/***************************************************************************** * ParseText: parse an text subtitle packet and send it to the video output *****************************************************************************/ static subpicture_t *ParseText( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; subpicture_t *p_spu = NULL; char *psz_subtitle = NULL; /* We cannot display a subpicture with no date */ if( p_block->i_pts <= VLC_TS_INVALID ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "subtitle without a date" ); return NULL; } /* Check validity of packet data */ /* An "empty" line containing only \0 can be used to force and ephemer picture from the screen */ if( p_block->i_buffer < 1 ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "no subtitle data" ); return NULL; } /* Should be resiliant against bad subtitles */ psz_subtitle = malloc( p_block->i_buffer + 1 ); if( psz_subtitle == NULL ) return NULL; memcpy( psz_subtitle, p_block->p_buffer, p_block->i_buffer ); psz_subtitle[p_block->i_buffer] = '\0'; if( p_sys->iconv_handle == (vlc_iconv_t)-1 ) { if (EnsureUTF8( psz_subtitle ) == NULL) { msg_Err( p_dec, "failed to convert subtitle encoding.\n" "Try manually setting a character-encoding " "before you open the file." ); } } else { if( p_sys->b_autodetect_utf8 ) { if( IsUTF8( psz_subtitle ) == NULL ) { msg_Dbg( p_dec, "invalid UTF-8 sequence: " "disabling UTF-8 subtitles autodetection" ); p_sys->b_autodetect_utf8 = false; } } if( !p_sys->b_autodetect_utf8 ) { size_t inbytes_left = strlen( psz_subtitle ); size_t outbytes_left = 6 * inbytes_left; char *psz_new_subtitle = xmalloc( outbytes_left + 1 ); char *psz_convert_buffer_out = psz_new_subtitle; const char *psz_convert_buffer_in = psz_subtitle; size_t ret = vlc_iconv( p_sys->iconv_handle, &psz_convert_buffer_in, &inbytes_left, &psz_convert_buffer_out, &outbytes_left ); *psz_convert_buffer_out++ = '\0'; free( psz_subtitle ); if( ( ret == (size_t)(-1) ) || inbytes_left ) { free( psz_new_subtitle ); msg_Err( p_dec, "failed to convert subtitle encoding.\n" "Try manually setting a character-encoding " "before you open the file." ); return NULL; } psz_subtitle = realloc( psz_new_subtitle, psz_convert_buffer_out - psz_new_subtitle ); if( !psz_subtitle ) psz_subtitle = psz_new_subtitle; } } /* Create the subpicture unit */ p_spu = decoder_NewSubpictureText( p_dec ); if( !p_spu ) { free( psz_subtitle ); return NULL; } p_spu->i_start = p_block->i_pts; p_spu->i_stop = p_block->i_pts + p_block->i_length; p_spu->b_ephemer = (p_block->i_length == 0); p_spu->b_absolute = false; subpicture_updater_sys_t *p_spu_sys = p_spu->updater.p_sys; p_spu_sys->align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM | p_sys->i_align; p_spu_sys->text = StripTags( psz_subtitle ); if( var_InheritBool( p_dec, "subsdec-formatted" ) ) p_spu_sys->html = CreateHtmlSubtitle( &p_spu_sys->align, psz_subtitle ); free( psz_subtitle ); return p_spu; }
/***************************************************************************** * ParseText: parse an text subtitle packet and send it to the video output *****************************************************************************/ static subpicture_t *ParseText( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; subpicture_t *p_spu = NULL; char *psz_subtitle = NULL; video_format_t fmt; /* We cannot display a subpicture with no date */ if( p_block->i_pts <= VLC_TS_INVALID ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "subtitle without a date" ); return NULL; } /* Check validity of packet data */ /* An "empty" line containing only \0 can be used to force and ephemer picture from the screen */ if( p_block->i_buffer < 1 ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "no subtitle data" ); return NULL; } /* Should be resiliant against bad subtitles */ psz_subtitle = malloc( p_block->i_buffer + 1 ); if( psz_subtitle == NULL ) return NULL; memcpy( psz_subtitle, p_block->p_buffer, p_block->i_buffer ); psz_subtitle[p_block->i_buffer] = '\0'; if( p_sys->iconv_handle == (vlc_iconv_t)-1 ) { if (EnsureUTF8( psz_subtitle ) == NULL) { msg_Err( p_dec, "failed to convert subtitle encoding.\n" "Try manually setting a character-encoding " "before you open the file." ); } } else { if( p_sys->b_autodetect_utf8 ) { if( IsUTF8( psz_subtitle ) == NULL ) { msg_Dbg( p_dec, "invalid UTF-8 sequence: " "disabling UTF-8 subtitles autodetection" ); p_sys->b_autodetect_utf8 = false; } } if( !p_sys->b_autodetect_utf8 ) { size_t inbytes_left = strlen( psz_subtitle ); size_t outbytes_left = 6 * inbytes_left; char *psz_new_subtitle = xmalloc( outbytes_left + 1 ); char *psz_convert_buffer_out = psz_new_subtitle; const char *psz_convert_buffer_in = psz_subtitle; size_t ret = vlc_iconv( p_sys->iconv_handle, &psz_convert_buffer_in, &inbytes_left, &psz_convert_buffer_out, &outbytes_left ); *psz_convert_buffer_out++ = '\0'; free( psz_subtitle ); if( ( ret == (size_t)(-1) ) || inbytes_left ) { free( psz_new_subtitle ); msg_Err( p_dec, "failed to convert subtitle encoding.\n" "Try manually setting a character-encoding " "before you open the file." ); return NULL; } psz_subtitle = realloc( psz_new_subtitle, psz_convert_buffer_out - psz_new_subtitle ); if( !psz_subtitle ) psz_subtitle = psz_new_subtitle; } } /* Create the subpicture unit */ p_spu = decoder_NewSubpicture( p_dec, NULL ); if( !p_spu ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "can't get spu buffer" ); free( psz_subtitle ); return NULL; } /* Create a new subpicture region */ memset( &fmt, 0, sizeof(video_format_t) ); fmt.i_chroma = VLC_CODEC_TEXT; fmt.i_width = fmt.i_height = 0; fmt.i_x_offset = fmt.i_y_offset = 0; p_spu->p_region = subpicture_region_New( &fmt ); if( !p_spu->p_region ) { msg_Err( p_dec, "cannot allocate SPU region" ); free( psz_subtitle ); decoder_DeleteSubpicture( p_dec, p_spu ); return NULL; } /* Decode and format the subpicture unit */ if( p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_SSA ) { /* Normal text subs, easy markup */ p_spu->p_region->i_align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM | p_sys->i_align; p_spu->p_region->i_x = p_sys->i_align ? 20 : 0; p_spu->p_region->i_y = 10; /* Remove formatting from string */ p_spu->p_region->psz_text = StripTags( psz_subtitle ); if( var_InheritBool( p_dec, "subsdec-formatted" ) ) { p_spu->p_region->psz_html = CreateHtmlSubtitle( &p_spu->p_region->i_align, psz_subtitle ); } p_spu->i_start = p_block->i_pts; p_spu->i_stop = p_block->i_pts + p_block->i_length; p_spu->b_ephemer = (p_block->i_length == 0); p_spu->b_absolute = false; } else { /* Decode SSA/USF strings */ ParseSSAString( p_dec, psz_subtitle, p_spu ); p_spu->i_start = p_block->i_pts; p_spu->i_stop = p_block->i_pts + p_block->i_length; p_spu->b_ephemer = (p_block->i_length == 0); p_spu->b_absolute = false; p_spu->i_original_picture_width = p_sys->i_original_width; p_spu->i_original_picture_height = p_sys->i_original_height; } free( psz_subtitle ); return p_spu; }