Exemple #1
extern void DWRVMInit( void )
// Allocate space for the branch pointers.
    PageTab = DWRALLOC( NumBranches * sizeof( page_entry * ) );
    memset( PageTab, 0, NumBranches * sizeof( page_entry * ) );
    PageTab[1] = DWRALLOC( sizeof( page_entry ) * MAX_LEAFS );
    memset( PageTab[1], 0, sizeof( page_entry ) * MAX_LEAFS );
    DontSwap = false;
    PageCount = 0;
Exemple #2
static virt_struct GetPage( dr_section sect )
    page_entry      *entry;
    unsigned        alloc_size;
    virt_struct     vmem;

    if( NextLeaf >= MAX_LEAFS ) {
        DontSwap = true;
        NextLeaf = 0;
        if( CurrBranch >= NumBranches ) {
        alloc_size = sizeof( page_entry ) * MAX_LEAFS;
        entry = DWRALLOC( alloc_size );
        PageTab[ CurrBranch ] = entry;
        memset( entry, 0, alloc_size ); //set all flags false.
        DontSwap = false;
    } else {
        entry = &PageTab[ CurrBranch ][ NextLeaf ];
    entry->sect = sect;
    vmem.w.high = CurrBranch;
    vmem.w.low = NextLeaf << OFFSET_SHIFT;
    return( vmem );
Exemple #3
void DWRStackCreate(                        // INITIALIZE A STACK
    dr_stack *stk,                          // -- stack to initialize
    uint start_size )                       // -- initial size guess
    stk->stack = DWRALLOC( start_size * sizeof( uint_32 ) );
    stk->free = 0;
    stk->size = start_size;
Exemple #4
extern dr_search_context * DRDuplicateSearchContext( dr_search_context *cxt )
    int                 i;
    dr_search_context   *newCtxt;

    newCtxt = DWRALLOC( sizeof( dr_search_context ) );
    *newCtxt = *cxt; /* structure copy */

    /* but allocate and copy own stack */
    newCtxt->stack.stack = DWRALLOC( newCtxt->stack.size * sizeof( uint_32 ) );

    for( i = 0; i < cxt->stack.free; i += 1 ) {
        newCtxt->stack.stack[i] = cxt->stack.stack[i];

    return( newCtxt );
Exemple #5
void DWRStackCopy(                          // COPY A STACK FROM ANOTHER
    dr_stack *dest,                         // -- destination of copy
    const dr_stack *src )                   // -- source of copy
    dest->free = src->free;
    dest->size = src->size;
    dest->stack = DWRALLOC( dest->size * sizeof( uint_32 ) );
    memcpy( dest->stack, src->stack, dest->size * sizeof( uint_32 ) );
Exemple #6
char *DWRVMCopyString( drmem_hdl *info )
    size_t      count;
    char        *str;

    count = DWRVMStrLen( *info );
    str = DWRALLOC( count + 1 );
    DWRVMGetString( str, info );
    return( str );
char *DWRVMCopyString( dr_handle *info )
    size_t      len;
    char        *dst;
    dr_handle   src;

    src = *info;
    len = strlen( src ) + 1;
    *info += len;
    dst = DWRALLOC( len );
    return( memcpy( dst, src, len ) );
static void ScopePush( dr_scope_stack *stack, dr_handle entry )
    if( stack->stack == NULL ) {
        stack->stack = DWRALLOC( SCOPE_GUESS * sizeof( dr_handle ) );
    if( stack->free >= stack->size ) {
        stack->size += SCOPE_GUESS;
        stack->stack = DWRREALLOC( stack->stack, stack->size * sizeof( dr_handle ) );

    stack->stack[stack->free] = entry;
    stack->free += 1;
Exemple #9
static void GetMoreBranches( void )
// make a larger array to hold branch pointers in.
    page_entry      **branches;
    unsigned        alloc_size;

    alloc_size = NumBranches * sizeof( page_entry * );
    NumBranches = NumBranches * 2;   // double the # of pointers.
    if( NumBranches > SEG_LIMIT ) {
    branches = DWRALLOC( alloc_size * 2 );
    memcpy( branches, PageTab, alloc_size );
    memset( (char *)branches + alloc_size, 0, alloc_size ); // null pointers
    DWRFREE( PageTab );
    PageTab = branches;
extern dr_handle DWRVMAlloc( unsigned long len, int sect )
    alloc_struct *nChunk;

    if( len == 0 ) {
        return( 0 );

    nChunk = (alloc_struct *)DWRALLOC( len - 1 + sizeof( alloc_struct ) );
    if( nChunk == NULL ) {
        return( 0 );

    nChunk->next = AllocHead;
    AllocHead = nChunk;

    DWRSEEK( DWRCurrNode->file, sect, 0 );
    DWRREAD( DWRCurrNode->file, sect, nChunk->data, len );

    return( (dr_handle)nChunk->data );
Exemple #11
static void ReadPage( page_entry * node, virt_struct vm )
/* read a page in from the dwarf file */
    unsigned long size;
    drmem_hdl     base;
    unsigned long offset;
    dr_section    sect;

    sect = node->sect;
    size = DWRCurrNode->sections[sect].size;
    base = DWRCurrNode->sections[sect].base;
    offset = (vm.l - base) & ~((unsigned long)OFFSET_MASK);
    size -= offset;
    if( size > MAX_NODE_SIZE ) {
        size = MAX_NODE_SIZE;
    node->mem = DWRALLOC( size );
    node->inmem = true;
    DWRSEEK( DWRCurrNode->file, sect, offset );
    DWRREAD( DWRCurrNode->file, sect, node->mem, size );
Exemple #12
extern void DWRInitFileTable( file_table *tab )
    tab->len = 0;
    tab->tab = DWRALLOC( VBL_ARRAY_DELTA * sizeof( filetab_entry ) );