Exemple #1
wxToolBarToolBase *
wxToolBarBase::InsertControl(size_t pos,
                             wxControl *control,
                             const wxString& label)
    wxCHECK_MSG( control, NULL,
                 _T("toolbar: can't insert NULL control") );

    wxCHECK_MSG( control->GetParent() == this, NULL,
                 _T("control must have toolbar as parent") );

    wxCHECK_MSG( pos <= GetToolsCount(), NULL,
                 _T("invalid position in wxToolBar::InsertControl()") );

    wxToolBarToolBase *tool = CreateTool(control, label);

    if ( !InsertTool(pos, tool) )
        delete tool;

        return NULL;

    return tool;
Exemple #2
wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolBarBase::InsertTool(size_t pos,
                                             int id,
                                             const wxString& label,
                                             const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                             const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled,
                                             wxItemKind kind,
                                             const wxString& shortHelp,
                                             const wxString& longHelp,
                                             wxObject *clientData)
    wxCHECK_MSG( pos <= GetToolsCount(), NULL,
                 _T("invalid position in wxToolBar::InsertTool()") );

    wxToolBarToolBase *tool = CreateTool(id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind,
                                         clientData, shortHelp, longHelp);

    if ( !InsertTool(pos, tool) )
        delete tool;

        return NULL;

    return tool;
void AGameplayDebuggingReplicator::OnRep_AutoActivate()
	// we are already replicated so let's activate tool
	if (GetWorld() && GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_Client && !IsToolCreated() && !IsGlobalInWorld())
wxToolBarToolBase *
wxToolBarBase::InsertControl(size_t pos,
                             wxControl *control,
                             const wxString& label)
    wxCHECK_MSG( control, NULL,
                 wxT("toolbar: can't insert NULL control") );

    wxCHECK_MSG( control->GetParent() == this, NULL,
                 wxT("control must have toolbar as parent") );

    return DoInsertNewTool(pos, CreateTool(control, label));
wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolBarBase::InsertTool(size_t pos,
                                             int toolid,
                                             const wxString& label,
                                             const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                             const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled,
                                             wxItemKind kind,
                                             const wxString& shortHelp,
                                             const wxString& longHelp,
                                             wxObject *clientData)
    wxCHECK_MSG( pos <= GetToolsCount(), NULL,
                 wxT("invalid position in wxToolBar::InsertTool()") );

    return DoInsertNewTool(pos, CreateTool(toolid, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind,
                                           clientData, shortHelp, longHelp));
Exemple #6
wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolBarBase::InsertSeparator(size_t pos)
    wxCHECK_MSG( pos <= GetToolsCount(), NULL,
                 _T("invalid position in wxToolBar::InsertSeparator()") );

    wxToolBarToolBase *tool = CreateTool(wxID_SEPARATOR,
                                         wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap,
                                         wxITEM_SEPARATOR, NULL,
                                         wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString);

    if ( !tool || !DoInsertTool(pos, tool) )
        delete tool;

        return NULL;

    m_tools.Insert(pos, tool);

    return tool;