EMSTATUS GLIB_drawBitmap(GLIB_Context_t *pContext, int32_t x, int32_t y,
                         uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint8_t *picData)
  EMSTATUS status;

  /* Set display clipping area for bitmap */
  status = DMD_setClippingArea(x, y, width, height);
  if (status != DMD_OK) return status;

  /* Write bitmap to display */
  status = DMD_writeData(0, 0, picData, width * height);
  if (status != DMD_OK) return status;

  /* Reset driver clipping area to GLIB clipping region */
  return DMD_setClippingArea(pContext->clippingRegion.xMin, 
                               pContext->clippingRegion.xMin + pContext->clippingRegion.xMax + 1, 
                               pContext->clippingRegion.yMin + pContext->clippingRegion.yMax + 1);
Exemple #2
EMSTATUS GLIB_drawRectFilled(const GLIB_Context *pContext,
                             GLIB_Rectangle *pRect)
  EMSTATUS status;

  GLIB_Rectangle tmpRectangle;
  tmpRectangle = *pRect;

  /* Clip rectangle if necessary */
  if (tmpRectangle.xMin < pContext->clippingRegion.xMin)
    tmpRectangle.xMin = pContext->clippingRegion.xMin;
  if (tmpRectangle.xMax > pContext->clippingRegion.xMax)
    tmpRectangle.xMax = pContext->clippingRegion.xMax;

  if (tmpRectangle.yMin < pContext->clippingRegion.yMin)
    tmpRectangle.yMin = pContext->clippingRegion.yMin;
  if (tmpRectangle.yMax > pContext->clippingRegion.yMax)
    tmpRectangle.yMax = pContext->clippingRegion.yMax;

  /* Draw filled rectangle */
  uint8_t red;
  uint8_t green;
  uint8_t blue;
  GLIB_colorTranslate24bpp(pContext->foregroundColor, &red, &green, &blue);

  uint16_t width;
  uint16_t height;
  width  = tmpRectangle.xMax - tmpRectangle.xMin + 1;
  height = tmpRectangle.yMax - tmpRectangle.yMin + 1;

  status = DMD_setClippingArea(tmpRectangle.xMin, tmpRectangle.yMin, width, height);
  if (status != 0) return status;

  status = DMD_writeColor(0, 0, red, green, blue, width * height);
  if (status != 0) return status;

  status = GLIB_resetDisplayClippingArea(pContext);
  if (status != 0) return status;

  return GLIB_OK;
EMSTATUS GLIB_drawBitmap(const GLIB_Context *pContext, uint16_t x, uint16_t y,
                         uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t *picData)
  EMSTATUS status;

  /* Set display clipping area for bitmap */
  status = DMD_setClippingArea(x, y, width, height);
  if (status != DMD_OK) return status;

  /* Write bitmap to display */
  status = DMD_writeData(0, 0, picData, width * height);
  if (status != DMD_OK) return status;

  /* Reset display clipping area to the whole display */
  if (status != GLIB_OK) return status;

  return GLIB_OK;
Exemple #4
 * @brief
 *   Initialize LCD device
 * @details
 * @note
void efm32_spiLcd_init(void)
    struct efm32_usart_device_t *usart;
    rt_uint32_t                 flag;
    DMD_DisplayGeometry         *geometry;
    rt_uint32_t                 ret;

        USART_InitSync_TypeDef init = USART_INITSYNC_DEFAULT;

		/* Find SPI device */
		lcd = rt_device_find(LCD_USING_DEVICE_NAME);
		if (lcd == RT_NULL)
			lcd_debug("LCD err: Can't find %s!\n", LCD_USING_DEVICE_NAME);
		lcd_debug("LCD: Find device %s\n", LCD_USING_DEVICE_NAME);

        /* Config CS pin */
        usart = (struct efm32_usart_device_t *)(lcd->user_data);
        if (!(usart->state & USART_STATE_AUTOCS))
            GPIO_PinModeSet(LCD_CS_PORT, LCD_CS_PIN, gpioModePushPull, 1);
            lcdAutoCs = false;

        /* TFT initialize or reinitialize. Assumes EBI has been configured
           correctly in DVK_init(DVK_Init_EBI) */
        rt_uint32_t freq = SystemCoreClockGet();
        rt_uint32_t i;
        rt_bool_t warning = RT_FALSE;

        /* If we are in BC_UIF_AEM_EFM state, we can redraw graphics */
        while (DVK_readRegister(&BC_REGISTER->UIF_AEM) != BC_UIF_AEM_EFM)
            if (!warning)
                lcd_debug("LCD: Please press AEM button!!!\n");
                warning = RT_TRUE;

        lcd_debug("LCD: Got LCD control\n");
        /* If we're not BC_ARB_CTRL_EBI state, we need to reconfigure display controller */
        if (DVK_readRegister(&BC_REGISTER->ARB_CTRL) != BC_ARB_CTRL_EBI)
            lcd_debug("LCD: Set to EBI mode\n");
            /* Configure for EBI mode and reset display */
            /* Short delay */
            freq = SystemCoreClockGet();
            for(i = 0; i < (freq / 100); i++)
#if defined(LCD_MAPPED)
            /* Configure display for address mapped method + 3-wire SPI mode */

            /* Initialize graphics - abort on failure */
            ret = DMD_init(BC_SSD2119_BASE, BC_SSD2119_BASE + 2);
            if (ret == DMD_OK)
                /* Make sure display is configured with correct rotation */
                DMD_flipDisplay(1, 1);
            else if (ret != DMD_ERROR_DRIVER_ALREADY_INITIALIZED)
                lcd_debug("LCD err: driver init failed %x\n", ret);
#elif defined(LCD_DIRECT)
            /* Configure TFT direct drive method from EBI BANK2 */
            const EBI_TFTInit_TypeDef tftInit =
                ebiTFTBank2,                  /* Select EBI Bank 2 */
                ebiTFTWidthHalfWord,          /* Select 2-byte (16-bit RGB565) increments */
                ebiTFTColorSrcMem,            /* Use memory as source for mask/blending */
                ebiTFTInterleaveUnlimited,    /* Unlimited interleaved accesses */
                ebiTFTFrameBufTriggerVSync,   /* VSYNC as frame buffer update trigger */
                false,                        /* Drive DCLK from negative edge of internal clock */
                ebiTFTMBDisabled,             /* No masking and alpha blending enabled */
                ebiTFTDDModeExternal,         /* Drive from external memory */
                ebiActiveLow,                 /* CS Active Low polarity */
                ebiActiveHigh,                /* DCLK Active High polarity */
                ebiActiveLow,                 /* DATAEN Active Low polarity */
                ebiActiveLow,                 /* HSYNC Active Low polarity */
                ebiActiveLow,                 /* VSYNC Active Low polarity */
                320,                          /* Horizontal size in pixels */
                1,                            /* Horizontal Front Porch */
                30,                           /* Horizontal Back Porch */
                2,                            /* Horizontal Synchronization Pulse Width */
                240,                          /* Vertical size in pixels */
                1,                            /* Vertical Front Porch */
                4,                            /* Vertical Back Porch */
                2,                            /* Vertical Synchronization Pulse Width */
                0x0000,                       /* Frame Address pointer offset to EBI memory base */
                4,                            /* DCLK Period */
                0,                            /* DCLK Start cycles */
                0,                            /* DCLK Setup cycles */
                0,                            /* DCLK Hold cycles */


            /* Configure display for Direct Drive + 3-wire SPI mode */

            /* Configure GPIO for EBI and TFT */
            /* EBI TFT DCLK/Dot Clock */
            GPIO_PinModeSet(gpioPortA, 8, gpioModePushPull, 0);
            /* EBI TFT DATAEN */
            GPIO_PinModeSet(gpioPortA, 9, gpioModePushPull, 0);
            /* EBI TFT VSYNC  */
            GPIO_PinModeSet(gpioPortA, 10, gpioModePushPull, 0);
            /* EBI TFT HSYNC */
            GPIO_PinModeSet(gpioPortA, 11, gpioModePushPull, 0);

            /* Initialize display */
            DMD_init(0, (rt_uint32_t)EBI_BankAddress(EBI_BANK2));

            /* Configure EBI TFT direct drive */

        /* Get LCD geometry */
        ret = DMD_getDisplayGeometry(&geometry);
        if (ret != DMD_OK)
            lcd_debug("LCD err: get geometry failed!\n");

        /* Init LCD info */
        lcd_info.pixel_format       = RTGRAPHIC_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565P;
        lcd_info.bits_per_pixel     = 16;
        lcd_info.width              = geometry->xSize;
        lcd_info.height             = geometry->ySize;
#if defined(LCD_MAPPED)
        lcd_info.framebuffer        = RT_NULL;
        efm32_spiLcd_register(&lcd_device, LCD_DEVICE_NAME, flag, (void *)&lcd_ops);
#elif defined(LCD_DIRECT)
        lcd_info.framebuffer        = (rt_uint8_t *)EBI_BankAddress(EBI_BANK2);
        efm32_spiLcd_register(&lcd_device, LCD_DEVICE_NAME, flag, RT_NULL);

        /* Set clipping area */
        ret = DMD_setClippingArea(0, 0, geometry->xSize, geometry->ySize);
        if (ret != DMD_OK)
            lcd_debug("LCD err: set clipping area failed!\n");
        /* Read device code */
        rt_uint16_t code = 0xFFFF;
#if defined(LCD_MAPPED)
        code = DMDIF_readDeviceCode();
        /* Set as rtgui graphic driver */

        lcd_debug("LCD: H/W init OK!\n");
    } while(0);

    lcd_debug("LCD err: H/W init failed!\n");
Exemple #5
 * @brief
 *   Draw a vertical line with specified color
 * @details
 * @note
 * @param[in] c
 *  Pointer to color
 * @param[in] x
 *  Horizontal position
 * @param[in] y1
 *  Vertical start position
 * @param[in] y2
 *  Vertical end position
static void efm32_spiLcd_drawVLine(rtgui_color_t *c, int x , int y1, int y2)
    rt_uint32_t ret = RT_EOK;

        /* Check if line is outside of clipping region */
        if ((x < 0) || (x > lcd_info.width))

        /* Swap the coordinates if y1 is larger than y2 */
        if (y1 > y2)
            rt_uint16_t swap;
            swap = y1;
            y1   = y2;
            y2   = swap;

        /* Check if entire line is outside clipping region */
        if ((y1 > lcd_info.height) || (y2 < 0))
            /* Nothing to draw */

        /* Clip the line if necessary */
        if (y1 < 0)
            y1 = 0;

        if (y2 > lcd_info.height)
            y2 = lcd_info.height;

        /* Set clipping area */
        rt_uint16_t length = y2 - y1 + 1;
        ret = DMD_setClippingArea((rt_uint16_t)x, (rt_uint16_t)y1, 1, length);
        if (ret != DMD_OK)

        /* Write color */
        ret= DMD_writePixel(0, 0, (rt_uint16_t)*c, length);
        if (ret != DMD_OK)

        /* Reset clipping area */
        ret = DMD_setClippingArea(0, 0, lcd_info.width, lcd_info.height);
        if (ret != DMD_OK)
    } while(0);

//    lcd_debug("LCD err: Draw vline at (%d,%d-%d: %x) failed (%x)!\n", x, y1, y2, *c, ret);
Exemple #6
 * @brief Clears/updates entire background ready to be drawn
void SLIDES_showBMP(char *fileName)
  int32_t  xCursor;
  int32_t  yCursor;
  uint32_t pixelsRead;
  uint32_t nPixelsPerRow;
  uint32_t nRows;

  EMSTATUS status;

  /* Open file */
  if (f_open(&BMPfile, fileName, FA_READ) != FR_OK)
    SLIDES_showError(true, "Fatal:\n  Failed to open file:\n  %s", fileName);

  /* Initialize BMP decoder */
  if (BMP_init(palette, 1024, &SLIDES_readData) != BMP_OK)
    SLIDES_showError(true, "Fatal:\n  Failed to init BMP library.");

  /* Read headers */
  if ((status = BMP_reset()) != BMP_OK)
    SLIDES_showError(false, "Info:\n  %s is not a BMP file", fileName);
    goto cleanup;

  /* Get important BMP data */
  nPixelsPerRow = BMP_getWidth();
  nRows         = BMP_getHeight();
  yCursor       = nRows - 1;
  xCursor       = 0;

  /* Check size of BMP */
  if ((nPixelsPerRow > 320) || (nRows > 240))
    SLIDES_showError(false, "Info:\n  %s is larger than 320x240.", fileName);

   /* Set clipping region */
  DMD_setClippingArea(0, 0, nPixelsPerRow, nRows);

  /* Read in and draw row for row */
  while (yCursor >= 0)
    /* Read in row buffer */
    status = BMP_readRgbData(rgbBuffer, RGB_BUFFER_SIZE, &pixelsRead);
    if (status != BMP_OK || pixelsRead == 0)

    /* Draw row buffer. Remember, BMP is stored bottom-up */
    status = DMD_writeData(xCursor, yCursor, rgbBuffer, pixelsRead);
    if (status != DMD_OK)

    /* Update cursor */
    xCursor += pixelsRead;
    if (xCursor >= (int)nPixelsPerRow)
      yCursor -= xCursor / nPixelsPerRow;
      xCursor  = xCursor % nPixelsPerRow;
  /* Reset clipping area in DMD driver */
  status = GLIB_resetDisplayClippingArea(&gc);
  if (status != 0)

  /* Close the file */