static BOOL	dcl_equal			(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9* a, D3DVERTEXELEMENT9* b)
	// check sizes
	u32 a_size	= D3DXGetDeclLength(a);
	u32 b_size	= D3DXGetDeclLength(b);
	if (a_size!=b_size)	return FALSE;
	return 0==memcmp	(a,b,a_size*sizeof(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9));
SDeclaration*	CResourceManager::_CreateDecl	(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9* dcl)
	// Search equal code
	for (u32 it=0; it<v_declarations.size(); it++)
		SDeclaration*		D		= v_declarations[it];;
		if (dcl_equal(dcl,&*D->dcl_code.begin()))	return D;

	// Create _new
	SDeclaration* D			= xr_new<SDeclaration>();
	u32 dcl_size			= D3DXGetDeclLength(dcl)+1;
	CHK_DX					(HW.pDevice->CreateVertexDeclaration(dcl,&D->dcl));
	D->dcl_code.assign		(dcl,dcl+dcl_size);
	D->dwFlags				|= xr_resource_flagged::RF_REGISTERED;
	return D;
Exemple #3
// Convert the mesh to the format specified by the given vertex declarations.
HRESULT CDXUTMesh::SetVertexDecl( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 *pDecl, 
                                  bool bAutoComputeNormals, bool bAutoComputeTangents, 
                                  bool bSplitVertexForOptimalTangents )
    LPD3DXMESH pTempMesh = NULL;

    if( m_pMesh )
        if( FAILED( m_pMesh->CloneMesh( m_pMesh->GetOptions(), pDecl,
                                        pd3dDevice, &pTempMesh ) ) )
            SAFE_RELEASE( pTempMesh );
            return E_FAIL;

    // Check if the old declaration contains a normal.
    bool bHadNormal = false;
    bool bHadTangent = false;
    if( m_pMesh && SUCCEEDED( m_pMesh->GetDeclaration( aOldDecl ) ) )
        for( UINT index = 0; index < D3DXGetDeclLength( aOldDecl ); ++index )
            if( aOldDecl[index].Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL )
                bHadNormal = true;
            if( aOldDecl[index].Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_TANGENT )
                bHadTangent = true;

    // Check if the new declaration contains a normal.
    bool bHaveNormalNow = false;
    bool bHaveTangentNow = false;
    if( pTempMesh && SUCCEEDED( pTempMesh->GetDeclaration( aNewDecl ) ) )
        for( UINT index = 0; index < D3DXGetDeclLength( aNewDecl ); ++index )
            if( aNewDecl[index].Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL )
                bHaveNormalNow = true;
            if( aNewDecl[index].Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_TANGENT )
                bHaveTangentNow = true;

    SAFE_RELEASE( m_pMesh );

    if( pTempMesh )
        m_pMesh = pTempMesh;

        if( !bHadNormal && bHaveNormalNow && bAutoComputeNormals )
            // Compute normals in case the meshes have them
            D3DXComputeNormals( m_pMesh, NULL );

        if( bHaveNormalNow && !bHadTangent && bHaveTangentNow && bAutoComputeTangents )
            ID3DXMesh* pNewMesh;
            HRESULT hr;

            DWORD *rgdwAdjacency = NULL;
            rgdwAdjacency = new DWORD[m_pMesh->GetNumFaces() * 3];
            if( rgdwAdjacency == NULL )
                return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
            V( m_pMesh->GenerateAdjacency(1e-6f,rgdwAdjacency) );

            float fPartialEdgeThreshold;
            float fSingularPointThreshold;
            float fNormalEdgeThreshold;
            if( bSplitVertexForOptimalTangents )
                fPartialEdgeThreshold = 0.01f;
                fSingularPointThreshold = 0.25f;
                fNormalEdgeThreshold = 0.01f;
                fPartialEdgeThreshold = -1.01f;
                fSingularPointThreshold = 0.01f;
                fNormalEdgeThreshold = -1.01f;

            // Compute tangents, which are required for normal mapping
            hr = D3DXComputeTangentFrameEx( m_pMesh, 
                                            D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, 0, 
                                            D3DDECLUSAGE_TANGENT, 0,
                                            D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, 
                                            D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL, 0,
                                            0, rgdwAdjacency, 
                                            fPartialEdgeThreshold, fSingularPointThreshold, fNormalEdgeThreshold, 
                                            &pNewMesh, NULL );

            SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( rgdwAdjacency );
            if( FAILED(hr) )
                return hr;

            SAFE_RELEASE( m_pMesh );
            m_pMesh = pNewMesh;

    return S_OK;
Exemple #4
void CRender::LoadBuffers		(CStreamReader *base_fs,	BOOL _alternative)
	R_ASSERT2					(base_fs,"Could not load geometry. File not found.");
	dxRenderDeviceRender::Instance().Resources->Evict		();
//	u32	dwUsage					= D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY;

	xr_vector<VertexDeclarator>				&_DC	= _alternative?xDC:nDC;
	xr_vector<ID3DVertexBuffer*>		&_VB	= _alternative?xVB:nVB;
	xr_vector<ID3DIndexBuffer*>		&_IB	= _alternative?xIB:nIB;

	// Vertex buffers
		// Use DX9-style declarators
		CStreamReader			*fs	= base_fs->open_chunk(fsL_VB);
		R_ASSERT2				(fs,"Could not load geometry. File 'level.geom?' corrupted.");
		u32 count				= fs->r_u32();
		_DC.resize				(count);
		_VB.resize				(count);
        u32 bufferSize = (MAXD3DDECLLENGTH+1)*sizeof(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9);
        D3DVERTEXELEMENT9* dcl = (D3DVERTEXELEMENT9*)_alloca(bufferSize);
		for (u32 i=0; i<count; i++)
			// decl
//			D3DVERTEXELEMENT9*	dcl		= (D3DVERTEXELEMENT9*) fs().pointer();
			fs->r				(dcl,bufferSize);
			fs->advance			(-(int)bufferSize);

			u32 dcl_len			= D3DXGetDeclLength		(dcl)+1;
			_DC[i].resize		(dcl_len);
			fs->r				(_DC[i].begin(),dcl_len*sizeof(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9));

			// count, size
			u32 vCount			= fs->r_u32	();
			u32 vSize			= D3DXGetDeclVertexSize	(dcl,0);
			Msg	("* [Loading VB] %d verts, %d Kb",vCount,(vCount*vSize)/1024);

			// Create and fill
			//BYTE*	pData		= 0;
			//R_CHK				(HW.pDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(vCount*vSize,dwUsage,0,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&_VB[i],0));
			//R_CHK				(_VB[i]->Lock(0,0,(void**)&pData,0));
//			CopyMemory			(pData,fs().pointer(),vCount*vSize);
			//fs->r				(pData,vCount*vSize);
			//_VB[i]->Unlock		();
			//	TODO: DX10: Check fragmentation.
			//	Check if buffer is less then 2048 kb
			BYTE*	pData		= xr_alloc<BYTE>(vCount*vSize);
			fs->r				(pData,vCount*vSize);
			dx10BufferUtils::CreateVertexBuffer	(&_VB[i], pData, vCount*vSize);
			HW.stats_manager.increment_stats_vb	(_VB[i]);

//			fs->advance			(vCount*vSize);
		fs->close				();

	// Index buffers
		CStreamReader			*fs	= base_fs->open_chunk(fsL_IB);
		u32 count				= fs->r_u32();
		_IB.resize				(count);
		for (u32 i=0; i<count; i++)
			u32 iCount			= fs->r_u32	();
			Msg("* [Loading IB] %d indices, %d Kb",iCount,(iCount*2)/1024);

			// Create and fill
			//BYTE*	pData		= 0;
			//R_CHK				(HW.pDevice->CreateIndexBuffer(iCount*2,dwUsage,D3DFMT_INDEX16,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&_IB[i],0));
			//R_CHK				(_IB[i]->Lock(0,0,(void**)&pData,0));
//			CopyMemory			(pData,fs().pointer(),iCount*2);
			//fs->r				(pData,iCount*2);
			//_IB[i]->Unlock		();

			//	TODO: DX10: Check fragmentation.
			//	Check if buffer is less then 2048 kb
			BYTE*	pData		= xr_alloc<BYTE>(iCount*2);
			fs->r				(pData,iCount*2);
			dx10BufferUtils::CreateIndexBuffer	(&_IB[i], pData, iCount*2);
			HW.stats_manager.increment_stats_ib	(_IB[i]);

//			fs().advance		(iCount*2);
		fs->close				();
Exemple #5
// Name: CDXUTMesh::SetVertexDecl
// Desc: Convert the mesh to the format specified by the given vertex
//       declarations.
HRESULT CDXUTMesh::SetVertexDecl( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 *pDecl )
    LPD3DXMESH pTempSysMemMesh = NULL;
    LPD3DXMESH pTempLocalMesh  = NULL;

    if( m_pSysMemMesh )
        if( FAILED( m_pSysMemMesh->CloneMesh( m_pSysMemMesh->GetOptions(), pDecl,
                                              pd3dDevice, &pTempSysMemMesh ) ) )
            return E_FAIL;

    if( m_pLocalMesh )
        if( FAILED( m_pLocalMesh->CloneMesh( m_pLocalMesh->GetOptions(), pDecl, pd3dDevice,
                                             &pTempLocalMesh ) ) )
            SAFE_RELEASE( pTempSysMemMesh );
            return E_FAIL;

    // Check if the old declaration contains a normal.
    bool bHadNormal = false;
    if( m_pSysMemMesh && SUCCEEDED( m_pSysMemMesh->GetDeclaration( aOldDecl ) ) )
        for( UINT index = 0; index < D3DXGetDeclLength( aOldDecl ); ++index )
            if( aOldDecl[index].Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL )
                bHadNormal = true;

    // Check if the new declaration contains a normal.
    bool bHaveNormalNow = false;
    if( pTempSysMemMesh && SUCCEEDED( pTempSysMemMesh->GetDeclaration( aNewDecl ) ) )
        for( UINT index = 0; index < D3DXGetDeclLength( aNewDecl ); ++index )
            if( aNewDecl[index].Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL )
                bHaveNormalNow = true;

    SAFE_RELEASE( m_pSysMemMesh );
    SAFE_RELEASE( m_pLocalMesh );

    if( pTempSysMemMesh )
        m_pSysMemMesh = pTempSysMemMesh;

        if( !bHadNormal && bHaveNormalNow )
            // Compute normals in case the meshes have them
            D3DXComputeNormals( m_pSysMemMesh, NULL );

    if( pTempLocalMesh )
        m_pLocalMesh = pTempLocalMesh;

        if( !bHadNormal && bHaveNormalNow )
            // Compute normals in case the meshes have them
            D3DXComputeNormals( m_pLocalMesh, NULL );

    return S_OK;
Exemple #6
		return D3DXGetDeclLength(pDecl);