uint32_t SRAND_GetSeed(void)
    unsigned int result = 0;

#ifdef __32MZ2048ECG100__

    AD1CON3bits.RQCONVRT = 1;
    while (AD1DSTAT1bits.ARDY8 == 0);
    result = AD1DATA8;


    while (!DRV_ADC_SamplesAvailable(WIFIRE_POT_ADC_CH_INDEX))
    result = DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(WIFIRE_POT_ADC_CH_INDEX);


    return result;
void IntHandlerDrvAdc(void)
    //TODO: make sure this corresponds to the Harmony config!!!
    int numSamp = 6;
    //clear the interrupt flag
    PLIB_INT_SourceFlagClear(INT_ID_0, INT_SOURCE_ADC_1);
    //get the ADC value
    unsigned int potValue = 0;
    unsigned int potValue1 = 0;
    unsigned int potValue2 = 0;
    unsigned int potValue3 = 0;
    unsigned int potValue4 = 0;
    unsigned int potValue5 = 0;
    int i = 0;
        potValue4 += DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(i);
        potValue += DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(i+1);
        potValue1 += DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(i+2);
        potValue3 += DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(i+3);
        potValue2 += DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(i+4);
        potValue5 += DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(i+5);
    for(i=0; i<numberSamplesPerInterrupt; i += 3) {
        //potValue += PLIB_ADC_ResultGetByIndex(ADC_ID_1, i);
        potValue += DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(i);
        potValue1 += DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(i+1);
        potValue2 += DRV_ADC_SamplesRead(i+2);
     * */
    //potValue = potValue/numberSamplesPerInterrupt; //the output is a 16-bit int
    unsigned int distance;
    unsigned int distance2;
    //convert ADC steps to distance in cm
    // distance = (unsigned int) (63.404-((double)potValue*0.058)); //cm
    // distance = (unsigned int) (24.952-((double)potValue*0.0227)); //in
    //distance = (unsigned int) potValue;
    //distance = distance & 0xFF;
    // DIST 
    if (potValue < 89)
        distance = 40;
        distance = (unsigned int) (3530.0 / ((double)potValue));
    if (potValue5 < 89)
        distance2 = 40;
        distance2 = (unsigned int) (3530.0 / ((double)potValue5));
    if (potValue2 < 833) potValue2 = 0;
    else potValue2 = potValue2 - 832;

    char data[MSG_LENGTH];
    data[0] = MSG_START;          // Start byte
    data[1] = TYPE_ADC;               // Type byte
    data[2] = 0x20;              // Count byte
    data[3] = distance & 0xFF;           
    data[4] = (potValue1 & 0x03FC) >> 2;  //FRONT
    data[5] = (potValue2 & 0x03FC) >> 2;  //REAR
    data[6] = (potValue3 & 0x03FC) >> 2;  //RIGHT
    data[7] = (potValue4 & 0x03FC) >> 2;  //LEFT
    data[8] = distance2 & 0xFF;           
    data[9] = MSG_STOP;           // Stop byte
    if (SEND_ADC == 0x1)
    //send the value to the queue