void DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve::createControls (QGridLayout *layout,
                                               int &row)
  LOG4CPP_INFO_S ((*mainCat)) << "DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve::createControls";

  m_boxCursor = new QGroupBox ("Cursor");
  layout->addWidget (m_boxCursor, row++, 1, 1, 2);

  // Layout inside cursor group box
  QGridLayout *layoutCursor = new QGridLayout;
  m_boxCursor->setLayout (layoutCursor);
  int rowCursor = 0;

  QLabel *labelCursorType = new QLabel("Type:");
  layoutCursor->addWidget (labelCursorType, rowCursor, 0);

  m_btnStandard = new QRadioButton ("Standard cross");
  m_btnStandard->setWhatsThis (tr ("Selects the standard cross cursor"));
  layoutCursor->addWidget (m_btnStandard, rowCursor++, 1);
  connect (m_btnStandard, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (slotCursorStandard(bool)));

  m_btnCustom = new QRadioButton ("Custom cross");
  m_btnCustom->setWhatsThis (tr ("Selects a custom cursor based on the settings selected below"));
  layoutCursor->addWidget (m_btnCustom, rowCursor++, 1);
  connect (m_btnCustom, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (slotCursorCustom(bool)));

  QLabel *labelSize = new QLabel("Size (pixels):");
  layoutCursor->addWidget (labelSize, rowCursor, 0);

  m_cmbSize = new QComboBox;
  m_cmbSize->addItem (QString::number (CursorSizeToPixels (CURSOR_SIZE_16)), QVariant (CURSOR_SIZE_16));
  m_cmbSize->addItem (QString::number (CursorSizeToPixels (CURSOR_SIZE_32)), QVariant (CURSOR_SIZE_32));
  m_cmbSize->addItem (QString::number (CursorSizeToPixels (CURSOR_SIZE_48)), QVariant (CURSOR_SIZE_48));
  m_cmbSize->addItem (QString::number (CursorSizeToPixels (CURSOR_SIZE_64)), QVariant (CURSOR_SIZE_64));
  ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_cmbSize->count() == NUM_CURSOR_SIZES);
  m_cmbSize->setWhatsThis (tr ("Horizontal and vertical size of the cursor in pixels"));
  layoutCursor->addWidget (m_cmbSize, rowCursor++, 1);
  connect (m_cmbSize, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (const QString &)), this, SLOT (slotCursorSize (const QString &)));

  QLabel *labelInnerRadius = new QLabel("Inner radius (pixels):");
  layoutCursor->addWidget (labelInnerRadius, rowCursor, 0);

  m_spinInnerRadius = new QSpinBox;
  m_spinInnerRadius->setRange (INNER_RADIUS_MIN, INNER_RADIUS_MAX);
  m_spinInnerRadius->setWhatsThis (tr ("Radius of circle at the center of the cursor that will remain empty"));
  layoutCursor->addWidget (m_spinInnerRadius, rowCursor++, 1);
  connect (m_spinInnerRadius, SIGNAL (valueChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT (slotCursorInnerRadius (const QString &)));

  QLabel *labelLineWidth = new QLabel("Line width (pixels):");
  layoutCursor->addWidget (labelLineWidth, rowCursor, 0);

  m_spinLineWidth = new QSpinBox;
  m_spinLineWidth->setRange (LINE_WIDTH_MIN, LINE_WIDTH_MAX);
  m_spinLineWidth->setWhatsThis (tr ("Width of each arm of the cross of the cursor"));
  layoutCursor->addWidget (m_spinLineWidth, rowCursor++, 1);
  connect (m_spinLineWidth, SIGNAL (valueChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT (slotCursorLineWidth (const QString &)));
QCursor CursorFactory::generate (const DocumentModelDigitizeCurve &modelDigitizeCurve) const
  // To prevent hideous drawing errors when the line is thicker, we
  // leave a padding region around the outside equal in size to the line width
  int innerRadius = modelDigitizeCurve.cursorInnerRadius();
  int size = CursorSizeToPixels (modelDigitizeCurve.cursorSize());
  int halfSize = size / 2;
  int lineWidth = modelDigitizeCurve.cursorLineWidth();
  int halfLineWidth = lineWidth / 2;

  if (modelDigitizeCurve.cursorStandardCross()) {

    // Standard cursor
    return QCursor (Qt::CrossCursor);

  } else {

    // Custom cursor
    const int BACKGROUND_COLOR = Qt::white, FOREGROUND_COLOR = Qt::black;

    // Cursor is created with pic image (which has nontrivial pen) masked by picMask image
    // (which has single color pen)
    QPixmap picMask (size,
    QPainter picMaskPaint (&picMask);
    picMask.fill (QColor (BACKGROUND_COLOR));

    QPen pen (QBrush (FOREGROUND_COLOR),
    picMaskPaint.setPen (pen);

    picMaskPaint.drawLine (QPointF (halfSize,
                                    halfSize - innerRadius - halfLineWidth),
                           QPointF (halfSize,
                                    lineWidth)); // Up
    picMaskPaint.drawLine (QPointF (halfSize - innerRadius - halfLineWidth,
                           QPointF (lineWidth,
                                    halfSize)); // Left
    picMaskPaint.drawLine (QPointF (halfSize,
                                    halfSize + innerRadius + halfLineWidth),
                           QPointF (halfSize,
                                    size - 1 - lineWidth)); // Down
    picMaskPaint.drawLine (QPointF (halfSize + innerRadius + halfLineWidth,
                           QPointF (size - 1 - lineWidth,
                                    halfSize)); // Right

    QPixmap pic (size,
    pic.fill (QColor (FOREGROUND_COLOR));

    return QCursor (pic.createMaskFromColor(QColor (BACKGROUND_COLOR)),
                  picMask.createMaskFromColor(QColor (BACKGROUND_COLOR)));
void DlgSettingsDigitizeCurve::updateControls()
  // Cursor has to fit into current extent
  bool isGoodState = 2 * (m_modelDigitizeCurveAfter->cursorInnerRadius() + LINE_LENGTH_MIN) <=
                     CursorSizeToPixels (m_modelDigitizeCurveAfter->cursorSize());
  enableOk (isGoodState);

  m_spinInnerRadius->setEnabled (m_btnCustom->isChecked());
  m_cmbSize->setEnabled (m_btnCustom->isChecked());
  m_spinLineWidth->setEnabled (m_btnCustom->isChecked());