Exemple #1
HRESULT CMusicManager::Initialize( HWND hWnd, DWORD dwPChannels, DWORD dwDefaultPathType )
    HRESULT hr;

    if( FAILED( hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicLoader, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, 
                                       IID_IDirectMusicLoader8, (void**)&m_pLoader ) ) )
        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CoCreateInstance"), hr );

    if( FAILED( hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicPerformance, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, 
                                       IID_IDirectMusicPerformance8, (void**)&m_pPerformance ) ) )
        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CoCreateInstance"), hr );

    if( FAILED( hr = m_pPerformance->InitAudio( NULL, NULL, hWnd, dwDefaultPathType, 
                                                dwPChannels, DMUS_AUDIOF_ALL, NULL ) ) )
        if( hr == DSERR_NODRIVER )
            DXTRACE( "Warning: No sound card found\n" );
            return hr;

        return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("InitAudio"), hr );

    return S_OK;
Exemple #2
// Name: CMusicManager::Initialize()
// Desc: Inits DirectMusic using a standard audio path
HRESULT CMusicManager::Initialize(HWND hWnd, DWORD dwPChannels, DWORD dwDefaultPathType)
    HRESULT hr;

    // Create loader object
    if (FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectMusicLoader, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
                                     IID_IDirectMusicLoader8, (void **)&m_pLoader)))
        return DXTRACE_ERR(TEXT("CoCreateInstance"), hr);

    // Create performance object
    if (FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectMusicPerformance, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
                                     IID_IDirectMusicPerformance8, (void **)&m_pPerformance)))
        return DXTRACE_ERR(TEXT("CoCreateInstance"), hr);

    // Initialize the performance with the standard audio path.
    // This initializes both DirectMusic and DirectSound and
    // sets up the synthesizer. Typcially its easist to use an
    // audio path for playing music and sound effects.
    if (FAILED(hr = m_pPerformance->InitAudio(NULL, NULL, hWnd, dwDefaultPathType,
                                              dwPChannels, DMUS_AUDIOF_ALL, NULL)))
        if (hr == DSERR_NODRIVER)
            DXTRACE("Warning: No sound card found\n");
            return hr;

        return DXTRACE_ERR(TEXT("InitAudio"), hr);

    return S_OK;
Exemple #3
// Name: CMusicManager::Initialize()
// Desc: Inits DirectMusic using a standard audio path
HRESULT CMusicManager::Initialize( HWND hWnd, DWORD dwPChannels, DWORD dwDefaultPathType, LPDIRECTSOUND pDS )
    HRESULT hr;
    IDirectSound** ppDirectSound;

    if( pDS )
        ppDirectSound = &pDS;
        ppDirectSound = NULL;
    // Create loader object
    if( FAILED( hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicLoader, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, 
                                       IID_IDirectMusicLoader8, (void**)&m_pLoader ) ) )
        return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("CoCreateInstance"), hr );

    // Create performance object
    if( FAILED( hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectMusicPerformance, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, 
                                       IID_IDirectMusicPerformance8, (void**)&m_pPerformance ) ) )
        return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("CoCreateInstance"), hr );

    // Initialize the performance with the standard audio path.
    // This initializes both DirectMusic and DirectSound and 
    // sets up the synthesizer. Typcially its easist to use an 
    // audio path for playing music and sound effects.
    if( FAILED( hr = m_pPerformance->InitAudio( NULL, ppDirectSound, hWnd, dwDefaultPathType, 
                                                dwPChannels, DMUS_AUDIOF_ALL, NULL ) ) )
        if( hr == DSERR_NODRIVER )
            DXTRACE( TEXT("Warning: No sound card found\n") );
            return hr;

        return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("InitAudio"), hr );

    // Get the listener from the in the default audio path.
    IDirectMusicAudioPath8* pAudioPath = GetDefaultAudioPath();
    if( pAudioPath ) // might be NULL if dwDefaultPathType == 0
        if( SUCCEEDED( hr = pAudioPath->GetObjectInPath( 0, DMUS_PATH_PRIMARY_BUFFER, 0,
                                                        GUID_NULL, 0, IID_IDirectSound3DListener, 
                                                        (LPVOID*) &m_pDSListener ) ) )
            // Get listener parameters
            m_dsListenerParams.dwSize = sizeof(DS3DLISTENER);
            m_pDSListener->GetAllParameters( &m_dsListenerParams );

    return S_OK;
Exemple #4
// Name: 
// Desc: 
HRESULT CDPlay8Client::JoinSession( DWORD num )
    HRESULT hr;
    IDirectPlay8Address* pHostAddress = NULL;
    IDirectPlay8Address* pDeviceAddress = NULL;

    if( m_pDPlay == NULL )
        return E_FAIL;

    DXTRACE( TEXT("MazeClient: Trying to connect to server\n") );

    ZeroMemory( &dpnAppDesc, sizeof( DPN_APPLICATION_DESC ) );
    dpnAppDesc.dwSize          = sizeof( DPN_APPLICATION_DESC );
    dpnAppDesc.guidApplication = StressMazeAppGUID;
    dpnAppDesc.guidInstance    = m_Sessions[num].guidInstance;

    EnterCriticalSection( &m_csLock );
    // Copy the host and device address pointers, and addref them.
    // If this is not done, then there is a rare chance that 
    // EnumSessionCallback() may be called during the Connect() call 
    // and destory the address before DirectPlay gets a chance to copy them.
    pHostAddress = m_pHostAddresses[num];

    pDeviceAddress = m_pDeviceAddresses[num];

    LeaveCriticalSection( &m_csLock );

    // Connect to the remote host
    // The enumeration is automatically canceled after Connect is called 
    if( FAILED( hr = m_pDPlay->Connect( &dpnAppDesc,        // Application description
                                        pHostAddress,       // Session host address
                                        pDeviceAddress,     // Address of device used to connect to the host
                                        NULL, NULL,         // Security descriptions & credientials (MBZ in DPlay8)
                                        NULL, 0,            // User data & its size
                                        NULL,               // Asynchronous connection context (returned with DPNMSG_CONNECT_COMPLETE in async handshaking)
                                        NULL,               // Asynchronous connection handle (used to cancel connection process)
                                        DPNOP_SYNC ) ) )    // Connect synchronously
        if( hr == DPNERR_NORESPONSE || hr == DPNERR_ABORTED )
            goto LCleanup; // These are possible if the server exits while joining 

        if( hr == DPNERR_INVALIDINSTANCE )
            goto LCleanup; // This is possible if the original server exits and another server comes online while we are connecting

        DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX( TEXT("Connect"), hr );
        goto LCleanup;

    m_bSessionLost = FALSE;
    DXTRACE( TEXT("MazeClient: Connected to server.  Enum automatically canceled\n") );

    m_fLastUpdateConnectInfoTime = DXUtil_Timer( TIMER_GETAPPTIME );

    SAFE_RELEASE( pHostAddress );
    SAFE_RELEASE( pDeviceAddress );

    return hr;