Exemple #1
//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -    
void NullFacility::receiveMessage(msg_ptr msg) {
  // is this a message from on high? 
  if (msg->supplier()==this) {
    // file the order
  } else {
    throw CycException("NullFacility is not the supplier of this msg.");
//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void SeparationsMatrixFacility::separate()
  // Get iterators that define the boundaries of the ordersExecuting_ that are 
  // currently ready.~
  int time = TI->time();

  pair<ProcessLine::iterator, ProcessLine::iterator> iters;

  iters = ordersExecuting_.equal_range(time);

  ProcessLine::iterator curr, omega;
  curr = iters.first;
  omega = iters.second;

  // Create and send Materials corresponding to each order that's ready to go.
  while (curr != omega) {
    // Get the info we need to make the separated Material.
    msg_ptr mess = (curr->second).first;
    Material* mat = (curr->second).second;

    // Find out what we're trying to make.
    try {
      IsoVector vecToMake =  dynamic_cast<Material*>(mess->resource())->isoVector();
    } catch (exception& e) {
      string err = "The Resource sent to the SeparationsMatrixFacility \
                    must be a Material type Resource" ;
      throw CycException(err);


   * The section below is currently under development.  Its purpose is to do the
   * actual separations of the isotopes based on the string information.

  // This loop will cycle through each element and then it will find out if 
  // there is anything in the stream that needs to be added to the material 
  //for separation.
     for(stream_set_.second.first::iterator iter = stream_set_.begin(); 
     !iter = stream_set_.end(); 
     firstpair = inventory_.pop_front();
     string firstcommodity = firstpair.first();
     Material* firstmaterial = firstpair.second();
  // Multiply Amount of Element by Separation Efficieny and then add
  // it to the stock of material for that Element
  stocks_.second((*stream_set_).first) = 
  firstmaterial((*stream_set_).first)*((*stream_set_).second).second ++;

Exemple #3
//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -    
std::vector<Resource*> NullFacility::removeResource(msg_ptr order) {
  Transaction trans = order->trans();
  // it should be of out_commod_ commodity type
  if (trans.commod != out_commod_) {
    std::string err_msg = "NullFacility can only send '" + out_commod_ ;
    err_msg += + "' materials.";
    throw CycException(err_msg);

  double newAmt = 0;

  // pull materials off of the inventory stack until you get the trans amount

  // start with an empty manifest
  vector<Resource*> toSend;

  while (trans.resource->quantity() > newAmt && !inventory_.empty() ) {
    Material* m = inventory_.front();

    // if the inventory obj isn't larger than the remaining need, send it as is.
    if (m->quantity() <= (trans.resource->quantity() - newAmt)) {
      newAmt += m->quantity();
    } else {
      // if the inventory obj is larger than the remaining need, split it.
      Material* leftover = m->extract(trans.resource->quantity() - newAmt);
      newAmt += m->quantity();

    LOG(LEV_DEBUG2) <<"NullFacility "<< ID()
      <<"  is sending a mat with mass: "<< m->quantity();
  return toSend;
Exemple #4
//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -    
void CapacityRegion::handleTick(int time)
  // Overwriting RegionModel's handleTick
  // We loop through each facility that exists in the to_build_map_
  map <string, queue <pair <int,int> > >::iterator fac;

  for (fac = to_build_map_.begin(); fac != to_build_map_.end(); ++fac){
    // Define a few parameters
    /* !!!! This method is not full proof... what if multiple facilities need
			 to be built and some fail and some succeed...? !!!! */
    bool built = false; 
    string fac_name = fac->first;
    queue<pair <int,int> > fac_build_queue = fac->second;
    pair<int,int> next_fac_build = fac_build_queue.front();
    int next_build_time = next_fac_build.first;

    // Continue to loop until the facility is built
    while (built!=true){
      // If the current time = the next build time for a facility, 
      // build said facility
      if (time == next_build_time) {
	Model* inst;
	Model* fac_to_build = Model::getModelByName(fac_name);
	int num_facs_to_build = next_fac_build.second;
	int i;
	// Build the prescribed number of facilities for this time step
	for (i=0;i!=num_facs_to_build;i++){
	  inst = chooseInstToBuildFac();
	  built = requestBuild(fac_to_build,dynamic_cast<InstModel*>(inst));
      // If there is nothing to build at this time, consider 0 facilities built
      else {
      // For now, catch any situation for which no facility is built.
      // ************* This should eventually be changed
      if (built!=true){
	std::stringstream ss1, ss2;
	ss1 << fac_name;
	ss2 << time;
	throw CycException("Facility " + ss1.str()
			   + " could not be built at time " + ss2.str() + ".");	
    } // end build loop
  } // end facility loop
  // check current capacity
  for (int i=0;i<nCapacities();i++){
    bool build_facility = true;
    bool built = false;
    while (build_facility){
      double current_capacity = checkCurrentCapcity(capacity_type(i));
      build_facility = current_capacity < nominal_value(i);
      Model* fac_to_build;
      if (build_facility){
	Model* inst = chooseInstToBuildFac();
	fac_to_build = chooseFacToBuild( allReplacementFacs_[i] );
	built = requestBuild(fac_to_build,dynamic_cast<InstModel*>(inst));
      // For now, catch any situation for which no facility is built.
      // ************* This should eventually be changed
      if (build_facility && !built){
	string fac_name = (dynamic_cast<FacilityModel*>(fac_to_build))->facName();
	std::stringstream ss1, ss2;
	ss1 << fac_name;
	ss2 << time;
	throw CycException("Facility " + ss1.str()
			   + " could not be built at time " + ss2.str() + ".");	

  // After we finish building, call the normal handleTick for a region