Exemple #1
// W_AddFile
// All files are optional, but at least one file must be
//  found (PWAD, if all required lumps are present).
// Files with a .wad extension are wadlink files
//  with multiple lumps.
// Other files are single lumps with the base filename
//  for the lump name.
// Reload hack removed by Lee Killough
// CPhipps - source is an enum
// proff - changed using pointer to wadfile_info_t
static void W_AddFile(wadfile_info_t *wadfile) 
// killough 1/31/98: static, const
  wadinfo_t   header;
  lumpinfo_t* lump_p;
  unsigned    i;
  int         length;
  int         startlump;
  filelump_t  *fileinfo, *fileinfo2free=NULL; //killough
  filelump_t  singleinfo;

  // open the file and add to directory

  wadfile->handle = open(wadfile->name,O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);

#ifdef HAVE_NET
  if (wadfile->handle == -1 && D_NetGetWad(wadfile->name)) // CPhipps
    wadfile->handle = open(wadfile->name,O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
  if (wadfile->handle == -1) 
      if (  strlen(wadfile->name)<=4 ||      // add error check -- killough
	         (strcasecmp(wadfile->name+strlen(wadfile->name)-4 , ".lmp" ) &&
	          strcasecmp(wadfile->name+strlen(wadfile->name)-4 , ".gwa" ) )
	I_Error("W_AddFile: couldn't open %s",wadfile->name);

  //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf (LO_INFO," adding %s\n",wadfile->name);
  startlump = numlumps;

  if (  strlen(wadfile->name)<=4 || 
          strcasecmp(wadfile->name+strlen(wadfile->name)-4,".wad") && 
      // single lump file
      fileinfo = &singleinfo;
      singleinfo.filepos = 0;
      singleinfo.size = LONG(I_Filelength(wadfile->handle));
      ExtractFileBase(wadfile->name, singleinfo.name);
      // WAD file
      I_Read(wadfile->handle, &header, sizeof(header));
      if (strncmp(header.identification,"IWAD",4) &&
        I_Error("W_AddFile: Wad file %s doesn't have IWAD or PWAD id", wadfile->name);
      header.numlumps = LONG(header.numlumps);
      header.infotableofs = LONG(header.infotableofs);
      length = header.numlumps*sizeof(filelump_t);
      fileinfo2free = fileinfo = malloc(length);    // killough
      lseek(wadfile->handle, header.infotableofs, SEEK_SET);
      I_Read(wadfile->handle, fileinfo, length);
      numlumps += header.numlumps;

    // Fill in lumpinfo
    lumpinfo = realloc(lumpinfo, numlumps*sizeof(lumpinfo_t));

    lump_p = &lumpinfo[startlump];

    for (i=startlump ; (int)i<numlumps ; i++,lump_p++, fileinfo++)
        lump_p->wadfile = wadfile;                    //  killough 4/25/98
        lump_p->position = LONG(fileinfo->filepos);
        lump_p->size = LONG(fileinfo->size);
        lump_p->li_namespace = ns_global;              // killough 4/17/98
        strncpy (lump_p->name, fileinfo->name, 8);
	lump_p->source = wadfile->src;                    // Ty 08/29/98

    free(fileinfo2free);      // killough
Exemple #2
// W_AddFile
// All files are optional, but at least one file must be
//  found (PWAD, if all required lumps are present).
// Files with a .wad extension are wadlink files
//  with multiple lumps.
// Other files are single lumps with the base filename
//  for the lump name.
// Reload hack removed by Lee Killough
// CPhipps - source is an enum
// proff - changed using pointer to wadfile_info_t
static void W_AddFile(wadfile_info_t *wadfile)
// killough 1/31/98: static, const
    wadinfo_t   header;
    lumpinfo_t* lump_p;
    unsigned    i;
    int         length;
    int         startlump;
    filelump_t  *fileinfo, *fileinfo2free=NULL; //killough
    filelump_t  singleinfo;

    // open the file and add to directory

#ifdef ALL_IN_ONE
    unsigned char *handle;
    dboolean predefined_lump = (wadfile->src == source_pre);
        handle = GetAllInOneLumpHandle();
    else {

//ROBO: Precache
        wadfile->handle = fopen(wadfile->name, "rb");

#ifdef HAVE_NET
        if (wadfile->handle == 0 && D_NetGetWad(wadfile->name)) // CPhipps
            wadfile->handle = fopen(wadfile->name, "rb");

        if (wadfile->handle == 0 &&
                strlen(wadfile->name) > 4 &&
                wadfile->src == source_pwad &&
                !strcasecmp(wadfile->name + strlen(wadfile->name) - 4 , ".wad") &&
            wadfile->handle = fopen(wadfile->name, "rb");

        if (wadfile->handle == 0)
            if (  strlen(wadfile->name)<=4 ||      // add error check -- killough
                    (strcasecmp(wadfile->name+strlen(wadfile->name)-4 , ".lmp" ) &&
                     strcasecmp(wadfile->name+strlen(wadfile->name)-4 , ".gwa" ) )
                I_Error("W_AddFile: couldn't open %s",wadfile->name);

            struct stat statbuf;
            stat(wadfile->name, &statbuf);
            wadfile->length = statbuf.st_size;
            wadfile->data = malloc(statbuf.st_size);
            fread(wadfile->data, statbuf.st_size, 1, wadfile->handle);

#ifdef ALL_IN_ONE

    //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
    lprintf (LO_INFO," adding %s\n",wadfile->name);
    startlump = numlumps;

    if (  strlen(wadfile->name)<=4 ||
                strcasecmp(wadfile->name+strlen(wadfile->name)-4,".wad") &&
        // single lump file
        fileinfo = &singleinfo;
        singleinfo.filepos = 0;
        singleinfo.size = wadfile->length; //LittleLong(I_Filelength(wadfile->handle));
        ExtractFileBase(wadfile->name, singleinfo.name);
        // WAD file
#ifdef ALL_IN_ONE
            memcpy(&header, handle, sizeof(header));
            memcpy(&header, wadfile->data, sizeof(header));
//      I_Read(wadfile->handle, &header, sizeof(header));
        if (strncmp(header.identification,"IWAD",4) &&
            I_Error("W_AddFile: Wad file %s doesn't have IWAD or PWAD id", wadfile->name);
        header.numlumps = LittleLong(header.numlumps);
        header.infotableofs = LittleLong(header.infotableofs);
        length = header.numlumps*sizeof(filelump_t);
        fileinfo2free = fileinfo = malloc(length);    // killough
#ifdef ALL_IN_ONE
            memcpy(fileinfo, handle + header.infotableofs, length);
//      lseek(wadfile->handle, header.infotableofs, SEEK_SET),
//      I_Read(wadfile->handle, fileinfo, length);
            memcpy(fileinfo, &wadfile->data[header.infotableofs], length);
        numlumps += header.numlumps;

    // Fill in lumpinfo
    lumpinfo = realloc(lumpinfo, numlumps*sizeof(lumpinfo_t));

    lump_p = &lumpinfo[startlump];

    for (i=startlump ; (int)i<numlumps ; i++,lump_p++, fileinfo++)
        lump_p->flags = 0; //e6y
        lump_p->wadfile = wadfile;                    //  killough 4/25/98
        lump_p->position = LittleLong(fileinfo->filepos);
        lump_p->size = LittleLong(fileinfo->size);
        if (wadfile->src == source_lmp)
            // Modifications to place command-line-added demo lumps
            // into a separate "ns_demos" namespace so that they cannot
            // conflict with other lump names
            lump_p->li_namespace = ns_demos;
            lump_p->li_namespace = ns_global;              // killough 4/17/98
        strncpy (lump_p->name, fileinfo->name, 8);
        lump_p->source = wadfile->src;                    // Ty 08/29/98

    free(fileinfo2free);      // killough
Exemple #3
// W_AddFile
// All files are optional, but at least one file must be
//  found (PWAD, if all required lumps are present).
// Files with a .wad extension are wadlink files
//  with multiple lumps.
// Other files are single lumps with the base filename
//  for the lump name.
// Reload hack removed by Lee Killough
// CPhipps - source is an enum
// proff - changed using pointer to wadfile_info_t
static void W_AddFile(wadfile_info_t *wadfile) 
// killough 1/31/98: static, const
  wadinfo_t   header;
  lumpinfo_t* lump_p;
  unsigned    i;
  int         length;
  int         startlump;
  filelump_t  *fileinfo, *fileinfo2free=NULL; //killough
  filelump_t  singleinfo;
  int         flags = 0;

  // open the file and add to directory

  wadfile->handle = open(wadfile->name,O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);

#ifdef HAVE_NET
  if (wadfile->handle == -1 && D_NetGetWad(wadfile->name)) // CPhipps
    wadfile->handle = open(wadfile->name,O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);

  if (wadfile->handle == -1 &&
    strlen(wadfile->name) > 4 &&
    wadfile->src == source_pwad && 
    !strcasecmp(wadfile->name + strlen(wadfile->name) - 4 , ".wad") &&
    wadfile->handle = open(wadfile->name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);

  if (wadfile->handle == -1) 
      if (  strlen(wadfile->name)<=4 ||      // add error check -- killough
	         (strcasecmp(wadfile->name+strlen(wadfile->name)-4 , ".lmp" ) &&
	          strcasecmp(wadfile->name+strlen(wadfile->name)-4 , ".gwa" ) )
	I_Error("W_AddFile: couldn't open %s",wadfile->name);

  //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf (LO_INFO," adding %s\n",wadfile->name);
  startlump = numlumps;

  // mark lumps from internal resource
  if (wadfile->src == source_auto_load)
    int len = strlen(PACKAGE_TARNAME ".wad");
    int len_file = strlen(wadfile->name);
    if (len_file >= len)
      if (!strcasecmp(wadfile->name + len_file - len, PACKAGE_TARNAME ".wad"))
        flags = LUMP_PRBOOM;

  if (  strlen(wadfile->name)<=4 || 
          strcasecmp(wadfile->name+strlen(wadfile->name)-4,".wad") && 
      // single lump file
      fileinfo = &singleinfo;
      singleinfo.filepos = 0;
      singleinfo.size = LittleLong(I_Filelength(wadfile->handle));
      ExtractFileBase(wadfile->name, singleinfo.name);
      // WAD file
      I_Read(wadfile->handle, &header, sizeof(header));
      if (strncmp(header.identification,"IWAD",4) &&
        I_Error("W_AddFile: Wad file %s doesn't have IWAD or PWAD id", wadfile->name);
      header.numlumps = LittleLong(header.numlumps);
      header.infotableofs = LittleLong(header.infotableofs);
      length = header.numlumps*sizeof(filelump_t);
      fileinfo2free = fileinfo = malloc(length);    // killough
      lseek(wadfile->handle, header.infotableofs, SEEK_SET),
      I_Read(wadfile->handle, fileinfo, length);
      numlumps += header.numlumps;

    // Fill in lumpinfo
    lumpinfo = realloc(lumpinfo, numlumps*sizeof(lumpinfo_t));

    lump_p = &lumpinfo[startlump];

    for (i=startlump ; (int)i<numlumps ; i++,lump_p++, fileinfo++)
        lump_p->flags = flags;
        lump_p->wadfile = wadfile;                    //  killough 4/25/98
        lump_p->position = LittleLong(fileinfo->filepos);
        lump_p->size = LittleLong(fileinfo->size);
        if (wadfile->src == source_lmp)
          // Modifications to place command-line-added demo lumps
          // into a separate "ns_demos" namespace so that they cannot
          // conflict with other lump names
          lump_p->li_namespace = ns_demos;
          lump_p->li_namespace = ns_global;              // killough 4/17/98
        strncpy (lump_p->name, fileinfo->name, 8);
	lump_p->source = wadfile->src;                    // Ty 08/29/98
    // IWAD file used as recource PWAD must not override TEXTURE1 or PNAMES
    if (wadfile->src != source_iwad && !strncmp(header.identification,"IWAD",4) &&
      (!strnicmp(fileinfo->name,"TEXTURE1",8) || !strnicmp(fileinfo->name,"PNAMES",6)))
      strncpy (lump_p->name, "-IGNORE-", 8);

    free(fileinfo2free);      // killough