void USB_debug_printf( const char* format, ... )
    char    buffer[256];
    va_list arg_ptr;

    va_start( arg_ptr, format );

    int len = hal_vsnprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, arg_ptr );
    // flush existing characters
    DebuggerPort_Flush( USART_DEFAULT_PORT );

    // write string
    DebuggerPort_Write( USART_DEFAULT_PORT, buffer, len );

    // flush new characters
    DebuggerPort_Flush( USART_DEFAULT_PORT );

    va_end( arg_ptr );
void debug_printf(char const* format, ... )

    char    buffer[256];
    va_list arg_ptr;

    va_start( arg_ptr, format );

   int len = hal_vsnprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, arg_ptr );

    // flush existing characters
    DebuggerPort_Flush( HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort );

    // write string
    DebuggerPort_Write( HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort, buffer, len );

    // flush new characters
    DebuggerPort_Flush( HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort );

    va_end( arg_ptr );

void ApplicationEntryPoint()
    INT32 timeout       = 20000; // 20 second timeout
    bool  enterBootMode = false;

    // crypto API needs to allocate memory. Initialize simple heap for it. 
    UINT8* BaseAddress;                                 
    UINT32 SizeInBytes;                                 
    HeapLocation         ( BaseAddress, SizeInBytes );  
    SimpleHeap_Initialize( BaseAddress, SizeInBytes );  

    g_eng.Initialize( HalSystemConfig.DebuggerPorts[ 0 ] );

    // internal reset and stop check
    enterBootMode = g_PrimaryConfigManager.IsBootLoaderRequired( timeout );

    // ODM defined method to enter bootloader mode
        enterBootMode = WaitForTinyBooterUpload( timeout );
            timeout       = -1;
            enterBootMode = true;

        hal_fprintf( STREAM_LCD, "TinyBooter v%d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_BUILD, VERSION_REVISION);
        hal_fprintf( STREAM_LCD, "%s Build Date:\r\n\t%s %s\r\n", HalName, __DATE__, __TIME__ );

        DebuggerPort_Initialize( HalSystemConfig.DebuggerPorts[ 0 ] );

        TinyBooter_OnStateChange( State_EnterBooterMode, NULL );

        DebuggerPort_Flush( HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort  );
        hal_printf( "TinyBooter v%d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_BUILD, VERSION_REVISION);
        hal_printf( "%s Build Date: %s %s\r\n", HalName, __DATE__, __TIME__ );
#if defined(__GNUC__)
        hal_printf("GNU Compiler version %d\r\n", __GNUC__);
#elif defined(_ARC)
        hal_printf("ARC Compiler version %d\r\n", _ARCVER);
#elif defined(__ADSPBLACKFIN__)
        hal_printf( "Blackfin Compiler version %d\r\n", __VERSIONNUM__ );
#elif defined(__RENESAS__)
        hal_printf( "Renesas Compiler version %d\r\n", __RENESAS_VERSION__ );
        hal_printf( "ARM Compiler version %d\r\n", __ARMCC_VERSION );
        DebuggerPort_Flush( HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort );

        // Send "presence" ping.
            CLR_DBG_Commands::Monitor_Ping cmd;

            cmd.m_source = CLR_DBG_Commands::Monitor_Ping::c_Ping_Source_TinyBooter;

            g_eng.m_controller.SendProtocolMessage( CLR_DBG_Commands::c_Monitor_Ping, WP_Flags::c_NonCritical, sizeof(cmd), (UINT8*)&cmd );
        UINT64 ticksStart = HAL_Time_CurrentTicks();

        // Wait for somebody to press a button; if no button press comes in, lauch the image
            const UINT32 c_EventsMask = SYSTEM_EVENT_FLAG_COM_IN |
                                        SYSTEM_EVENT_FLAG_USB_IN |

            UINT32 events = ::Events_WaitForEvents( c_EventsMask, timeout );

            if(events != 0)
                Events_Clear( events );

            if(events & SYSTEM_EVENT_FLAG_BUTTON)
                TinyBooter_OnStateChange( State_ButtonPress, (void*)&timeout );

            if(LOADER_ENGINE_ISFLAGSET(&g_eng, Loader_Engine::c_LoaderEngineFlag_ValidConnection))
                LOADER_ENGINE_CLEARFLAG(&g_eng, Loader_Engine::c_LoaderEngineFlag_ValidConnection);
                TinyBooter_OnStateChange( State_ValidCommunication, (void*)&timeout );

                ticksStart = HAL_Time_CurrentTicks();
            else if((timeout != -1) && (HAL_Time_CurrentTicks()-ticksStart) > CPU_MillisecondsToTicks((UINT32)timeout))
                TinyBooter_OnStateChange( State_Timeout, NULL );
        } while(true);

Exemple #4
// The TinyBooter_OnStateChange method is an event handler for state changes in 
// the TinyBooter.  It is designed to help porting kit users control the tinybooter
// execution and allow them to add diagnostics.
void TinyBooter_OnStateChange( TinyBooterState state, void* data, void ** retData )
        // State_EnterBooterMode - TinyBooter has entered upload mode
        case State_EnterBooterMode:
            CPU_GPIO_EnableOutputPin(LED1, TRUE);
            CPU_GPIO_EnableOutputPin(LED2, TRUE);
            CPU_GPIO_EnableOutputPin(LED3, TRUE);
            CPU_GPIO_EnableOutputPin(LED4, TRUE);
            CPU_GPIO_EnableOutputPin(LED4, FALSE);
            hal_fprintf( STREAM_LCD, "Waiting\r" );

        // State_ButtonPress - A button was pressed while Tinybooter 
        // The data parameter is a pointer to the timeout value for the booter mode.
        case State_ButtonPress:
            if(NULL != data)
                UINT32 down, up;
                INT32* timeout_ms = (INT32*)data;
                // wait forever if a button was pressed
                *timeout_ms = -1;

                // process buttons
                while(Buttons_GetNextStateChange(down, up))
                    // leave a way to exit boot mode incase it was accidentally entered
                     if(0 != (down & BUTTON_ENTR)) 
                        // force an enumerate and launch
                        *timeout_ms = 0; 

        // State_ValidCommunication - TinyBooter has received valid communication from the host
        // The data parameter is a pointer to the timeout value for the booter mode.
        case State_ValidCommunication:
            if(NULL != data)
                INT32* timeout_ms = (INT32*)data;

                // if we received any com/usb data then let's change the timeout to at least 20 seconds
                if(*timeout_ms != -1 && *timeout_ms < 20000)
                    *timeout_ms = 20000;

        // State_Timeout - The default timeout for TinyBooter has expired and TinyBooter will 
        // perform an EnumerateAndLaunch
        case State_Timeout:

        // State_MemoryXXX - Identifies memory accesses.
        case State_MemoryWrite:
            hal_fprintf( STREAM_LCD, "Wr: 0x%08x\r", (UINT32)data );
        case State_MemoryErase:
            hal_fprintf( STREAM_LCD, "Er: 0x%08x\r", (UINT32)data );

        // State_CryptoXXX - Start and result of Crypto signature check
        case State_CryptoStart:
            hal_fprintf( STREAM_LCD,     "Chk signature \r" );
            hal_printf( "Chk signature \r" );
        // The data parameter is a boolean that represents signature PASS/FAILURE
        case State_CryptoResult:
                hal_fprintf( STREAM_LCD, "Signature PASS\r\n\r\n" );
                hal_printf( "Signature PASS\r\n\r\n" );
                hal_fprintf( STREAM_LCD, "Signature FAIL\r\n\r\n" );
                hal_printf( "Signature FAIL\r\n\r\n"  );

        // State_Launch - The host has requested to launch an application at a given address, 
        //                or a timeout has occured and TinyBooter is about to launch the 
        //                first application it finds in FLASH.
        // The data parameter is a UINT32 value representing the launch address
        case State_Launch:
            if(NULL != data)
                CPU_GPIO_EnableOutputPin(LED1, FALSE);
                hal_fprintf( STREAM_LCD, "Starting application at 0x%08x\r\n", (UINT32)data );
                // copy the native code from the Load area to execute area.
                // set the *retAddres to real execute address after loading the data
                // *retData =  exeAddress 
               *retData =(void*) ((UINT32)data | 1); // set Thumb bit!
void CLR_Debug::Emit( const char *text, int len )
    static char s_buffer[ 128 ];
    static int  s_chars = 0;

    if(len == -1) len = (int)hal_strlen_s( text );

        s_redirectedString->append( text, len );

        static HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
        static int    lines = 0;
        static int    num   = 0;

        if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            std::wstring file = s_CLR_RT_fTrace_RedirectOutput;

                WCHAR rgBuf[ 64 ];

                swprintf( rgBuf, ARRAYSIZE(rgBuf), L".%08d", num++ );

                file.append( rgBuf );

            hFile = ::CreateFileW( file.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0 );

            lines = 0;

        if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            DWORD dwWritten;

            ::WriteFile( hFile, text, (DWORD)len, &dwWritten, NULL );

                while((text = strchr( text, '\n' )) != NULL)

                    if(text[ 0 ] == 0)
                        if(lines > s_CLR_RT_fTrace_RedirectLinesPerFile)
                            ::CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;



    while(len > 0)
        int avail = MAXSTRLEN(s_buffer) - s_chars;

        if(len < avail) avail = len;

        memcpy( &s_buffer[ s_chars ], text, avail );

        s_chars += avail;
        text    += avail;
        len     -= avail;
        s_buffer[ s_chars ] = 0;

        if(s_chars > 80 || strchr( s_buffer, '\n' ))

#if defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) || defined(PLATFORM_WINCE)
            HAL_Windows_Debug_Print( s_buffer );

            if(CLR_EE_DBG_IS( Enabled ) && !CLR_EE_DBG_IS( Quiet ))
                CLR_EE_DBG_EVENT_BROADCAST( CLR_DBG_Commands::c_Monitor_Message, s_chars, s_buffer, WP_Flags::c_NonCritical | WP_Flags::c_NoCaching );

            if(!CLR_EE_DBG_IS( Enabled ) || HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort != HalSystemConfig.DebuggerPorts[ 0 ])
#if !defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) && !defined(PLATFORM_WINCE)
                DebuggerPort_Write( HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort, s_buffer, s_chars ); // skip null terminator
                DebuggerPort_Flush( HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort );                    // skip null terminator

            s_chars = 0;
void CLR_Debug::Flush()
    DebuggerPort_Flush( HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort );
// The TinyBooter_OnStateChange method is an event handler for state changes in 
// the TinyBooter.  It is designed to help porting kit users control the tinybooter
// execution and allow them to add diagnostics.
void TinyBooter_OnStateChange(TinyBooterState state, void* data, void ** retData)
	switch (state)
		// State_EnterBooterMode - TinyBooter has entered upload mode
	case State_EnterBooterMode:
		hal_fprintf(STREAM_LCD, "Waiting\r");

		// State_ButtonPress - A button was pressed while Tinybooter 
		// The data parameter is a pointer to the timeout value for the booter mode.
	case State_ButtonPress:
		if (NULL != data)
			UINT32 down, up;
			INT32* timeout_ms = (INT32*)data;

			// wait forever if a button was pressed
			*timeout_ms = -1;

			// process buttons
			while (Buttons_GetNextStateChange(down, up))
				// leave a way to exit boot mode incase it was accidentally entered
				if (0 != (down & BUTTON_ENTR))
					// force an enumerate and launch
					*timeout_ms = 0;

		// State_ValidCommunication - TinyBooter has received valid communication from the host
		// The data parameter is a pointer to the timeout value for the booter mode.
	case State_ValidCommunication:
		if (NULL != data)
			INT32* timeout_ms = (INT32*)data;

			// if we received any com/usb data then let's change the timeout to at least 20 seconds
			if (*timeout_ms != -1 && *timeout_ms < 20000)
				*timeout_ms = 20000;

		// State_Timeout - The default timeout for TinyBooter has expired and TinyBooter will 
		// perform an EnumerateAndLaunch
	case State_Timeout:

		// State_MemoryXXX - Identifies memory accesses.
	case State_MemoryWrite:
		hal_fprintf(STREAM_LCD, "Wr: 0x%08x\r", (UINT32)data);
	case State_MemoryErase:
		hal_fprintf(STREAM_LCD, "Er: 0x%08x\r", (UINT32)data);

		// State_CryptoXXX - Start and result of Crypto signature check
	case State_CryptoStart:
		hal_fprintf(STREAM_LCD, "Chk signature \r");
		hal_printf("Chk signature \r");
		// The data parameter is a boolean that represents signature PASS/FAILURE
	case State_CryptoResult:
		if ((bool)data)
			hal_fprintf(STREAM_LCD, "Signature PASS\r\n\r\n");
			hal_printf("Signature PASS\r\n\r\n");
			hal_fprintf(STREAM_LCD, "Signature FAIL\r\n\r\n");
			hal_printf("Signature FAIL\r\n\r\n");

		// State_Launch - The host has requested to launch an application at a given address, 
		//                or a timeout has occured and TinyBooter is about to launch the 
		//                first application it finds in FLASH.
		// The data parameter is a UINT32 value representing the launch address
	case State_Launch:
		UINT32 address = (UINT32)data;

		if (NULL != data)
			hal_fprintf(STREAM_LCD, "Starting application at 0x%08x\r\n", address);
			debug_printf("Starting application at 0x%08x\r\n", address);

			if (address == CODE_BASEADDRESS || address == EXCODE_BASEADDRESS)
				BlockStorageDevice *device;
				ByteAddress ByteAddress;
				UINT32 physicalAddress = CODE_BASEADDRESS;

				if (BlockStorageList::FindDeviceForPhysicalAddress(&device, physicalAddress, ByteAddress))
					BlockStorageStream stream;

					if (stream.Initialize(BlockUsage::CODE, device))
						if (stream.CurrentAddress() != CODE_BASEADDRESS)
							hal_fprintf(STREAM_LCD, "Warn: at wrong offset: 0x%08x\r\n", (UINT32)stream.CurrentAddress());
							debug_printf("Warn: at wrong offset: 0x%08x\r\n", (UINT32)stream.CurrentAddress());
							stream.Seek(CODE_BASEADDRESS - stream.CurrentAddress(), BlockStorageStream::SeekCurrent);

						BYTE *dst;

						stream.Read(&dst, CODE_SIZE);

						if (retData != NULL)
							*retData = (void*)EXCODE_BASEADDRESS;

			else if (retData != NULL)
				*retData = (void*)data;
