Exemple #1
   create and return a subtree metric DV object
   input  : vmetricDV -- a metric defined on the vertices
   return : tmetricDV -- a metric defined on the subtrees
   created -- 96jun23, cca
DV *
Tree_setSubtreeDmetric (
   Tree   *tree,
   DV     *vmetricDV
) {
int      u, v ;
double   *tmetric, *vmetric ;
DV    *tmetricDV ;
   check the input
if (  tree == NULL || tree->n <= 0 
   || vmetricDV == NULL 
   || tree->n != DV_size(vmetricDV) 
   || (vmetric = DV_entries(vmetricDV)) == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Tree_setSubtreeImetric(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", tree, vmetricDV) ;
   exit(-1) ;
tmetricDV = DV_new() ;
DV_init(tmetricDV, tree->n, NULL) ;
tmetric = DV_entries(tmetricDV) ;
for ( v = Tree_postOTfirst(tree) ; 
      v != -1 ; 
      v = Tree_postOTnext(tree, v) ) {
   tmetric[v] = vmetric[v] ;
   for ( u = tree->fch[v] ; u != -1 ; u = tree->sib[u] ) {
      tmetric[v] += tmetric[u] ;
return(tmetricDV) ; }
Exemple #2
   create and return a height metric DV object
   input  : vmetricDV -- a metric defined on the vertices
   output : dmetricDV -- a depth metric defined on the vertices
   hmetric[v] = vmetric[v] + max{p(u) = v} hmetric[u] if fch[v] != -1
              = vmetric[v]                            if fch[v] == -1

   created -- 96jun23, cca
DV *
Tree_setHeightDmetric (
   Tree   *tree,
   DV     *vmetricDV
) {
int      u, v, val ;
double   *hmetric, *vmetric ;
DV       *hmetricDV ;
   check the input
if (  tree == NULL || tree->n < 1 
   || vmetricDV == NULL 
   || tree->n != DV_size(vmetricDV)
   || (vmetric = DV_entries(vmetricDV)) == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Tree_setHeightDmetric(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", tree, vmetricDV) ;
   exit(-1) ;
hmetricDV = DV_new() ; 
DV_init(hmetricDV, tree->n, NULL) ; 
hmetric = DV_entries(hmetricDV) ;
for ( v = Tree_postOTfirst(tree) ; 
      v != -1 ; 
      v = Tree_postOTnext(tree, v) ) {
   for ( u = tree->fch[v], val = 0 ; u != -1 ; u = tree->sib[u] ) {
      if ( val < hmetric[u] ) {
         val = hmetric[u] ;
   hmetric[v] = val + vmetric[v] ;
return(hmetricDV) ; }
Exemple #3
   create and return a depth metric DV object
   input  : vmetricDV -- a metric defined on the vertices
   output : dmetricDV -- a depth metric defined on the vertices
   dmetric[u] = vmetric[u] + dmetric[par[u]] if par[u] != -1
              = vmetric[u]                   if par[u] == -1

   created -- 96jun23, cca
DV *
Tree_setDepthDmetric (
   Tree   *tree,
   DV     *vmetricDV
) {
int      u, v ;
double   *dmetric, *vmetric ;
DV       *dmetricDV ;
   check the input
if (  tree == NULL || tree->n < 1 
   || vmetricDV == NULL 
   || tree->n != DV_size(vmetricDV)
   || (vmetric = DV_entries(vmetricDV)) == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Tree_setDepthDmetric(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", tree, vmetricDV) ;
   exit(-1) ;
dmetricDV = DV_new() ;
DV_init(dmetricDV, tree->n, NULL) ;
dmetric = DV_entries(dmetricDV) ;
for ( u = Tree_preOTfirst(tree) ; 
      u != -1 ; 
      u = Tree_preOTnext(tree, u) ) {
   dmetric[u] = vmetric[u] ;
   if ( (v = tree->par[u]) != -1 ) {
      dmetric[u] += dmetric[v] ;
return(dmetricDV) ; }
Exemple #4
   set mtx(*,jcol) = y[*]

   created -- 98may01, cca
A2_setColumnDV ( 
   A2      *mtx, 
   DV       *colDV,
   int      jcol 
) {
double   *col, *entries ;
int      inc1, i, k, n1 ;
   check the input
if (  mtx == NULL || colDV == NULL || DV_size(colDV) != (n1 = mtx->n1)
   || jcol < 0 || jcol >= mtx->n2 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in A2_setColumnDV(%p,%p,%d)"
           "\n bad input\n", mtx, colDV, jcol) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( ! A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in A2_setColumnDV(%p,%p,%d)"
           "\n bad type %d, must be SPOOLES_REAL\n", 
           mtx, colDV, jcol, mtx->type) ;
   exit(-1) ;
k       = jcol * mtx->inc2 ;
inc1    = mtx->inc1 ;
entries = mtx->entries ;
col     = DV_entries(colDV) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n1 ; i++, k += inc1 ) {
   entries[k] = col[i] ;
return ; }
Exemple #5
   set mtx(irow,*) = y[*]

   created -- 98may01, cca
A2_setRowDV ( 
   A2      *mtx, 
   DV       *rowDV,
   int      irow 
) {
double   *entries, *row ;
int      inc2, j, k, n2 ;
   check the input
if (  mtx == NULL || rowDV == NULL || DV_size(rowDV) != (n2 = mtx->n2)
   || irow < 0 || irow >= mtx->n1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in A2_setRowDV(%p,%p,%d)"
           "\n bad input\n", mtx, rowDV, irow) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( ! A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in A2_setRowDV(%p,%p,%d)"
           "\n bad type %d, must be SPOOLES_REAL\n", 
           mtx, rowDV, irow, mtx->type) ;
   exit(-1) ;
k       = irow * mtx->inc1 ;
inc2    = mtx->inc2 ;
entries = mtx->entries ;
row     = DV_entries(rowDV) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < n2 ; j++, k += inc2 ) {
   entries[k] = row[j] ;
return ; }
Exemple #6
   return the number of bytes in use in
   the workspace owned by this object
   created -- 98may01, cca
SubMtx_nbytesInUse (
   SubMtx   *mtx
) {
if ( mtx == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in SubMtx_nbytesInUse(%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", mtx) ;
   exit(-1) ;
return(sizeof(double)*DV_size(&mtx->wrkDV)) ; }