minheight, m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].valign);

                if (ypos[actrow] + actcell->GetHeight() + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan * m_Spacing > ypos[actrow + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan])
                    ypos[actrow + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan] =
                            ypos[actrow] + actcell->GetHeight() + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan * m_Spacing;

        for (actrow = 0; actrow < m_NumRows; actrow++)
            // 3b. place cells in row & let'em all have same height:

            for (actcol = 0; actcol < m_NumCols; actcol++)
                if (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].flag != cellUsed) continue;
                actcell = m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].cont;
                                 ypos[actrow + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan] - ypos[actrow] -  m_Spacing,
                fullwid = 0;
                for (int i = actcol; i < m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan + actcol; i++)
                    fullwid += m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth;
                fullwid += (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan - 1) * m_Spacing;
                actcell->SetPos(m_ColsInfo[actcol].leftpos, ypos[actrow]);
        m_Height = ypos[m_NumRows] + m_Border;
        delete[] ypos;

    /* 4. adjust table's width if it was too small: */
    if (m_NumCols > 0)
        int twidth = m_ColsInfo[m_NumCols-1].leftpos +
                     m_ColsInfo[m_NumCols-1].pixwidth + m_Spacing + m_Border;
        if (twidth > m_Width)
            m_Width = twidth;