Exemple #1
int CADFile::ParseFile( enum OpenOptions eOptions, bool bReadUnsupportedGeometries )
    if( nullptr == pFileIO )
        return CADErrorCodes::FILE_OPEN_FAILED;

    if( !pFileIO->IsOpened() )
        if( !pFileIO->Open( CADFileIO::read | CADFileIO::binary ) )
            return CADErrorCodes::FILE_OPEN_FAILED;

    // Set flag which will tell CADLayer to skip/not skip unsupported geoms
    bReadingUnsupportedGeometries = bReadUnsupportedGeometries;

    int nResultCode;
    nResultCode = ReadSectionLocators();
    if( nResultCode != CADErrorCodes::SUCCESS )
        return nResultCode;
    nResultCode = ReadHeader( eOptions );
    if( nResultCode != CADErrorCodes::SUCCESS )
        return nResultCode;
    nResultCode = ReadClasses( eOptions );
    if( nResultCode != CADErrorCodes::SUCCESS )
        return nResultCode;
    nResultCode = CreateFileMap();
    if( nResultCode != CADErrorCodes::SUCCESS )
        return nResultCode;
    nResultCode = ReadTables( eOptions );
    if( nResultCode != CADErrorCodes::SUCCESS )
        return nResultCode;

    return CADErrorCodes::SUCCESS;
Exemple #2
bool MAPFAM::OpenTableFile(PGLOBAL g)
  char    filename[_MAX_PATH];
  int     len;
  MODE    mode = Tdbp->GetMode();
  PDBUSER dbuserp = (PDBUSER)g->Activityp->Aptr;

#if defined(_DEBUG)
  // Insert mode is no more handled using file mapping
  assert(mode != MODE_INSERT);
#endif   // _DEBUG

  /*  We used the file name relative to recorded datapath.             */
  PlugSetPath(filename, To_File, Tdbp->GetPath());

  /*  Under Win32 the whole file will be mapped so we can use it as    */
  /*  if it were entirely read into virtual memory.                    */
  /*  Firstly we check whether this file have been already mapped.     */
  if (mode == MODE_READ) {
    for (fp = dbuserp->Openlist; fp; fp = fp->Next)
      if (fp->Type == TYPE_FB_MAP && !stricmp(fp->Fname, filename)
                     && fp->Count && fp->Mode == mode)

    if (trace)
      htrc("Mapping file, fp=%p\n", fp);

  } else
    fp = NULL;

  if (fp) {
    /*  File already mapped. Just increment use count and get pointer. */
    Memory = fp->Memory;
    len = fp->Length;
  } else {
    /*  If required, delete the whole file if no filtering is implied. */
    bool   del;
    HANDLE hFile;
    MEMMAP mm;

    del = mode == MODE_DELETE && !Tdbp->GetNext();

    if (del)
      DelRows = Cardinality(g);

    /*  Create the mapping file object.                                */
    hFile = CreateFileMap(g, filename, &mm, mode, del);

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
      DWORD rc = GetLastError();

      if (!(*g->Message))
        sprintf(g->Message, MSG(OPEN_MODE_ERROR),
                "map", (int) rc, filename);

      if (trace)
        htrc("CreateFileMap: %s\n", g->Message);

      return (mode == MODE_READ && rc == ENOENT)
              ? PushWarning(g, Tdbp) : true;
      } // endif hFile

    /*  Get the file size (assuming file is smaller than 4 GB)         */
    len = mm.lenL;
    Memory = (char *)mm.memory;

    if (!len) {              // Empty or deleted file
      return false;
      } // endif len

    if (!Memory) {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(MAP_VIEW_ERROR),
                          filename, GetLastError());
      return true;
      } // endif Memory

#if defined(WIN32)
    if (mode != MODE_DELETE) {
#else   // !WIN32
    if (mode == MODE_READ) {
#endif  // !WIN32
      CloseFileHandle(hFile);                    // Not used anymore
      hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;              // For Fblock
      } // endif Mode

    /*  Link a Fblock. This make possible to reuse already opened maps */
    /*  and also to automatically unmap them in case of error g->jump. */
    /*  Note: block can already exist for previously closed file.      */
    fp = (PFBLOCK)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(FBLOCK));
    fp->Type = TYPE_FB_MAP;
    fp->Fname = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(filename) + 1);
    strcpy((char*)fp->Fname, filename);
    fp->Next = dbuserp->Openlist;
    dbuserp->Openlist = fp;
    fp->Count = 1;
    fp->Length = len;
    fp->Memory = Memory;
    fp->Mode = mode;
    fp->File = NULL;
    fp->Handle = hFile;                // Used for Delete
  } // endif fp

  To_Fb = fp;                               // Useful when closing

  /*  The pseudo "buffer" is here the entire file mapping view.        */
  Fpos = Mempos = Memory;
  Top = Memory + len;

  if (trace)
    htrc("fp=%p count=%d MapView=%p len=%d Top=%p\n",
          fp, fp->Count, Memory, len, Top);

  return AllocateBuffer(g);          // Useful for DBF files
  } // end of OpenTableFile

/*  GetRowID: return the RowID of last read record.                    */
int MAPFAM::GetRowID(void)
  return Rows;
  } // end of GetRowID

/*  GetPos: return the position of last read record.                   */
int MAPFAM::GetPos(void)
  return Fpos - Memory;
  } // end of GetPos

/*  GetNextPos: return the position of next record.                    */
int MAPFAM::GetNextPos(void)
  return Mempos - Memory;
  } // end of GetNextPos

/*  SetPos: Replace the table at the specified position.               */
bool MAPFAM::SetPos(PGLOBAL g, int pos)
  Fpos = Mempos = Memory + pos;

  if (Mempos >= Top || Mempos < Memory) {
    strcpy(g->Message, MSG(INV_MAP_POS));
    return true;
    } // endif Mempos

  Placed = true;
  return false;
  } // end of SetPos