Exemple #1
void DominatorTree::debugPrint()
   for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
      INFO("SEMI(%i) = %i\n", i, SEMI(i));
      INFO("ANCESTOR(%i) = %i\n", i, ANCESTOR(i));
      INFO("PARENT(%i) = %i\n", i, PARENT(i));
      INFO("LABEL(%i) = %i\n", i, LABEL(i));
      INFO("DOM(%i) = %i\n", i, DOM(i));
std::unique_ptr< NHomMarkedAbelianGroup >
    NHomGroupPresentation::markedAbelianisation() const
 std::unique_ptr<NMarkedAbelianGroup> DOM( domain_->markedAbelianisation() );
 std::unique_ptr<NMarkedAbelianGroup> RAN( range_->markedAbelianisation() );
 NMatrixInt ccMat( RAN->rankCC(), DOM->rankCC() );
 for (unsigned long j=0; j<ccMat.columns(); j++)
   NGroupExpression COLj( evaluate(j) );
   for (unsigned long i=0; i<COLj.countTerms(); i++)
    ccMat.entry( COLj.generator(i), j ) += COLj.exponent(i);
 return std::unique_ptr<NHomMarkedAbelianGroup>(
        new NHomMarkedAbelianGroup( *DOM, *RAN, ccMat ) );
Exemple #3
void DominatorTree::build()
   DLList *bucket = new DLList[count];
   Node *nv, *nw;
   int p, u, v, w;


   for (w = count - 1; w >= 1; --w) {
      nw = vert[w];
      assert(nw->tag == w);
      for (Graph::EdgeIterator ei = nw->incident(); !ei.end(); ei.next()) {
         nv = ei.getNode();
         v = nv->tag;
         u = eval(v);
         if (SEMI(u) < SEMI(w))
            SEMI(w) = SEMI(u);
      p = PARENT(w);
      link(p, w);

      for (DLList::Iterator it = bucket[p].iterator(); !it.end(); it.erase()) {
         v = reinterpret_cast<Node *>(it.get())->tag;
         u = eval(v);
         DOM(v) = (SEMI(u) < SEMI(v)) ? u : p;
   for (w = 1; w < count; ++w) {
      if (DOM(w) != SEMI(w))
         DOM(w) = DOM(DOM(w));
   DOM(0) = 0;

   do {
      p = 0;
      for (v = 1; v < count; ++v) {
         nw = &BasicBlock::get(vert[DOM(v)])->dom;;
         nv = &BasicBlock::get(vert[v])->dom;
         if (nw->getGraph() && !nv->getGraph()) {
            nw->attach(nv, Graph::Edge::TREE);
   } while (p);

   delete[] bucket;
Exemple #4
void vl_irodrigues(double* om_pt, double* dom_pt, const double* R_pt)
                    tr R - 1          1    [ R32 - R23 ]
      th = cos^{-1} --------,  r =  ------ [ R13 - R31 ], w = th r.
                        2           2 sth  [ R12 - R21 ]

      sth = sin(th)

       dw    th*cth-sth      dw     th   [di3 dj2 - di2 dj3]
      ---- = ---------- r,  ---- = ----- [di1 dj3 - di3 dj1].
      dRii     2 sth^2      dRij   2 sth [di1 dj2 - di2 dj1]

      trace(A) < -1 only for small num. errors.

#define OM(i)    om_pt[(i)]
#define DOM(i,j) dom_pt[(i)+3*(j)]
#define R(i,j)   R_pt[(i)+3*(j)]
#define W(i,j)   W_pt[(i)+3*(j)]

  const double small = 1e-6 ;

  double th = acos
    (0.5*(VL_MAX(R(0,0)+R(1,1)+R(2,2),-1.0) - 1.0)) ;

  double sth = sin(th) ;
  double cth = cos(th) ;

  if(fabs(sth) < small && cth < 0) {
      we have this singularity when the rotation  is about pi (or -pi)
      we use the fact that in this case

      hat( sqrt(1-cth) * r )^2 = W = (0.5*(R+R') - eye(3))

      which gives

      (1-cth) rx^2 = 0.5 * (W(1,1)-W(2,2)-W(3,3))
      (1-cth) ry^2 = 0.5 * (W(2,2)-W(3,3)-W(1,1))
      (1-cth) rz^2 = 0.5 * (W(3,3)-W(1,1)-W(2,2))

    double W_pt [9], x, y, z ;
    W_pt[0] = 0.5*( R(0,0) + R(0,0) ) - 1.0 ;
    W_pt[1] = 0.5*( R(1,0) + R(0,1) ) ;
    W_pt[2] = 0.5*( R(2,0) + R(0,2) );

    W_pt[3] = 0.5*( R(0,1) + R(1,0) );
    W_pt[4] = 0.5*( R(1,1) + R(1,1) ) - 1.0;
    W_pt[5] = 0.5*( R(2,1) + R(1,2) );

    W_pt[6] =  0.5*( R(0,2) + R(2,0) ) ;
    W_pt[7] =  0.5*( R(1,2) + R(2,1) ) ;
    W_pt[8] =  0.5*( R(2,2) + R(2,2) ) - 1.0 ;

    /* these are only absolute values */
    x = sqrt( 0.5 * (W(0,0)-W(1,1)-W(2,2)) ) ;
    y = sqrt( 0.5 * (W(1,1)-W(2,2)-W(0,0)) ) ;
    z = sqrt( 0.5 * (W(2,2)-W(0,0)-W(1,1)) ) ;

    /* set the biggest component to + and use the element of the
    ** matrix W to determine the sign of the other components
    ** then the solution is either (x,y,z) or its opposite */
    if( x >= y && x >= z ) {
      y = (W(1,0) >=0) ? y : -y ;
      z = (W(2,0) >=0) ? z : -z ;
    } else if( y >= x && y >= z ) {
      z = (W(2,1) >=0) ? z : -z ;
      x = (W(1,0) >=0) ? x : -x ;
    } else {
      x = (W(2,0) >=0) ? x : -x ;
      y = (W(2,1) >=0) ? y : -y ;

    /* we are left to chose between (x,y,z) and (-x,-y,-z)
    ** unfortunately we cannot (as the rotation is too close to pi) and
    ** we just keep what we have. */
      double scale = th / sqrt( 1 - cth ) ;
      OM(0) = scale * x ;
      OM(1) = scale * y ;
      OM(2) = scale * z ;

      if( dom_pt ) {
        int k ;
        for(k=0; k<3*9; ++k)
          dom_pt [k] = VL_NAN_D ;
      return ;

  } else {
    double a = (fabs(sth) < small) ? 1 : th/sin(th) ;
    double b ;
    OM(0) = 0.5*a*(R(2,1) - R(1,2)) ;
    OM(1) = 0.5*a*(R(0,2) - R(2,0)) ;
    OM(2) = 0.5*a*(R(1,0) - R(0,1)) ;

    if( dom_pt ) {
      if( fabs(sth) < small ) {
        a = 0.5 ;
        b = 0 ;
      } else {
        a = th/(2*sth) ;
        b = (th*cth - sth)/(2*sth*sth)/th ;

      DOM(0,0) = b*OM(0) ;
      DOM(1,0) = b*OM(1) ;
      DOM(2,0) = b*OM(2) ;

      DOM(0,1) = 0 ;
      DOM(1,1) = 0 ;
      DOM(2,1) = a ;

      DOM(0,2) = 0 ;
      DOM(1,2) = -a ;
      DOM(2,2) = 0 ;

      DOM(0,3) = 0 ;
      DOM(1,3) = 0 ;
      DOM(2,3) = -a ;

      DOM(0,4) = b*OM(0) ;
      DOM(1,4) = b*OM(1) ;
      DOM(2,4) = b*OM(2) ;

      DOM(0,5) = a ;
      DOM(1,5) = 0 ;
      DOM(2,5) = 0 ;

      DOM(0,6) = 0 ;
      DOM(1,6) = a ;
      DOM(2,6) = 0 ;

      DOM(0,7) = -a ;
      DOM(1,7) = 0 ;
      DOM(2,7) = 0 ;

      DOM(0,8) = b*OM(0) ;
      DOM(1,8) = b*OM(1) ;
      DOM(2,8) = b*OM(2) ;

#undef OM
#undef DOM
#undef R
#undef W