jint AwtScrollPane::_GetOffset(void *param)
    JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);

    GetOffsetStruct *gos = (GetOffsetStruct *)param;
    jobject self = gos->scrollpane;
    jint orient = gos->orient;

    jint result = 0;
    AwtScrollPane *s = NULL;

    PDATA pData;
    JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret);
    s = (AwtScrollPane *)pData;
    if (::IsWindow(s->GetHWnd()))
        DTRACE_PRINTLN2("%x: WScrollPanePeer.getOffset(%d)", self, orient);
        int nBar = (orient == java_awt_Adjustable_HORIZONTAL) ? SB_HORZ : SB_VERT;
        result = s->GetScrollPos(nBar);

   delete gos;

   return result;
Exemple #2
static int32_t isXTestAvailable() {
    int32_t major_opcode, first_event, first_error;
    int32_t  event_basep, error_basep, majorp, minorp;
    int32_t isXTestAvailable;

    /* check if XTest is available */
    isXTestAvailable = XQueryExtension(awt_display, XTestExtensionName, &major_opcode, &first_event, &first_error);
    DTRACE_PRINTLN3("RobotPeer: XQueryExtension(XTEST) returns major_opcode = %d, first_event = %d, first_error = %d",
                    major_opcode, first_event, first_error);
    if (isXTestAvailable) {
        /* check if XTest version is OK */
        XTestQueryExtension(awt_display, &event_basep, &error_basep, &majorp, &minorp);
        DTRACE_PRINTLN4("RobotPeer: XTestQueryExtension returns event_basep = %d, error_basep = %d, majorp = %d, minorp = %d",
                        event_basep, error_basep, majorp, minorp);
        if (majorp < 2 || (majorp == 2 && minorp < 2)) {
            /* bad version*/
            DTRACE_PRINTLN2("XRobotPeer: XTEST version is %d.%d \n", majorp, minorp);
            if (majorp == 2 && minorp == 1) {
                DTRACE_PRINTLN("XRobotPeer: XTEST is 2.1 - no grab is available\n");
            } else {
                isXTestAvailable = False;
        } else {
            /* allow XTest calls even if someone else has the grab; e.g. during
             * a window resize operation. Works only with XTEST2.2*/
            XTestGrabControl(awt_display, True);
    } else {
        DTRACE_PRINTLN("RobotPeer: XTEST extension is unavailable");

    return isXTestAvailable;
Exemple #3
inline void
AwtScrollbar::DoScrollCallbackCoalesce(const char* methodName, int newPos)
    if (methodName == m_prevCallback && newPos == m_prevCallbackPos) {
        DTRACE_PRINTLN2("AwtScrollbar: ignoring duplicate callback %s(%d)",
                        methodName, newPos);
    else {
        DoCallback(methodName, "(I)V", newPos);
        m_prevCallback = methodName;
        m_prevCallbackPos = newPos;
 * Class:     sun_awt_windows_WScrollPanePeer
 * Method:    getOffset
 * Signature: (I)I
Java_sun_awt_windows_WScrollPanePeer_getOffset(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
					       jint orient)

    DTRACE_PRINTLN2("%x: WScrollPanePeer.getOffset(%d)", self, orient);

    PDATA pData;
    AwtScrollPane* pane = (AwtScrollPane *)pData;
    int nBar = (orient == java_awt_Adjustable_HORIZONTAL) ? SB_HORZ : SB_VERT;
    return pane->GetScrollPos(nBar);

 * Class:     sun_awt_windows_WScrollPanePeer
 * Method:    create
 * Signature: (Lsun/awt/windows/WComponentPeer;)V
Java_sun_awt_windows_WScrollPanePeer_create(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
                                            jobject parent)

    DTRACE_PRINTLN2("%x: WScrollPanePeer.create(%x)", self, parent);

    PDATA pData;
    AwtToolkit::CreateComponent(self, parent,

Exemple #6
static jint Win32OSSD_Lock(JNIEnv *env,
			   SurfaceDataOps *ops,
			   SurfaceDataRasInfo *pRasInfo,
			   jint lockflags)
    Win32SDOps *wsdo = (Win32SDOps *) ops;
    DTRACE_PRINTLN1("W32OSSD::Win32OSSD_Lock, lockflags = 0x%x", lockflags);
    if (wsdo->invalid) {
	SurfaceData_ThrowInvalidPipeException(env, "invalid sd");
	return SD_FAILURE;

    if (wsdo->lockType != WIN32SD_LOCK_UNLOCKED) {
	JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Win32OSSD_Lock cannot nest locks");
	return SD_FAILURE;

    if (lockflags & SD_LOCK_RD_WR) {
	if (pRasInfo->bounds.x1 < 0) pRasInfo->bounds.x1 = 0;
	if (pRasInfo->bounds.y1 < 0) pRasInfo->bounds.y1 = 0;
	if (pRasInfo->bounds.x2 > wsdo->w) pRasInfo->bounds.x2 = wsdo->w;
	if (pRasInfo->bounds.y2 > wsdo->h) pRasInfo->bounds.y2 = wsdo->h;
	if (DDUseDDraw(wsdo)) {
	    Win32OSSD_LockByDD(env, wsdo, lockflags, pRasInfo);
	if (wsdo->lockType == WIN32SD_LOCK_UNLOCKED) {
	    wsdo->lockFlags = lockflags;
	    return SD_FAILURE;
    } else {
	// They didn't ask for a lock, so they don't get one
	wsdo->lockType = WIN32SD_LOCK_BY_NULL;
    wsdo->lockFlags = lockflags;
    DTRACE_PRINTLN2("Win32OSSD_Lock: flags, type = 0x%x, %d\n", 
	wsdo->lockFlags, wsdo->lockType);
    return 0;
Exemple #7
 * A method for a subsytem to express its interest in a certain
 * manager selection.
 * If owner changes, the callback_owner will be called with the screen
 * number and the new owning window when onwership is established, or
 * None if the owner is gone.
 * Events in extra_mask are selected for on owning windows (exsiting
 * ones and on new owners when established) and callback_event will be
 * called with the screen number and an event.
 * The function returns an array of current owners.  The size of the
 * array is ScreenCount(awt_display).  The array is "owned" by this
 * module and should be considered by the caller as read-only.
const Window *
awt_mgrsel_select(const char *selname, long extra_mask,
		  void *cookie,
		  void (*callback_event)(int, XEvent *, void *),
		  void (*callback_owner)(int, Window, long *, void *))
    Display *dpy = awt_display;
    struct AwtMgrsel *mgrsel;
    Atom *per_scr_atoms;
    Window *per_scr_owners;
    char *namesbuf;
    char **names;
    int per_scr_sz;
    int nscreens = ScreenCount(dpy);
    int scr;
    Status status;

    DASSERT(selname != NULL);
    DTRACE_PRINTLN1("MG: select: %s", selname);

    /* buffer size for one per-screen atom name */
    per_scr_sz = strlen(selname) + /* "_S" */ 2 + /* %2d */ + 2 /* '\0' */+ 1;

    namesbuf = malloc(per_scr_sz * nscreens);  /* actual storage for names */
    names = malloc(sizeof(char *) * nscreens); /* pointers to names */
    per_scr_atoms = malloc(sizeof(Atom) * nscreens);
    per_scr_owners = malloc(sizeof(Window) * nscreens);
    mgrsel = malloc(sizeof(struct AwtMgrsel));

    if (namesbuf == NULL || names == NULL || per_scr_atoms == NULL
	|| per_scr_owners == NULL || mgrsel == NULL)
	DTRACE_PRINTLN("MG: select: unable to allocate memory");
	if (namesbuf != NULL) free(per_scr_atoms);
	if (names != NULL) free(names);
	if (per_scr_atoms != NULL) free(per_scr_atoms);
	if (per_scr_owners != NULL) free(per_scr_owners);
	if (mgrsel != NULL) free(mgrsel);
	return (NULL);

    for (scr = 0; scr < nscreens; ++scr) {
	size_t sz;

	names[scr] = &namesbuf[per_scr_sz * scr];
	sz = snprintf(names[scr], per_scr_sz, "%s_S%-d", selname, scr);
	DASSERT(sz < per_scr_sz);

    status = XInternAtoms(dpy, names, nscreens, False, per_scr_atoms);


    if (status == 0) {
	DTRACE_PRINTLN("MG: select: XInternAtoms failed");
	return (NULL);

    mgrsel->selname = strdup(selname);
    mgrsel->per_scr_atoms = per_scr_atoms;
    mgrsel->per_scr_owners = per_scr_owners;
    mgrsel->extra_mask = extra_mask;
    mgrsel->cookie = cookie;
    mgrsel->callback_event = callback_event;
    mgrsel->callback_owner = callback_owner;

    for (scr = 0; scr < nscreens; ++scr) {
	Window owner;

	owner = awt_mgrsel_select_per_screen(per_scr_atoms[scr], extra_mask);
	mgrsel->per_scr_owners[scr] = owner;
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (owner == None) {
	    DTRACE_PRINTLN1("MG:   screen %d - None", scr);
	} else {
	    DTRACE_PRINTLN2("MG:   screen %d - 0x%08lx", scr, owner);

    mgrsel->next = mgrsel_list;
    mgrsel_list = mgrsel;

    return (per_scr_owners);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_motif_MRobotPeer_getRGBPixelsImpl(
		             JNIEnv *env,
		             jclass cls,
		             jobject xgc,
		             jint x,
		             jint y,
		             jint width,
		             jint height,
		             jintArray pixelArray) {
    RCmdGetPixels cmd;
    RResultPixelHeader result;
    int row;
    int col;
    unsigned int *ary;
    AwtGraphicsConfigDataPtr adata;

    DTRACE_PRINTLN7("%lx: MRobotPeer.getRGBPixelsImpl(%lx, %d, %d, %d, %d, %x)", cls, xgc, x, y, width, height, pixelArray);
    /* avoid a lot of work for empty rectangles */
    if ( (width * height) == 0 ) {
    DASSERT(width * height > 0); /* only allow positive size */

    adata = (AwtGraphicsConfigDataPtr) JNU_GetLongFieldAsPtr(env, xgc, x11GraphicsConfigIDs.aData);
    DASSERT(adata != NULL);

    cmd.code = RCMD_GETPIXELS;
    cmd.screen = adata->awt_visInfo.screen;
    cmd.x = x;
    cmd.y = y;
    cmd.width = width;
    cmd.height = height;

    robot_writeChildCommand((RCmdBase *)&cmd);

     * For getPixels, there is data to receive
     * from the child process.    The following sequence
     * must match the sequence in the getPixels method.
     * The robot_readBytes function automatically provides
     * synchronization with the sending of data
     * back to us.

    DTRACE_PRINTLN("PARENT: Waiting for pixels ...");

    robot_getChildResult((char *)&result, sizeof(result));

    DTRACE_PRINTLN2("PARENT: Got pixels header %d x %d", result.nRows, result.nCols);

    if (result.code == RES_OUTOFMEMORY) {
	JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, "OutOfMemoryError");

    ary = (unsigned int *)XtMalloc(height * width * sizeof(jint));
    if (ary == NULL) {
	JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, "OutOfMemoryError");
	/* eat up the data in the pipe so things remain in sync */

    DASSERT(result.nRows == height && result.nCols == width);
    robot_getChildResult((char *)ary, (jint) (height * width * sizeof (jint)));

    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, pixelArray, 0, height * width, (jint *)ary);

    XtFree((char *)ary);