int main(int Count, char* Switches[]) { bool sound = true; int width = 0; int height = 0; for (int i = 1; i < Count; ++i) { const string argument(Switches[i]); //screen size if (i == 1 && !argument.empty() && isdigit(argument[0])) { szt xPos = FindCharacter(argument, 'x'); if (xPos != string::npos) { width = Abs(IntoInt(CutString(argument, 0, xPos))); height = Abs(IntoInt(CutString(argument, xPos + 1))); } } if (argument == "-s" || argument == "-silent" || argument == "-no-sound") { sound = false; } } Reader reader(width, height, 32, sound); if (reader.Init()) { ulint lastTime = 0; real deltaTime = 0.1; while (reader.Tick(deltaTime)) { deltaTime = Input::LimitFPS(lastTime); } return 0; } else { LOG("Reader initialisation failed."); return 1; } }
Image::Image(MediaManager& Manager, const string& AssetName, const string& Params) : Asset(Manager, AssetName) { string params = GetCleanWhitespace(Params); szt xPos = FindCharacter(params, ','); Filename = Media.AssetDir + CutString(params, 0, xPos); if (xPos != string::npos) { Priority = 1; szt yPos = FindCharacter(params, ',', ++xPos); const string& x = CutString(params, xPos, yPos); X = IntoReal(x); if (yPos != string::npos) { szt zoomPos = FindCharacter(params, ',', ++yPos); const string& y = CutString(params, yPos, zoomPos); Y = IntoReal(y); if (zoomPos != string::npos) { szt orderPos = FindCharacter(params, ',', ++zoomPos); const string& zoom = CutString(params, zoomPos, orderPos); Zoom = IntoReal(zoom); if (orderPos != string::npos) { const string& order = CutString(params, orderPos); Priority = Abs(IntoInt(order)) + 1; //0 reserved for BG } } } } else { BG = true; } }
std::string Fonts::CutDoubleString(std::string& ori, const char delim1, const char delim2) { std::string res; CutString(ori, delim1); res = CutString(ori, delim2); return res; }
/** @brief Return true only if a non-empty line is returned, remove indentation */ bool File::GetLine(string& Buffer) { if (!Opened || Stream.eof()) { return false; } else { getline(Stream, Buffer); if (Buffer.empty()) { return false; } // remove whitespace from start szt posStart = 0; cszt length = Buffer.size(); while (posStart < length && (Buffer[posStart] == ' ' || Buffer[posStart] == '\t')) { ++posStart; } // remove whitespace from end szt posEnd = length; while (posEnd > posStart && (Buffer[posEnd - 1] == ' ' || Buffer[posEnd - 1] == '\t')) { --posEnd; } if (posStart || posEnd < length) { if (posStart == posEnd) { Buffer.clear(); return false; } else { Buffer = CutString(Buffer, posStart, posEnd); } } return true; } }
bool CResources::LoadString(CTextFile& file) { while(!file.Eof()) { CString line; file.ReadLine(line); line.Trim(); if (line == _T("BEGIN")) break; } if (file.Eof()) return false; int sepcount = 0; while(!file.Eof()) { CString line; file.ReadLine(line); CAtlArray<CString> Words; CutString(line, Words); CString word = Words[0]; if(word == _T("END")) return true; ResString item; item.m_ID = word; if (Words.GetCount() > 1) { item.m_String = Words[1]; } } return false; }
void TokenChannels_t::ClearString( const char *in, char *out, int maxlen ) { bool bOnlyValidChannels = true; TokenChannels_t tmp; tmp.Tokenize( in ); if ( tmp.bHasAnyValues ) bOnlyValidChannels = false; int slot = 0; char *writer = out; const char *reader = in; while ( reader && *reader ) { if ( GetChannelNumFromChar( reader ) >= 0 || ( !bOnlyValidChannels && *reader >= '0' && *reader <= '9' ) || ( !bOnlyValidChannels && *reader == ' ' ) || ( !bOnlyValidChannels && *reader == '.' ) ) { if ( slot >= (maxlen-1) ) break; *writer = *reader; writer++; slot++; } reader++; } Assert( slot < maxlen ); *writer = '\0'; RemoveDuplicatedSpaces( out ); CutString( out ); }
//截取Section void CINIsoc::CutString(char* fid, int len, CString& sFile) { char *pline_head = fid; int readtotal = 0; //纳入内存池,从缓存中申请,更快 char* buf = theApp.m_memPool.NewMem(KEY_BUF); if(NULL==buf) return; memset(buf,0,KEY_BUF); DWORD wRet = 0; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { if(fid[i] == 0x0) { CString str ; str.Format("%s",pline_head); //截取Section中的keys wRet = 0; wRet = ::GetPrivateProfileSection(str,buf,KEY_BUF,sFile);//某个section的所有内容 if(wRet > 0){ ATF_MAP atf_map; CutString(buf,wRet,atf_map); str.MakeUpper(); //统一大写 2011.10.17 //插入节点 m_SectMap.insert( SECT_PAIRMAP( str, atf_map ) ); } if(fid[i+1] == 0x0) break;//字段结束; pline_head = fid+i+1; } } //纳入内存池 theApp.m_memPool.FreeMem(buf); }
bool CResToolbar::Load(CTextFile& file) { CString line; while(!file.Eof()) { file.ReadLine(line); if (line == _T("BEGIN")) break; } if (file.Eof()) return false; int sepcount = 0; while(!file.Eof()) { CString line; file.ReadLine(line); CAtlArray<CString> Words; CutString(line, Words); CString word = Words[0]; if(word == _T("BUTTON") || word == _T("SEPARATOR")) { ResToolbarItem item; item.m_Type = word; if(word == _T("BUTTON")) { if (Words.GetCount() > 1) { item.m_ID = Words[1]; } m_vItems.Add(item); } } else if(word == _T("END")) return true; } return false; }
// 启动logUpload上传器 void StartLogUpload( wstring strUrlPath ) { wchar_t szBuf[PATH_SIZE]; GetCurrentDirectory(PATH_SIZE, szBuf); wchar_t szCmdLine[PATH_SIZE]; wcscpy_s(szCmdLine, PATH_SIZE, L"\""); wcscat_s(szCmdLine, PATH_SIZE, szBuf); wchar_t* ptr = NULL; // 拼凑Url.ini路径 wchar_t szIniPath[PATH_SIZE]; wcscpy_s(szIniPath, PATH_SIZE, szBuf); wcscat_s(szIniPath, PATH_SIZE, L"/"); wcscat_s(szIniPath, PATH_SIZE, strUrlPath.c_str()); // 拼凑log目录 TransferBacklash(szCmdLine); CutString(szCmdLine); wcscat_s(szCmdLine, PATH_SIZE, L"/var"); wcscat_s(szCmdLine, PATH_SIZE, L"\""); wchar_t szLogHost[PATH_SIZE]; DWORD dwRet = GetPrivateProfileString(L"Setting", UP_SERVER, NULL, szLogHost, PATH_SIZE, szIniPath); if (wcscmp(szLogHost, L"") == 0) { return; } if ( dwRet == 0 ) wprintf(L"Can't read ini file: %s %d\n", szIniPath, GetLastError()); wcscat_s(szLogHost, PATH_SIZE, L"/"); wcscat_s(szLogHost, PATH_SIZE, HOST_FILE); ptr = szCmdLine + wcslen(szCmdLine); *ptr++ = L' '; *ptr = L'\0'; size_t nLeaveSize = PATH_SIZE - wcslen(szCmdLine) - 1; wcscat_s(ptr, nLeaveSize, szLogHost); ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", L"UploadLog.exe", szCmdLine, NULL, SW_HIDE); }
/** @brief create layout based on string */ bool Layout::Init(const string& Text) { if (Text.size() != (BOX_TYPE_MAX * 3 + 7)) { LOG("mangled layout string"); return false; } // read this: 0132 3111 1111 0 00 // ---- szt offset = 0; for (szt i = 0, fSz = BOX_TYPE_MAX; i < fSz; ++i) { Order[i] = (boxType)IntoInt(Text[offset + i]); } offset += BOX_TYPE_MAX; ++offset; // read this: 0132 3111 1111 0 00 // ---- for (szt i = 0, fSz = BOX_TYPE_MAX; i < fSz; ++i) { Side[i] = (side)IntoInt(Text[offset + i]); } offset += BOX_TYPE_MAX; ++offset; // read this: 0132 3111 1111 0 00 // ---- for (szt i = 0, fSz = BOX_TYPE_MAX; i < fSz; ++i) { Active[i] = IntoInt(Text[offset + i]); } offset += BOX_TYPE_MAX; ++offset; // read this: 0132 3111 1111 0 00 // - SizeSpan = IntoInt(Text[offset]); offset += 2; // read this: 0132 3111 1111 0 00 // -- Split = IntoReal(CutString(Text, offset, offset + 2)) / (real)100; return true; };
bool CResMenu::Load(CTextFile &file) { int level = 0; CString buffer;//next line CString line; CAtlArray<CString> Words; while(!file.Eof()) { CString word; if (buffer.IsEmpty()) { file.ReadLine(line); } else { line = buffer; buffer.Empty(); } CutString(line, Words); if (Words[0] == _T("BEGIN")) { continue; } if (Words[0] == _T("END")) { return true; } if (Words[0] == _T("POPUP")) { CResMenu SubMenu; SubMenu.m_String = Words[1]; if (!SubMenu.Load(file)) return false; m_SubMenus.Add(SubMenu); } if (Words[0] == _T("MENUITEM")) { file.ReadLine(buffer); buffer.TrimLeft(); buffer.TrimRight(); while (_tcsncmp(buffer, _T("MENUITEM"), 8) && _tcsncmp(buffer, _T("POPUP"), 5) && _tcsncmp(buffer, _T("BEGIN"), 5) && _tcsncmp(buffer, _T("END"), 3)) { // line += _T(" ") + buffer; CutString(line, Words); file.ReadLine(buffer); buffer.TrimLeft(); buffer.TrimRight(); } ResMenuItem newitem; if (Words.GetCount() > 1) { newitem.m_String = Words[1]; if (newitem.m_String == _T("SEPARATOR") && Words.GetCount() == 2) { } else { newitem.m_String.Replace(_T("\"\""), _T("\"")); newitem.m_ID = Words[2]; if (Words.GetCount() > 3) { newitem.m_Style = Words[3]; } } } m_vItems.Add(newitem); } } return false; }
bool CResources::Load(LPCTSTR filename, bool bAppend /* = false */) { CTextFile file; if (!bAppend) { m_Dialogs.RemoveAll(); m_Menus.RemoveAll(); m_Toolbars.RemoveAll(); m_Accels.RemoveAll(); m_Icons.RemoveAll(); m_Bitmaps.RemoveAll(); m_Cursors.RemoveAll(); } if(!file.Open(filename)) { return false; } while(!file.Eof()) { CString line; file.ReadLine(line); if (line.IsEmpty()) continue; line.TrimLeft(); if (line.GetLength() >= 2 && line[0] == _T('/') && line[1] == _T('/')) continue; if (line[0] == _T('#')) continue; CAtlArray<CString> Words; CutString(line, Words); { CString word; if (Words.GetCount() > 1) { word = Words[1]; } else { word.Empty(); } if (word == _T("DESIGNINFO")) { //skip disign info while(!file.Eof()) { file.ReadLine(line); line.Trim(); if (line == _T("BEGIN")) break; } if (file.Eof()) return false; int Level = 1; while(!file.Eof() && Level) { file.ReadLine(line); line.Trim(); if (line == _T("BEGIN")) Level++; if (line == _T("END")) Level--; } if (Level) return false; else continue; } if(word == _T("MENU")) { CResMenu newmenu; newmenu.m_ID = Words[0]; newmenu.Load(file); m_Menus.Add(newmenu); } else if( word == _T("TOOLBAR") ) { CResToolbar newtoolbar; newtoolbar.m_ID = Words[0]; newtoolbar.Load(file); m_Toolbars.Add(newtoolbar); } else if( (word == _T("DIALOG")) || word == _T("DIALOGEX") ) { CResDialog newdialog; newdialog.m_ID = Words[0]; newdialog.m_Type = word; newdialog.Load(file); m_Dialogs.Add(newdialog); } else if( word == _T("BITMAP") || word == _T("ICON") || word == _T("CURSOR") ) { ResBinary m_simple; m_simple.m_ID = Words[0]; if(word == _T("BITMAP")) m_Bitmaps.Add(m_simple); else if(word == _T("ICON")) m_Icons.Add(m_simple); else m_Cursors.Add(m_simple); } else if(word == _T("ACCELERATORS")) { CResAccelerators accels; accels.m_ID = Words[0]; accels.Load(file); m_Accels.Add(accels); } else { if(Words.GetCount() > 0 && (Words[0] == _T("STRINGTABLE"))) { LoadString(file); } } } } return true; }
/** @brief parses the save file and fills histories (does't load any snapshot) */ bool Session::Load() { File Save; const string& savePath = STORY_DIR + SLASH + BookName + SLASH + Filename + SESSION_EXT; if (!Disk::Exists(savePath) || !Save.Read(savePath)) { LOG(savePath + " - save file missing"); return false; } string buffer; Save.GetLine(buffer); // session name: Save.GetLine(Name); Save.GetLine(buffer); // book title: Save.GetLine(BookName); Save.GetLine(buffer); Save.GetLine(buffer); // steps taken: Save.GetLine(buffer); // # Save.GetLine(buffer); // queue while (Save.GetLine(buffer)) { QueueHistory.push_back(buffer); } // assets Save.GetLine(buffer); // asset states: Save.GetLine(buffer); // # Save.GetLine(buffer); while (Save.GetLine(buffer)) { string historyEntry = buffer; while (Save.GetLine(buffer)) { historyEntry += "\n"; historyEntry += buffer; } AssetsHistory.push_back(historyEntry); } // values Save.GetLine(buffer); // tracked values: Save.GetLine(buffer); // # // resize the array to fit all the values tracked ValuesHistories.resize(IntoSizeT(buffer)); Save.GetLine(buffer); while (Save.GetLine(buffer)) { string indexBuffer; Save.GetLine(indexBuffer); cszt index = IntoSizeT(indexBuffer); ValuesHistoryNames[buffer] = IntoSizeT(index); while (Save.GetLine(buffer)) { ValuesHistories[index].push_back(buffer); } } // changes while (Save.GetLine(buffer)) { cszt pos = FindCharacter(buffer, VALUE_SEPARATOR); const string& valueIndex = CutString(buffer, 0, pos); const string& changeIndex = CutString(buffer, pos + 1); cszt_pair change(IntoSizeT(valueIndex), IntoSizeT(changeIndex)); ValuesChanges.push_back(change); } // snapshots while (Save.GetLine(buffer)) { cszt pos = FindCharacter(buffer, VALUE_SEPARATOR); cszt pos2 = FindCharacter(buffer, VALUE_SEPARATOR, pos + 1); const string& queueIndex = CutString(buffer, 0, pos); const string& assetIndex = CutString(buffer, pos + 1, pos2); const string& changeIndex = CutString(buffer, pos2 + 1); const Snapshot loadedSnapshot(IntoSizeT(queueIndex), IntoSizeT(assetIndex), IntoSizeT(changeIndex)); Snapshots.push_back(loadedSnapshot); } // bookmarks while (Save.GetLine(buffer)) { cszt index = IntoSizeT(buffer); string bookmarkDescription; while (Save.GetLine(buffer)) { bookmarkDescription += buffer; } Bookmarks[index].Description = bookmarkDescription; } // repeat last snapshot LoadSnapshot(Snapshots.size() - 1); return true; }
//装载INI配置文件 void CINIsoc::Loadini() { if( !m_SectMap.empty() ) { //清理列表 Clear(); } //纳入内存池,从缓存中申请,更快 char* buf = theApp.m_memPool.NewMem(SECTION_BUF); if(NULL==buf) return; memset(buf,0,SECTION_BUF); //日志标记 UINT uiRet = ::GetPrivateProfileInt("System", "IsLog", 0, theApp.m_sPathDll+"s_tztredis.ini"); if( uiRet > 0 ) theApp.m_logMgt.m_bStartlog = true; //数据库相关信息 { CString sGlobleFile = theApp.m_sPath+_T("server.ini"); char chTemp[50] = {0}; #ifdef XWB_SQL_LINK //2013.06.06 xuwb SQL版 ::GetPrivateProfileString("connect", "address", "", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); m_DataSource = chTemp; m_DataSource.Trim(); #else//Oracle版 ::GetPrivateProfileString("connect", "sysdb", "", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); m_DataSource = chTemp; m_DataSource.Trim(); #endif memset(chTemp,0,50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("connect", "username", "", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); m_UserID = chTemp; m_UserID.Trim(); memset(chTemp,0,50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("connect", "password", "", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); m_Password = chTemp; m_Password.Trim(); //增加多APP支持,2015.09.07 memset(chTemp,0,50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("HSCOMM", "IsMultiApp", "", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); m_isMultiApp = chTemp; m_Password.Trim(); //2013.06.06 增加sql数据库配置 InitialCatalog memset(chTemp,0,50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("connect", "sysdb", "", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); m_InitialCatalog = chTemp; m_InitialCatalog.Trim(); memset(chTemp,0,50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("comm", "systype", "0", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); m_SysType = chTemp; m_SysType.Trim(); memset(chTemp,0,50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("HSCOMM", "centerNo", "", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); m_center_no = chTemp; m_center_no.Trim(); ::GetPrivateProfileString("HSCOMM", "IsCluster", "N", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); //2015.07.30 m_isCluster = chTemp; m_isCluster.Trim(); m_PageSize = ::GetPrivateProfileInt("connect", "Page_size", 50, sGlobleFile); m_centerCount = ::GetPrivateProfileInt("HSCOMM", "centerCount", 1, sGlobleFile); memset(chTemp, 0, 50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("HSCOMM", "Port", "", chTemp, 50, sGlobleFile); //外壳监听端口 m_MainPort = chTemp; m_MainPort.Trim(); } CString sFile = theApp.m_sPathDll+_T("s_tztredis.ini"); char chTemp[50] = {0}; ::GetPrivateProfileString("alarm", "StockBgnTime", "", chTemp, 50, sFile);//开始同步股票市场号时间2015.06.27 m_StockBgnTime = chTemp; m_StockBgnTime.Trim(); memset(chTemp, 0, 50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("alarm", "StockEndTime", "", chTemp, 50, sFile);//结束同步股票市场号时间2015.06.27 m_StockEndTime = chTemp; m_StockEndTime.Trim(); m_AlarmThreadNo = ::GetPrivateProfileInt("alarm", "AlarmThreadNo", 10, sFile); //预警线程数 m_msgTimeOut = ::GetPrivateProfileInt("comm", "MsgTimeOut", 30, sFile); //消息超时删除时间(默认30天) memset(chTemp, 0, 50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("alarm", "AlarmMenu", "203", chTemp, 50, sFile);//预警栏目2016.03.04 m_alarmMenu = chTemp; m_alarmMenu.Trim(); memset(chTemp, 0, 50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("alarm", "MenuType", "2", chTemp, 50, sFile);//预警栏目类型 m_alarmType = chTemp; m_alarmType.Trim(); memset(chTemp, 0, 50); ::GetPrivateProfileString("account", "ShowAlert", "0", chTemp, 50, sFile);//是否弹框 m_ShowAlert = chTemp; m_ShowAlert.Trim(); //获取所有的[section] memset(buf,0,SECTION_BUF); DWORD wRet = ::GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(buf,SECTION_BUF,sFile); if(wRet > 0){ //从文件配置 CutString(buf,wRet,sFile); } m_zjjip = FindCode("comm", "zjjip"); m_zjjport = FindCode("comm", "zjjport"); m_gjip = FindCode("comm", "gjip"); m_gjport = FindCode("comm", "gjport"); m_isForGj = FindCode("comm", "IsForGJ"); //是否供国金使用 m_hqAddr = FindCode("comm", "hqAddr"); // 行情服务器地址 m_hqPort = FindCode("comm", "hqPort"); // 行情服务器端口 m_XJTAddr = FindCode("comm", "XJTAddr"); // 中山证券 现金通服务器地址 m_XJTPort = FindCode("comm", "XJTPort"); // 中山证券 现金通服务器端口 m_SyncTime = FindCode("comm", "SyncTime"); // 同步现金通数据的时间 m_noDelMenu = FindCode("comm", "NoDelMenu"); //不做历史消息清理的栏目 m_NewStockMsg = FindCode("comm", "NewStockMsg"); // 当日有新股时推送的内容 m_isForHt=FindCode("comm","IsForHt");//是否供华泰使用 m_ipoBgnTime = FindCode("IPO","IpoBgnTime");//新股提醒开始时间 m_ipoBgnTime.Format("%06s",m_ipoBgnTime); m_ipoEndTime = FindCode("IPO","IpoEndTime");//新股提醒结束时间 m_ipoEndTime.Format("%06s",m_ipoEndTime); m_alarmFrom=FindCode("alarm","AlarmFrom");//预警消息来源 m_alarmMode=FindCode("alarm","AlarmMode");//预警模式 m_mobileSupport = FindCode("comm","MobileSupport"); //是否支持手机号发送(2016.01.19) m_ipoPush = FindCode("IPO","IpoPush"); //是否支持新股提醒推送(2016.02.02) m_ipoMenu = FindCode("IPO","IpoMenu"); //新股提醒推送栏目id(2016.02.02) m_InfoServerIp = FindCode("IPO","InfoServerIp"); //资讯服务器地址(用于获取当日新股) m_InfoServerPort = FindCode("IPO","InfoServerPort"); m_PushServerIp = FindCode("IPO","PushServerIp"); //推送服务器地址(用于消息群推) m_PushServerPort = FindCode("IPO","PushServerPort"); m_ipoMsgFrom = FindCode("IPO","IpoMsgFrom"); m_ipoTimeOutMin = FindCode("IPO","TimeOutMin"); m_ipoMsgMark = FindCode("IPO","MsgMark"); m_queryip = FindCode("account","AccQueryIp"); //账号权限查询ip m_queryport = FindCode("account","AccQueryPort"); //账号权限查询端口 m_accNotice = FindCode("account","AccNotice");//账号绑定提醒 m_accType = FindCode("account","AccType");//唯一登录推送的消息类型 }
/** @brief you need to init system nouns beforehand */ bool Session::LoadSnapshot(cszt Index) { if (Index >= Snapshots.size() || !Index) { // if it's not within the history or is the start of the story // there's nothing to load and the story is ready to go from the init return false; } CurrentSnapshot = Index; szt queueI = Snapshots[Index].QueueIndex; szt assetI = Snapshots[Index].AssetsIndex; szt changeI = Snapshots[Index].ChangesIndex; // load the current queue if (queueI > 0) { const string& queueValue = QueueHistory[--queueI]; *QueueNoun = Properties(queueValue); } else { // this is at the start of the book, no loading needed return false; } // find the most up to date positions of value histories for each history vector<szt> currentIndex; currentIndex.resize(ValuesHistories.size(), 0); for (szt i = 0; i < changeI; ++i) { cszt_pair& change = ValuesChanges[i]; currentIndex[change.X] = change.Y; } for (const auto& value : ValuesHistoryNames) { const string& name = value.first; cszt i = value.second; // all indeces here are 1-based, 0 meaning book values should be used if (currentIndex[i]) { // it's safe to decrement as it's a temporary const string& oldValue = ValuesHistories[i][--currentIndex[i]]; UserValues[name] = Properties(oldValue); } else { // remove user values that are the same as in the book // because we don't have a record of the initial state auto it = UserValues.find(name); if (it != UserValues.end()) { // but don't remove system nouns, they are initialised bool nonSystem = true; for (const Properties* systemNoun : SystemNouns) { if (&(it->second) == systemNoun) { nonSystem = false; break; } } if (nonSystem) { UserValues.erase(it); } } } } AssetStates.clear(); // assetI 0 means all assets are off if (assetI > 0) { const string& assets = AssetsHistory[--assetI]; szt lastPos = 0; szt pos = FindCharacter(assets, '\n', lastPos); while (pos != string::npos && pos > lastPos) { const string& assetName = CutString(assets, lastPos, pos); AssetStates[assetName] = true; lastPos = ++pos; pos = FindCharacter(assets, '\n', lastPos); } if (lastPos < assets.size()) { // last value doesn't have a \n at the end const string& assetName = CutString(assets, lastPos); AssetStates[assetName] = true; } } return true; }
bool Fonts::LoadTxtFontFile(const char* fileName) { size_t fileSize; float scaleW; float scaleH; int charactCount; unsigned char* buff = Utility::FileReadAll(fileName,&fileSize); if (buff==nullptr) { return false; } std::string buffString = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < fileSize; i++) { buffString += buff[i]; } std::string res = CutString(buffString, '"'); m_fontName =CutString(buffString, '"'); res = CutString(buffString, '\r'); //res = CutString(buffString, '='); //res = CutString(buffString, ' '); res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); m_lineHeight = (float)atof(res.c_str()); res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); m_base = (float)atof(res.c_str()); res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); scaleW = (float)atof(res.c_str()); res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); scaleH = (float)atof(res.c_str()); res = CutString(buffString, '\r'); res = CutString(buffString, '\r'); res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); charactCount = (int)atof(res.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < charactCount; i++) { short ID; Vector2 XY; Vector2 WH; Vector2 OffsetXY; Vector2 GLYPHWH; float XAdvance; res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); ID = (short)atof(res.c_str()); res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); XY.x = (float)atof(res.c_str()) / scaleW; res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); XY.y = (float)atof(res.c_str()) / scaleH; res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); WH.x = (float)atof(res.c_str()) / scaleW; GLYPHWH.x = (float)atof(res.c_str()) / m_lineHeight; res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); WH.y = (float)atof(res.c_str()) / scaleH; GLYPHWH.y = (float)atof(res.c_str()) / m_lineHeight; res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); OffsetXY.x = (float)atof(res.c_str()) / m_lineHeight; res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); OffsetXY.y = (float)atof(res.c_str()) / m_lineHeight; res = CutDoubleString(buffString, '=', ' '); XAdvance = (float)atof(res.c_str()) / m_lineHeight; res = CutString(buffString, '\r'); Character newCharacter(ID, XY, WH,GLYPHWH, OffsetXY, XAdvance); m_characters.push_back(newCharacter); } return true; }
bool CParsingConfig::Run(std::string strFileName) { if(m_pConfigBox == NULL) { m_eParsingError = PE_NOT_SETTING_CONTAINER; return false; } std::ifstream inFile(strFileName); if(!inFile) { MakeDefaultConfigFile(strFileName);; if(!inFile.is_open()) { m_eParsingError = PE_INCORRECT_FILE_PATH; return false; } } char szLine[500], szName[100], szValue[100], szTemp[100]; char *pValue; int i; m_bLoading = true; m_nErrorLine = 0; while(!inFile.eof()) { if(m_bLoading == false) { inFile.close(); m_eParsingError = PE_STOP_BY_USER; return false; } m_nErrorLine++; inFile.getline(szLine, 500); for(i = 0; i < 500; i++) { if(szLine[i] != ' ' && szLine[i] != '\t') break; } if(szLine[i] == '\n' || szLine[i] == '\0') continue; pValue = strtok(szLine, "="); if(!pValue) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } strncpy(szName, pValue, 100); pValue = strtok(NULL, "="); if(!pValue) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } while(*pValue != '\n' && *pValue != '\0') { if(*pValue == '"') { pValue++; if(CutString(pValue, szValue, '"') == false) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } break; } pValue++; } if(*pValue == '\n' || *pValue == '\0') { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } if(strstr(szName, NAME_OF_VALUE_COLUMN)) { if(szValue[0] == '\0') m_pConfigBox->nValueCol = 1; else if(StringToNumber(szValue, m_pConfigBox->nValueCol) == false) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } } else if(strstr(szName, NAME_OF_LEGEND_COLUMN)) { if(szValue[0] == '\0') m_pConfigBox->nLegendCol = 0; else if(StringToNumber(szValue, m_pConfigBox->nLegendCol) == false) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } } else if(strstr(szName, NAME_OF_X_MAG)) { U32 nXmagLevel; if(szValue[0] == '\0') m_pConfigBox->eXmag = ML_1x; else if(StringToNumber(szValue, nXmagLevel) == false) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } m_pConfigBox->eXmag = (MAG_LEVEL)nXmagLevel; } else if(strstr(szName, NAME_OF_Y_MAG)) { U32 nYmagLevel; if(szValue[0] == '\0') m_pConfigBox->eYmag = ML_1x; else if(StringToNumber(szValue, nYmagLevel) == false) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } m_pConfigBox->eYmag = (MAG_LEVEL)nYmagLevel; } else if(strstr(szName, NAME_OF_GRAPH_TYPE)) { U32 nGraphType; if(szValue[0] == '\0') m_pConfigBox->eGraphType = GT_LINE; else if(StringToNumber(szValue, nGraphType) == false) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } m_pConfigBox->eGraphType = (GRAPH_TYPE)nGraphType; } else if(pValue = strstr(szName, NAME_OF_PARAM)) { // This must be like 'PARAM3_5 = "TestName"'. // 3 is parameter number and 5 is the real value of the parameter. // "TestName" is alias of value 5. U32 nParamNum, nParamValue; pValue += strlen(NAME_OF_PARAM); // Get parameter number. if(CutString(pValue, szTemp, '_') == false) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } if(StringToNumber(szTemp, nParamNum) == false) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } if(nParamNum >= MAX_NUM_OF_PARAM) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } while(*pValue != '_') pValue++; pValue++; if(StringToNumber(pValue, nParamValue) == false) { goto ParsingConfigFinish; } m_pConfigBox->mapParamName[nParamNum][nParamValue] = szValue; } } m_bLoading = false; inFile.close(); return true; ParsingConfigFinish: m_bLoading = false; inFile.close(); m_eParsingError = PE_LOG_FORMAT_ERROR; return false; }