/*********************************************************** NAME : EvaluateAndStoreInDataObject DESCRIPTION : Evaluates slot-value expressions and stores the result in a Kernel data object INPUTS : 1) Flag indicating if multifields are OK 2) The value-expression 3) The data object structure 4) Flag indicating if a multifield value should be placed on the garbage list. RETURNS : FALSE on errors, TRUE otherwise SIDE EFFECTS : Segment allocated for storing multifield values NOTES : None ***********************************************************/ globle int EvaluateAndStoreInDataObject( void *theEnv, int mfp, EXPRESSION *theExp, DATA_OBJECT *val, int garbageSegment) { val->type = MULTIFIELD; val->begin = 0; val->end = -1; if (theExp == NULL) { if (garbageSegment) val->value = EnvCreateMultifield(theEnv,0L); else val->value = CreateMultifield2(theEnv,0L); return(TRUE); } if ((mfp == 0) && (theExp->nextArg == NULL)) EvaluateExpression(theEnv,theExp,val); else StoreInMultifield(theEnv,val,theExp,garbageSegment); return(EvaluationData(theEnv)->EvaluationError ? FALSE : TRUE); }
globle void *CopyMultifield( struct multifield *src) { struct multifield *dst; dst = (struct multifield *) CreateMultifield2(src->multifieldLength); GenCopyMemory(struct field,src->multifieldLength,&(dst->theFields[0]),&(src->theFields[0])); return((void *) dst); }
globle void DuplicateMultifield( DATA_OBJECT_PTR dst, DATA_OBJECT_PTR src) { dst->type = MULTIFIELD; dst->begin = 0; dst->end = src->end - src->begin; dst->value = (void *) CreateMultifield2(dst->end + 1); GenCopyMemory(struct field,dst->end + 1,&((struct multifield *) dst->value)->theFields[0], &((struct multifield *) src->value)->theFields[src->begin]); }
globle void *DOToMultifield( DATA_OBJECT *theValue) { struct multifield *dst, *src; if (theValue->type != MULTIFIELD) return(NULL); dst = (struct multifield *) CreateMultifield2(GetpDOLength(theValue)); src = (struct multifield *) theValue->value; GenCopyMemory(struct field,dst->multifieldLength, &(dst->theFields[0]),&(src->theFields[GetpDOBegin(theValue) - 1])); return((void *) dst); }
globle struct fact *CreateFact( void *vTheDeftemplate) { struct deftemplate *theDeftemplate = (struct deftemplate *) vTheDeftemplate; struct fact *newFact; int i; /*=================================*/ /* A deftemplate must be specified */ /* in order to create a fact. */ /*=================================*/ if (theDeftemplate == NULL) return(NULL); /*============================================*/ /* Create a fact for an explicit deftemplate. */ /*============================================*/ if (theDeftemplate->implied == FALSE) { newFact = CreateFactBySize((int) theDeftemplate->numberOfSlots); for (i = 0; i < (int) theDeftemplate->numberOfSlots; i++) { newFact->theProposition.theFields[i].type = RVOID; } } /*===========================================*/ /* Create a fact for an implied deftemplate. */ /*===========================================*/ else { newFact = CreateFactBySize(1); newFact->theProposition.theFields[0].type = MULTIFIELD; newFact->theProposition.theFields[0].value = CreateMultifield2(0L); } /*===============================*/ /* Return a pointer to the fact. */ /*===============================*/ newFact->whichDeftemplate = theDeftemplate; return(newFact); }
globle void AssertCommand( void *theEnv, DATA_OBJECT_PTR rv) { struct deftemplate *theDeftemplate; struct field *theField; DATA_OBJECT theValue; struct expr *theExpression; struct templateSlot *slotPtr; struct fact *newFact; int error = FALSE; int i; struct fact *theFact; /*===================================================*/ /* Set the default return value to the symbol FALSE. */ /*===================================================*/ SetpType(rv,SYMBOL); SetpValue(rv,EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv)); /*================================*/ /* Get the deftemplate associated */ /* with the fact being asserted. */ /*================================*/ theExpression = GetFirstArgument(); theDeftemplate = (struct deftemplate *) theExpression->value; /*=======================================*/ /* Create the fact and store the name of */ /* the deftemplate as the 1st field. */ /*=======================================*/ if (theDeftemplate->implied == FALSE) { newFact = CreateFactBySize(theEnv,theDeftemplate->numberOfSlots); slotPtr = theDeftemplate->slotList; } else { newFact = CreateFactBySize(theEnv,1); if (theExpression->nextArg == NULL) { newFact->theProposition.theFields[0].type = MULTIFIELD; newFact->theProposition.theFields[0].value = CreateMultifield2(theEnv,0L); } slotPtr = NULL; } newFact->whichDeftemplate = theDeftemplate; /*===================================================*/ /* Evaluate the expression associated with each slot */ /* and store the result in the appropriate slot of */ /* the newly created fact. */ /*===================================================*/ theField = newFact->theProposition.theFields; for (theExpression = theExpression->nextArg, i = 0; theExpression != NULL; theExpression = theExpression->nextArg, i++) { /*===================================================*/ /* Evaluate the expression to be stored in the slot. */ /*===================================================*/ EvaluateExpression(theEnv,theExpression,&theValue); /*============================================================*/ /* A multifield value can't be stored in a single field slot. */ /*============================================================*/ if ((slotPtr != NULL) ? (slotPtr->multislot == FALSE) && (theValue.type == MULTIFIELD) : FALSE) { MultiIntoSingleFieldSlotError(theEnv,slotPtr,theDeftemplate); theValue.type = SYMBOL; theValue.value = EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv); error = TRUE; } /*==============================*/ /* Store the value in the slot. */ /*==============================*/ theField[i].type = theValue.type; theField[i].value = theValue.value; /*========================================*/ /* Get the information for the next slot. */ /*========================================*/ if (slotPtr != NULL) slotPtr = slotPtr->next; } /*============================================*/ /* If an error occured while generating the */ /* fact's slot values, then abort the assert. */ /*============================================*/ if (error) { ReturnFact(theEnv,newFact); return; } /*================================*/ /* Add the fact to the fact-list. */ /*================================*/ theFact = (struct fact *) EnvAssert(theEnv,(void *) newFact); /*========================================*/ /* The asserted fact is the return value. */ /*========================================*/ if (theFact != NULL) { SetpType(rv,FACT_ADDRESS); SetpValue(rv,(void *) theFact); } return; }
globle void StoreInMultifield( void *theEnv, DATA_OBJECT *returnValue, EXPRESSION *expptr, int garbageSegment) { DATA_OBJECT val_ptr; DATA_OBJECT *val_arr; struct multifield *theMultifield; struct multifield *orig_ptr; long start, end, i,j, k, argCount; unsigned long seg_size; argCount = CountArguments(expptr); /*=========================================*/ /* If no arguments are given return a NULL */ /* multifield of length zero. */ /*=========================================*/ if (argCount == 0) { SetpType(returnValue,MULTIFIELD); SetpDOBegin(returnValue,1); SetpDOEnd(returnValue,0); if (garbageSegment) theMultifield = (struct multifield *) EnvCreateMultifield(theEnv,0L); else theMultifield = (struct multifield *) CreateMultifield2(theEnv,0L); SetpValue(returnValue,(void *) theMultifield); return; } else { /*========================================*/ /* Get a new segment with length equal to */ /* the total length of all the arguments. */ /*========================================*/ val_arr = (DATA_OBJECT *) gm3(theEnv,(long) sizeof(DATA_OBJECT) * argCount); seg_size = 0; for (i = 1; i <= argCount; i++, expptr = expptr->nextArg) { EvaluateExpression(theEnv,expptr,&val_ptr); if (EvaluationData(theEnv)->EvaluationError) { SetpType(returnValue,MULTIFIELD); SetpDOBegin(returnValue,1); SetpDOEnd(returnValue,0); if (garbageSegment) { theMultifield = (struct multifield *) EnvCreateMultifield(theEnv,0L); } else theMultifield = (struct multifield *) CreateMultifield2(theEnv,0L); SetpValue(returnValue,(void *) theMultifield); rm3(theEnv,val_arr,(long) sizeof(DATA_OBJECT) * argCount); return; } SetpType(val_arr+i-1,GetType(val_ptr)); if (GetType(val_ptr) == MULTIFIELD) { SetpValue(val_arr+i-1,GetpValue(&val_ptr)); start = GetDOBegin(val_ptr); end = GetDOEnd(val_ptr); } else if (GetType(val_ptr) == RVOID) { SetpValue(val_arr+i-1,GetValue(val_ptr)); start = 1; end = 0; } else { SetpValue(val_arr+i-1,GetValue(val_ptr)); start = end = -1; } seg_size += (unsigned long) (end - start + 1); SetpDOBegin(val_arr+i-1,start); SetpDOEnd(val_arr+i-1,end); } if (garbageSegment) { theMultifield = (struct multifield *) EnvCreateMultifield(theEnv,seg_size); } else theMultifield = (struct multifield *) CreateMultifield2(theEnv,seg_size); /*========================================*/ /* Copy each argument into new segment. */ /*========================================*/ for (k = 0, j = 1; k < argCount; k++) { if (GetpType(val_arr+k) == MULTIFIELD) { start = GetpDOBegin(val_arr+k); end = GetpDOEnd(val_arr+k); orig_ptr = (struct multifield *) GetpValue(val_arr+k); for (i = start; i < end + 1; i++, j++) { SetMFType(theMultifield,j,(GetMFType(orig_ptr,i))); SetMFValue(theMultifield,j,(GetMFValue(orig_ptr,i))); } } else if (GetpType(val_arr+k) != RVOID) { SetMFType(theMultifield,j,(short) (GetpType(val_arr+k))); SetMFValue(theMultifield,j,(GetpValue(val_arr+k))); j++; } } /*=========================*/ /* Return the new segment. */ /*=========================*/ SetpType(returnValue,MULTIFIELD); SetpDOBegin(returnValue,1); SetpDOEnd(returnValue,(long) seg_size); SetpValue(returnValue,(void *) theMultifield); rm3(theEnv,val_arr,(long) sizeof(DATA_OBJECT) * argCount); return; } }
globle void DeriveDefaultFromConstraints( void *theEnv, CONSTRAINT_RECORD *constraints, DATA_OBJECT *theDefault, int multifield, int garbageMultifield) { unsigned short theType; unsigned long minFields; void *theValue; /*=============================================================*/ /* If no constraints are specified, then use the symbol nil as */ /* a default for single field slots and a multifield of length */ /* 0 as a default for multifield slots. */ /*=============================================================*/ if (constraints == NULL) { if (multifield) { SetpType(theDefault,MULTIFIELD); SetpDOBegin(theDefault,1); SetpDOEnd(theDefault,0); if (garbageMultifield) SetpValue(theDefault,(void *) EnvCreateMultifield(theEnv,0L)); else SetpValue(theDefault,(void *) CreateMultifield2(theEnv,0L)); } else { theDefault->type = SYMBOL; theDefault->value = EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,(char*)"nil"); } return; } /*=========================================*/ /* Determine the default's type and value. */ /*=========================================*/ if (constraints->anyAllowed || constraints->symbolsAllowed) { theType = SYMBOL; theValue = FindDefaultValue(theEnv,SYMBOL,constraints,EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,(char*)"nil")); } else if (constraints->stringsAllowed) { theType = STRING; theValue = FindDefaultValue(theEnv,STRING,constraints,EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,(char*)"")); } else if (constraints->integersAllowed) { theType = INTEGER; theValue = FindDefaultValue(theEnv,INTEGER,constraints,EnvAddLong(theEnv,0LL)); } else if (constraints->floatsAllowed) { theType = FLOAT; theValue = FindDefaultValue(theEnv,FLOAT,constraints,EnvAddDouble(theEnv,0.0)); } #if OBJECT_SYSTEM else if (constraints->instanceNamesAllowed) { theType = INSTANCE_NAME; theValue = FindDefaultValue(theEnv,INSTANCE_NAME,constraints,EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,(char*)"nil")); } else if (constraints->instanceAddressesAllowed) { theType = INSTANCE_ADDRESS; theValue = (void *) &InstanceData(theEnv)->DummyInstance; } #endif #if DEFTEMPLATE_CONSTRUCT else if (constraints->factAddressesAllowed) { theType = FACT_ADDRESS; theValue = (void *) &FactData(theEnv)->DummyFact; } #endif else if (constraints->externalAddressesAllowed) { theType = EXTERNAL_ADDRESS; theValue = EnvAddExternalAddress(theEnv,NULL,0); } else { theType = SYMBOL; theValue = EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,(char*)"nil"); } /*=========================================================*/ /* If the default is for a multifield slot, then create a */ /* multifield default value that satisfies the cardinality */ /* constraints for the slot. The default value for a */ /* multifield slot is a multifield of length 0. */ /*=========================================================*/ if (multifield) { if (constraints->minFields == NULL) minFields = 0; else if (constraints->minFields->value == SymbolData(theEnv)->NegativeInfinity) minFields = 0; else minFields = (unsigned long) ValueToLong(constraints->minFields->value); SetpType(theDefault,MULTIFIELD); SetpDOBegin(theDefault,1); SetpDOEnd(theDefault,(long) minFields); if (garbageMultifield) SetpValue(theDefault,(void *) EnvCreateMultifield(theEnv,minFields)); else SetpValue(theDefault,(void *) CreateMultifield2(theEnv,minFields)); for (; minFields > 0; minFields--) { SetMFType(GetpValue(theDefault),minFields,theType); SetMFValue(GetpValue(theDefault),minFields,theValue); } } else { theDefault->type = theType; theDefault->value = theValue; } }