// // Customize the jump list and add a user task to Task category // HRESULT JumpList::AddUserTask(const wchar_t* applicationPath, const wchar_t* title, const wchar_t* commandLine) { // Create a destination list HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DestinationList, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_destinationList)); // Set application Id if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_destinationList->SetAppID(m_appId.c_str()); } // Begin to build a session for the jump list if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { UINT cMinSlots; hr = m_destinationList->BeginList(&cMinSlots, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_objectArray)); } // Add User tasks if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreateUserTask(applicationPath, title, commandLine); } // Commit list if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_destinationList->CommitList(); } return hr; }
/***************************************************************************** * Function Name // task_start * Descriptor // before create multi_task, we create a task_start task * // in this example, this task display the cpu usage * Input * Output * Return ****************************************************************************/ void task_start (void *data) { extern void CreateUserTask(void); extern void RestoreParamToDefault(void); int err; u8 mac_addr[6]; u8 tx_gain[12]; u8 errstatus; tls_irq_init(); /* initial os ticker */ tls_os_timer_init(); #if OS_TASK_STAT_EN > 0 /* Initialize uC/OS-II's statistics */ OSStatInit(); #endif tls_spi_slave_sel(SPI_SLAVE_FLASH); tls_spi_init(); tls_fls_init(); tls_fls_gd25qxx_drv_install(); tls_restore_param_from_backup(); RestoreParamToDefault(); //tls_param_to_default(); err = tls_param_init(); if (err) { TLS_DBGPRT_INFO("read spi param err\n"); } tls_fwup_init(); /* ¶ÁÈ¡efuseÖеÄmacµØÖ· */ tls_get_mac_addr(mac_addr); tls_get_tx_gain(tx_gain); TLS_DBGPRT_INFO("tx gain "); TLS_DBGPRT_DUMP(&tx_gain[0], 12); TLS_DBGPRT_INFO("mac addr "); TLS_DBGPRT_DUMP(&mac_addr[0], 6); if(tls_wl_init(tx_gain, &mac_addr[0]) == NULL){ TLS_DBGPRT_INFO("wl driver initial failured\n"); } if (wpa_supplicant_init(mac_addr)) { TLS_DBGPRT_INFO("supplicant initial failured\n"); } tls_ethernet_init(); tls_sys_init(); #if TLS_CONFIG_HOSTIF tls_hostif_init(); #endif #if (TLS_CONFIG_HOSTIF && TLS_CONFIG_HS_SPI) tls_hspi_init(); #endif #if (TLS_CONFIG_HOSTIF &&TLS_CONFIG_UART) tls_uart_init(); #endif tls_sys_auto_mode_run(); tls_netif_add_status_event(tls_main_net_status_changed); BLINKTIMER = OSTmrCreate(0, 10, 2, BlinkTimerProc, NULL, NULL, &errstatus); if (BLINKTIMER){ OSTmrStart(BLINKTIMER, &errstatus); } tls_wifi_one_shot_init(); disp_version_info(); /* User start here */ CreateUserTask(); for (;;) { tls_os_time_delay(0x10000000); } }