void conv(RR& z, const quad_float& a) { static RR hi, lo, res; ConvPrec(hi, a.hi, NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION); ConvPrec(lo, a.lo, NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION); add(res, hi, lo); z = res; }
void RoundToZZ(ZZ& z, const RR& a) { if (a.e >= 0) { LeftShift(z, a.x, a.e); return; } long len = NumBits(a.x); if (-a.e > len) { z = 0; return; } if (-a.e == len) { if (len == 1) z = 0; else z = sign(a.x); return; } NTL_TLS_LOCAL(RR, t); ConvPrec(t, a, len+a.e); LeftShift(z, t.x, t.e); }
void round(RR& z, const RR& a) { if (a.e >= 0) { xcopy(z, a); return; } long len = NumBits(a.x); if (-a.e > len) { z = 0; return; } if (-a.e == len) { if (len == 1) z = 0; else z = sign(a.x); return; } NTL_TLS_LOCAL(RR, t); ConvPrec(t, a, len+a.e); xcopy(z, t); }
void conv(double& z, const RR& aa) { double x; NTL_TLS_LOCAL(RR, a); ConvPrec(a, aa, NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION); // round to NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION bits to avoid double overflow conv(x, a.x); z = _ntl_ldexp(x, a.e); }
void conv(quad_float& z, const RR& a) { long old_p; static RR a_hi, a_lo; old_p = RR::prec; ConvPrec(a_hi, a, NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION); // high order bits SubPrec(a_lo, a, a_hi, NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION); // low order bits z = to_quad_float(a_hi.x)*power2_quad_float(a_hi.e) + to_quad_float(a_lo.x)*power2_quad_float(a_lo.e); }
void RoundToPrecision(RR& x, const RR& a, long p) { ConvPrec(x, a, p); }
void conv(RR& x, const char *s) { long c; long cval; long sign; ZZ a, b; long i = 0; if (!s) Error("bad RR input"); c = s[i]; while (IsWhiteSpace(c)) { i++; c = s[i]; } if (c == '-') { sign = -1; i++; c = s[i]; } else sign = 1; long got1 = 0; long got_dot = 0; long got2 = 0; a = 0; b = 1; cval = CharToIntVal(c); if (cval >= 0 && cval <= 9) { got1 = 1; while (cval >= 0 && cval <= 9) { mul(a, a, 10); add(a, a, cval); i++; c = s[i]; cval = CharToIntVal(c); } } if (c == '.') { got_dot = 1; i++; c = s[i]; cval = CharToIntVal(c); if (cval >= 0 && cval <= 9) { got2 = 1; while (cval >= 0 && cval <= 9) { mul(a, a, 10); add(a, a, cval); mul(b, b, 10); i++; c = s[i]; cval = CharToIntVal(c); } } } if (got_dot && !got1 && !got2) Error("bad RR input"); ZZ e; long got_e = 0; long e_sign; if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { got_e = 1; i++; c = s[i]; if (c == '-') { e_sign = -1; i++; c = s[i]; } else if (c == '+') { e_sign = 1; i++; c = s[i]; } else e_sign = 1; cval = CharToIntVal(c); if (cval < 0 || cval > 9) Error("bad RR input"); e = 0; while (cval >= 0 && cval <= 9) { mul(e, e, 10); add(e, e, cval); i++; c = s[i]; cval = CharToIntVal(c); } } if (!got1 && !got2 && !got_e) Error("bad RR input"); RR t1, t2, v; long old_p = RR::precision(); if (got1 || got2) { ConvPrec(t1, a, max(NumBits(a), 1)); ConvPrec(t2, b, NumBits(b)); if (got_e) RR::SetPrecision(old_p + 10); div(v, t1, t2); } else set(v); if (sign < 0) negate(v, v); if (got_e) { if (e >= NTL_OVFBND) Error("RR input overflow"); long E; conv(E, e); if (e_sign < 0) E = -E; RR::SetPrecision(old_p + 10); power(t1, to_RR(10), E); mul(v, v, t1); RR::prec = old_p; } xcopy(x, v); }