int Amesos_Scalapack::Solve() { 
  if( debug_ == 1 ) std::cout << "Entering `Solve()'" << std::endl;
  Epetra_MultiVector   *vecX = Problem_->GetLHS() ; 
  Epetra_MultiVector   *vecB = Problem_->GetRHS() ; 
  //  Compute the number of right hands sides 
  //  (and check that X and B have the same shape) 
  int nrhs; 
  if ( vecX == 0 ) { 
    nrhs = 0 ;
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( vecB != 0 ) ; 
  } else { 
    nrhs = vecX->NumVectors() ; 
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( vecB->NumVectors() != nrhs ) ; 
  Epetra_MultiVector *ScalapackB =0;
  Epetra_MultiVector *ScalapackX =0;
  //  Extract Scalapack versions of X and B 
  double *ScalapackXvalues ;
  Epetra_RowMatrix *RowMatrixA = dynamic_cast<Epetra_RowMatrix *>(Problem_->GetOperator());
  Time_->ResetStartTime(); // track time to broadcast vectors
  //  Copy B to the scalapack version of B
  const Epetra_Map &OriginalMap = RowMatrixA->RowMatrixRowMap();
  Epetra_MultiVector *ScalapackXextract = new Epetra_MultiVector( *VectorMap_, nrhs ) ; 
  Epetra_MultiVector *ScalapackBextract = new Epetra_MultiVector( *VectorMap_, nrhs ) ; 
  Epetra_Import ImportToScalapack( *VectorMap_, OriginalMap );
  ScalapackBextract->Import( *vecB, ImportToScalapack, Insert ) ;
  ScalapackB = ScalapackBextract ; 
  ScalapackX = ScalapackXextract ; 
  VecTime_ += Time_->ElapsedTime();
  //  Call SCALAPACKs PDGETRS to perform the solve
  int DescX[10];  
  ScalapackX->Scale(1.0, *ScalapackB) ;  
  int ScalapackXlda ; 
  Time_->ResetStartTime(); // tract time to solve
  //  Setup DescX 
  if( nrhs > nb_ ) {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( -2 );  
  int Ierr[1] ; 
  Ierr[0] = 0 ; 
  const int zero = 0 ; 
  const int one = 1 ; 
  if ( iam_ < nprow_ * npcol_ ) {
    assert( ScalapackX->ExtractView( &ScalapackXvalues, &ScalapackXlda ) == 0 ) ; 
    if ( false ) std::cout << "Amesos_Scalapack.cpp: " << __LINE__ << " ScalapackXlda = "  <<  ScalapackXlda 
		      << " lda_ = "  << lda_ 
		      << " nprow_ = "  << nprow_ 
		      << " npcol_ = "  << npcol_ 
		      << " myprow_ = "  << myprow_ 
		      << " mypcol_ = "  << mypcol_ 
		      << " iam_ = "  << iam_ << std::endl ;
    if (  TwoD_distribution_ )    assert( mypcol_ >0 || EPETRA_MAX(ScalapackXlda,1) == lda_ ) ; 
		 Ierr ) ;
    assert( Ierr[0] == 0 ) ; 
    //  For the 1D data distribution, we factor the transposed 
    //  matrix, hence we must invert the sense of the transposition
    char trans = 'N';
    if ( TwoD_distribution_ ) {
      if ( UseTranspose() ) trans = 'T' ;
    } else {
      if ( ! UseTranspose() ) trans = 'T' ;
    if ( nprow_ * npcol_ == 1 ) { 
		 Ierr ) ;
    } else { 
		  Ierr ) ;
  SolTime_ += Time_->ElapsedTime();
  Time_->ResetStartTime();  // track time to broadcast vectors
  //  Copy X back to the original vector
  Epetra_Import ImportFromScalapack( OriginalMap, *VectorMap_ );
  vecX->Import( *ScalapackX, ImportFromScalapack, Insert ) ;
  delete ScalapackBextract ;
  delete ScalapackXextract ;
  VecTime_ += Time_->ElapsedTime();
  //  All processes should return the same error code
  if ( nprow_ * npcol_ < Comm().NumProc() ) 
    Comm().Broadcast( Ierr, 1, 0 ) ; 
  // MS // compute vector norms
  if( ComputeVectorNorms_ == true || verbose_ == 2 ) {
    double NormLHS, NormRHS;
    for( int i=0 ; i<nrhs ; ++i ) {
      if( verbose_ && Comm().MyPID() == 0 ) {
	std::cout << "Amesos_Scalapack : vector " << i << ", ||x|| = " << NormLHS
	     << ", ||b|| = " << NormRHS << std::endl;
  // MS // compute true residual
  if( ComputeTrueResidual_ == true || verbose_ == 2  ) {
    double Norm;
    Epetra_MultiVector Ax(vecB->Map(),nrhs);
    for( int i=0 ; i<nrhs ; ++i ) {
      (Problem_->GetMatrix()->Multiply(UseTranspose(), *((*vecX)(i)), Ax));
      (Ax.Update(1.0, *((*vecB)(i)), -1.0));
      if( verbose_ && Comm().MyPID() == 0 ) {
	std::cout << "Amesos_Scalapack : vector " << i << ", ||Ax - b|| = " << Norm << std::endl;
  return Ierr[0];
void Epetra_LAPACK::GETRS( const char TRANS, const int N, const int NRHS, const double * A, const int LDA, 
			  const int * IPIV, double * X, const int LDX, int * INFO) const {