Exemple #1
void ShadowView::Activate()
  DALI_ASSERT_ALWAYS( Self().OnStage() && "ShadowView should be on stage before calling Activate()\n" );

  // make sure resources are allocated and start the render tasks processing
void SpreadFilter::Enable()
  mCameraActor = CameraActor::New();

  // create actor to render input with applied emboss effect
  mActorForInput = ImageActor::New( mInputImage );
  mActorForInput.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
  mActorForInput.ApplyConstraint( Constraint::New<Vector3>( Actor::SIZE, ParentSource( Actor::SIZE ), EqualToConstraint() ) );
  mActorForInput.ScaleBy( Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f) );

  // create internal offscreen for result of horizontal pass
  mImageForHorz = FrameBufferImage::New( mTargetSize.width, mTargetSize.height, mPixelFormat, Image::Unused );

  // create an actor to render mImageForHorz for vertical blur pass
  mActorForHorz = ImageActor::New( mImageForHorz );
  mActorForHorz.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
  mActorForHorz.ApplyConstraint( Constraint::New<Vector3>( Actor::SIZE, ParentSource( Actor::SIZE ), EqualToConstraint() ) );
  mActorForHorz.ScaleBy( Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f) );

  mRootActor.Add( mActorForInput );
  mRootActor.Add( mActorForHorz );
  mRootActor.Add( mCameraActor );

  std::ostringstream fragmentSource;
  if( mDebugRender )
    fragmentSource << "#define DEBUG_RENDER\n";
  fragmentSource << SPREAD_FRAGMENT_SOURCE;

  mShaderForHorz = ShaderEffect::New( "", fragmentSource.str() );
  mActorForInput.SetShaderEffect( mShaderForHorz );
  mShaderForHorz.SetUniform( "uSpread", mSpread );
  mShaderForHorz.SetUniform( "uTexScale", Vector2( 1.0f / mTargetSize.width, 0.0f ) );

  mShaderForVert = ShaderEffect::New( "", fragmentSource.str() );
  mActorForHorz.SetShaderEffect( mShaderForVert );
  mShaderForVert.SetUniform( "uSpread", mSpread );
  mShaderForVert.SetUniform( "uTexScale", Vector2( 0.0f, 1.0f / mTargetSize.height ) );

void GaussianBlurView::Activate()
    // make sure resources are allocated and start the render tasks processing