Exemple #1
static int/*bool*/ s_LoadSingleService(const char* name, SERV_ITER iter)
    struct SLOCAL_Data* data = (struct SLOCAL_Data*) iter->data;
    const TSERV_Type types = iter->types & ~fSERV_Firewall;
    char key[sizeof(REG_CONN_LOCAL_SERVER) + 10];
    int/*bool*/ ok = 0/*failed*/;
    SSERV_Info* info;
    int n;

    info = 0;
    strcpy(key, REG_CONN_LOCAL_SERVER "_");
    for (n = 0;  n <= 100;  n++) {
        const char* svc;
        char buf[1024];

        if (info) {
            free((void*) info);
            info = 0;
        sprintf(key + sizeof(REG_CONN_LOCAL_SERVER), "%d", n);
        if (!(svc = ConnNetInfo_GetValue(name, key, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)))
        if (!(info = SERV_ReadInfoEx
              (svc, iter->ismask  ||  iter->reverse_dns ? name : "", 0))) {
        if (iter->external  &&  (info->site & (fSERV_Local | fSERV_Private)))
            continue;  /* external mapping for local server not allowed */
        if (!info->host  ||  (info->site & fSERV_Private)) {
            unsigned int localhost = SOCK_GetLocalHostAddress(eDefault);
            if (!info->host)
                info->host = localhost;
            if ((info->site & fSERV_Private)  &&  info->host != localhost)
                continue;  /* private server */
        if (!iter->reverse_dns  &&  info->type != fSERV_Dns) {
            if (types != fSERV_Any  &&  !(types & info->type))
                continue;  /* type doesn't match */
            if (types == fSERV_Any  &&  info->type == fSERV_Dns)
                continue;  /* DNS entries have to be req'd explicitly */
            if (iter->stateless  &&  (info->mode & fSERV_Stateful))
                continue;  /* skip stateful only servers */
        if (!info->rate)
            info->rate = LBSM_DEFAULT_RATE;
        if (!info->time)
            info->time = LBSM_DEFAULT_TIME;

        if (!s_AddService(info, data))

        info = 0;
        ok = 1/*succeeded*/;
    if (info)
        free((void*) info);

    return ok/*whatever*/;
Exemple #2
#endif /*__GNUC__*/
static int/*bool*/ s_IsMapperConfigured(const char* service, const char* key)
    char val[32];
    if (s_Fast)
        return 0;
    ConnNetInfo_GetValue(service, key, val, sizeof(val), 0);
    return ConnNetInfo_Boolean(val);
Exemple #3
EIO_Status CConnTest::x_GetFirewallConfiguration(const SConnNetInfo* net_info)
    static const char kFWDUrl[] = "/IEB/ToolBox/NETWORK/fwd_check.cgi";

    char fwdurl[128];
    if (!ConnNetInfo_GetValue(0, "FWD_URL", fwdurl, sizeof(fwdurl), kFWDUrl))
        return eIO_InvalidArg;
    SAuxData* auxdata = new SAuxData(m_Canceled, 0);
    CConn_HttpStream fwdcgi(fwdurl, net_info, kEmptyStr/*ushdr*/, s_GoodHeader,
                            auxdata, s_Adjust, s_Cleanup, 0/*flg*/, m_Timeout);
    fwdcgi << "selftest" << NcbiEndl;

    char line[256];
    bool responded = false;
    while (fwdcgi.getline(line, sizeof(line))) {
        responded = true;
        CTempString hostport, state;
        if (!NStr::SplitInTwo(line, "\t", hostport, state))
        bool fb;
        if (NStr::Compare(state, 0, 3, "FB-") == 0) {
            state = state.substr(3);
            fb = true;
        } else
            fb = false;
        bool okay;
        if      (NStr::CompareNocase(state, 0, 2, "OK")   == 0)
            okay = true;
        else if (NStr::CompareNocase(state, 0, 4, "FAIL") == 0)
            okay = false;
        CFWConnPoint cp;
        if (!CSocketAPI::StringToHostPort(hostport, &cp.host, &cp.port))
        if (!fb  &&
            (( m_Firewall  &&  !(CONN_FWD_PORT_MIN <= cp.port
                                 &&  cp.port <= CONN_FWD_PORT_MAX))  ||
             (!m_Firewall  &&  !(4444 <= cp.port  &&  cp.port <= 4544)))) {
            fb = true;
        if ( fb  &&  net_info->firewall == eFWMode_Firewall)
        if (!fb  &&  net_info->firewall == eFWMode_Fallback)
        cp.status = okay ? eIO_Success : eIO_NotSupported;
        if (!fb)

    return ConnStatus(!responded || (fwdcgi.fail() && !fwdcgi.eof()), &fwdcgi);
Exemple #4
static int/*bool*/ s_LoadServices(SERV_ITER iter)
    int/*bool*/ ok = 0/*false*/;
    char services[1024];
    const char* c;
    char* s;

    if (!iter->ismask) {
        ok = s_LoadSingleService(iter->name, iter);
        if (!ok  ||  !iter->reverse_dns)
            return ok;
    if (!(c = ConnNetInfo_GetValue(0, REG_CONN_LOCAL_SERVICES,
                                   services, sizeof(services), 0))  ||  !*c) {
        return ok;

    s = services;
    ok = 0/*false*/;
    for (s += strspn(s, " \t");  *s;  s += strspn(s, " \t")) {
        size_t len = strcspn(s, " \t");
        if (s[len])
            s[len++] = '\0';
        if (!(c = SERV_ServiceName(s)))
        if ((iter->reverse_dns
             ||  (iter->ismask
                  &&  (!*iter->name  ||  UTIL_MatchesMask(c, iter->name))))
            &&  s_LoadSingleService(c, iter)) {
            ok = 1/*succeeded*/;
        free((void*) c);
        s += len;

    return ok/*whatever*/;
Exemple #5
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    const char custom_body[] =
        "Subject: Custom sized body\n"
        "Custom sized body\n"
        "0123456789\n"; /* these 11 chars to ignore */
    const char* body[] = {
        "This is a simple test",
        "This is a test with\n.",
    const char* subject[] = {
        "CORE_SendMail Test",
    const char* to[] = {
        " \"Anton Lavrentiev\"   <lavr@pavo>  , lavr, <lavr>   ",
    size_t i, j, k, n, m;
    const char* mx_host;
    SSendMailInfo info;
    const char* retval;
    STimeout mx_tmo;
    char* huge_body;
    short mx_port;
    char val[32];
    FILE* fp;

    g_NCBI_ConnectRandomSeed = (int) time(0) ^ NCBI_CONNECT_SRAND_ADDEND;

    CORE_SetLOGFormatFlags(fLOG_None          | fLOG_Level   |
                           fLOG_OmitNoteLevel | fLOG_DateTime);
    CORE_SetLOGFILE(stderr, 0/*false*/);

    ConnNetInfo_GetValue(0, REG_CONN_DEBUG_PRINTOUT, val, sizeof(val),
    if (ConnNetInfo_Boolean(val)
        ||  (*val  &&  (strcasecmp(val, "all")  == 0  ||
                        strcasecmp(val, "some") == 0  ||
                        strcasecmp(val, "data") == 0))) {

    strcpy(val, "@");
    SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, val, eCORE_UsernameCurrent);
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("@ - <%s>", info.from));

    strcpy(info.from, "user0");
    SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, info.from, eCORE_UsernameCurrent);
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("user0 - <%s>", info.from));

    strcpy(info.from, "user1@");
    SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, info.from, eCORE_UsernameCurrent);
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("user1@ - <%s>", info.from));

    strcpy(val, "@host2.net");
    SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, val, eCORE_UsernameLogin);
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("@host2.net - <%s>", info.from));

    strcpy(val, "*****@*****.**");
    SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, val, eCORE_UsernameReal);
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("[email protected] - <%s>", info.from));

    strcpy(info.from, "*****@*****.**");
    SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, info.from, eCORE_UsernameReal);
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("[email protected] - <%s>", info.from));

    SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, 0, eCORE_UsernameReal);
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("NULL - <%s>", info.from));

    if ((huge_body = malloc(TEST_HUGE_BODY_SIZE)) != 0) {

        strcpy(huge_body, "user5@");
        for (i = 0;  i < TEST_HUGE_BODY_SIZE - 6;  i++)
            huge_body[i + 6] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz."[rand() % 27];
        huge_body[TEST_HUGE_BODY_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
        SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, huge_body, eCORE_UsernameCurrent);
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("HUGE user5@host - <%s>", info.from));

        SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, huge_body + 5, eCORE_UsernameLogin);
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("HUGE @host - <%s>", info.from));

        huge_body[4] = '6';
        huge_body[5] = '_';
        for (i = 6;  i < sizeof(info.from) + 1;  i++) {
            if (huge_body[i] == '.')
                huge_body[i]  = '_';
        huge_body[sizeof(info.from) + 1] = '@';
        SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, huge_body, eCORE_UsernameReal);
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("HUGE user6 - <%s>", info.from));

        huge_body[4] = '7';
        huge_body[sizeof(info.from) - 10]  = '@';
        SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, huge_body, eCORE_UsernameReal);
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("LONG user7 - <%s>", info.from));

        memcpy(huge_body + sizeof(info.from) - 10, "user8", 5);
        huge_body[sizeof(info.from) << 1] = '\0';
        SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, huge_body + sizeof(info.from) - 10,
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("LONG user8 - <%s>", info.from));

        SendMailInfo_InitEx(&info, huge_body + sizeof(info.from) + 1,
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("LONG @host - <%s>", info.from));


    if (argc > 1) {
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Special test requested");
        if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) != 0          &&
            fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) == 0               &&
            (m = ftell(fp)) != (size_t)(-1)           &&
            fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0               &&
            (huge_body = (char*) malloc(m + 1)) != 0  &&
            fread(huge_body, m, 1, fp) == 1) {
            huge_body[m] = '\0';
            CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Sending file (%lu bytes)",
                                  (unsigned long) m));
            retval = CORE_SendMail("lavr", "File", huge_body);
            if (retval) {
                CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Fatal, ("Test failed: %s", retval));
            } else {
                CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Test passed");
        } else
            CORE_LOG_ERRNO(eLOG_Error, errno, "Test failed");
        return 0;

#if 1
    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Phase 1 of 2: Testing CORE_SendMail");

    n = (sizeof(to)/sizeof(to[0]))*
    m = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(to)/sizeof(to[0]); i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < sizeof(subject)/sizeof(subject[0]); j++)
            for (k = 0; k < sizeof(body)/sizeof(body[0]); k++) {
                CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Test %u of %u",
                                      (unsigned)(++m), (unsigned)n));
                retval = CORE_SendMail(to[i], subject[j], body[k]);
                if (retval != 0)
                    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Fatal, ("Test failed: %s", retval));
    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Phase 1 of 2: Skipping CORE_SendMail tests");

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Phase 2 of 2: Testing CORE_SendMailEx");

    mx_host = info.mx_host;
    mx_port = info.mx_port;
    mx_tmo  = info.mx_timeout;

    info.mx_host = "localhost";

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing bad port");
    info.mx_port = 10/*BAD*/;
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr", "CORE_SendMailEx", "Bad port", &info);
    if (!retval)
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "Test failed");
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Test passed: %s", retval));

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing bad protocol");
    info.mx_port = CONN_PORT_FTP;
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr", "CORE_SendMailEx", "Protocol", &info);
    if (!retval)
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "Test failed");
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Test passed: %s", retval));

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing timeout");
    info.mx_host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov";
    info.mx_timeout.sec = 5;
    info.mx_port = CONN_PORT_HTTP;
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr", "CORE_SendMailEx", "Timeout", &info);
    if (!retval)
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "Test failed");
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Test passed: %s", retval));

    info.mx_port = mx_port;
    info.mx_timeout = mx_tmo;

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing bad host");
    info.mx_host = "abrakadabra";
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr", "CORE_SendMailEx", "Bad host", &info);
    if (!retval)
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "Test failed");
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Test passed: %s", retval));

    info.mx_host = "localhost";

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing cc");
    info.cc = "vakatov";
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("", "CORE_SendMailEx", "CC", &info);
    if (retval)
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Fatal, ("Test failed: %s", retval));
    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Test passed");

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing bcc");
    info.cc = 0;
    info.bcc = "vakatov";
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx(0, "CORE_SendMailEx", "Bcc", &info);
    if (retval)
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Fatal, ("Test failed: %s", retval));
    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Test passed");

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing huge body");
    info.cc = 0;
    info.bcc = 0;
    if (!(huge_body = (char*) malloc(TEST_HUGE_BODY_SIZE)))
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "Test failed: Cannot allocate memory");
    for (i = 0; i < TEST_HUGE_BODY_SIZE - 1; i++)
        huge_body[i] = "0123456789\nABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ."[rand() % 39];
    huge_body[i] = 0;
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr", "CORE_SendMailEx", huge_body, &info);
    if (retval)
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Fatal, ("Test failed: %s", retval));
    if (!(fp = fopen("test_ncbi_sendmail.out", "w")) ||
        fwrite(huge_body, TEST_HUGE_BODY_SIZE - 1, 1, fp) != 1) {
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "Test failed: Cannot store huge body to file");
    } else {
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Success: Check test_ncbi_sendmail.out");

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing custom headers");
    info.header = "Organization: NCBI/NLM/NIH\nReference: abcdefghijk";
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr", "CORE_SendMailEx", "Custom header",&info);
    if (retval)
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Fatal, ("Test failed: %s", retval));
    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Test passed");

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing no recipients");
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx(0, "CORE_SendMailEx", "No recipients", &info);
    if (!retval)
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "Test failed");
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Test passed: %s", retval));

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing AS-IS message");
    info.mx_options = fSendMail_NoMxHeader;
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr",
                             "BAD SUBJECT SHOULD NOT APPEAR BUT IGNORED",
                             "From: yourself\n"
                             "To: yourself\n"
                             "Subject: AS-IS message\n"
    if (retval)
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Fatal, ("Test failed: %s", retval));
    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Test passed");

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing AS-IS custom sized message");
    info.body_size = strlen(custom_body) - 11/*to ignore*/;
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("<lavr@pavo>",
                             "BAD SUBJECT SHOULD NOT APPEAR BUT IGNORED",
    if (retval)
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Fatal, ("Test failed: %s", retval));
    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Test passed");

    info.body_size = 0;
    info.mx_options = 0;
    info.mx_host = mx_host;

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing bad from");
    strcpy(info.from, "blahblah@blahblah");
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr", "CORE_SendMailEx", "Bad from",&info);
    if (!retval)
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "Test failed");
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Test passed: %s", retval));

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing drop no FQDN option");
    info.mx_options |= fSendMail_StripNonFQDNHost;
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr", "CORE_SendMailEx", "No FQDN", &info);
    if (retval)
        CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Error, ("Test failed: %s", retval));
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Test passed");

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "Testing bad magic");
    info.magic_cookie = 0;
    retval = CORE_SendMailEx("lavr", "CORE_SendMailEx", "Bad Magic", &info);
    if (!retval)
        CORE_LOG(eLOG_Fatal, "Test failed");
    CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Note, ("Test passed: %s", retval));

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "TEST completed successfully");
    return 0;
static CONNECTOR s_CreateConnector
(const SConnNetInfo*  net_info,
 const char*          user_header,
 THCC_Flags           flags,
 FHttpParseHTTPHeader parse_http_hdr,
 FHttpAdjustNetInfo   adjust_net_info,
 void*                adjust_data,
 FHttpAdjustCleanup   adjust_cleanup)
    char            value[32];
    CONNECTOR       ccc;
    SHttpConnector* uuu;
    SConnNetInfo*   xxx;

    xxx = net_info ? ConnNetInfo_Clone(net_info) : ConnNetInfo_Create(0);
    if (!xxx)
        return 0;

    if ((xxx->scheme != eURL_Unspec  && 
         xxx->scheme != eURL_Https   &&
         xxx->scheme != eURL_Http)   ||
        !ConnNetInfo_AdjustForHttpProxy(xxx)) {
        return 0;

    if (!(ccc = (SConnector    *) malloc(sizeof(SConnector    )))  ||
        !(uuu = (SHttpConnector*) malloc(sizeof(SHttpConnector)))) {
        if (ccc)
        return 0;
    if (user_header)
        ConnNetInfo_OverrideUserHeader(xxx, user_header);

    ConnNetInfo_GetValue(0, "HTTP_INSECURE_REDIRECT", value, sizeof(value),"");
    if (*value  &&  (strcmp    (value, "1")    == 0  ||
                     strcasecmp(value, "true") == 0  ||
                     strcasecmp(value, "yes")  == 0  ||
                     strcasecmp(value, "on")   == 0)) {
        flags |= fHCC_InsecureRedirect;

    /* initialize internal data structure */
    uuu->net_info         = xxx;

    uuu->parse_http_hdr   = parse_http_hdr;
    uuu->adjust_net_info  = adjust_net_info;
    uuu->adjust_cleanup   = adjust_cleanup;
    uuu->adjust_data      = adjust_data;

    uuu->flags            = flags;
    uuu->reserved         = 0;
    uuu->can_connect      = eCC_Once;         /* will be properly set at open*/

    ConnNetInfo_GetValue(0, "HTTP_ERROR_HEADER_ONLY", value, sizeof(value),"");
    uuu->error_header = (*value  &&  (strcmp    (value, "1")    == 0  ||
                                      strcasecmp(value, "true") == 0  ||
                                      strcasecmp(value, "yes")  == 0  ||
                                      strcasecmp(value, "on")   == 0));

    uuu->sock             = 0;
    uuu->o_timeout        = kDefaultTimeout;  /* deliberately bad values --  */
    uuu->w_timeout        = kDefaultTimeout;  /* must be reset prior to use  */
    uuu->http             = 0;
    uuu->r_buf            = 0;
    uuu->w_buf            = 0;
    /* there are some unintialized fields left -- they are initted later */

    /* initialize connector structure */
    ccc->handle  = uuu;
    ccc->next    = 0;
    ccc->meta    = 0;
    ccc->setup   = s_Setup;
    ccc->destroy = s_Destroy;

    return ccc;