NORMAL (L"You will not often choose this command with the mouse, "
	"since the sampling frequency is included in the information that you get "
	"by clicking the #Info button. This command is probably more useful in a Praat script:")
CODE (L"select Sound hello")
CODE (L"samplingFrequency = Get sampling frequency")
ENTRY (L"Algorithm")
NORMAL (L"The sampling frequency is defined as 1 / (\\De%t), where \\De%t is the @@sampling period@. "
	"See @@Get sampling period@.")

MAN_BEGIN (L"Get time from sample number...", L"ppgb", 20040420)
INTRO (L"A command that becomes available in the #Query menu if you select a @Sound or @LongSound object.")
NORMAL (L"The Info window will tell you the time (in seconds) associated with the sample number that you specify.")
ENTRY (L"Setting")
TAG (L"##Sample number")
DEFINITION (L"the sample number whose time is sought.")
ENTRY (L"Algorithm")
NORMAL (L"the result is")
FORMULA (L"%t__1_ + (%sample_number - 1) \\.c \\De%t")
NORMAL (L"where %t__1_ is the time associated with the first sample, and \\De%t is the sampling period.")
ENTRY (L"Details for hackers")
NORMAL (L"If you select a Sound or LongSound and click @Inspect, "
	"you can see how the relation between sample numbers and times is stored in the object: "
	"%t__1_ is the #x1 attribute, and \\De%t is the #dx attribute.")

MAN_BEGIN (L"Get sample number from time...", L"ppgb", 20040505)
INTRO (L"A command that becomes available in the #Query menu if you select a @Sound or @LongSound object.")
NORMAL (L"The Info window will tell you the sample number belonging to the time that you specify. "
	"The result is presented as a real number.")
ENTRY (L"Setting")
Exemple #2
 djmw 20020422 GPL + removed "C syntax" part of manpage
 djmw 20101009 Latest modification

#include "ManPagesM.h"
#include "MFCC.h"

void manual_LPC_init (ManPages me);
void manual_LPC_init (ManPages me)

MAN_BEGIN (L"CC: Paint...", L"djmw", 20040407)
INTRO (L"A command to paint the cepstral coefficients in shades of grey.")
ENTRY (L"Settings")
TAG (L"##From coefficient#, ##To coefficient#")
DEFINITION (L"the range of coefficients that will be represented.")

MAN_BEGIN (L"CC: To DTW...", L"djmw", 19960918)
INTRO (L"You can choose this command after selecting 2 objects with cepstral "
	"coefficients (two @MFCC's or @LFCC's). "
	"With this command you perform dynamic time warping. ")
ENTRY (L"Algorithm")
NORMAL (L"First we calculate distances between cepstral coefficients: ")
LIST_ITEM (L"The distance between frame %i (from me) and %j (from thee) is:")
LIST_ITEM (L"    %wc \\.c %d1 + %wle \\.c %d2 + %wr \\.c %d3,")
LIST_ITEM (L"    where %wc, %wle & %wr are user-supplied weights and")
LIST_ITEM (L"      %d1 = \\su (%k=1..%nCoefficients; (%c__%ik_ - %c__%jk_)^2)")
LIST_ITEM (L"      %d2 = (c__%i0_ - c__%j0_)^2")
LIST_ITEM (L"      %d3 = \\su (%k=1..%nCoefficients; (%r__%ik_ - %r__%jk_)^2), with ")
LIST_ITEM (L"      %r__%ik_ the regression coefficient of the cepstral coefficients "
NORMAL (U"The following drawing represents a cascade synthesizer with six oral formants, one nasal formant, "
	"one nasal antiformant, one tracheal formant, one tracheal antiformant and six frication formants. ")
SCRIPT (7.0, 6.5,
	U"Create KlattGrid: \"kg\", 0, 1, 6, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1\n"
	"Draw synthesizer: \"Cascade\"\n"
NORMAL (U"In the next picture a parallel synthesizer branch is used instead of the cascade one.")
SCRIPT (7.0, 6.5,
	U"Create KlattGrid: \"kg\", 0, 1, 6, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1\n"
	"Draw synthesizer... Parallel\n"
NORMAL (U"All parameters in the synthesizer are represented by separate tiers.")
ENTRY (U"The source")
NORMAL (U"The source is modelled by the following tiers:")
TAG (U"##Pitch")
DEFINITION (U"models fundamental frequency (in Hertz).")
TAG (U"##Flutter")
DEFINITION (U"models a kind of \"random\" variation of the pitch (with a number between zero and one). ")
TAG (U"##Voicing amplitude")
DEFINITION (U"models the maximum amplitude of the glottal flow (in dB SPL).")
TAG (U"##Open phase")
DEFINITION (U"models the open phase of the glottis (with a number between zero and one). If the tier is empty a default of 0.7 "
	"will be used.")
TAG (U"##Power1#, ##Power2#")
DEFINITION (U"model the form of the glottal flow function flow(%t)=%t^^%%power1%^-%t^^%%power2%^ for 0\\<_ t \\<_ 1. "
	"To make glottal closure possible, %power2 has to be larger than %power1. If the power1 tier is empty, a default "
	"value of 3 will be used. If the power2 tier is empty, a default of 4 will be used.")
TAG (U"##Collision phase")
DEFINITION (U"models the last part of the flow function with an exponential decay function instead of a polynomial one. "
	"More information about #Power1, #Power2, ##Open phase# and ##Collision phase# can be found in the @@PointProcess: To Sound (phonation)...@ manual.")
TAG (U"##Spectral tilt")
Exemple #4
NORMAL (L"A #FFNet models a feedforward neural net. A feedforward "
	"neural net can %learn associations between its %input and its %output. "
	"The @@Feedforward neural networks@ tutorial gives you an introduction to feedforward neural nets.")

MAN_BEGIN (L"FFNet: Draw topology", L"djmw", 19970218)
INTRO (L"You can choose this command after selecting 1 or more @FFNet's.")
ENTRY (L"Behaviour")
NORMAL (L"Draws all units and all connections of a feedforward neural net.")

MAN_BEGIN (L"FFNet: Draw weights...", L"djmw", 20040422)
INTRO (L"Draws the weights in a layer of the selected @FFNet feedforward neural net.")
ENTRY (L"Settings")
TAG (L"##Layer number")
DEFINITION (L"determines the layer.")
TAG (L"##Garnish")
DEFINITION (L"determines whether additional information is drawn.")
ENTRY (L"Behaviour")
NORMAL (L"The weights are arranged in a matrix. The columns of this matrix are indexed by the units in the layer, "
	"while the rows are indexed by the units in the previous layer. There is one extra row for the biases."
	"The values of the weights are shown as rectangles. The area of a rectangle is proportional "
	"to the value.  Negative values are shown as filled black rectangles.")

MAN_BEGIN (L"FFNet: Draw cost history...", L"djmw", 19970218)
INTRO (L"You can choose this command after selecting 1 or more @FFNet's.")
ENTRY (L"Settings")
TAG (L"##Iteration range")
DEFINITION (L"determines the horizontal range of the plot.")
TAG (L"##Cost range")
LIST_ITEM (U"\\bu @@Permutation: Interleave...|Interleave...@")
LIST_ITEM (U"\\bu @@Permutation: Rotate...|Rotate...@")
LIST_ITEM (U"\\bu @@Permutation: Reverse...|Reverse...@")
LIST_ITEM (U"\\bu @@Permutation: Invert|Invert@")
NORMAL (U"Successive permutations:")
LIST_ITEM (U"\\bu @@Permutations: Multiply|Multiply@")
ENTRY (U"Usage")
LIST_ITEM (U"@@Strings & Permutation: Permute strings@ to rearrange the strings in a Strings object.")
LIST_ITEM (U"@@TableOfReal & Permutation: Permute rows@ to rearrange the rows in a TableOfReal object.")

MAN_BEGIN (U"Create Permutation...", U"djmw", 20050709)
INTRO (U"A command to create a @Permutation of the numbers 1,2, ..., %numberOfElements.")
ENTRY (U"Settings")
TAG (U"##Name")
DEFINITION (U"the name of the new permutation.")
TAG (U"##Number of elements%")
DEFINITION (U"the number of elements in the permutation.")
TAG (U"##Identity permutation")
DEFINITION (U"determines whether the permution will be a randomly chosen one, or the @@identity permutation@.")

MAN_BEGIN (U"identity permutation", U"djmw", 20050713)
INTRO (U"The identity permutation is (1,2,3,...,%numberOfElements), i.e. the numbers 1 to "
	"%numberOfElements in their natural order. ")

MAN_BEGIN (U"Permutation: Get value...", U"djmw", 20050709)
INTRO (U"Get the value at the index position.")
ENTRY (U"Example")
NORMAL (U"The query for the value at index 3 for the permutation (3,2,4,5,1) gives 4.")
MAN_BEGIN (L"CrossCorrelationTables", L"djmw", 20101227)
INTRO (L"One of the types of objects in Praat. A CrossCorrelationTables represents a collection of @@CrossCorrelationTable@ objects.")

MAN_BEGIN (L"CrossCorrelationTables: Create test set...", L"djmw", 20110212)
INTRO (L"Create a collection of @@CrossCorrelationTable@s that are all derived from different diagonal matrices by the same transformation matrix.")
ENTRY (L"Settings")
	Manual_DRAW_SETTINGS_WINDOW ("CrossCorrelationTables: Create test set", 4)
	Manual_DRAW_SETTINGS_WINDOW_FIELD ("Matrix dimension", "5")
	Manual_DRAW_SETTINGS_WINDOW_FIELD ("Number of matrices", "20")
	Manual_DRAW_SETTINGS_WINDOW_BOOLEAN("First is positive-definite",1)
	Manual_DRAW_SETTINGS_WINDOW_FIELD ("Sigma", "0.02")
TAG (L"##Matrix dimension")
DEFINITION (L"determines the size of the square matrix with cross-correlations.")
TAG (L"##Number of matrices")
DEFINITION (L"determines the number of matrices that have to be generated.")
TAG (L"##First is positive-definite")
DEFINITION (L"guarantees that the first matrix of the series is positive definite.")
TAG (L"##Sigma")
DEFINITION (L"the standard deviation of the noise that is added to each transformation matrix element. A value "
	"of zero makes all the cross-correlation matrices jointly diagonalizable. A value greater than zero "
	"makes each transformation matrix a little different and the collection not jointly "
	"diagonalizable anymore.")
ENTRY (L"Algorithm")
NORMAL (L"All the CrossCorrelationTable matrices are generated as #V\\'p\\.c#D__%k_\\.c #V, where #D__%k_ is a diagonal matrix "
	"with entries randomly choosen from the [-1,1] interval. The matrix #V is a \"random\" orthogonal matrix "
	"obtained from the singular value decomposition of a matrix #M = #U\\.c#D\\.c#V\\'p, where the cells of the "
	"matrix #M are random Gaussian numbers with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.")
NORMAL (L"If the first matrix has to be positive definite, the numbers on the diagonal of #D__1_ are randomly "
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "ManPagesM.h"

void manual_formant_init (ManPages me);
void manual_formant_init (ManPages me) {

MAN_BEGIN (L"Create FormantGrid...", L"ppgb", 20080425)
INTRO (L"A command in the @@New menu@ to create an empty @FormantGrid object.")
ENTRY (L"Settings")
TAG (L"##Start time (s)")
TAG (L"##End time (s)")
DEFINITION (L"the @@time domain@ of the resulting FormantGrid.")
TAG (L"##Number of formants# (e.g. 10)")
DEFINITION (L"the number of formants in the resulting FormantGrid. For instance, if you set this to 10, "
	"the resulting FormantGrid will contain 10 formant tiers (for F1 through F10) "
	"and 10 bandwidth tiers (for B1 through B10). Each of these 20 tiers will contain one point.")
TAG (L"##Initial first formant# (e.g. 550 Hz)")
DEFINITION (L"the frequency value of the single formant point in the first formant tier. "
	"Because of @@constant extrapolation@, F1 will have this value throughout the time domain.")
TAG (L"##Initial formant spacing# (e.g. 1100 Hz)")
DEFINITION (L"the difference between the frequency values of the points in adjacent formant tiers. "
	"For instance, the example values mentioned here cause F2 to be 1650 Hz throughout the time domain; "
	"F3 will be 2750 Hz, F4 will be 3850 Hz, and so on.")
TAG (L"##Initial first bandwidth# (e.g. 60 Hz)")
DEFINITION (L"the value of the single bandwidth point in the first bandwidth tier. "
	"Because of @@constant extrapolation@, B1 will have this value throughout the time domain.")
TAG (L"##Initial bandwidth spacing# (e.g. 50 Hz)")
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "ManPagesM.h"

void manual_annotation_init (ManPages me);
void manual_annotation_init (ManPages me) {

MAN_BEGIN (L"Create TextGrid...", L"ppgb", 20101228)
INTRO (L"A command to create a @TextGrid from scratch.")
ENTRY (L"Settings")
TAG (L"##Start time (s)")
DEFINITION (L"the start time, usually 0 seconds.")
TAG (L"##End time (s)")
DEFINITION (L"the end time in seconds, usually the duration.")
TAG (L"##Tier names")
DEFINITION (L"a list of the names of the tiers that you want to create, separated by spaces.")
TAG (L"##Point tiers")
DEFINITION (L"a list of the names of the tiers that you want to be %%point tiers%; "
	"the rest of the tiers will be %%interval tiers%.")

MAN_BEGIN (L"PointProcess: To TextGrid...", L"ppgb", 19980113)
INTRO (L"A command to create an empty @TextGrid from every selected @PointProcess.")
NORMAL (L"The only information in the PointProcess that is used, is its starting and finishing times.")
ENTRY (L"Settings")
TAG (L"##Tier names")
DEFINITION (L"a list of the names of the tiers that you want to create, separated by spaces.")