Exemple #1
//deletes the specified key from the registry
BOOL DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY hCurrentKey, const char* pszKeyPath)
	CString sPath(pszKeyPath);

	int nSlashPos = sPath.FindOneOf("\\/");

	//see if we are at the end
	if(nSlashPos == -1)
		//we are at the end, delete the value
		RegDeleteKey(hCurrentKey, sPath);
		return TRUE;
		CString sCurrDir = sPath.Left(nSlashPos);
		//trim off the path
		sPath = sPath.Mid(nSlashPos + 1);

		//we need to recurse
		HKEY hNewKey;
		if(RegOpenKey(hCurrentKey, sCurrDir, &hNewKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			BOOL bRV = DeleteRegistryKey(hNewKey, sPath);
			return bRV;
			return TRUE;
BOOL SetC4FileClasses(const char *szEnginePath)

  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Scenario",		"c4s", "Clonk 4 Scenario",					szEnginePath, 1, C4FileClassContentType)) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Group",			"c4g", "Clonk 4 Group",							szEnginePath, 2, C4FileClassContentType)) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Folder",			"c4f", "Clonk 4 Folder",						szEnginePath, 3, C4FileClassContentType)) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Player",			"c4p", "Clonk 4 Player",						szEnginePath, 4, C4FileClassContentType)) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Definition", "c4d", "Clonk 4 Object Definition", szEnginePath, 6, C4FileClassContentType)) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Object",			"c4i", "Clonk 4 Object Info",				szEnginePath, 7, C4FileClassContentType)) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Material",		"c4m", "Clonk 4 Material",					szEnginePath, 8, "text/plain")) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Binary",			"c4b", "Clonk 4 Binary",						szEnginePath, 9, "application/octet-stream")) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Video",			"c4v", "Clonk 4 Video",							szEnginePath, 10, "video/avi")) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Weblink",		"c4l", "Clonk 4 Weblink",						szEnginePath, 11, C4FileClassContentType)) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Key",				"c4k", "Clonk 4 Key",								szEnginePath, 12, "application/octet-stream")) return FALSE;
  if (!SetRegFileClass("Clonk4.Update",			"c4u", "Clonk 4 Update",						szEnginePath, 13, C4FileClassContentType)) return FALSE;
	if (!SetProtocol("clonk", "%s %%1 /Fullscreen", szEnginePath)) return FALSE;

	char strCommand[2048];
	// c4k installation: send to engine
	sprintf(strCommand, "\"%s\" \"%%1\"", szEnginePath);
	if (!SetRegShell("Clonk4.Key", "Register", "Register", strCommand)) return FALSE;
	// c4u application: send to engine
	sprintf(strCommand, "\"%s\" \"%%1\"", szEnginePath);
	if (!SetRegShell("Clonk4.Update", "Update", "Update", strCommand, TRUE)) return FALSE;

	// kill old App Paths registration
	DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\Clonk.exe");

	return TRUE;
Exemple #3
// Deletes a registry key, including its subkeys
void LRegistry::DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY hkMain, LPCTSTR szKey)
   DWORD dwIndex = 0;
   HKEY hKey = NULL;
   LONG res = RegOpenKeyEx(hkMain, szKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey);

   while (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
      TCHAR szSubKey[1024];
      DWORD dwSubKeySize = 1024;
      FILETIME fileTime;

      res = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, dwIndex, szSubKey, &dwSubKeySize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fileTime);
      if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
         DeleteRegistryKey(hKey, szSubKey);
      // dwIndex remains 0, as we have deleted the first sub key

   if (hKey)

   RegDeleteKey(hkMain, szKey);
bool RemoveRegShell(const char *szClassName,
                    const char *szShellName)
	wchar_t strKey[256+1];
	_snwprintf(strKey, 256, L"%s\\Shell\\%s", GetWideChar(szClassName).p, GetWideChar(szShellName).p);
	if (!DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKey)) return false;
	return true;
Exemple #5
// Moves one registry key to another position, including subkeys
bool LRegistry::MoveRegistryKey(HKEY hkFrom, LPCTSTR szFrom, 
                                HKEY hkTo, LPCTSTR szTo)
   bool success = CopyRegistryKey(hkFrom, szFrom, hkTo, szTo);
   if (success)
      DeleteRegistryKey(hkFrom, szFrom);
   return success;
bool StdCompilerConfigWrite::Default(const char *szName)
	// Open parent
	// Remove key/value (failsafe)
	DeleteRegistryKey(pKey->Handle, GetWideChar(szName));
	RegDeleteValueW(pKey->Handle, GetWideChar(szName));
	// Handled
	return true;
Exemple #7
int Uninstall(HWND hWnd)
  // Remove all installed files

  if (!g_bRunFromSetupDll)

  // TODO: May probably handle errors during deletion (such as locked directories)
  // and notify user. Right now just return OK.
  return ErrOK;
static bool DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY hKey, const wchar_t *szSubKey)
	HKEY ckey;
	// Open the key
	if (RegOpenKeyExW(hKey, szSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &ckey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;
	// Delete all subkeys
	wchar_t strChild[1024 + 1];
	while (RegEnumKeyW(ckey, 0, strChild, 1024) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		if (!DeleteRegistryKey(ckey, strChild))
			return false;
	// Close the key

	// Delete the key
	if (RegDeleteKeyW(hKey, szSubKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;
	// Success
	return true;
HRESULT DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY RootKey,const wchar_t * KeyName)
  HKEY hkey;
  if( (hr = RegOpenKeyExW(RootKey,KeyName,0,KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE,&hkey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS ){
    DWORD SubKeyNameLen, SubKeyNameLen2;
    wchar_t * SubKeyName, * SubKeyName2;
      LONG a;
      SubKeyName = (wchar_t *) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t));
      SubKeyName[0] = L'\0';
      SubKeyNameLen = 1;
        SubKeyNameLen2 = SubKeyNameLen;
        a = RegEnumKeyExW(hkey,0,SubKeyName,&SubKeyNameLen2,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
        if( a != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) break;
        SubKeyName2 = (wchar_t *) realloc(SubKeyName,sizeof(wchar_t) * (SubKeyNameLen << 1));
        if( SubKeyName2 == NULL ) break;
        SubKeyName = SubKeyName2;
        SubKeyNameLen <<= 1;
      if( a != ERROR_SUCCESS || a == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ){
      hr = RegDeleteKeyW(hkey,SubKeyName);
      if( FAILED(hr) ){
        SubKeyName2 = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(KeyName) + 1 + wcslen(SubKeyName) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
        if( SubKeyName2 != NULL ){
          hr = DeleteRegistryKey(RootKey,SubKeyName2);
      if( FAILED(hr) ) break;
    if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) hr = RegDeleteKeyW(RootKey,KeyName);
  return hr;
Exemple #10
// Process registry task
int ProcessRegistryTask(tstring szName, tstring szValue, bool bAddValue, bool bSystemValue, bool bPrepend)
	// Get the size of the current registry value
	RegKey obKey;
	DWORD dwSize = obKey.GetSizeOfValue(((bSystemValue) ? szREG_SYSTEM : szREG_USER), szName.c_str(), ((bSystemValue) ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER));

	DWORD iTotalLength = dwSize + (DWORD) szValue.size() + 1;
	TCHAR* pszRegkey = new TCHAR[iTotalLength];
	memset(pszRegkey, 0, iTotalLength * sizeof(TCHAR));

	bool bExpandedString = false;

	// Pre-process the string (i.e. is it expanded or dynamic)
	// Is this an expanded string ?
	if (szValue[0] == '%')
		szValue = szValue.substr(1, szValue.length() - 1); // Remove the % character
		bExpandedString = true;

	// If this is a dynamic string, i.e. contains "~PATH~", then replace ALL '~' chars with '%')
	szValue = DynamicCheckAndReplace(szValue, bExpandedString);

	// Does the value already exist ?
	bool bExists = obKey.GetKeyValue(((bSystemValue) ? szREG_SYSTEM : szREG_USER), szName.c_str(), pszRegkey, iTotalLength, false, ((bSystemValue) ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER));
	if (bExists)
		// Already exists, so we need to modify it or delete it
		// First, check the type of value, i.e. REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ as we need to process them differently
		if (obKey.OpenKey(((bSystemValue) ? szREG_SYSTEM : szREG_USER), false, ((bSystemValue) ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER)))
			DWORD dwLen = 0;
			DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
			if (obKey.QueryValue(szName.c_str(), dwLen, dwType))
				if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ)
					bExpandedString = true;


		if (bAddValue) // Add the value to the registry
			if (bExpandedString)
				tstring szOriginalValue = pszRegkey;

				// Does it already contain our new value ?
				size_t iValueIndex = 0;
				tstring::size_type index = FindValueInExpandedString(szOriginalValue, szValue, iValueIndex);
				if (index == tstring::npos) // Did we find it ?
					tstring szNewValue; // No, so add it

					if (szOriginalValue.length() > 0)
						// We may need to add a semi colon seperator if the last character of the original value is not a semi colon
						if (bPrepend)
							szNewValue = szValue + _T(";") + szOriginalValue; // Add semi colon
							if (szOriginalValue[szOriginalValue.length() - 1] != _T(';'))
								szNewValue = szOriginalValue + _T(";") + szValue; // Add semi colon
								szNewValue = szOriginalValue + szValue; // Do not add the semi colon
						szNewValue = szValue;

					if (!SetRegistryKey(obKey, bSystemValue, true, szName, szNewValue))
						DisplaySysError(_T("Set Value"), obKey.GetLastErrorCode()); // Failed
						delete[] pszRegkey; pszRegkey = NULL;
						return (obKey.GetLastErrorCode() == 0x05) ? ERR_ACCESS_DENIED : ERR_ERROR;
			else // Just overwrite it
				if (!SetRegistryKey(obKey, bSystemValue, bExpandedString, szName, szValue))
					DisplaySysError(_T("Set Value"), obKey.GetLastErrorCode()); // Failed
					delete[] pszRegkey; pszRegkey = NULL;
					return (obKey.GetLastErrorCode() == 0x05) ? ERR_ACCESS_DENIED : ERR_ERROR;
		else // Delete the entry
			if (szValue.length() == 0 || !bExpandedString) // Delete the whole key
				if (!obKey.DeleteKeyValue(((bSystemValue) ? szREG_SYSTEM : szREG_USER), szName.c_str(), false, ((bSystemValue) ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER)))
					DisplaySysError(_T("Delete Value"), obKey.GetLastErrorCode()); // Failed
					delete[] pszRegkey; pszRegkey = NULL;
					return (obKey.GetLastErrorCode() == 0x05) ? ERR_ACCESS_DENIED : ERR_ERROR;
				if (bExpandedString) // We need to delete our bit only and leave the rest of the value alone
					tstring szOriginalValue = pszRegkey;

					size_t iValueIndex = 0;
					tstring::size_type index = FindValueInExpandedString(szOriginalValue, szValue, iValueIndex);
					if (index != tstring::npos) // Did we find it ?
						// We should only delete our value if it actually exists in the environment variable
						tstring szNewValue;

						if (szOriginalValue[index + szValue.length()] == _T(';')) // Any terminating ; to remove ?
							szNewValue = szOriginalValue.replace(index, szValue.length() + 1, _T(""));
							szNewValue = szOriginalValue.replace(index, szValue.length(), _T(""));

						if (szNewValue[szNewValue.length() - 1] == _T(';'))
							szNewValue.replace(szNewValue.length() - 1, 1, _T(""));

						if (szNewValue.empty())
							DeleteRegistryKey(obKey, bSystemValue, szName);
							if (!SetRegistryKey(obKey, bSystemValue, true, szName, szNewValue))
								DisplaySysError(_T("Delete Value"), obKey.GetLastErrorCode()); // Failed
								delete[] pszRegkey; pszRegkey = NULL;
								return (obKey.GetLastErrorCode() == 0x05) ? ERR_ACCESS_DENIED : ERR_ERROR;
	else // Value does NOT exist yet so create it
		if (bAddValue)
			bool bOK = SetRegistryKey(obKey, bSystemValue, bExpandedString, szName, szValue);

			if (!bOK)
				DisplaySysError(_T("Set Value"), obKey.GetLastErrorCode()); // Failed
				delete[] pszRegkey; pszRegkey = NULL;
				return (obKey.GetLastErrorCode() == 0x05) ? ERR_ACCESS_DENIED : ERR_ERROR;

	// Tell the system that we have changed a setting (can take 0.5 second to return)
	SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, (LPARAM) _T("Environment"), SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 500, 0);

	delete[] pszRegkey; pszRegkey = NULL;
	return ERR_SUCCESS;
bool SharedUtil::RemoveRegistryKey ( const SString& strPath )
    return DeleteRegistryKey ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, MakeVersionRegistryPath ( GetMajorVersionString (), strPath ) );