Exemple #1
char *CoordSystem_getNameColonVersion(CoordSystem *cs) {
  if (cs && cs->nameColonVersion == NULL) {
    char tmpStr[1024];
    sprintf(tmpStr,"%s:%s",CoordSystem_getName(cs),CoordSystem_getVersion(cs) ? CoordSystem_getVersion(cs):"");
    StrUtil_copyString(&cs->nameColonVersion, tmpStr, 0);
    cs->lenNameColonVersion = strlen(tmpStr);
  return cs? cs->nameColonVersion : NULL;
Exemple #2
Vector *AssemblyMapper_listIdsImpl(AssemblyMapper *am, char *frmSeqRegionName, long frmStart, long frmEnd, CoordSystem *frmCs) {
  IDType seqRegionId = AssemblyMapper_getSeqRegionId(am, frmSeqRegionName, frmCs);
  AssemblyMapperAdaptor *adaptor = AssemblyMapper_getAdaptor(am);

  if ( !CoordSystem_compare(frmCs, AssemblyMapper_getComponentCoordSystem(am) ) ) {

    if ( !AssemblyMapper_haveRegisteredComponent(am, seqRegionId) ) {
      AssemblyMapperAdaptor_registerComponent(adaptor, am, seqRegionId);

    // Pull out the 'from' identifiers of the mapper pairs.  The we
    // loaded the assembled side as the 'from' side in the constructor.

    MapperPairSet *mps = Mapper_listPairs( AssemblyMapper_getMapper(am), seqRegionId, frmStart, frmEnd, "component");

    return MapperPairSet_getFromIds(mps);
  } else if ( !CoordSystem_compare(frmCs, AssemblyMapper_getAssembledCoordSystem(am) ) ) {

    AssemblyMapperAdaptor_registerAssembled(adaptor, am, seqRegionId, frmStart, frmEnd);

    // Pull out the 'to' identifiers of the mapper pairs we loaded the
    // component side as the 'to' coord system in the constructor.

    MapperPairSet *mps = Mapper_listPairs( AssemblyMapper_getMapper(am), seqRegionId, frmStart, frmEnd, "assembled");

    return MapperPairSet_getToIds(mps);
  } else {

    fprintf(stderr, "Coordinate system %s %s is neither the assembled nor the component coordinate system of this AssemblyMapper\n",
                    CoordSystem_getName(frmCs), CoordSystem_getVersion(frmCs) );

Exemple #3
int CoordSystem_compare(CoordSystem *cs1, CoordSystem *cs2) {

/* Dodgy DAS stuff
  if (!$cs2 || !ref($cs2) || !$cs2->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem')) {
    if ($cs2->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::DAS::CoordSystem')) {
      return $cs2->equals($self);
    throw('Argument must be a CoordSystem');

  if (!EcoString_strcmp(CoordSystem_getVersion(cs1), CoordSystem_getVersion(cs2)) && !EcoString_strcmp(CoordSystem_getName(cs1), CoordSystem_getName(cs2))) {
    // Equal, so return 0
    return 0;

  return 1;
Exemple #4
MapperRangeSet *AssemblyMapper_fastMapImpl(AssemblyMapper *am, char *frmSeqRegionName, long frmStart, long frmEnd, int frmStrand, CoordSystem *frmCs, Slice *toSlice) {
  Mapper *mapper  = AssemblyMapper_getMapper(am);
  CoordSystem *asmCs  = AssemblyMapper_getAssembledCoordSystem(am);
  CoordSystem *cmpCs  = AssemblyMapper_getComponentCoordSystem(am);
  AssemblyMapperAdaptor *adaptor = AssemblyMapper_getAdaptor(am);
  char *frm;

  IDType seqRegionId = AssemblyMapper_getSeqRegionId(am, frmSeqRegionName, frmCs);

  // Speed critical section:
  // Try to do simple pointer equality comparisons of the coord system
  // objects first since this is likely to work most of the time and is
  // much faster than a function call.

  if ( frmCs == cmpCs
       || ( frmCs != asmCs && !CoordSystem_compare(frmCs,  cmpCs)) ) {
    if ( !IDHash_contains(AssemblyMapper_getComponentRegister(am), seqRegionId) ) {
      AssemblyMapperAdaptor_registerComponent( adaptor, am, seqRegionId);
    frm = "component";

  } else if ( frmCs == asmCs || !CoordSystem_compare(frmCs, asmCs) ) {
    // This can be probably be sped up some by only calling registered
    // assembled if needed.
    AssemblyMapperAdaptor_registerAssembled( adaptor, am, seqRegionId, frmStart, frmEnd);

    frm = "assembled";
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr,"Coordinate system %s %s is neither the assembled nor the component coordinate system of this AssemblyMapper\n",
            CoordSystem_getName(frmCs), CoordSystem_getVersion(frmCs) );


  return Mapper_fastMap( mapper, seqRegionId, frmStart, frmEnd, frmStrand, frm );
Exemple #5
Vector *PredictionTranscriptAdaptor_fetchAllBySlice(PredictionTranscriptAdaptor *pta, Slice *slice, char *logicName, int loadExons) {

  //my $transcripts = $self->SUPER::fetch_all_by_Slice($slice,$logic_name);
  Vector *transcripts = BaseFeatureAdaptor_fetchAllBySlice((BaseFeatureAdaptor *)pta, slice, logicName);

  // if there are 0 or 1 transcripts still do lazy-loading
  if ( ! loadExons || Vector_getNumElement(transcripts) < 2 ) {
    return transcripts;

  // preload all of the exons now, instead of lazy loading later
  // faster than 1 query per transcript

  // get extent of region spanned by transcripts
  long minStart =  2000000000;
  long maxEnd   = -2000000000;

  int i;
  for (i=0; i<Vector_getNumElement(transcripts); i++) {
    PredictionTranscript *t  = Vector_getElementAt(transcripts, i);
    if (PredictionTranscript_getSeqRegionStart((SeqFeature*)t) < minStart) {
      minStart = PredictionTranscript_getSeqRegionStart((SeqFeature*)t);
    if (PredictionTranscript_getSeqRegionEnd((SeqFeature*)t) > maxEnd) {
      maxEnd = PredictionTranscript_getSeqRegionEnd((SeqFeature*)t);

  Slice *extSlice;

  if (minStart >= Slice_getStart(slice) && maxEnd <= Slice_getEnd(slice)) {
    extSlice = slice;
  } else {
    SliceAdaptor *sa = DBAdaptor_getSliceAdaptor(pta->dba);
    extSlice = SliceAdaptor_fetchByRegion(sa, Slice_getCoordSystemName(slice), Slice_getSeqRegionName(slice),
                                          minStart, maxEnd, Slice_getStrand(slice), CoordSystem_getVersion(Slice_getCoordSystem(slice)), 0);

  // associate exon identifiers with transcripts
  IDHash *trHash = IDHash_new(IDHASH_MEDIUM);
  for (i=0; i<Vector_getNumElement(transcripts); i++) {
    PredictionTranscript *t  = Vector_getElementAt(transcripts, i);
    if ( ! IDHash_contains(trHash, PredictionTranscript_getDbID(t))) {
      IDHash_add(trHash, PredictionTranscript_getDbID(t), t);

  IDType *uniqueIds = IDHash_getKeys(trHash);

  char tmpStr[1024];
  char *qStr = NULL;
  if ((qStr = (char *)calloc(655500,sizeof(char))) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Failed allocating qStr\n");
    return transcripts;

  int lenNum;
  int endPoint = sprintf(qStr, "SELECT prediction_transcript_id, prediction_exon_id, exon_rank FROM prediction_exon WHERE  prediction_transcript_id IN (");
  for (i=0; i<IDHash_getNumValues(trHash); i++) {
    if (i!=0) {
      qStr[endPoint++] = ',';
      qStr[endPoint++] = ' ';
    lenNum = sprintf(tmpStr,IDFMTSTR,uniqueIds[i]);
    memcpy(&(qStr[endPoint]), tmpStr, lenNum);
  qStr[endPoint++] = ')';
  qStr[endPoint] = '\0';


  StatementHandle *sth = pta->prepare((BaseAdaptor *)pta,qStr,strlen(qStr));

  IDHash *exTrHash = IDHash_new(IDHASH_MEDIUM);
  ResultRow *row;
  while ((row = sth->fetchRow(sth))) {
    IDType trId = row->getLongLongAt(row,0);
    IDType exId = row->getLongLongAt(row,1);
    int    rank = row->getIntAt(row,2);

    if (! IDHash_contains(exTrHash, exId)) {
      Vector *vec = Vector_new();
      Vector_setFreeFunc(vec, PredictionTranscriptRankPair_free);
      IDHash_add(exTrHash, exId, vec);
    Vector *exVec = IDHash_getValue(exTrHash, exId);
    PredictionTranscriptRankPair *trp = PredictionTranscriptRankPair_new(IDHash_getValue(trHash, trId), rank);
    Vector_addElement(exVec, trp);

  IDHash_free(trHash, NULL);


  PredictionExonAdaptor *pea = DBAdaptor_getPredictionExonAdaptor(pta->dba);
  Vector *exons = PredictionExonAdaptor_fetchAllBySlice(pea, extSlice);

  // move exons onto transcript slice, and add them to transcripts
  for (i=0; i<Vector_getNumElement(exons); i++) {
    PredictionExon *ex = Vector_getElementAt(exons, i);

  // Perl didn't have this line - it was in GeneAdaptor version so I think I'm going to keep it
    if (!IDHash_contains(exTrHash, PredictionExon_getDbID(ex))) continue;

    PredictionExon *newEx;
    if (slice != extSlice) {
      newEx = (PredictionExon*)PredictionExon_transfer((SeqFeature*)ex, slice);
      if (newEx == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected. Exon could not be transferred onto PredictionTranscript slice.\n");
    } else {
      newEx = ex;

    Vector *exVec = IDHash_getValue(exTrHash, PredictionExon_getDbID(newEx));
    int j;
    for (j=0; j<Vector_getNumElement(exVec); j++) {
      PredictionTranscriptRankPair *trp = Vector_getElementAt(exVec, j);
      PredictionTranscript_addExon(trp->transcript, newEx, &trp->rank);

  IDHash_free(exTrHash, Vector_free);

  return transcripts;