LRESULT CALLBACK HighlightViewCommandHandler(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { extern HWND g_hwndMain; HWND hwndHV = GetActiveHexView(g_hwndMain); if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_HIGHLIGHT_ADD: HighlightDlg(NULL, NULL); break; case IDC_HIGHLIGHT_EDIT: { HWND hwndGridView = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_HIGHLIGHT_GRIDVIEW); ULONG curSelItem = GridView_GetCurSel(hwndGridView); HGRIDITEM hgCurSelItem = GridView_GetItemHandle(hwndGridView, curSelItem); GVITEM curItem = { GVIF_PARAM, curSelItem, 0 }; // Get the current item - param contains the HBOOKMARK for this item if (GridView_GetItem(hwndGridView, hgCurSelItem, &curItem) && curItem.param) { HBOOKMARK hbm = (HBOOKMARK)curItem.param; // Get the parent item - param contains the HWND for the hexview if (GridView_GetParentItem(hwndGridView, hgCurSelItem, &curItem) && curItem.param) { HWND hwndHexView = (HWND)curItem.param; HighlightDlg(hwndHexView, hbm); } } break; } case IDC_HIGHLIGHT_DELETE: { TCHAR itemText[100] = { 0 }; HWND hwndGridView = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_HIGHLIGHT_GRIDVIEW); ULONG curSelItem = GridView_GetCurSel(hwndGridView); HGRIDITEM hgCurSelItem = GridView_GetItemHandle(hwndGridView, curSelItem); GVITEM curItem = { GVIF_PARAM | GVIF_TEXT, curSelItem, 0 }; curItem.pszText = itemText; curItem.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(itemText); // Get the current item - param contains the HBOOKMARK for this item if (GridView_GetItem(hwndGridView, hgCurSelItem, &curItem)) { if (curItem.param) { HBOOKMARK hbm = (HBOOKMARK)curItem.param; // Get the parent item - param contains the HWND for the hexview if (GridView_GetParentItem(hwndGridView, hgCurSelItem, &curItem) && curItem.param) { HWND hwndHexView = (HWND)curItem.param; GridView_DeleteItem(hwndGridView, hgCurSelItem); HexView_DelBookmark(hwndHexView, hbm); GridView_Update(hwndGridView); } } else { // This wasn't a live bookmark - it exists in a config file TCHAR parentText[100] = { 0 }; curItem.pszText = parentText; if (GridView_GetParentItem(hwndGridView, hgCurSelItem, &curItem)) { DeleteBookmarkFromConfig(parentText, itemText); GridView_DeleteAll(hwndGridView); UpdateHighlights(TRUE); } } } break; } } return 0; } if(msg == WM_NOTIFY) { NMGRIDVIEW *nmgv = (NMGRIDVIEW *)lParam; if(nmgv->hdr.code == GVN_DBLCLK) { GVITEM gvi = { GVIF_PARAM, nmgv->iItem, 0 };//nmgv->nColumn }; if(GridView_GetParent(nmgv->hdr.hwndFrom, nmgv->hItem)) { if(GridView_GetItem(nmgv->hdr.hwndFrom, nmgv->hItem, &gvi)) { // file is not open yet! if(gvi.param == 0) { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; gvi.mask |= GVIF_TEXT; gvi.pszText = szFileName; gvi.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH; if(GridView_GetParentItem(nmgv->hdr.hwndFrom, nmgv->hItem, &gvi)) { HexOpenFile(g_hwndMain, szFileName, DefaultFileMode()); } } else { HighlightDlg(hwndHV, (HBOOKMARK)gvi.param); } } } } else if(nmgv->hdr.code == GVN_DELETED) { GVITEM gvi = { GVIF_PARAM, nmgv->iItem, 0 };//nmgv->nColumn }; //HIGHLIGHT_PARAM hp; // get current item in gridview GridView_GetItem(nmgv->hdr.hwndFrom, nmgv->hItem, &gvi); HexView_DelBookmark(hwndHV, (HBOOKMARK)gvi.param); return 0; } else if(nmgv->hdr.code == GVN_SELCHANGED) { GVITEM gvi = { GVIF_PARAM, nmgv->iItem, 0 };//nmgv->nColumn }; BOOKMARK bm; // get the gvi.param - contains the HBOOKMARK for this bookmark entry if(GridView_GetItem(nmgv->hdr.hwndFrom, nmgv->hItem, &gvi) && gvi.param) { HBOOKMARK hbm = (HBOOKMARK)gvi.param; // get parent item's param - contains HWND to the hexview if(GridView_GetParentItem(nmgv->hdr.hwndFrom, nmgv->hItem, &gvi) && gvi.param) { // make sure the current file is active hwndHV = (HWND)gvi.param; HexSetCurFileHwnd(g_hwndMain, hwndHV); if(HexView_GetBookmark(hwndHV, hbm, &bm)) { HexView_SetCurPos(hwndHV, bm.offset + bm.length); HexView_SetSelStart(hwndHV, bm.offset); HexView_SetSelEnd(hwndHV, bm.offset + bm.length); HexView_ScrollTo(hwndHV, bm.offset + bm.length); InvalidateRect(hwndHV,0,0); } } } return 0; } } return 0; }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { MSG msg; HACCEL hAccel; TCHAR arg[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR * pszCmdline; EnableCrashingOnCrashes(); //INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icx = { sizeof(icx), ICC_ g_hInstance = hInst; // This program requires COM OleInitialize(0); // // Commandline processing // pszCmdline = GetArg(GetCommandLineW(), arg, MAX_PATH); if(pszCmdline && *pszCmdline == '-') { pszCmdline = GetArg(pszCmdline, arg, MAX_PATH); // 'touch' the specified file! if(lstrcmpi(arg, TEXT("-touch")) == 0) { // check to see if it's a quoted filename if(*pszCmdline == '\"') { GetArg(pszCmdline, arg, MAX_PATH); pszCmdline = arg; } if(!TouchFile(pszCmdline)) { HexWinErrorBox(GetLastError(), 0); return 1; } return 0; } else { pszCmdline = GetArg(pszCmdline, arg, MAX_PATH); } } { INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icex = { sizeof(icex), -1 }; InitCommonControlsEx(&icex); } /*g_Config = OpenConfig(TEXT("mapsize.exe.129082349834.bookmarks")); smeg(g_Config, TEXT("bookmarks.bookmark."), TEXT("mapsize.exe")); SaveConfig(TEXT("oof.config"), g_Config);*/ LoadSettings(); RegisterTabView(); InitMainWnd(); CreateMainWnd(); // open file specified on commmand line? if(pszCmdline && *pszCmdline) { // check to see if it's a quoted filename if(*pszCmdline == '\"') { GetArg(pszCmdline, arg, MAX_PATH); pszCmdline = arg; } if(!HexeditOpenFile(g_hwndMain, pszCmdline, DefaultFileMode()))//HVOF_DEFAULT)) { SendMessage(g_hwndMain, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILE_NEW, 0); } } // automatically create new document if none specified else { SendMessage(g_hwndMain, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILE_NEW, 0); } InitDockingBars(g_hwndMain); if(g_fRestoreWinPos) nShowCmd = SW_SHOW; ShowWindow(g_hwndMain, nShowCmd); // force any floating popups (i.e. the DOCKWNDs) to // become visible at the same time //ShowOwnedPopups(g_hwndMain, TRUE); DockWnd_ShowDeferredPopups(g_hwndMain); // // load keyboard accelerator table // hAccel = LoadAccelerators(GetModuleHandle(0)/*g_hResourceModule*/, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_ACCELERATOR1)); // // message-pump // while(GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0) > 0) { if(!TranslateAccelerator(g_hwndMain, hAccel, &msg)) { if( !IsDialogMessage(g_hwndSearch, &msg) && !IsDialogMessage(g_hwndGoto, &msg) && !DockWnd_IsDialogMessage(g_hwndMain, DWID_TYPEVIEW, &msg) && !DockWnd_IsDialogMessage(g_hwndMain, DWID_SEARCHBAR, &msg) && !DockWnd_IsDialogMessage(g_hwndMain, DWID_HIGHLIGHT, &msg) ) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } SaveSettings(); // Shutdown COM OleUninitialize(); return 0; }