Exemple #1
GetMaxSystemMemoryCount (
  UINTN  SystemMemoryCount;
  SystemMemoryCount = CountSeperatorsInString(PcdGetPtr(PcdWinNtMemorySizeForSecMain), '!') + 1;
  return SystemMemoryCount;
Exemple #2
main (
  IN  int   Argc,
  IN  char  **Argv,
  IN  char  **Envp

Routine Description:
  Main entry point to SEC for Unix. This is a unix program

  Argc - Number of command line arguments
  Argv - Array of command line argument strings
  Envp - Array of environmemt variable strings

  0 - Normal exit
  1 - Abnormal exit

  EFI_STATUS            Status;
  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  InitialStackMemory;
  UINT64                InitialStackMemorySize;
  UINTN                 Index;
  UINTN                 Index1;
  UINTN                 Index2;
  UINTN                 PeiIndex;
  CHAR8                 *FileName;
  BOOLEAN               Done;
  VOID                  *PeiCoreFile;
  CHAR16                *MemorySizeStr;
  CHAR16                *FirmwareVolumesStr;
  UINTN                 *StackPointer;

  setbuf(stdout, 0);
  setbuf(stderr, 0);

  MemorySizeStr      = (CHAR16 *) PcdGetPtr (PcdUnixMemorySizeForSecMain);
  FirmwareVolumesStr = (CHAR16 *) PcdGetPtr (PcdUnixFirmwareVolume);

  printf ("\nEDK SEC Main UNIX Emulation Environment from edk2.sourceforge.net\n");

#ifdef __APPLE__
  // We can't use dlopen on OS X, so we need a scheme to get symboles into gdb
  // We need to create a temp file that contains gdb commands so we can load
  // symbols when we load every PE/COFF image.
  Index = strlen (*Argv);
  gGdbWorkingFileName = malloc (Index + strlen(".gdb") + 1);
  strcpy (gGdbWorkingFileName, *Argv);
  strcat (gGdbWorkingFileName, ".gdb");

  // Allocate space for gSystemMemory Array
  gSystemMemoryCount  = CountSeperatorsInString (MemorySizeStr, '!') + 1;
  gSystemMemory       = calloc (gSystemMemoryCount, sizeof (UNIX_SYSTEM_MEMORY));
  if (gSystemMemory == NULL) {
    printf ("ERROR : Can not allocate memory for system.  Exiting.\n");
    exit (1);
  // Allocate space for gSystemMemory Array
  gFdInfoCount  = CountSeperatorsInString (FirmwareVolumesStr, '!') + 1;
  gFdInfo       = calloc (gFdInfoCount, sizeof (UNIX_FD_INFO));
  if (gFdInfo == NULL) {
    printf ("ERROR : Can not allocate memory for fd info.  Exiting.\n");
    exit (1);
  // Setup Boot Mode. If BootModeStr == "" then BootMode = 0 (BOOT_WITH_FULL_CONFIGURATION)
  printf ("  BootMode 0x%02x\n", (unsigned int)PcdGet32 (PcdUnixBootMode));

  // Open up a 128K file to emulate temp memory for PEI.
  //  on a real platform this would be SRAM, or using the cache as RAM.
  //  Set InitialStackMemory to zero so UnixOpenFile will allocate a new mapping
  InitialStackMemorySize  = STACK_SIZE;
  InitialStackMemory = (UINTN)MapMemory(0,
          (UINT32) InitialStackMemorySize,
  if (InitialStackMemory == 0) {
    printf ("ERROR : Can not open SecStack Exiting\n");
    exit (1);

  printf ("  SEC passing in %u KB of temp RAM at 0x%08lx to PEI\n",
    (unsigned int)(InitialStackMemorySize / 1024),
    (unsigned long)InitialStackMemory);

  for (StackPointer = (UINTN*) (UINTN) InitialStackMemory;
     StackPointer < (UINTN*)(UINTN)((UINTN) InitialStackMemory + (UINT64) InitialStackMemorySize);
     StackPointer ++) {
    *StackPointer = 0x5AA55AA5;

  // Open All the firmware volumes and remember the info in the gFdInfo global
  FileName = (CHAR8 *)malloc (StrLen (FirmwareVolumesStr) + 1);
  if (FileName == NULL) {
    printf ("ERROR : Can not allocate memory for firmware volume string\n");
    exit (1);

  Index2 = 0;
  for (Done = FALSE, Index = 0, PeiIndex = 0, PeiCoreFile = NULL;
       FirmwareVolumesStr[Index2] != 0;
       Index++) {
    for (Index1 = 0; (FirmwareVolumesStr[Index2] != '!') && (FirmwareVolumesStr[Index2] != 0); Index2++)
      FileName[Index1++] = FirmwareVolumesStr[Index2];
    if (FirmwareVolumesStr[Index2] == '!')
    FileName[Index1]  = '\0';

    // Open the FD and remmeber where it got mapped into our processes address space
    Status = MapFile (
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      printf ("ERROR : Can not open Firmware Device File %s (%x).  Exiting.\n", FileName, (unsigned int)Status);
      exit (1);

    printf ("  FD loaded from %s at 0x%08lx",
      FileName, (unsigned long)gFdInfo[Index].Address);

    if (PeiCoreFile == NULL) {
      // Assume the beginning of the FD is an FV and look for the PEI Core.
      // Load the first one we find.
      Status = SecFfsFindPeiCore ((EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *) (UINTN) gFdInfo[Index].Address, &PeiCoreFile);
      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        PeiIndex = Index;
        printf (" contains SEC Core");

    printf ("\n");
  // Calculate memory regions and store the information in the gSystemMemory
  //  global for later use. The autosizing code will use this data to
  //  map this memory into the SEC process memory space.
  Index1 = 0;
  Index = 0;
  while (1) {
    UINTN val = 0;
    // Save the size of the memory.
    while (MemorySizeStr[Index1] >= '0' && MemorySizeStr[Index1] <= '9') {
      val = val * 10 + MemorySizeStr[Index1] - '0';
    gSystemMemory[Index++].Size = val * 0x100000;
    if (MemorySizeStr[Index1] == 0)

  printf ("\n");

  // Hand off to PEI Core
  SecLoadFromCore ((UINTN) InitialStackMemory, (UINTN) InitialStackMemorySize, (UINTN) gFdInfo[0].Address, PeiCoreFile);

  // If we get here, then the PEI Core returned. This is an error as PEI should
  //  always hand off to DXE.
  printf ("ERROR : PEI Core returned\n");
  exit (1);
Exemple #3
main (
  IN  INTN  Argc,
  IN  CHAR8 **Argv,
  IN  CHAR8 **Envp

Routine Description:
  Main entry point to SEC for WinNt. This is a Windows program

  Argc - Number of command line arguments
  Argv - Array of command line argument strings
  Envp - Array of environmemt variable strings

  0 - Normal exit
  1 - Abnormal exit

  EFI_STATUS            Status;
  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  InitialStackMemory;
  UINT64                InitialStackMemorySize;
  EFI_BOOT_MODE         BootMode;
  UINTN                 Index;
  UINTN                 Index1;
  UINTN                 Index2;
  UINTN                 PeiIndex;
  CHAR8                 *MemorySizeStr;
  CHAR8                 *FirmwareVolumesStr;
  CHAR8                 *BootModeStr;
  CHAR16                *FileName;
  CHAR8                 *FileNameAscii;
  BOOLEAN               Done;
  VOID                  *PeiCoreFile;
  UINTN                 *StackPointer;

  printf ("\nEDK SEC Main NT Emulation Environment from www.TianoCore.org\n");

  // Make some Windows calls to Set the process to the highest priority in the
  //  idle class. We need this to have good performance.
  SetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess (), IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS);
  SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread (), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);

  // Set defaults in case we can not find an environment variable
  MemorySizeStr       = "64";
  FirmwareVolumesStr  = "..\\Fv\\FvRecovery.fd";
  BootModeStr         = "0";

  // Parse the environment varialbes for the ones we care about.
  for (Index = 0; Envp[Index] != NULL; Index++) {
    if (strncmp (Envp[Index], EFI_MEMORY_SIZE_STR, sizeof (EFI_MEMORY_SIZE_STR) - 1) == 0) {
      MemorySizeStr = &Envp[Index][sizeof (EFI_MEMORY_SIZE_STR)];

    if (strncmp (Envp[Index], EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUMES_STR, sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUMES_STR) - 1) == 0) {
      FirmwareVolumesStr = &Envp[Index][sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUMES_STR)];

    if (strncmp (Envp[Index], EFI_BOOT_MODE_STR, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_MODE_STR) - 1) == 0) {
      BootModeStr = &Envp[Index][sizeof (EFI_BOOT_MODE_STR)];
  // Allocate space for gSystemMemory Array
  gSystemMemoryCount  = CountSeperatorsInString (MemorySizeStr, '!') + 1;
  gSystemMemory       = calloc (gSystemMemoryCount, sizeof (NT_SYSTEM_MEMORY));
  if (gSystemMemory == NULL) {
    printf ("ERROR : Can not allocate memory for %s.  Exiting.\n", MemorySizeStr);
    exit (1);
  // Allocate space for gSystemMemory Array
  gFdInfoCount  = CountSeperatorsInString (FirmwareVolumesStr, '!') + 1;
  gFdInfo       = calloc (gFdInfoCount, sizeof (NT_FD_INFO));
  if (gFdInfo == NULL) {
    printf ("ERROR : Can not allocate memory for %s.  Exiting.\n", FirmwareVolumesStr);
    exit (1);
  // Setup Boot Mode. If BootModeStr == "" then BootMode = 0 (BOOT_WITH_FULL_CONFIGURATION)
  BootMode = atoi (BootModeStr);
  printf ("  BootMode 0x%02x\n", BootMode);

  //  Allocate 128K memory space with ReadWrite and Execute attributes allocated by VirtualAlloc() API. 
  //  to emulate temp memory for PEI. On a real platform this would be SRAM, or using the cache as RAM.
  //  Set InitialStackMemory to 0x5aa5 as stack default value.
  InitialStackMemory      = 0;
  InitialStackMemorySize  = 0x20000;
  InitialStackMemory = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) VirtualAlloc (NULL, (SIZE_T) (InitialStackMemorySize), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
  if (InitialStackMemory == 0) {
    printf ("ERROR : Can not allocate enough SecStack space\n");
    exit (1);

  for (StackPointer = (UINTN*) (UINTN) InitialStackMemory;
       StackPointer < (UINTN*) ((UINTN)InitialStackMemory + (SIZE_T) InitialStackMemorySize);
       StackPointer ++) {
    *StackPointer = 0x5AA55AA5;

  printf ("  SEC passing in %d bytes of temp RAM to PEI\n", InitialStackMemorySize);

  // Open All the firmware volumes and remember the info in the gFdInfo global
  for (Done = FALSE, Index = 0, PeiIndex = 0, PeiCoreFile = NULL; !Done; Index++) {
    FileNameAscii = FirmwareVolumesStr;
    for (Index1 = 0; (FirmwareVolumesStr[Index1] != '!') && (FirmwareVolumesStr[Index1] != 0); Index1++)
    if (FirmwareVolumesStr[Index1] == 0) {
      Done = TRUE;
    } else {
      FirmwareVolumesStr[Index1]  = '\0';
      FirmwareVolumesStr          = FirmwareVolumesStr + Index1 + 1;
    // Convert Ascii string to Unicode string
    FileName = AsciiToUnicode (FileNameAscii, NULL);

    // Open the FD and remmeber where it got mapped into our processes address space
    Status = WinNtOpenFile (
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      printf ("ERROR : Can not open Firmware Device File %S (%r).  Exiting.\n", FileName, Status);
      exit (1);

    printf ("  FD loaded from");
    // printf can't print filenames directly as the \ gets interperted as an
    //  escape character.
    for (Index2 = 0; FileName[Index2] != '\0'; Index2++) {
      printf ("%c", FileName[Index2]);

    free (FileName);

    if (PeiCoreFile == NULL) {
      // Assume the beginning of the FD is an FV and look for the PEI Core.
      // Load the first one we find.
      Status = SecFfsFindPeiCore ((EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *) (UINTN) gFdInfo[Index].Address, &PeiCoreFile);
      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        PeiIndex = Index;
        printf (" contains SEC Core");

    printf ("\n");
  // Calculate memory regions and store the information in the gSystemMemory
  //  global for later use. The autosizing code will use this data to
  //  map this memory into the SEC process memory space.
  for (Index = 0, Done = FALSE; !Done; Index++) {
    // Save the size of the memory
    gSystemMemory[Index].Size = atoi (MemorySizeStr) * 0x100000;

    // Find the next region
    for (Index1 = 0; MemorySizeStr[Index1] != '!' && MemorySizeStr[Index1] != 0; Index1++)
    if (MemorySizeStr[Index1] == 0) {
      Done = TRUE;

    MemorySizeStr = MemorySizeStr + Index1 + 1;

  printf ("\n");

  // Hand off to PEI Core
  SecLoadFromCore ((UINTN) InitialStackMemory, (UINTN) InitialStackMemorySize, (UINTN) gFdInfo[0].Address, PeiCoreFile);

  // If we get here, then the PEI Core returned. This is an error as PEI should
  //  always hand off to DXE.
  printf ("ERROR : PEI Core returned\n");
  exit (1);
Exemple #4
main (
  IN  INTN  Argc,
  IN  CHAR8 **Argv,
  IN  CHAR8 **Envp

Routine Description:
  Main entry point to SEC for WinNt. This is a Windows program

  Argc - Number of command line arguments
  Argv - Array of command line argument strings
  Envp - Array of environmemt variable strings

  0 - Normal exit
  1 - Abnormal exit

  EFI_STATUS            Status;
  HANDLE                Token;
  TOKEN_PRIVILEGES      TokenPrivileges;
  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  InitialStackMemory;
  UINT64                InitialStackMemorySize;
  UINTN                 Index;
  UINTN                 Index1;
  UINTN                 Index2;
  CHAR16                *FileName;
  CHAR16                *FileNamePtr;
  BOOLEAN               Done;
  VOID                  *PeiCoreFile;
  CHAR16                *MemorySizeStr;
  CHAR16                *FirmwareVolumesStr;
  UINTN                 *StackPointer;

  // Enable the privilege so that RTC driver can successfully run SetTime()
  OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES|TOKEN_QUERY, &Token);
  if (LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_TIME_ZONE_NAME, &TokenPrivileges.Privileges[0].Luid)) {
    TokenPrivileges.PrivilegeCount = 1;
    TokenPrivileges.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
    AdjustTokenPrivileges(Token, FALSE, &TokenPrivileges, 0, (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, 0);

  MemorySizeStr      = (CHAR16 *) PcdGetPtr (PcdWinNtMemorySizeForSecMain);
  FirmwareVolumesStr = (CHAR16 *) PcdGetPtr (PcdWinNtFirmwareVolume);

  SecPrint ("\nEDK II SEC Main NT Emulation Environment from www.TianoCore.org\n");

  // Make some Windows calls to Set the process to the highest priority in the
  //  idle class. We need this to have good performance.
  SetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess (), IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS);
  SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread (), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);

  // Allocate space for gSystemMemory Array
  gSystemMemoryCount  = CountSeperatorsInString (MemorySizeStr, '!') + 1;
  gSystemMemory       = calloc (gSystemMemoryCount, sizeof (NT_SYSTEM_MEMORY));
  if (gSystemMemory == NULL) {
    SecPrint ("ERROR : Can not allocate memory for %S.  Exiting.\n", MemorySizeStr);
    exit (1);
  // Allocate space for gSystemMemory Array
  gFdInfoCount  = CountSeperatorsInString (FirmwareVolumesStr, '!') + 1;
  gFdInfo       = calloc (gFdInfoCount, sizeof (NT_FD_INFO));
  if (gFdInfo == NULL) {
    SecPrint ("ERROR : Can not allocate memory for %S.  Exiting.\n", FirmwareVolumesStr);
    exit (1);
  // Setup Boot Mode. If BootModeStr == "" then BootMode = 0 (BOOT_WITH_FULL_CONFIGURATION)
  SecPrint ("  BootMode 0x%02x\n", PcdGet32 (PcdWinNtBootMode));

  //  Allocate 128K memory to emulate temp memory for PEI.
  //  on a real platform this would be SRAM, or using the cache as RAM.
  //  Set InitialStackMemory to zero so WinNtOpenFile will allocate a new mapping
  InitialStackMemorySize  = STACK_SIZE;
  InitialStackMemory = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) VirtualAlloc (NULL, (SIZE_T) (InitialStackMemorySize), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
  if (InitialStackMemory == 0) {
    SecPrint ("ERROR : Can not allocate enough space for SecStack\n");
    exit (1);

  for (StackPointer = (UINTN*) (UINTN) InitialStackMemory;
       StackPointer < (UINTN*) ((UINTN)InitialStackMemory + (SIZE_T) InitialStackMemorySize);
       StackPointer ++) {
    *StackPointer = 0x5AA55AA5;
  SecPrint ("  SEC passing in %d bytes of temp RAM to PEI\n", InitialStackMemorySize);

  // Open All the firmware volumes and remember the info in the gFdInfo global
  FileNamePtr = (CHAR16 *)malloc (StrLen ((CHAR16 *)FirmwareVolumesStr) * sizeof(CHAR16));
  if (FileNamePtr == NULL) {
    SecPrint ("ERROR : Can not allocate memory for firmware volume string\n");
    exit (1);

  StrCpy (FileNamePtr, (CHAR16*)FirmwareVolumesStr);

  for (Done = FALSE, Index = 0, PeiCoreFile = NULL; !Done; Index++) {
    FileName = FileNamePtr;
    for (Index1 = 0; (FileNamePtr[Index1] != '!') && (FileNamePtr[Index1] != 0); Index1++)
    if (FileNamePtr[Index1] == 0) {
      Done = TRUE;
    } else {
      FileNamePtr[Index1]  = '\0';
      FileNamePtr = FileNamePtr + Index1 + 1;

    // Open the FD and remmeber where it got mapped into our processes address space
    Status = WinNtOpenFile (
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      SecPrint ("ERROR : Can not open Firmware Device File %S (0x%X).  Exiting.\n", FileName, Status);
      exit (1);

    SecPrint ("  FD loaded from");
    // printf can't print filenames directly as the \ gets interperted as an
    //  escape character.
    for (Index2 = 0; FileName[Index2] != '\0'; Index2++) {
      SecPrint ("%c", FileName[Index2]);

    if (PeiCoreFile == NULL) {
      // Assume the beginning of the FD is an FV and look for the PEI Core.
      // Load the first one we find.
      Status = SecFfsFindPeiCore ((EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *) (UINTN) gFdInfo[Index].Address, &PeiCoreFile);
      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        SecPrint (" contains SEC Core");

    SecPrint ("\n");
  // Calculate memory regions and store the information in the gSystemMemory
  //  global for later use. The autosizing code will use this data to
  //  map this memory into the SEC process memory space.
  for (Index = 0, Done = FALSE; !Done; Index++) {
    // Save the size of the memory and make a Unicode filename SystemMemory00, ...
    gSystemMemory[Index].Size = _wtoi (MemorySizeStr) * 0x100000;

    // Find the next region
    for (Index1 = 0; MemorySizeStr[Index1] != '!' && MemorySizeStr[Index1] != 0; Index1++)
    if (MemorySizeStr[Index1] == 0) {
      Done = TRUE;

    MemorySizeStr = MemorySizeStr + Index1 + 1;

  SecPrint ("\n");

  // Hand off to PEI Core
  SecLoadFromCore ((UINTN) InitialStackMemory, (UINTN) InitialStackMemorySize, (UINTN) gFdInfo[0].Address, PeiCoreFile);

  // If we get here, then the PEI Core returned. This is an error as PEI should
  //  always hand off to DXE.
  SecPrint ("ERROR : PEI Core returned\n");
  exit (1);