Exemple #1
 *                                                                          *
 *  FUNCTION   : ProcessTransaction()  taken from ddeml sample app          *
 *                                                                          *
 *  PURPOSE    : Processes synchronous transactions entirely and starts     *
 *               async transactions. Pass in the handle to the URL string.  *
 *                                                                          *
 *  RETURNS    : TRUE  - If successful.                                     *
 *               FALSE - otherwise.                                         *
 *                                                                          *
URLProcessorRetCode CConv::ProcessTransaction(DWORD idInst,HSZ hszItem)
    HWND hwndInfoCtrl = 0;

     * Disable callbacks for this conversation now if the XOPT_DISABLEFIRST
     * option is set.  This tests disabling asynchronous transactions
     * before they are completed.
    if (fsOptions & XOPT_DISABLEFIRST)
        DdeEnableCallback(idInst, hConv, EC_DISABLE);
     * Adjust the timeout for asynchronous transactions.
    if (fsOptions & XOPT_ASYNC)
        ulTimeout = (DWORD)TIMEOUT_ASYNC;

     * start transaction with DDEML here
    //note: for future use, pass in value for first parameter to retrieve data from transaction.
    // ** Future DDE may not support Result Parameter **
    ret = DdeClientTransaction(NULL, (DWORD)-1,hConv, hszItem, wFmt,wType,
            ulTimeout, (LPDWORD)&Result);
    //UINT Error = DdeGetLastError(idInst);
      return enURLErrorDdeProcessTrans;//use DdeGetLastError(idInst) to get more details.
    else if (fsOptions & XOPT_ASYNC) 
         * asynchronous successful start - link transaction to window.
        //DdeSetUserHandle(hConv, Result, (DWORD)hwndInfoCtrl);

         * Abandon started async transaction after initiated if
         * XOPT_ABANDONAFTERSTART is chosen.  This tests the mid-transaction
         * abandoning code.
        if (fsOptions & XOPT_ABANDONAFTERSTART)
            DdeAbandonTransaction(idInst, hConv, Result);
    return enURLErrorNone;
Exemple #2
 *            DdeEnableCallback (DDEML.26)
BOOL16 WINAPI DdeEnableCallback16(DWORD idInst, HCONV hConv, UINT16 wCmd)
    return DdeEnableCallback(idInst, hConv, wCmd);
Exemple #3
 *                                                                          *
 *  FUNCTION   : ProcessTransaction()                                       *
 *                                                                          *
 *  PURPOSE    : Processes synchronous transactions entirely and starts     *
 *               async transactions.  Transaction attempts result in a      *
 *               transaction window being created which displays the state  *
 *               or results of the transaction.  (the callback function     *
 *               updates these windows as it gets calls) Transaction        *
 *               windows stay around until abandoned by the user or until   *
 *               the conversation is disconnected.  Advise Data and Advise  *
 *               Stop transactions are special.  We don't create a new      *
 *               window if the associated advise start transaction window   *
 *               can be found.                                              *
 *                                                                          *
 *  RETURNS    : TRUE  - If successful.                                     *
 *               FALSE - otherwise.                                         *
 *                                                                          *
BOOL ProcessTransaction(
XACT *pxact)
    CONVINFO ci;
    HWND hwndInfoCtrl = 0;
    /* create transaction window to show we tried (except in ADVSTOP case) */
    pxact = (XACT *)memcpy(MyAlloc(sizeof(XACT)), (PSTR)pxact, sizeof(XACT));
    ci.cb = sizeof(CONVINFO);
    DdeQueryConvInfo(pxact->hConv, (DWORD)QID_SYNC, &ci); // ci.hUser==hConv
    if (pxact->wType == XTYP_ADVSTOP) {
        hwndInfoCtrl = FindAdviseChild((HWND)ci.hUser, pxact->hszItem,
        if (hwndInfoCtrl) {
            SendMessage(hwndInfoCtrl, ICM_SETSTRING, ICSID_UL,
                    (DWORD)(LPSTR)Type2String(pxact->wType, pxact->fsOptions));
            DdeFreeStringHandle(idInst, pxact->hszItem);
     * If we still need to create a transaction window, do so here.
    if (!hwndInfoCtrl) {
        hwndInfoCtrl = CreateXactionWindow((HWND)ci.hUser, pxact);
        if (!hwndInfoCtrl) {
            return 0;
     * Disable callbacks for this conversation now if the XOPT_DISABLEFIRST
     * option is set.  This tests disabling asynchronous transactions
     * before they are completed.
    if (pxact->fsOptions & XOPT_DISABLEFIRST) 
        DdeEnableCallback(idInst, pxact->hConv, EC_DISABLE);
     * Adjust the timeout for asynchronous transactions.
    if (pxact->fsOptions & XOPT_ASYNC)
	pxact->ulTimeout = (DWORD)TIMEOUT_ASYNC;

     * start transaction with DDEML here
    pxact->ret = DdeClientTransaction((LPBYTE)pxact->hDdeData, (DWORD)-1,
            pxact->hConv, pxact->hszItem, pxact->wFmt,
            pxact->ulTimeout, (LPDWORD)&pxact->Result);
     * show return value in transaction window
    wsprintf(szT, "ret=%lx", pxact->ret);
    SendMessage(hwndInfoCtrl, ICM_SETSTRING, ICSID_UR, (DWORD)(LPSTR)szT);

     * show result or ID value in transaction window
    wsprintf(szT, pxact->fsOptions & XOPT_ASYNC ? "ID=%ld" :
            "result=0x%lx", pxact->Result);
    SendMessage(hwndInfoCtrl, ICM_SETSTRING, ICSID_LR, (DWORD)(LPSTR)szT);
    if ((pxact->fsOptions & XOPT_ASYNC) && pxact->ret) {
         * asynchronous successful start - link transaction to window.
        DdeSetUserHandle(pxact->hConv, pxact->Result, (DWORD)hwndInfoCtrl);

         * Abandon started async transaction after initiated if
         * XOPT_ABANDONAFTERSTART is chosen.  This tests the mid-transaction
         * abandoning code.
        if (pxact->fsOptions & XOPT_ABANDONAFTERSTART) 
            DdeAbandonTransaction(idInst, pxact->hConv, pxact->Result);
         * show actual status
        ci.cb = sizeof(CONVINFO);
        DdeQueryConvInfo(pxact->hConv, pxact->Result, &ci);
        SendMessage(hwndInfoCtrl, ICM_SETSTRING, ICSID_LL,
    } else {
         * Synchronous transactions are completed already so pass on to
         * CompleteTransaction right away.
        CompleteTransaction(hwndInfoCtrl, pxact);
    return TRUE;