Exemple #1
int SUMA_ShortizeDset(THD_3dim_dataset **dsetp, float thisfac) {
   static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_ShortizeDset"};
   char sprefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX+10];
   int i, j;
   byte *bb=NULL;
   short *sb=NULL;
   float bbf=0.0;
   THD_3dim_dataset *cpset=NULL, *dset=*dsetp;
   if (!dset) {
      SUMA_S_Err("NULL *dsetp at input!");
   sprintf(sprefix, "%s.s", dset->dblk->diskptr->prefix);
   NEW_SHORTY(dset, DSET_NVALS(dset), "ss.cp", cpset);      
   for (i=0; i<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++i) {
      if (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,i) == MRI_byte) {
         bb = (byte *)DSET_ARRAY(dset,i);
         sb = (short *)DSET_ARRAY(cpset,i);
         if (thisfac <= 0.0) {
            for (j=0; j<DSET_NVOX(dset); ++j) {
               sb[j] = (short)bb[j];
            thisfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,i);
         } else {
            bbf = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,i); if (bbf == 0.0f) bbf = 1.0;
            bbf = bbf/thisfac;
            for (j=0; j<DSET_NVOX(dset); ++j) {
               sb[j] = SHORTIZE((((float)bb[j])*bbf));
         EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( cpset,i,thisfac ) ;
      } else {
         EDIT_substscale_brick(cpset, i, DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,i), 
                            DSET_ARRAY(dset,i), MRI_short, thisfac);
         if (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,i) != MRI_short) {
            DSET_FREE_ARRAY(dset, i);
         } else {
            DSET_NULL_ARRAY(dset, i);
   /* preserve tables, if any */
   THD_copy_labeltable_atr( cpset->dblk,  dset->dblk); 
   DSET_delete(dset); dset = NULL; 

Exemple #2
float THD_get_float_value( int ind , int ival , THD_3dim_dataset *dset )
   MRI_TYPE typ ; float val=0.0f ;

   if( ind < 0 || ival < 0 || !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ||
       ival >= DSET_NVALS(dset) || ind >= DSET_NVOX(dset) ) return val ;

   typ = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ival) ;  /* raw data type */

   switch( typ ){

      default:           /* don't know what to do --> return nada */
      break ;

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte *bar ;
         bar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,ival) ;
         if( bar != NULL ) val = (float)bar[ind] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_short:{
         short *bar ;
         bar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,ival) ;
         if( bar != NULL ) val = (float)bar[ind] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_float:{
         float *bar ;
         bar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,ival) ;
         if( bar != NULL ) val = bar[ind] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_complex:{
         complex *bar ;
         bar = (complex *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,ival) ;
         if( bar != NULL ) val = CABS(bar[ind]) ;
      break ;


   if( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ival) > 0.0f )
     val *= DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ival) ;

   return val ;
int THD_subbrick_minmax (THD_3dim_dataset *dset, int isb, int scl, 
                         float *min, float *max)
   float tf = 1.0;
   *min = 0.0; *max = 0.0;
   if (!dset) return(0);
   if( ISVALID_STATISTIC(dset->stats) ) {
      *min = dset->stats->bstat[isb].min;
      *max = dset->stats->bstat[isb].max;
   } else { /* the slow way */
      THD_slow_minmax_dset(dset, min, max, isb, isb);

   /* values are already scaled, remove it */
   if (!scl) {
      tf = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,isb) ; if (tf == 0.0) tf = 1.0;
      *min /= tf;
      *max /= tf;

Exemple #4
void process_subbrick (THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int ibrick)

  const float EPSILON = 1.0e-10;
  float factor;            /* factor is new scale factor for this sub-brick */
  void * vfim = NULL;      /* sub-brick data pointer */
  float * ffim = NULL;     /* sub-brick data in floating point format */
  char brick_label[THD_MAX_NAME];       /* sub-brick label */

ENTRY("process_subbrick") ;
  if (!FDR_quiet)  printf ("Processing sub-brick #%d \n", ibrick);

  /*----- Allocate memory for float data -----*/
  ffim = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * FDR_nxyz);   MTEST (ffim);

  /*----- Convert sub-brick to float stats -----*/
  SUB_POINTER (dset, ibrick, 0, vfim);
  EDIT_coerce_scale_type (FDR_nxyz, DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ibrick),
			  DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ibrick), vfim,   /* input  */
			  MRI_float                   , ffim);  /* output */

  /*----- Calculate FDR z-scores for all voxels within this volume -----*/
  process_volume (ffim, DSET_BRICK_STATCODE(dset,ibrick),
		        DSET_BRICK_STATAUX (dset,ibrick));

  /*----- Replace old sub-brick with new z-scores -----*/
  if( !FDR_float || DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ibrick)==MRI_float ){
    SUB_POINTER (dset, ibrick, 0, vfim);
    factor = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new (FDR_nxyz, MRI_float, ffim,
				      DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ibrick), vfim);  
    if (factor < EPSILON)  factor = 0.0;
    else factor = 1.0 / factor;
    if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ibrick) == MRI_short )
      EDIT_misfit_report( DSET_FILECODE(dset) , ibrick ,
                          FDR_nxyz , factor , vfim , ffim ) ;
  } else {                          /*** if -float was given ***/
    EDIT_substitute_brick( dset , ibrick , MRI_float , ffim ) ;
    ffim = NULL ; factor = 0.0f ;

  /*----- edit the sub-brick -----*/
  if( FDR_qval ) strcpy (brick_label, "FDRq:");
  else           strcpy (brick_label, "FDRz:");
  strcat (brick_label, DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset, ibrick));
  EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (dset, ibrick, brick_label);
  EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR (dset, ibrick, factor);
  if( !FDR_qval ) EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIZT  (dset,ibrick);
  else            EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(dset,ibrick);

  /*----- Deallocate memory -----*/
  if (ffim != NULL) { free (ffim);   ffim = NULL; }

/* - moved from 3dhistog.c               18 Dec 2012 [rickr] */
int THD_slow_minmax_dset(THD_3dim_dataset *dset, float *dmin, float *dmax,
                         int iv_bot, int iv_top)
   int iv_fim;
   float fimfac;
   float vbot , vtop, temp_fbot=1.0, temp_ftop=0.0 ;


   for( iv_fim=iv_bot ; iv_fim <= iv_top ; iv_fim++ ){
     /* minimum and maximum for sub-brick */
     vbot = mri_min( DSET_BRICK(dset,iv_fim) ) ;
     vtop = mri_max( DSET_BRICK(dset,iv_fim) ) ;
     fimfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,iv_fim) ;
     if (fimfac == 0.0)  fimfac = 1.0;
     vbot *= fimfac ; vtop *= fimfac ;

     /* update global min and max */
     if ( temp_fbot > temp_ftop ) { /* first time, just copy */
        temp_fbot = vbot;
        temp_ftop = vtop;
     } else {
        if( vbot < temp_fbot ) temp_fbot = vbot;
        if( vtop > temp_ftop ) temp_ftop = vtop;
   *dmin = temp_fbot;
   *dmax = temp_ftop;

Exemple #6
MRI_IMAGE * THD_median_brick( THD_3dim_dataset *dset )
   int nvox , nvals , ii ;
   MRI_IMAGE *tsim , *medim ;
   float *medar ;
   float *tsar ;  /* 05 Nov 2001 */

ENTRY("THD_median_brick") ;

   if( !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ) RETURN(NULL) ;
   DSET_load(dset) ;
   if( !DSET_LOADED(dset) ) RETURN(NULL) ;

   nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset) ;
   tsim  = DSET_BRICK(dset,0) ;

   if( nvals == 1 ){
     medim = mri_scale_to_float( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,0), tsim ) ;
     RETURN(medim) ;

   medim = mri_new_conforming( tsim , MRI_float ) ;
   medar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(medim) ;
   nvox  = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;

   tsar = (float *) calloc( sizeof(float),nvals+1 ) ; /* 05 Nov 2001 */
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
     THD_extract_array( ii , dset , 0 , tsar ) ;     /* 05 Nov 2001 */
     medar[ii] = qmed_float( nvals , tsar ) ;

   free(tsar) ; RETURN(medim) ;
Exemple #7
MRI_IMAGE * THD_rms_brick( THD_3dim_dataset *dset )
   int nvox , nvals , ii , jj ;
   MRI_IMAGE *tsim , *medim ;
   float *medar , sum,fac ;
   float *tsar ;

ENTRY("THD_rms_brick") ;

   if( !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ) RETURN(NULL) ;
   DSET_load(dset) ;
   if( !DSET_LOADED(dset) ) RETURN(NULL) ;

   nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset)   ; fac = 1.0 / nvals ;
   tsim  = DSET_BRICK(dset,0) ;

   if( nvals == 1 ){
     medim = mri_scale_to_float( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,0), tsim ) ;
     RETURN(medim) ;

   medim = mri_new_conforming( tsim , MRI_float ) ;
   medar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(medim) ;
   nvox  = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;

   tsar = (float *) calloc( sizeof(float),nvals+1 ) ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
     THD_extract_array( ii , dset , 0 , tsar ) ;
     for( sum=0.0,jj=0 ; jj < nvals ; jj++ ) sum += tsar[jj]*tsar[jj] ;
     medar[ii] = sqrtf(fac * sum) ;

   free(tsar) ; RETURN(medim) ;
**  Subtract hemispheres.
**  Check if we need to create or change the factor.
static char *
process_data( THD_3dim_dataset * dset, hemi_s * hs )
    int     count, nx, ny, nz, cx, cx2;
    int     type, diff, floats = ( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR( dset, 0 ) != 0.0 );
    short * data, * sp, * sp2;

    nx = dset->daxes->nxx;
    ny = dset->daxes->nyy;
    nz = dset->daxes->nzz;

    type = hs->thresh_type;

    data = (short *)DSET_ARRAY( dset, 0 );
    for ( count = 0; ! floats && count < ny*nz; count++ )
	sp  = data;
	sp2 = data + nx - 1;

	for ( cx = 0; cx < (nx+1)/2; cx++ )
	    if ( type == 1 )            /* positives only */
		if ( *sp < 0 )
		    *sp = 0;
		if ( *sp2 < 0 )
		    *sp2 = 0;
	    else if ( type == 2 )       /* negatives only */
		if ( *sp > 0 )
		    *sp = 0;
		if ( *sp2 > 0 )
		    *sp2 = 0;

	    diff = *sp - *sp2;
						  /* if out of short range */
	    if ( ( diff > 32767 ) || ( diff < -32768 ) )
		floats = 1;
		*sp  = diff;
		*sp2 = -diff;


	data += nx;

    if ( floats )
	return process_as_floats( dset, hs );

    return NULL;        /* success */
Exemple #9
/* Calculates the average value for each voxel in dset across all timepoints.

   dset is a valid 3D+T dataset with at least 1 timepoint;
   ignore is the number of timepoints to ignore at the beginning of dset;
   0 <= ignore < number of timepoints in dset;

   return value is NULL on error,
   else, return value is an array of floats with the same dimensions as the
   subbricks of dset, containing the voxel value averages;

   Note: The caller is responsible for free()ing the returned block of memory
   when done.

   Note2: The complex datatype is not supported, and any such bricks will
   result in an error (NULL return value).
double * RIC_CalcVoxelMeans(const THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int ignore) {

    double * avg;       /* The voxel averages to be returned */
    float scalefactor; /* Current dset brick scaling factor */
    int ival, nvals;   /* Current, number of dset timepoints */
    int ivox, nvoxs;   /* Current, number of dset brick voxels */

    /* Quick check of arguments */
    if (!ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) || DSET_NVALS(dset) < 1 ||
	ignore < 0 || ignore >= DSET_NVALS(dset)) {

	return NULL;

    /* Initialize */
    nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset);
    nvoxs = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy * dset->daxes->nzz;
    avg = malloc(sizeof(double) * nvoxs);
    if (avg == NULL) {
	return NULL;

    /* Calculate the voxel averages; treat matrices as 1-D arrays */

    /* Zero the voxel sums */
    for (ivox = 0; ivox < nvoxs; ivox += 1) {
	avg[ivox] = 0.0;

    /* Sum each voxel across time (and hope there are not too many points) */
    for (ival = ignore; ival < nvals; ival += 1) {
	scalefactor = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, ival);

	switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset, ival)) {
	case MRI_short:
	case MRI_byte:
	case MRI_float:
	default: /* Unsupported datatype */
	    return NULL;

    /* Divide by number of timepoints to get average */
    nvals -= ignore;  /* We do not average over the ignored timepoints */
    for (ivox = 0; ivox < nvoxs; ivox += 1) {
	avg[ivox] /= nvals;

    return avg;
int is_integral_sub_brick ( THD_3dim_dataset *dset, int isb, int check_values)
   float mfac = 0.0;
   void *vv=NULL;

   if(   !ISVALID_DSET(dset)    ||
            isb < 0                     ||
            isb >= DSET_NVALS(dset)  ) {

      fprintf(stderr,"** Bad dset or sub-brick index.\n");
      return (0) ;

   if( !DSET_LOADED(dset) ) DSET_load(dset);

   switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,isb) ){
      case MRI_short:
      case MRI_byte:
         if (check_values) {
            mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,isb) ;
            if (mfac != 0.0f && mfac != 1.0f) return(0);
      case MRI_double:
      case MRI_complex:
      case MRI_float:
         vv = (void *)DSET_ARRAY(dset,isb);
         mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,isb) ;
         if (mfac != 0.0f && mfac != 1.0f) return(0);
         if (!vv) {
            fprintf(stderr,"** NULL array!\n");
                                 DSET_ARRAY(dset,isb) ) );

void THD_load_tcat( THD_datablock *dblk )
   int ivout , dd , iv ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset_in , *dset_out ;
   NI_str_array *sar ;

ENTRY("THD_load_tcat") ;

   if( !ISVALID_DBLK(dblk) ) EXRETURN ;
   dset_out = (THD_3dim_dataset *)dblk->parent ;
   if( !ISVALID_DSET(dset_out) ) EXRETURN ;
   sar = NI_decode_string_list( dset_out->tcat_list , "~" ) ;
   if( sar == NULL ) EXRETURN ;
   if( sar->num != dset_out->tcat_num ){ NI_delete_str_array(sar); EXRETURN; }

   ivout = 0 ;
   for( dd=0 ; dd < sar->num ; dd++ ){
     dset_in = THD_open_dataset( sar->str[dd] ) ;
     if( dset_in == NULL ){
       NI_delete_str_array(sar) ; DSET_unload(dset_out) ;
       EXRETURN ;
     DSET_mallocize(dset_in) ; DSET_load(dset_in) ;
     if( !DSET_LOADED(dset_in) ){
       NI_delete_str_array(sar) ; DSET_unload(dset_out) ; DSET_delete(dset_in) ;
       EXRETURN ;

     for( iv=0 ; iv < DSET_NVALS(dset_in) ; iv++ ){
       EDIT_substitute_brick( dset_out , ivout ,
                              DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset_in,iv), DSET_ARRAY(dset_in,iv) );
       mri_fix_data_pointer( NULL , DSET_BRICK(dset_in,iv) ) ;
       EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( dset_out , ivout , DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset_in,iv) ) ;
       EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(dset_out, ivout, 
                        DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset_in, iv)); /* ZSS Aug. 27 2012 */
       ivout++ ;
     DSET_delete(dset_in) ;

   NI_delete_str_array(sar) ; EXRETURN ;
Exemple #12
static int * PLUTO_4D_to_nothing (THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , int ignore , int detrend ,
                         generic_func * user_func, void * user_data )

   byte    ** bptr = NULL ;  /* one of these will be the array of */
   short   ** sptr = NULL ;  /* pointers to input dataset sub-bricks */
   float   ** fptr = NULL ;  /* (depending on input datum type) */
   complex ** cptr = NULL ;

   float * fxar = NULL ;  /* array loaded from input dataset */
   float * fac  = NULL ;  /* array of brick scaling factors */
   float * dtr  = NULL ;  /* will be array of detrending coeff */

   float val , d0fac , d1fac , x0,x1;
   double tzero=0.0 , tdelta , ts_mean , ts_slope ;
   int   ii , old_datum , nuse , use_fac , iz,izold, nxy,nvox ;
   static int retval;
	register int kk ;

   /*----- Check inputs to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(old_dset) ) return NULL ;

   if( user_func == NULL ) return NULL ;

   if( ignore < 0 ) ignore = 0 ;

   /*--------- set up pointers to each sub-brick in the input dataset ---------*/

   old_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE( old_dset , 0 ) ;   /* get old dataset datum */
   nuse      = DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) - ignore ; /* # of points on time axis */
   if( nuse < 2 ) return NULL ;

   DSET_load( old_dset ) ;  /* must be in memory before we get pointers to it */

   kk = THD_count_databricks( old_dset->dblk ) ;  /* check if it was */
   if( kk < DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ){               /* loaded correctly */
      DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;
      return NULL ;

   switch( old_datum ){  /* pointer type depends on input datum type */

      default:                      /** don't know what to do **/
         DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;
         return NULL ;

      /** create array of pointers into old dataset sub-bricks **/

      /*--------- input is bytes ----------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is bptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_byte:
         bptr = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * nuse ) ;
         if( bptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            bptr[kk] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is shorts ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is sptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_short:
         sptr = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * nuse ) ;
         if( sptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            sptr[kk] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is floats ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is fptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_float:
         fptr = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nuse ) ;
         if( fptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            fptr[kk] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is complex ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is cptr[k][i]  */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.   */

      case MRI_complex:
         cptr = (complex **) malloc( sizeof(complex *) * nuse ) ;
         if( cptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            cptr[kk] = (complex *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on input type */

	nvox = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy * old_dset->daxes->nzz ;

   /*---- allocate space for 1 voxel timeseries ----*/

   fxar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;   /* voxel timeseries */
   if( fxar == NULL ){ ZFREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   /*--- get scaling factors for sub-bricks ---*/

   fac = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;   /* factors */
   if( fac == NULL ){ ZFREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   use_fac = 0 ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
      fac[kk] = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      if( fac[kk] != 0.0 ) use_fac++ ;
      else                 fac[kk] = 1.0 ;
   if( !use_fac ) ZFREEUP(fac) ;

   /*--- setup for detrending ---*/

   dtr = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;
   if( dtr == NULL ){ ZFREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   d0fac = 1.0 / nuse ;
   d1fac = 12.0 / nuse / (nuse*nuse - 1.0) ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
      dtr[kk] = kk - 0.5 * (nuse-1) ;  /* linear trend, orthogonal to 1 */

   /*----- set up to find time at each voxel -----*/

   tdelta = old_dset->taxis->ttdel ;
   if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) tdelta *= 0.001 ;
   if( tdelta == 0.0 ) tdelta = 1.0 ;

   izold  = -666 ;
   nxy    = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy ;

   /*----- Setup has ended.  Now do some real work. -----*/

   /* start notification */
#if 0
   user_func(  0.0 , 0.0 , nvox , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data ) ;
   { void (*uf)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *) =
     (void (*)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *))(user_func) ;
     uf( 0.0l,0.0l , nvox , NULL , 0.0l,0.0l , user_data ) ;

   /***** loop over voxels *****/   
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++  ){  /* 1 time series at a time */
      /*** load data from input dataset, depending on type ***/

      switch( old_datum ){

         /*** input = bytes ***/

         case MRI_byte:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = bptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = shorts ***/

         case MRI_short:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = sptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = floats ***/

         case MRI_float:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = fptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = complex (note we use absolute value) ***/

         case MRI_complex:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = CABS(cptr[kk][ii]) ;
         break ;

      } /* end of switch over input type */

      /*** scale? ***/
     if( use_fac )
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] *= fac[kk] ;

      /** compute mean and slope **/

      x0 = x1 = 0.0 ;
      for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
         x0 += fxar[kk] ; x1 += fxar[kk] * dtr[kk] ;

      x0 *= d0fac ; x1 *= d1fac ;  /* factors to remove mean and trend */

      ts_mean  = x0 ;
      ts_slope = x1 / tdelta ;
      /** detrend? **/

      if( detrend )
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] -= (x0 + x1 * dtr[kk]) ;

      /** compute start time of this timeseries **/
		/* The info computed here is not being used in this version*/
      iz = ii / nxy ;    /* which slice am I in? */

      if( iz != izold ){          /* in a new slice? */
         tzero = THD_timeof( ignore ,
                           + iz*old_dset->daxes->zzdel , old_dset->taxis ) ;
         izold = iz ;

         if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) tzero *= 0.001 ;

      /*** Send data to user function ***/
#if 0
      user_func( tzero,tdelta , nuse,fxar,ts_mean,ts_slope , user_data) ;
     { void (*uf)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *) =
       (void (*)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *))(user_func) ;
       uf( tzero,tdelta , nuse,fxar,ts_mean,ts_slope , user_data) ;


   } /* end of outer loop over 1 voxels at a time */

   DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;  

   /* end notification */
#if 0
   user_func( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data ) ;
   { void (*uf)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *) =
     (void (*)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *))(user_func) ;
     uf( 0.0l,0.0l, 0 , NULL,0.0l,0.0l, user_data ) ;

   /*-------------- Cleanup and go home ----------------*/
	retval = 0;
	return &retval; /* this value is not used for now .... */

Exemple #13
void initialize_program (int argc, char * argv[])
  int iv;                  /* index number of sub-brick */
  void * vfim = NULL;      /* sub-brick data pointer */
  float * ffim = NULL;     /* sub-brick data in floating point format */
  int ixyz;                /* voxel index */
  int nx, ny, nz, nxyz;    /* numbers of voxels in input dataset */
  int mx=0, my=0, mz=0, mxyz;    /* numbers of voxels in mask dataset */
  int nthr=0;                /* number of voxels above mask threshold */
  char message[80];        /* error message */
  int ibin;                /* p-value bin index */

  /*-- 20 Apr 2001: addto the arglist, if user wants to [RWCox] --*/
  machdep() ; 
  { int new_argc ; char ** new_argv ;
  addto_args( argc , argv , &new_argc , &new_argv ) ;
  if( new_argv != NULL ){ argc = new_argc ; argv = new_argv ; }

  /*----- Save command line for history notes -----*/
  commandline = tross_commandline( PROGRAM_NAME , argc,argv ) ;

  /*----- Does user request help menu? -----*/
  if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) FDR_Syntax() ;

  /*----- Add to program log -----*/
  AFNI_logger (PROGRAM_NAME,argc,argv); 

  /*----- Read input options -----*/
  read_options( argc , argv ) ;

  /*----- Open the mask dataset -----*/
  if (FDR_mask_filename != NULL)
      if (!FDR_quiet) 
        printf ("Reading mask dataset: %s \n", FDR_mask_filename);
      DOPEN (FDR_dset, FDR_mask_filename);

      if (FDR_dset == NULL)
        sprintf (message, "Cannot open mask dataset %s", FDR_mask_filename); 
        FDR_error (message);

      if (DSET_NVALS(FDR_dset) != 1)
        WARNING_message("Mask dataset: using sub-brick #0") ;

      /*----- Get dimensions of mask dataset -----*/
      mx   = DSET_NX(FDR_dset);   
      my   = DSET_NY(FDR_dset);   
      mz   = DSET_NZ(FDR_dset);
      mxyz = mx*my*mz;

      /*----- Allocate memory for float data -----*/
      ffim = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * mxyz);   MTEST (ffim);

      /*----- Convert mask dataset sub-brick to floats (in ffim) -----*/
      iv = 0 ;
      SUB_POINTER (FDR_dset, iv, 0, vfim);
      EDIT_coerce_scale_type (mxyz, DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(FDR_dset,iv),
			      DSET_BRICK_TYPE(FDR_dset,iv), vfim,  /* input  */
			      MRI_float                   , ffim); /* output */
      /*----- Allocate memory for mask volume -----*/
      FDR_mask = (byte *) malloc (sizeof(byte) * mxyz);
      MTEST (FDR_mask);
      /*----- Create mask of voxels above mask threshold -----*/
      nthr = 0;
      for (ixyz = 0;  ixyz < mxyz;  ixyz++){
        if (fabs(ffim[ixyz]) >= FDR_mask_thr){ FDR_mask[ixyz] = 1; nthr++; }
        else                                   FDR_mask[ixyz] = 0;

      if (!FDR_quiet)  
        printf ("Number of voxels above mask threshold = %d \n", nthr);
      if (nthr < 1)  
        FDR_error ("No voxels above mask threshold.  Cannot continue.");

      /*----- Delete floating point sub-brick -----*/
      if (ffim != NULL) { free (ffim);   ffim = NULL; }

      /*----- Delete mask dataset -----*/
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset (FDR_dset, False);  FDR_dset = NULL ;


  /*----- Get the input data -----*/

  if (FDR_input1D_filename != NULL)
      /*----- Read the input .1D file -----*/
      if (!FDR_quiet)  printf ("Reading input data: %s \n", 
      FDR_input1D_data = read_time_series (FDR_input1D_filename, &nxyz);

      if (FDR_input1D_data == NULL)  
	  sprintf (message,  "Unable to read input .1D data file: %s", 
	  FDR_error (message);
      if (nxyz < 1)  
	  sprintf (message,  "No p-values in input .1D data file: %s", 
	  FDR_error (message);

      FDR_nxyz = nxyz;
      FDR_nthr = nxyz;
      /*----- Open the input 3D dataset -----*/
      if (!FDR_quiet)  printf ("Reading input dataset: %s \n", 
      FDR_dset = THD_open_dataset(FDR_input_filename);
      /*----- Get dimensions of input dataset -----*/
      nx   = DSET_NX(FDR_dset);   
      ny   = DSET_NY(FDR_dset);   
      nz   = DSET_NZ(FDR_dset);
      nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
      /*----- Check for compatible dimensions -----*/
      if (FDR_mask != NULL)
	  if ((nx != mx) || (ny != my) || (nz != mz))
	    FDR_error ("Mask and input dataset have incompatible dimensions");
	  FDR_nxyz = nxyz;
	  FDR_nthr = nthr;
	  FDR_nxyz = nxyz;
	  FDR_nthr = nxyz;

      /*----- Check whether output dataset already exists -----*/
      if( THD_deathcon() ) check_one_output_file (FDR_dset, FDR_output_prefix);

  /*----- Initialize constant c(N) -----*/
  if (FDR_cn < 0.0)
      double cn;
      cn = 0.0;
      for (ixyz = 1;  ixyz <= FDR_nthr;  ixyz++)
	cn += 1.0 / ixyz;
      FDR_cn = cn;
      if (!FDR_quiet)
	printf ("c(N) = %f \n", FDR_cn);
  /*----- Initialize voxel pointers -----*/
  for (ibin = 0;  ibin < FDR_MAX_LL;  ibin++)
    FDR_head_voxel[ibin] = NULL;

  return ;
Exemple #14
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   MRI_IMAGE *xim , *yim ;
   float     *xar , *yar , *war ;
   int iarg , ndset , nvox , ii , jj, xyall , clip=0 ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *xset , *yset , * mask_dset=NULL ;
   float xbot=1.0f,xtop=0.0f , ybot=1.0f,ytop=0.0f , val ;
   float xsum,ysum , xsig,ysig ;
   byte *mmm=NULL ;
   char *save_hist=NULL, *save_hist_1D=NULL ;

   /*-- read command line arguments --*/

   if( argc < 3 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",5) == 0 ){
     printf("Usage: 3dAcost [options] xset yset\n"
            "Output = 3dAllineate cost functions between 2 dataset bricks\n"
            "         (for debugging purposes, mostly).\n"
            "  -mask mset   Means to use the dataset 'mset' as a mask:\n"
            "                 Only voxels with nonzero values in 'mset'\n"
            "                 will be averaged from 'dataset'.  Note\n"
            "                 that the mask dataset and the input dataset\n"
            "                 must have the same number of voxels.\n"
            " -histpow p    Set histogram power to 'p'; number of bins in\n"
            "                 histogram (each axis) = n^p (n=# of points).\n"
            "                 (Default is p=0.33333.)\n"
            " -histbin m    Set histogram to use 'm' bins (each axis).\n"
            "                 (Max number of bins is 255.)\n"
            " -savehist ss  Save 2D histogram to image file 'ss'\n"
            "                 (floating point image; read with 'afni -im')\n"
            " -savehist_1D dd  Save original form of 2D histogram to 1D file 'dd'\n"
            "                 (-savehist produces the rootogram)\n"
            " -xrange a b   Use only xset values in range a..b.\n"
            " -yrange c d   Use only yset values in range c..d.\n"
            "                 (Default is to use all values.)\n"
            " -clip         Use values from min to mri_topclip()\n"
           ) ;
     exit(0) ;

   iarg = 1 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-xrange") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc-1 ) ERROR_exit("no arguments after '%s'!",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       xbot = (float)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
       xtop = (float)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
       continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-yrange") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc-1 ) ERROR_exit("no arguments after '%s'!",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       ybot = (float)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
       ytop = (float)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
       continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-clip") == 0 ){
       clip = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-savehist") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s'!",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(argv[iarg]) )
         ERROR_exit("badly formed filename: '%s' '%s'",argv[iarg-1],argv[iarg]);
       save_hist = argv[iarg] ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-savehist_1D") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s'!",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       save_hist_1D= argv[iarg] ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-histpow") == 0 ){
       double hist_pow ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s'!",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       hist_pow = strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
       set_2Dhist_hpower(hist_pow) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-histbin") == 0 ){
       int hist_nbin ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s'!",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       hist_nbin = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
       set_2Dhist_hbin(hist_nbin) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-mask",5) == 0 ){
       if( mask_dset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -mask twice!") ;
       if( iarg+1 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-mask needs a filename!") ;
       mask_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++iarg] ) ;
       CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mask_dset,argv[iarg]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     fprintf(stderr,"*** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; exit(1) ;

   /* should have at least 2 more arguments */

   ndset = argc - iarg ;
   if( ndset <= 1 ){
      fprintf(stderr,"*** No input datasets!?\n") ; exit(1) ;

   xset = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg++]) ; CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(xset,argv[iarg-1]) ;
   yset = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg++]) ; CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(yset,argv[iarg-1]) ;
   DSET_load(xset) ; DSET_load(yset) ;
   if( DSET_NVALS(xset) > 1 || DSET_NVALS(yset) > 1 )
     WARNING_message("Using only sub-brick [0] of input datasets") ;

   nvox = DSET_NVOX(xset) ;
   if( nvox != DSET_NVOX(yset) )
     ERROR_exit("Input datasets dimensions don't match!") ;

   xim = mri_scale_to_float( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(xset,0) , DSET_BRICK(xset,0) );
   yim = mri_scale_to_float( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(yset,0) , DSET_BRICK(yset,0) );
   xar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(xim) ; yar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(yim) ;

   DSET_unload(xset); DSET_unload(yset);

   /* make a byte mask from mask dataset */

   war = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvox) ;
   if( mask_dset != NULL ){
     int mcount ;
     if( DSET_NVOX(mask_dset) != nvox )
       ERROR_exit("Input and mask datasets are not same dimensions!");

     mmm = THD_makemask( mask_dset , 0 , 666.0,-666.0 ) ;
     mcount = THD_countmask( nvox , mmm ) ;
     if( mcount <= 5 ) ERROR_exit("Mask is too small: %d voxels",mcount) ;
     DSET_delete(mask_dset) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) war[ii] = (float)mmm[ii] ;
     free((void *)mmm) ;
   } else {
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) war[ii] = 1.0f ;

   if( clip ){
     xbot = mri_min(xim) ; xtop = mri_topclip(xim) ;
     INFO_message("xbot=%g  xclip=%g",xbot,xtop) ;
     ybot = mri_min(yim) ; ytop = mri_topclip(yim) ;
     INFO_message("ybot=%g  yclip=%g",ybot,ytop) ;

   xyall = 0 ;
   if( xbot >= xtop ){
     xbot = 1.e+38 ; xtop = -1.e+38 ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
       if( war[ii] > 0.0f ){
              if( xar[ii] < xbot ) xbot = xar[ii] ;
         else if( xar[ii] > xtop ) xtop = xar[ii] ;
     INFO_message("xbot=%g  xtop=%g",xbot,xtop) ;
     if( xbot >= xtop ) ERROR_exit("no x range?!") ;
     xyall++ ;
   if( ybot >= ytop ){
     ybot = 1.e+38 ; ytop = -1.e+38 ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
       if( war[ii] > 0.0f ){
              if( yar[ii] < ybot ) ybot = yar[ii] ;
         else if( yar[ii] > ytop ) ytop = yar[ii] ;
     INFO_message("ybot=%g  ytop=%g",ybot,ytop) ;
     if( ybot >= ytop ) ERROR_exit("no y range?!") ;
     xyall++ ;
   if( xyall < 2 ){
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
       if( xar[ii] < xbot || xar[ii] > xtop ||
           yar[ii] < ybot || yar[ii] > ytop   ) war[ii] = 0.0f ;
   xyall = 0 ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) xyall += (war[ii] > 0.0f) ;
   INFO_message("Processing %d voxels",xyall) ;
   if( xyall <= 5 ) ERROR_exit("Too few voxels to continue!") ;

   xsum = ysum = 0.0f ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
     if( war[ii] > 0.0f ){ xsum += xar[ii]; ysum += yar[ii]; }
   xsum /= xyall ; ysum /= xyall ;
   INFO_message("xmean=%g  ymean=%g",xsum,ysum) ;
   xsig = ysig = 0.0f ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
     if( war[ii] > 0.0f ){
       val = (xar[ii]-xsum) ; xsig += val*val ;
       val = (yar[ii]-ysum) ; ysig += val*val ;
   xsig = sqrt( xsig/(xyall-1.0) ); ysig = sqrt( ysig/(xyall-1.0) );
   INFO_message("xsig =%g  ysig =%g",xsig,ysig) ;

   val = THD_pearson_corr_wt( nvox , xar , yar , war ) ;
   val = 1.0 - fabs(val) ;
   printf("1-Correlation     = %+.5f\n",val) ;

   val = -THD_mutual_info_scl( nvox , xbot,xtop,xar , ybot,ytop,yar , war ) ;
   printf("-Mutual Info      = %+.5f\n",val ) ;

   val = THD_norm_mutinf_scl( nvox , xbot,xtop,xar , ybot,ytop,yar , war ) ;
   printf("Norm Mutual Info  = %+.5f\n",val ) ;

#if 0
                 nvox , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop ) ;

   THD_corr_ratio_sym_mul ;
   val = THD_corr_ratio_scl( nvox , xbot,xtop,xar , ybot,ytop,yar , war ) ;
   val = 1.0 - fabs(val) ;
   printf("1-Corr ratio sym* = %+.5f\n",val) ;

   THD_corr_ratio_sym_add ;
   val = THD_corr_ratio_scl( nvox , xbot,xtop,xar , ybot,ytop,yar , war ) ;
   val = 1.0 - fabs(val) ;
   printf("1-Corr ratio sym+ = %+.5f\n",val) ;

   THD_corr_ratio_sym_not ;
   val = THD_corr_ratio_scl( nvox , xbot,xtop,xar , ybot,ytop,yar , war ) ;
   val = 1.0 - fabs(val) ;
   printf("1-Corr ratio unsym= %+.5f\n",val) ;

   val = -THD_hellinger_scl( nvox , xbot,xtop,xar , ybot,ytop,yar , war ) ;
   printf("-Hellinger metric = %+.5f\n",val) ;

   if( save_hist != NULL ){  /* Save 2D histogram */
     int nbin ; float *xyc ;
     nbin = retrieve_2Dhist( &xyc ) ;
     if( nbin > 0 && xyc != NULL ){
       MRI_IMAGE *fim,*qim ; double ftop ;
       fim = mri_new(nbin,nbin,MRI_float); mri_fix_data_pointer(xyc,fim);
#if 0
       for( ii=0 ; ii < nbin*nbin ; ii++ ) xyc[ii] = sqrtf(xyc[ii]) ;
       ftop = mri_max(fim); if( ftop == 0.0 ) ftop = 1.0;
       qim = mri_to_byte_scl(255.4/ftop,0.0,fim) ;
       mri_clear_data_pointer(fim); mri_free(fim);
       fim = mri_flippo(MRI_ROT_180,1,qim); mri_free(qim);
       mri_write_pnm(save_hist,fim); mri_free(fim);
       qim = mri_flippo(MRI_ROT_180,1,fim);
       mri_clear_data_pointer(fim); mri_free(fim);
       mri_write(save_hist,qim); mri_free(qim);
       INFO_message("- Saved %dx%d histogram to %s",nbin,nbin,save_hist) ;
   if( save_hist_1D != NULL ){  /* Save 2D raw histogram */
     int nbin ; float *xyc ;
     nbin = retrieve_2Dhist( &xyc ) ;
     if( nbin > 0 && xyc != NULL ){
         FILE *fid=fopen(save_hist_1D,"w");
         for( ii=0 ; ii < nbin; ii++ ) {
            for( jj=0 ; jj < nbin; jj++ ) {
               fprintf(fid,"%.4f\t", xyc[ii*nbin+jj]); 
      INFO_message("- Saved %dx%d 1D histogram to %s",nbin,nbin,save_hist_1D) ;
   exit(0) ;
**  Subtract hemispheres assuming we need floats.
static char *
process_as_floats( THD_3dim_dataset * dset, hemi_s * hs )
    int     count, cx, type = hs->thresh_type;
    int     nx, ny, nz, nvox;
    short * sp, * sdata;
    float * fdata, * fp, * fp2;
    float   factor, maxabs;

    nx   = dset->daxes->nxx;
    ny   = dset->daxes->nyy;
    nz   = dset->daxes->nzz;
    nvox = nx * ny * nz;

    sdata = (short *)DSET_ARRAY( dset, 0 );

    factor = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR( dset, 0 );
    factor = factor == 0.0 ? 1.0 : factor;

    /* first get the data into a float array */

    if ( ( fdata = (float *)malloc( nvox * sizeof( float ) ) ) == NULL )
	return  "------------------------------\n"
		"paf: failed allocation of floats"

    fp = fdata;
    sp = sdata;
    for ( count = 0; count < nvox; count++ )
	*fp = *sdata * factor;

	if ( ( type == 1 ) && ( *fp < 0 ) )
	    *fp = 0;
	else if ( ( type == 2 ) && ( *fp > 0 ) )
	    *fp = 0;


    /* now make the subtraction as floats */

    for ( count = 0; count < ny*nz; count++ )
	fp  = fdata + count * nx;
	fp2 = fp + nx - 1;

	for ( cx = 0; cx < (nx+1)/2; cx++ )
	    *fp  = *fp - *fp2;
	    *fp2 = -*fp;


    /* now make a new factor */

    maxabs = MCW_vol_amax( nvox, 1, 1, MRI_float, fdata );

    /* result is all zero, let the user worry */
    if ( maxabs != 0.0 )
	factor = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] /maxabs;        /* 32767? / maxabs */
	EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox, factor, MRI_float, fdata, MRI_short, sdata );
	DSET_BRICK_FACTOR( dset, 0 ) = factor == 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / factor;
	THD_load_statistics( dset );
    return NULL;        /* success */
Exemple #16
char * MASKAVE_main( PLUGIN_interface * plint )
   MCW_idcode * idc ;
   THD_3dim_dataset * input_dset , * mask_dset ;
   int iv , mcount , nvox , ii , sigmait , nvals=0 , doall , ivbot,ivtop ;
   float mask_bot=666.0 , mask_top=-666.0 ;
   double sum=0.0 , sigma=0.0 ;
   float * sumar=NULL , * sigmar=NULL ;
   char * tag , * str , buf[64] , abuf[32],sbuf[32] ;
   byte * mmm ;

   char * cname=NULL ;  /* 06 Aug 1998 */
   int    cdisk=0 ;     /* 22 Aug 2000 */
   int miv=0 ;

   /*----- Check inputs from AFNI to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   if( plint == NULL )
      return "*************************\n"
             "MASKAVE_main:  NULL input\n"
             "*************************"  ;

   /*-- read 1st line --*/

   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;
   idc        = PLUTO_get_idcode(plint) ;
   input_dset = PLUTO_find_dset(idc) ;
   if( input_dset == NULL )
      return "********************************\n"
             "MASKAVE_main:  bad input dataset\n"
             "********************************"  ;

   iv = (int) PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
   if( iv >= DSET_NVALS(input_dset) )
      return "**********************************\n"
             "MASKAVE_main:  bad input sub-brick\n"
             "**********************************" ;
   doall = (iv < 0) ;
   if( doall ){
      nvals  = DSET_NVALS(input_dset) ;
      ivbot  = 0 ; ivtop = nvals-1 ;
   } else {
      ivbot = ivtop = iv ;
   DSET_load(input_dset) ;
   if( DSET_ARRAY(input_dset,ivbot) == NULL )
      return "*********************************\n"
             "MASKAVE_main:  can't load dataset\n"
             "*********************************"  ;
   nvox = DSET_NVOX(input_dset) ;

   /*-- read 2nd line --*/

   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;
   idc       = PLUTO_get_idcode(plint) ;
   mask_dset = PLUTO_find_dset(idc) ;

   if( mask_dset == NULL )
      return "*******************************\n"
             "MASKAVE_main:  bad mask dataset\n"
             "*******************************"  ;

   if( DSET_NVOX(mask_dset) != nvox )
      return "*************************************************************\n"
             "MASKAVE_main: mask input dataset doesn't match source dataset\n"
             "*************************************************************"  ;

   miv = (int) PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;  /* 06 Aug 1998 */
   if( miv >= DSET_NVALS(mask_dset) )
      return "*****************************************************\n"
             "MASKAVE_main: mask dataset sub-brick index is too big\n"
             "*****************************************************"  ;

   DSET_load(mask_dset) ;
   if( DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset,0) == NULL )
      return "**************************************\n"
             "MASKAVE_main:  can't load mask dataset\n"
             "**************************************"  ;

   /*-- read optional lines --*/

   while( (tag=PLUTO_get_optiontag(plint)) != NULL ){

      if( strcmp(tag,"Range") == 0 ){
         mask_bot = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
         mask_top = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
         continue ;

      if( strcmp(tag,"1D Save") == 0 ){
         char * yn ;
         cname = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;
         yn    = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;
         cdisk = (strcmp(yn,yesno_list[0]) == 0) ;
         continue ;


   /*---------- At this point, the inputs are OK ----------*/

   /*-- build a byte mask array --*/

   mmm = (byte *) malloc( sizeof(byte) * nvox ) ;
   if( mmm == NULL )
      return "*** Can't malloc workspace! ***" ;

   /* separate code for each input data type */

   switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset,miv) ){
         free(mmm) ;
         return "*** Can't use mask dataset -- illegal data type! ***" ;

      case MRI_short:{
         short mbot , mtop ;
         short * mar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset,miv) ;
         float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(mask_dset,miv) ;
         if( mfac == 0.0 ) mfac = 1.0 ;
         if( mask_bot <= mask_top ){
            mbot = SHORTIZE(mask_bot/mfac) ;
            mtop = SHORTIZE(mask_top/mfac) ;
         } else {
            mbot = (short) -MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] ;
            mtop = (short)  MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] ;
         for( mcount=0,ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
            if( mar[ii] >= mbot && mar[ii] <= mtop && mar[ii] != 0 ){ mmm[ii] = 1 ; mcount++ ; }
            else                                                    { mmm[ii] = 0 ; }
      break ;

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte mbot , mtop ;
         byte * mar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset,miv) ;
         float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(mask_dset,miv) ;
         if( mfac == 0.0 ) mfac = 1.0 ;
         if( mask_bot <= mask_top ){
            mbot = BYTEIZE(mask_bot/mfac) ;
            mtop = BYTEIZE(mask_top/mfac) ;
            if( mtop == 0 ){
               free(mmm) ;
               return "*** Illegal mask range for mask dataset of bytes. ***" ;
         } else {
            mbot = 0 ;
            mtop = (byte) MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] ;
         for( mcount=0,ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
            if( mar[ii] >= mbot && mar[ii] <= mtop && mar[ii] != 0 ){ mmm[ii] = 1 ; mcount++ ; }
            else                                                    { mmm[ii] = 0 ; }
      break ;

      case MRI_float:{
         float mbot , mtop ;
         float * mar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset,miv) ;
         float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(mask_dset,miv) ;
         if( mfac == 0.0 ) mfac = 1.0 ;
         if( mask_bot <= mask_top ){
            mbot = (float) (mask_bot/mfac) ;
            mtop = (float) (mask_top/mfac) ;
         } else {
            mbot = -WAY_BIG ;
            mtop =  WAY_BIG ;
         for( mcount=0,ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
            if( mar[ii] >= mbot && mar[ii] <= mtop && mar[ii] != 0 ){ mmm[ii] = 1 ; mcount++ ; }
            else                                                    { mmm[ii] = 0 ; }
      break ;

   if( mcount == 0 ){
      free(mmm) ;
      return "*** No voxels survive the masking operations! ***" ;
   sigmait = (mcount > 1) ;

   /*-- compute statistics --*/

   if( doall ){
      sumar  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvals ) ;
      sigmar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvals ) ;

   for( iv=ivbot ; iv <= ivtop ; iv++ ){
      sum = sigma = 0.0 ;                         /* 13 Dec 1999 */
      switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(input_dset,iv) ){

            free(mmm) ; if( doall ){ free(sumar) ; free(sigmar) ; }
            return "*** Can't use source dataset -- illegal data type! ***" ;

         case MRI_short:{
            short * bar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(input_dset,iv) ;
            float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input_dset,iv) ;
            if( mfac == 0.0 ) mfac = 1.0 ;

            for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( mmm[ii] ) sum += bar[ii] ;
            sum = sum / mcount ;

            if( sigmait ){
               for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
                  if( mmm[ii] ) sigma += SQR(bar[ii]-sum) ;
               sigma = mfac * sqrt( sigma/(mcount-1) ) ;
            sum = mfac * sum ;
         break ;

         case MRI_byte:{
            byte * bar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(input_dset,iv) ;
            float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input_dset,iv) ;
            if( mfac == 0.0 ) mfac = 1.0 ;

            for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( mmm[ii] ) sum += bar[ii] ;
            sum = sum / mcount ;

            if( sigmait ){
               for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
                  if( mmm[ii] ) sigma += SQR(bar[ii]-sum) ;
               sigma = mfac * sqrt( sigma/(mcount-1) ) ;
            sum = mfac * sum ;
         break ;

         case MRI_float:{
            float * bar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(input_dset,iv) ;
            float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input_dset,iv) ;
            if( mfac == 0.0 ) mfac = 1.0 ;

            for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( mmm[ii] ) sum += bar[ii] ;
            sum = sum / mcount ;

            if( sigmait ){
               for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
                  if( mmm[ii] ) sigma += SQR(bar[ii]-sum) ;
               sigma = mfac * sqrt( sigma/(mcount-1) ) ;
            sum = mfac * sum ;
         break ;

      if( doall ){ sumar[iv] = sum ; sigmar[iv] = sigma ; }

   free(mmm) ;

   /*-- send report --*/

   if( doall ){
      str = (char *) malloc( 1024 + 64*nvals ) ;
      sprintf(str," ****** ROI statistics ****** \n"
                  " Source  = %s [all sub-bricks] \n"
                  " Mask    = %s [%s]" ,
              DSET_FILECODE(input_dset) ,
              DSET_FILECODE(mask_dset)  , DSET_BRICK_LABEL(mask_dset,miv) ) ;
      if( mask_bot <= mask_top ){
         sprintf(buf," [range %g .. %g]" , mask_bot , mask_top ) ;
         strcat(str,buf) ;
      strcat(str," \n") ;
      sprintf(buf," Count   = %d voxels\n",mcount) ; strcat(str,buf) ;
      for( iv=0 ; iv < nvals ; iv++ ){
         AV_fval_to_char( sumar[iv]  , abuf ) ;
         AV_fval_to_char( sigmar[iv] , sbuf ) ;
         sprintf(buf," Average = %9.9s  Sigma = %9.9s [%s]  \n",
                 abuf,sbuf , DSET_BRICK_LABEL(input_dset,iv) ) ;
         strcat(str,buf) ;
      PLUTO_popup_textwin( plint , str ) ;

      /* 06 Aug 1998 */

      if( cname != NULL && cname[0] != '\0' ){
         MRI_IMAGE * qim = mri_new_vol_empty( nvals,1,1 , MRI_float ) ;
         mri_fix_data_pointer( sumar , qim ) ;
         PLUTO_register_timeseries( cname , qim ) ;

         if( cdisk ){                         /* 22 Aug 2000 */
            if( PLUTO_prefix_ok(cname) ){
               char * cn ;
               if( strstr(cname,".1D") == NULL ){
                  cn = malloc(strlen(cname)+8) ;
                  strcpy(cn,cname) ; strcat(cn,".1D") ;
               } else {
                  cn = cname ;
               mri_write_1D( cn , qim ) ;
               if( cn != cname ) free(cn) ;
            } else {
               PLUTO_popup_transient(plint," \n"
                                           "** Illegal filename **\n"
                                           "** in 'To Disk?' !! **\n" ) ;

         mri_fix_data_pointer( NULL , qim ) ; mri_free(qim) ;

      free(str) ; free(sumar) ; free(sigmar) ;

   } else if( mask_bot <= mask_top ){
      str = (char *) malloc( 1024 ) ;
      sprintf( str , " *** ROI Statistics *** \n"
                     " Source  = %s [%s] \n"
                     " Mask    = %s [%s] [range %g .. %g] \n"
                     " Count   = %d voxels \n"
                     " Average = %g \n"
                     " Sigma   = %g " ,
               DSET_FILECODE(input_dset) , DSET_BRICK_LABEL(input_dset,ivbot) ,
               DSET_FILECODE(mask_dset)  , DSET_BRICK_LABEL(mask_dset,miv)    ,
               mask_bot , mask_top , mcount , sum , sigma ) ;
      PLUTO_popup_message(plint,str) ;
      free(str) ;

   } else {
      str = (char *) malloc( 1024 ) ;
      sprintf( str , " *** ROI Statistics *** \n"
                     " Source  = %s [%s] \n"
                     " Mask    = %s [%s] \n"
                     " Count   = %d voxels \n"
                     " Average = %g \n"
                     " Sigma   = %g " ,
               DSET_FILECODE(input_dset) , DSET_BRICK_LABEL(input_dset,ivbot) ,
               DSET_FILECODE(mask_dset)  , DSET_BRICK_LABEL(mask_dset,miv)    ,
               mcount , sum , sigma ) ;
      PLUTO_popup_message(plint,str) ;
      free(str) ;

   return NULL ;
Exemple #17
   Turn float arrays into sub-bricks of a preset type
         (based on code in 3dMean)

   dset (THD_3dim_dataset *) new dset to which arrays will be added
   far (float **) each far[i] is to become one sub-brick in dset
   nval (int) the number of arrays in far
   otype (int) the sub-brick type. Supported options are:
               MRI_float (so far
   scaleopt (char) scaling options:
            'A' scale if needed
            'F' do scale each sub-brick
            'G' scale all sub-bricks with the same factor
            'N' Do not scale
   verb (int) loquaciousness
   returns 1 if all is well
           0 all hell broke loose

int EDIT_add_bricks_from_far(THD_3dim_dataset *dset,
                    float **far, int nval,
                    int otype, char scaleopt,
                    int verb)
   int ii=0, kk=0, nxyz;


   if (scaleopt != 'A' && scaleopt != 'F' && scaleopt != 'G' && scaleopt != 'N'){
      ERROR_message("Bad scaleopt value of %c", scaleopt);

   if (!dset) {
      ERROR_message("NULL input");

   nxyz = DSET_NVOX(dset);

   switch( otype ){

         ERROR_message("Somehow ended up with otype = %d\n",otype) ;
         RETURN(0) ;

      case MRI_float:{
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nval ; kk++ ){
             EDIT_substitute_brick(dset, kk, MRI_float, far[kk]);
             DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, kk) = 0.0;
             far[kk] = NULL;
      break ;

      case MRI_byte:
      case MRI_short:{
         void ** dfim ;
         float gtop=0.0 , fimfac , gtemp ;

         if( verb )
            fprintf(stderr,"  ++ Scaling output to type %s brick(s)\n",
                    MRI_TYPE_name[otype] ) ;

         dfim = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void *)*nval) ;

         if( scaleopt == 'G' ){   /* allow global scaling */
            gtop = 0.0 ;
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nval ; kk++ ){
               gtemp = MCW_vol_amax( nxyz , 1 , 1 , MRI_float, far[kk] ) ;
               gtop  = MAX( gtop , gtemp ) ;
               if( gtemp == 0.0 )
                  WARNING_message("output sub-brick %d is all zeros!\n",kk) ;

         for (kk = 0 ; kk < nval ; kk ++ ) {

            if( scaleopt != 'G' && scaleopt != 'N'){
                           /* compute max value in this sub-brick */
               gtop = MCW_vol_amax( nxyz , 1 , 1 , MRI_float, far[kk] ) ;
               if( gtop == 0.0 )
                  WARNING_message("output sub-brick %d is all zeros!\n",kk) ;


            if( scaleopt == 'F' || scaleopt == 'G'){ /* scaling needed */

               fimfac = (gtop > 0.0) ? MRI_TYPE_maxval[otype] / gtop : 0.0 ;

            } else if( scaleopt == 'A' ){  /* only if needed */

               fimfac = (  gtop > MRI_TYPE_maxval[otype] ||
                           (gtop > 0.0 && gtop < 1.0)       )
                        ? MRI_TYPE_maxval[otype]/ gtop : 0.0 ;

               if( fimfac == 0.0 && gtop > 0.0 ){  /* 14 May 2010 */
                 float fv,iv ;                     /* force scaling if */
                 for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){   /* non-integers are inside */
                   fv = far[kk][ii] ; iv = rint(fv) ;
                   if( fabsf(fv-iv) >= 0.01 ){
                     fimfac = MRI_TYPE_maxval[otype] / gtop ; break ;

            } else if( scaleopt == 'N') {          /* no scaling allowed */
               fimfac = 0.0 ;
            } else {
               ERROR_message("Should not see this one");

            if( verb ){
               if( fimfac != 0.0 )
                  INFO_message("Sub-brick %d scale factor = %f\n",kk,fimfac) ;
                  INFO_message("Sub-brick %d: no scale factor\n" ,kk) ;

            dfim[kk] = (void *) malloc( mri_datum_size(otype) * nxyz ) ;
            if( dfim[kk] == NULL ){
               ERROR_message("malloc fails at output\n");

            EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nxyz , fimfac ,
                                    MRI_float, far[kk] , otype,dfim[kk] ) ;
            if( otype == MRI_short )
              EDIT_misfit_report( DSET_FILECODE(dset) , kk ,
                                  nxyz , (fimfac != 0.0f) ? 1.0f/fimfac : 0.0f ,
                                  dfim[kk] , far[kk] ) ;
            free( far[kk] ) ; far[kk] = NULL;
            EDIT_substitute_brick(dset, kk, otype, dfim[kk] );

            DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,kk) = (fimfac != 0.0) ? 1.0/fimfac : 0.0 ;

          free(dfim); dfim = NULL;
      break ;

Exemple #18
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset=NULL;
   int iarg , verbose = -1 ;
   char *outbuf, *stmp=NULL;
   char *labelName = NULL;
   char *sbdelim = {"|"};
   char *NAflag = {"NA"};
   char *atrdelim = {"\t"}, *form=NULL;
   INFO_FIELDS sing[512];
   int iis=0, N_sing = 0, isb=0, withhead = 0, itmp=0;
   int ip=0, needpair = 0, namelen=0, monog_pairs = 0;
   THD_3dim_dataset *tttdset=NULL, *dsetp=NULL;
   char *tempstr = NULL;
   int extinit = 0;
   float RL_AP_IS[6];

   mainENTRY("3dinfo main") ; machdep() ;

   if( argc < 2) { Syntax(TXT,1) ; RETURN(0); }

   iarg = 1 ;
   while (iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-') {
           if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-verb" ,5) == 0 ){
            verbose =  0; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-VERB" ,5) == 0 ){
            verbose =  1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-short",5) == 0 ){
            verbose = -1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-header_line") == 0 ||
               strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-hdr") == 0 ){
            withhead = 1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-monog_pairs") == 0 ){
            monog_pairs = 1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if ( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-label2",7) == 0 )
        if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs an argument after -label2number\n");
        labelName = malloc(sizeof(char) * 2048);
        strcpy(labelName, argv[iarg]);
        iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-sb_delim") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs a string after -sb_delim\n");
         sbdelim = argv[iarg];
         iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-NA_flag") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs a string after -NA_flag\n");
         NAflag = argv[iarg];
         iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-atr_delim") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs a string after -atr_delim\n");
         atrdelim = argv[iarg];
         iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-space") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DSET_SPACE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-av_space") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = AV_DSET_SPACE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-gen_space") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DSET_GEN_SPACE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-is_nifti") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = IS_NIFTI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-is_atlas") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = IS_ATLAS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-exists") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DSET_EXISTS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-is_oblique") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = IS_OBLIQUE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-obliquity") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OBLIQUITY; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-handedness") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = HANDEDNESS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = PREFIX; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix_noext") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = PREFIX_NOEXT; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ni") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-n4") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NI;
         sing[N_sing++] = NJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = NK;
         sing[N_sing++] = NV; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Rextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_R; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Lextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_L; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Aextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_A; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Pextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_P; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Iextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_I; iarg++;
      }  else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Sextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_S; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-extent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_R;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_L;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_A;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_P;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_I;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_S;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-di") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-d3") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DI;
         sing[N_sing++] = DJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = DK; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-adi") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-adj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-adk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ad3") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADI;
         sing[N_sing++] = ADJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = ADK; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-voxvol") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = VOXVOL; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-iname") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = INAME; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-oi") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-oj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ok") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-o3") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OI;
         sing[N_sing++] = OJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = OK; iarg++;
      }else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nt") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NT; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nti") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NTI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nv") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NV; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nvi") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NVI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ntimes") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NTIMES; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-max_node") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MAX_NODE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nijk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NIJK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-labeltable") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = LTABLE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-labeltable_as_atlas_points") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = LTABLE_AS_ATLAS_POINT_LIST; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-atlas_points") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ATLAS_POINTS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-fac") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = FAC; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-datum") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DATUM; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-label") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = LABEL; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-min") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MIN; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-max") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MAX; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-minus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MINUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-maxus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MAXUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dmin") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMIN; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dmax") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMAX; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dminus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMINUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dmaxus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMAXUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-TR") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = TR; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-header_name") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = HEADER_NAME; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-brick_name") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = BRICK_NAME; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-history") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = HISTORY; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-all_names") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ALL_NAMES; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-orient") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ORIENT; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_grid") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_GRID; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_dim") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DIM; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_delta") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DELTA; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_orient") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_ORIENT; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_center") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_CENTER; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_obl") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_OBL; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-slice_timing") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SLICE_TIMING; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-sval_diff") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SVAL_DIFF; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-val_diff") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = VAL_DIFF; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_all_grid") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DIM;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DELTA;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_ORIENT;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_CENTER;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_OBL; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-id") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ID; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-smode") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SMODE; iarg++; continue;
      } else {
         ERROR_message("Option %s unknown", argv[iarg]);
         suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);

   if (N_sing == 0) {
      sing[N_sing++] = CLASSIC;

   if (sing[iis] == CLASSIC) PRINT_VERSION("3dinfo") ;

   THD_allow_empty_dataset(1) ;  /* 21 Mar 2007 */

   if (iarg == argc) {
      ERROR_message("No dsets on command line? I have nothing to do.\n");

   if (needpair && monog_pairs) needpair = 2; /* pair each couple separately */

   if (needpair==2 && (argc-iarg) % 2) {
      ERROR_message("Using options requiring dset pairs but have odd number\n"
                    "of dsets (%d) on command line.\n", (argc-iarg));
      exit (1);
   } else if (needpair==1 && (argc-iarg) < 2) {
      ERROR_message("Using options requiring dset pairs but have less than\n"
                    "two dsets (%d) on command line.\n", (argc-iarg));
      exit (1);

   ip = 0;
   for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
      if (ip == 0) {
         int kkk, nml; char *etr;
         namelen = 0;
         for (kkk=iarg; kkk<argc; ++kkk) {
            if ((etr = THD_trailname(argv[kkk],0))) {
               if (nml < 48 && nml > namelen) namelen = nml;
         if (namelen < 6) namelen = 6;
         if (withhead) {
            int havenew=0;
            for (iis = 0; iis < N_sing; ++iis) {
               if (sing[iis] != CLASSIC) {
                  form = PrintForm(sing[iis], namelen, 1);
                  /*fprintf(stderr,"ZSS: %d %s >%s<\n",
                           sing[iis], Field_Names[sing[iis]], form);*/

                  fprintf(stdout, form, Field_Names[sing[iis]]);
               if (havenew) {
                  if (N_sing > 1 && iis < N_sing-1)
                  else fprintf(stdout,"\n");
     if( argv[iarg][0] == '\0' ) continue ;  /* bad filename */

     set_obliquity_report(0); /* silence obliquity */

     if (!needpair) {
      if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg]))) {
        /* exit(1); */
     } else {
      if (needpair == 2) { /* Crazy idea of comparing each pair separately */
         if (ip % 2 == 0) {
            if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg] ))) {
               /* exit(1); */
            if (iarg+1==argc || argv[iarg+1][0] == '\0') {
               ERROR_message("Bad dset pair for %s\n", argv[iarg]);
            if (!(dsetp = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg+1] ))) {
               /* exit(1); */
         } else { /* swap the pair - this allows non pair requiring functions
                     to work as before.*/
            tttdset = dsetp;
            dsetp = dset;
            dset = tttdset; tttdset=NULL;
      } else { /* always compare to very first dset */
         if (ip==0) {
            if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg] ))) {
            if (!(dsetp = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg+1] ))) {
         } else if (ip==1) { /* switch order of first two */
            tttdset = dsetp;
            dsetp = dset; /* now dsetp is the very first dset */
            dset = tttdset; tttdset=NULL;
         } else { /* pair with very first, which is dsetp */
            if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg] ))) {

     if (0 && !dset) { /* allow for DSET_EXISTS option */
         ERROR_exit("Should not get here");

     /* we should re-capture this per dataset   5 Feb 2019 [rickr] */
     extinit = 0;

     for (iis = 0; iis < N_sing; ++iis) {
        if (!dset) {
         if (sing[iis] == CLASSIC) {
            if( dset == NULL ){  /* still not open? */
               ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset %s\n", argv[iarg]) ;
         } else if (sing[iis] != DSET_EXISTS && sing[iis] != INAME) {
            fprintf(stdout, "NO-DSET");
            SPIT_DELIM(iis, N_sing, atrdelim);
        switch (sing[iis]) {
         case CLASSIC:
            if (labelName == NULL )  /*** get and output info ***/
             outbuf = THD_dataset_info( dset , verbose ) ;
             if( outbuf != NULL ){
               printf("\n") ;
               puts(outbuf) ;
               free(outbuf) ; outbuf = NULL ;
             } else {
               ERROR_exit("Can't get info for dataset %s",argv[iarg]) ;
            else   /*** get and output label ***/
             int nval_per = dset->dblk->nvals;
             int foundLabel = 0;
             int ival=0;

             for (ival=0 ; ival < nval_per && !foundLabel; ival++ )
               if (strcmp(DSET_BRICK_LAB(dset,ival), labelName) == 0)
                 printf("%d\n", ival); foundLabel = 1;
             } /* end of for (ival=0 ; ival < nval_per ; ival++ ) */
             if (!foundLabel) printf("\n");

            THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset , False ) ;
         case DSET_EXISTS:
            fprintf(stdout, "%d", dset ? 1:0);
         case DSET_SPACE:
            tempstr = THD_get_space(dset);
                  fprintf(stdout, "-----");
                  fprintf(stdout, "%s", tempstr);
         case DSET_GEN_SPACE:
            tempstr = THD_get_generic_space(dset);
                  fprintf(stdout, "-----");
                  fprintf(stdout, "%s", tempstr);
         case AV_DSET_SPACE:
            /* don't allow anything but the three AFNI views */
            tempstr = THD_get_view_space(dset);
                  fprintf(stdout, "+orig");
            else if (!strncasecmp(tempstr,"ORIG",4))
                  fprintf(stdout, "+orig");
            else if (!strncasecmp(tempstr,"ACPC",4))
                  fprintf(stdout, "+acpc");
            else if (!strncasecmp(tempstr,"TLRC",4))
                  fprintf(stdout, "+tlrc");
            else  /* shouldn't get here */
                  fprintf(stdout, "+orig");
         case IS_NIFTI:
            if (  dset->dblk->diskptr &&
                  dset->dblk->diskptr->storage_mode == STORAGE_BY_NIFTI ) {
            } else {
         case IS_ATLAS:
            if (  is_Dset_Atlasy(dset, NULL) ) {
            } else {
         case IS_OBLIQUE:
            if (dset_obliquity(dset,NULL) > 0) {
            } else {
         case HANDEDNESS:
            if (THD_handedness(dset) > 0) {
            } else {
         case OBLIQUITY:
                  THD_compute_oblique_angle(dset->daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real, 0));
         case PREFIX:
            form = PrintForm(sing[iis], namelen, 1);
            fprintf(stdout,form, DSET_PREFIX(dset));
         case PREFIX_NOEXT:
               form = PrintForm(sing[iis], namelen, 1);
               fprintf(stdout,form, stmp);
               free(stmp); stmp=NULL;
         case HEADER_NAME:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name);
         case BRICK_NAME:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", dset->dblk->diskptr->brick_name);
         case ALL_NAMES:
            THD_show_dataset_names(dset, "FOR_3DINFO", stdout);
         case HISTORY:
            stmp = tross_Get_History(dset);
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", stmp ? stmp:NAflag);
            if (stmp) free(stmp); stmp=NULL;
         case NI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NX(dset));
         case NJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NY(dset));
         case NK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NZ(dset));
         case NIJK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NVOX(dset));
         case NTIMES:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset));
         case MAX_NODE:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", itmp);
         case NT:
         case NV:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NVALS(dset));
         case NTI:
         case NVI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NVALS(dset)-1);
         case DI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_DX(dset));
         case DJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_DY(dset));
         case DK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_DZ(dset));
         case OI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_XORG(dset));
         case OJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_YORG(dset));
         case OK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_ZORG(dset));
         case ADI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DX(dset)));
         case EXTENT_R:
         case EXTENT_L:
         case EXTENT_A:
         case EXTENT_P:
         case EXTENT_I:
         case EXTENT_S:
               if (!extinit) {
                  THD_dset_extent(dset, '-', RL_AP_IS);
                  extinit = 1;
               fprintf(stdout,"%f", RL_AP_IS[sing[iis]-EXTENT_R]);

         case ADJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DY(dset)));
         case ADK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DZ(dset)));
         case VOXVOL:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DX(dset))*
         case INAME:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", argv[iarg]);
         case LTABLE:
               char *str;
               if ((str = Dtable_to_nimlstring(DSET_Label_Dtable(dset),                                                          "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE"))) {
                  fprintf(stdout,"%s", str);
               } else {
               ATLAS_POINT_LIST *apl=NULL;
               if ((apl =
                     label_table_to_atlas_point_list(DSET_Label_Dtable(dset)))) {
               } else {
         case  ATLAS_POINTS:
               ATR_string *atr =
                  THD_find_string_atr( dset->dblk, "ATLAS_LABEL_TABLE");
               if (atr) {
                  fprintf(stdout,"%s", atr->ch);
               }  else {
         case FAC:
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case DATUM:
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case LABEL:
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
               DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset,isb) ? DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset,isb):NAflag,
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case MIN:
         case MINUS:
         case MAX:
         case MAXUS:
               float vv=0.0, min, max;
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
                  if (!THD_subbrick_minmax(dset, isb,
                        (sing[iis] == MINUS || sing[iis] == MAXUS) ? 0:1,
                        &min, &max)) {
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
                  } else {
                          if (sing[iis] == MINUS)
                        vv = min;
                     else if (sing[iis] == MAXUS)
                        vv = max;
                     else if (sing[iis] == MIN)
                        vv = min;
                     else if (sing[iis] == MAX)
                        vv = max;
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case DMIN:
         case DMINUS:
         case DMAX:
         case DMAXUS:
               float vv=0.0, min, max;
               if (!THD_dset_minmax(dset,
                     (sing[iis] == DMINUS || sing[iis] == DMAXUS) ? 0:1,
                     &min, &max)) {
                     (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
               } else {
                       if (sing[iis] == DMINUS)
                     vv = min;
                  else if (sing[iis] == DMAXUS)
                     vv = max;
                  else if (sing[iis] == DMIN)
                     vv = min;
                  else if (sing[iis] == DMAX)
                     vv = max;
                     (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case TR:
#if 0
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_TR_SEC(dset));
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_TR(dset));
         case ORIENT:
               /* fprintf(stdout,"%c%c%c",
                *         ORIENT_typestr[dset->daxes->xxorient][0], ... ); */
               char ostr[4];    /* just to show        23 Jan 2013 [rickr] */
               THD_fill_orient_str_3(dset->daxes, ostr);
               fprintf(stdout,"%3s", ostr);
         case SAME_GRID:
               !THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ));
         case SAME_DIM:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_DIMEN));
         case SAME_DELTA:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_DELTA));
         case SAME_ORIENT:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_ORIENT));
         case SAME_CENTER:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_CENTER));
         case SAME_OBL:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_OBLIQ));
         case SLICE_TIMING:     /* 6 May 2013 [rickr] */
               if( DSET_HAS_SLICE_TIMING(dset) ) {
                  DSET_UNMSEC(dset); /* make sure times are in seconds */
                  for (isb=0; isb<dset->taxis->nsl; ++isb) {
                           (isb > 0) ? sbdelim : "",
               } else { /* all slices times are at t=0.0 */
                  for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NZ(dset); ++isb) {
                     fprintf(stdout,"%s%f", (isb > 0) ? sbdelim : "", 0.0);
         case SVAL_DIFF:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f",THD_diff_vol_vals(dset, dsetp, 1));
         case VAL_DIFF:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f",THD_diff_vol_vals(dset, dsetp, 0));
         case ID:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", DSET_IDCODE_STR(dset));
         case SMODE:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", DSET_STORAGE_MODE_STR(dset));
            ERROR_message("Info field not set properly (%d)\n", sing[iis]);
        if (sing[iis] != CLASSIC) {
         SPIT_DELIM(iis, N_sing, atrdelim);

   exit(0) ;
Exemple #19
int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset * dset ;
   THD_dataxes      * daxes ;
   FD_brick        ** brarr , * baxi , * bsag , * bcor ;

   int iarg , ii ;
   Boolean ok ;
   MRI_IMAGE * pim , * flim , * slim ;
   float * flar ;
   dset_range dr ;
   float val , fimfac ;
   int  ival,ityp , kk ;

   float xbot=BIGG,xtop=BIGG , ybot=BIGG,ytop=BIGG , zbot=BIGG,ztop=BIGG ;
   int   xgood=0 , ygood=0 , zgood=0 ,
         proj_code=PROJ_SUM , mirror_code=MIRR_NO , nsize=0 ;
   char  root[THD_MAX_NAME] = "proj." ;
   char  fname[THD_MAX_NAME] ;

   int ixbot=0,ixtop=0 , jybot=0,jytop=0 , kzbot=0,kztop=0 ;
   THD_fvec3 fv ;
   THD_ivec3 iv ;

   /*--- read command line arguments ---*/

   if( argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",6) == 0 ) Syntax() ;

   INIT_EDOPT( &PRED_edopt ) ;
   iarg = 1 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

DB("new arg:",argv[iarg]) ;

      /**** check for editing option ****/

      ii = EDIT_check_argv( argc , argv , iarg , &PRED_edopt ) ;
      if( ii > 0 ){
         iarg += ii ;
         continue ;

      /**** -sum or -max ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-sum",6) == 0 ){
         proj_code = PROJ_SUM ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-max",6) == 0 ){
         proj_code = PROJ_MMAX ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-amax",6) == 0 ){
         proj_code = PROJ_AMAX ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-smax",6) == 0 ){
         proj_code = PROJ_SMAX ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-first") == 0 ){  /* 02 Nov 2000 */
         proj_code = PROJ_FIRST ;
         first_thresh = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -mirror ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-mirror",6) == 0 ){
         mirror_code = MIRR_YES ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -nsize ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-nsize",6) == 0 ){
         nsize = 1 ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -output root ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-output",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-root",6)   == 0   ){

         if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         MCW_strncpy( root , argv[++iarg] , THD_MAX_NAME-1 ) ;
         ii = strlen(root) ;
         if( ii == 0 ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal rootname!\n") ; exit(-1) ;
         if( root[ii-1] != '.' ){ root[ii] = '.' ; root[ii+1] = '\0' ; }
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -ALL ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-ALL",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-all",6) == 0   ){

         xgood = ygood = zgood = 1 ;
         xbot  = ybot  = zbot  = -BIGG ;
         xtop  = ytop  = ztop  =  BIGG ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -RL {all | x1 x2} ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-RL",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-LR",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-rl",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-lr",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-sag",6)== 0  ){

         char * cerr ; float tf ;

         xgood = 1 ;  /* mark for x projection */

         if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         if( strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"all",6) == 0 ||
             strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"ALL",6) == 0   ){

            xbot = -BIGG;
            xtop =  BIGG ;
            iarg += 2 ; continue ;

         if( iarg+2 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         xbot = strtod( argv[iarg+1] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+1] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+1] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'R' && xbot > 0.0 ) xbot = -xbot ;

         xtop = strtod( argv[iarg+2] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+2] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+2] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'R' && xtop > 0.0 ) xtop = -xtop ;

         if( xbot > xtop ){ tf = xbot ; xbot = xtop ; xtop = tf ; }
         iarg +=3 ; continue ;

      /**** -AP {all | y1 y2} ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-AP",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-PA",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-ap",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-pa",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-cor",6)== 0  ){

         char * cerr ; float tf ;

         ygood = 1 ;  /* mark for y projection */

         if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         if( strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"all",6) == 0 ||
             strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"ALL",6) == 0   ){

            ybot = -BIGG ;
            ytop =  BIGG ;
            iarg += 2 ; continue ;

         if( iarg+2 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         ybot = strtod( argv[iarg+1] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+1] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+1] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'A' && ybot > 0.0 ) ybot = -ybot ;

         ytop = strtod( argv[iarg+2] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+2] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+2] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'A' && ytop > 0.0 ) ytop = -ytop ;

         if( ybot > ytop ){ tf = ybot ; ybot = ytop ; ytop = tf ; }
         iarg +=3 ; continue ;

      /**** -IS {all | z1 z2} ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-IS",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-SI",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-is",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-si",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-axi",6)== 0   ){

         char * cerr ; float tf ;

         zgood = 1 ;  /* mark for y projection */

         if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         if( strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"all",6) == 0 ||
             strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"ALL",6) == 0   ){

            zbot = -BIGG ;
            ztop =  BIGG ;
            iarg += 2 ; continue ;

         if( iarg+2 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         zbot = strtod( argv[iarg+1] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+1] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+1] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'I' && zbot > 0.0 ) zbot = -zbot ;

         ztop = strtod( argv[iarg+2] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+2] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+2] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'I' && ztop > 0.0 ) ztop = -ztop ;

         if( zbot > ztop ){ tf = zbot ; zbot = ztop ; ztop = tf ; }
         iarg +=3 ; continue ;

      /**** unknown option ****/

      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
      exit(-1) ;
   }  /* end of loop over input options */

   if( ! xgood && ! ygood && ! zgood ){
      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** No projections ordered!?\n") ; exit(-1) ;

   /*--- open dataset and set up to extract data slices ---*/

   dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
   if( dset == NULL ){
      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** Can't open dataset file %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
      exit(-1) ;
   if( DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) > 1 ){
      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** Can't project time-dependent dataset!\n") ;
      exit(1) ;
   EDIT_one_dataset( dset, &PRED_edopt ) ;
   daxes = dset->daxes ;
   brarr = THD_setup_bricks( dset ) ;
   baxi  = brarr[0] ; bsag = brarr[1] ; bcor = brarr[2] ;

   /*--- determine index range for each direction ---*/

   dr = PR_get_range( dset ) ;

   if( xgood ){
      if( xbot < dr.xbot ) xbot = dr.xbot ;
      if( xtop > dr.xtop ) xtop = dr.xtop ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(xbot,0,0) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( bsag , iv ) ; ixbot = iv.ijk[2] ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(xtop,0,0) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( bsag , iv ) ; ixtop = iv.ijk[2] ;

      if( ixbot > ixtop ) { ii = ixbot ; ixbot = ixtop ; ixtop = ii ; }

      if( ixbot <  0        ) ixbot = 0 ;
      if( ixtop >= bsag->n3 ) ixtop = bsag->n3 - 1 ;

   if( ygood ){
      if( ybot < dr.ybot ) ybot = dr.ybot ;
      if( ytop > dr.ytop ) ytop = dr.ytop ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(0,ybot,0) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( bcor , iv ) ; jybot = iv.ijk[2] ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(0,ytop,0) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( bcor , iv ) ; jytop = iv.ijk[2] ;

      if( jybot > jytop ) { ii = jybot ; jybot = jytop ; jytop = ii ; }

      if( jybot <  0        ) jybot = 0 ;
      if( jytop >= bcor->n3 ) jytop = bcor->n3 - 1 ;

   if( zgood ){
      if( zbot < dr.zbot ) zbot = dr.zbot ;
      if( ztop > dr.ztop ) ztop = dr.ztop ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(0,0,zbot) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( baxi , iv ) ; kzbot = iv.ijk[2] ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(0,0,ztop) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( baxi , iv ) ; kztop = iv.ijk[2] ;

      if( kzbot > kztop ) { ii = kzbot ; kzbot = kztop ; kztop = ii ; }

      if( kzbot <  0        ) kzbot = 0 ;
      if( kztop >= baxi->n3 ) kztop = baxi->n3 - 1 ;

   ival   = DSET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(dset) ;    /* index to project */
   ityp   = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ival) ;    /* type of this data */
   fimfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ival) ;  /* scale factor of this data */

   /*--- project the x direction, if desired ---*/

   if( xgood ){
      int n1 = bsag->n1 , n2 = bsag->n2 ;
      int ss , npix ;
      float fmax , fmin , scl ;

      /*-- set up --*/

      npix = n1*n2 ;
      flim = mri_new( n1 , n2 , MRI_float ) ;
      flar = mri_data_pointer( flim ) ;
      for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ) flar[ii] = 0.0 ;

      /*-- actually project --*/

      for( ss=ixbot ; ss <= ixtop ; ss++ ){
         slim = FD_brick_to_mri( ss , ival , bsag ) ;
         if( slim->kind != MRI_float ){
            pim = mri_to_float( slim ) ;
            mri_free( slim ) ; slim = pim ;
         PR_one_slice( proj_code , slim , flim ) ;
         mri_free( slim ) ;

      /*-- form output --*/

      if( fimfac != 0.0 && fimfac != 1.0 ){
         slim = mri_scale_to_float( 1.0/fimfac , flim ) ;
         mri_free(flim) ; flim = slim ;

      scl = PR_type_scale( ityp , flim ) ;
      pim = mri_to_mri_scl( ityp , scl , flim ) ; mri_free( flim ) ;
      if( nsize ){
         slim = mri_nsize( pim ) ;
         if( slim != NULL && slim != pim ) { mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ; }

      if( scl != 1.0 )
         printf("Sagittal projection pixels scaled by %g to avoid overflow!\n",
                scl ) ;

      fmax = mri_max(pim) ; fmin = mri_min(pim) ;
      printf("Sagittal projection min = %g  max = %g\n",fmin,fmax) ;

      strcpy(fname,root) ; strcat(fname,"sag") ;
      mri_write( fname, pim ) ;
      mri_free(pim) ;

   /*--- project the y direction, if desired ---*/

   if( ygood ){
      int n1 = bcor->n1 , n2 = bcor->n2 ;
      int ss , npix ;
      float fmax , fmin , scl ;

      /*-- set up --*/

      npix = n1*n2 ;
      flim = mri_new( n1 , n2 , MRI_float ) ;
      flar = mri_data_pointer( flim ) ;
      for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ) flar[ii] = 0.0 ;

      /*-- actually project --*/

      for( ss=jybot ; ss <= jytop ; ss++ ){
         slim = FD_brick_to_mri( ss , ival , bcor ) ;
         if( slim->kind != MRI_float ){
            pim = mri_to_float( slim ) ;
            mri_free( slim ) ; slim = pim ;
         PR_one_slice( proj_code , slim , flim ) ;
         mri_free( slim ) ;

      /*-- form output --*/

      if( fimfac != 0.0 && fimfac != 1.0 ){
         slim = mri_scale_to_float( 1.0/fimfac , flim ) ;
         mri_free(flim) ; flim = slim ;

      scl = PR_type_scale( ityp , flim ) ;
      pim = mri_to_mri_scl( ityp , scl , flim ) ; mri_free( flim ) ;
      if( nsize ){
         slim = mri_nsize( pim ) ;
         if( slim != NULL && slim != pim ) { mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ; }

      if( scl != 1.0 )
         printf("Coronal projection pixels scaled by %g to avoid overflow!\n",
                scl ) ;

      fmax = mri_max(pim) ; fmin = mri_min(pim) ;
      printf("Coronal projection min = %g  max = %g\n",fmin,fmax) ;

      if( mirror_code == MIRR_YES ){
         slim = mri_flippo( MRI_ROT_0 , TRUE , pim ) ;
         mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ;
      strcpy(fname,root) ; strcat(fname,"cor") ;
      mri_write( fname, pim ) ;
      mri_free(pim) ;

   /*--- project the z direction, if desired ---*/

   if( zgood ){
      int n1 = baxi->n1 , n2 = baxi->n2 ;
      int ss , npix ;
      float fmax , fmin , scl ;

      /*-- set up --*/

      npix = n1*n2 ;
      flim = mri_new( n1 , n2 , MRI_float ) ;
      flar = mri_data_pointer( flim ) ;
      for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ) flar[ii] = 0.0 ;

      /*-- actually project --*/

      for( ss=kzbot ; ss <= kztop ; ss++ ){
         slim = FD_brick_to_mri( ss , ival , baxi ) ;
         if( slim->kind != MRI_float ){
            pim = mri_to_float( slim ) ;
            mri_free( slim ) ; slim = pim ;
         PR_one_slice( proj_code , slim , flim ) ;
         mri_free( slim ) ;

      /*-- form output --*/

      if( fimfac != 0.0 && fimfac != 1.0 ){
         slim = mri_scale_to_float( 1.0/fimfac , flim ) ;
         mri_free(flim) ; flim = slim ;

      scl = PR_type_scale( ityp , flim ) ;
      pim = mri_to_mri_scl( ityp , scl , flim ) ; mri_free( flim ) ;
      if( nsize ){
         slim = mri_nsize( pim ) ;
         if( slim != NULL && slim != pim ) { mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ; }

      if( scl != 1.0 )
         printf("Axial projection pixels scaled by %g to avoid overflow!\n",
                scl ) ;

      fmax = mri_max(pim) ; fmin = mri_min(pim) ;
      printf("Axial projection min = %g  max = %g\n",fmin,fmax) ;

      if( mirror_code == MIRR_YES ){
         slim = mri_flippo( MRI_ROT_0 , TRUE , pim ) ;
         mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ;
      strcpy(fname,root) ; strcat(fname,"axi") ;
      mri_write( fname, pim ) ;
      mri_free(pim) ;

   exit(0) ;
Exemple #20
MRI_IMAGE * FD_brick_to_mri( int kslice , int ival , FD_brick * br )
   MRI_IMAGE * im ;  /* output */
   register int ii,di,ei , jj,dj,ej , base , pp ;
   char * iar ;      /* brick in the input */
   MRI_TYPE typ ;

   /** desire a fake image **/

   if( ival < 0 ){
      im     = mri_new( br->n1 , br->n2 , MRI_short ) ;
      im->dx = br->del1 ;
      im->dy = br->del2 ;
      im->dz = br->del3 ;
      return im ;

   /** otherwise, get ready for a real image **/

   if( ival >= br->dset->dblk->nvals ) return NULL ;

   iar = DSET_ARRAY(br->dset,ival) ;

   if( iar == NULL ){  /* if data needs to be loaded from disk */
      (void) THD_load_datablock( br->dset->dblk ) ;
      iar = DSET_ARRAY(br->dset,ival) ;
      if( iar == NULL ) return NULL ;

   typ    = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(br->dset,ival) ;
   im     = mri_new( br->n1 , br->n2 , typ ) ;
   im->dx = br->del1 ;
   im->dy = br->del2 ;
   im->dz = br->del3 ;

   switch( typ ){

      default:             /* don't know what to do --> return nada */
         mri_free( im ) ;
         return NULL ;

      case MRI_byte:{
         register byte * ar  = MRI_BYTE_PTR(im) ;
         register byte * bar = (byte *) iar ;

         di = br->d1 ; dj = br->d2 ;  /* strides */
         ei = br->e1 ; ej = br->e2 ;  /* final indices */
         base = br->start + kslice * br->d3 ;

         pp = 0 ;
         for( jj=0 ; jj != ej ; jj += dj )
            for( ii=0 ; ii != ei ; ii += di ) ar[pp++] = bar[ii+(jj+base)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_short:{
         register short * ar  = MRI_SHORT_PTR(im) ;
         register short * bar = (short *) iar ;

         di = br->d1 ; dj = br->d2 ;  /* strides */
         ei = br->e1 ; ej = br->e2 ;  /* final indices */
         base = br->start + kslice * br->d3 ;

         pp = 0 ;
         for( jj=0 ; jj != ej ; jj += dj )
            for( ii=0 ; ii != ei ; ii += di ) ar[pp++] = bar[ii+(jj+base)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_float:{
         register float * ar  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im) ;
         register float * bar = (float *) iar ;

         di = br->d1 ; dj = br->d2 ;  /* strides */
         ei = br->e1 ; ej = br->e2 ;  /* final indices */
         base = br->start + kslice * br->d3 ;

         pp = 0 ;
         for( jj=0 ; jj != ej ; jj += dj )
            for( ii=0 ; ii != ei ; ii += di ) ar[pp++] = bar[ii+(jj+base)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_int:{
         register int * ar  = MRI_INT_PTR(im) ;
         register int * bar = (int *) iar ;

         di = br->d1 ; dj = br->d2 ;  /* strides */
         ei = br->e1 ; ej = br->e2 ;  /* final indices */
         base = br->start + kslice * br->d3 ;

         pp = 0 ;
         for( jj=0 ; jj != ej ; jj += dj )
            for( ii=0 ; ii != ei ; ii += di ) ar[pp++] = bar[ii+(jj+base)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_double:{
         register double * ar  = MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(im) ;
         register double * bar = (double *) iar ;

         di = br->d1 ; dj = br->d2 ;  /* strides */
         ei = br->e1 ; ej = br->e2 ;  /* final indices */
         base = br->start + kslice * br->d3 ;

         pp = 0 ;
         for( jj=0 ; jj != ej ; jj += dj )
            for( ii=0 ; ii != ei ; ii += di ) ar[pp++] = bar[ii+(jj+base)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_complex:{
         register complex * ar  = MRI_COMPLEX_PTR(im) ;
         register complex * bar = (complex *) iar ;

         di = br->d1 ; dj = br->d2 ;  /* strides */
         ei = br->e1 ; ej = br->e2 ;  /* final indices */
         base = br->start + kslice * br->d3 ;

         pp = 0 ;
         for( jj=0 ; jj != ej ; jj += dj )
            for( ii=0 ; ii != ei ; ii += di ) ar[pp++] = bar[ii+(jj+base)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_rgb:{                                           /* 15 Apr 2002 */
         register rgbyte * ar  = (rgbyte *) MRI_RGB_PTR(im) ;
         register rgbyte * bar = (rgbyte *) iar ;

         di = br->d1 ; dj = br->d2 ;  /* strides */
         ei = br->e1 ; ej = br->e2 ;  /* final indices */
         base = br->start + kslice * br->d3 ;

         pp = 0 ;
         for( jj=0 ; jj != ej ; jj += dj )
            for( ii=0 ; ii != ei ; ii += di ) ar[pp++] = bar[ii+(jj+base)] ;
      break ;


   if( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(br->dset,ival) != 0.0 ){
      MRI_IMAGE * qim ;
STATUS(" scaling to float");
      qim = mri_scale_to_float( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(br->dset,ival) , im ) ;
      mri_free(im) ; im = qim ;

   return im ;
Exemple #21
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset_in=NULL , *dset_out ;
   int Lxx=-1 , Lyy=-1 , Lzz=-1 , Mode=FFT_ABS , Sign=-1 , do_alt=0 ;
   char *prefix = "FFTout" ;
   int iarg ;
   MRI_IMAGE *inim , *outim ; float fac ; int nx,ny,nz ;
   THD_ivec3 iv ;

   if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
       "Usage: 3dFFT [options] dataset\n"
       "* Does the FFT of the input dataset in 3 directions (x,y,z) and\n"
       "   produces the output dataset.\n"
       "* Why you'd want to do this is an interesting question.\n"
       "* Program 3dcalc can operate on complex-valued datasets, but\n"
       "   only on one component at a time (cf. the '-cx2r' option).\n"
       "* Most other AFNI programs can only operate on real-valued\n"
       "   datasets.\n"
       "* You could use 3dcalc (twice) to split a complex-valued dataset\n"
       "   into two real-valued datasets, do your will on those with other\n"
       "   AFNI programs, then merge the results back into a complex-valued\n"
       "   dataset with 3dTwotoComplex.\n"
       " -abs       = Outputs the magnitude of the FFT [default]\n"
       " -phase     = Outputs the phase of the FFT (-PI..PI == no unwrapping!)\n"
       " -complex   = Outputs the complex-valued FFT\n"
       " -inverse   = Does the inverse FFT instead of the forward FFT\n"
       " -Lx xx     = Use FFT of length 'xx' in the x-direction\n"
       " -Ly yy     = Use FFT of length 'yy' in the y-direction\n"
       " -Lz zz     = Use FFT of length 'zz' in the z-direction\n"
       "              * Set a length to 0 to skip the FFT in that direction\n"
       " -altIN     = Alternate signs of input data before FFT, to bring\n"
       "               zero frequency from edge of FFT-space to center of grid\n"
       "               for cosmetic purposes.\n"
       " -altOUT    = Alternate signs of output data after FFT.  If you\n"
       "               use '-altI' on the forward transform, then you should\n"
       "               use '-altO' an the inverse transform, to get the\n"
       "               signs of the recovered image correct.\n"
       "      **N.B.: You cannot use '-altIN' and '-altOUT' in the same run!\n"
       " -input dd  = Read the input dataset from 'dd', instead of\n"
       "               from the last argument on the command line.\n"
       " -prefix pp = Use 'pp' for the output dataset prefix.\n"
       " * In the present avatar, only 1 sub-brick will be processed.\n"
       " * The program can only do FFT lengths that are factorable\n"
       "    into a product of powers of 2, 3, and 5, and are even.\n"
       "   + The largest power of 3 that is allowed is 3^3 = 27.\n"
       "   + The largest power of 5 that is allowed is 5^3 = 125.\n"
       "   + e.g., FFT of length 3*5*8=120 is possible.\n"
       "   + e.g., FFT of length 4*31 =124 is not possible.\n"
       " * The 'x', 'y', and 'z' axes here refer to the order the\n"
       "    data is stored, not DICOM coordinates; cf. 3dinfo.\n"
       " * If you force (via '-Lx' etc.) an FFT length that is not\n"
       "    allowed, the program will stop with an error message.\n"
       " * If you force an FFT length that is shorter than an dataset\n"
       "    axis dimension, the program will stop with an error message.\n"
       " * If you don't force an FFT length along a particular axis,\n"
       "    the program will pick the smallest legal value that is\n"
       "    greater than or equal to the corresponding dataset dimension.\n"
       "   + e.g., 124 would be increased to 128.\n"
       " * If an FFT length is longer than an axis length, then the\n"
       "    input data in that direction is zero-padded at the end.\n"
       " * For -abs and -phase, the output dataset is in float format.\n"
       " * If you do the forward and inverse FFT, then you should get back\n"
       "    the original dataset, except for roundoff error and except that\n"
       "    the new dataset axis dimensions may be longer than the original.\n"
       " * Forward FFT = sum_{k=0..N-1} [ exp(-2*PI*i*k/N) * data(k) ]\n"
       " * Inverse FFT = sum_{k=0..N-1} [ exp(+2*PI*i*k/N) * data(k) ] / N\n"
       " * Started a long time ago, but only finished in Aug 2009 at the\n"
       "    request of John Butman, because he asked so nicely.  (Now pay up!)\n"
     ) ;
     PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;

   mainENTRY("3dFFT main") ; machdep() ; AUTHOR("RW Cox") ;
   AFNI_logger("3dFFT",argc,argv) ;

   /*--- scan args ---*/

   iarg = 1 ;

   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-altI",5) == 0 ){
       do_alt = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-altOUT",5) == 0 ){
       do_alt = -1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-inverse",4) == 0 ){
       Sign = +1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-abs",4) == 0 ){
       Mode = FFT_ABS ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-phase",4) == 0 ){
       Mode = FFT_PHASE ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-complex",4) == 0 ){
       Mode = FFT_COMPLEX ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strlen(argv[iarg]) == 3 && strncmp(argv[iarg],"-L",2) == 0 ){
       int lll=-1 , mmm ; char *ept ;
       iarg++ ;
       if( iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("need an argument after option %s",argv[iarg-1]) ;

       lll = strtol( argv[iarg] , &ept , 10 ) ;
       if( *ept != '\0' )
         ERROR_exit("bad argument after option %s",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       if( lll > 0 && (mmm = csfft_nextup_even(lll)) != lll )
          "'%s %d' is not a legal FFT length here: next largest legal value = %d" ,
          argv[iarg-1] , lll , mmm ) ;
       switch( argv[iarg-1][2] ){
         case 'x': case 'X': Lxx = lll ; break ;
         case 'y': case 'Y': Lyy = lll ; break ;
         case 'z': case 'Z': Lzz = lll ; break ;
         default:  ERROR_exit("unknown option '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix",4) == 0 ){
       iarg++ ;
       if( iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("need an argument after %s\n",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       prefix = strdup( argv[iarg] ) ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )
         ERROR_exit("bad argument after %s\n",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input",4) == 0 ){
       iarg++ ;
       if( iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("need an argument after %s\n",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       dset_in = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dset_in,argv[iarg]);
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     ERROR_exit("unknown option '%s'\n",argv[iarg]) ;

   /* check for simple errors */

   if( Lxx == 0 && Lyy == 0 && Lzz == 0 )
     ERROR_exit("-Lx, -Ly, -Lz all given as zero?!") ;

   /* open input dataset */

   if( dset_in == NULL ){
     if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no input dataset on command line?!\n") ;
     dset_in = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dset_in,argv[iarg]);

   nx = DSET_NX(dset_in) ; ny = DSET_NY(dset_in) ; nz = DSET_NZ(dset_in) ;

   if( DSET_NVALS(dset_in) > 1 )
     WARNING_message("only 3dFFT-ing sub-brick #0 of input dataset") ;

   /* establish actual FFT lengths now (0 ==> no FFT) */

   if( nx == 1 ) Lxx = 0 ;  /* can't FFT if dataset is shrimpy! */
   if( ny == 1 ) Lyy = 0 ;
   if( nz == 1 ) Lzz = 0 ;

   if( Lxx < 0 ) Lxx = csfft_nextup_even(nx) ;  /* get FFT length from */
   if( Lyy < 0 ) Lyy = csfft_nextup_even(ny) ;  /* dataset dimensions */
   if( Lzz < 0 ) Lzz = csfft_nextup_even(nz) ;

   INFO_message("x-axis length=%d ; FFT length=%d %s",nx,Lxx,(Lxx==0)?"==> none":"\0") ;
   INFO_message("y-axis length=%d ; FFT length=%d %s",ny,Lyy,(Lyy==0)?"==> none":"\0") ;
   INFO_message("z-axis length=%d ; FFT length=%d %s",nz,Lzz,(Lzz==0)?"==> none":"\0") ;

   if( Lxx > 0 && Lxx < nx ) ERROR_exit("x-axis FFT length too short for data!") ;
   if( Lyy > 0 && Lyy < ny ) ERROR_exit("y-axis FFT length too short for data!") ;
   if( Lzz > 0 && Lzz < nz ) ERROR_exit("z-axis FFT length too short for data!") ;

   /* extract sub-brick #0 */

   DSET_load(dset_in) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset_in) ;

   inim = mri_to_complex( DSET_BRICK(dset_in,0) ) ; /* convert input to complex */
   fac  = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset_in,0) ;
   if( fac > 0.0f && fac != 1.0f ){                 /* scale it if needed */
     int ii , nvox = nx*ny*nz ; complex *car = MRI_COMPLEX_PTR(inim) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){ car[ii].r *= fac ; car[ii].i *= fac ; }

   DSET_unload(dset_in) ;  /* input data is all copied now */

   /* FFT to get output image */

   csfft_scale_inverse(1) ;  /* scale by 1/N for inverse FFTs */

   outim = mri_fft_3D( Sign , inim , Lxx,Lyy,Lzz , do_alt ) ;

   mri_free(inim) ;

   /* post-process output? */

   switch( Mode ){
     case FFT_ABS:{
       MRI_IMAGE *qim = mri_complex_abs(outim) ;
       mri_free(outim) ; outim = qim ;
     break ;

     case FFT_PHASE:{
       MRI_IMAGE *qim = mri_complex_phase(outim) ;
       mri_free(outim) ; outim = qim ;
     break ;

   /* create and write output dataset */

   dset_out = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_in ) ;
   tross_Copy_History( dset_in , dset_out ) ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dFFT" , argc,argv , dset_out ) ;
   LOAD_IVEC3( iv , outim->nx , outim->ny , outim->nz ) ;
   EDIT_dset_items( dset_out ,
                      ADN_prefix , prefix ,
                      ADN_nvals  , 1 ,
                      ADN_ntt    , 0 ,
                      ADN_nxyz   , iv ,  /* change dimensions, possibly */
                    ADN_none ) ;
   EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( dset_out , 0 , 0.0 ) ;
   EDIT_substitute_brick( dset_out , 0 , outim->kind , mri_data_pointer(outim) ) ;
   DSET_write(dset_out) ; WROTE_DSET(dset_out) ; DSET_unload(dset_out) ;

   exit(0) ;
Exemple #22
int AFNI_vedit( THD_3dim_dataset *dset , VEDIT_settings vednew , byte *mask )
   THD_datablock *dblk ;
   int ival ;
   MRI_IMAGE *dim ;

ENTRY("AFNI_vedit") ;

   if( !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ) RETURN(0) ;

   dblk = dset->dblk ;

   /*--- check if we are to clear any existing edits,
         and also set future editing status to 'do nothing' ---*/

   if( vednew.code <= 0 || vednew.code > VEDIT_LASTCODE ){
     if( dblk->vedim != NULL ){ mri_free(dblk->vedim); dblk->vedim=NULL; }
     dblk->vedset.code = 0; dblk->vedset.ival = -1; dblk->vedset.exinfo = NULL;
     RETURN(0) ;

   /* if we have existing editing results,
      and they correspond to the same parameters as before, then are done.
      otherwise, we clear out the existing results so they can be replaced. */

   if( dblk->vedim != NULL && (vednew.flags&1) == 0 ){
     if( memcmp(&(dblk->vedset),&vednew,sizeof(VEDIT_settings)) == 0 )
       RETURN(0) ;                            /* exactly the same as before */

     mri_free(dblk->vedim); dblk->vedim=NULL; /* clear old results */

   /*--- at this point, must edit dataset brick ---*/

   dblk->vedset = vednew ;  /* save settings for next time in */
   dblk->vedset.flags = 0 ;

   /*--- create edited volume ---*/

   if( vednew.code == VEDIT_CLUST ){  /*----- Clusterize -----*/

     MRI_IMAGE *tim=NULL ;
     float thr,rmm,vmul,thb,tht ;
     int thrsign,posfunc,ithr ;

     ival = vednew.ival ;
     if( ival < 0 || ival > DSET_NVALS(dset) ) RETURN(0) ;
     dim = DBLK_BRICK(dblk,ival) ;
     if( dim == NULL || mri_data_pointer(dim) == NULL ){
       DSET_load(dset) ;
       dim = DBLK_BRICK(dblk,ival) ;
       if( dim == NULL || mri_data_pointer(dim) == NULL ) RETURN(0) ;
     dim->dx = fabs(DSET_DX(dset));
     dim->dy = fabs(DSET_DY(dset));
     dim->dz = fabs(DSET_DZ(dset));

     ithr    = (int)vednew.param[0] ;
     thrsign = (int)vednew.param[4] ;
     posfunc = (int)vednew.param[5] ;
     if( ithr >= 0 && ithr < DSET_NVALS(dset) )
       tim = DBLK_BRICK(dblk,ithr) ;
     thr = vednew.param[1] ;
     if( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ithr) > 0.0f )
       thr /= DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ithr) ;
     thb = THBOT(thr) ; tht = THTOP(thr) ;
     rmm  = vednew.param[2] ; vmul = vednew.param[3] ;
     dblk->vedim = mri_clusterize( rmm,vmul,dim,thb,tht,tim,posfunc , mask );


   /*--- done ---*/

   RETURN(1) ;
Exemple #23
int RIC_CorrectDataset(THD_3dim_dataset * dset, MRI_IMAGE * phase,
		       const double * a, const double * b,
		       int M, int ignore) {

    float scalefactor;         /* Scaling factor for current dset brick */
    int ival, nvals;           /* Current, number of dset timepoints */
    int ivox, nvoxs;           /* Current, number of voxels in dset subbrick */
    float * pdata;             /* Phase data */
    int m;                     /* Current order number (1, M) */
    double mp, cmp, smp;       /* m * phase; cos(mp); sin(mp) */
    double sampd;              /* Intersample time in ms for phase */
    double slicetime;          /* Time of current slice in milliseconds */
    int slicestart;            /* Voxel index of 1st voxel in current slice */
    int sliceend;              /* End voxel index of current slice */
    int icoeff, ncoeffs;       /* Current, number of a,b coefficients */
    int islice, nslices;       /* Current, number of slices in a subbrick */
    int nvoxpers;              /* The number of voxels per slice */

    /* Quick check of arguments */
    if (!ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) || DSET_NVALS(dset) < 1 ||
	!ISVALID_TIMEAXIS(dset->taxis) ||
	phase == NULL || phase->nx < 1 || phase->ny != 1 ||
	a == NULL || b == NULL || M < 1 ||
	ignore < 0 || ignore >= DSET_NVALS(dset)) {

	return -1;

    /* Initialize */
    nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset);
    nvoxpers = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy;
    nslices = dset->daxes->nzz;
    nvoxs = nvoxpers * nslices;
    ncoeffs = nvoxs * M;
    sampd = dset->taxis->ttdel * nvals / phase->nx;
    switch (dset->taxis->units_type) {
    case UNITS_MSEC_TYPE: break;
    case UNITS_SEC_TYPE:  sampd *= 1000; break;
    case UNITS_HZ_TYPE:   sampd = 1000 / sampd; break;
    default: return -1;
    pdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(phase);

    /* Correct each subbrick in dset */
    /* Iterate over dset timepoints (TRs) => BRIK read from disk once */
    for (ival = ignore; ival < nvals; ival += 1) {
	scalefactor = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, ival);

	/* Apply each order of correction to each voxel of the subbrick */
	switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset, ival)) {
	case MRI_short:
	case MRI_byte:
	case MRI_float:
	default: /* Unsupported datatype */
	    return -1;

    return 0;
Exemple #24
int RIC_CalcCoeffAB(THD_3dim_dataset * dset, MRI_IMAGE * phase,
		    const double * avg, double ** a, double ** b,
		    int M, int ignore) {

    float scalefactor;         /* Scaling factor for current dset brick */
    int ival, nvals;           /* Current, number of dset timepoints */
    int ivox, nvoxs;           /* Current, number of voxels in dset subbrick */
    double * newa, * newb;     /* Coefficients a and b, to be calculated */
    float * pdata;             /* Phase data */
    int m;                     /* Current order number (1, M) */
    double mp, cmp, smp;       /* m * current phase; cos(mp); sin(mp) */
    double sampd;              /* Intersample time in ms for phase */
    double slicetime;          /* Time of current slice in milliseconds */
    int slicestart;            /* Voxel index of 1st voxel in current slice */
    int sliceend;              /* End voxel index of current slice */
    double * denoma, * denomb; /* Coeff denominators for each m and slice */
    int idenom, ndenoms;       /* Current, number of coeff denominators */
    int inumer, nnumers;       /* Current, number of coeff numerators */
    int islice, nslices;       /* Current, number of slices in a subbrick */
    int nvoxpers;              /* The number of voxels per slice */

    /* Quick check of arguments */
    if (!ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) || DSET_NVALS(dset) < 1 ||
	!ISVALID_TIMEAXIS(dset->taxis) ||
	phase == NULL || phase->nx < 1 || phase->ny != 1 ||
	avg == NULL || a == NULL || b == NULL || M < 1 ||
	ignore < 0 || ignore >= DSET_NVALS(dset)) {

	return -1;

    /* Initialize */
    nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset);
    nvoxpers = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy;
    nslices = dset->daxes->nzz;
    nvoxs = nvoxpers * nslices;
    ndenoms = nslices * M;
    nnumers = nvoxs * M;
    sampd = dset->taxis->ttdel * nvals / phase->nx;
    switch (dset->taxis->units_type) {
    case UNITS_MSEC_TYPE: break;
    case UNITS_SEC_TYPE:  sampd *= 1000; break;
    case UNITS_HZ_TYPE:   sampd = 1000 / sampd; break;
    default: return -1;
    pdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(phase);
    newa = malloc(sizeof(double) * nnumers);
    if (newa == NULL) {
	return -1;
    newb = malloc(sizeof(double) * nnumers);
    if (newb == NULL) {
	return -1;
    for (inumer = 0; inumer < nnumers; inumer += 1) {
	newa[inumer] = 0.0; newb[inumer] = 0.0;
    denoma = malloc(sizeof(double) * ndenoms);
    if (denoma == NULL) {
	free(newa); free(newb);
	return -1;
    denomb = malloc(sizeof(double) * ndenoms);
    if (denomb == NULL) {
	free(newa); free(newb); free(denoma);
	return -1;
    for (idenom = 0; idenom < ndenoms; idenom += 1) {
	denoma[idenom] = 0.0; denomb[idenom] = 0.0;

    /* Calculate the coeff numerators and denominators */
    /* Iterate over dset timepoints (TRs) => BRIK read from disk once */
    for (ival = ignore; ival < nvals; ival += 1) {
	scalefactor = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, ival);

	/* Calculate coeff numerators and denominators over all data */
	switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset, ival)) {
	case MRI_short:
	case MRI_byte:
	case MRI_float:
	default: /* Unsupported datatype */
	    free(newa); free(newb); free(denoma); free(denomb);
	    return -1;

    /* Divide the coeff numerators by their denominators */
    idenom = 0;
    inumer = 0;
    /* m loop outside voxel loop <- coeff arrays bigger than one volume */
    for (m = 1; m <= M; m += 1) {
	slicestart = 0;
	/* Iterate over slices */
	for (islice = 0; islice < nslices; islice += 1) {
	    sliceend = slicestart + nvoxpers;
	    /* Divide numerator by denominator */
	    for (ivox = slicestart; ivox < sliceend; ivox += 1) {
		newa[inumer] /= denoma[idenom];
		newb[inumer] /= denomb[idenom];
		inumer += 1;
	    slicestart = sliceend;
	    idenom += 1;

    *a = newa; *b = newb;
    free(denoma); free(denomb);
    return 0;
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   char *aname ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset ;
   int ii , scl ;
   MRI_IMAGE *im , *qim ;
   char *fname ;
   float fac ;

   int do_4D=0 , iarg=1 ;    /* 30 Sep 2002 */
   FILE *ifp=NULL ;

   int xxor=-1,yyor=0,zzor=0 , xdir=0,ydir=0,zdir=0;  /* 19 Mar 2003 */
   float                   xdel=0.0  ,ydel=0.0,zdel=0.0;
   char orient_code[4] ;

   /*-- help me if you can --*/

WARNING_message("This program (3dAFNItoANALYZE) is old, not maintained, and probably useless!") ;

   if( argc < 3 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
      printf("Usage: 3dAFNItoANALYZE [-4D] [-orient code] aname dset\n"
             "Writes AFNI dataset 'dset' to 1 or more ANALYZE 7.5 format\n"
             ".hdr/.img file pairs (one pair for each sub-brick in the\n"
             "AFNI dataset).  The ANALYZE files will be named\n"
             "  aname_0000.hdr aname_0000.img   for sub-brick #0\n"
             "  aname_0001.hdr aname_0001.img   for sub-brick #1\n"
             "and so forth.  Each file pair will contain a single 3D array.\n"
             "* If the AFNI dataset does not include sub-brick scale\n"
             "  factors, then the ANALYZE files will be written in the\n"
             "  datum type of the AFNI dataset.\n"
             "* If the AFNI dataset does have sub-brick scale factors,\n"
             "  then each sub-brick will be scaled to floating format\n"
             "  and the ANALYZE files will be written as floats.\n"
             "* The .hdr and .img files are written in the native byte\n"
             "  order of the computer on which this program is executed.\n"
             "-4D [30 Sep 2002]:\n"
             " If you use this option, then all the data will be written to\n"
             " one big ANALYZE file pair named aname.hdr/aname.img, rather\n"
             " than a series of 3D files.  Even if you only have 1 sub-brick,\n"
             " you may prefer this option, since the filenames won't have\n"
             " the '_0000' appended to 'aname'.\n"
             "-orient code [19 Mar 2003]:\n"
             " This option lets you flip the dataset to a different orientation\n"
             " when it is written to the ANALYZE files.  The orientation code is\n"
             " formed as follows:\n"
             "   The code must be 3 letters, one each from the\n"
             "   pairs {R,L} {A,P} {I,S}.  The first letter gives\n"
             "   the orientation of the x-axis, the second the\n"
             "   orientation of the y-axis, the third the z-axis:\n"
             "      R = Right-to-Left          L = Left-to-Right\n"
             "      A = Anterior-to-Posterior  P = Posterior-to-Anterior\n"
             "      I = Inferior-to-Superior   S = Superior-to-Inferior\n"
             "   For example, 'LPI' means\n"
             "      -x = Left       +x = Right\n"
             "      -y = Posterior  +y = Anterior\n"
             "      -z = Inferior   +z = Superior\n"
             " * For display in SPM, 'LPI' or 'RPI' seem to work OK.\n"
             "    Be careful with this: you don't want to confuse L and R\n"
             "    in the SPM display!\n"
             " * If you DON'T use this option, the dataset will be written\n"
             "    out in the orientation in which it is stored in AFNI\n"
             "    (e.g., the output of '3dinfo dset' will tell you this.)\n"
             " * The dataset orientation is NOT stored in the .hdr file.\n"
             " * AFNI and ANALYZE data are stored in files with the x-axis\n"
             "    varying most rapidly and the z-axis most slowly.\n"
             " * Note that if you read an ANALYZE dataset into AFNI for\n"
             "    display, AFNI assumes the LPI orientation, unless you\n"
             "    set environment variable AFNI_ANALYZE_ORIENT.\n"
            ) ;
      PRINT_COMPILE_DATE; exit(0) ;

   mainENTRY("3dAFNItoANALYZE main"); machdep(); PRINT_VERSION("3dAFNItoANALYZE");

   /*-- read inputs --*/

   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-4D") == 0 ){    /* 30 Sep 2002 */
       do_4D = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-orient") == 0 ){ /* 19 Mar 2003 */
       char acod ;

       if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
         fprintf(stderr,"** Need something after -orient!\n"); exit(1);

       MCW_strncpy(orient_code,argv[++iarg],4) ;
       if( strlen(orient_code) != 3 ){
         fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal code '%s' after -orient!\n",argv[iarg]); exit(1);

       acod = toupper(orient_code[0]) ; xxor = ORCODE(acod) ;
       acod = toupper(orient_code[1]) ; yyor = ORCODE(acod) ;
       acod = toupper(orient_code[2]) ; zzor = ORCODE(acod) ;

       if( xxor<0 || yyor<0 || zzor<0 || !OR3OK(xxor,yyor,zzor) ){
         fprintf(stderr,"** Unusable code after -orient!\n"); exit(1);
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal option: %s\n",argv[iarg]); exit(1);

   if( iarg >= argc-1 ){
     fprintf(stderr,"** Not enough arguments on command line!\n"); exit(1);

   aname = argv[iarg++] ;
   if( !THD_filename_ok(aname) ){
     fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal aname string %s\n",aname) ;
     exit(1) ;
   fname = malloc( strlen(aname)+16 ) ;

   dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg++] ); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dset,argv[iarg-1]);

   if( xxor >= 0 ){  /* 19 Mar 2003: figure how to flip */
     xdir = THD_get_axis_direction( dset->daxes , xxor ) ;
     ydir = THD_get_axis_direction( dset->daxes , yyor ) ;
     zdir = THD_get_axis_direction( dset->daxes , zzor ) ;
     if(              ydir == 0 || zdir == 0 ) xdir = 0 ;
     if( xdir == 1 && ydir == 2 && zdir == 3 ) xdir = 0 ;
   if( xdir != 0 ){
     float dx=fabs(DSET_DX(dset)) ,
           dy=fabs(DSET_DY(dset)) ,
           dz=fabs(DSET_DZ(dset))  ;
     DSET_mallocize(dset) ;
     switch( xdir ){
       case 1: case -1: xdel = dx ; break ;
       case 2: case -2: xdel = dy ; break ;
       case 3: case -3: xdel = dz ; break ;
     switch( ydir ){
       case 1: case -1: ydel = dx ; break ;
       case 2: case -2: ydel = dy ; break ;
       case 3: case -3: ydel = dz ; break ;
     switch( zdir ){
       case 1: case -1: zdel = dx ; break ;
       case 2: case -2: zdel = dy ; break ;
       case 3: case -3: zdel = dz ; break ;
   } else {
     xdel = fabs(DSET_DX(dset)) ;
     ydel = fabs(DSET_DY(dset)) ;
     zdel = fabs(DSET_DZ(dset)) ;

   DSET_load(dset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset) ;

   /* determine if we scale to floats */

   scl = THD_need_brick_factor( dset ) ;

   /* 30 Sep 2002: if doing a 4D file, write single .hdr now */

   if( do_4D ){
     im = mri_empty_conforming( DSET_BRICK(dset,0) ,
                                (scl) ? MRI_float
                                      : DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) ) ;

     if( xdir != 0 ){
       qim = mri_flip3D( xdir,ydir,zdir , im ) ;
       if( qim == NULL){
         fprintf(stderr,"mri_flip3D fails?!\n"); exit(1);
       mri_free(im); im = qim;

     im->dx = xdel ;                    /* load voxel sizes */
     im->dy = ydel ;
     im->dz = zdel ;
     im->dw = 1.0 ;

     if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_ANALYZE_ORIGINATOR") ){
       im->xo = dset->daxes->xxorg ;                    /* load voxel origin */
       im->yo = dset->daxes->yyorg ;                    /* 03/11/04 KRH added this bit for SPM */
       im->zo = dset->daxes->zzorg ;
       if( ORIENT_sign[dset->daxes->xxorient] == '-' ){
         im->dx = -im->dx ;
         /* im->xo = -im->xo ; */
       if( ORIENT_sign[dset->daxes->yyorient] == '-' ){
         im->dy = -im->dy ;
         /* im->yo = -im->yo ; */
       if( ORIENT_sign[dset->daxes->zzorient] == '-' ){
         im->dz = -im->dz ;
         /* im->zo = -im->zo ; */

     im->nt = DSET_NVALS(dset) ;        /* add a time axis */
     im->dt = DSET_TR(dset) ;
     if( im->dt <= 0.0 ) im->dt = 1.0 ;
     if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) im->dt *= 0.001 ; /* 05 Jul 2005 */

     mri_write_analyze( aname , im ) ;  /* output 4D .hdr file */
     mri_free(im) ;

     sprintf(fname,"%s.img",aname) ;    /* open output .img file */
     ifp = fopen( fname , "wb" ) ;
     if( ifp == NULL ){
       fprintf(stderr,"** Can't open file %s for output!\n",fname) ;
       exit(1) ;

   /* loop over sub-bricks */

   for( ii=0 ; ii < DSET_NVALS(dset) ; ii++ ){

      im = DSET_BRICK(dset,ii) ;             /* get the sub-brick */

      if( scl ){                             /* scale it to floats */
        fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ii) ;
        if( fac == 0.0 ) fac = 1.0 ;
        qim = mri_scale_to_float( fac , im ) ;
      } else {
        qim = im ;

      if( xdir != 0 ){                       /* 19 Mar 2003: flip it */
        MRI_IMAGE *fim ;
        fim = mri_flip3D( xdir,ydir,zdir , qim ) ;
        if( fim == NULL ){
          fprintf(stderr,"mri_flip3D fails at ii=%d ?!\n",ii); exit(1);
        if( qim != im ) mri_free(qim) ;
        qim = fim ;

      if( do_4D ){                           /* 30 Sep 2002: write into 4D .img file */

        fwrite( mri_data_pointer(qim) , qim->nvox , qim->pixel_size , ifp ) ;

      } else {                               /* write separate 3D .hdr/.img files */

        qim->dx = xdel ;    /* load voxel sizes */
        qim->dy = ydel ;
        qim->dz = zdel ;
        qim->dw = 1.0 ;

        if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_ANALYZE_ORIGINATOR") ){
          qim->xo = dset->daxes->xxorg ;                    /* load voxel origin */
          qim->yo = dset->daxes->yyorg ;                    /* 03/11/04 KRH added this bit for SPM */
          qim->zo = dset->daxes->zzorg ;

          if( ORIENT_sign[dset->daxes->xxorient] == '-' ){
            qim->dx   = -qim->dx   ;
            /* qim->xo = -qim->xo ; */
          if( ORIENT_sign[dset->daxes->yyorient] == '-' ){
            qim->dy   = -qim->dy   ;
            /* qim->yo = -qim->yo ; */
          if( ORIENT_sign[dset->daxes->zzorient] == '-' ){
            qim->dz   = -qim->dz   ;
            /* qim->zo = -qim->zo ; */

        sprintf(fname,"%s_%04d",aname,ii) ;  /* make up a filename */
        mri_write_analyze( fname , qim ) ;   /* do the real work */

      if( qim != im ) mri_free(qim) ;
      DSET_unload_one(dset,ii) ;             /* clean up the trash */

   if( ifp != NULL ) fclose(ifp) ;           /* 30 Sep 2002 */

   free(fname) ; exit(0) ;
Exemple #26
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int vstep=0 , ii,nvox , ntin , ntout , do_one=0 , nup=-1 ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *inset=NULL , *outset ;
   char *prefix="Upsam", *dsetname=NULL ;
   int verb=0 , iarg=1, datum = MRI_float;
   float *ivec , *ovec , trin , trout, *fac=NULL, *ofac=NULL, 
         top=0.0, maxtop=0.0;

   /*------- help the pitifully ignorant user? -------*/

   if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
      "Usage: 3dUpsample [options] n dataset\n"
      "* Upsamples a 3D+time dataset, in the time direction,\n"
      "   by a factor of 'n'.\n"
      "* The value of 'n' must be between 2 and 320 (inclusive).\n"
      "* The output dataset is in float format by default.\n"
      " -1 or -one = Use linear interpolation. Otherwise,\n"
      " or -linear   7th order polynomial interpolation is used.\n"
      " -prefix pp = Define the prefix name of the output dataset.\n"
      "              [default prefix is 'Upsam']\n"
      " -verb      = Be eloquently and mellifluosly verbose.\n"
      " -n n       = An alternate way to specify n\n"
      " -input dataset = An alternate way to specify dataset\n"
      " -datum ddd = Use datatype ddd at output. Choose from\n"
      "              float (default), short, byte.\n"
      " 3dUpsample -prefix LongFred 5 Fred+orig\n"
      "Nota Bene:\n"
      "* You should not use this for files that were 3dTcat-ed across\n"
      "   imaging run boundaries, since that will result in interpolating\n"
      "   between non-contiguous time samples!\n"
      "* If the input has M time points, the output will have n*M time\n"
      "   points.  The last n-1 of them will be past the end of the original\n"
      "   time series.\n"
      "* This program gobbles up memory and diskspace as a function of n.\n"
      "  You can reduce output file size with -datum option.\n"
      "--- RW Cox - April 2008\n"
     ) ;
     PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;

   mainENTRY("3dUpsample"); machdep();
   PRINT_VERSION("3dUpsample"); AUTHOR("RWCox") ;

   /*------- read command line args -------*/

   datum = MRI_float;
   iarg = 1 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix",5) == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
       prefix = argv[iarg] ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )
         ERROR_exit("Illegal string after -prefix: '%s'",prefix) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-one",4) == 0 ||
         strcmp     (argv[iarg],"-1"    ) == 0 ||
         strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-lin",4) == 0   ){
       do_one = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-verb",3) == 0 ){
       verb = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-n") == 0 ){
      if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
      nup = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
      if( nup < 2 || nup > 320 )
        ERROR_exit("3dUpsample rate '%d' is outside range 2..320",nup) ;
      iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
      if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
      dsetname = argv[iarg];
      iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-datum") == 0 ){
      if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
         if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"short") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_short ;
         } else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"float") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_float ;
         } else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"byte") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_byte ;
         } else {
            ERROR_message("-datum of type '%s' not supported in 3dUpsample!\n",
                    argv[iarg] ) ;
            exit(1) ;
      iarg++ ; continue ;
     ERROR_message("Unknown argument on command line: '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
     exit (1);

   /*------- check options for completeness and consistency -----*/
   if (nup == -1) {
      if( iarg+1 >= argc )
        ERROR_exit("need 'n' and 'dataset' on command line!") ;

      nup = (int)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
      if( nup < 2 || nup > 320 )
        ERROR_exit("3dUpsample rate '%d' is outside range 2..320",nup) ;
   if (!dsetname) {
      if( iarg >= argc )
        ERROR_exit("need 'dataset' on command line!") ;
      dsetname = argv[iarg];
   inset = THD_open_dataset(dsetname) ;
   if( !ISVALID_DSET(inset) )
     ERROR_exit("3dUpsample can't open dataset '%s'", dsetname) ;
   ntin = DSET_NVALS(inset) ; trin = DSET_TR(inset) ;
   if( ntin < 2 )
     ERROR_exit("dataset '%s' has only 1 value per voxel?!",dsetname) ;

   nvox = DSET_NVOX(inset) ;

   if( verb ) INFO_message("loading input dataset into memory") ;

   DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;

   /*------ create output dataset ------*/

   ntout = ntin * nup ; trout = trin / nup ;

   /* scaling factor for output */
   fac = NULL; maxtop = 0.0;
   if (MRI_IS_INT_TYPE(datum)) {
      fac = (float *)calloc(DSET_NVALS(inset), sizeof(float));
      ofac = (float *)calloc(ntout, sizeof(float));
      for (ii=0; ii<DSET_NVALS(inset); ++ii) {
         top = MCW_vol_amax( DSET_NVOX(inset),1,1 , 
                             DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(inset,ii) ) ;
         if (DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(inset, ii)) 
            top = top * DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(inset,ii);
         fac[ii] = (top > MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum]) ? 
                        top/MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum] : 0.0 ;
         if (top > maxtop) maxtop = top;
      if (storage_mode_from_filename(prefix) != STORAGE_BY_BRICK) {
         fac[0] = (maxtop > MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum]) ? 
                        maxtop/MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum] : 0.0 ;
         for (ii=0; ii<ntout; ++ii) 
            ofac[ii] = fac[0];
         if (verb) INFO_message("Forcing global scaling, Max = %f, fac = %f\n", 
                        maxtop, fac[0]);
      } else {
         if (verb) INFO_message("Reusing scaling factors of input dset\n");
         upsample_1( nup, DSET_NVALS(inset), fac, ofac);
   free(fac); fac = NULL;
   outset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset) ;
   EDIT_dset_items( outset ,
                        ADN_nvals     , ntout          ,
                        ADN_ntt       , DSET_NUM_TIMES(inset) > 1 ? ntout : 0 ,
                        ADN_datum_all , datum      ,
                        ADN_brick_fac , ofac           ,
                        ADN_prefix    , prefix         ,
                      ADN_none ) ;
   tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dUpsample" , argc,argv , outset ) ;
   free(ofac); ofac = NULL;
   if( outset->taxis != NULL ){
     outset->taxis->ttdel /= nup ;
     outset->taxis->ttdur /= nup ;
     if( outset->taxis->toff_sl != NULL ){
       for( ii=0 ; ii < outset->taxis->nsl ; ii++ )
         outset->taxis->toff_sl[ii] /= nup ;

   for( ii=0 ; ii < ntout ; ii++ ){ /* create empty bricks to be filled below */
     EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , ii , datum , NULL ) ;

   /*------- loop over voxels and process them one at a time ---------*/

   if( verb )
     INFO_message("Upsampling time series from %d to %d: %s interpolation",
                  ntin , ntout , (do_one) ? "linear" : "heptic" ) ;

   if( verb && nvox > 499 ) vstep = nvox / 50 ;
   if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ voxel loop: ") ;

   ivec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntin) ;
   ovec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntout) ;

   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){

     if( vstep > 0 && ii%vstep==vstep-1 ) vstep_print() ;

     THD_extract_array( ii , inset , 0 , ivec ) ;

     if( do_one ) upsample_1( nup , ntin , ivec , ovec ) ;
     else         upsample_7( nup , ntin , ivec , ovec ) ;

     THD_insert_series( ii , outset , ntout , MRI_float , ovec , 
                        datum==MRI_float ? 1:0 ) ;
   } /* end of loop over voxels */

   if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr," Done!\n") ;

   /*----- clean up and go away -----*/

   DSET_write(outset) ;
   if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(outset) ;
   if( verb ) INFO_message("Total CPU time = %.1f s",COX_cpu_time()) ;
char * THD_dataset_info( THD_3dim_dataset *dset , int verbose )
   THD_dataxes      *daxes ;
   THD_fvec3 fv1 , fv2 , fv3 ;
   int ival , ntimes , nval_per , n1,n2,n3 , kv,npar ;
   float tf, angle=0.0;
   long long tb ;

   static char *RR="[R]" , *LL="[L]" ,
               *PP="[P]" , *AA="[A]" ,
               *SS="[S]" , *II="[I]" , *ZZ="   " ;
   char *xlbot , *xltop , *ylbot , *yltop , *zlbot , *zltop , *cpt ;
   char str[1024], soblq[1024] ;
   int nstr , obliquity;

   char *outbuf = NULL ;  /* output buffer */

ENTRY("THD_dataset_info") ;


   daxes = dset->daxes ;

   if( DSET_IS_BRIK(dset) )
     outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Dataset File:    %s\n" , DSET_FILECODE(dset) ) ;
     outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Dataset File:    %s\n" , DSET_BRIKNAME(dset) ) ;

   outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Identifier Code: %s  Creation Date: %s\n" ,
             dset->idcode.str , dset->idcode.date ) ;
   outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,   "Template Space:  %s\n", dset->atlas_space);

   if( ISANAT(dset) ){
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Dataset Type:    %s (-%s)\n",
                ANAT_typestr[dset->func_type] , ANAT_prefixstr[dset->func_type] ) ;
   } else {
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Dataset Type:    %s (-%s)\n",
                FUNC_typestr[dset->func_type] , FUNC_prefixstr[dset->func_type] ) ;

   /* 25 April 1998: do byte order stuff */

   switch( DSET_BYTEORDER(dset) ){
      case LSB_FIRST:
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Byte Order:      %s" , LSB_FIRST_STRING) ;
      break ;
      case MSB_FIRST:
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Byte Order:      %s" , MSB_FIRST_STRING) ;
      break ;

   if( THD_find_string_atr(dset->dblk,ATRNAME_BYTEORDER) == NULL ) /* 19 Sep 1999 */
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," {assumed}") ;

   kv = mri_short_order() ;
   switch( kv ){
      case LSB_FIRST:
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," [this CPU native = %s]\n" , LSB_FIRST_STRING) ;
      break ;
      case MSB_FIRST:
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," [this CPU native = %s]\n" , MSB_FIRST_STRING) ;
      break ;

   /*-- 21 Jun 2002: print storage mode --*/
   if( dset->dblk->diskptr != NULL ){
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Storage Mode:    %s\n",

   tb = dset->dblk->total_bytes ;
   if( tb > 0 )
     outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Storage Space:   %s (%s) bytes\n",
                           commaized_integer_string(dset->dblk->total_bytes) ,
                           approximate_number_string(dset->dblk->total_bytes) ) ;

   /*-- keywords --*/

   if( verbose >= 0 ){
     cpt = DSET_KEYWORDS(dset) ;
     if( cpt != NULL && cpt[0] != '\0' ){
       int j = strlen(cpt) ;
       if( j < 99 ){
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Keywords:        %s\n" , cpt ) ;
       } else {
        int k ;
        outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n----- KEYWORDS -----\n") ;
        for( k=0 ; k < j ; k += ZMAX )
          outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,SZMAX,cpt+k) ;
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;

   /*-- idcodes --*/

  if( verbose >= 0 ){
   if( ! ISZERO_IDCODE(dset->anat_parent_idcode) )
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Anatomy Parent:  %s [%s]\n" ,
                dset->anat_parent_name , dset->anat_parent_idcode.str ) ;
   else if( strlen(dset->anat_parent_name) > 0 )
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Anatomy Parent:  %s\n" , dset->anat_parent_name ) ;

   if( ! ISZERO_IDCODE(dset->warp_parent_idcode) )
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Warp Parent:     %s [%s]\n" ,
                 dset->warp_parent_name , dset->warp_parent_idcode.str) ;
   else if( strlen(dset->warp_parent_name) > 0 )
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Warp Parent:     %s\n" , dset->warp_parent_name ) ;

   /*-- tagset --*/
   if( verbose > 0 && dset->tagset != NULL && dset->tagset->num > 0 ){
      int ii , ns=0 ;
      for( ii=0 ; ii < dset->tagset->num ; ii++ )
         if( dset->tagset->tag[ii].set ) ns++ ;

      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Tagset:          %d set [out of %d total]\n",
                            ns , dset->tagset->num ) ;

   /* are we oblique ? */
   if((obliquity = dset_obliquity(dset, &angle)) >= 0) {
      if(angle>0.0) {
         sprintf (soblq,
            "Data Axes Tilt:  Oblique (%.3f deg. from plumb)\n"
            "Data Axes Approximate Orientation:",
      } else {
         sprintf (soblq,
            "Data Axes Tilt:  Plumb\n"
            "Data Axes Orientation:");
      { char *gstr = EDIT_get_geometry_string(dset) ;
        if( gstr != NULL && *gstr != '\0' )
          outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Geometry String: \"%s\"\n",gstr) ;
   } else {
      sprintf (soblq,
            "Data Axes Tilt:  Unspecified, assumed plumb\n"
            "Data Axes Orientation:");

   outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
      "  first  (x) = %s\n"
      "  second (y) = %s\n"
      "  third  (z) = %s   [-orient %c%c%c]\n" ,
    ORIENT_typestr[daxes->xxorient] ,
      ORIENT_typestr[daxes->yyorient] ,
      ORIENT_typestr[daxes->zzorient] ,
    ORIENT_typestr[daxes->xxorient][0] ,
      ORIENT_typestr[daxes->yyorient][0] ,
      ORIENT_typestr[daxes->zzorient][0]  ) ;

   LOAD_FVEC3(fv1 , daxes->xxorg , daxes->yyorg , daxes->zzorg) ;
   fv1 = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( dset , fv1 ) ;

   LOAD_FVEC3(fv2 , daxes->xxorg + (daxes->nxx-1)*daxes->xxdel ,
                    daxes->yyorg + (daxes->nyy-1)*daxes->yydel ,
                    daxes->zzorg + (daxes->nzz-1)*daxes->zzdel  ) ;
   fv2 = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( dset , fv2 ) ;

   if( fv1.xyz[0] > fv2.xyz[0] ) FSWAP( fv1.xyz[0] , fv2.xyz[0] ) ;
   if( fv1.xyz[1] > fv2.xyz[1] ) FSWAP( fv1.xyz[1] , fv2.xyz[1] ) ;
   if( fv1.xyz[2] > fv2.xyz[2] ) FSWAP( fv1.xyz[2] , fv2.xyz[2] ) ;

   LOAD_FVEC3(fv3 , daxes->xxdel , daxes->yydel , daxes->zzdel) ;
   fv3 = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( dset , fv3 ) ;

   XLAB(xlbot,fv1.xyz[0]) ; YLAB(ylbot,fv1.xyz[1]) ; ZLAB(zlbot,fv1.xyz[2]) ;
   XLAB(xltop,fv2.xyz[0]) ; YLAB(yltop,fv2.xyz[1]) ; ZLAB(zltop,fv2.xyz[2]) ;

   n1 = DAXES_NUM(daxes,ORI_R2L_TYPE) ;
   n2 = DAXES_NUM(daxes,ORI_A2P_TYPE) ;
   n3 = DAXES_NUM(daxes,ORI_I2S_TYPE) ;

   outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
      "R-to-L extent: %9.3f %s -to- %9.3f %s -step- %9.3f mm [%3d voxels]\n"
      "A-to-P extent: %9.3f %s -to- %9.3f %s -step- %9.3f mm [%3d voxels]\n"
      "I-to-S extent: %9.3f %s -to- %9.3f %s -step- %9.3f mm [%3d voxels]\n" ,
    fv1.xyz[0],xlbot , fv2.xyz[0],xltop , fabs(fv3.xyz[0]) , n1 ,
    fv1.xyz[1],ylbot , fv2.xyz[1],yltop , fabs(fv3.xyz[1]) , n2 ,
    fv1.xyz[2],zlbot , fv2.xyz[2],zltop , fabs(fv3.xyz[2]) , n3  ) ;

   /*-- 01 Feb 2001: print the center of the dataset as well --*/

   if( verbose > 0 ){
    fv1.xyz[0] = 0.5*(fv1.xyz[0]+fv2.xyz[0]) ; XLAB(xlbot,fv1.xyz[0]) ;
    fv1.xyz[1] = 0.5*(fv1.xyz[1]+fv2.xyz[1]) ; YLAB(ylbot,fv1.xyz[1]) ;
    fv1.xyz[2] = 0.5*(fv1.xyz[2]+fv2.xyz[2]) ; ZLAB(zlbot,fv1.xyz[2]) ;

    outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
                            "R-to-L center: %9.3f %s\n"
                            "A-to-P center: %9.3f %s\n"
                            "I-to-S center: %9.3f %s\n" ,
                          fv1.xyz[0],xlbot ,
                          fv1.xyz[1],ylbot ,
                          fv1.xyz[2],zlbot  ) ;

   ntimes   = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) ;
   nval_per = DSET_NVALS_PER_TIME(dset) ;
   if( ntimes > 1 ){

      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
         "Number of time steps = %d" , ntimes ) ;

      STATUS("timestep") ;

      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf, "  Time step = %.5f%s  Origin = %.5f%s" ,
                 dset->taxis->ttdel ,
                 UNITS_TYPE_LABEL(dset->taxis->units_type) ,
                 dset->taxis->ttorg ,
                 UNITS_TYPE_LABEL(dset->taxis->units_type)  ) ;
      if( dset->taxis->nsl > 0 )
        outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"  Number time-offset slices = %d  Thickness = %.3f",
                  dset->taxis->nsl , fabs(dset->taxis->dz_sl) ) ;
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;

      STATUS("nsl done") ;

      if( verbose > 0 && dset->taxis->nsl > 0 && dset->taxis->toff_sl != NULL ){
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Time-offsets per slice:") ;
         for( ival=0 ; ival < dset->taxis->nsl ; ival++ )
           outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf, " %.3f" , dset->taxis->toff_sl[ival] ) ;
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;
   } else {
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
           "Number of values stored at each pixel = %d\n" , nval_per ) ;

#if 0
   if( verbose > 0 && ntimes > 1 ) nval_per = dset->dblk->nvals ;
   else                            nval_per = 1 ;                 /* 12 Feb 2002 */
   nval_per = dset->dblk->nvals ;
   if( verbose < 0 && nval_per > 5 ) nval_per = 3 ;

   /* print out stuff for each sub-brick */

   for( ival=0 ; ival < nval_per ; ival++ ){

     STATUS("ival a") ;

      sprintf( str ,
               "  -- At sub-brick #%d '%s' datum type is %s" ,
               ival , DSET_BRICK_LAB(dset,ival) ,
               MRI_TYPE_name[DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ival)] ) ;
      nstr = strlen(str) ;

      tf = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ival) ;

      if( ISVALID_STATISTIC(dset->stats) ){

         if( tf != 0.0 ){
            sprintf( str+nstr ,
                                ":%13.6g to %13.6g [internal]\n"
                    "%*s[*%13.6g] %13.6g to %13.6g [scaled]\n" ,
                    dset->stats->bstat[ival].min/tf ,
                    dset->stats->bstat[ival].max/tf ,
                    nstr-16," " , tf ,
                    dset->stats->bstat[ival].min , dset->stats->bstat[ival].max ) ;
          } else {
            sprintf( str+nstr , ":%13.6g to %13.6g\n" ,
                    dset->stats->bstat[ival].min , dset->stats->bstat[ival].max ) ;
      } else if( tf != 0.0 ){
         sprintf( str+nstr , " [*%g]\n",tf) ;
      } else {
         sprintf( str+nstr , "\n") ;
     STATUS("ival b") ;
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"%s",str) ;

      /** 30 Nov 1997: print sub-brick stat params **/

      kv = DSET_BRICK_STATCODE(dset,ival) ;
      if( FUNC_IS_STAT(kv) ){
     STATUS("ival c") ;
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"     statcode = %s",FUNC_prefixstr[kv] ) ;
         npar = FUNC_need_stat_aux[kv] ;
         if( npar > 0 ){
            outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,";  statpar =") ;
            for( kv=0 ; kv < npar ; kv++ )
               outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," %g",DSET_BRICK_STATPAR(dset,ival,kv)) ;
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;
     STATUS("ival d") ;

      cpt = DSET_BRICK_KEYWORDS(dset,ival) ;
      if( cpt != NULL && cpt[0] != '\0' ){
        outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"     keywords = %.66s\n",cpt) ;

     STATUS("ival z") ;
   if( verbose < 0 && nval_per < dset->dblk->nvals )  /* 21 Sep 2007 */
     outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
                "** For info on all %d sub-bricks, use '3dinfo -verb' **\n",
                dset->dblk->nvals) ;

   /** print out dataset global statistical parameters **/

   if( ISFUNC(dset) && FUNC_need_stat_aux[dset->func_type] > 0 ){
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Auxiliary functional statistical parameters:\n %s\n",
             FUNC_label_stat_aux[dset->func_type] ) ;
      for( ival=0 ; ival < FUNC_need_stat_aux[dset->func_type] ; ival++ )
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," %g",dset->stat_aux[ival]) ;
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;

   /** If present, print out History **/

   { char *chn ; int j,k ;
     chn = tross_Get_History(dset) ;
     if( chn != NULL ){
       j = strlen(chn) ;
       outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n----- HISTORY -----\n") ;
       for( k=0 ; k < j ; k += ZMAX )
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,SZMAX,chn+k) ;
       free(chn) ;
       outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;

   /** If present, print out Notes **/

   if( verbose >= 0 ){
     ATR_int *notecount;
     int num_notes, i, j, mmm ;
     char *chn , *chd ;

     notecount = THD_find_int_atr(dset->dblk, "NOTES_COUNT");
     if( notecount != NULL ){
        num_notes = notecount->in[0] ;
        if( verbose == 0 && num_notes > 5 ) num_notes = 5 ;
        mmm = (verbose > 0) ? ZMAX : 1200 ;   /* 400 it was!
                                                 Come on Bob, have a heart! -ZSS */
        for (i=1; i<= num_notes; i++) {
           chn = tross_Get_Note( dset , i ) ;
           if( chn != NULL ){
              j = strlen(chn) ; if( j > mmm ) chn[mmm] = '\0' ;
              chd = tross_Get_Notedate(dset,i) ;
              if( chd == NULL ){ chd = AFMALL(char,16) ; strcpy(chd,"no date") ; }
              outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n----- NOTE %d [%s] -----\n%s\n",i,chd,chn) ;
              free(chn) ; free(chd) ;
Exemple #28
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int nx,ny,nz , nxyz , ii,kk , num1,num2 , num_tt=0 , iv ,
       piece , fim_offset;
   float dx,dy,dz , dxyz ,
         num1_inv=0.0 , num2_inv , num1m1_inv=0.0 , num2m1_inv , dof ,
         dd,tt,q1,q2 , f1,f2 , tt_max=0.0 ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset=NULL , *new_dset=NULL ;
   THD_3dim_dataset * base_dset;
   float *av1 , *av2 , *sd1 , *sd2 , *ffim , *gfim ;
   float *base_ary=NULL;

   void  *vsp ;
   void  *vdif ;           /* output mean difference */
   char  cbuf[THD_MAX_NAME] ;
   float fbuf[MAX_STAT_AUX] , fimfac ;
   int   output_datum ;
   float npiece , memuse ;

   float *dofbrik=NULL , *dofar=NULL ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *dof_dset=NULL ;

   /*-- read command line arguments --*/

   if( argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",5) == 0 ) TT_syntax(NULL) ;

   /*-- 20 Apr 2001: addto the arglist, if user wants to [RWCox] --*/

   mainENTRY("3dttest main"); machdep() ; PRINT_VERSION("3dttest") ;
   INFO_message("For most purposes, 3dttest++ should be used instead of 3dttest!") ;

   { int new_argc ; char ** new_argv ;
     addto_args( argc , argv , &new_argc , &new_argv ) ;
     if( new_argv != NULL ){ argc = new_argc ; argv = new_argv ; }

   AFNI_logger("3dttest",argc,argv) ;

   TT_read_opts( argc , argv ) ;

   if( ! TT_be_quiet )
      printf("3dttest: t-tests of 3D datasets, by RW Cox\n") ;

   /*-- read first dataset in set2 to get dimensions, etc. --*/

   dset = THD_open_dataset( TT_set2->ar[0] ) ;  /* 20 Dec 1999  BDW */
   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) )
     ERROR_exit("Unable to open dataset file %s",TT_set2->ar[0]);

   nx = dset->daxes->nxx ;
   ny = dset->daxes->nyy ;
   nz = dset->daxes->nzz ;         nxyz = nx * ny * nz ;
   dx = fabs(dset->daxes->xxdel) ;
   dy = fabs(dset->daxes->yydel) ;
   dz = fabs(dset->daxes->zzdel) ; dxyz = dx * dy * dz ;

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf("*** nx=%d ny=%d nz=%d\n",nx,ny,nz) ;

   /*-- make an empty copy of this dataset, for eventual output --*/

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf("*** making empty dataset\n") ;

   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset ) ;

   tross_Make_History( "3dttest" , argc,argv , new_dset ) ;

   strcpy( cbuf , dset->self_name ) ; strcat( cbuf , "+TT" ) ;

   iv = DSET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(dset) ;

   if( TT_datum >= 0 ){
      output_datum = TT_datum ;
   } else {
      output_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,iv) ;
      if( output_datum == MRI_byte ) output_datum = MRI_short ;

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf(" ** datum = %s\n",MRI_TYPE_name[output_datum]) ;

   iv = EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
                           ADN_prefix , TT_prefix ,
                           ADN_label1 , TT_prefix ,
                           ADN_directory_name , TT_session ,
                           ADN_self_name , cbuf ,
                           ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE : GEN_FUNC_TYPE ,
                           ADN_func_type , FUNC_TT_TYPE ,
                           ADN_nvals , FUNC_nvals[FUNC_TT_TYPE] ,
                           ADN_ntt , 0 ,                           /* 07 Jun 2007 */
                           ADN_datum_all , output_datum ,
                         ADN_none ) ;

   if( iv > 0 )
     ERROR_exit("%d errors in attempting to create output dataset!",iv ) ;

   if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) )
              "Output dataset file %s already exists--cannot continue!\a",
              new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ;

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf("*** deleting exemplar dataset\n") ;

   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset , False ) ; dset = NULL ;

/** macro to test a malloc-ed pointer for validity **/

#define MTEST(ptr) \
   if((ptr)==NULL) \
      ( fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot allocate memory for statistics!\n"), exit(0) )

   /*-- make space for the t-test computations --*/

   /* (allocate entire volumes) 13 Dec 2005 [rickr] */
                              npiece  = 3.0 ;  /* need at least this many */
   if( TT_paired )            npiece += 1.0 ;
   else if( TT_set1 != NULL ) npiece += 2.0 ;

   npiece += mri_datum_size(output_datum) / (float) sizeof(float) ;
   npiece += mri_datum_size(output_datum) / (float) sizeof(float) ;

#if 0
   piece_size = TT_workmem * MEGA / ( npiece * sizeof(float) ) ;
   if( piece_size > nxyz ) piece_size = nxyz ;

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf("*** malloc-ing space for statistics: %g float arrays of length %d\n",
       npiece,piece_size) ;

   av2  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(av2) ;
   sd2  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(sd2) ;
   ffim = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(ffim) ;
   num2 = TT_set2->num ;

   if( TT_paired ){
      av1  = sd1 = NULL ;
      gfim = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(gfim) ;
      num1 = num2 ;
   } else if( TT_set1 != NULL ){
      av1  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(av1) ;
      sd1  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(sd1) ;
      gfim = NULL ;
      num1 = TT_set1->num ;
   } else {
      av1  = sd1 = NULL ;
      gfim = NULL ;
      num1 = 0 ;

   vdif = (void *) malloc( mri_datum_size(output_datum) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(vdif) ;
   vsp  = (void *) malloc( mri_datum_size(output_datum) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(vsp)  ;

   /* 27 Dec 2002: make DOF dataset (if prefix is given, and unpooled is on) */

   if( TT_pooled == 0 && TT_dof_prefix[0] != '\0' ){
     dofbrik = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(dofbrik) ;

     dof_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( new_dset ) ;

     tross_Make_History( "3dttest" , argc,argv , dof_dset ) ;

     EDIT_dset_items( dof_dset ,
                       ADN_prefix , TT_dof_prefix ,
                       ADN_directory_name , TT_session ,
                       ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE : GEN_FUNC_TYPE,
                       ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
                       ADN_nvals , 1 ,
                       ADN_datum_all , MRI_float ,
                      ADN_none ) ;

     if( THD_is_file(dof_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) )
                "-dof_prefix dataset file %s already exists--cannot continue!\a",
                dof_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ;

     EDIT_substitute_brick( dof_dset , 0 , MRI_float , dofbrik ) ;

   /* print out memory usage to edify the user */

   if( ! TT_be_quiet ){
      memuse =    sizeof(float) * nxyz * npiece
              + ( mri_datum_size(output_datum) + sizeof(short) ) * nxyz ;

      if( dofbrik != NULL ) memuse += sizeof(float) * nxyz ;  /* 27 Dec 2002 */

      printf("--- allocated %d Megabytes memory for internal use (%d volumes)\n",
             (int)(memuse/MEGA), (int)npiece) ;

   mri_fix_data_pointer( vdif , DSET_BRICK(new_dset,0) ) ;  /* attach bricks */
   mri_fix_data_pointer( vsp  , DSET_BRICK(new_dset,1) ) ;  /* to new dataset */

   /** only short and float are allowed for output **/
   if( output_datum != MRI_short && output_datum != MRI_float )
      ERROR_exit("Illegal output data type %d = %s",
                 output_datum , MRI_TYPE_name[output_datum] ) ;

   num2_inv = 1.0 / num2 ;  num2m1_inv = 1.0 / (num2-1) ;
   if( num1 > 0 ){
      num1_inv = 1.0 / num1 ;  num1m1_inv = 1.0 / (num1-1) ;

   /*----- loop over pieces to process the input datasets with -----*/

/** macro to open a dataset and make it ready for processing **/

#define DOPEN(ds,name)                                                            \
   do{ int pv ; (ds) = THD_open_dataset((name)) ;  /* 16 Sep 1999 */              \
       if( !ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET((ds)) )                                          \
          ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset: %s",(name)) ;                           \
       if( (ds)->daxes->nxx!=nx || (ds)->daxes->nyy!=ny || (ds)->daxes->nzz!=nz ) \
          ERROR_exit("Axes size mismatch: %s",(name)) ;                           \
       if( !EQUIV_GRIDS((ds),new_dset) )                                          \
          WARNING_message("Grid mismatch: %s",(name)) ;                           \
       if( DSET_NUM_TIMES((ds)) > 1 )                                             \
         ERROR_exit("Can't use time-dependent data: %s",(name)) ;                 \
       if( TT_use_editor ) EDIT_one_dataset( (ds), &TT_edopt ) ;                  \
       else                DSET_load((ds)) ;                                      \
       pv = DSET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE((ds)) ;                                          \
       if( DSET_ARRAY((ds),pv) == NULL )                                          \
          ERROR_exit("Can't access data: %s",(name)) ;                            \
       if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE((ds),pv) == MRI_complex )                              \
          ERROR_exit("Can't use complex data: %s",(name)) ;                       \
       break ; } while (0)

#if 0   /* can do it directly now (without offsets)  13 Dec 2005 [rickr] */
/** macro to return pointer to correct location in brick for current processing **/

#define SUB_POINTER(ds,vv,ind,ptr)                                            \
   do{ switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE((ds),(vv)) ){                                  \
         default: ERROR_exit("Illegal datum! ***");                           \
            case MRI_short:{ short * fim = (short *) DSET_ARRAY((ds),(vv)) ;  \
                            (ptr) = (void *)( fim + (ind) ) ;                 \
            } break ;                                                         \
            case MRI_byte:{ byte * fim = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY((ds),(vv)) ;     \
                            (ptr) = (void *)( fim + (ind) ) ;                 \
            } break ;                                                         \
            case MRI_float:{ float * fim = (float *) DSET_ARRAY((ds),(vv)) ;  \
                             (ptr) = (void *)( fim + (ind) ) ;                \
            } break ; } break ; } while(0)

   /** number of pieces to process **/
   /* num_piece = (nxyz + piece_size - 1) / nxyz ; */

#if 0
   nice(2) ;  /** lower priority a little **/

   /* possibly open TT_base_dset now, and convert to floats */
   if( TT_base_dname ) {
      DOPEN(base_dset, TT_base_dname) ;
      base_ary = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nxyz ) ; MTEST(base_ary) ;
      EDIT_coerce_scale_type(nxyz , DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(base_dset,0) ,
              DSET_BRICK_TYPE(base_dset,0),DSET_ARRAY(base_dset,0), /* input */
              MRI_float ,base_ary  ) ;                              /* output */
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( base_dset , False ) ; base_dset = NULL ;

   /* only 1 'piece' now   13 Dec 2005 [rickr] */
   for( piece=0 ; piece < 1 ; piece++ ){

      fim_offset = 0 ;

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf("*** start of piece %d: length=%d offset=%d\n",piece,nxyz,fim_offset) ;
      if( ! TT_be_quiet ){
         printf("--- starting piece %d/%d (%d voxels) ",piece+1,1,nxyz) ;
         fflush(stdout) ;

      /** process set2 (and set1, if paired) **/

      for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) av2[ii] = 0.0 ;
      for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) sd2[ii] = 0.0 ;

      for( kk=0 ; kk < num2 ; kk++ ){

         /** read in the data **/

         DOPEN(dset,TT_set2->ar[kk]) ;
         iv = DSET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(dset) ;

#ifndef TTDEBUG
         if( ! TT_be_quiet ){ printf(".") ; fflush(stdout) ; }  /* progress */
         printf(" ** opened dataset file %s\n",TT_set2->ar[kk]);

#if 0 /* fimfac will be compute when the results are ready */
         if( piece == 0 && kk == 0 ){
            fimfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,iv) ;
            if( fimfac == 0.0 ) fimfac = 1.0 ;
            fimfacinv = 1.0 / fimfac ;
#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf(" ** set fimfac = %g\n",fimfac) ;

         /** convert it to floats (in ffim) **/
         EDIT_coerce_scale_type(nxyz , DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,iv) ,
                                DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,iv),DSET_ARRAY(dset,iv), /* input */
                                MRI_float ,ffim  ) ;                         /* output */
         THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset , False ) ; dset = NULL ;

         /** get the paired dataset, if present **/

         if( TT_paired ){
            DOPEN(dset,TT_set1->ar[kk]) ;
            iv = DSET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(dset) ;

#ifndef TTDEBUG
         if( ! TT_be_quiet ){ printf(".") ; fflush(stdout) ; }  /* progress */
        printf(" ** opened dataset file %s\n",TT_set1->ar[kk]);

                        nxyz , DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,iv) ,
                        DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,iv),DSET_ARRAY(dset,iv), /* input */
                        MRI_float ,gfim  ) ;                         /* output */
            THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset , False ) ; dset = NULL ;

            if( TT_voxel >= 0 )
              fprintf(stderr,"-- paired values #%02d: %f, %f\n",
                      kk,ffim[TT_voxel],gfim[TT_voxel]) ;

            for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) ffim[ii] -= gfim[ii] ;
         } else if( TT_voxel >= 0 )
            fprintf(stderr,"-- set2 value #%02d: %f\n",kk,ffim[TT_voxel]);

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf("  * adding into av2 and sd2\n") ;

         /* accumulate into av2 and sd2 */

         for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
            dd = ffim[ii] ; av2[ii] += dd ; sd2[ii] += dd * dd ;

      }  /* end of loop over set2 datasets */

      /** form the mean and stdev of set2 **/

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf(" ** forming mean and sigma of set2\n") ;

      for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
         av2[ii] *= num2_inv ;
         dd       = (sd2[ii] - num2*av2[ii]*av2[ii]) ;
         sd2[ii]  = (dd > 0.0) ? sqrt( num2m1_inv * dd ) : 0.0 ;
      if( TT_voxel >= 0 )
         fprintf(stderr,"-- s2 mean = %g, sd = %g\n",
                 av2[TT_voxel],sd2[TT_voxel]) ;

      /** if set1 exists but is not paired with set2, process it now **/

      if( ! TT_paired && TT_set1 != NULL ){

         for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) av1[ii] = 0.0 ;
         for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) sd1[ii] = 0.0 ;

         for( kk=0 ; kk < num1 ; kk++ ){
            DOPEN(dset,TT_set1->ar[kk]) ;
            iv = DSET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(dset) ;

#ifndef TTDEBUG
         if( ! TT_be_quiet ){ printf(".") ; fflush(stdout) ; }  /* progress */
         printf(" ** opened dataset file %s\n",TT_set1->ar[kk]);

                                nxyz , DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,iv) ,
                                DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,iv),DSET_ARRAY(dset,iv), /* input */
                                MRI_float ,ffim  ) ;                         /* output */
            THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset , False ) ; dset = NULL ;

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf("  * adding into av1 and sd1\n") ;

            for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
               dd = ffim[ii] ; av1[ii] += dd ; sd1[ii] += dd * dd ;
            if( TT_voxel >= 0 )
               fprintf(stderr,"-- set1 value #%02d: %g\n",kk,ffim[TT_voxel]) ;
         }  /* end of loop over set1 datasets */

         /** form the mean and stdev of set1 **/

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf(" ** forming mean and sigma of set1\n") ;

         for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
            av1[ii] *= num1_inv ;
            dd       = (sd1[ii] - num1*av1[ii]*av1[ii]) ;
            sd1[ii]  = (dd > 0.0) ? sqrt( num1m1_inv * dd ) : 0.0 ;
         if( TT_voxel >= 0 )
            fprintf(stderr,"-- s1 mean = %g, sd = %g\n",
                    av1[TT_voxel], sd1[TT_voxel]) ;
      }  /* end of processing set1 by itself */

      /***** now form difference and t-statistic *****/

#ifndef TTDEBUG
         if( ! TT_be_quiet ){ printf("+") ; fflush(stdout) ; }  /* progress */
         printf(" ** computing t-tests next\n") ;

#if 0 /* will do at end using EDIT_convert_dtype  13 Dec 2005 [rickr] */

      /** macro to assign difference value to correct type of array **/
#define DIFASS switch( output_datum ){                                        \
                 case MRI_short: sdar[ii] = (short) (fimfacinv*dd) ; break ;  \
                 case MRI_float: fdar[ii] = (float) dd             ; break ; }
#define TOP_SS  32700
#define TOP_TT (32700.0/FUNC_TT_SCALE_SHORT)


      if( TT_paired || TT_use_bval == 1 ){ /** case 1: paired estimate or 1-sample **/

        if( TT_paired || TT_n1 == 0 ){       /* the olde waye: 1 sample test */
          f2 = 1.0 / sqrt( (double) num2 ) ;
          for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
            av2[ii] -= (base_ary ? base_ary[ii] : TT_bval) ;  /* final mean */
            if( sd2[ii] > 0.0 ){
               num_tt++ ;
               tt      = av2[ii] / (f2 * sd2[ii]) ;
               sd2[ii] = tt;      /* final t-stat */

               tt = fabs(tt) ; if( tt > tt_max ) tt_max = tt ;
            } else {
               sd2[ii] = 0.0;
          if( TT_voxel >= 0 )
             fprintf(stderr,"-- paired/bval mean = %g, t = %g\n",
                     av2[TT_voxel], sd2[TT_voxel]) ;

        } else {  /* 10 Oct 2007: -sdn1 was used with -base1: 'two' sample test */
          f1 = (TT_n1-1.0) * (1.0/TT_n1 + 1.0/num2) / (TT_n1+num2-2.0) ;
          f2 = (num2 -1.0) * (1.0/TT_n1 + 1.0/num2) / (TT_n1+num2-2.0) ;
          for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
            av2[ii] -= (base_ary ? base_ary[ii] : TT_bval) ;  /* final mean */
            q1 = f1 * TT_sd1*TT_sd1 + f2 * sd2[ii]*sd2[ii] ;
            if( q1 > 0.0 ){
              num_tt++ ;
              tt = av2[ii] / sqrt(q1) ;
              sd2[ii] = tt ;      /* final t-stat */
              tt = fabs(tt) ; if( tt > tt_max ) tt_max = tt ;
            } else {
              sd2[ii] = 0.0 ;
        } /* end of -sdn1 special case */
#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf(" ** paired or bval test: num_tt = %d\n",num_tt) ;

      } else if( TT_pooled ){ /** case 2: unpaired 2-sample, pooled variance **/

         f1 = (num1-1.0) * (1.0/num1 + 1.0/num2) / (num1+num2-2.0) ;
         f2 = (num2-1.0) * (1.0/num1 + 1.0/num2) / (num1+num2-2.0) ;
         for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
            av2[ii] -= av1[ii] ;        /* final mean */
            q1 = f1 * sd1[ii]*sd1[ii] + f2 * sd2[ii]*sd2[ii] ;
            if( q1 > 0.0 ){
               num_tt++ ;
               tt = av2[ii] / sqrt(q1) ;
               sd2[ii] = tt ;      /* final t-stat */

               tt = fabs(tt) ; if( tt > tt_max ) tt_max = tt ;
            } else {
               sd2[ii] = 0.0 ;

         if( TT_voxel >= 0 )
            fprintf(stderr,"-- unpaired, pooled mean = %g, t = %g\n",
                    av2[TT_voxel], sd2[TT_voxel]) ;
#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf(" ** pooled test: num_tt = %d\n",num_tt) ;

      } else { /** case 3: unpaired 2-sample, unpooled variance **/
               /** 27 Dec 2002: modified to save DOF into dofar **/

         if( dofbrik != NULL ) dofar = dofbrik + fim_offset ;  /* 27 Dec 2002 */

         for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
            av2[ii] -= av1[ii] ;
            q1 = num1_inv * sd1[ii]*sd1[ii] ;
            q2 = num2_inv * sd2[ii]*sd2[ii] ;
            if( q1>0.0 && q2>0.0 ){               /* have positive variances? */
               num_tt++ ;
               tt = av2[ii] / sqrt(q1+q2) ;
               sd2[ii] = tt ;      /* final t-stat */

               tt = fabs(tt) ; if( tt > tt_max ) tt_max = tt ;

               if( dofar != NULL )                             /* 27 Dec 2002 */
                 dofar[ii] =  (q1+q2)*(q1+q2)
                            / (num1m1_inv*q1*q1 + num2m1_inv*q2*q2) ;
            } else {
               sd2[ii] = 0.0 ;
               if( dofar != NULL ) dofar[ii] = 1.0 ;           /* 27 Dec 2002 */

         if( TT_voxel >= 0 )
            fprintf(stderr,"-- unpaired, unpooled mean = %g, t = %g\n",
                    av2[TT_voxel], sd2[TT_voxel]) ;
#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf(" ** unpooled test: num_tt = %d\n",num_tt) ;

#ifndef TTDEBUG
         if( ! TT_be_quiet ){ printf("\n") ; fflush(stdout) ; }

   }  /* end of loop over pieces of the input */

   if( TT_paired ){
      printf("--- Number of degrees of freedom = %d (paired test)\n",num2-1) ;
      dof = num2 - 1 ;
   } else if( TT_use_bval == 1 ){
      if( TT_n1 == 0 ){
        printf("--- Number of degrees of freedom = %d (1-sample test)\n",num2-1) ;
        dof = num2 - 1 ;
      } else {
        dof = TT_n1+num2-2 ;
        printf("--- Number of degrees of freedom = %d (-sdn1 2-sample test)\n",(int)dof) ;
   } else {
      printf("--- Number of degrees of freedom = %d (2-sample test)\n",num1+num2-2) ;
      dof = num1+num2-2 ;
      if( ! TT_pooled )
         printf("    (For unpooled variance estimate, this is only approximate!)\n") ;

   printf("--- Number of t-tests performed  = %d out of %d voxels\n",num_tt,nxyz) ;
   printf("--- Largest |t| value found      = %g\n",tt_max) ;

   kk = sizeof(ptable) / sizeof(float) ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < kk ; ii++ ){
      tt = student_p2t( ptable[ii] , dof ) ;
      printf("--- Double sided tail p = %8f at t = %8f\n" , ptable[ii] , tt ) ;

   /** now convert data to output format                13 Dec 2005 [rickr] **/

   /* first set mean */
   fimfac = EDIT_convert_dtype(nxyz , MRI_float,av2 , output_datum,vdif , 0.0) ;
   DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset, 0) = (fimfac != 0.0) ? 1.0/fimfac : 0.0 ;
   dd = fimfac; /* save for debug output */

   /* if output is of type short, limit t-stat magnitude to 32.7 */
   if( output_datum == MRI_short ){
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
       if     ( sd2[ii] >  32.7 ) sd2[ii] =  32.7 ;
       else if( sd2[ii] < -32.7 ) sd2[ii] = -32.7 ;

   fimfac = EDIT_convert_dtype(nxyz , MRI_float,sd2 , output_datum,vsp , 0.0) ;
   DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset, 1) = (fimfac != 0.0) ? 1.0/fimfac : 0.0 ;

#ifdef TTDEBUG
printf(" ** fimfac for mean, t-stat = %g, %g\n",dd, fimfac) ;

   INFO_message("Writing combined dataset into %s\n", DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset) ) ;

   fbuf[0] = dof ;
   for( ii=1 ; ii < MAX_STAT_AUX ; ii++ ) fbuf[ii] = 0.0 ;
   (void) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_stat_aux , fbuf , ADN_none ) ;

#if 0 /* factors already set */
   fbuf[0] = (output_datum == MRI_short && fimfac != 1.0 ) ? fimfac                    : 0.0 ;
   fbuf[1] = (output_datum == MRI_short                  ) ? 1.0 / FUNC_TT_SCALE_SHORT : 0.0 ;
   (void) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_fac , fbuf , ADN_none ) ;

   if( !AFNI_noenv("AFNI_AUTOMATIC_FDR") ) ii = THD_create_all_fdrcurves(new_dset) ;
   else                                    ii = 0 ;
   THD_load_statistics( new_dset ) ;
   THD_write_3dim_dataset( NULL,NULL , new_dset , True ) ;
   if( ii > 0 ) ININFO_message("created %d FDR curves in header",ii) ;

   if( dof_dset != NULL ){                                  /* 27 Dec 2002 */
     DSET_write( dof_dset ) ;
     WROTE_DSET( dof_dset ) ;

   exit(0) ;
Exemple #29
THD_3dim_dataset * MAKER_4D_to_typed_fim( THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset ,
                                          char * new_prefix , int new_datum ,
                                          int ignore , int detrend ,
                                          generic_func * user_func ,
                                          void * user_data )
   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset ;  /* output dataset */

   byte    ** bptr = NULL ;  /* one of these will be the array of */
   short   ** sptr = NULL ;  /* pointers to input dataset sub-bricks */
   float   ** fptr = NULL ;  /* (depending on input datum type) */
   complex ** cptr = NULL ;

   float * fxar = NULL ;  /* array loaded from input dataset */
   float * fac  = NULL ;  /* array of brick scaling factors */
   float * fout = NULL ;  /* will be array of output floats */
   float * dtr  = NULL ;  /* will be array of detrending coeff */

   float val , d0fac , d1fac , x0,x1;
   double tzero=0 , tdelta , ts_mean , ts_slope ;
   int   ii , old_datum , nuse , use_fac , iz,izold, nxy,nvox , nbad ;
   register int kk ;

   void (*ufunc)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *,float *)
     = (void (*)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *,float *)) user_func ;

   /*----- Check inputs to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(old_dset) ) return NULL ;

   if( new_datum >= 0         &&
       new_datum != MRI_byte  &&
       new_datum != MRI_short &&
       new_datum != MRI_float   ) return NULL ;

   if( user_func == NULL ) return NULL ;

   if( ignore < 0 ) ignore = 0 ;

   /*--------- set up pointers to each sub-brick in the input dataset ---------*/

   old_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE( old_dset , 0 ) ;   /* get old dataset datum */
   nuse      = DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) - ignore ; /* # of points on time axis */
   if( nuse < 2 ) return NULL ;

   if( new_datum < 0 ) new_datum = old_datum ;   /* output datum = input */
   if( new_datum == MRI_complex ) return NULL ;  /* but complex = bad news */

   DSET_load( old_dset ) ;  /* must be in memory before we get pointers to it */

   kk = THD_count_databricks( old_dset->dblk ) ;  /* check if it was */
   if( kk < DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ){               /* loaded correctly */
      DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;
      return NULL ;

   switch( old_datum ){  /* pointer type depends on input datum type */

      default:                      /** don't know what to do **/
         DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;
         return NULL ;

      /** create array of pointers into old dataset sub-bricks **/

      /*--------- input is bytes ----------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is bptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_byte:
         bptr = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * nuse ) ;
         if( bptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            bptr[kk] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is shorts ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is sptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_short:
         sptr = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * nuse ) ;
         if( sptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            sptr[kk] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is floats ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is fptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_float:
         fptr = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nuse ) ;
         if( fptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            fptr[kk] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is complex ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is cptr[k][i]  */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.   */

      case MRI_complex:
         cptr = (complex **) malloc( sizeof(complex *) * nuse ) ;
         if( cptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            cptr[kk] = (complex *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on input type */

   /*---- allocate space for 1 voxel timeseries ----*/

   fxar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;   /* voxel timeseries */
   if( fxar == NULL ){ FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   /*--- get scaling factors for sub-bricks ---*/

   fac = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;   /* factors */
   if( fac == NULL ){ FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   use_fac = 0 ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
      fac[kk] = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      if( fac[kk] != 0.0 ) use_fac++ ;
      else                 fac[kk] = 1.0 ;
   if( !use_fac ) FREEUP(fac) ;

   /*--- setup for detrending ---*/

   dtr = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;
   if( dtr == NULL ){ FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   d0fac = 1.0 / nuse ;
   d1fac = 12.0 / nuse / (nuse*nuse - 1.0) ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
      dtr[kk] = kk - 0.5 * (nuse-1) ;  /* linear trend, orthogonal to 1 */

   /*---------------------- make a new dataset ----------------------*/

   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( old_dset ) ; /* start with copy of old one */

   /*-- edit some of its internal parameters --*/

   ii = EDIT_dset_items(
           new_dset ,
              ADN_prefix      , new_prefix ,           /* filename prefix */
              ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , /* store in memory */
              ADN_datum_all   , new_datum ,            /* atomic datum */
              ADN_nvals       , 1 ,                    /* # sub-bricks */
              ADN_ntt         , 0 ,                    /* # time points */
              ADN_type        , ISHEAD(old_dset)       /* dataset type */
                                 ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE
                                 : GEN_FUNC_TYPE ,
              ADN_func_type   , FUNC_FIM_TYPE ,        /* function type */
           ADN_none ) ;

   if( ii != 0 ){
      ERROR_message("Error creating dataset '%s'",new_prefix) ;
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;  /* some error above */
      FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ;

   /*------ make floating point output brick
            (only at the end will scale to byte or shorts) ------*/

   nvox = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy * old_dset->daxes->nzz ;

   fout = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox ) ;  /* ptr to brick */

   if( fout == NULL ){
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
      FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ;

   /*----- set up to find time at each voxel -----*/

   tdelta = old_dset->taxis->ttdel ;
   if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) tdelta *= 0.001 ;
   if( tdelta == 0.0 ) tdelta = 1.0 ;

   izold  = -666 ;
   nxy    = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy ;

   /*----- Setup has ended.  Now do some real work. -----*/

   /* start notification */

#if 0
   user_func(  0.0 , 0.0 , nvox , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data , NULL ) ;
   ufunc(  0.0 , 0.0 , nvox , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data , NULL ) ;

   /***** loop over voxels *****/

   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++  ){  /* 1 time series at a time */

      /*** load data from input dataset, depending on type ***/

      switch( old_datum ){

         /*** input = bytes ***/

         case MRI_byte:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = bptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = shorts ***/

         case MRI_short:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = sptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = floats ***/

         case MRI_float:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = fptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = complex (note we use absolute value) ***/

         case MRI_complex:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = CABS(cptr[kk][ii]) ;
         break ;

      } /* end of switch over input type */

      /*** scale? ***/

      if( use_fac )
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] *= fac[kk] ;

      /** compute mean and slope **/

      x0 = x1 = 0.0 ;
      for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
         x0 += fxar[kk] ; x1 += fxar[kk] * dtr[kk] ;

      x0 *= d0fac ; x1 *= d1fac ;  /* factors to remove mean and trend */

      ts_mean  = x0 ;
      ts_slope = x1 / tdelta ;

      /** detrend? **/

      if( detrend )
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] -= (x0 + x1 * dtr[kk]) ;

      /** compute start time of this timeseries **/

      iz = ii / nxy ;    /* which slice am I in? */

      if( iz != izold ){          /* in a new slice? */
         tzero = THD_timeof( ignore ,
                           + iz*old_dset->daxes->zzdel , old_dset->taxis ) ;
         izold = iz ;

         if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) tzero *= 0.001 ;

      /*** compute output ***/

#if 0
      user_func( tzero,tdelta , nuse,fxar,ts_mean,ts_slope , user_data , fout+ii ) ;
      ufunc( tzero,tdelta , nuse,fxar,ts_mean,ts_slope , user_data , fout+ii ) ;

   } /* end of outer loop over 1 voxels at a time */

   DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;  /* don't need this no more */

   /* end notification */

#if 0
   user_func( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data , NULL ) ;
   ufunc( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data , NULL ) ;

   nbad = thd_floatscan( nvox , fout ) ;  /* 08 Aug 2000 */
   if( nbad > 0 )
              "++ Warning: %d bad floats computed in MAKER_4D_to_typed_fim\n\a",
              nbad ) ;

   /*------- The output is now in fout[ii], ii=0..nvox-1.
             We must now put this into the output dataset -------*/

   switch( new_datum ){

      /*** output is floats is the simplest:
           we just have to attach the fout brick to the dataset ***/

      case MRI_float:
         EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , 0 , MRI_float , fout ) ;
         fout = NULL ;  /* so it won't be freed later */
      break ;

      /*** output is shorts:
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_short:{
         short * bout ;
         float sfac ;

         /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

         bout = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nvox ) ;
         if( bout == NULL ){
             "\nFinal malloc error in MAKER_4D_to_fim - is memory exhausted?\n\a");
            EXIT(1) ;

         /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

         sfac = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , fout ) ;
         if( sfac > 0.0 ){
            sfac = 32767.0 / sfac ;
            EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,sfac ,
                                    MRI_float,fout , MRI_short,bout ) ;
            sfac = 1.0 / sfac ;

         /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

         EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , 0 , MRI_short , bout ) ;
         EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_fac , &sfac , ADN_none ) ;
      break ;

      /*** output is bytes (byte = unsigned char)
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte * bout ;
         float sfac ;

         /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

         bout = (byte *) malloc( sizeof(byte) * nvox ) ;
         if( bout == NULL ){
             "\nFinal malloc error in MAKER_4D_to_fim - is memory exhausted?\n\a");
            EXIT(1) ;

         /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

         sfac = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , fout ) ;
         if( sfac > 0.0 ){
            sfac = 255.0 / sfac ;
            EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,sfac ,
                                    MRI_float,fout , MRI_byte,bout ) ;
            sfac = 1.0 / sfac ;

         /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

         EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , 0 , MRI_byte , bout ) ;
         EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_fac , &sfac , ADN_none ) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on output data type */

   /*-------------- Cleanup and go home ----------------*/

   return new_dset ;
  contains code shamelessly stolen from Rick who stole it from Bob. 
SUMA_Boolean SUMA_Get_isosurface_datasets (
                     SUMA_GENERIC_PROG_OPTIONS_STRUCT * Opt)
   static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_Get_isosurface_datasets"};
   int i;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
   if (!Opt->in_vol && !Opt->in_name) {
      SUMA_S_Err("NULL input");
   if (!Opt->in_vol) { /* open it */
     Opt->in_vol = THD_open_dataset( Opt->in_name );
   if (!Opt->in_vol) {
      SUMA_S_Err("No volume could be had");
   if (!ISVALID_DSET(Opt->in_vol)) {
      if (!Opt->in_name) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("NULL input volume.");
      } else {
         SUMA_SL_Err("invalid volume.");
   } else if ( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(Opt->in_vol, 0) == MRI_complex) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("Can't do complex data.");
   Opt->nvox = DSET_NVOX( Opt->in_vol );
   if (DSET_NVALS( Opt->in_vol) != 1) {
      SUMA_SL_Err("Input volume can only have one sub-brick in it.\n"
                  "Use [.] selectors to choose sub-brick needed.");
   Opt->mcdatav = (double *)SUMA_malloc(sizeof(double)*Opt->nvox);
   if (!Opt->mcdatav) {
      SUMA_SL_Crit("Failed to allocate for maskv");
   if (Opt->xform == SUMA_ISO_XFORM_MASK) {
      switch (Opt->MaskMode) {
         case SUMA_ISO_CMASK:
            if (Opt->cmask) {
               /* here's the second order grand theft */
               int    clen = strlen( Opt->cmask );
	            char * cmd;
               byte *bmask;

	            cmd = (char *)malloc((clen + 1) * sizeof(char));
	            strcpy( cmd,  Opt->cmask);

	            bmask = EDT_calcmask( cmd, &Opt->ninmask, 0 );
               SUMA_LHv("Have %d\n", Opt->ninmask);
	            free( cmd );			   /* free EDT_calcmask() string */

	            if ( bmask == NULL ) {
	               SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to compute mask from -cmask option");
	               SUMA_free(Opt->mcdatav); Opt->mcdatav=NULL;
	            if ( Opt->ninmask != Opt->nvox ) {
	               SUMA_SL_Err("Input and cmask datasets do not have "
		                        "the same dimensions\n" );
	               SUMA_free(Opt->mcdatav); Opt->mcdatav=NULL;
	            Opt->ninmask = THD_countmask( Opt->ninmask, bmask );
               SUMA_LHv("Have %d\n", Opt->ninmask);
               for (i=0; i<Opt->nvox; ++i) 
                  if (bmask[i]) Opt->mcdatav[i] = (double)bmask[i]; 
                  else Opt->mcdatav[i] = -1;
            } else {
               SUMA_SL_Err("NULL cmask"); SUMA_RETURN(NOPE);
         case SUMA_ISO_VAL:
         case SUMA_ISO_RANGE:
            /* load the dset */
            Opt->dvec = (double *)SUMA_malloc(sizeof(double) * Opt->nvox);
            if (!Opt->dvec) {
               SUMA_SL_Crit("Faile to allocate for dvec.\nOh misery.");
               Opt->nvox , DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(Opt->in_vol,0) ,
               DSET_BRICK_TYPE(Opt->in_vol,0), DSET_ARRAY(Opt->in_vol, 0) , 
               MRI_double               , Opt->dvec  ) ;  
            /* no need for data in input volume anymore */

            Opt->ninmask = 0;
            if (Opt->MaskMode == SUMA_ISO_VAL) {
               for (i=0; i<Opt->nvox; ++i) {
                  if (Opt->dvec[i] == Opt->v0) { 
                     Opt->mcdatav[i] = 1; ++ Opt->ninmask; 
                  }  else Opt->mcdatav[i] = -1;
            } else if (Opt->MaskMode == SUMA_ISO_RANGE) {
               for (i=0; i<Opt->nvox; ++i) {
                  if (Opt->dvec[i] >= Opt->v0 && Opt->dvec[i] < Opt->v1) { 
                     Opt->mcdatav[i] = 1; ++ Opt->ninmask; 
                  }  else Opt->mcdatav[i] = -1;
            } else {
               SUMA_SL_Err("Bad Miracle.");
            SUMA_free(Opt->dvec); Opt->dvec = NULL; 
                  /* this vector is not even created in SUMA_ISO_CMASK mode ...*/
            SUMA_SL_Err("Unexpected value of MaskMode");
   } else if (Opt->xform == SUMA_ISO_XFORM_SHIFT) {
      /* load the dset */
      Opt->dvec = (double *)SUMA_malloc(sizeof(double) * Opt->nvox);
      if (!Opt->dvec) {
         SUMA_SL_Crit("Failed to allocate for dvec.\nOh misery.");
         Opt->nvox , DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(Opt->in_vol,0) ,
         DSET_BRICK_TYPE(Opt->in_vol,0), DSET_ARRAY(Opt->in_vol, 0) ,      
         MRI_double               , Opt->dvec  ) ;   
      /* no need for data in input volume anymore */
      Opt->ninmask = Opt->nvox;
      for (i=0; i<Opt->nvox; ++i) { 
         Opt->mcdatav[i] = Opt->dvec[i] - Opt->v0;
      SUMA_free(Opt->dvec); Opt->dvec = NULL; 
   } else if (Opt->xform == SUMA_ISO_XFORM_NONE) {
      /* load the dset */
      Opt->dvec = (double *)SUMA_malloc(sizeof(double) * Opt->nvox);
      if (!Opt->dvec) {
         SUMA_SL_Crit("Faile to allocate for dvec.\nOh misery.");
         Opt->nvox , DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(Opt->in_vol,0) ,
         DSET_BRICK_TYPE(Opt->in_vol,0), DSET_ARRAY(Opt->in_vol, 0) , 
         MRI_double               , Opt->dvec  ) ;   
      /* no need for data in input volume anymore */
      Opt->ninmask = Opt->nvox;
      for (i=0; i<Opt->nvox; ++i) { 
         Opt->mcdatav[i] = Opt->dvec[i];
      SUMA_free(Opt->dvec); Opt->dvec = NULL; 
   } else {
      SUMA_SL_Err("Bad Opt->xform.");
   if ( Opt->ninmask  <= 0 ) {
	   if (Opt->ninmask == 0) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("A negative value!\nNothing to do." );
      } else {
         SUMA_SL_Err("An empty mask!\n Nothing to do." );
   if (Opt->debug > 0) {
      fprintf( SUMA_STDERR, 
               "%s:\nInput dset %s has nvox = %d, nvals = %d",
		         FuncName, SUMA_CHECK_NULL_STR(Opt->in_name), 
               Opt->nvox, DSET_NVALS(Opt->in_vol) );
	   fprintf( SUMA_STDERR, " (%d voxels in mask)\n", Opt->ninmask );